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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #278 - 'Saturday Night Fights on ESPN'

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #278 - 'Saturday Night Fights on ESPN' Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #278 - 'Saturday Night Fights on ESPN'   Shooting Stars Wrestling #278 - 'Saturday Night Fights on ESPN' EmptyWed Jul 01, 2020 3:27 pm

Shooting Stars Wrestling #278 - 'Saturday Night Fights on ESPN' New%20ssw2_zpsyk6tuaus

Shooting Stars Wrestling #278 - 'Saturday Night Fights on ESPN' Jostens-center-complex-slide-5

VENUE: Jostens Center - Lake Buena Vista, Florida (ESPN wide world of sports complex)  


Shooting Stars Wrestling #278 - 'Saturday Night Fights on ESPN' Logo%20ESPN%20HD



Shooting Stars Wrestling #278 - 'Saturday Night Fights on ESPN' 3cf75836a951912b0c05fa89eae22459    Shooting Stars Wrestling #278 - 'Saturday Night Fights on ESPN' SD_01052016sb_0263-e040e3799f3c05e2bfcafd7fe9cceddb

ANNOUNCE TEAM: Jonathan Coachman & Mauro Renallo


Shooting Stars Wrestling #278 - 'Saturday Night Fights on ESPN' Ring%2BAnnouncer%2B1


The chorus to 'WARRIORS' by Imagine Dragons hits as the opening video montage shows .... As the video concludes we break to inside the arena for the massive pyro explosion .... The camera pans the capacity crowd and their sea of different types of signs .... The customary 'S-S-W!  S-S-W!  S-S-W!' chant starts up as SSW is on the air!!!! ....

We go ringside with Jonathan Coachman and Mauro Renallo and they set up tonight's show .... The debut of SATURDAY NIGHT FIGHTS ON ESPN ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #278 - 'Saturday Night Fights on ESPN' Saturday-Night-Fights-SNF-MMA-logo

Reminder that tonight's show is streaming live on the WatchESPN app, and Sportscenter at Night with Scott Van Pelt follows the show .... Tonight's show is presented with limited commercial interruption by OJ: Made in America, an ESPN 30 for 30 5-part special ....

The show opens with Ethan Carter III coming out to the ring .... He talks about being less than 2 weeks from War of the Worlds and he named himself the captain of Team SSW for the 5 on 5 match .... That brings him to AJ Styles .... EC3 wants him to come to the ring ....

AJ comes out and EC3 says he wants him on Team SSW and he doesn't want any hard feelings when he beats him for the SSW title tonight .... They still have to be teammates and work together .... AJ asks if he is saying that as a wrestler, or the Director of Operations?  EC3 says wrestler and AJ immediately nails him with a right hand!  AJ with an enziguri and then lays EC3 out with the styles clash!  AJ looks down at EC3 and says 'I'll see you a little later ...'


IN THE BACK - Roode & Aries promo .... Tonight there will be a 'Beat the Clock' challenge to find out who will get a tag title shot .... Roode says everyone is breathing down their necks but they are still the measuring stick of tag team wrestling .... Aries says he and Roode are 2 huge global companies that have come together to create a conglomerate of tag team wrestling, and they have a monopoly on the SSW tag team titles until they say otherwise .... They are the best individually and collectively and it doesn't matter who they are facing they will still be the champs ....


Match 1: Beat the Clock tag team challenge (winner gets an SSW tag title shot)
The American Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards)
- vs -
Natural Selection (Eli Drake & Brian Cage)

The Wolves win a back and forth contest in 7:15 when they hit the 'Force of Nature' (powerbomb + backstabber) on Drake to score the pin ....


Match 2: singles match
Hideo Itami
- vs -
'The Miracle' Mike Bennett w/ Maria Kannelis

Itami is looking for revenge after Bennett cheated to beat him last week .... Bennett tries the same thing here but this time Itami is able to kick out .... Itami with the shotgun dropkick but Maria puts Bennetts foot on the ropes .... Itami confronts Maria again, and she slaps him!  The ref disqualifies Bennett for Maria's interference ....

