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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #244 - 'Champs vs All Stars II'

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #244 - 'Champs vs All Stars II' Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #244 - 'Champs vs All Stars II'   Shooting Stars Wrestling #244 - 'Champs vs All Stars II' EmptyWed Jul 01, 2020 10:59 am

Shooting Stars Wrestling #244 - 'Champs vs All Stars II' SSW2_zps2271e62a


Shooting Stars Wrestling #244 - 'Champs vs All Stars II' Newaerial


.... STARS ....

.... WRESTLING ....

'CHAMPS -vs- ALL-STARS!!!! ....

The screen goes blank and we hear the crowd chanting 'S-S-W! S-S-W! S-S-W!' .... The SSW intro video package airs to 'JUNGLE' by X Ambassadors & Jamie N Commons .... The music keeps playing as the camera comes up on the live crowd, pumping their fists and chanting along .... Strobe lights go off all through the arena ....

The camera scans the rowdy arena as we go ringside with the SSW announce team of Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan ....

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Mike Goldberg - 'Hello wrestling fans and welcome to SSW 'Champs ... Vs ... All Stars!  We are inside the American Airlines arena in Miami, Florida and Joe we have a BIG night ahead ....'

Joe Rogan - 'Only one title match here tonight Mike, but we will have the ultimate battle for respect as the SSW 'champions' will battle the SSW 'All Stars' in a 5 on 5 elimination match with 1 million dollars riding on the line ....'

Goldberg - 'That's the one everyone is waiting for Joe, but we will also see Sami Zayns return to the ring against AJ Styles, and members of the 2 teams that will meet at Wrestlemania for the 6 man titles will collide as Dean Ambrose takes on Johnny Barend .... But a big announcement coming from regarding the 6 woman tag match that was supposed to happen tonight ....'

Joe - 'That's right Joe, word out of the locker room is that Paige did not pass concussion protocol after her match with Kong, and she is not cleared to compete tonight .... As a result, the 6 woman tag match is now off the card and will take place on a future episode of SSW television ....'

Mike - 'Well Joe, we will never get more ready for this show than we already are .... let's take it up to the ring and the lovely Melissa Santos!'

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We are ready for our first match, when out comes Tyler Breeze making his return to SSW after being gone for a few weeks ....

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Breeze orders the house lights to be dimmed and a spotlight put only on him .... He talks about how he has gotten thousands of tweets asking 'Where is Tyler Breeze?', and he is fresh off a modeling tour of Europe .... But now he is back in SSW .... People see his gorgeous face and assume he is not tough, but they are mistaken .... He is here to rise to the top of SSW and will do whatever he has to do and beat whoever he has to beat to get there .... Whoever his opponent is tonight, he wants them to bring them out now ....

The lights drop, and we hear a motorcycle throttling up .... Spotlights appear on the stage and out walks ....

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Mike Goldberg - 'A lot of buzz concerning this man, Baron Corbin .... Just take a look at him .... 6'8" tall, 275 lbs ....'

Joe Rogan - 'Dixie Carter has said that she wants to focus on the future and bring new young talent to SSW, and Corbin is one of those young talents she spoke about .... And guys like him and Brian Cage are just the beginning ....'

Mike Goldberg - 'He came over from XWA as part of the Sheamus trade, and tonight we get to see what he can do against Tyler Breeze.'

Match 2: singles match
Tyler Breeze
- vs -
Baron Corbin

Breeze doesn't even have a chance to take his vest off ... He is preoccupied taking 'selfies' in the corner, and Corbin charges and nails him with a hard corner clothesline .... Corbin scoops him up, then drops him down on the turnbuckle in the Snake Eyes!  Corbin hits the ropes and wipes Breeze out with a big boot!  Breeze is on dream street, and Corbin pulls him in and drills him with the 'End of Days' (lifting reverse STO) much to the delight of the crowd .... 3 seconds later this one is over ....

VIDEO PACKAGE - we see the feud that has developed between the Shield and the Riot Squad, the 2 teams that will do battle for the UWF 6 man titles at Wrestlemania .... The Shield fired the first shot by attacking the Riot Squad in PCW, but the Squad did what no one has done in the UWF when they came to SSW and left the Shield laying .... Recently, The Shield showed up in PCW to trash the Riot Squads brand new Rolles Royce they were awarded for being 2 time 6 man tag champs ....

