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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #271 - 'CHAMPS vs ALL STARS III'

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Shooting Stars Wrestling #271 - 'CHAMPS vs ALL STARS III' Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #271 - 'CHAMPS vs ALL STARS III'   Shooting Stars Wrestling #271 - 'CHAMPS vs ALL STARS III' EmptyWed Jul 01, 2020 3:07 pm

Shooting Stars Wrestling #271 - 'CHAMPS vs ALL STARS III' New%20ssw2_zpsyk6tuaus

Shooting Stars Wrestling #271 - 'CHAMPS vs ALL STARS III' Jostens-center-complex-slide-5

Location: Jostens Center - Lake Buena Vista, Florida (ESPN wide world of sports complex)  

Broadcast: ESPN

Special Announce team: Mike Goldberg, Joe Rogan & Jonathan Coachman

Introductions: Melissa Santos

*30 minute pre-show airs live on ESPN leading up to the big SSW debut featuring ESPN personalities JONATHAN COACHMAN, RECE DAVIS, SCOTT VAN PELT, and CARI CHAMPION .... They break down the entire card for the viewing audience in kind of a 'college gameday' type of show for SSW ....*

We ESPN's Jonathan Coachman joins Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan for this special event .... ESPN has been hyping this show for weeks, and they even have a 30 minute 'pre-show' with Scott Van Pelt, John Buccicross and Cari Champion .... After the opening video hyping SSW coming to ESPN, we go right to the ring and Melissa Santos ....

Match 3: singles match
Sami Zayn
- vs -
Antonio Cesaro

Cesaro acts like he doesn't even want to be there and doesn't take Zayn seriously in the beginning .... That proves costly as Zayn strikes with a somersault plancha to the floor before the bell rings!!!!  Zayn tosses him into the ring as the bell rings, and as Cesaro pulls himself up Zayn immediately charges and nails him with the Helluva kick!!!!  Zayn school boys Cesaro for the 3 count and its 1-0 Zayn less than 30 seconds into the match!!!!  

Zayn 1; Cesaro 0

The 2nd fall begins with Zayn still in control and he clotheslines Cesaro to the floor and follows him out .... Zayn hits his spot where he dives through the corner ropes and hits a tornado DDT on the floor!!!! .... Back in the ring, Zayn springs up to the top for the flying bodypress but Cesaro catches him in mid-air and turns it into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker!  Now Cesaro takes over with a clothesline followed by a standing double stomp for another 2 .... Zayn rolls away from another double stomp and hits a running hurricanrana .... Cesaro goes for the Swiss Death but eats a dropkick from Zayn in mid-air .... Zayn charges for another Helluva kick in the corner but Cesaro moves and Zayn crotched himself on the top rope!!!!  Zayn stumbles out right into the Swiss Death by Cesaro!  1 ... 2 ... 3!  We're tied!

Zayn 1; Cesaro 1

Cesaro opens the 3rd fall by trapping Zayn in the corner and pummeling him with European uppercuts .... Zayn is nearly knocked out and the ref steps in to stop the match but Zayn starts firing back with rights so the match continues!  Cesaro is still in control and he hits the deadlift superplex, picking Zayn up off the apron and super-plexing him back into the ring for 2!  Zayn comes back and reverses a powerbomb into a code red sunset flip for 2.999999!!!!  Zayn in control now but Cesaro cuts him off with a springboard corkscrew European uppercut, then drills him with the Riccola Bomb!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Noooo!  Cesaro is stunned and he looks at Zayn and yells at him to stay down .... Zayn climbs to his knees and responds with a desperate slap to the face!  Cesaro wins up for a tornado uppercut but Zayn dodges and plants him with a German suplex!  He holds on .... BLUE THUNDER BOMB!  2.9999!!!!  Now Zayn tells Cesaro to stay down, but Cesaro slaps Zayn in the face!!!!  We get both men standing in the middle of the ring trading blows .... Cesaro with a big boot, and he goes for the Swiss Death again but Zayn counters with a dropkick in mid-air!  Cesaro charges but walks right into the exploder suplex into the turnbuckles!!!!  Zayn backs up into the opposite corner .... HELLUVA KICK!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!  Zayn wins the match 2 falls to 1 ....

Zayn gets a standing ovation by the crowd, and Cesaro returns to the ring to shake his hand and raise Zayn's arm in victory ....  

