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 shooting Stars Wrestling #7

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Age : 48

shooting Stars Wrestling #7 Empty
PostSubject: shooting Stars Wrestling #7   shooting Stars Wrestling #7 EmptyTue Jun 23, 2020 1:33 pm

Live from the Chevrolet Center in Youngstown, Ohio.  This is . . .

shooting Stars Wrestling #7 SSWlogo


The logo fades to black as we hear nothing but the crowd chanting ‘S . . . S . . . W!  S . . . S . . . W!’  The show opens up with your commentators Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan at ringside.

Mike – ‘Hello fans!  And welcome to Shooting Stars Wrestling!  This is Mike Goldberg alongside my broadcast partner Joe Rogan and we are live tonight from Youngstown, Ohio.  Tonight is gonna be a killer show!’

Joe – ‘Absolutely, Mike!  And it is going to be highlighted by our big 6 man tag main event as well as the Motor City Machine Guns taking on the Gods of Gravity to determine who is going to be the No. 1 contenders to the tag titles.  And on top of that we have the SSW in-ring debut of CM Punk!  

Mike – ‘We all saw the immediate impact that Punk made last week, slapping the Genesis Heavyweight Champion Owen Hart right here on live TV!’  

Joe – ‘Man, what a huge moment.  Punk and Owen are both going to represent SSW in this year’s Royal Rumble as well as . . .’

Mike and Joe are interrupted as Joel Gertner comes out.

Gertner – ‘‘And well . . . well . . . well . . . It is I, the Quintessential stud-muffin and your host of the show.  JOEL . . . I’m the sexual sensation busting nuts across the nation . . . and the man that last night gave your mother (points to a fan at ringside) pleasure the likes of which she has never seen . . . GERTNER!  And ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce to you a man that asked for this opening spot tonight, a man that needs no introduction.  He is YOUR Shooting Stars Wrestling Genesis Heavyweight Champion . . . Owen Hart!’

The Hart Foundation music hits and out comes Owen and he doesn’t look happy.  Owen grabs the mic from Joel, and cuts a promo on CM PUNK.  He says that Punk made a big mistake when he disrespected him last week.  For that, Punk is going to pay.  He has the Royal Rumble coming up and he plans on winning it and being the next NWA World Champion, so he doesn’t have time to mess with insignificant little kids that have done nothing in this business like Punk!

Owen gets interrupted by none other than CM Punk, who appears in the crowd of people at the Chevrolet Center.  

PUNK – ‘Speak of the devil, Owen Hart, and the devil appears.  It's funny that I've only been around for a couple of weeks, and still it seems that all everyone is talking about ... is ME.  CM Punk is the name on everyone’s lips here in SSW.  Especially yours  . . . 'champ'.  I must have really struck a nerve with you.  Out here, with people breathing down your neck and all you want to talk about is CM Punk.  I bet your upset about that little slap I gave you last week.  Well, far be it from me to think that I owe you or any of anybody else here any explanation.  But the simple fact is that I don’t respect you Owen Hart.  I don’t respect anybody!   Last week, Owen Hart, you showed the whole world that you are a confused young man.  You let your temper get the best of you.  You see Owen, you played right into my hands.  This is my game.  I like this.  This is so my style.  You see, I am not from Calgary . . . Alberta . . . Canada.  I am from the streets of Chicago, and I’m not afraid of your little group of hockey-players.  I used to fight entire football teams just for fun back home.  Now, you might be a good wrestler Owen Hart, but you are no CM Punk.  And I know it is eating you up inside that people are talking about me, and not you.  But this Saturday, at the Royal Rumble, the name of CM Punk is going to be on the lips of everyone in the NWA.  Because when I win, I am going to make the NWA World title mean something again.  Because I’m ‘Straight Edge’, and that means that I am simply better than you and I am simply better than anyone else in SSW.  Face it Owen, YOU . . . GOT . . . PUNK’D!!!!’