Match 3: special challenge match
Dean Ambrose
Johnny Barend

You can cut the tension with a knife in this one .... Reigns and Rollins are on one side of the ring, and Iaukea and Collins are on the other .... Barend pie-faces Ambrose, and Ambrose goes nuts on him with right hands and knees .... Barend shoves Ambrose to the mat and then wipes him out with a clothesline!  Barend tosses Ambrose to the outside at the feet of Iaukea and Collins, but Rollins and Reigns are quick to come over and get in their faces .... Ambrose slides in and nails Barend with a bodypress and then some right hands, but Barend dodges a charge and Ambrose smacks the ring post shoulder-first!  Barend works the arm, wrapping the arm around the ringpost and trying to pull it off his body!  Barend sits Ambrose on the top rope, but Ambrose fights him off and hits a missile dropkick .... Ambrose grabs him and goes for Dirty Deeds, but Barend shoves him off right into the referee!  Barend scoops Ambrose up but Ambrose slips off the back and scoops him up .... MIDNIGHT SPECIAL!!!!  Ambrose makes the pin, but there is no ref .... Iaukea and Collins try to get in the ring but Reigns and Rollins stop them!  In the ring, Ambrose slams his shoulder against the turnbuckle Martin Riggs style and pops it back into socket .... Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds, but Barend counters into a backdrop driver!  Barend makes the cover, but there is no ref again .... Barend nails Ambrose with a shoulder block but Ambrose rebounds with his pendulum lariat between the ropes and takes out Barend!  Ambrose grabs Barend and nails Dirty Deeds!  The ref is starting to come to, and he makes the count ... 1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!  The ref gets pulled out at the last second by Collins!  Ambrose hits a suicide dive out onto Collins and Iaukea outside the ring!!!!  

From here the action breaks down and the ref loses total control with all 6 men going at it .... The match is thrown out, and security quickly runs out and tries to break it up .... The Shield start fighting the security off and so do the Riot Squad!!!!  Finally enough people come out and get between the 2 teams that they are able to keep them apart .... The Riot Squad head to the back, while the Shield stand tall in the ring .... The fans are chanting 'HOUNDS OF JUSTICE!'

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Mike Goldberg - 'Nothing settled here Joe ...'

Joe Rogan - 'This is going to be an absolute war at Wrestlemania .... The most dominant 6 man team in UWF history vs perhaps the most dominant unit in the UWF over the last year ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #244 - 'Champs vs All Stars II' Wm7_zps18846465

35 days and counting ....

[b]VIDEO PACKAGE - we get highlights of the Lita - AJ feud up to this point, which all revolves around Lita's recent change of attitude and her apparent 'imbalance'

Match 4: No Disqualification match
- vs -
AJ Lee

Lita has the nerve to want a handshake to start the match, and AJ responds with slapping her across the face .... SPEAR BY AJ!  She hammers Lita with right hands but Lita shoves her off and rolls outside to try to get away .... AJ is hot on her heels though, and she clotheslines her down on the outside .... Lita grabs AJ by the hair and slings her into the railing, then uses the electric cables at ringside to choke her out .... Lita is visibly talking to herself at ringside .... Lita pulls the mats up at ringside, exposing the concrete floor and goes for a Twist of Fate .... AJ backdrops her onto the floor!  AJ grabs Lita by the hair now, and tosses her over the announce table into Mike and Joe!  AJ is crazed, slamming Lita's head over and over into the table!  The ref backs her off and tries to restore some order, but AJ pushes past her and goes back after Lita .... But Lita grabs the time keepers chair and KO'S AJ with it!!!!  HOLY SHIT!  Lita rolls AJ in the ring and unfolds the steel chair .... SIDE EFFECT ONTO THE UNFOLDED CHAIR!  1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!  AJ kicks out!  A wicked smile creeps across Lita's face and she goes outside and pulls a kendo stick from under the ring ....
Lita climbs back in, but gets taken out with a roundhouse kick by AJ out of nowhere!  

