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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #15

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #15 Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #15   Shooting Stars Wrestling #15 EmptyWed Jun 24, 2020 10:26 am

Live from Assembly Hall in Bloomington, Indiana . . . on the campus of Indiana University . . . this is . . .

Shooting Stars Wrestling #15 SSWlogo


The SHOOTING STARS WRESTLING promo airs to ‘LIGHT IT UP’ by Rev Theory

The screen is blank as we hear the fans in the arena chanting ‘S . . . S . . . W!!!! . . . S . . . S . . . W!!!!’ The screen comes up on a rowdy arena full of fans pumping their fists and chanting along as strobe lights go off and the camera pans through the crowd. Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan are standing ringside.

Mike – ‘Hello everyone, and weeeeeeelcome to the next chapter in the NWA . . . Shooting . . . Stars . . . Wrestling! I’m Mike Goldberg at ringside with my partner Joe Rogan to bring you the best wrestling action around and, judging by last week’s show, a lot of surprises.’

Joe – ‘You said it. Last week not only did we crown new tag team champions, but we also saw the debut of what could be one of the most dominant forces to come in SSW, of course I am talking about Team: Domination. You talk about a collection of 3 Blue Chip athletes that is it! Tonight, we are going to see the first member of Team: Domination make their wrestling debut when Kurt Angle faces Finlay to determine who will fill that final semi-final slot in the Pure title tournament.’

Mike – ‘Plus we are going to see CM Punk in action this week. Punk’s ongoing issues with John Cena as well as the Hart Foundation are . . . wait a minute.’

Out comes Owen Hart along with the rest of the Hart Foundation, including the newly crowned SSW tag team champions Teddy Hart and Harry Smith. Owen has a microphone.

Owen – ‘What is this I hear? Did I hear you say that these 3 college drop-outs are a dominant force in SSW? What do they call themselves? Team: Domination? How many matches have they wrestled in this company? That’s right . . . NONE! You are looking at the most dominant faction in SSW. In fact, you are looking at the most dominant force in the entire NWA. We are not just a group of guys put together to try to get over. We’re family. You two clowns better start showing us the proper respect around here. Last week the Hart Foundation brought home the SSW tag titles, but I don’t hear you two say anything about that. The whole locker room should be out here congratulating the Hart Foundation on being the top dogs . . . that includes General Manager Shane McMahon!’


Shane – ‘You know, I was sitting in the back thinking that I needed to come out here and tell you something. But I don’t think it is what you want. I still haven’t found out who was behind the Motor City Machine Guns last week, but your alibi checks out so you are OK. So congratulations. Now that brings me to you Owen Hart. I’m out here to tell you who your opponent is when you defend your SSW Genesis title right here on TV in two weeks.’

Owen – ‘It doesn’t matter who you get to face me. I know it will probably be your boy John Cena or that degenerate CM Punk. That is fine, because I have beaten Cena a hundred times, and Punk is lucky he has yet to be in the ring with me, because I would break his leg! So which one is it McMahon? Cena or Punk?’

Shane – ‘Neither.’

Owen – ‘What do you mean neither? Who is it then? Who is my opponent?’

Shane – ‘Him.’

Shane points to the curtain as ‘WAR MACHINE’ by Kiss thunders in the speakers. The look on Owen’s face goes to pure horror as Taz emerges from behind the curtain and stalks to the ring. Owen is scared to death, and he bails out of the ring as Taz climbs in. Taz pulls off his towel and raises his arms as the fans pop loudly, and Owen and the Hart Foundation head back up the ramp to the locker room. Owen is afraid, but Lance Storm is there and he is reassuring him that it is going to be OK.

Joe – ‘What an announcement by General Manager Shane McMahon! In 2 weeks Owen Hart is going to be defending the SSW Genesis title against the ‘Human Suplex Machine’ Taz!!!! Taz has not lost a match the entire time he has been here!’

Mike – ‘What a start to the show. Fans, we’ll be right back with CM Punk in action. Don’t you go anywhere!’

Commercial Break

IN THE BACK: We see Deuce & Domino talking about how they were screwed last week and they want their belts back. They shouldn’t have to wrestle Gods of Gayness tonight, they should be facing the Hart Foundation. London & Kendrick come up to them and say that they lost their belts so they need to go to the back of the line. GOG is the ones that have been screwed out of the titles more than once, and now that the cap guns are out of the picture, it is their time. Deuce tells London to keep talking, because talk like that is enough to get him cracked in the mouth. D & D promise to take care of the two ‘pretty boys’ tonight.

