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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions'

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions' Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions'   Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions' EmptyTue Jun 30, 2020 2:39 pm

Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions' SSWlogo
.... STARS ....
.... WRESTLING!!!! ....

The screen goes blank and we hear the crowd chanting 'S-S-W! S-S-W! S-S-W!'. ''THE NEW SHIT' by Marilyn Manson hits and the SSW highlight intro plays. The music keeps playing as the camera comes up on the live crowd, pumping their fists and chanting along .... Strobe lights go off all through the arena ....

We go ringside with Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan, who talk about the fallout from Wrestlemania 5 .... Tully Blanchard is STILL the UWF world champion, however it was in very controversial fashion .... Punk has not spoken since the event, but tonight he will break his silence .... Tonight John Morrison will face Bryan Danielson .... After what happened on the last SSW show, the Miz will face Sami Callihan ....

'UNSETTLING DIFFERENCES' by Blue Smock Nancy hits and out comes the SSW tag team champions Kevin Steen and Super Dragon .... Appetite 4 Destruction! Steen has a mic and says they didn't come here tonight to wrestle .... As of today, their contracts with this company have expired and they just came by to tell everyone to kiss the  their ass!

This brings out SSW General Manager John Lauranitis .... He says Steen is wrong .... Their contracts are technically not up until this show ends, which means he has them for the next 2 hours!  Steen says it doesn't matter .... While Steen and Dragon are distracted, out of the crowd comes Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reiley and they attack A4D from behind!!!!  HUGE brawl ensues!  Steen and Dragon escape and start walking toward the locker room .... Cole takes the mic and calls them out, saying that he and O'Reiley are the ones that keep getting screwed over time and time again .... A4D has something that belongs to them, and they want it back!  Lauranitis says A4D are going to defend the belts against Cole & O'Reiley RIGHT NOW!

Match 1: for the SSW tag team titles
(Champions) Appetite 4 Destruction (Kevin Steen & Super Dragon)
Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reiley

Cole & O'Reiley wipe A4D out with dives to the outside .... From there they pretty much control the match and they work Dragon over .... Steen hits a knee to the back from the apron on Cole, and that allows Dragon and Steen to double team him .... Cole fights back and scores with a huge flying body press off the top to Steen .... Hot tag to O'Reiley, who cleans house with kicks and strikes .... Cole & O'Reiley regain the advantage, and they hit the 'Ride the Lightning' (Total Elimination) on Steen!  They set Dragon up for their 'Chasing the Dragon' (super kick + brainbuster) finisher but Steen breaks it up .... Steen and Dragon take a powder and walk out, and Cole and O'Reiley try to chase them down but both teams are counted out brawling outside the ring!!!!  A4D retains the titles!

The fight continues after the match is over, and A4D take out Cole & O'Reiley .... Steen lays O'Reiley on a table, then power bombs Cole onto O'Reiley .... BOTH MEN ARE DRIVEN THROUGH THE TABLE!  Steen and Dragon grab the belts and high tail it through the crowd, but when they get to the parking deck they find Lauranitis waiting along with the Briscoes and Benoit & Malenko .... Lauranitis says their contracts don't run out until the end of the show, so they aren't done competing tonight .... They are going to be in the main event .... They just witnessed a brutal TLC match at Wrestlemania, so tonight they are going to have a 4 way TLC match in the main event ....


PROMO - we get a promo for SSW's 200th show .... Coming up in 4 weeks ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions' John_Morrison -vs- Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions' Bryan_Danielson

Match 2: singles match
John Morrison
'American Dragon' Bryan Danielson

Match of the night right here .... This one is a clash of styles as its Danielsons mat-based, mma style vs Morrisons high flying parkour style .... Morrison tries to fly around early on, but Danielson grounds him and works the arm .... Morrison scores with an enziguri and Danielson is sent outside .... Morrison hits a shooting star press to the outside on Danielson, but Danielson comes back with a running high knee off the apron!  Danielson then hits a suicide dive!  Back inside, Danielson goes for a top rope back duplex but Morrison reverses it in mid-air and lands on top of Danielson!!!!  Morrison goes for the Moonlight Drive but Danielson reverses it into the 'YES' Lock!!!!  Morrison is in trouble but he won't tap!  He struggles .... AND MAKES THE ROPES!!!!  Morrison pulls himself up using the ropes, and Danielson charges and nails a running forearm in the corner!  Morrison drops to his knees and Danielson lays in the hard kicks to his chest .... Roundhouse misses and Morrison gets a school boy .... But Danielson rolls right through to his knees .... AND GETS NAILED WITH A RUNNING KNEE STRIKE FROM MORRISON!  Morrison goes for the Starship Pain, but Danielson moves!  Morrison lands on his feet and dodges Danielson as he charges .... FLYING CHUCK NAILS DANIELSON!!!!  Morrison to the corner .... Starship Pain!!!!  1 .... 2 .... 3!!!!  