Match 2: tag team match
The American Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards)
- vs -
Dash Wilder & Scott Dawson

Dash & Dawson have turned in impressive performances in recent weeks, although it has been in a losing effort .... Both teams take it to the mat and try to out-wrestle the other early on, and we get some clean action .... Frustration eventually sets in for Dash & Dawson, and Dawson enters the ring and gets a chop block on Edwards while he is distracted by Wilder .... The announcers sell it like it totally destroyed Eddie's knee .... Dash & Dawson take over, working over the knee of Edwards .... Like an old school team, they cut the ring in half and just pick apart the knee .... Dawson hits a slingshot suplex for a near fall .... Eddie manages to gets free and makes the hot tag, and Davey comes in a house of fire but he is going at it alone .... Dash & Dawson eventually regain the advantage back and nail Davey with their finisher, The Shatter Machine (flapjack into a codebreaker) but Eddie is back in to make the save just in time!!!!  The Wolves rally, and Dawson is tossed outside and the Wolves hit the 'Force of Nature' (double undertook brainbuster by Richards + superkick by Edwards) on Wilder and get the 3 count ....

IN THE BACK - The Shield broadcast from an undisclosed location somewhere in the arena .... Ambrose is volatile as usual, and he starts talking about how Natural Selection interrupted their match last week .... Rollins says maybe one day they will find out who the better team is between the Shield and AJ & Bucks, but for right now they are focused on Wrestlemania .... Reigns says Natural Selection did what they did because they are scared of facing the Shield at Wrestlemania .... Ambrose says rest assured the Shield is watching tonight's match closely because they will face the winner for the 6 man titles at Mania .... Reigns says if Natural Selection want to get in their face again then they can take care of business BEFORE mania, and Natural Selection might not even make it .... Believe that ....

Back in the arena, Coach is in the ring and they honor US army veteran Chris Melendez .... Just so happens that Melendez is also training to be a pro wrestler .... He gets a heroes reaction from the Orlando crowd, and he talks about his injury where he lost his leg in an IED bombing in Iraq, and how he got into wrestling .... However, the interview is cut short by the debuting Tyler Breeze!  

Breeze cuts a promo on Melendez, calling him and 'uggo' and accusing him of hogging Breezes spotlight .... Breeze says his face is the one everyone should be looking at because he is the most delicious piece of gorgeousness this world has ever seen .... This leads to our first match ....

Match 3: singles match
Tyler Breeze
- vs -
Chris Melendez

Some good back and forth early on in this match .... But Breeze gains control .... Melendez tries to mount a comeback, but Breeze is having none of it and puts him away with the Beauty Shot ....

IN THE BACK - Finn Balor is getting ready for the Champs vs All Stars match tonight .... The door opens, and in walks Karl Anderson!  Anderson and Balor hug and Balor says it's good to see him .... Anderson says they both have big matches tonight .... Balor says he plans on being on the winning team, and he thinks the Bullet Club are going to win back the gold .... That gets Anderson talking some more, and he says he and Balor have been friends for a long time .... He has something for him, and he pulls out a Bullet Club T-shirt!  He offers it to Balor and tells him to think about it .... He knows Balor is a 'real shooter', and the Bullet Club is 'reeeeeeaaaaal' .... Anderson offers him the 'too sweet' hand gesture, and Balor returns the favor .... Anderson leaves to get ready for his match ....

Match 4: for the UWF world 6 man tag titles
(Champions) Natural Selection (Ethan Carter III, Eli Drake, Brian Cage)
- vs -
The Bullet Club (Karl Anderson, Doc Gallows, Corey Graves)

