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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #4

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #4 Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #4   Shooting Stars Wrestling #4 EmptyTue Jun 23, 2020 11:52 am

Live from the Cobo Arena in Detroit, Michigan. This is . . .

Shooting Stars Wrestling #4 SSWlogo


*After the SSW graphic flashes, the screen remains black but you can still hear the crowd chanting ‘SSW! SSW! SSW!’ We fade in, and Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan already in the ring wearing Santa hats.

Mike – ‘Hello everyone, and weeeelcome to Shooting Stars Wrestling! I’m Mike Goldberg here with Joe Rogan and we would live to wish all you fans here in the arena and those watching at home on Christmas Eve a very, Merry Christmas!‘

Joe – ‘That’s right Mike. And tonight, it is going to be ‘Silent Night, Bloody Night’ here in SSW. And . . . ‘

Out comes Joel Gertner dressed up like Santa Claus, except his suit is hanging open to show off his hairy chest and he has a red neckbreace on with a red bow tie around it. Joel is carrying a large red sack over his shoulder.

JOEL: ‘Ho . . . Ho . . . Ho! No, I’m not talking about the ladies in the front row ringside. It is I, your host for the evening . . . the quintessential stud-muffin, JOEL . . . no, not Santa Claus but I did stuff Mrs. Claus’ stocking . . . the quintessential stud-muffin, JOEL . . .I’m luscious, I’m lean, I’m the best they’ve ever seen. Because I am a man among men and a well-oiled sex-machine!!!! . . . . . . . GERTNER!!!!’

This leads right into the opening SSW promo to ‘FLYIN’ HIGH AGAIN’ by Ozzy Ozbourne

We come back from the promo to see Mike and Joe at the announce table at ringside. The desk is decorated with garland and Christmas lights, and the ring girls are dressed up like elves.

Deuce & Domino
manager: Cherry
Weight: 475 lbs
Hometown: The other side of the tracks
Music: generic 50's music
Finisher: Crack 'em in da Mouth


Jose & Joel Maximo
weight: 370 lbs
hometown: Brooklyn, NY
music: Superstar - Saliva
finisher: Spanish Fly

Deuce and Domino are victimized early on by the S.A.T.'s speed advantage. They over come this though and dominate toward the latter stages, and they pick up the win after Joel falls victim to the ‘Crack 'em in Da Mouth’.

‘Your winners . . . Deuce & Domino’

After the match, Cherry gives Deuce one of her skates and he blasts Joel across the head. Deuce tosses the skate over to Domino, who nails Jose. They stomp the S.A.T.'s a bit when suddenly, KISS's "War Machine" begins to play!!!! From behind the curtain emerges Taz, and he slowly walks down to the ring. As he gets in the ring, Deuce and Domino bail out. Taz stares them down all the way up the isle, and when they get a safe distance away Deuce acts like he all of a sudden wants a piece of Taz but Domino and Cherry hold him back. Taz helps Jose up, but then hooks him and plants him with a T-Bone taz-plex! Then he goes over to the Joel and belly to belly suplexes him over the top rope! Joel flies over but the time keeper's table breaks his fall. Joel is slowly getting up, and Taz stalks him from behind and locks him in the katahajime! As Taz is choking Joel out, he slams Joel's head repeatedly on the mat before he finally lets go. Taz grabs a mic.

Taz- ‘Don't no pussies like that represent Brooklyn! We don't tolerate that shit! Now, I am not a patient person. So to the next person through that curtain, you ain't nothing but another victim. Beat me if you can. Survive...if I let you.


Weight: 240 lbs
Hometown: Red Hook Section, Brooklyn, NY
Music: "War Machine" by KISS
Finisher: katahajime (Taz-mission)

Shark Boy
Weight 180lbs
From 20,000 Leagues under the Sea
Finisher the The Dead Sea Drop
Music TNA music

Shark Boy acts pretty intimidated as Taz just stands in the corner, his arms crossed and not even breathing heavily after destroying The Maximos. Sharky goes to the middle and offers a handshake. Taz slaps Shark Boy so hard, he flips. Taz nearly takes Shrky’s head off with the ‘Angry Man’s Clothesline’, then shows no mercy as he mounts Shark Boy and rains down vicious crossface shot after crossface shot. Taz hits every kind of suplex there is and even makes a couple up as he goes. After brutally toying with Shark Boy for several minutes, Taz finally clamps on the Katahajime to end it.

‘Your winner is . . . Taz’

Mike – ‘Wow. Taz is one miserable son of a bitch.’

Joe – ‘He’s all business Mike. This guy is dangerous, and he don’t play.’

[color:e116=#00ff00}BACKSTAGE: Brent Albright and John Cena cut a promo on the Hart Foundation. Their heads are all stitched up from the attack last week. Cena tells the Harts that if they want a war, then they’ve got a war. Albright then warns the Harts not to bring a knife to a gun fight.[/color]

--commercial break--

BACKSTAGE: We see Shane McMahon seated at the desk in his office. On the desk in front of him are two big, shiny gold belts. Shane tells everyone to take a good look at the belts, because they will soon belong to the first SSW tag team champions. He is currently planning a tournament to crown the inaugural champs, and there is more to come on this situation in the coming weeks.