Morrison gets the big win, and both men shake hands afterwards ....


'CULT OF PERSONALITY' by Living Colour hits and the roof nearly lifts off as out comes CM PUNK!  The fans are chanting 'REAL WORLD CHAMP!' and 'BEST IN THE WORLD!'

Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions' Punk_zps62444eae

Punk - 'You know, I've had about a week to think about things .... To think about Wrestlemania and what was supposed to be the 'biggest match in UWF history' .... A year in the making .... A match that changed absolutely NOTHING!  The fact that Tully Blanchard still has that big gold belt didn't change .... AND NEITHER DID THE FACT THAT I'M STILL THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!!!  Now, I've heard all these promoters over the last week, and they have been all over Tully Blanchards jock like he did something great at Wrestlemania .... Apparently they watched some other Wrestlemania main event, because in this years I totally dominated 'Your Champion' .... You see, the UWF 'Powers that Be' will tell you everything that you want to hear, but I'll tell you the truth even if its what you DON'T want to hear!  The only thing that Tully Blanchard proved was that he knows how to hit a guy in the balls .... Yeah he's still got the belt, and he's got all these UWF promoters hanging on his nutsack .... But when Tully Blanchard wakes up tomorrow he will still be the same old stale, boring ass douche bag that he was today and that he's been for the last 2 years .... But when I wake up tomorrow, I'll still be the 'Best in the World' .... I'll be the guy you couldn't beat straight up at Wrestlemania .... So I guess what I'm trying to say is this: Wrestlemania may be over, but if you think this issue between us is over you're dead wrong .... It's only just begun ....

IN THE BACK - Lauranitis approaches Steen .... He talks about how Steen has chosen not to re-sign with SSW and that's his right .... But there is something that he needs to know .... Steen says nothing will stop him from leaving with the SSW tag belts .... Lauranitis says 'this will' .... The footage on the monitor is of Super Dragon appearing on NWA television .... Steen just stares at the screen ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions' Miz -vs- Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions' Sami_Callihan

Match 3: Singles Match
The Miz
'The New Horror' Sami Callihan w/ Corey Graves

This match stems from what happened on the last SSW show, with Sami Callihan getting involved in the Corey Graves - Miz match and costing him the win .... This week Graves comes out with Callihan and the announcers speculate as to what their relationship is .... Miz controls the match early on, but Callihan's unorthodox offense allows him to come back .... Callihan nails a sliding lariat, but Miz gets out of the headlock driver .... Graves tries to get involved but Miz knocks him down with a right hand .... Callihan thinks Miz is distracted and he charges in but Miz avoids it and then nails the Skull Krushing Finale for the 3 count!  

Graves acts like he's gonna slide in the ring and cheap shot the Miz, but Miz catches him trying to sneak up on him .... Miz dares him to come into the ring, but Graves backs off and walks away ....


Back to live action, John Lauranitis is in the ring .... He mentions that the scheduled SSW title match between Seth Rollins and Jeff Hardy will not take place because Jeff Hardy walked out on SSW .... Instead of talking about Jeff Hardy, he is going to name someone else to challenge Seth Rollins ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions' Tyler_Black

This brings out Rollins, who cuts a promo on how all he's heard is how he is a transitional champion and doesn't deserve the title .... Then he has a chance to prove it and Jeff Hardy leaves the company .... He doesn't want to wait until next week, he wants to prove that he deserves the title and he wants to prove it tonight .... Rollins is cut off as out comes .... SAMOA JOE!!!!  

Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions' SamoaJoe-2

Joe hits the ring and gets in the face of Rollins .... Lauranitis tries to get between them, but Joe says something to Rollins and Rollins punches him in the jaw!  The fight is on!!!!  The action spills outside and Rollins gets the advantage, but Joe tosses him right into the steps!  The fans are chanting 'oooooole .... Ole ... Ole ... Ole!' as Joe hits the ole kick on the outside!  He tosses Rollins back in the ring and sets him up top .... MUSCLE BUSTER!!!!  Lauranitis finally gets security to the ring, and they escort Joe away from the ring!  Lauranitis has the mic and says that Joe is not the man that Lauranitis picked to face Rollins tonight .... It's this man ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions' Randy_Orton

.... RANDY ORTON!!!!  Orton comes out to a HUGE pop!  Rollins will have to face Orton for the SSW title .... RIGHT NOW!!!!

