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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #40

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #40 Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #40   Shooting Stars Wrestling #40 EmptyWed Jun 24, 2020 3:25 pm

Live from the Hara Arena in Dayton, Ohio . . . this . . . is . . .

Shooting Stars Wrestling #40 SSWlogo


The screen is blank for a moment as we can here the fans chanting ‘S . . . S . . . W!!!! . . . S . . . S . . . W!!!!’ The screen comes up on a rowdy arena full of fans pumping their fists as strobe lights go off through the venue and the camera zooms in and out. We go to ringside with Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan, who welcome everyone to the show. They quickly recap what has happened over the last week, including the controversy of Kurt Angle winning the SSW Genesis title while disguised as the Patriot! Will the victory stand???? We are 2 days away from ‘SEASONS BEATINGS’ and tonight we will find out who will go on to the Fatal 4-way for a shot at the NWA World title! Plus we have some other great matches!

The show gets kicked off with Shane McMahon coming down to the ring and saying that Kurt Angle’s title victory last week will stand. This brings out none other than John Cena!!!! Cena says that it was not Owen Hart that attacked him in the locker room last week, he thinks it was Kurt Angle!!!! Cena wants Angle, but out comes The Hart Foundation! Owen says that for 2 weeks he has been the victim of injustice. He doesn’t expect Shane to make it right, so he is moving on. He made the SSW title, and now he wants to be the world heavyweight champion!!!! He demands to be put into the tournament tonight! Shane grants his request, saying that he is in and he will be facing . . . Lance Storm! Owen’s brother Bret is also in, and his opponent will be this man . . . JOHN CENA!!!! Bret just smirks as Cena gives the crowd a salute as his music hits.

A promo airs for ‘Seasons Beatings’, a joint effort brought to you by Big Time Pro Wrestling, Renegade Wrestling Alliance, Extreme Grappling Arts, and Shooting Stars Wrestling!

Commercial Break

IN THE BACK: Kurt Angle is interviewed. Angle says that what he did last week was give the Hart Foundation a taste of their own medicine. As far as John Cena’s accusations, he had nothing to do with it. He says that if he is going to take someone out, it will be to their face. Nothing that John Cena says will change the fact that he is the SSW Genesis champion. He talks about his match at ‘SEASONS BEATINGS’ with Nigel McGuiness, and says that he is looking forward to it. He respects Nigel and his ability, but he is the wrestling machine and Nigel can’t hang with him. Oh it’s true . . . it’s damn true!

Match 1: Singles Match

Jack Swagger
Ken Kennedy

Kennedy tries to do his own introduction, and Swagger attacks him. This time Kennedy is ready, nailing him in the head with the microphone as he charges in. The bell rings and Kennedy goes to town, beating down Swagger. He drops him with a body slam, then a series of elbow drops. He grabs the microphone again and finishes his introduction, but Swagger is up and hits Kennedy with a big boot in mid-sentence. Swagger takes Kennedy’s back and goes for the cross-face shots, but Kennedy squirms free only to get hit with a belly to belly. Swagger drapes Kennedy over the 2nd rope and goes for the body guillotine, but Kennedy moves and Swagger straddles the ropes. Kennedy hits a hangman neckbreaker for a 2. He goes up top for the Ken-ton bomb, but Swagger grabs the ropes, causing him to fall. The ref is out of position, and doesn’t see Swagger kick Kennedy right in the groin as he gets up! Swagger then hooks him and hits the Doctor Bomb for the 3 count!

‘Here is your winner . . . ‘The All-American American’ . . . Jack Swagger!!!!’

Commercial Break

Match 2: SSW tournament match 1

Owen Hart
Lance Storm

Total domination by Storm from the beginning in this one, and Owen heads for higher ground. Storm is on top of him though, elevating him over the railing into the crowd!!!! Storm seems to have tweaked his knee on the move, and that is all the opening that Owen needs. Owen goes to work, dissecting the leg of Storm and working him over. He locks in the Figure Four around the ring post, but Storm continues to thwart his attempts to lock on the Sharpshooter. Storm fights back, hitting a super kick out of nowhere and both men are down. Storm tries to put weight on the knee, and he unleashes a salvo of offense on Owen. Storm manages to dodge a leg-feed enziguri, then lock Owen in the Canadian Maple Leaf! Owen does not tap, and he makes it to the ropes to break. Storm continues the onslaught, going for the ‘Deep Impact’ piledriver but Owen pounds him in the injured knee to break it. Storm charges but Owen back drops him to the apron but Storm lands on his feet. He tries to springboard into the ring with a dropkick, but Owen catches his legs on the way down and goes right into the Sharpshooter!!!! Storm struggles against the move, but Owen sits down on it and Storm has nowhere to go. The pain becomes too much, and Storm has to tap out!