AJ  rips Lita's shirt off, exposing just her sports bra underneath, then starts wearing Lita out with the kendo stick!  This raises huge whelts on Lita's back, and the crowd LOVES it! AJ uses the kendo stick to hit a Russian leg sweep!  She goes up top, but Lita is up and trips her, causing her to fall .... Lita climbs up top with her .... SUPER PLEX!  Both ladies are down, and we see that Battle Queens Knockout champion Ivelisse Velez has come down to ringside .... In the ring, both ladies start to climb to their feet .... LITA GRABS AJ AND HITS A TWIST OF FATE OUT OF NOWHERE!  However, instead of going for the pin she climbs the ropes .... LITA SAULT MISSES!!!!  AJ pulls down her knee pad, exposing her knee .... Lita gets to her knees .... SHINING WIZARD CONNECTS!  1 ... 2 ... Lita kicks out!  AJ tries to lock on the Black Widow, but Lita blocks it and picks AJ up .... TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER BY LITA!  1 ... 2 ... Noooo!  AJ kicks out again!  

AJ pulls herself to her feet, but Lita had picked up the chair .... She has a crazed look in her eye .... WHAM!  She caves in the chair on AJ's head!!!!  HOLY SHIT!  Lita doesn't even try to go for the pin .... She goes outside and gets another chair, and she lays AJ's head on it .... She raises the other chair .... CON-CHAIR-TO!!!!  Ivelisse is yelling for the ref to stop the match, and the ref tries to step in, but Lita screams at him 'NO DISQUALIFICATION'!  Lita looks down at AJ almost as if she is showing remorse, but then she lifts the chair to do it again!    She shoves the ref aside and raises the chair for another one, but Ivelisse grabs the towel tosses it in for the defenseless AJ!  Mercifully, this one is over ....

Lita is still holding the chair high, and she has a look of shock on her face, like someone has just stolen something from her .... She grabs the towel and throws it right back in Ivelisse's face!  She turns to AJ .... A 2ND CON-CHAIR-TO!!!!  Ivelisse hits the ring and attacks Lita!  Lita and Ivelisse brawl, and Ivelisse clotheslines Lita over the top rope to the floor!  She tries to check on AJ, but Lita doesn't stay down long .... Ivelisse doesn't see slide back in the ring with the chair .... WHAM!  Lita smashes the chair across Ivelisse's back!  Lita has a wild look in her eye, and she leaves the ring pleased with her handiwork ....

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Mike Goldberg - 'Joe I can't believe what we have just witnessed .... '

Joe Rogan - I ... I'm at a loss for words Mike ... I can't believe the sheer brutality of Lita ... I think she honestly would have killed AJ if Ivelisse had not have been there to throw the towel in.  Unbelievable.'

Mike Goldberg - 'We've both known Lita for a long time Joe, and I just don't know what has happened to her .... But fans, coming up next is a match with just about as much bad blood in it as the one we just watched ....'

Joe Rogan - 'After being out of action for nearly 2 months, Sami Zayne returns to get revenge on AJ Styles for putting him on the shelf .... We've seen almost as dramatic a change in AJ as we have in Lita recently ....

Match 5: singles match
AJ Styles
- vs -
Sami Zayne

Both men are staring holes through each other as the introductions are made ... The bell rings and they continue to stare each other down for a long moment ... Zayne moves in toward AJ, but AJ just drops out of the ring and holds his hands up .... Zayne backs off, and AJ re-enters the ring but bails out again when Zayne moves in .... The ref goes over and talks to AJ, trying to get him back in the ring, but Zayne doesn't want to wait .... HE FLIES OVER THE TOP WITH A DIVE THAT WIPES OUT AJ ON THE FLOOR!!!!  This gets the crowd fired up right off the bat!  Zayne tosses AJ back in and hits some mounted punches in the turnbuckle but AJ pushes him off .... Zayne tosses him off the ropes and hits a BIG back drop .... AJ rolls to the outside again, and this time Zayne fakes a dive and lands on the ring apron instead ....  AJ grabs Zayne by the leg and yanks him off the apron, sending him crashing to the floor!  Zayne lands hard on his back and the back of his head and neck!  AJ tosses Zayne back in the ring, and Sami fires back with a forearm that has little effect .... Sami off the ropes but AJ hits the phenomenal dropkick!  AJ jumps up and screams ‘NOW THAT’S PHENOMENAL!’ .... AJ slings Zayne out to the floor and leaves him, but Sami beats the count back in at 8 .... AJ grabs him and tosses him out the other side of the ropes, but again Sami beats the count in .... AJ is becoming annoyed .... He tosses Zayne out again and follows him this time, but Zayne fires back with chops and right hands!  Zayne tries to go for the spot where he runs from the floor and then suicide dives between the turnbuckles to perform a tornado DDT, but AJ blocks the DDT .... SNAP SUPLEX INTO THE GUARDRAIL!!!!  HOLY SHIT!  Zayne lands on his head and his neck gets bent at an awkward angle ....

