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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #8

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #8 Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #8   Shooting Stars Wrestling #8 EmptyTue Jun 23, 2020 2:36 pm

Live from the Resch Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin . . . this is . . .

Shooting Stars Wrestling #8 SSWlogo


The logo fades to black as we hear nothing but the crowd chanting ‘S . . . S . . . W!  S . . . S . . . W!’  The show opens up with your commentators Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan at ringside.

Mike – ‘Hello everyone, and weeeeeeelcome to shooting . . . stars . . . wrestling!!!!’

Joe – ‘Fans, the Royal Rumble is in the books, and it was a big one.  A big one for SSW as well, as Owen Hart, John Cena, and CM Punk represented in what was the most star-studded Rumble ever.’

Mike – ‘Well, Joe, we may not have won it but SSW showed that they belong right up there with the NWA elite.  But the Rumble is over.  Tell them what we have in store for them tonight.’  

Rogan – ‘Well, tonight we are expecting an announcement from GM Shane McMahon concerning the tag title picture.  Who are the No. 1 contenders?  Is it the Motor City Machine Guns or the Gods of Gravity?  We’ll find out tonight hopefully, plus we will see one of the Machine Guns in action as Alex Shelley takes on ‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson.  Elijah Burke is also in the house, and he will meet a member of the Hart Foundation, Harry Smith . . . wait a minute . . . what’s going on here’

‘Miseria Cantere: The Beginning’ by AFI hits and CM Punk comes out with a microphone in his hand and a smile on his face.  He cuts a promo about eliminating BOTH John Cena and Owen Hart from the Royal Rumble.  He says ‘Sorry boys, but you both . . . got . . . Punk’d!’  He says he may not have won the Rumble, but make no mistake, he will still be the NWA World Champion.  There are other ways to get what he deserves.  This brings out Cena and the two have words.  Cena says that if Punk doesn’t respect him, he will make him respect him.  Yeah, he eliminated him from the Rumble, by hitting him from behind.  Well, right now he is right here in his face!!!!  If he wants some . . . COME GET SOME!!!!  Punk throws a right hand, and Cena returns fire!  This leads to a huge pull-apart brawl between the 2 that has to be broken up by security.  

As the 2 men are being separated, Owen Hart and the rest of the Hart Foundation come out from behind the curtain.  Owen tells them that he wants a piece of both of them for costing him his shot at the NWA title, especially Punk who has become a thorn in his side in his short time here.  He challenges the 2 of them to team up against him and Lance Storm later tonight . . . if they can get their crap together and don’t kill each other first.  Cena grabs a mic and says that he accepts the challenge, but that he will pick someone else as his partner because he doesn’t want Punk.  Punk jerks the mic out of his hand and says that he is the one that will be accepting the challenge, but without Cena as his partner.  Cena tries to take the mic from Punk again, but Punk cheap shots him and they start fighting again.  Both men are being restrained by security as Owen and the others are just sitting back and watching, laughing the entire time.

-- commercial break --

IN THE BACK: The Motor City Machine Guns and Gods of Gravity are in Shane McMahons office.  He says that they both want a shot at the SSW tag titles, and nothing was settled in their match 2 weeks ago.  They are finally going to settle it next week, and it is going to be in a 2 out of 3 falls match!  The winner will get the title shot against Deuce & Domino.  D & D come into the office and Domino says that it doesn’t matter who it is, they are ready to rumble with anyone.  Because when you get in the ring with them, Deuce will kick your teeth right down your throat!

Elijah Burke
weight: 230 lbs
hometown: Jacksonville, FL
music: Living in America by James Brown
finisher: Elijah Express


‘Stampede Bulldog’ Harry Smith
weight: 260 lbs
hometown: Calgary, Alberta Canada
music: Hart Foundation theme
finisher: Bulldog Bite, Running Powerslam

This match goes back and forth.  Elijah controls the early goings, but Harry gets the better of him and takes control with power moves.  He works over Elijah’s neck, setting him up for the Bulldog Clutch.  He hits a stalling vertical suplex and then goes for the running powerslam, but Elijah slips off and hits the ‘Elijah Experiance’ (X-factor).  Elijah can’t make the pin, but when both men get up he is a house of fire.  Elijah hits a flying forearm off the ropes and a slingshot elbow drop in the corner, getting 2 counts with both moves.  Elijah hits a huge uppercut for a close 2, but then pulls the knee pads down and sets Harry up for the Elijah Express.  However, as he charges, Harry moves out of the way at the last second and Elijah crashes knee-first into the buckle.  Harry immediately takes advantage, hooking Elijah in the Bulldog Bite (heel hook).  Burke is nowhere near the ropes, and he has to tap out!