Itami scoops Maria up and is going to give her the GTS, but Bennett hits him with a low blow again!  Bennett scoops him up and drills him with the 'Miracle in Progress' (Samoan driver) .... Maria and Bennett celebrate over the fallen Itami ....


IN THE BACK .... EC3 is pissed about being laid out by AJ earlier .... Meanwhile, Drake and Cage argue about losing the earlier match to the American Wolves .... Drake wants the tag titles and asks EC3 to do something about it but EC3 says he doesn't have time to mess with it because he's going to win the SSW title tonight .... EC3 books Eli Drake vs Chad Gable in a ladder match for next week with the Tag Title shot briefcase hanging above the ring ....


The camera cuts to ringside where there is a stir in the audience .... We see seated in the front row is a contingent of wrestlers from XWA, including Kevin Steen, Chris Candido and Sunny, and the Charm City Squad .... Security has come out to deal with the XWA wrestlers, but they all pull out tickets and show that they have paid to get into the show tonight .... Coach and Mauro say War of the Worlds is less than 2 weeks away and XWA has shown up in force!

EC3 comes out again and confronts the XWA wrestler .... He says they obviously came to see some 'real' wrestling and watch a superior product .... Steen and EC3 jaw back and forth .... EC3 warns them to not get involved with anything or War of the Worlds will happen tonight ....

'WAR MACHINE' by Kiss hits and brings out Taz!  Taz says he has choked AJ Styles out for 3 straight weeks .... The only thing that saved his ass last week was Sami Zayn .... But yet EC3 is the man that puts himself in position for a title shot .... So maybe Taz just needs to choke EC3 out and be done with this shit!  It looks like EC3 and Taz are about to go at it when the XWA wrestlers start heckling them from ringside .... Taz leaves the ring and gets right in Steens face!  The fans are chanting 'LET THEM FIGHT!' .... Taz dares the XWA guys to come over the rail and we nearly have a riot scene in the front row!!!!  

While this is going on, Sami Zayn comes out of nowhere and attacks Taz!!!!  They start beating the shit out of each other and go all over the ringside area .... EC3 actually tries to get control of the situation, but Steen throws a drink in his face!  EC3 orders security to have the XWA guys get kicked out of the arena .... Taz and Sami Zayn have to be separated and we go to break so things can get calmed down ....


Match 3: Beat the Clock tag team challenge (winner gets an SSW tag title shot)
The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder)
- vs -
War Machine (Raymond Rowe & Hanson)

This match is a war!  Both teams appear to have the match won at various points, but the match continues .... We reach the 7:20 time limit and these teams are still battling it out with no winner .... Both are eliminated ....


Match 4: for the SSW Television title
(Champion) Finn Balor
- vs -
Jay Lethal

This is an epic match .... Both men push each other to the absolute limit .... Balor is able to turn it on late and hits a series of movies, but Lethal counters with a superkick!  Lethal goes for the lethal injection but Balor counters with the pele!  SLINGBLADE!  Balor hooks Lethal and drills him with the Bloody Sunday!  Balor retains the SSW tv title in a classic ....

As Balor celebrates the win, Adam Cole and Karl Anderson hit the ring and attack him!!!!  Cole yells at Balor and says he thinks he's going to get a title shot but he will never touch him .... Anderson picks him up and gives him the Gun Stun and lays him out!  Anderson says he and Cole are the last 2 members of the BC that Balor has to go through, but he's going to get shot down!  Security comes out and surrounds Cole and Anderson and restrain them .... BALOR FLIES OVER THE TOP WITH A DIVE THAT WIPES OUT ANDERSON AND ALL OF THE SECURITY TOO!!!!  Cole avoids it though, and when Balor gets to his feet he gets laid out with a superkick from Cole!  Cole tosses him back in the ring, and Balor tries to get up but Cole lays him out with a shining wizard!  Cole yells at Balor that he's never gonna touch him because Karl Anderson is gonna end him at War of the Worlds!  Security finally recovers enough to escort Cole and Anderson out of the arena ....


