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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #116 - 'Night of the Shooting Stars'

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #116 - 'Night of the Shooting Stars' Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #116 - 'Night of the Shooting Stars'   Shooting Stars Wrestling #116 - 'Night of the Shooting Stars' EmptyThu Jun 25, 2020 2:30 pm

Live . . . from the Quicken Loans Center in Cleveland, Ohio . . . this is . . .

Shooting Stars Wrestling #116 - 'Night of the Shooting Stars' SSWlogo


The screen goes black and we hear the fans chanting ‘S-S-W!  S-S-W!’  

The opening montage starts us off as ‘INSIDE THE FIRE’ by Disturbed hits.  The camera comes up on the crowd pumping their fists and chanting, and the strobe lights go off on the ramp.  The camera scans the crowd, focusing in on several signs in the audience.  We go to ringside with Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan, who put over that, in the last 7 days, the entire landscape of SSW has changed forever!  Tonight, a new era in SSW has begun, and tonight’s show has been devoted to the new stars that will take SSW into the future!  

‘BREAK THE WALLS DOOOOOOWN!’ and out comes Chris Jericho!  Mike and Joe say that Jericho is not scheduled for a match tonight, but that has never stopped him before.  

Jericho comes out and takes the mic, then proceeds to cut a promo about the supposed ‘new frontier’ in SSW.  The more things change, the more they stay the same and the fact remains that no matter how many people the SSW management bring in here, Chris Jericho is still the face of this company!  He is the No. 1 contender for the UWF world heavyweight title, and he is tired of being vilified and passed over by these hypocrites that come out here and pander to these gelatinous tape worms in the crowd just for a cheap pop.  He is the best in the world at what he does!!!!  GM or no GM, SSW management needs to step up to the plate and do their job, and that job is to make sure Chris Jericho gets his world title match!!!!


Shooting Stars Wrestling #116 - 'Night of the Shooting Stars' Brock_lesnar  

Out comes the UFC Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World . . . BROCK LESNAR!!!!  Jericho looks like he has seen a ghost as Lesnar comes out and gets in the ring.  Lesnar says that he’s back!  And Jericho is not the only one that wants a shot at the UWF World title!  Jericho does not back down, and he tells Brock never to interrupt him again.  Jericho competes in a man’s sport, not scripted for TV drama like UFC.  If he steps in the ring with Jericho, he will get hurt.  Brock wants to find out . . . RHINO!!!!  Brock turns around and gets cut in half by a GORE!  GORE!  GORE!!!!  RHINO IS HERE!!!!  Jericho gets down in Lesnar’s face and is laughing . . . GORE!  GORE!  GORE TO JERICHO!!!!  

Shooting Stars Wrestling #116 - 'Night of the Shooting Stars' Rhino

Rhino climbs the ropes and stands tall . . . BUT LESNAR IS BACK UP!!!!  RHINO AND LESNAR BRAWL ALL OVER THE RINGSIDE AREA!!!!  Security and backstage personnel pour out of the locker room and try to get the situation under control as we go to break!

Commercial Break

Match 1: Women’s singles match


The crowd pops pretty good for Melina’s return, and Mike and Joe put over that Melina was the very first United States Women’s champion, the title that Trish now holds.  Both ladies put on a good match here.  Melina dodges a charge by Rain with the Matrix move, then rocks her with a super kick.  Rain fights back, catching Melina with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and then hits the Acid Rain for a close 2.  Rain goes for the Backstabber, but Melina grabs the ropes and blocks the move, causing Rain to crash to the mat and hit the back of her head.  SUNSET SPLIT (Inverted leg drop bulldog) by Melina!!!!  Rain kicks out, then dodges a double knee charge in the corner by Melina!  Rain tries for a codebreaker, but Melina avoids it and hits a sick looking snapmare driver!  Melina ties up Rain . . . CURB STOMP!!!!  1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!!!  