‘Here is your winner, and advancing to the finals . . . Owen Hart!’

After the match Bret comes out and celebrates with his brother, then makes his way to the ring for the next tournament match

IN THE BACK: Beth Phoenix is watching Bull Nakano vs. Awesome Kong from Starrcade. She looks at the camera and says that she is going to prove that she deserves the shot at the Women’s world title because she is challenging Bull Nakano, the No. 1 contender, to a match at ‘Seasons Beatings’! She is going to show the world that she is the complete package when it comes to women’s wrestlers. She has the power, the body, the beauty, and the intelligence. That is why she is the Glamazon.

Match 3: SSW tournament

Bret Hart
John Cena

Cena gets an enormous pop as he comes out, and a ‘WELCOME BACK’ chant erupts. The match begins, and Bret clearly outwrestles Cena and he is forced to turn to brawling tactics to turn the tide. Cena clotheslines Bret outside, but Bret catches him in a drop toehold into the ring steps. Bret suplexes him on the floor, then tosses him back in and goes to work hitting his signature moves. He hits the backbreaker and then the 2nd rope elbow, but Cena kicks out. Bret goes for the Sharpshooter but Cena kicks him off. Bret hits a super-plex on Cena. Cena starts to make a comeback, hitting a shoulder block on Bret off the ropes and then hitting the Fisherman suplex. Cena hits the Proto-plex on Bret and then gives him the ‘YOU CAN’T SEE ME’ sign. He comes off the ropes for the 5 knuckle shuffle, but Owen trips him. Cena is distracted, allowing Bret to catch him from behind with a Russian leg sweep for a 2. Bret goes for the sharpshooter, but Cena kicks him off right into the ref!!!! Owen slides Bret a chair, and he tattoos Cena right in the head with it!!!! Cena is busted open! Bret tries to finish him off, but Cena will not give up. He catches Bret with the front flip neckbreaker, then sets him on top for a super-plex. Bret fights him off and tosses him to the mat, then jumps off onto Cena. This time Cena catches him on his shoulders, then drives him down with the F-U!!!! Cena knocks Owen off the apron, then waits on Bret to get up. ANOTHER F-U!!!! Cover for the 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!

‘Here is your winner . . . via disqualification and advancing to the finals . . . John Cena!’

The bloody Cena has to be helped to the back after the match, while the brothers argue a little bit in the ring before leaving.

Commercial Break

Match 4: Tag Team Match

Age of the Fall (Tyler Black & Jimmy Jacobs)
The Future (Ted Dibiase Jr. & Robert Roode)

The Future controls the early goings and look very sharp before Age of the Fall takes over. The fans actually cheer for the Future in this match! Roode gets worked over but manages to tag in Dibiase, who goes wild on them. The Plague is able to regain the advantage thanks to Jacobs and his spike, and Black hits the ‘Gods last gift’ on Roode. Black goes up for the ‘Black Out’, but Dibiase crotches him. He goes for the elevated cutter, but Jacobs nails him in the head with his spike! Dibiase is busted open, and Jacobs hits the Contra Code. Roode tackles Jacobs, but Black gets up and hits the ‘Black Out’ (Phoenix Splash) on the downed Dibiase! The ref is distracted, and out of the back runs Team Domination!!!! Haas and Benjamin attack Age of the Fall, totally destroying them behind the refs back. They hit the ‘Dominant Force’ on Black, allowing Dibiase to lay his arm across and get the pin!

Here are your winners . . . Ted Dibiase Jr. and Robert Roode . . . the Future!’

Team Domination are not done, and they hit the ring after the bell and attack the Future this time!!!! Dibiase gets KO’ed with the tag title belt, and Roode gets laid out with the ‘Dominant Force’. Team Domination leaves holding the tag titles up high.

