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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #11

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #11 Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #11   Shooting Stars Wrestling #11 EmptyWed Jun 24, 2020 9:54 am

Live from Agora Theater in Cleveland, Ohio . . . this is . . .

Shooting Stars Wrestling #11 SSWlogo


The SHOOTING STARS WRESTLING promo airs to ‘New Shit’ by Marilyn Manson

The screen is blank as we hear the fans in the arena chanting ‘S . . . S . . . W!!!! . . . S . . . S . . . W!!!!’ The screen comes up on a rowdy crowd in the Agora Theater, pumping their fists and chanting along. We go to ringside, where we see the announce team that was too extreme for the UFC, Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan ready for action.

Mike – ‘Hello fans and welcome to this week’s edition of Shooting Stars Wrestling. And boy, do we have a hell of a show ready for you tonight!’

Joe – ‘Boy, you said it Mike. It is going to be a kick ass ride tonight. The NWA Light Heavyweight Champion of the world, Jushin ‘Thunder’ Liger is going to be making a special appearance tonight and putting the Light Heavyweight title on the line against Yoshihiro Tajiri. SSW could bring home its very first world title tonight!’

Mike – ‘That is not all. CM Punk and John Cena are both in the building tonight, and after the way last week’s show ended you know those two would love to get their hands on each other. Owen Hart has got to be loving this.’

Joe – ‘You know he is. Two of the top guys in SSW would rather tear each other apart than go after the Genesis title, but it will be Cena that will get the title shot right here next week when SSW crosses the border into Windsor, Ontario. Man that is going to be a huge show. Cena vs. Owen has already been signed, and we learned earlier this week that 2 more big matches have been signed for the show. It is going to be ‘The Shooter’ Brent Albright taking on Lance Storm and D-Lo Brown and Elijah Burke will be taking on Teddy Hart and Harry Smith, the Hart Foundation!’

The announcers are cut off as ‘MISERIA CANTERE: THE BEGINNING’ by AFI hits and out comes CM PUNK to a mixed reaction from the fans.

Mike – ‘Looks like we are going to be joined by CM Punk right off the bat tonight. You know he is hot about not being named the No. 1 contender last week.’

Joe – ‘Yeah and he took out that frustration on John Cena by choking him unconscious in the Anaconda Vice. We know they are both here tonight and this situation could explode at any minute.’

Punk comes out and takes a microphone.

Punk – ‘You know, a lot of people are not very happy with me right now, especially after what I did to John Cena last week. Well, you all know that I’m straight-edge, which means I am simply better than all of you. Simply put, I could care less what anyone thinks of me. But I’ll be honest, I have thought long and hard about this all week. I owe John Cena something, and I want him to come out here right now so I can give it t him.’

‘BASIC THUG-A-NOMICS’ by John Cena hits and he comes out to the ring, and you can tell he is a little skeptical of Punk.

Punk – ‘John, I brought you out here because I want to say that I’m sorry. You and I have been at each other’s throats for weeks now, while we should have been concentrating our efforts on taking out the Hart Foundation. Owen Hart has been sitting back laughing at us. So, we need to put all this behind us and focus on taking out the Hart Foundation. To tell the truth, I hope that you kick his ass next week. You won’t have to worry about CM Punk getting in the way. You’re the No. 1 contender, so I just wanted to say good luck and . . . I’m sorry . . . ’

Punk extends the hand to Cena, and Cena looks to the crowd to get their reaction. After a long moment, Cena starts to reach for Punk’s hand but pulls back. Punk then responds by slapping Cena hard across his face!!!!

Punk – ‘Yeah Cena, I’m sorry! I’m sorry that I didn’t do that sooner!!!! I’m sorry that YOU . . . GOT . . . PUNK’D!!!!’

Punk does the straight-edge symbol, but Cena spears him to the ground. The two men roll around, and Cena ends up on top and rains down heavy blows on Punk. Punk’s nose is busted open. He tries to get to his feet, but Cena knocks him down with a clothesline. Cena is ruthless in his attack, but Punk reverses a whip into the corner and hits the running knee to the face. Punk hits a bulldog and then measures Cena as he gets up, then scoops him on his shoulders for the GTS! Cena slips off the back and catches Punk as he turns around and plants him with the F-U!!!! Cena is not done, and he hooks Punk’s leg and locks in the STFU!!!! Other SSW officials hit the ring and try to pull Cena off of Punk, but he refuses to let go.

[color=violet]Mike – ‘Oh my God! Cena has snapped here!’r=yellow]Joe – ‘He is trying to rip the knee of Punk to shreds. Someone has to get him off of him!’

Finally, after several minutes of Punk being in the hold, Cena lets go. Punk has to be helped out of the ring by SSW personnel.

PROMO. Next week SSW will cross the border into Windsor, Ontario Canada for the ‘Border City Brawl’.