Shooting Stars Wrestling #116 - 'Night of the Shooting Stars' Melina-wwe-1

Melina takes the mic after the match and cuts a promo about being the longest reigning Women’s champion in wrestling history!  She is back, and she is setting her sights on Trish.  THE HOTTIES!!!!  LOVE and Candice Michelle come out, and they quickly make their intentions known.  The whole world knows about the famous ‘Hottie Search’ that is going on around the globe, and they are here tonight for Melina!  They want her to be the newest ‘Hottie’.  Melina seems unsure, and LOVE tells her to think about it and they want her answer next week.

IN THE BACK: Josh is with the ‘Rare Breed’ Alex Riley.  They are calling this the ‘Night of the Shooting Stars’, but Alex Riley is THE shooting star around here. And he doesn’t even have a match tonight????  He is beginning to see what Chris Jericho is talking about regarding SSW management.  He has a saying: if you are gonna ride in the Kentucky Derby, you don’t leave your prized race horse in the stables!  He is going out to the ring, and he does not care who it is.  He wants someone . . . anyone . . . to meet him out there!

Commercial Break

PROMO: We see highlights of some of the best high flying action anywhere in the UWF.  Beginning in 2 weeks, the top Junior Heavyweights from around the UWF will converge on SSW for the 6th annual ‘Best of the Super Juniors’ tournament!!!!  Featuring AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio, Dean Malenko, and more!!!!    

Alex Riley is already in the ring as we come back in the arena, awaiting his opponent.  KOFI KINGSTON!!!!  SOS by Collie Budz hits and the fans pop as out comes Kofi to accept the challenge!  

Match 2: Singles Match

Alex Riley
Kofi Kingston

Riley backs Kofi in the corner and takes over, but Kofi fires back with some forearms and then a couple of dropkicks.  Kofi misses a charge in the corner, allowing Riley to plant him with a gourdbuster.  Riley gets on top and pounds away at Kofi, but Kofi kicks him away.  Kofi tries to hit the ropes but Riley grabs a handful of hair and slams Kofi to the mat.  Riley tries to take the padding off the top turnbuckle but the ref stops him.  He goes after Kofi, who fires back with a quick SOS for a 2 count.  Kofi on the offensive now, hitting a flying body press off the top rope.  BOOM BOOM LEG DROP!!!!  Kofi is bringing the thunder now, but Riley dodges the Trouble in Paradise and Kofi kicks the unprotected turnbuckle instead!!!!  Kofi is in trouble and Riley stomps on the ankle, then locks in a half crab, putting pressure on the ankle!  Kofi has no choice but to tap out!    

Riley celebrates his win while the officials check on the ankle of Kofi.

IN THE BACK: Josh gets a word with Wade Barrett, who talks about how he is now out of the shadow of Nigel McGuiness.  He used Nigel to get his foot in the door, but Nigel expected him to follow him around like a lap dog looking from scraps from the dinner table.  That is not what Wade Barrett is about.  He is 6’6” and 275 lbs.  He was the top bare-knuckle fighter in all of England, and that is a reason to fear him.  With these hands he puts people in the hospital.  He is a former SSW TV champion, but now he is setting his sights for the top, and that means Ted Dibiase Jr. and the SSW Genesis title.  

Commercial Break

Shooting Stars Wrestling #116 - 'Night of the Shooting Stars' ScottHall006

As we come back on the air, we see Scott Hall making his way through the crowd with a beer in his hand.  Hall makes his way to the front row and takes a seat, checking out all the action.  During the next match, the camera focuses on Hall several times to catch his reaction on the matches.