As these 2 teams prepare the begin, the Shields music hits and the fans erupt as they come out through the crowd .... The Shield remain at ringside, watching intently as the Bullet Club attack Natural Selection to begin the match .... The opening moments are all BC and they send Cage, Drake and EC3 to the floor .... Natural Selection takes time to talk trash to the Shield, which is cut short when the BC attack them on the floor .... Natural Selection regains control as Cage enters the ring and man-handles everyone .... Natural Selection isolate Graves on their side of the ring and work him over, but Graves scores with an enziguri and makes the hot tag to Gallows .... Gallows takes everyone out, and he and Cage battle it out in the ring .... EC3 rejoins the match and helps Cage double-team Gallows .... EC3 with the 1% on Gallows .... 1 ... 2 ... Anderson pulls the ref out of the ring right before 3!  EC3 with a slingshot plancha out onto Anderson on the floor!  It is total chaos!  EC3 slams Anderson into the rail right in front of the Shield, then he talks more trash to them .... He grabs Anderson and tosses him over the rail right into them!!!!  The Shield shove Anderson aside and face off with Natural Selection, but when the BC see this they attack the Shield!!!!  Now all 9 men are fighting!  It erupts into chaos as the brawl goes all over the arena with the Bullet Club, Shield and Natural Selection fighting with each other and no one can stop it!!!!  Not only SSW security, but the Orlando police department are called in to break up the brawl!  All 9 men are separated after a long period in one of the wildest brawls we've seen, and the crowd is chanting 'LET THEM FIGHT!  LET THEM FIGHT!' as they are all escorted out ....

We go back to the pre-show team of SCOTT VAN PELT, RECE DAVIS and CARI CHAMPION where they talk about the show so far .... Van Pelt says they will have all the winners and losers on SPORTSCENTER TONIGHT ....

The crew is cut off as Jay Lethal comes out and interrupts the set .... He is screaming and carrying on about being the greatest 1st generation wrestler and talking about how he deserves to be a member of the All Star team tonight .... He says it's a conspiracy, etc. before storming off again ....

The ESPN crew quickly get back on track and talk about what an amazing debut it has been on ESPN, and now it's all come down to this: 1 million dollars goes to the winning team .... The All Stars won at 'Champs vs All Stars I' and the champs came back and won at 'Champs vs All Stars II' .... Who wins the rubber match?  We are about to find out!

AJ and the Bucks come out and stand in the isle .... They still don't know who their 4th man is .... Suddenly the lights drop and 'WAR MACHINE' by Kiss hits .... Out comes ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #271 - 'CHAMPS vs ALL STARS III' Latest?cb=20120921100729

.... TAZ!!!!

The former SSW champion is the 4th man on the All Stars team!!!!  Taz walks out with his signature torn up towel hung low over his face .... He completely ignores his teammates as he walks right by them and enters the ring!  Taz pulls the towel off his head and just starts throwing right hands on all the members of the champs team!  AJ and the Bucks hit the ring and join the fight and the all stars send the champs team to the floor and rule the ring!  The champs regroup on the floor and quickly get back in the ring and the fight is on again!  This time the champs send the all stars to the floor!  It's chaos!

Main Event: Champs vs All Stars Match

(SSW Champion) 'Cowboy' James Storm
(SSW Television champion) Finn Balor
(SSW tag team champions) Bobby Roode & Austin Aries

- vs -

All Stars
AJ Styles
The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

Finally things calm down and both teams return to their corners .... Storm, Roode and Aries all argue over who is the captain and who is going to start the match while Balor just sits back and watches .... Storm finally starts it until he sees that Taz will start it for the All Stars he immediately tags in Balor .... Not one to back down, Balor steps in and goes toe to toe with Taz .... Taz with some heavy right hands, but Balor fires back with some stiff chops .... Taz stops all that with a waist lock and then he tosses him over the top rope to the floor with a belly to belly suplexes!!!!  Aries hits the ring and gets a cheap shot from behind on Taz .... Balor rolls in and tags out to Roode  ....

Taz and Roode battle, but AJ is tagged in and he takes Roode out with a superman forearm .... Aries is in to break up the pin, which leads to the Young Bucks entering the fray .... Soon all 8 men are in the ring!  Storm pulls Taz under the bottom rope and they are fighting on the floor when Balor wipes both of them out with a flip dive over the top!!!!  In the ring,
AJ and the Bucks nail Roode with the Pele kick and a double superkick at the same time and the fans go nuts!  HOLY SHIT!!!  Aries is left alone in the ring with the Bucks and AJ, and he gets hit with the Indy-taker (springboard spike tombstone) by the Young Bucks!  Matt holds Aries in place, while AJ comes in and takes his legs and immediately has him in position for the Styles clash .... While Aries is hanging upside down, the Bucks nail him with a double superkick!!!!  Then a Styles Clash by AJ!!!!  This is too much for Aries to take and AJ pins him for the 3 count!


