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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #215 - 'Champs -vs- All Stars'

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #215 - 'Champs -vs- All Stars' Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #215 - 'Champs -vs- All Stars'   Shooting Stars Wrestling #215 - 'Champs -vs- All Stars' EmptyTue Jun 30, 2020 3:42 pm

Shooting Stars Wrestling #215 - 'Champs -vs- All Stars' SSWlogo



STARS ....

WRESTLING!!!! ....



The screen goes blank and we hear the crowd chanting 'S-S-W! S-S-W! S-S-W!'. 'WE OWN IT' by 2 Chainz and Wiz Khalifa hits and the SSW highlight intro plays. The music keeps playing as the camera comes up on the live crowd, pumping their fists and chanting along .... Strobe lights go off all through the arena ....

SSW director of wrestling operations Dixie Carter comes out to open the show .... There has been a change to the card .... Owen Hart suffered a concussion last week due to a Brogue kick from Sheamus and he has not been cleared to compete tonight .... The main event will still take place as planned, and she is going to find a replacement for Owen in the match ....

'PERSONAL JESUS' by Marilyn Manson hits and out comes Austin Aries! Aries tells Dixie that she's looking at the one and only 'all star' on the SSW roster .... He is a little insulted that he wasn't selected for the all star team in the first place, but Dixie can fix all that right now by putting him on the team in Owens place .... Because everyone knows there is no comparison between him and Owen Hart .... When he came in to SSW he asked for some real competition, but there must not be any since no one has answered his challenge .... It's obvious now that the only thing left for Dixie to do is put Aries in the main event so he can show everyone how it's done ....

Before Dixie can answer they are interrupted by Adrian Neville .... Neville is out to accept Aries' challenge .... Aries laughs it off, saying he doesn't even know who Neville is .... Neville introduces himself as the 'Man that Gravity forgot' .... Aries wants to know why Neville wants to accept the challenge, and Neville says because he wants to prove that he is just as good as Aries .... Aries says Neville can't be serious because he is the 'Greatest Man that Ever Lived' .... NEVILLE SLAPS ARIES RIGHT IN THE FACE!!!! He asks Aries if he takes him seriously now???? Neville slides in the ring and Aries follows, and we have ourselves a match ....

[/b]Match 1: singles match
Austin Aries
- vs -
Adrian Neville

Neville is very impressive in the early goings, and he controls the match .... Aries is thrown off his game, and the announcers contemplate if Aries is worthy of all the hype .... Aries finally comes back and nails a slingshot twisting splash for a 2 count .... Neville takes a beating but scores with a big kick out of nowhere that rocks Aries .... Neville goes up for the 'Red Arrow' .... ARIES MOVES AND NEVILLE CRASHES AND BURNS!!!! Aries pulls himself up .... RUNNING DROPKICK IN THE CORNER!!!! Pulls him out to the center of the ring .... BRAINBUSTER!!!! 1 .... 2 .... 3!

Aries gets the win, but Neville looks very impressive in defeat here ....

A promo airs for our next match, which is a street fight between 2 former world champions Sara Del Rey and Lita ....

IN THE BACK - Lita is shown taping up her fists when in walks Mercedes Martinez .... Things between these 2 are still fairly awkward, but Martinez wishes Lita luck in the match ....

Match 2: women's street fight
- vs -
Sara Del Rey

This brawl starts in the back as the ladies make thier way to the ring, and they fight all the way down the ramp to ringside . . . . Del Rey tosses Lita into the railing, then uses the electric cables near the announce table to choke Lita!  Its all Del Rey in the beginning, and she tosses Lita over the announce desk and into the announcers lap . . . . Del Rey goes after her, but Lita nails her with a steel chair!  Lita with the Lita-Canrana off the announce table!!!!  Lita tosses Del Rey back in the ring and hits a Thesz Press and hammers her with right hands!  Del Rey has a mouse under her right eye already . . . . Lita goes outside and pulls a kendo stick out from under the ring, but Del Rey cuts her off with a spear!  Del Rey wears Lita out with the kendo stick, raising huge welts on her back!  Del Rey goes for a russian leg sweep using the kendo stick, but Lita slips out and nails a DDT!  Lita up top . . . . LITA-SAULT MEETS THE KNEES OF DEL REY!!!!
Del Rey goes outside and grabs a chair, and she raises it to smash Lita but at the last second Lita grabs her and nails a side effect!  Lita picks up the chair . . . . CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD OF DEL REY!!!!  Lita isnt done, and she puts the chair around the head of Del Rey!  TWIST OF FATE WITH DEL REY'S HEAD IN THE STEEL CHAIR!!!!  HOLY SHIT!!!!  Lita hooks the leg . . . . 1 . . . . 2 . . . . 3!!!!