Match 3: Triple Threat Match

Ryu Steamboat
Roderick Strong
Frankie Kazarian

Richie Steamboat Jr. makes his return to SSW under the name Ryu (Japanese for ‘Dragon’) wearing an elaborate set of ceremonial Samurai armor.  He comes out to the ring and slowly disrobes, soaking it all in.  Kazarian and Strong just watch, then attack him and send him outside when the bell rings.  The action goes back and forth in this one, with Strong and Kazarian battling it out and then Steamboat coming in and trying to steal the win from the other 2.  Despite his heelish tactics Steamboat shows some pretty good moves.  He goes for the top rope bodypress, but Kazarian cuts him off . . . FLUX CAPACITOR FROM THE TOP!!!!  Kaz goes for the win, but Strong is there to break it up.  Half nelson backbreaker to Kaz and then Strong goes for the Strong Hold but Kaz rolls him up for a quick 2.  Kaz goes for the slingshot DDT, but Strong catches him in mid air and hits the double knee gutbuster . . . SICK KICK TAKES KAZ OUT!!!!  Steamboat is back in . . . SUPER KICK TO STRONG!  Steamboat covers Kaz and gets the 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!!!  

REALIST KILLAZ!!!!  Project 187’s music hits and they come out to the ring.  Steamboat immediately leaves the ring, not wanting any part of them.  Strong and Kaz both get tossed outside and Taz has the mic.  Taz says that they got benched because SSW wants to spread their legs like some whore for all these new people to come in.  Project 187 are not ‘shooting stars’, they are the miserable workhorses of this company that bust their ass in the gym and then walk in an arena and take people out.  They don’t care how many people they want to draft, that just means that there are more people for them to beat up.  They are the baddest 3 men put together anywhere in the UWF, and if they don’t believe them then step up and either get choked out like CM Punk, or get your neck broken like Justin Gabriel.  Because they are Project 187 . . . BEAT THEM IF YOU CAN . . . SURVIVE IF THEY LET YOU!      

Commercial Break

Before the next match, ‘LINE IN THE SAND’ by Motorhead hits and out come the SSW tag team champions Cody Rhodes and Joe Hennig, the Fortunate Sons.  Cody takes the mic and says that there has been a lot of talk about the tag team scene in SSW lately, and that talk has been about them.  The American Wolves are gone because of them.  Now they hear about some new teams that want to come in and give it a shot, but the Fortunate Sons own SSW.  Out come Bo & Duke Rotunda.  They talk about how they are 3rd generation starts just like them.  Cody says that all you have to do is take a look at them and you will know that the Rotundas are nothing like them.  Duke says don’t let their appearance fool them, because they are army tanks with Ferrari engines.  Cody says that they are going to watch from ringside and find out if that is true.

Match 4: Tag Team Match

The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)
The Rotundas (Bo & Duke)

This match is crazy from the start, with the Guns using their speed to control the early going.  Duke manages to catch Sabin in the corner with an avalanche splash, swinging the momentum back in the favor of the Rotundas.  The Rotundas work Sabin over in a very old school styles, but Sabin slips out and hits a super kick on Bo and then gets the hot tag to Shelley.  All four men are going at it and the ref is rapidly losing control in this one.  The Fortunate Sons leave their seats and get involved when the Guns and Rotundas brawl over to near where they are sitting.  Hennig is knocked to the ground, and the Sons quickly attack both teams and we have a huge brawl!  The ref tries to restore order, and in the melee Cody manages to get a cheap shot in on Shelly and slam him head-first into the ring post.  Shelley gets rolled back in, where Bo nearly takes his head off with a running big boot!  RUNNING BACK SENTON BY DUKE . . .  1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!!!  Sabin tries to make the save but can’t and the Rotundas get the win!!!!      

Commercial Break

Back from break, Joe Rogan leaves the announce booth and goes over to where Scott Hall is sitting ringside.  Last time anyone saw him, he worked for another company.  What is he doing in SSW????  Hall says that he was invited, and that he scored these sweet seats from an old buddy.  Hall takes the mic and says that it is time for his little survey.  He starts to take the survey when . . .

Shooting Stars Wrestling #116 - 'Night of the Shooting Stars' ScottHall006

‘THIS FIRE BURNS’ by Killswitch Engage hits and out comes CM PUNK!!!!  