Here is your winner . . . the ‘Stampede Bulldog’ Harry Smith!

After the match, Teddy Hart joins Harry in stomping Elijah to the mat, but out comes D-Lo Brown to make the save.  D-Lo clears the ring as we go to break.

-- commercial break --

IN THE BACK: Brent Albright cuts a promo on Owen Hart.  Just because Cena and Punk are on his ass, he doesn’t need to forget about the Shooter.  Lance Storm steps into the interview set and cuts a promo on Albright, telling him he had his shot last week and couldn’t get the job done.  He didn’t make him tap out, and therefore he doesn’t get the shot at Owen.  Albright says that he is in his locker room, so he can either get out or tap out right now.  Anytime Storm wants to test himself against the very best, all he has to do is sign on the dotted line against the Shooter.  Storm says that he doesn’t have to test himself because he is from Calgary . . . Alberta, Canada!

Kyo Dai (Yoshihiro Tajiri & Jimmy Yang)
Weight: 420 lbs
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Music: Generic Oriental Music
Finisher: Brainbuster & Yang Time

The James Boys (K.C. James & Cassidy James)
Weight 445 lbs
Hometown: Memphis, Tennessee
Music: ‘Hog Wild’ by Hank Williams Jr
Finisher: Sureshot (sandwich double dropkick)

Yang and Tajiri attack the James Boys before the bell rings, displaying a very nasty and vicious side.  Joe and Mike say that these two should get some serious consideration for tag title shots as well.  KC James is tossed outside, and Tajiri and Yang hit a double team series of buzzsaw kicks to Cassidy..  He can’t even defend himself.  Yang grabs him and hits a brainbuster, then locks on the Coji Clutch.  Before Cassidy can tap, KC comes in and breaks it up, but Tajiri tosses him into the ropes and locks on the T-Rantula.  He lets go and goes to the top rope, while Yang grabs Cassidy and hits a backstabber.  He holds onto him and has him laid across his knees, and Tajiri comes off the top rope with a double stomp.  Yang makes the academic pinfall afterwards

Here are your winners . . . the Kyo Dai!

-- commercial break --

IN THE BACK: Owen cuts a promo and introduces the new manager of the Hart Foundation . . . JIMMY HART!  Jimmy comes in and starts blaring away on the megaphone, and Owen says that Cena and Punk played right into their hands.  Those two hate each other and won’t be able to get along, and they are going to finish them tonight!

‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson
Weight: 185 lbs
Hometown: Aberdeen, Washington
Music: ‘The Final Countdown’ by Europe
Finisher: Cattle Mutilation


Alex Shelley (w/ Chris Sabin)
Weight: 205 lbs
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
Music: ‘6 Barrell Shotgun’ by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Finisher: Shell-shock . . . Border City Stretch

These two put on a chain wrestling clinic to start out the match.  Dragon hammers Shelley with stiff forearms and chops, but Shelley takes them and fires right back with some of his own.  Dragon works over the arm of Shelley, but Shelley moves out of the way of a diving headbutt and buys himself some time.  Shelley goes on the offensive, nearly getting the pin on Dragon several times after hitting a 2K1 Bomb (cross legged brainbuster).  Shelley locks in the Border City Stretch, but Dragon escapes to the ropes.  While the action is going on in the ring, Brian Kendrick and Paul London come out to ringside and start jawing with Sabin.  The three of them get into it, and Shelley becomes distracted by the rukus outside.  Dragon sneaks up behind him and hits a Regal-Plex for the 3 count

Your winner . . . ‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson

After getting over the initial shock of getting pinned, Shelley turns his attention to what is going on outside.  He hits a springboard plancha to the outside, taking out both GOG members, and the fight is on.  Sabin and Shelley brawl all the way to the back with London & Kendrick.