It's 4-3 for the All Stars and we keep going .... Storm is back in for the Champs team and he runs wild for a little bit .... Roode comes back in and he and Storm hit the double suplex on Nick Jackson .... We get a nostalgic 'BEER!  MONEY!' chant, but Matt Jackson is in and superkicks Roode .... Hot tag from Nick to AJ and he runs wild .... Storm puts a stop to that with a flatliner into the turnbuckles, then Balor follows that up with a double stomp to the back for a 2!  AJ gets worked over but manages to score with the pele and then get the hot tag to Taz .... Taz comes in a house of fire and takes out the entire champs team!  Taz and Storm go at it and Taz suplexes him all over the ring .... Storm comes back with a backstabber, but Taz no-sells it .... TAZ MISSION LOCKED ON STORM!!!!  Taz takes him to the mat, and Storm has nowhere to go!  He taps!!!!  James Storm taps out!!!!


Taz still has the hold locked on James Storm and he isn't letting go .... Finn Balor goes up top .... COUP DE GRACE onto Storm and Taz both!!!!  Taz is crushed beneath the weight of both Balor and Storm!  Balor covers him for the 3 count ....


The All Stars are still ahead 3-2 as we are 25 minutes in .... The Bucks unleash a barrage of superkicks on Balor and Roode, then they set Balor up for the More Bang for your Buck but he gets the knees up!  Roode catches Matt in the 'Double R' spinebuster for the pin ....


Nick is in and immediately takes Roode out with a superkick .... AJ and Nick hit a double superkick on Balor, and they set him up for the Indy-taker as well .... Balor gets free, then trips AJ up as he goes for the superman forearm and he falls hard on the top rope .... Nick Jackson takes Balor out with a superkick, then goes up top ....Swanton Bomb misses!!!!  Jackson to his feet but Roode scoops him up and drills him with the Roode bomb!  Balor covers and gets the 3 count!


Champs now find themselves back up 2-1 .... AJ is the last surviving member of the All Star team but he goes right after Balor and Roode .... Roode and Balor work together for a good stretch, working AJ over .... However, AJ swings the momentum when he knocks Roode into Balor, who was on the top rope, and sends him crashing through a table at ringside!  While the refs check on Balor, Roode hits a low blow on AJ then he goes outside and grabs one of the SSW tag title belts .... However, the Young Bucks come back out and prevent Roode from using the title on AJ!  They hit More Bang for your Buck on Roode!  AJ covers (despite Balor being the actual legal man in the match) and the ref slides back in to make the 3 count ....


With Balor still down outside, the ref starts his count .... Balor manages to barely beat the count back into the ring and the match continues 1 on 1 .... AJ tries to finish him off with the Styles Clash but Balor backdrops him .... Balor gets a second wind and unleashes a series of forearms then scoops AJ up and hits the Princes Throne (fireman carry double knee gutbuster)!  Balor charges for the shotgun dropkick, but he meets a back elbow from AJ .... AJ nails the 'phenomenon' (quebrada into reverse DDT)!!!!  Both men down!!!!  The ref puts on the count and both men are up at 7 .... AJ unleashes a series of strikes on Balor, ending with a spinning back fist .... Balor ducks the roaring lariat and nails AJ with a pele kick of his own!  Balor hooks him .... Bloody Sunday!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Noooo!  AJ kicks out!  Balor goes to the top rope but AJ rolls out of the way of the Coup De Grace!!!!  Balor rolls to his feet and charges again, but AJ catches him and rolls him into the calf slicer!!!!  Balor escapes to the ropes!  AJ scoops him up and goes for the fireman carry neckbreaker but Balor gets out and hits the slingblade!  He goes up top this time .... Coup De Grace connects!!!!  Balor hurts his own knee further and is slow to make the cover .... 1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!!!!  Balor charges AJ for the corner dropkick, but AJ catches his legs in mid-air!  AJ has him up for the Styles Clash, but Balor tries to kick his way out of it .... AJ drops down in the Hollow Point instead (kneeling ganzo bomb)!!!!  AJ picks Balor back up for the Styles Clash to finish him off, but at the last second Balor reverses it into a jackknife pin!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!


Finn Balor did it .... He did it!  Finn Balor has won 'Champs vs All Stars III'!  Confetti rains down from the ceiling as Balor is handed the briefcase and the trophy .... AJ meets him in the middle of the ring and offers a handshake, and Balor takes it as the fans go nuts ....

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