Zayne is down for a long moment on the floor and not moving .... The ref starts the count, but again Zayne makes it back in by 9!  Zaynes neck has taken a lot of punishment in the early parts of this match, and AJ smells the blood in the water .... AJ goes right after the neck, whipping Zayne hard into the corner, and the whiplash effect jars his neck even more .... AJ locks in the Muta lock, but Zayne fights his way to the ropes for the break!  All of these moves are damaging Samis neck even further .... AJ goes after Zayne, but walks right into the exploder Suplex into the corner!  Zayne follows AJ to the outside, and he hits an Arabian moonsault on him on the floor!!!!  Zayne whips AJ into the ring steps, but AJ reverses it and Zayne crashes instead then tosses him back in .... AJ goes for the superman forearm but Zayne catches him .... Flatliner into the Coji Clutch!!!!  AJ is trapped in the middle of the ring!!!!  AJ manages to struggle enough to get the tip of his foot on the ropes to break the hold ....

Both men to their feet and they meet in the middle .... Zayne and AJ start trading shots in the center .... AJ gets the better of the exchange and goes to hit the ropes but Zayne grabs his tights and pulls him back into a Blue Thunder Bomb!  1 ... 2 ... Noooooo!  Zayne up top ..... Hiiiiiiigh Cross body gets another 2!!!!  It's all Zayne now .... Zayne charges for the Helluva kick but AJ dodges .... PHENOMENON (quebrada into reverse DDT)!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Noooo!  Zayne kicks out!  AJ picks Zayne up and teases that he's going to give him the Styles Clash, but the ref immediately steps in and stops AJ .... AJ shoves the ref out of the way, but Zayne takes advantage and school boys AJ for a quick 2!!!!  AJ back up .... Zayne dodges the Pele .... HALF NELSON SUPLEX!!!!  AJ comes up holding his neck this time .... Zayne sits him on the top rope .... HES GONNA GO FOR THE BRAINBUSTAAAAAH!!!!  Styles fights it, then jabs his thumb deep into the eye of Zayne!!!!  Zayne falls to the mat blinded, and while the ref is checking on Zaynes eye AJ reaches in his tights and pulls out a steel chain!  AJ wraps it around his fist and blasts Zayne right in the eye with it!!!!  Zayne falls and AJ stuffs the chain back in his tights before the ref can see it .... He picks Zayne up and hits his new finisher, the 'Hollow Point' (brainbuster onto his knee)!!!!  Zayne lands awkwardly on his neck again, and AJ easily covers him for the 1 ... 2 ... 3!

Shooting Stars Wrestling #244 - 'Champs vs All Stars II' AJStyles1

Mike Goldberg - 'Joe we need some help out here because Sami Zayne is in bad shape ....'

Joe Rogan - 'Mike, Sami's neck was not even 100% coming into this match .... Even without the Styles Clash, who knows how much more damage AJ has done to the neck'

In the ring, trainers have come out to check on Zayne, and he is not moving .... They are being very careful and they put a hard collar on him as a precaution .... He does the stretcher job out of the arena, but manages to give the fans the 'thumbs up' sign as he is taken out ....

PRE-TAPED INTERVIEW W/ DIXIE CARTER: Dixie talks about SSW making an effort to build for the future by signing young talent like Baron Corbin and Brian Cage .... She also announces that SSW will hold it's annual 'Top Prospect Tournament' the weekend after Wrestlemania and they are expanding the field from 8 to 16 .... But tonight's announcement is about more than that, because she has just made a huge signing that will have an immediate impact on the future of tag team wrestling in SSW .... Roll the footage ....

