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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #13

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #13 Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #13   Shooting Stars Wrestling #13 EmptyWed Jun 24, 2020 10:05 am

Live from the National Guard Armory in Battle Creek, Michigan . . . this is . . .

Shooting Stars Wrestling #13 SSWlogo


The SHOOTING STARS WRESTLING promo airs to ‘Don’t Question My Heart’ by Saliva

The screen is blank as we hear the fans in the arena chanting ‘S . . . S . . . W!!!! . . . S . . . S . . . W!!!!’ The screen comes up on a rowdy crowd in Windsor, Ontario pumping their fists and chanting along. The crowd is full of waving Canadian flags and pro-Hart Foundation signs as we see Joe Rogan and Mike Goldberg in the ring.

Mike – ‘Hello fans and welcome to Shooting . . . Stars . . . Wrestling!!!! I’m Mike Goldberg along with my broadcast partner Joe Rogan, and we are in for a hell of a show tonight. Tonight, we are going to kick off the tournament to crown the 1st SSW Pure Wrestling Champion!’

Joe – ‘This is going to be awesome. But before we go any further, I would like to introduce to you the General Manager of SSW, Shane McMahon for a special announcement.’

Shane comes out, shaking hands with the fans on his way to the ring. He shakes hands with both Joe and Mike, and then makes the announcement that there have been some changes to the Pure title tournament. D-Lo Brown and Austin Aries are out of the tournament because they are no longer part of the SSW locker room. Let’s just say that SSW management does not want anyone here that does not want to be here. He has found replacements that he thinks the fans will be happy with and he promises that they will get more bang for their buck.

Shane is interrupted as ‘MISERIA CANTERE: THE BEGINNING’ by AFI hits and out comes CM PUNK!!!! Punk comes out with a shit-eating grin on his face, and he takes the mic from Joe.

Punk – ‘Well, Shane, I hate to say I told you so . . . but I told you so. Last week SSW threw all it’s eggs in one basket, put all its money on John Cena to step up in the clutch and deliver in Canada. And look what happened. Cena lost AGAIN!!!! And where was I? I wasn’t even on the card. You see, I could have told you Cena was going to blow it . . . that was obvious. And now you are blowing it. You are blowing it for all these people that you try to make happy each and every week by not putting me in that match. John Cena has proven that he can’t get the job done, and I deserve a title shot against Owen and I want it tonight!’

Before Shane can speak, ‘BASIC THUG-A-NOMICS’ hits and out comes John Cena!

Cena comes out and cuts a promo on Punk, saying that a lot of what he said was true. Bottom line, if Punk wants a shot at the Genesis title he has to earn it. He doesn’t earn the right to get a title shot by running his mouth, he does it by getting some. If he wants some . . . COME GET SOME TONIGHT!!!! Shane says that these 2 can settle their differences in the ring, and they can do it next!!!!

Commercial Break

John Cena
weight: 260 lbs
hometown: West Newberry, MA
music: ‘Basic Thug-O-Nomics’ by John Cena
finisher: F-U Slam; STFU


CM Punk
Weight: 220 lbs
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Music: ‘Miseria Cantere: The Beginning’ by AFI
Finisher: Go to Sleep, Anaconda Vice

As we come back from break, Cena and Punk are tearing into each other. The fans are solidly behind Cena, who is in control to start out. Both men brawl around the ringside area, and Cena tosses Punk into the ring. Cena punishes Punk with hard strikes, then plants him with a fisherman suplex for a 2 count. Punk bails out to get away, and gets a cheap shot in when Cena follows him out. Punk nails Cena with forearm shots and chops, then hits the running knee in the corner, the plants Cena with a bulldog. He goes for the springboard clothesline, but Cena catches him in mid-air with a power slam. Cena hits the ‘Proto-plex’ on Punk, then gets down in his face . . . YOU CAN’T SEE ME!!!! Cena off the ropes and hits the 5 knuckle shuffle!!!! Cena scoops Punk up for the F-U, but Punk elbows Cena in the side of the head and breaks it up. Punk slips off the back and hits a running STO, then floats right into the Anaconda Vice!!!! Cena is struggling, but can’t seem to break the hold. However, before Cena can tap out the Hart Foundation suddenly hit the ring!!!! The ref immediately calls for the bell!

‘This match has been thrown out due to outside interference’

After the match, Owen and the rest of the Hart Foundation lay out both Cena and Punk. Storm picks Cena up in the ‘Deep Impact’ piledriver, and Owen comes off the top rope and spikes it off. Then they pick up Punk and hit the spike piledriver on him too. Cena and Punk are laid out, and Owen covers them with the Canadian flag.