-- commercial break --

A promo airs for the Royal Rumble, highlighting the 3 men from SSW that will take part in the Rumble match on January 26th.  

Back in the arena, it is time for our opening contest but Mike and Joe are still talking about what happened before the break.  CM Punk has been in SSW for a very short time but he has already made a tremendous impact.  He seems to have really gotten under the skin of the Genesis Champion Owen Hart, who needs to be careful not to be thrown off his game.  Joe says that Punk needs to be careful as well, because where Owen Hart is, so too is the Hart Foundation.

Mixed tag match
Aaron ‘The Idol’ Stevens & Beth Phoenix
weight: 388lbs
hometown: Martha’s Vineyard
music: Jesus Christ Superstar by Andrew Lloyd Webber
finisher: Idolizer (modified swinging neckbreaker) & Beth valley Driver


Roderick Strong & Mickie James
weight: 336lbs
hometown: Tampa, FL and Richmond, Virginia
music: Sucker Train Blues by Velvet Revolver
finisher: Stronghold & Stratusfaction

Mickie is still in a neck brace, so Roderick Strong goes the majority of the way for his team.  Strong and Idol go back and forth, with Strong hitting a variety of backbreakers.  Mickie wants him to tag her in so she can get her hands on Phoenix, but he refuses.  Meanwhile, a distraction by Phoenix allows Idol to get the advantage.  Strong fights back, and manages to buy himself some time after hitting a pump-handle back suplex.  Strong is down, and Mickie reaches out and tags herself in.  Mickie is alone in the ring with Idol, who laughs at her, but she doesn’t back down.  She kicks Idol right between the legs, and then goes for the stratusfaction bulldog on him!!!!  However, Beth breaks it up with a vicious clothesline, then rips the neckbrace off of Mickie.  Beth hits the delayed fisherman buster on Mickie, then picks her up and hits the ‘Beth Valley Driver’ (Cradle Shock) for the pinfall.

Here are your winners . . . Beth Phoenix and Aaron ‘The Idol’ Stevens

Idol and Beth celebrate after the match while Strong gets back in and checks on Mickie.  

A promo airs for the KYO DAI (Jimmy Yang and Yoshihiro Tajiri).  Tajiri speaks in Japanese, and Jimmy Yang translates.  Yang (speaking for Tajiri) says that the two of them are going to prove that the Japanese are superior to everyone in finance, business, and in the ring.  

-- commercial break --

Owen Hart is seen backstage talking to the rest of the Hart Foundation.  He tells them that he is going to teach CM Punk a lesson tonight, and then we will see who the one is that gets Punk’d! As Owen is talking, we see on the monitor that 'The Shooter' Brent Albright has come out to the ring and is addressing Owen! Owen leaves the locker room to go to the arena.

In the arena ‘FAINT’ by Linkin Park hits and out comes ‘The Shooter’ Brent Albright. Albright says that he has made Owen tap for 2 weeks in a row. This brings out Owen, who denies ever tapping out to Albright. He says that Albright needs to take a look at the record books, because they will not show that he lost by submission! Albright rolls the footage on the big screen, showing footage of the singles match 2 weeks ago, and then the 6 man tag match last week. In both matches, Albright makes Owen tap. Albright keeps rolling the footage over and over again, which leads the crowd to start chanting ‘YOU TAPPED OUT!’ at Owen. Owen gets furious, and says that he is not wrestling tonight because we are less than a week away from the Royal Rumble. He is not going to risk getting in the ring with Albright because he has a world title match to win. However, since Albright is not good enough to be in the Rumble, he has a match for him. If he can run the gauntlet against the rest of the Hart Foundation and make them tap out, which he knows he can’t do, then he will consider giving him a title match in the future. Albright agrees to those stipulations, and tells Owen he is gonna have 2 choices: get out or tap out!!!!