Chris Sabin
weight: 220 lbs
hometown: Detroit, Michigan
music: 6 Barrell Shotgun by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
finisher: Cradle Shock


Michael Shane
Weight: 221 lbs
Hometown: San Antonio, Texas
Music: ‘I am the One’ by Static X
Finisher: Sweet Chin Music

Sabin comes to the ring accompanied by Alex Shelley, whom has been seen with Sabin in recent weeks. Joe and Mike speculate on the relationship between Sabin & Shelley, and why they have started hanging out. Shane hits the ring and starts brawling with Sabin as the bell rings, and Sabin is forced to bail out to create distance between them. The match goes back and forth, but it is interference from Shelley that allows Sabin to take over. Shane fights back, hitting a flying forearm off the ropes and both men are laid out on the mat. Shane nips up, catching his 2nd wind, and unleashes a flurry of offense on Sabin. He nails Sabin with the ‘Picture Perfect’ elbow, but when he measures Sabin for the super kick Shelley reaches in and grabs his ankle. With Shane distracted, Sabin low blows him from behind and then hits a running powerbomb into the turnbuckles!!!! Shane is in bad shape, and Sabin picks him up on his shoulders and drives him to the mat with the Cradle Shock for the 3 count!

‘Your winner . . . Chris Sabin’

After the match, Sabin and Shelley play to the Detroit crowd and celebrate. Shelley gets on the mic and says that everyone has been asking why Sabin and Shelley have been hanging out lately. Shelley says that it is simple, and that SSW needs heroes. Hell, Detroit needs heroes!!!! He says that they are now the Motor City Machine Guns, and they are MADE IN DETROIT!!!! This actually gets a huge pop from the Detroit crowd. Shelley picks Sabin up, and then the MCMG hit their furious kicking combination on Shane and leave him laid out.

--commercial break--

The Canadian National Anthem blares from the PA as Lance Storm makes his way to the ring for his in-ring SSW debut. Storm takes the mic and asks the crowd if he can be serious for a minute, and of course is met with boos. Storm cuts a promo about how the Hart Foundation is the most elite faction in all of sports because they are all Canadian athletes. He says that Canadians are superior to American athletes in every way, and he draws comparisons between John Cena and Owen Hart. Owen is better because he is a Canadian. He tells them not to blame Canada, but to blame themselves. ALL RISE FOR THE CANADIAN NATIONAL ANTHEM!!!!

Lance Storm
Weight: 228 lbs
Hometown: Calgary, Alberta Canada
Music: ‘El Phantasmo & the Chicken Run Blast-o-rama’
Finisher: Canadian Maple Leaf/ Deep Impact

‘Thrillseeker’ Johnny Jeter
Weight 224lbs
From: San Diego, California
Finisher: Super Kick
Music: ‘The Remedy’ by Cold

Jeter actually puts up a great fight in this one, matching Storm hold for hold on the mat. Storm’s rulebreaking tactics prevail though, and he nearly takes Jeter’s head off with a springboard missile dropkick. Jeter tries to mount a comeback, but it is short-lived as Storm grabs his leg and rolls through, turning it into the Canadian Maple Leaf. Jeter wastes no time in tapping out.

‘Here is your winner . . . Lance Storm’

After the match the lights dim and gold glitter starts raining down from the ceiling. Storm is clearly puzzled as he makes his way to the back.

[color#00ff00]Gertner interviews Mickie James backstage. However, he keeps looking at her breasts instead of her face. As Mickie is talking, Beth Phoenix comes into the screen and warns Mickie to stay away from her man. She is after Idol, and that is why she got involved in the match last week between Idol and Roderick Strong. Mickie tells Beth that there is no way that she would ever be interested in Idol, and then Beth goes psycho and accuses her of dogging him out. The two chicks go at each other with Gertner in the middle, and he is loving every minute of it as we go to break.

--commercial break--

[color#00ff00]A promo airs just prior to the main event saying that D-Lo Brown has just signed a contract with Shooting Stars Wrestling. D-Lo will be making his in-ring debut in the weeks to come.[/color]

Main Event

Super Dragon
weight: 200 lbs
hometown: Los Angeles, CA
music: "Seek and Destroy"- Metallica
finisher: Psycho Driver 2000


‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson
Weight: 185 lbs
Hometown: Aberdeen, Washington
Music: ‘The Final Countdown’ by Europe
Finisher: Cattle Mutilation

Before this match even gets started, the crowd is stunned by the appearance of Austin Aries, who shows up in the crowd and actually jumps the rail trying to get into the ring. He is stopped by security, but Aries is able to grab a mic and cut a promo about how he has come to SSW because it has the best Light Heavyweights in the world. He claims to be the cream of the crop in the LH ranks and he proved it when he had Jushin ‘Thunder’ Liger beat at Starrcade. He issues a challenge to the winner of this match, saying that he will prove once again to the world that he is the best there is.

The match gets started with Dragon and Danielson exchanging a variety of grappling holds, and feeling each other out. After a few minutes of that, both men start to trade heavy strikes and chops, with Danielson grounding Dragon and working on the arm. Dragon fights out and knocks Danielson back into the corner, knocking him silly with a rolling wheel kick. Dragon unleashes a ‘Violence Party’ on Danielson, and he absorbs the blows long enough to hook Dragon’s arm and lock on the crossface chickenwing. It looks like Dragon might tap but he gets his foot on the ropes to break the hold. Danielson moves in for the kill, setting Dragon up top and going up for the super back suplex. Dragon fights him off and shoves him to the mat, but misses a Phoenix Splash and both men are down. As they climb to their feet, Danielson catches Dragon in a crucifx, but instead of falling back for the pin he starts raining down MMA elbow shots to the side of Dragon’s head! Dragon tumbles through the ropes, taking both men crashing to the outside of the ring!!!! The ref starts his count, as both men get up and start brawling outside the ring. Austin Aries is still there at ringside and he is taunting both men, and they turn their attention to him and the fight turns into a three way brawl. The ref has no choice but to count both men out of the match.

‘The ref rules the decision a time limit draw . . .’

The fight continues between Aries, Super Dragon, and Danielson as the show goes off the air.
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