Match 4: for the SSW Genesis title
(Champion) Seth Rollins
Randy Orton

Rollins is in bad shape and Orton just stares down at him .... His eyes glaze over and then he drops to his belly next to Rollins and starts pounding the mat!  Rollins slowly tries to pull himself to his feet .... RKO BY ORTON!!!! 1 .... 2 .... 3!!!!  Randy Orton has just won the SSW title!!!!

At this point the crowd is stunned as to what we have just seen .... Orton makes his debut with SSW as Lauranitis' hand-picked opponent for Seth Rollins, and he wins the title in less than 30 seconds!!!!  But why did Lauranitis make Rollins compete?  Especially after being attacked by Samoa Joe????

Orton holds up the title in victory as we go to break ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions' Untitled13


PROMO - we see highlights of the controversial finish in the TV title match last week .... It is announced that, in order to settle this feud between Sheamus and Kurt Angle, SSW will be bringing back a match it has had only one time in its history .... 3 STAGES OF HELL!!!!  The only other time was 4 years ago when CM Punk and John Cena went to battle, creating the biggest moment in SSW history when Cena gave Punk an F-U off the top of the cage through a table .... Now this match will settle the score once and for all between Sheamus and Angle ....

Main Event: TLC match for the SSW tag team titles
(Champions)Appetite 4 Destruction (Kevin Steen & Super Dragon)
Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko
The Briscoes (Jay & Mark)
Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reiley

The Briscoes and Benoit & Malenko attack Steen and Dragon to start the match .... Meanwhile, Cole and O'Reiley go outside and grab a ladder and are going to climb up and get the belts while no one is looking .... Cole climbs while O'Reiley tries to hold anyone off, but Jay Briscoe and Malenko manage to stop them .... Steen and Dragon grab chairs and take out Mark and Benoit, then they slide in the ring and take out everyone else .... The coast looks clear and Steen tells Dragon to climb up and get the belts .... Dragon starts to climb, BUT STEEN NAILS HIM IN THE BACK WITH THE CHAIR!!!!  What the hell????  Steen picks Dragon up .... PACKAGE PILEDRIVER!!!!  Steen has taken out his own partner!!!!  Dragon signed with NWA without Steen and left him high and dry, and now Steen has gotten his revenge!!!!  Steen is not done, and he is going to try to climb the ladder and pull the belts down by himself!  

Benoit is up and climbs the other side of the ladder and slugs it out with Steen .... Jay is up and shoves the ladder over and sends both men outside!  Jay and Mark bring the tables into the ring and bridge a table between 2 ladders .... Cole & O'Reiley are back up and take out the Briscoes .... O'Reiley tries to climb the ladder, but Malenko slams him off .... Cole tosses Malenko outside and then goes to climb the ladder, but Jay climbs up behind him and gets him on his shoulders .... Mark is on the top rope ....

The Mark climbs the ladder, but Malenko is back in and pulls him down.  The Briscoes try to double team Malenko but Benoit is in to even the odds .... Benoit sits a table on the top turnbuckle and puts Mark up there, but Mark fights out of the super-plex attempt and shoves Benoit off onto a ladder laying on the mat .... Froggy Bow misses and Mark lands on the ladder instead!!!!  Cole and O'Reiley grab Benoit and hit 'Chasing the Dragon' -O'Reiley picks Benoit up in a brain buster, then Cole super kicks Benoit while he's hanging upside down and then O'Reiley drops him in the brain buster - !!!!  Cole climbs the ladder but Steen is in and tosses O'Reiley into the ladder, knocking Cole off!  Steen is alone again and he climbs, but Jay Briscoe stops him .... F-CINQ ONTO THE LADDER BY STEEN ON JAY!!!!