Coming soon to SSW: Matt & Nick Jackson .... THE YOUNG BUCKS!

Mike Goldberg - 'HUGE announcement there!'

Joe Rogan - 'Wow, are you ready for a superkick party Mike????'

'PERSONAL JESUS' by Marilyn Manson hits and brings out the man who will challenge for the UWF Junior Heavyweight title at Wrestlemania, Austin Aries ....

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Aries - 'Each week, the whole world watches to see him come out here and get in this ring or get on this microphone .... Because I am the best .... But what the world never gets to see is our 'illustrious' UWF junior champion, Hakushi, come out here and tell the world what he thinks of Austin Aries .... Well, tonight I hear Hakushi has crawled out from under his rock and has come here to face me .... So it's time for him to come out here and get face to face with the 'common denominator of greatness', the man that is going to breath new life into a division that has been in the dark ages for the last year!'

On queue, out comes the UWF junior heavyweight champion, Hakushi!  Hakushi enters the ring and both men are nose to nose ....

Aries - 'Look 'champ' .... it is obvious you've got something to say since you came out here and interrupted me while I was talking .... So what do you have to say?'

Hakushi - 'アウト愛の手の'

Aries - 'Whoa whoa whoa!  What in the hell are you even saying????  Ok, ok .... I had a feeling this might happen .... so I took the liberty of bringing in my own personal translator ....'

*out comes a small man of Japanese descent .... The man says something to Hakushi, who nods his approval .... He is going to translate ....

Hakushi - 胃 用意ティア ヨ亜で ふぉkん'

Translator - 'Hakushi-San say that Austin Aries really is the 'greatest man that ever lived'.  I am unworthy to be in the same ring with him .... I dishonor UWF junior title ....'

Hakushi - 胃用意 ティアヨ 亜で ふぉkん'

Translator - Hakushi-San say that he will be fortunate to win against Austin Aries as Wrestlemania because he is clearly the better wrestler ....'

Hakushi catches on to what is going on, and he becomes pissed .... Hakushi threatens the translator, which allows Aries to get in a cheap shot from behind!  Hakushi fights back, nailing Aries with a roundhouse kick!  Hakushi sets Aries up for the Koya Otoshi (crucifix prayer bomb), but the translator grabs Aries leg to block to move .... Hakushi turns his attention to the translator and sets him up for the Koya Otoshi instead!  Aries strikes with a rolling elbow smash!  Hakushi stumbles back into the corner .... IED DROPKICK BY ARIES!!!!  He pulls him out to the center of the ring .... BRAINBUSTER!!!!  The translator comes over and raises the hand of Aries, but Aries turns and kicks him low!!!!  BRAINBUSTER ON THE TRANSLATOR!!!!  Aries grabs the UWF junior title and holds it up over the fallen Hakushi ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #244 - 'Champs vs All Stars II' Aries

Mike Goldberg - Come on!  Austin Aries has gone too far ....'

Joe Rogan - 'I don't think so Mike, Austin Aries wants the UWF junior heavyweight title at Wrestlemania, and he has made a major statement here tonight ....'

Mike Goldberg - 'Fans we are getting reports from backstage that Sami Zayne has been examined by our doctors .... I'm pleased to report that Sami has all feeling in his extremities and it looks like he just suffered a 'stinger' ....'

Joe Rogan - 'Thats good news Mike .... That move he took earlier in his match with AJ looked nasty .... And now it's time for our main event!'

Mike Goldberg - 'We've waited all night for this one Joe .... It's time!'

Main Event: The 'Champs vs All Stars'

Champs -
(SSW Genesis Champion) Antonio Cesaro
(SSW Television Champion) 'Cowboy' James Storm
(SSW tag team champions) Jay & Mark Briscoe

- vs -

All Stars -
Dolph Ziggler
Prince Devitt
'The Project' Tomasso Ciampa
Chris Hero

Dixie Carter brings a briefcase into the ring and opens it to reveal the 1 million dollar prize that goes to the winner .... She shows it off to both teams before leaving the ring ....