-- commercial break --

In the back, we see Idol talking to Beth Phoenix.  He tells her not to worry about anything, that Mickie James is gone from SSW and so is Roderick Strong.  Now they can move on to more important matters, like him winning the SSW title.

Mike – ‘Well fans, it is time for our main event!  Will John Cena and CM Punk be able to co-exist in this one?’

Joe – ‘I don’t know Mike.  They both hate the Hart Foundation, but I don’t know if even that common purpose is enough to keep these guys on the same page.  Boy, Punk sure hasn’t made any friends since he came to SSW.’

Mike – ‘Well, he eliminated both John Cena and Owen Hart from the Rumble match this past weekend which didn’t help.  But the way he walks around with this chip on his shoulder has everyone in SSW wanting to knock it off.’

John Cena & CM Punk
Weight: 480 lbs
Hometown: West Newbury, MA/ Chicago, IL
Music: ‘Basic Thug-a-nomics’ by John Cena/ ‘Miseria Cantere: The Beginning’ by AFI
Finisher: F-U/ Anaconda Vice


The Hart Foundation (Owen Hart & Lance Storm)
Weight: 455 lbs
Hometown: Calgary, Alberta Canada
Music: Hart Foundation theme
Finisher: Canadian Maple Leaf/ Sharpshooter

Owen and Lance come out together, with Lance waving the Canadian flag.  Cena and Punk make their way out separately, but stand nose to nose in the isle.  Suddenly, Punk and Cena turn and rush the ring, taking the fight to the Harts.  

Mike – ‘Punk and Cena are really taking it to them.  Looks like they might have found some way to be on the same page after all!!!!’

However, after they clear the ring Punk and Cena get into an argument about who is going to start the match first.  They start shoving again, and fists are thrown.  Now a fight has broken out between the tag team partners!!!!  Owen and Storm watch it happen, then they break it up by jumping both Cena and Punk.  They toss Cena into the ring and start working him over, while Punk throws up his hands and walks out on his partner!!!!  Punk walks up the ramp and turns to watch what is going on from the curtain, while Owen continues to taunt him.  

Mike – ‘Aw, COME ON!!!!  Punk is walking out on his partner!!!!  Come on, Punk.  GET BACK IN THERE!’

Joe – ‘I had a feeling Mike.  I had a feeling that these two would not be able to get along, even though they both hate the Hart Foundation.’

After watching for a few moments, Punk suddenly heads back to the ring!!!!  He hits the ring and nails both Owen and Storm, then drags a prone Cena over to their corner and tags himself in.  Punk hits the ring and is a house of fire, tossing Owen and Storm into opposite corners and hitting the running knee of doom right to the face of Owen.  Then another to Storm followed by a bulldog!  He goes outside and hits the springboard clothesline on Owen.  Punk is ruling the ring, but Storm clips his knee from behind.  He goes outside and grabs the flagpole with the Canadian flag on it.  However, out of the back comes Brent Albright!!!!  Storm takes a swing at Albright, but he dodges and grabs Storm in the crowbar!  Storm is tapping out on the floor!  Meanwhile, in the ring, Cena is back up and trades rights with Owen.  He ducks a shot from Owen and hits the Killswitch (spinning back suplex to urinage).  He gets in Owen’s face . . . YOU CAN’T SEE ME!!!!  5 knuckle shuffle connects, and then Cena starts pumping up his shoes.  Owen is up, and Cena scoops him up and plants him with the F-U!!!!  However, before Cena can cover, Punk grabs him and tosses him outside, then pins Owen for the 3 count!

Here are your winners . . . CM Punk and John Cena!!!!  

After the match, Cena and Punk get in each others face and there is some jawing going on.  Cena shoves Punk, and Punk slaps Cena!  Cena tackles Punk and nails him with fists to the face, pretty much beating the hell out of him.  Owen sneaks back inside and lays out Cena with a shot from the Genesis title, then locks him in the Sharpshooter!  The show goes off the air with Cena trapped in the sharpshooter and screaming in pain.  

Mike – ‘Fans, we’re out of time!!!!  We’ll see you next week for Gods of Gravity vs. The Machine Guns!!!!’
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