IN THE BACK: Owen Hart cuts a promo on how the Harts keep getting screwed over. It should be him and his brother in the finals because they are the two best wrestlers in SSW. But that is OK, because he owns John Cena. He has spent the last year beating John Cena and tonight will be no exception. He is going on to the Fatal Fourway and then moving on to face the NWA World Heavyweight champion!

‘FINAL COUNTDOWN’ by Europe hits and out comes ‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson! Danielson gets a huge pop from the crowd as he comes out wearing the NWA Junior Heavyweight title, the XLLT Juniors title, and the SSW Pure wrestling title. Danielson takes the mic and puts over the Pure title, saying that it helped get him to were he is today. He hopes the next person that wears this belt continues to defend it with pride and honor. Due to his commitments as an NWA World champion, he will not be able to defend the Pure title on a regular basis. Therefore, he is surrendering the title in order to concentrate on defending the NWA Junior title all over the world. Shane comes out and takes the title, shaking Danielson’s hand, when they are interrupted by Brian Kendrick. Kendrick comes out and talks about how his star is on the rise. Since his partner is not there tonight, it is his time to shine. He knows Danielson doesn’t have an opponent for ‘SEASONS BEATINGS’ in 2 days, so he is putting his name out there. Danielson accepts, and Kendrick gets in his face and talks trash to him. Danielson takes the high road until Kendrick pushes him, then they start fighting. Kendrick eventually escapes the altercation and bails outside, backing away and telling Danielson that he will see him in 2 days. Merry Christmas.

Commercial Break

It is time for the main event, and out comes SSW Genesis champion Kurt Angle to do guest commentary. Angle takes a seat as Owen comes out, and he points to Angle and jaws at him.

Main Event: SSW tournament finals

Owen Hart
John Cena

Cena is still in bad shape from the earlier attack, but he tells Shane that he can go. Owen takes advantage of the weakened Cena, working him over for a long time as the match gets underway! Owen rips open the bandage on Cena’s head, causing him to start bleeding again. Cena finally starts to fight back, catching Owen in a power slam as he comes off the ropes. Cena wipes the blood from his eyes and gives Owen the ‘YOU CAN’T SEE ME!’ sign, but as he comes off the ropes for the 5 knuckle shuffle Owen catches him with the spinning heel kick! Owen locks in the sharpshooter, but Cena gathers all his strength and powers out! Owen charges, but Cena scoops him up and hits the F-U out of nowhere! Cena cannot capitalize, and Owen rolls underneath the bottom rope to the outside. Cena regains his bearings and follows him out, and both men fight on the outside! Cena takes Owen onto the announce table and tries to go for the F-U, but Owen low blows him! Cena falls off the table, and Owen turns to Kurt and kicks at him! Angle takes off his headset and tackles Owen to the ground, pounding away on him with right hands!!!! The ref sees this and has no choice but to call for the bell!!!!

‘Ladies and Gentlemen . . . here is your winner and advancing to the Fatal Fourway match at ‘SEASONS BEATINGS’ . . . Owen Hart!!!!

Angle gets pulled off of Owen, and Owen quickly escapes to the back celebrating his victory. Angle looks frustrated, but when Cena realizes what has happened he is flat out pissed!!!! Cena yells at Angle, and the two have words at ringside. Security rushes out and gets between the two before they can put their hands on each other, but it is obvious that Cena and Angle want a piece of each other as we go off the air.

Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan wish all the fans at home a Merry Christmas as the broadcast ends.
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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shooting Stars Wrestling #40   Shooting Stars Wrestling #40 EmptyWed Jun 24, 2020 3:30 pm


NWA World Junior title:

(champion) 'American Dragon' Bryan Danielson
Brian Kendrick

Kendrick actually gets the better of Danielson on the early exchange, and you would think he won then title the way he dances and struts around the ring. They lock up again, and Danielson starts to own Kendrick, stretching him in every way possible. Kendrick is forced to go to the ropes several times to get away from Danielson. Kendrick lure Danielson outside the ring, then gets in a cheap shot as Danielson tries to make it back in. Kendrick hits an enziguri followed by a knee drop off the ropes, then settles in with a chin lock. Danielson fights out, hitting a back suplex, but then misses a top rope headbutt. Kendrick hooks Danielson for a hangman neckbreaker, then spins him around and smashes him face-first onto his knee (Dr. Teeth). He covers and gets a 2, then goes into a dragon sleeper. Danielson fights up to his feet, striking Kendrick in the side of the head with forearms. Kendrick lets go, but reverses the whip into the corner and hits a running double knee avalanche. Kendrick goes for a tornado DDT out of the corner, but Danielson blocks it and then hits a Northern Lights Suplex right into the turnbuckle!!!! Both men are down for a moment, but it is Danielson that rises first. Both men start trading shots, but Danielson absorbs Kendricks blows and light him up with a roaring forearm. Kendrick rakes the eyes and goes for the Slides Bread, but Danielson blocks it and sets Kendrick on the top and hits the super back suplex! Danielson puts Kendrick on his shoulders and gives him the Airplane Spin, spinning around 20 times!!!! He drops Kendrick and he wobbles around the ring on spaghetti legs, then he lays him out with a vicious lariat! Danielson picks Kendrick up for the Dagger Bomb, but he slips off and hits a low blow. SLICED BREAD #2!!!! Cover by Kendrick for the 1 . . . 2 . . . NOOOOOO! Danielson barely kicks out!!!! Kendrick can’t believe it and he is going to do it again, but this time Danielson counters and locks on the Crossface Chickenwing out of nowhere!!!! Kendrick is forced to tap out!!!!

Here is your winner . . . and STILL NWA World Junior champion . . . ‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson!

* * * * * * * * * *

Women’s United States title:

(champion) Beth Phoenix
Bull Nakano

Both women meet face to face in a staredown center-ring. They lock up hard, with both women struggling to gain the advantage. In a surprise, Bull out-powers Beth and shoves her to the mat. Beth is shocked. They circle and lock up again, and this time it is Beth showing her power by shoving Nakano to the mat. Now it is Nakano’s turn to be shocked. Nakano goes after her, but Beth hits a couple of arm drags and then drop kicks Nakano through the ropes to the outside. Beth follows her out, then tries to stand and trade blows with her! Nakano regains the advantage, then slams Beth into the announce table. She presses her above her head, then drops her down onto the railing! Back in the ring, Nakano stretches Beth by locking her in a swinging STF but Beth refuses to tap. Nakano goes for a big leg drop off the ropes, but Beth moves and she crashes to the mat. Beth capitalizes immediately, hitting a clothesline in the seated Nakano! Beth slams the giant woman to the mat, then mounts the 2nd turnbuckle but Nakano power slams her off! Nakano goes for the ‘Bull’s Poseidon’, but Beth blocks it and then scoops Nakano on her shoulders for the ‘Beth Valley Driver’. Nakano elbows her way out of the move, then rocks Beth with a Yakuza kick for a 2 count! Nakano goes up to the top for the guillotine leg drop, but Beth is up and cuts her off. SUPER-PLEX BY BETH OFF THE TOP ROPE!!!! The whole ring shakes!!!! Both ladies are down, but as the ref reaches 7 they start to stir. Beth measures Nakano, then charges across the ring and spears her through the middle rope!!!! Holy Shit! Both ladies spill to the outside, where the ref starts his count again. Beth nearly makes it back in, but Nakano pulls her back out and starts pounding on her. Both ladies are trading blows as the ref reaches 20, and they are unable to get back in the ring. The match is declared a double countout!

After the match, the brawl between the two continues. Security from the back spills out into the ring, trying to separate the two, but they manage to pull apart each time. Finally, they are able to drag Beth to the back and the fans give these 2 women a standing ovation.

* * * * * * * * * * *

The Future and Team Domination make their way into the ring, but then when Age of the Fall is introduced they come out accompanied by the ENTIRE PLAGUE! Security comes out as the Plague surround the ring, as well as the promoters involved in this show. They all order the Plague to the back. However, Jake takes the microphone and says that the Age of the Fall will not be participating in this match!!!! Instead, they will be replaced by Matt & Jeff Hardy!!!!