We start the match, and the champs team does the sequence where everyone on the team wants to be the one to start the match .... Of course James Storm tries to order everyone around, but Cesaro ends up being the one that starts the match .... And Chris Hero starts for the All Stars!!!!  Cesaro and Hero, the former SSW tag champions face off in the ring as the crowd is already chanting 'THIS IS AWESOME!'  However, just as they are about to lock up James Storm tags himself into the match .... The crowd HATES this .... Cesaro doesn't like it either, but Storm enters and faces off with Hero .... Storm stalls a lot, and he keeps going to the ropes or rolling outside to break the momentum .... They finally lock up, and Hero shows no signs of ring rust after being off for a year with a town ACL .... Storm gets schooled and quickly escapes outside again .... Cesaro yells at him and tells him to wrestle!  Hero tags in Devitt, and Storm quickly tags out to Cesaro with a hard slap!

Devitt and Cesaro put on a great wrestling display, with lots of holds and counter holds .... Devitt lands a great dropkick, but when he goes up top Cesaro catches him in mid-air and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker!  Ziggler and Jay Briscoe get the hot tags in .... The pace picks up, and Ziggler sends Jay outside with a dropkick .... Devitt in the ring and he wipes out both Briscoes on the floor with a dive over the top rope .... Ziggler controls the action against Jay Briscoe, but Mark hits Ziggler with a knee from behind and allows the Briscoes to take over .... Of course, once Ziggler is down, Storm comes into the match and puts the boots to Ziggler .... Storm picks him up for the 'Eye of the Storm' but Ziggler slips off the back and hits the 'Fame-asser' on Storm .... Jay Briscoe prevents Ziggler from making the tag, but Tomasso Ciampa has had enough and he comes in the ring and starts taking everyone out!  

Ciampa is a one-man wrecking crew!  He and Cesaro end up brawling outside the ring, and the ref is quickly losing control with all 8 men going at it .... In the melee, Big Zeke gets involved and hits a Urinage slam on Ziggler on the ring apron .... He rolls Ziggler back in the ring, and Storm drills him with the 8 Second Ride!  He hooks the leg and gets the 3 count!


The crowd is kind of in shock as the All Star captain and No. 1 contender for the UWF TV title is the first one out of the match .... Hero enters the ring, and we finally have Cesaro vs Hero for the first time .... They stand toe to toe and just lay into each other with heavy forearm shots!  Hero gets the better of the exchange and rocks Cesaro, but Cesaro catches him coming off the ropes and hits the SWISSBLADE (fireman carry scoop spun into a side Death Valley driver) .... This buys Cesaro enough time to make the tag and the Briscoes come in and double-team Hero .... Hero fights them both off, then makes the tag to Ciampa!  Ciampa once again comes in like a crazy man!  He is battling the entire champs team, but eventually the numbers catch up to him .... The Briscoes pull a table out from under the ring and try to put Ciampa through it, but Devitt and Hero come to the rescue .... They take out Jay, and Ciampa hits an air raid crash on Mark off the apron through the table!!!!  HOLY SHIT!!!!  Ciampa pulls Mark back in the ring .... PROJECT CIAMPA (powerbomb dropped into backstabber)!!!!  Ciampa covers Mark and gets the pin!


While the refs are trying to get Mark out of the ring, Jay comes in and cheap shots Ciampa!  He tosses him outside, then picks him up on his shoulders .... MARK JUMPS OFF THE APRON AND THEY HIT THE DOOMSDAY DEVICE ON THE CONCRETE FLOOR!!!!  The refs finally get Mark out of there, but the damage has been done .... The ref starts the count, and Ciampa is down and can't make it back to the ring by the count of 10 .... Ciampa is eliminated by count out ....