[color#00ff00]Wrestle War promo airs. It shows the Arch in St. Louis, along with a helicopter shot of the new Busch Stadium and the Edward Jones Dome. This is intercut with shots of SSW wrestlers Owen Hart, CM Punk, John Cena, and the Motor City Machine Guns as well as other wrestlers from the NWA. It shows a countdown clock saying that Wrestle War is 39 days away![/color]

Commercial Break

In the Back: Cena is being attended to and he is furious. He barges into Shane’s office and demands the Hart Foundation in a match tonight, but not just any match. After what the Hart Foundation has done to him he wants a flag match! Shane asks who he will get to be his partners, and he says it doesn’t matter . . . give him the match! Shane agrees to it, but only if he can find 2 partners.

Back from break, ‘FAINT’ by Linkin Park hits and out comes the ‘Shooter’ Brent Albright. Albright talks about last week, and he says that there is no way Lance Storm can look in the mirror and convince himself that he beat the Shooter. He is not going to leave this issue between them on the decision of a Canadian ref.

The Shooter’ Brent Albright
Weight: 230 lbs
Hometown: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Music: ‘Faint’ by Linkin Park
Finisher: The Crowbar


Jimmy Yang (w/ Yoshihiro Tajiri)
Weight: 210 lbs
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Music: ‘Smack my Bitch Up’ by Prodigy
Finisher: Yang time, Brainbuster

There is a lot of feeling out in the beginning as each man trades various holds and exchanges. Albright continues to ground Yang, preventing him from using his high-flying arsenal, and go for submissions, forcing Yang to use a couple of his rope breaks early on. Yang fires back, hitting a spinning wheel kick that actually busts the mouth of Albright open. Yang hits a handspring elbow for a 2 count, then a tornado DDT for another. Albright is on the defensive, and has to waste a rope break of his own when Yang hits him with a brainbuster and nearly gets the pin. Yang goes up top, but Albright meets him there and hits a belly to belly suplex that gets a close 2. Albright goes for the rolling German Suplexes, but Yang grabs the ropes and uses his final rope break to stop it and rolls him up in a victory roll for a 2 count. Albright goes for the Crowbar, but Yang catches him in a flatliner and locks on the Coji Clutch. Albright grabs the rope, using his final rope break. Yang sets Albright on the top and goes for a huricanrana, but out of nowhere Albright traps yang in the Crowbar while both men are sitting on the top rope! With both men’s rope breaks exhausted, Yang cannot break the hold and is forced to tap out!

Here is your winner . . . ‘The Shooter’ Brent Albright.

After the match, Albright has his hand raised but Lance Storm hits the ring and attacks him. Storm plants Albright with the piledriver, and then covers him with the Canadian flag just like they did to CM Punk and John Cena earlier in the show. John Cena runs out with a steel chair to clear the ring.

A promo airs with comments from the SSW tag team champions Deuce & Domino as well as the Motor City Machine Guns. In addition to the Pure title tournament continuing, next week we are also going to see the Guns get their tag title shot! It is Deuce & Domino defending the titles against the Motor City Machine Guns in the main event next week!

Commercial Break

In the Back: Brent Albright and John Cena are walking down the hall. Albright has an ice pack on his neck. He tells Cena that he has got himself a partner because he wants another shot at the Foundation after what they just did to him. Cena says that they just need one more, and Albright stops him. He says ‘You know you’re going to have to ask him. Why not just get it over with?’ Cena does not appear to like it, but he turns around and goes into the locker room and comes face to face with CM Punk.
Punk gets in Cena’s face and says he knows why he is here, but he can forget it. He will get back at the Hart Foundation, but on his own terms. Cena says that they don’t have time for Punk to be a baby about it. They are never going to find out who the better man is until they take care of the Foundation. Punk says that it is no secret that he doesn’t like either of them, and they don’t like him either and that is fine. But Cena’s offer is interesting, and he will take it under advisement. Cena tells him that they need to take out the Hart Foundation tonight, and then find out who the better man is. Punk just slams the door in his face.

‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson
Weight: 185 lbs
Hometown: Aberdeen, Washington
Music: ‘The Final Countdown’ by Europe
Finisher: Cattle Mutilation


Elijah Burke
weight: 230 lbs
hometown: Jacksonville, FL
music: Living in America by James Brown
finisher: Elijah Express