Out comes Tyler Breeze!  Breeze is cashing in his briefcase for the tv title shot!  Balor is defenseless!!

Match 5: for the SSW Television title
(Champion) Finn Balor
- vs -
Tyler Breeze

Breeze immediately covers and gets the 1 ... 2 ... Noooo!  Balor kicks out somehow!  Breeze covers again, and again but Balor keeps kicking out!  Breeze panics, and this allows Balor to score with the slingblade!  Balor can barely stand but he pulls himself up top .... Coup de grace misses!  Super(model) kick by Breeze!  Pele by Balor!  Both men are down!!!!  Balor up first and hooks Breeze for the Bloody Sunday but Breeze floats over the back .... BEAUTY SHOT!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!  New champion!!!!  

Breeze practically makes out with the title belt as he is handed the tv title .... Breeze celebrates as we have a new TV champion ....  


Match 6: for the SSW tag team titles
(Champions) Bobby Roode & Austin Aries
- vs -
The American Wolves (Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards)

Great tag team work from all 4 men in the early goings .... Aries and Roode work over Eddie in the corner, but Eddie fires back and connects with a dropkick before Davey tags in .... Davey knocks both opponents down, then Aries gets caught with an elbow in the corner before Davey knees him for a 2 count .... Davey calls for Creeping Death but Aries ducks it and rolls him up for a 2 count!  Davey tosses Aries but Roode with a northern lariat on Davey .... Eddie with a super kick to Roode and then a lungblower .... Aries with the IED dropkick in the corner on Eddie!  Aries goes for the brainbuster but Davey grabs Eddie and pulls him down .... The Wolves hit Aries with the alarm clock but Roode knocks Eddie outside .... Roode goes for a spinebuster on Davey but Davey floats over and rolls Roode up!  Roode reverses the roll up into one of his own and manages to get the surprise 3 count!!!!

The fans applaud this great tag team match .... Roode and Aries hold up the belts when out come the Young Bucks!  We haven't seen Matt & Nick Jackson for several weeks on SSW tv .... The Bucks basically come out and talk about how they are owed a tag title shot and Roode & Aries are bitched if they don't give it to them .... They will never be able to call themselves the best until they beat the Bucks .... Roode & Aries accept and say name the time .... The Bucks say 'we will' and walk off ....  


Match 7: for the SSW Genesis title
(Champion) AJ Styles
- vs -
Ethan Carter III

Surprisingly, EC3 wrestles this match straight up with no shenanigans .... The match is evenly contested, and EC3 nearly wins the title on several occasions .... AJ runs wild, hitting all his signature spots but unable to put EC3 away .... AJ nails EC3 with the phenomenal forearm but the ref goes down in the process .... EC3 with a low blow and the 1%, and both men are down .... Wait .... WAIT!!!!

KEVIN STEEN!  Steen has somehow gotten back in the arena!  Steen tosses EC3 into the ropes and hits the pop-up powerbomb!  He turns his attention to AJ, but AJ fights back!!!!  AJ with rights to Steen, but Chris Candido hits the ring and clips AJ .... Steen then hits the pop-up powerbomb on AJ to!!!!  

Several members of the SSW roster come out, but the rest of the XWA faction returns and lays them out!  How the hell did these guys get back in the arena????  The Young Bucks run out like they are going to make the save, but then they stop short of the ring and throw their hands up before walking off to the back and not getting involved!  

'Sierra ... Hotel ... India ... Echo ... Lima ... Delta ... SHIELD!'

The Shields music hits and Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose come out through the crowd!!!!  The XWA contingent stand their ground, but as soon as the Shield are about to enter the ring they bail out .... Steen and the others are surrounded by police, and this them they put their hands in the air and surrender to authorities and are led out of the arena as the fans throw stuff at them ....
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