Shooting Stars Wrestling #116 - 'Night of the Shooting Stars' Punk

Punk comes over and takes the mic from Rogan and gets right in Halls face.  Hall backs away, holding up his ticket stubs like they are a shield.  Punk blames Hall for costing him the match last week, then criticizes his lifestyle.  Hall gets obnoxious and tries to goad Punk into hitting him, but Rogan backs Punk off, saying he is not worth it and he is not part of the SSW roster.  Punk backs off and says that he is not going to waste time on Hall, then says ‘The hell I’m not!’ and he goes back after him again!  There is some shoving going on, and Hall flicks the toothpick in Punk’s face!!!!  Punk slaps Hall across the face, knocking him back into some fans!!!!  Security is there and they try to separate the two, and there is a HUGE pull apart with Punk trying to fight through security to get to Hall, but security tries to drag Hall away and he tosses his beer in Punks face . . . AGAIN!!!!  PUNK IS PISSED!!!!  He really tries to get at Hall now, but he can’t as security escorts him out of the building.  

Commercial Break

Back from break, Punk is still in the ring.  Punk says that he does not know who invited Hall these last 2 weeks, but next week Punk is the one that is inviting him!!!!  

Main Event: Singles Match

Brock Lesnar

Brock comes out and makes his entrance, but when he jumps onto the ring apron from the floor Rhino attacks, giving him a shoulder block through the ropes that knocks him outside!  Rhino continues his attack, slamming Brock into the announce table and they fight all over ringside.  THE BELL HAS NOT EVEN RANG YET!!!!  Brock gets whipped into the railing, but then he back drops Rhino into the crowd!!!!  Lesnar grabs a chair and blasts Rhino with it!!!!  Vertical suplex by Lesnar on the concrete floor!!!!  Lesnar plays to the crowd, who are chanting his name, but this gives Rhino the chance to throw a soda in his face!  Brock is blinded . . . AND RHINO GORES HIM THROUGH THE SECURITY RAILING!!!!  Rhino tosses Brock back in, but only gets a 2 count as the bell officially rings!  Rhino goes outside and brings in a table, setting it up outside.  He gives up on that and slides in, crouching for the GORE again but this time Brock nearly takes his head off with a clothesline!  ck cuts him off this time with a stiff clothesline!  Brock picks him up in a power bomb . . . POWER BOMBS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE THROUGH A TABLE ON THE FLOOR!!!!  Brock follows him out, but Rhino recovers quickly and they fight again.  LOW BLOW BY RHINO . . . GORE!  GORE!  GORE!!!!  Rhino drives Brock through the table that he set up earlier!!!!  Both men are down and the ref puts a count on them, and Rhino rolls in at 6.  It looks like Brock is going to be counted out, but somehow he manages to roll in at 9 and beat it.  Rhino is pissed!  He brings a chair in the ring and lays it on the mat, then goes out and gets another.  He stacks up 3 chairs and is going to piledrive Brock on them!  Brock fights out, but Rhino hits a belly to belly suplex onto the chair!!!!  1 . . . 2 . . . NOOOO!  Rhino crouches and goes for another GORE . . . BROCK SCOOPS HIM UP ON HIS SHOUDLERS AS HE CHARGES IN!!!!  F-5!!!!  Brock is down and cannot make the cover, and both men start to get up again.  Brock scoops Rhino up again . . . F-5 ONTO THE STACK ON CHAIRS!!!!  Brock hooks the leg . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!!!      

Brock has his hand raised, but he gets nailed from behind with a chairshot from . . . CHRIS JERICHO!!!! Jericho is screaming at Brock that no one embarrasses him as he puts the boots to him . . . THEN HE LCOKS IN THE WALLS OF JERICHO!!!!  Jericho cranks away . . . BUT BROCK PLANTS HIS HANDS ON THE MAT AND POWERS OUT, SENDING JERICHO FLYING ACROSS THE RING!!!!  Jericho freaks and quickly escapes while Brock stares him down as the show ends.
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