Gods of Gravity (Paul London & Brian Kendrick)
Weight: 385 lbs
Hometown: Olympia, Washington and Austin, Texas
Music: Danger: High Voltage by Electric 6
Finisher: London Calling (shooting star press) & Sliced Bread # 2


Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)
Weight: 400 lbs
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
Music: ‘6 Barrell Shotgun’ by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Finisher: Shellshock, Cradle Shock

The action is almost to crazy to keep up with in this one, and the crowd is unsure who to sheer for.  At times it seems like the Motor City Machine Guns are getting as many cheers as the Gods of Gravity.  Before the match Deuce & Domino come out to the announce table with Cherry and give color commentary for the bout.  Domino says that it doesn’t matter to them who wins, that they will Rumble with anyone because they are the champs.  Shelley and Sabin manage to work Kendrick over for a good portion of the match, but Paul London get the hot tag in and cleans house.  The final few moments of the match are pure chaos with all 4 men in the ring.  The match ends in controversy as Kendrick (not the legal man) pins Sabin (legal man) following the Sliced Bread # 2 while at the same time Shelley (not legal man) forces London (legal man) to tap out to the ‘Border City Stretch’.

There are 2 refs at ringside and one ref awards the match to the Gods of Gravity while the other declares the Machine Guns the winners.  The crowd is chanting ‘5 more minutes’, but the two teams start brawling and order can never be restored to the match.  There is no official decision and the match is thrown out.  

Backstage, Idol and Beth are celebrating their victory tonight and Gertner comes in and tries to get a word with them.  Phoenix says that she proved tonight that she is the best women’s wrestler in the world, and if VICTORIA ever stops hiding from her then she will show the entire world what Idol already knows, and that is just how good she really is.  Idol agrees, and they start to make out and Idol kicks Joel out of the locker room.

‘WAR MACHINE’ by Kiss hits and Taz stalks through the curtain with his signature trademark towel hung low over his face.  

Weight: 240 lbs
Hometown: Red Hook Section, Brooklyn, NY
Music: "War Machine" by KISS
Finisher: katahajime (Taz-mission)


‘The Colossus of Bogga Road’ Nathan Jones
Weight: 350 lbs
Hometown: The Gold Coast of Australia
Finisher: Chokeslam & Torture Rack
Music: “Romper Stomper” by the Transplants

Jones gets in the ring and starts to fire himself up by hitting himself in the face.  Taz grabs the mic.

Taz – ‘Don’t worry about doin that brotha, because I’m gonna do that for you.  Because you might be big you son of a bitch.  But to me you’re just another victim!’

Taz rushes Jones and hammers him with heavy right hands, but Jones knocks Taz to the mat with a massive forearm to the back.  Jones levels Taz with a vicious clothesline, then grabs him by the throat and choke slams him to the mat!!!!  Jones celebrates and plays to the crowd, but Taz just gets right back up!  Jones turns around, and Taz levels him with the ‘Angry Man’s clothesline’, then blasts him in the side of the head with the ‘Brooklyn Boot’ (running Yakuza kick).  Taz then plants Jones with an exploder suplex!  Taz pops right back up and gives the cutthroat sign, which gets a huge pop from the crowd.  He waits on Jones to get up, and then he locks him in the Taz-mission!!!!  Taz takes Jones to the mat, wrapping him in body scissors and choking him out.  Jones taps out!!!!

Here is your winner . . . Taz!!!!

Taz grabs the mic again after letting go of the hold.

Taz – ‘Shane Mcmahon!  You can get the biggest and baddest mutha fuckas in the world and put them in the ring with me, and I’ll choke them out one by one.  Because I’m Taz!  The Human Suplex Machine!  Beat me if you can . . . survive if I let you !!!!’