Mark climbs the ladder and tries to grab the belts, but he is stopped by Malenko .... Malenko knocks the ladder out from underneath Mark, and he is swinging back and forth hanging from the cable holding the titles!!!! O'Reiley is on the top .... Missile dropkick knocks Mark free and both men crash to the mat!!!!  Steen starts to climb one of the ladders that has the table bridged on top, while Cole climbs the other one .... They battle it out on top of the table right below the title belts!!!!  Steen tries to hit a package Piledriver on the table, but Cole low blows him!  Super kick by Cole knocks Steen off the ladder and he crashes through a table below!!!!  Jay Briscoe is climbing up one of the ladders, and Cole super kicks him off and he falls to the mat!  However, Cole doesn't see Benoit climbing up the other side and he shoves Cole off the table, sending him crashing through another table below!!!!  Benoit is all alone, and he reaches up and pulls the belts down!!!!

Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions' U19

Benoit and Malenko have recaptured the SSW tag belts!!!!  The show ends with both men climbing ladders in the ring and holding the belts up for everyone to see!
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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions'   Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions' EmptyTue Jun 30, 2020 2:42 pm


UWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: (Champion) Tully Blanchard -vs- CM Punk
The buzz in the crowd is electric as the bell rings and these two circle . . . They lock up, and Punk gets a side headlock but Tully shoots him off and takes a shoulder block. Punk hits the ropes and Tully drops down but, instead of going over Tully, Punk drops down and goes right back to the headlock. Tully tries to get out with a headscissors, but Punk slips out and goes right back to the headlock again, frustrating Tully. Lots of chain wrestling from both men to start the match, and they keep their tempers in check and stick to the wrestling. Punk is able to trap Tully in the corner and he goes to work with a volley of knees to the head from the clinch position! Punk breaks at 4, and Tully responds with a hard slap to the face of Punk! Finally Punk loses control and he beats Tully senseless with strikes in the corner!!!! Punk takes Tully over with a huricanrana but holds on to the headscissors, then rains down MMA elbows on Tully's head! Slam by Punk and he goes up top, but Tully slides outside away from Punk to break the momentum. Tully is trying to catch a breather, but Punk goes for a suicide dive . . . RIGHT HAND BY TULLY CUTS PUNK OFF!!!! Punk hangs in between the ropes, and Tully climbs onto the apron . . . THEN SUPLEXES PUNK FROM INSIDE THE RING ALL THE WAY TO THE CONCRETE FLOOR!!!!

Now it's Tully's turn to go to work as he tosses Punk back in the ring and drops a couple of elbows on him. Tully locks on an abdominal stretch and works on Punk's back and ribs. Punk hip tosses his way out of it, but doing so only hurts him further. Tully tosses him into the corner but Punk gets a boot up to the face. Punk tries to go to the 2nd turnbuckle, but Tully grabs him by his foot and jerks him off the ropes, causing him to land on the back of his head. Punk holds his head, and you can see a little blood on his wrist tape. The gash on the back of his head causes by Dolph Ziggler has been opened up. Tully hits a back suplex, dropping him right on the cut and getting a 2 count. Tully goes for a hard clothesline, but Punk ducks and connects with a volley of kicks to the leg and the side of Tully. Punk connects with swinging neckbreaker out of nowhere for a two count. Punk and Tully pull themselves to their feet and are in opposite corners. Punk charges and hits his trademark running knee in the corner! BULLDOG BY PUNK! He goes up top . . . Flying Elbow misses as Tully gets his knees up into the ribs of Punk!!!! Tully hooks him . . . SLINGSHOT SUPLEX!!!! 1 . . . 2 . . . Noooooo! Punk kicks out!!!! He kicked out of the Slingshot Suplex! Tully immediately locks on a modified triangle choke, the same move he used to beat Punk in their only other match almost a year ago! Punk fades, and the ref checks his arm . . . . once . . . . twice . . . . Nooooooo! Punk gets his arm up on the 3rd try!!!! Punk somehow finds the strength to power Tully up into a powerbomb position . . . AND POWERBOMBS HIM INTO THE CORNER TO BREAK THE HOLD!!!!