Tag Team Scramble for the SSW tag titles:

(champions) Team Domination (Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin)
The Future (Bobby Roode & Ted Dibiase Jr.)
The Plague (Matt & Jeff Hardy)

The Hardyz involvement throws everyone in this match off. As security forces the other members of the Plague members to leave ringside, both Dibiase and Haas attack Jeff Hardy. Matt joins the fray and the action spills outside, but Jeff hits the whisper in the wind off the top onto everyone who is on the outside! The Plague and the Future fight on the outside, and this time it is Benjamin's turn to hit a flip dive that clears the top rope and takes out eveyrone! Fans are on their feet as the outside of the ring looks like a car wreck. Benjamin and Haas try to isolate Jeff, but when Roode gets in the ring he manages to keep Haas on their side of the ring and won't let anyone else in the ring.
Haas manages to fight back, splitting both men and diving to make the hot tag to Shelton! Shelton cleans house, but the Hardyz also come in the ring and get involved. Soon all 3 teams are going at it!!!! Matt nails the ‘Twist of Fate’ on Haas, but Shelton breaks it up. While Shelton and Matt fight, Jeff goes up top for the Swanton but Dibiase crotches him then hits an elevated cutter (Tower of London)!!!! However, before Dibiase can pin him Haas hooks him in a crucifix and manages to score the pin!!!!
The Future is eliminated!!!! It is now down to Team Domination and The Hardyz! However, before they leave the ring The Future comes back in and attacks Team Domination, and Roode lays Haas out with a Norhtern Lariat!!!! Dibiase lays Shelton out, and Jeff goes up and hits the Swanton for the 1 . . . 2 . . . NOOOOOOO! Haas makes the save!!!! The ref puts Haas out, and Benjamin takes some more punishment before making the hot tag that gets Haas back in. Haas lays out the Hardyz with some suplexes, then a Death Valley Driver on Matt! They set Jeff up for the 'Dominant Force', but the rest of the Plague try to come back out to interfere!!!! However, they are cut off by Kerry and David Von Erich and John Cena!!!! During the melee, out of the crowd comes Brie Bella, who distracts the ref. With the ref distracted, Nikki Bella crawls out from under the ring and tosses the time keepers hammer to Matt! Matt nails Haas right between the eyes with it, busting him open, then tackles Shelton to the mat!!!! Jeff climbs up top and hits the Swanton and pins Haas for the 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 as Matt holds Shelton at bay!!!!

‘Ladies & Gentlemen . . . your winners and NEEEEEW SSW tag team champions . . . The Plague!!!!’

* * * * * * * * * *

NWA World Junior title:

(champion) ‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson
Dynamite Kid

Danielson and Kid lock up and exchange a few holds and reversals to start the match. Danielson gets the better of the exchange and DK is forced to go to the ropes to facilitate a break. DK backs Danielson into the corner and fakes a clean break, but instead strikes with a hard knife-edge chop to the chest of Danielson. He reels off a few more, then drags Danielson out to the middle of the ring and hits a snap suplex! DK continues the onslaught, but this time it is Danielson’s turn to fight back with chops of his own. Kid returns fire and both men are beating the hell out of each other, but Kid rakes the eyes. Danielson gets a boot up into DK’s face as he charges him, then hits a diving European Uppercut off the 2nd rope that rocks DK! Danielson locks on the surfboard, holding DK up in the air for an agonizing amount of time. Danielson pummels DK with forearms in the ropes, but then ref finally forces him to break. Danielson reminds the ref ‘I’V GOT TILL 5!’ However, when he moves back in DK hits a headbut to the mid-section, then another right to the face of Danielson! DK sets the stunned Danielson up top and hits a super-plex! Danielson barely kicks out, and DK catches him off the ropes with a sleeper hold. Danielson starts to fade, but musters his strength and hits a back suplex to break the hold. Both men are down, but DK stirs first and goes up top. Danielson starts to get up too, and as DK flies off Danielson drop kicks him out of the air on his way down!!!! Danielson has now regained control, and this time he is the one that takes DK up top and hits a super back suplex!!!! DK kicks out before 3, and Danielson tries to go right into the Cattle Mutilation! DK fights back to his feet, then catches Danielson with the old trick knee low blow! Running power bomb by Dynamite Kid!!!! DK gives the throat slash gesture and goes up top . . . FLYING HEADBUTT misses!!!! Danielson rolls over and hooks DK in a triangle choke, then starts raining elbow strikes down on his head!!!! DK has nowhere to go, but he’s not tapping out! Finally the ref has to step in and stop the match when DK stops responding!!!!