The fans are not sure who to cheer for in this one, as each man has their own pocket of fans among those in attendance. Danielson dominates the early goings with wrestling holds, but Burke wastes a rope break by hitting Danielson with an uppercut right hand to even the playing field. Burke works over the arm of Danielson for a good part of the match, and hits the ‘Outer Limits’ elbow drop right onto the exposed shoulder of Danielson. Burke sets up for the Elijah Express, but Danielson moves out of the way and hits a ‘Regal-plex’ for a close 2 count. Danielson hammers Burke with forearms and goes for a roaring forearm, but Burke ducks and hits the ‘Elijah Experience’ (stroke) for another close 2. Burke is limping, and he goes to the 2nd rope but Danielson catches him on the way down with a huge European uppercut. Danielson hits a Tiger Suplex and floats right into the ‘Cattle Mutilation’, but Burke uses his final rope break to get out of the hold. Burke goes for another ‘Elijah Experience’, but Daniels reverses out of it and takes Burke down in a crucifix. Danielson starts raining down hard elbow strikes to the side of the head on Burke, and finally the ref steps in and stops the match when Burke is no longer able to defend himself. Danielson advances.

Your winner via knockout . . . ‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson

Commercial break

Aaron ‘The Idol’ Stevens and Beth Phoenix are backstage. Beth walks into the locker room and there are flowers everywhere. Idol says that they are from him because he is sorry he hit her last week. It was an accident. She forgives him, but then his mood changes and he asks her about what happened last week. He shows her the footage from last week of Kazarian getting laid out by Deuce & Domino, and then her look of concern afterwards. Beth does not have an answer. Idol gets mad and storms out.

6 man flag match
John Cena & Brent Albright
Combined weight: 720 lbs
hometown: West Newberry, MA/ Tulsa, OK
music: ‘Basic Thug-a-nomics’ by John Cena/ ‘Faint’ by Linkin Park
finisher: F-U/ the Crowbar (Fujiwara Armbar)


The Hart Foundation (Owen Hart, Teddy Hart & Harry Smith)
weight: 670lbs
hometown: Calgary, Alberta Canada
music: Hart Foundation theme
finisher: Sharpshooter/ Hart Attack 2.0/ Running Powrerslam

Cena and Albright hit the ring and brawl with the Hart Foundation from the start. Owen and Harry are sent to the outside, and Albright hits a belly to belly on Teddy that sends him over the top rope and crashing into them on the floor. Cena goes outside after Owen, but he slides in the ring to get away. Cena follows him in, but gets nailed by a spinning heel kick from Teddy. Teddy holds Cena down as Owen tries to hurry and get the flag, but Albright is back in to stop him. Albright locks on the Crowbar on Owen! Teddy lets go of Cena and goes after Albright, and Albright lets go of Owen and locks Teddy in the Crowbar instead!!!! Harry is back in and breaks it up, and the Hart Foundation begins to dominate. Owen climbs the pole while Teddy and Harry occupy Cena and Albright when ‘MISERIA CANTERE: The Beginning’ by AFI hits and out comes CM Punk to join the match!!!!

Punk hits the ring and immediately prevents Owen from pulling down the flag. Punk owns the ring, tossing Teddy and Harry into opposite corners and then hitting the running knee in the corner to both of them. Punk hits a bulldog out of the corner on Harry, while hitting a clothesline on Teddy at the same time. Owen is back up and Punk hits the ‘Pepsi Twist’ on him but Cena reaches over and tags himself in. Cena mounts Owen and hammers him with right hands, while Punk just stands there with a confused look on his face. Cena hits some big offensive moves on Owen, but the Harts get the advantage and double team Cena for a good portion of the match. Cena takes a beating, but manages to free himself and he reaches to make the tag to Punk. However, at the last second Punk pulls his hand back. Cena looks up at him and Punk tells him ‘YOU GOT PUNK’D’. Albright looks at Punk and then levels him with a right hand before tagging himself into the match and laying everyone out.

Albright takes out all the Hart members with various suplexes, then hits the diving headbutt on Owen. The action really starts to get out of control, and all 6 men are in the ring going at it. Teddy tries to pull down the flag, but Punk climbs up there with him and then hits the ‘Pepsi Plunge’ off the top rope!!!! Punk goes over and climbs to pull down the American flag, while Owen climbs up and tries to pull down the Canadian flag. It becomes a race between the 2 to see who can pull the flag down first, and it looks like Punk is going to make it. However, Lance Storm comes out of nowhere and cracks Punk right in the knee with the Canadian flag pole. Punk falls and crotches himself on the top rope, then falls all the way to the concrete floor. Meanwhile, Owen reaches up and pulls down the flag, winning the match for the Hart Foundation.

Here are your winners . . . The Hart Foundation!

Owen, Storm, Teddy, and Harry all celebrate on the ramp, waving the Canadian flag high. In the ring, Cena is disgusted and Punk is laying on the mat holding his knee. Cena glares at him as he lays there while Albright is clearly furious. Owen waves the Canadian flag high, and the Canadian National Anthem plays with the Harts triumphant as the show ends.
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