Trainers and officials from the back come out and check on Ciampa at ringside .... It is down to Devitt and Hero for the All Stars vs Cesaro, Storm and Jay Briscoe for the Champs team .... We end up with Jay and Devitt, and Jay pounds away in the corner on Devitt .... Jay goes for the Jay Driller, but Devitt goes all the way up and over to land behind him .... He hooks Jay and nails him with the 'Young Gun' (lifting reverse DDT)!  Storm comes in and tries to take advantage of the opportunity, but somehow Tomasso Ciampa is back in the ring!  Ciampa has a chair and just starts taking out anything that moves!  He even lays out his own teammates with the chair!!!!  No one is left standing!  Ciampa throws the chair down and leaves, but everyone is down .... Jay eventually crawls over and lays an arm over Devitt's chest ... 1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!  Devitt kicks out!!!!

Cesaro and Hero get tagged in, and they meet in the center of the ring .... Big boot by Cesaro rocks Hero, but when Cesaro goes to the 2nd rope for the diving European uppercut Hero grabs him and hits the 'Cravate-o-clasm' (3 quarter facelock iconoclasm)!  Hero sets Cesaro up for the 'Cerebral Cortex' elbow strike (inverted headlock + rolling elbow strike to back of the head), but Cesaro blocks it and nails a German Suplex!  Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer .... BUT HERO COUNTERS WITH THE ROLLING ELBOW!  1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!  Cesaro kicks out!!!!  Hero picks him up and goes for the 'Heroes Welcome' (rolling cutter), but Cesaro stops him and takes out both his legs .... CESARO SWING!  1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... The fans are counting the revolutions, but James Storm enters .... SUPER KICK TO HERO AS CESARO IS SWINGING HIM AROUND!!!!  Storm makes the cover on Hero as Cesaro watches on ... 1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!


It is now a 3 on 1 advantage for the champions team .... Cesaro gets in Storms face over what just happened, and Storm yells right back saying he is the captain of the team and Cesaro needs to listen to him .... Devitt comes in with a dropkick to the back of Storm, knocking him into Cesaro!  Devitt hits the Sling Blade lariat on Storm, then goes up top but Jay Briscoe shoves him off to the apron!  Cesaro in and he goes up top, then dead lifts Devitt from the apron to the top rope and into a super-plex!!!!  Cesaro covers, but Devitt kicks out at 2!  Storm argues with Cesaro some more, then tags himself in by slapping Cesaro's back .... Storm picks Devitt up and nails the 'Eye of the Storm'!  This time Storm covers, but only gets 2 as well!  Cesaro tags himself in by slapping the hell out of Storms back, and he comes in to finish Devitt .... BUT GETS HIT WITH A SUPER KICK FROM STORM!!!!  

Jay Briscoe doesn't like this and he gets right in Storms face .... He says he wants to win the million dollars and asks why Storm super-kicked their partner???? .... While he is arguing with Storm, Big Zeke comes in and nails him from behind .... He picks Jay up and plants him with a Urinage slam!  Devitt, meanwhile, is back up and comes off the top with a missile dropkick that takes out Zeke!!!!  Storm tries to superkick Devitt but gets scooped up on his shoulders instead .... PRINCES THRONE (fireman carry double knee gutbuster)!  Storm rolls to safety outside the ring, and Devitt turns his attention to Jay Briscoe .... He goes up top .... Coup De Grace (diving double stomp)!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!


It's still a 2-1 advantage for the Champs, but both Cesaro and Storm are down .... Devitt goes outside and tosses Storm in .... He goes up top, but Zeke gets on the apron and shoves him off to the mat .... Storm charges but Devitt backdrops him to the apron and then blocks his right hand .... Nails a rope assisted enziguri on Storm!  Cesaro is back up and wipes Devitt out with a spear!  He sits him on top, but Devitt fights him off and counters with a Sunset flip powerbomb!!!!  Devitt up top and it looks like he is going to jump off on Cesaro .... BUT HE HITS THE DOUBLE STOMP TO STORM ON THE APRON INSTEAD!!!!  HOLY SHIT!!!!   He rolls Storm in and makes the cover .... 1 ... 2 ... The ref gets pulled out at the last second by Big Zeke!!!!  Devitt dives out onto Zeke, but he just catches him in mid-air and slams him back-first into the ring post!  Zeke tosses Devitt back in, but both Devitt and Storm are down .... Storm crawls over and goes to tag Cesaro, BUT CESARO JUST DROPS TO THE FLOOR!  Storm looks on in disbelief as Cesaro refuses to tag in .... 'If you are the leader, then finish him off yourself' he says .... Storm is cussing Cesaro, but doesn't see that Devitt is back up .... RUNNING FRONT DROPKICK SENDS STORM FLYING BACK INTO THE CORNER!  Devitt pulls him out to the center of the ring .... BLOODY SUNDAY (single arm brainbuster)!!!! 1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!