Shooting Stars Wrestling #215 - 'Champs -vs- All Stars' Litahof

The fans give Lita a standing ovation after the match, and they chant 'THAT WAS AWESOME!'  Lita has to be helped to the back by SSW officials, while Del Rey stays down in the ring for a long time . . . . Finally she is helped up and taken to the back by medical personnel . . . .

We are ready for our next match .... The Wolves make their way out first, followed by Cole & O'Reiley led by Heyman .... However, before the match starts, they are interrupted as 'DISPOSABLE TEENS' by Marilyn Manson hits .... Out of the back come 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels & Kazarian! Daniels says the ink isn't even dry on their SSW contracts, but they aren't passing up this opportunity .... Daniels says that as soon as they signed, they became the best tag team on the roster .... Daniels wants a 3 way dance, and the Wolves and NOW agree!  

Match 3: Tag Team 3 way dance
American Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards)
- vs -
NOW (Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reiley) w/ Paul Heyman
- vs -
'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels & Kazarian

The action is too furious to call in this one . . . . The Wolves hit stereo dives to the outside onto Daniels and Kazarian, but then O'Reiley wows the crowd by hitting a running missile dropkick off the apron onto Davey, who is seated in a chair at ringside . . . . O'Reiley and Cole look like stars in this one, the Wolves look like the team everyone is used to seeing, and Daniels and Kazarian burst on the scene in this match . . . . The Wolves nearly have the match won with their powerbomb + backstabber finisher, but Cole robs them of the pin . . . . Cole and O'Reiley nail their 'Chasing the Future' finisher on Eddie (O'Reiley picks Eddie up in a brainbuster, then Cole nails a super kick to the head of Eddie while he is hanging upside down and then O'Reiley drops him in the brainbuster), but Kazarian breaks it up and Cole gets tossed outside!  O'Reiley hits 'ARM-ageddon' (Tiger Bomb into cross-arm breaker) on Kazarian and has him ready to tap out in the
middle of the ring!  Daniels comes in and breaks it up with the 'BEST . . . . MOONSAULT . . . . EVER'!!!!  Daniels covers O'Reiley and gets the 3 count!!!!  

Huge upset by the debuting team of Daniels and Kazarian in this match!  

Shooting Stars Wrestling #215 - 'Champs -vs- All Stars' Badinfluencers

PROMO - 'The following is intended for mature audiences ....

The banjo from Deliverence plays but then suddenly screeches .... 'Reach for the Sky boys! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! #demboys ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #215 - 'Champs -vs- All Stars' BRISCOMWES

We see Jay and Mark Briscoe shooting guns on the chicken farm in Sandy Fork, Delaware .... Jay says that Wrestlemania is a week away and this is how the Briscoes get ready .... Shane and Kendrick are probably out getting their hair did or their nails done .... But the Briscoes are working out a little aggression .... Don't worry though, they are still gonna have plenty left for them this Sunday in Japan .... Mark randomly busts in and says he's always wanted to go to Japan .... Jay says the time for talking is done .... Now it's just time to 'Man Up!'

Match 4: singles match
Ethan Carter III
- vs -
Fandango w/ Summer Rae & Layla

Lots of history in this match as these guys broke into the business together and were former tag team champions in PNW . . . . There is no dancing tonight from Fandango, as he is all business . . . . The match actually starts out relatively clean, with both guys trading some holds early on . . . . This leads to EC3 getting in the face of Fandango, which then leads to both men trading right hands . . . . EC3 gets sent outside, then Fandango hits a suicide dive that wipes him out . . . . EC3 takes advantage shortly after that with a low blow, but then Summer Rae distracts EC3 and allows Fandango to school boy him for the 3 count!  

PROMO - a promo airs showing when the Shield attacked UWF world champion Eddie Guerrero in the name of 'justice' .... Not to let the deed go unpunished, Eddie showed up on SSW television last week with a baseball bat and challenges the Shield to a 6 man match .... But Eddie didn't come alone, he brought his brothers with him .... Former UWF world tag team champions Los Banditos!  We get a promo from Los Guerreros in the back, and Eddie says if you jump on 1 Guerrero then you have to deal with all of them . . . . Tonight they are coming for justice La Raza style . . . . ORALE!  

The Shield make their in-ring debut NEXT!