--commercial break--

BACKSTAGE: Idol and Beth are shown in the locker room. Idol is warming up, and he says that he is going to take care of Frankie Kazarian tonight just like he took care of Roderick Strong. Beth says that she doesn’t know if he should, because she thinks Frankie is kind of cute. Idol tells her to stop talking like that and this is serious.

Non-title match
Gods of Gravity (Paul London & Brian Kendrick)
Weight: 385 lbs
Hometown: Olympia, Washington and Austin, Texas
Music: Danger: High Voltage by Electric 6
Finisher: London Calling (shooting star press) & Sliced Bread # 2


SSW tag team champions
Deuce & Domino (w/ Cherry)
Weight: 475 lbs
Hometown: The other side of the tracks
Music: generic 50's music
Finisher: Crack 'em in da Mouth

London & Kendrick get a mixed reaction from the fans as they come out. Deuce & Domino come out with the usual boos, but there are also some cheers mixed in there as well. Deuce & Domino use their brawling tactics to overcome the early advantage that the GOG get, and they isolate London on their side of the ring. Kendrick finally gets the hot tag in, leveling everyone and even hitting the Sliced Bread # 2 on Domino. Deuce breaks up the pin, but London is back in as well. All four men are going at it and the ref is quickly losing control. London goes to the top for the Shooting Star Press, but he is distracted by the Motor City Machine Guns, who have come out to watch the match. This momentary distraction allows Deuce to crotch him on the top. Kendrick is also distracted by the Guns, and he doesn’t notice Deuce & Domino hit the ‘Crack Em in Da Mouth’ on London in the ring to get the pinfall.

Ladies and Gentlemen, your winners . . . the SSW tag team champions . . . Deuce & Domino

Afterwards, London and Kendrick stare down the Guns and they are pissed while the Guns mockingly clap for them.

--commercial break--

BACKSTAGE: we see GM Shane McMahon sitting at his desk. We see the SSW Pure title lying on his desk in front of him.

Shane – ‘Ladies and gentlemen, a couple of weeks back I told the world that SSW had bought the rights to the Pure Wrestling title, and it is my pleasure to tell you tonight that next week, live from Windsor, Ontario, you are going to see the very first match here in SSW to be contested under Pure Wrestling rules. That’s right, when Brent Albright takes on Lance Storm next week, it is going to be under Pure Rules!!!! And that is going to be just a preview because in 2 weeks, right here on SSW TV, the tournament to crown the new Pure Wrestling champion is going to begin. The participants for this event have been determined, and from the looks of it this is going to be a very deep, talented field that is going to vie for the title. It is going to be ‘The Shooter’ Brent Albright, Lance Storm, ‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson, Austin Aries, Elijah Burke, D-Lo Brown, Jimmy Yang, and CM PUNK!!!!

Aaron ‘The Idol’ Stevens
weight: 237 lbs
hometown: Martha’s Vineyard
music: Jesus Christ Superstar by Andrew Lloyd Webber
finisher: Idolizer (modified swinging neckbreaker)


Frankie ‘The Future’ Kazarian
weight: 215 lbs
hometown: Anaheim, CA
music: ‘Fuel’ by Metallica
finisher: Wave of the Future, Flux Capacitor

This is a good back and forth match the whole way. Kazarian impressed with his ability, unleashing an arsenal of unorthodox moves. Idol uses underhanded tactics to gain the advantage, working over the back and neck of Kaz to set him up for the ‘Idol-izer’. Kaz makes a big comeback, hitting some stiff leg kicks to Idol followed by a spinning heel kick. He catches Idol with a swinging neckbreaker, then hits a guillotine leg drop for a close 2. Kaz is in complete control when Beth gets on the apron and tries to distract him. Kaz grabs her by the hair and plants a huge kiss on her!!!! Beth fights him at first, but then stops! Meanwhile, Idol has recovered and he gets a cheap shot in from behind on Kaz, and rolls him up. He uses a handful of tights to get the 3 count on Kaz!!!!

Here is your winner . . . Aaron ‘The Idol’ Stevens

Idol grabs Beth and they quickly leave the ringside area. As he drags her away by the hand, Beth keeps looking back at Kaz, who is still in the ring.

--commercial break--

We see footage of Austin Aries arriving at the arena earlier today. Aries is furious to find out that he is not on tonight’s card and starts yelling at everyone. He demands to know why the best Light Heavyweight in the United States has been left off tonight’s show.

Austin Aries comes out and is pissed off. He is mad because he is the best Light Heavyweight in the United States and yet he can’t get a match on TV. Instead they give his title shot to Tajiri. What has Tajiri won? He doesn’t care who it is, he will fight anyone! Bring someone out!!!! The lights in the arena go out and turn into an orange glow as ‘WAR MACHINE’ by Kiss starts playing. Out from behind the curtain emerges Taz! Taz comes out to the ring and tells Aries that if he wants a fight, Taz is there to give him one. All he has to do is ‘BEAT ME IF YOU CAN . . . SURVIVE IF I LET YOU!’