CM Punk
Weight: 220 lbs
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Music: ‘Miseria Cantere: The Beginning’ by AFI
Finisher: Go to Sleep, Anaconda Vice


‘Japanese Buzzsaw’ Yoshihiro Tajiri
Weight: 210lbs
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Music: ‘Smack my Bitch up’ by Prodigy
Finisher: Buzzsaw kicks

This match steals the show, and it by far the best match of the night. The two men spend the first 5 or 6 minutes in the feeling out process, then really open up on each other. Tajiri blisters Punk with some stiff buzzsaw kicks to the already-injured knee, but Punk fights back with MMA-style kicks of his own. Punk levels Tajiri with a shining wizard, but Tajiri comes right back and hits a brainbuster on Punk and ties him up in the Tarantula in the ropes. Tajiri goes for a tornado DDT out of the corner, but Punk blocks it and turns it into the ‘GO TO SLEEEEEEP’! Tajiri manages to barely kick out of the pin, due to the ref being out of position. Punk turns on the offense, hitting the ‘kitchen sink’ running knee in the corner, but Tajiri shoves him off as he goes for the bulldog. Punk turns around and gets hit with a kicking combo, and Tajiri finishes it off with a vicious buzzsaw kick. He covers, but Punk kicks out. Tajiri sets Punk on the top and goes for the huricanrana, but Punk fights him off and hits the ‘Pepsi Plunge’ from the top. He crawls over and covers Tajiri, and the ref counts three, bringing an end to this amazing match!

Here is your winner . . . . C . . . M . . . Punk!

The fans give both men a standing ovation after the match, and CM Punk grabs the mic. He calls out Shane McMahon, asking what he has to do to get a title shot around here. He is tired of waiting. Face it, he is the one that Owen Hart is afraid to face. There are people around here that have had more shots than he can count, and it is clear they can’t get the job done. This brings out John Cena. Cena says if he has something to say, he can say it to his face. If his memory serves, it was Punk that got beat last week, and it was Punk that lost the flag match. Cena tells Punk that it is time that they found out who the better man is, and if Punk can prove it to him, he’ll step away. He tells Punk if he wants some . . . come get some. Punk slaps him hard across the face, and says he wants some! Cena tackles Punk to the ground and unloads with rights as ref pour out of the back to break up the fight. For the next several minutes, Punk and Cena go at it with the refs trying to pull them apart. We go to break as security continues to try to restore order between these two.

IN THE BACK: We see Kid Kash and Jamie Noble walking down the hallway. Everyone is staring at them as they walk past, and they are acting real redneck. They are wearing wife beaters and Kash has on a cowboy hat with a rebel flag and Noble has a NASCAR hat on. They go around being real obnoxious and hitting on the chicks hanging out in the back, and Noble tries to talk with a dip in his mouth and slobbers all over the place. Kofi Kingston is back there and he just shakes his head at them. Noble gets pissed off and starts mouthing to Kofi, and dip is flying everywhere. Some of it gets on Kofi and he shoves Noble to the ground. Kofi walks off, as Kash tries to help Noble up.

Commercial Break

Footage is shown of the Motor City Machine Guns laid out last week. We still don’t know who was behind the attack, but Chris Sabin suffered a fractured collar bone that is going to keep him out of action for a few more weeks.

Deuce & Domino
manager: Cherry
Weight: 475 lbs
Hometown: The other side of the tracks
Music: generic 50's music
Finisher: Crack 'em in da Mouth


Gods of Gravity (Paul London & Brian Kendrick)
Weight: 385 lbs
Hometown: Olympia, Washington and Austin, Texas
Music: Danger: High Voltage by Electric 6
Finisher: London Calling (shooting star press) & Sliced Bread # 2

Deuce & Domino are super-aggressive in this one, and they attack London & Kendrick before the match. London gets tossed outside, and he and Domino brawl all over the ringside area. In the ring, Kendrick and Deuce go at it, but Kendrick takes him down with several arm drags and a flying headscissors. Kendrick goes for the Sliced Bread, but Domino is back in and takes Kendrick out with a clothesline. Deuce & Domino double team Kendrick, but London pulls the top rope down as Deuce comes off, sending him spilling to the outside of the ring. London and Kendrick isolate Deuce, and they are very brutal in their double-teaming. Some people even start cheering for Deuce & Domino. Deuce fights back, and finally makes the tag in to Domino, who exerts his power advantage over both London & Kendrick. Soon, all four men are going at it. Kendrick is sent flying over the top rope, and D & D hit the ‘West Side Stop’ on London. The ref drops for the count, but Kendrick pulls him outside right before the 3. Deuce grabs Kendrick and slams him on the concrete, then gets back in and they set London up for the ‘Crack Em in the Mouth’. However, out of the back comes Mickie James!!!! Mickie attacks Cherry on the outside, and this distracts Deuce in mid-move. Kendrick grabs Domino and tosses him out, and then catches Deuce from behind with an enziguri. Deuce is stunned, and London comes off the top with a Shooting Star Press to get the 3 count!

Your winners . . . Paul London & Brian Kendrick . . . The Gods of Gravity!

Mickie hugs both London & Kendrick and is jumping up and down ecstatically as we go to break.