Match 5: 6 man tag team match
(UWF world champion) Eddie Guerrero & Los Banditos (Chavo & Hector Guerrero)
- vs -
The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns)

The Guerreros come out and say they are not here to wrestle tonight, they want a fight . . . . The Shield started this and now Los Guerreros are out for justice 'La Raza' style . . . . They want no disqualification, and the Shield are more than happy to oblige them . . . . The Guerreros go into the crowd and meet the Shield as they come down through the crowd, and the fight is on!  The Guerreros are in control early on, and they are pulling out all the stops with their 'Lying, Cheating and Stealing' . . . . Weapons are intoduced early on, and there is no way the ref can keep this under control so he just sits back and watches . . . . Rollins hits the '3 Amigos' on Chavo, mocking Eddie, who comes in and fights with Rollins . . . . Eddie uses a chair on Rollins, then hits the 3 Amigos on him too!  Except this time he holds on and hits a 2nd consecutive '3 Amigos' and drops Rollins right on the chair!  Eddie goes up top for the frog splash, but Roman Reigns
comes out of nowhere with a superman punch that knocks Eddie off the top rope and sends him crashing through a table at ringside!!!!  Hector and Chavo are in and double-team Reigns, but Ambrose re-enters like a lunatic and attacks them both . . . . Chavo dropkicks Ambrose, but he rebounds between the middle and top rope and takes him out with a clothesline!  Hector goes for the Gory Bomb on Ambrose, but Rollins breaks it up with his springboard knee to the head of Hector!  Ambrose scoops him up and hits the 'Midnight Special', but Chavo is back up and breaks up the pin!  Gory Bomb on Ambrose by Chavo!!!!  Chavo goes for a dive to the outside that is intended for Reigns, but he never makes it as he is cut off with an enziguri from Rollins!  Eddie up top and nails the Frog Splash on Ambrose, but Rollins is there to break up the pin!  BUCKLE BOMB TO EDDIE!  Hector comes in and stops Rollins from hitting 'Piece of Mind' on Eddie .... BUT REIGNS SPEARS HECTOR!!!!  The Shield have Hector alone in the ring, and Rollins and Ambrose pick him up and set him on Reigns shoulders .... TRIPLE POWERBOMB!!!!  Reigns covers Hector and gets the 3 count!!!!    

The Shield are victorious over Los Guerreros in their debut match!!!!    

Shooting Stars Wrestling #215 - 'Champs -vs- All Stars' The-Shield-WWE

As the carnage in the ring is being cleared, a man comes out to the ring with no entrance music or introduction . . . . the fans quickly recognize this man as Muhammed Hassan!!!!  They immediately start booing and showering the ring with debris as Hassan takes a mic and tries to speak . . . . he is nearly drown out . . . . He says that the people know him as Muhammed Hassan, but that Hassan is a character made-up in the name of 'sports enrtertainment' . . . . He admits to 'whoring himself out' in the name of sports entertainment, and he is here tonight because he was promised a chance to speak . . . . his name is NOT Muhammed Hassan, it is MARK MAGNUS!  He says that he is here in SSW tonight because it is the last place in the UWF that would give him the chance to come and do what he loves: pro wrestling . . . .

Since the day he started in the wrestling business he was always told that you have to make yourself into this larger than life character . . . . you cant be yourself, you cant be Mark Magnus . . . . Since day 1 he did what other people told him he had to do to make it to the top, and it worked . . . . But along the way he made the wrestling world, the ENTIRE world, hate him . . . . He turned his own country against him . . . . He lost friends, he lost family . . . . all in the name of being a 'sports entertainer' . . . . No one knows the hell that he has had to endure because of this . . . . He doesnt blame the people for hating him, because he hates himself . . . . he has lost friends, he has even lost family, and there is nothing that he can do about that now . . . . He has to live with that now, and he is not looking for sympathy . . . . He doesnt expect anyone to forgive him, he deserves everything that he has gotten . . . . But there is one thing
he HAS lost that he wants back . . . . and he wants it real bad . . . . HE WANTS HIS COUNTRY BACK!  He is an American, he was born here and he loves this country as much as anyone in the audience . . . .  He knows the road to redemption is a long one, but that road starts tonight, and it starts right here in SSW!

Shooting Stars Wrestling #215 - 'Champs -vs- All Stars' Th_Muhammad_Hassan

Magnus drops the mic and leaves . . . .  

We get a highlight package for the United States women's title match between Jessicka Havok and Madison Rayne .... It shows how this whole thing started last February at the 'Queen of the Ring' when Valkyrie was formed and Madison won the US title .... For over a year, Jessicka Havok has been at war with the Valkyrie, culminating in tonight's match for the US women's title ....