Both men are down, but the fans are all up on their feet. Both warriors rise to their knees, and they are face to face and start slugging it out. They rise to their feet, still trading rights! Tully misses a clothesline, and Punk kicks him in the gut . . . WELCOME TO CHICAGO (butterfly backbreaker)! Punk goes up top . . . TOP ROPE ELBOW CONNECTS THIS TIME!!!! 1 . . . 2 . . . Nooooo! Tully kicks out!!!! Punk goes right into the Anaconda Vice!!!! Tully kicks his legs desperately . . . AND HE INADVERTENTLY KICKS THE REF RIGHT BETWEEN THE LEGS!!!! Punk looks around and sees what has happened, and he lets go of the hold. Tully looks like he was about ready to tap out! Punk checks on the ref, but out of the back comes DOLPH ZIGGLER!!!! Ziggler hits the ring . . . ZIG ZAG TO PUNK!!!! Tully sees this and immediately crawls over and hooks Punk's leg! 1 . . . 2 . . . Noooooo! PUNK SURVIVES!!!! The fans are chanting 'YOU CAN'T BEAT HIM' at Tully. The ref is still holding his groin, and this time Tully picks Punk up for a piledriver but Punk reverses it and takes out both his legs . . . SLINGSHOT INTO THE TURNBUCKLE! Punk charges, but Tully dodges and Punk hits the ring post shoulder-first. Tully locks on the Payne Killer now!!!! Punk looks trapped, but he courageously fights his way to the ropes to finally break the hold. Tully goes after the arm, but Punk comes back with the springboard clothesline from the apron! Punk tries to scoop Tully on his shoulders again for the GTS, but his shoulder is damaged and he swings Tully around, accidentally hitting the ref with Tully's own legs! Tully slips off the back and nails a single-arm DDT on Punk! Ziggler is back in the ring, and he and Tully are going to give Punk a spike piledriver when out of the back comes COLT CABANA!!!! Cabana hits the ring and takes out both men! Ziggler is clotheslined over the top to the floor, then Colt sets Tully up for the Colt 45 . . . BUT PUNK STOPS HIM!!!! Punk looks at his friend and says that he has to do this on his own!!!! Colt nods and slides out, picking up the ref and tossing him back in the ring again!

Now its just Punk and Tully and they meet in the middle of the ring exchanging a furious barrage of right hands . . . . Punk grabs him . . . PEPSI TWIST! TULLY NO SELLS IT!!!! He charges . . . BUT RUNS INTO A BIG ROUNDHOUSE FROM PUNK!!!! TULLY NO SELLS AGAIN AND NEARLY TAKES PUNKS HEAD OFF WITH A CLOTHESLINE!!!! Tully picks Punk up and hits a piledriver! He has the cover, but the ref is still down! A look of desperation shows on Tully's face, and he reaches in his tights and pulls out something . . . IT'S BRASS KNUCKLES!!!! Tully takes a swing at Punk, but Punk ducks . . . Scoops him up . . . GO TO SLEEEEEEEEP!!!!! Punk slowly crawls over and lays an arm across Tully's chest, but the ref is still groggy. He slowly crawls over and makes the count . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . Noooooooo! Tully gets his foot on the ropes at the last possible second!!!! Punk is in shock and he looks at the ref, holding up 3 fingers as if he should have counted the 3 right there. Punk turns around to pick Tully up . . . TULLY PUNCHES HIM RIGHT IN THE BALLS WITH THE BRASS KNUCKLES!!!! Punk's own body shields the ref from view of the move, and Tully hits him in the groin with the brass knuckles again!!!! Tully rolls Punk up . . . HANDFUL OF TIGHTS! 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!!!

'Your winner . . . and STILL UWF world heavyweight champion . . . Tully Blanchard!'

Tully immediately tucks the foreign object back in his tights and slides outside, clutching the UWF world title and clutching it tightly to his chest. The fans are chanting 'BULL-SHIT!' at Tully and they start throwing trash in the ring!!!! Tully is hit with a cup full of beer and immediately heads for higher ground and the safety of the locker room, while Punk is left in the middle of the ring. Finally he rises to his feet, getting a standing ovation from the Hawaii crowd . . .

Lord Blears: This is unbelievable! CM Punk got screwed out of the UWF title here tonight!

Lance Russell - I would have to agree Lord Blears. Punk dominated the world champion for a good portion of this match. But that just shows you why Tully Blanchard has been the world champion for a year now . . . he finds a way to win.

[color=cyan]Lord Blears - It's just too bad that way had to be using brass knuckles and a handful of tights. These fans here were hoping for a different result, but this Wrestlemania ends just like the last 2 have ended, with Tully Blanchard the UWF world heavyweight champion!
Well fans, we hope that all of you have enjoyed this year's Wrestlemania. From the Aloha Stadium I would like to thank everyone associated with this year's event both behind the scenes and in front of the camera. Without the help of countless individuals this show would have not have been possible. So for all of us from beautiful Hawaii, Aloha and Tally Ho![/color=cyan]
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Shooting Stars Wrestling #193 - 'Night of Champions'
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