-- commercial break --
CM Punk
Weight: 220 lbs
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Music: ‘Miseria Cantere: The Beginning’ by AFI
Finisher: Go to Sleep, Anaconda Vice


Mike Knox
Weight: 260 lbs
Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona
Music: ‘Unforgiven 2’ by Metallica
Finisher: swinging reverse STO

This one is a good, solid wrestling match.  Knox gets Punk off-balance with his power advantage, but Punk is just too good.  Punk nails the running high knee in the corner, followed by the bulldog and then the springboard lariat.  Before Knox can recover, Punk hits a series of open hand slaps followed by a spining back fist, then a urinage right into the Anaconda Vice!  Knox quickly taps out!

Here is your winner . . . CM Punk!

As the ref raises Punk’s hand, the Hart Foundation hits the ring and attacks Punk!  Owen is calling the shots as Teddy and Harry stomp on Punk, but Owen shoves them aside and pounds away with right hands.  Harry and Teddy hold Punk as Owen hammers him some more, then he hauls off and kicks him right between the legs.  Owen yells at Punk that no one punks him out, but as Owen leaves the ring we see Punk, with blood running from his mouth, actually smiling at Owen.  Punk is enjoying this!  

-- commercial break --  

6 man match
Brent Albright, Elijah Burke & D-Lo Brown
Weight: 670lbs
Hometown: Tulsa, OK . . . Jacksonville, FL . . . Chicago, IL
Music: ‘Faint’ by Linkin Park
Finisher: Crowbar, Elijah Express, Low Down


The Hart Foundation (Owen Hart, Lance Storm & Teddy Hart)
Weight: 645 lbs
Hometown: Calgary, Alberta Canada
Music: Hart Foundation theme music
Finisher: Sharpshooter, Canadian Maple Leaf, Hart Attack 2.0

Albright, Burke, and D-Lo hit the ring and immediately start brawling with the Hart Foundation.  The action spills out of the ring, and even goes up into the crowd as Burke and Teddy fight through the fans.  Albright stalks Owen, hitting him with a T-Bone Suplex and then hitting a belly to belly suplex that sends him over the top rope right on top of Lance Storm and D-Lo Brown!  The brawling continues, and D-Lo scores a near-fall on Storm after he and Burke hit a double-team Sky High + Hangman Neckbreaker combo, but it is Owen that makes the save.  It ends up being Owen and Albright alone in the ring, and Albright plants Owen with a series of rolling German suplexes and them locks on the Crowbar!!!!  The ref is out of position, and Owen taps out!!!!  However, Teddy makes it back in the ring before the ref sees it and breaks the move up.  Teddy goes for an overdrive, but Albright reverses out of it and drops Teddy on his head with a sick-looking half nelson suplex!!!!  Albright locks on the crowbar on Teddy, and he taps out!!!!  This time, the ref sees it!  Owen starts to get back in the ring to save Teddy, but Albright locks eyes with him and Owen thinks better of it.

Here are your winners . . . Brent Albright, Elijah Burke, and D-Lo Brown

Albright finally lets go of the crowbar, but Owen grabs the SSW title and KO’s Albright with it while he is not looking.  Owen tries to put the figure four on Albright around the ringpost, but out of the back runs CM Punk!!!!  Punk jumps Owen, and tries to fight the entire Hart Foundation himself!!!!  Punk won’t back down from anyone!!!!  However, the Foundation have the numbers and they overwhelm Punk.  Owen gets in Punk’s face and is showing him the SSW title when out of the crowd comes John Cena!!!!  Cena smashes a crutch over the back of Lance Storm, and then he fights off the rest of the Foundation!!!!  Cena and Owen brawl, and he scoops Owen on his shoulders and plants him with the F-U!!!!  

The Hart Foundation bails out, leaving Cena and Punk nose to nose in the ring.  After a moment, Cena offers a handshake to Punk.  The crowd is cheering their approval, but Punk acts like he is going to shake Cena’s hand but walks right past him, leaving the ring!  Cena watches Punk head to the back, clearly not happy about it.
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