After being down 3-1, Prince Devitt has evened the score and now it is down to him and Cesaro!!!!  Devitt pulls himself to his feet and he and Cesaro meet in the middle of the ring .... Crowd chants 'THIS IS AWESOME!'  Devitt fires off with a forearm shot!  Cesaro fires back with a European uppercut!  Devitt returns fire .... Then it's Cesaro's turn!  They just stand there hitting each other as hard as they can .... Cesaro gets the better of the exchange, and he hammers Devitt back with European uppercuts, but Devitt blocks one of them and takes Cesaro down in a quick backslide!  1 ... 2 ... Noooo!!!!  Devitt off the ropes, but Cesaro tosses him in the air .... SWISS DEATH COUNTERED INTO A SMALL PACKAGE!  1 ... 2 ... Noooo!  Cesaro kicks out again!  

Devitt back to his feet but runs into a bicycle kick from Cesaro .... He is knocked back into the ropes, and Cesaro catches him in the Lasartesse Lift (head and arm Suplex dropped into a snow plow)!  Devitt kicks out at 2 .... Cesaro sits him on the top and goes up for a super-plex but Devitt fights him off and jumps off the top rope to the apron, dropping Cesaro throat-first across the top rope!!!!  Devitt slides back in .... RUNNING FRONT DROPKICK IS BLOCKED AND CESARO HAS BOTH LEGS!  Cesaro Swing countered by Devitt and instead Cesaro catapults him into the buckles .... Devitt stumbles back, then goes for the pele kick on Cesaro but he catches his leg .... STRETCH MUFFLER CRAB!  Devitt is trapped in the middle of the ring!!!!  He turns inside, then hits some stiff kicks to the head of Cesaro to break his grip .... DEVITT HITS THE RUNNING FRONT DROPKICK AND SENDS CESARO FLYING BACK INTO THE TURNBUCKLES!!!!  Both men are down!  

Cesaro rolls outside, but Devitt is out too .... He runs the length of the ring and drives Cesaro through the ring barrier with a dropkick!!!!  HOLY SHIT chants!  Cesaro tossed back in, and Devitt goes up top as he gets back to his feet .... DOUBLE STOMP TO THE BACK OF CESARO'S HEAD!!!!  Cover, but Cesaro is out at 2!  Devitt goes for the Young Gun (lifting reverse DDT), but Cesaro snap mares out of it .... Blasts Devitt with a European uppercut!  Pele by Devitt!!  Tornado European uppercut by Cesaro!!!!  What a sequence!  Cesaro hooks Devitt for the Riccola Bomb, but Devitt reverses out .... BLOODY SUNDAY!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!  Cesaro kicks out!!!!  Devitt goes up top to finish it with the Coup De Grace, but Cesaro rolls out of the way at the last second .... Devitt lands and rolls to his feet .... THEN RUNS RIGHT INTO SWISS DEATH (pop up European uppercut)!!!!  Cesaro hooks Devitt .... NEUTRALIZER!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Devitt kicks out!!!!  HOLY SHIT!!!!  Cesaro picks Devitt up .... RICCOLA BOMB (cross-arm sit out powerbomb)!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!  This time it's enough!  


Both men lay on the man in exhaustion as we have gone for almost 60 minutes in this match .... Trainers at ringside come in with water and ice packs that they put on the wrestlers necks to help cool them down .... The fans are on their feet giving both men a standing ovation, and chanting 'THIS IS AWESOME!'  Cesaro is up to his feet after a few minutes, and Dixie awards him with the briefcase with the 1 million dollar winners prize .... Cesaro goes over and helps Devitt up, and then the two shake hands .... Devitt is helped to the back, while Cesaro celebrates in the ring to end the show ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #244 - 'Champs vs All Stars II' Cesaro_crop_north-1414748526
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Shooting Stars Wrestling #244 - 'Champs vs All Stars II'
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