Match 6: for the United States women's title
(Champion) Madison Rayne w/ the Valkyrie
- vs -
Jessicka Havok

Madison is no match for Havok's size and strength . . . . However, the Valkyrie being at ringside still gives Madison the advantage . . . .   Numerous times Havok has Madison down, but the Valkyrie make the save .... It's obvious they are trying to get Madison disqualified so she keeps the title, but the ref sends the Valkyrie members to the back instead! It's 1 on 1 now .... Madison has the advantage and she attacks the knee of Havok, Madison with a figure four but Havok makes it to the ropes .... The ref backs her off and Havok tries to pull herself up on one leg but Madison charges .... HAVOK SCOOPS HER UP AND DRILLS HER WITH AN AIR RAID CRASH!  Havok clutches the knee, unable to make the pin .... She finally does, but Madison kicks out!!!!  The Valkyrie are back out, but they are stopped by the women's locker room led by Lita, Mercedes Martinez, Cheerleader Melissa, Naomi and Santanna Garrett!!!!  In the chaos Madison Rayne takes the padding off the top turnbuckle and tries to ram Havok's face into it, but Havok turns the tables .... Madison is sent face-first into the unprotected turnbuckle!!!!  Havok hooks her .... PACKAGE PILEDRIVER!!!!  1 .... 2 .... 3!!!!  We have a new champion!!!!

Havok is overcome with joy as she is handed the United States women's title .... Her year-long war with the Valkyrie, a years worth of frustration and setback, has culminated here at 'champs vs all stars' as she is crowned the new women's champion!!!!

Shooting Stars Wrestling #215 - 'Champs -vs- All Stars' IMG_7754_zps24e268cc

IN THE BACK - Austin Aries once again approaches Dixie and wants to be in the main event .... She says he has already had a match .... he says his name is Austin Aries and he can pull double duty because he's that good .... He should be the first match, the last match, and every match in between .... Dixie has not found anyone to replace Owen yet, so she says Aries has got his shot!  He's in the match!!!  And it's next!!!!  She tells him not to make her regret her decision and he repeats that he is the 'Greatest Man that Ever Lived' ....

The 'champs' team (namely HBK and the Kings of Wrestling) are not too happy about the last-minute substitution and they complain to the referee .... Of course, this does no good and we are ready to start the match .... This one has no time limit, and there are 2 referees for the match (one on the outside and one on the inside) ....

Main Event: 'champs vs all stars' elimination match
Champs: (SSW Genesis champion) Shawn Michaels
(SSW television champion) Sheamus
(SSW tag team champions) Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Antonio Cesaro)
- vs -
All Stars:AJ Styles
Austin Aries
Beer Money (Bobby Roode & James Storm)

The champs look like a cohesive unit, but more of the same problems arise when Sheamus and HBK argue about who will start the match .... HBK wins out, and he and Bobby Roode start the match .... Meanwhile, the all stars seem to be thrown off a little bit with the addition of Austin Aries, and his arrogance seems to rub AJ and Beer Money the wrong way ....
Lots of stalling by HBK to start, and he keeps rolling outside to break the momentum .... HBK has had enough and tags in Sheamus, who isn't happy with HBK's antics .... Always ready for a fight, Sheamus enters the ring and isn't afraid to mix it up with anyone ....

Austin Aries is tagged in for the first time, and he avoids a Sheamus clothesline and nails HBK with the 'heat seeking missile' (suicide dive underneath the bottom rope)!!!! Back in the ring, AJ is tagged in and nails Sheamus with 'wrestlings best dropkick', and then the all stars do a spot where AJ and Aries both hit dives onto the champs on the outside .... Hero is in, and he rocks Bobby Roode and AJ with stiff elbow strikes .... Hero winds up for the 'Death Blow', but James Storm comes out of nowhere with a super kick to Hero! AJ nails the 'Pele' on Hero, then follows it with the Styles Clash for the 3 count!

Chris Hero has been eliminated

Roode and Cesaro are in, and Cesaro goes for they 'Cesaro swing' on Roode but he reverses into a small package for 2 .... Roode battles back and hits the 'double R' spinebuster then makes the hot tag to bring AJ back in .... AJ takes out all the members of the 'champs' team .... Superman forearm knocks Cesaro to the apron .... Phenomenon to Sheamus and then he goes for a styles clash on HBK but Cesaro grabs his leg and pulls him outside .... AJ and Cesaro fight it out on the apron and AJ tries to Styles Clash Cesaro off the apron through a table but Sheamus explodes out of nowhere with the Brogue kick to AJ!!!! Cesaro grabs AJ and hits the 'Neautralizer' off the apron and puts him through the ringside table!!!!