‘Here is your winner . . . and STILL NWA Junior Heavyweight champion of the world . . . ‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson!!!!

Danielson is handed the title and he holds it up high. We see Michael Shane sitting in the front row with Jackie, and he stands up and gives Danielson the belt sign around his waist. Danielson holds the title up and points at Shane. However, he is suddenly blindsided by someone from behind!!!! It is the former champion Dean Malenko!!!! Vince is with Malenko shouting instructions as Malenko stomps away on Danielson, who is exhausted. Dynamite Kid and Vince even join in the melee when out of the back runs Shane McMahon! Shane slides in the ring with a chair, and Vince immediately backs his boys off. Malenko grabs a mic, and tells Danielson that he has a mandatory rematch coming. He wants that rematch right now!!!! Shane tells him ‘no way’, but Vince steps in and tells Shane that his boy doesn’t have the ‘grapefruits’ to accept Dean’s challenge! Shane starts to respond, but Danielson pulls himself up and takes the mic from Shane. Danielson tells the ref to ring the bell, then he tackles Malenko to the mat!!!!

NWA Junior Heavyweight title match:

(champion) 'American Dragon' Bryan Danielson
Dean Malenko

Danielson beats the hell out of Malenko, who is in street clothes, to start the match. He rips off his shirt and chops the hell out of his chest, then whips him into the rail outside. Back in the ring, Danielson ties Malenko to the ropes and hammers him with forearms and chops as the ref tries to back him off. Once again, Danielson reminds the ref ‘I’VE GOT UNTIL 5!’ Danielson moves back in, but this time Dean grabs him by the tights and shoots him outside, then grabs the ref. Vince comes over and puts the boots to Danielson, but when he chases him he gets cut off by Dynamite Kid, who nails him with a clothesline. Danielson is tossed back in, and Malenko totally works him over. The crowd gets behind the exhausted Danielson, who finds the strength from somewhere to mount a comeback. Danielson unleashes on Malenko with chops and forearms, the elevates him off the ropes. Danielson hits a missile drop kick, then kips up and knocks Malenko down with a roaring forearm. Danielson hits a Dragon Suplex, but Malenko kicks out and Danielson tries to go for the Crossface Chickenwing! Malenko is prepared and manages to block the hold, but Danielson quickly turns it into a Tiger Suplex and the goes right into the Cattle Mutilation!!!! Malenko is in trouble, but Vince reaches in and pulls Danielson’s leg, causing him to break the hold. Danielson grabs Vince and goes to slug him, but instead Shane jerks his father off the apron and shoves him to the ground! Dynamite comes in and grabs Shane, but Danielson nails DK with a suicide dive! Meanwhile, Vince gets up and digs something out of his jacket pocket, tossing it to Malenko! Malenko puts the object on his hand and takes a wild swing at Danielson, who ducks and then hooks Malenko and hits a Regal-plex. However, as he takes him over Malenko nails Danielson with the foreign object!!!! Both men are down, but Malenko manages to tuck the object away and then lay an arm across the unconscious Danielson!!!! The ref drops down and counts 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!!!

‘Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner . . . and NEEEEEEW NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion . . . Dean Malenko!’

Malenko and Vince celebrate like crazy as Shane checks on Danielson, who is still out of it. They head up the ramp, turning and laughing at Danielson as they do. Vince is yelling at Shane ‘I TOLD YOU! I TOLD YOU!’ when suddenly someone comes out of the ramp and meets them in the isle. Vince backs into him and does his trademark dramatic ‘gulp’ as he turns around and stares right into the face of . . . Vince McMahon Sr.! Vince is in shock, and Vince Sr. yanks the Junior title out of Malenko’s hand! Vince Sr. heads to the ring and grabs a microphone, saying he is not going to let this stand! He is the NWA President in Muschnik’s absence, and he is the one that makes the matches. Not Malenko, and not Bryan Danielson! So Malenko will have his rematch, but it will happen in an NWA sanctioned match at an NWA sanctioned event. Malenko will not be able to take advantage of a man that just wrestled a grueling match! He is declaring that, at this years Royal Rumble, it will be Bryan Danielson vs. Dean Malenko and the Junior Heavyweight title will be on the line! Vince Sr. hands the Junior title back to Danielson, while Vince and Malenko are throwing a fit in the isle!!!!!
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