Austin Aries
Weight: 205lbs
Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Music: ‘Personal Jesus’ by Depeche Mode
Finisher: 450 splash/ brainbuster


Weight: 240 lbs
Hometown: Red Hook Section, Brooklyn, NY
Music: "War Machine" by KISS
Finisher: katahajime (Taz-mission)

Aries goes on the attack from the start, pummeling Taz before he can even get his towel off his head. Taz absorbs the blows and then hooks Aries in a belly to belly suplex and takes him all the way over the top rope to the floor!!!! Taz follows Aries out, slamming him into the railing before holding up his arms and yelling ‘FUCK THE WORLD!’ Taz tosses him back in the ring, then floors him with the ‘Angry Man’s clothesline’. Aries is knocked silly, and Taz plants him with a couple more suplexes. Aries gets in a thumb to the eye and bails out of the ring, intentionally getting himself counted out.

Here is your winner, via countout . . . Taz!

Taz is pissed and does not want to win the match by countout. He tells the ref to restart the match, but he tells him there is nothing he can do. Taz chokes out the ref instead before leaving the ring!

--commercial break--

Backstage, we see a limping CM Punk confront Shane McMahon. Shane put him in the Pure title tournament, but he doesn’t even want the Pure title. He is only concerned with the Genesis title. Shane tells Punk too bad, he is in the tournament because he is going to make it one for the fans to remember. Punk thinks about it and then says fine, but he is only going to win it just so he can prove to everyone that he deserves to be the SSW champion. When he makes the Pure title more important than the Genesis title, Shane will have no choice but to give him his shot!

NWA Light Heavyweight Championship of the World

Jushin ‘Thunder’ Liger (champion)
Weight: 170 lbs
Hometown: Hiroshima, Japan
Music: Rock & Roll Crazy Nights by Loudness
Finisher: Liger Bomb, Shooting Star Press


‘Japanese Buzzsaw’ Yoshihiro Tajiri
Weight: 210lbs
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Music: ‘Smack my Bitch up’ by Prodigy
Finisher: Buzzsaw kicks

Both men circle cautiously to start the match, but Tajiri moves in and tries to strike at Liger with some leg kicks. Liger takes them and fires back with some chops, rocking Tajiri. He hits a forearm smash off the ropes, then hits a Dragonscrew leg whip before working on the knee. Liger whips Tajiri into the ropes, but he handsprings into the ropes and catches Liger with a back elbow. Tajiri hits a snapmare and then a snap elbow drop. Liger is on the ropes, and Tajiri ties him to the ‘tree of woe’ and hits a baseball slide dropkick right into his face! Liger is hurt, but Tajiri can only get a two count. Liger fights back, catching Tajiri with a boot as he charges in the corner and then hits a tornado DDT. Liger goes up top, but Tajiri climbs up there too. Tajiri goes for a top rope rana, but Liger turns it into a power bomb from the top rope!!!! Both men are down, but Liger gets up and goes back on the offensive. Liger hits a series of vertical suplexes and then climbs up top, hitting a frog splash for a 2 count. Liger goes for a Liger Bomb, but Tajiri reverses it in mid-move and hits a DDT on Liger. Tajiri goes up for a double stomp, but Liger dodges. The impact puts too much pressure on the knee that Liger worked over and it buckles. Liger charges Tajiri in the corner, but he nails him with a stiff buzzsaw kick as he charges in and then locks him in the Tarantula on the ropes!!!! The ref starts his count, but Tajiri breaks it right before he gets to 5. Tajiri has Liger down and he measures him for the Buzzsaw kick but Liger ducks at the last second and nails him with a release German Suplex. Liger picks Tajiri up and hits a powerbomb, but holds on and picks him up to hit another one. He picks him up one more time and hits the running Liger bomb and manages to get the 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!

Here is your winner, and still NWA Light Heavyweight Champion of the world . . . Jushin ‘Thunder’ Liger!

Liger and Tajiri bow to one another in a show of respect, and Tajiri leaves the ring.

Mike – ‘What a match! Great show of respect by these two great athletes.’

Joe – ‘Always nice to have the NWA Light Heavyweight champion on SSW TV Mike, he really is a great . . . WHAT THE HELL????’

As Liger poses with the title in the ring, suddenly Super Dragon slides into the ring from behind and takes Liger out. Liger is exhausted from the match and unable to fight back as he gets knocked silly the ‘Violence Party’ courtesy of Dragon. Dragon picks him up and hits Liger’s own ‘Liger Bomb’ on him as a show of insult, and he ties up Liger and drives him into the mat with the curb stomp!!!! Liger is laid out as Dragon stands over him, making the belt sign. Finally, Tajiri comes back out to the ring to chase Dragon off, but the damage has been done.
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