Officials come out and tend to AJ, and they help him to the back .... For all intents and purposes, AJ has been eliminated and we are back to even numbers, 3 on 3 .... Roode and Storm hit the double-team Suplex on Sheamus .... BEER! MONEY!!!! They go for the DWI, but HBK slides in and hits Storm in the back of the head with the Sweet Chin Music! HBK hits a low blow on Roode, then covers Storm for the 3 count!

James Storm has been eliminated

Roode is getting up from the low blow, and HBK tunes up the band for the sweet chin music again .... BUT SHEAMUS COMES OUT OF NOWHERE AND TAKES ROODE OUT WITH A BROGUE KICK!!!! Sheamus makes the cover for the 3 count!

Bobby Roode has been eliminated

HBK is pissed because Sheamus stole his thunder, and they argue .... Cesaro tries to play peacemaker between the 2 but Aries dives off the top and wipes them all out! Aries goes for the IED dropkick in the corner on Sheamus, but he walks right into the Irish Curse backbreaker! Sheamus pounds his chest and signals for the Brogue kick .... OUT OF NOWHERE HBK TAKES OUT SHEAMUS WITH SWEET CHIN MUSIC!!!! HBK stares down at Sheamus, and Aries quickly covers and HBK doesn't try to stop him! Aries gets the 3 and Sheamus is gone!

Sheamus has been eliminated

Aries is still outnumbered 2-1 and the champs take advantage .... Cesaro gets Aries in the 'Cesaro swing' and goes around for 20 revolutions as the fans chant along!!!! HBK goes up top and hits the top rope elbow drop on Aries, and it looks like the champs will win until Sheamus returns and attacks HBK!!!! Sheamus lays HBK out with the White Noise!!!! Aries takes advantage again, going up top and hitting the 450 splash on HBK! 1 .... 2 .... 3!!!! Aries has just pinned the SSW champion!!!!

Shawn Michaels has been eliminated

It is down to Aries and Cesaro now for all the marbles .... Meanwhile, HBK refuses to leave the ring .... He argues with the ref, who tells him he has to leave .... However, HBK goes outside and grabs a chair and then uses it to attack Aries!!!!  HBK nails Aries with multiple chair shots, then drops the chair and gives Aries a crotch chop .... Even Cesaro is looking on like he isn't comfortable with what's going on .... HBK TURNS AND LAYS CESARO OUT WITH SWEET CHIN MUSIC!  What the hell did he do that to his own teammate for????  HBK leaves the ring and both Cesaro and Aries are down .... Cesaro is up first, shaking off the cobwebs from being taken out by Michaels .... He immediately goes for the 'Neautralizer' on Aries, WHO COUNTERS WITH A SMALL PACKAGE!  1 .... 2 .... Nooooooo!  Cesaro with a European uppercut, but Aries fires back with a discus elbow strike! Cesaro stumbles back into the corner .... IED dropkick in the corner by Aries!  He pulls him out and goes for the brainbuster, but Cesaro slips off the back .... EUROPEAN
UPPERCUT TO THE BACK OF ARIES' HEAD!  He tosses him into the rope .... SWISS DEATH!!!!  1 . . .  2 . . . Noooooo!  Aries kicks out!!!!  Cesaro goes for the 'Neautralizer' again, but Aries counters with the 'Testicular Claw'!  Aries goes behind Cesaro and drills him with a Crucifix Bomb .... Aries goes to the top rope .... But Cesaro catches him in mid-air on the way down and turns it into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker!  Aries stumbles to his feet . . . . TORNADO EUROPEAN UPPERCUT BY CESARO!!!! Cesaro hooks him .... NEUTRALIZER!!!! 1 ... 2 ... Noooo! Aries kicks out!!!! Cesaro is in shock!  Cesaro goes to the 2nd rope and goes for a Diving European Uppercut . . . . Aries is up and meets him on the ropes .... Huricanrana off the top rope!  BOTH MEN ARE DOWN!  They start to stir at 6 and are to their feet by 9 . . . . Cesaro charges, but Aries dodges and Cesaro crashes into the middle turnbuckle!  Aries with a school boy, but Cesaro rolls through onto all 4's . . . . SOCCER KICK TO THE HEAD OF CESARO BY ARIES!  Cesaro stumbles back into the opposite corner . . . . IED DROPKICK!  Aries pulls him out to the center of the ring . . . . BRAINBUSTEEEEEEER!!!!  1 . . . . 2 . . . . 3!!!!  It's over!!!!

Antonio Cesaro has been eliminated

After nearly 60 minutes of action, Austin Aries has won the 'champs vs all stars' match for his team!!!! Confetti rains down from the ceiling as Aries celebrates the win ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #215 - 'Champs -vs- All Stars' 5217b36d553ea.image
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