Commercial Break

Finlay promo. He loves to fight, but he can wrestle too. Tonight, he is going to stretch Kurt Angle until he breaks. He will fight, he will wrestle, he will do whatever it takes to make his mark in SSW!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Angle promo. Haas & Benjamin are shown in the back with Angle. They are trying to psyche Angle up for his match, saying Team Domination is going to make its first impact in SSW tonight. Angle just stares forward, while Haas is on one side and Benjamin is on the other. The Pure title was made to fit around Angle’s waist because he is an Olympic Gold Medalist. There is no other wrestler in SSW that is his equal. It’s true!

Mike – ‘Fans, that match is coming up later in our main event. Boy, those are two big time players that are going to collide for a chance to go on to the Pure title semi-finals!’

Joe – ‘If there was ever an environment that was made for someone like Kurt Angle, it is here in SSW. I can’t wait to see this one. But coming up next fans, is a man that has been somewhat of a loose cannon here of late.’

Mike – ‘Super Dragon has made no secret about the fact that he wants a shot at Jushin Liger’s Junior Heavyweight title, even going so far as to attack Liger during his appearances here on SSW. He is getting his point across in a very violent way.’

Super Dragon
weight: 200 lbs
hometown: Los Angeles, CA
music: "Seek and Destroy"- Metallica
finisher: Psycho Driver 2000


Abismo Negro
Weight: 200lbs
Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico
Music: ‘Generic Latin Music’
Finisher: The Shockwave (Tiger Feint kick)

Dragon beats down Negro, and gets very little offense. When he shows signs of life, Dragon quickly regains the advantage and unleashes a ‘Violence Party’ on him and then finishes him off with a Curb Stomp.

After the match he gets on the mic and calls out Jushin Liger, saying that the Junior Heavyweight title is going to be his. Dragon leaves the ring, then passes a fan that is holding up a sign that says ‘Dragon fears Liger’. Dragon snaps, pulling the fan over the railing and beating the shit out of him. Dragon bloodies the fan, giving him the curb stomp on the concrete floor!!!! Dragon rips the sign up as security runs in to pull him off, and EMT’S are there to tend to the fan.

Commercial Break

IN THE BACK: ‘The Shooter’ Brent Albright is interviewed by Joel Gertner. Albright has not forgotten his issues with the Hart Foundation, especially Lance Storm. His focus right now is on proving one thing . . . that he is the best wrestler in the world. He is a 7-time amateur freestyle champion, and he has the most devastating submission hold in wrestling, the Crowbar. He is going to be the first Pure Wrestling Champion. ‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson comes in and interrupts, saying he couldn’t help but overhear. He has to disagree with Albright, because he is the ‘World’s Best Wrestler’. Albright says next week they are going to find out in the semi-finals. Then Danielson will only have 2 choices . . . get out, or tap out!

Back at ringside, Joe and Mike are still in shock and they apologize to the fans at home for the actions of Super Dragon. Out comes Kurt Angle for tonight’s main event, and he is accompanied by Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin. Haas & Benjamin serve as Angle’s corner men in the match, rubbing his shoulders to loosen him up, and Benjamin puts Angle’s mouthpiece in. They have a very MMA feel to them.

Pure title tournament (1st round)
Kurt Angle (w/ Team Domination)
weight: 232 lbs
hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
music: Theme music from TNA
finisher: Olympic Slam, Ankle Lock


‘Belfast Bruiser’ Fit Finlay
Weight: 235 lbs
Hometown: Belfast, Ireland
Music: ‘My name is Finlay’ WWE theme
Finisher: Celtic Cross

These two work a very stiff match from the start, standing in the middle of the ring and going toe to toe with hard forearms and European Uppercuts. The ref warns them several times about the closed fists, and he penalizes each man a rope break. Angle takes Finlay down with a series of amateur takedowns, trying to ground out a submission on the mat. Finaly shows his technical wrestling skills by reversing some of the moves and applying ground submissions of his own. They get back to their feet and go toe to toe again, and Angle catches Finlay off guard with a belly to belly overhead suplex. Finlay rolls to the outside of the ring and Angle follows, but Finlay grabs his leg and pulls him under the bottom rope, slamming his leg hard into the ring post. Angle is hobbled from here on out, and Finlay targets the knee and locks on the ‘4 Leaf Cloverleaf’ (Texas Cloverleaf). Angle has to exhaust all of his rope breaks to avoid being caught in a leg submission on his injured knee. He manages to buy himself some time by hitting a series of rolling German Suplexes, but cannot hit the Olympic Slam on Finlay. Finlay goes for the Cloverleaf again, but Angle grabs the ropes. Even though his rope breaks are gone, he uses leverage from the ropes to reverse the hold on Finlay! Angle goes for a super-plex, but Finlay fights him off and sends him crashing to the mat. However, Angle pops right back up and runs up the ropes, grabbing Finlay and hitting a top rope Olympic Slam out of nowhere!!!! Both men are down, but Angle slowly crawls over and lays an arm across Finlay for the 1 . . . 2 . . . 3.

Here is your winner . . . Kurt Angle!!!!

Haas & Benjamin get in the ring and celebrate with Angle, and he will be going on to face Lance Storm in the semi-finals next week. The show ends with Team Domination celebrating their victory in the ring.
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