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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #19

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #19 Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #19   Shooting Stars Wrestling #19 EmptyThu Jun 25, 2020 12:29 am

Live from the Seagate Center in Toledo, Ohio . . . this is . . .

Shooting Stars Wrestling #19 SSWlogo


Before the show comes on the air, footage airs of CM Punk arriving at the building earlier in the day. The camera follows Punk through the halls, where he passes by Teddy Hart & Harry Smith, the SSW tag team champion. As he walks by, they snicker and talk under their breath, causing Punk to stop and address them. They talk trash back and forth, leading to Punk to challenge them to a match tonight. Teddy accepts, but only if Punk finds himself a partner. Punk says that he doesn’t need one. Harry tells him to go and find Cena and let him be his partner, and they laugh about it. Either it’s Cena and Punk, or there’s no deal.

The screen is blank for a moment as we can here the fans chanting ‘S . . . S . . . W!!!! . . . S . . . S . . . W!!!!’ The screen comes up on a rowdy arena full of fans pumping their fists as strobe lights go off through the venue and the camera zooms in and out. Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan are at ringside.

Mike – ‘Hello wrestling fans and welcome to another edition of Shooting Stars Wrestling! I am Mike Goldberg joined at ringside by my partner in crime Joe Rogan, and tonight we have a packed house as usual to see some of the greatest stars in the NWA.’

Joe – ‘SSW really is the ‘Next Chapter’ Mike, and tonight we are going to find out the next chapter in the ongoing rivalry that has developed between CM Punk and John Cena. You saw the challenge laid out by the Hart Foundation before the program even came on the air. Will Cena and Punk be partners tonight? A chance at the tag titles is too much for them to pass up.’

Mike – ‘The Foundation needs to be worrying a little less about Cena and Punk and a little more about what is going to happen in our main event tonight, and the 4 teams that will do battle for a shot at the tag titles.’

Joe – ‘Well, Mike, we know who 3 of the teams are and GM Shane McMahon said that we will know who the 4th team is by the time this show is over. In addition to that, we will have more regarding the controversial ending to last week’s Pure title match between Bryan Danielson and Kurt Angle, and we will also have ‘The Shooter’ Brent Albright taking on Aaron ‘The Idol’ Stevens.’

Mike – ‘It is going to be a non-stop thrill ride as always fans, but right now let’s go up to the ring for the debut of another of the newest additions to the SSW roster, ‘The Reject’ Shannon Moore . . .’

‘The Reject’ Shannon Moore
Weight: 202 lbs
Hometown: Cameron, North Carolina
Music: ‘CHICKEN HUNTIN’ by Insane Clowne Posse
Finisher: The ‘Moore-gasm’


CW Anderson
Weight: 230 lbs
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Music: ‘Push It’ by Static X
Finisher: Anderson Spinebuster

These two put on a fairly entertaining match. Anderson heels it up, and the fans are behind Moore as he turns on the offense. In the end, Moore manages to counter the spinebuster by reversing it into a DDT, then goes up to the 2nd rope and hits the ‘Moore-gasm’ (front flip neckbreaker) for the pin in his debut.

Here is your winner . . . ‘The Reject’ Shannon Moore

After the bell rings, ‘WAR MACHINE’ by Kiss hits and Taz stalks his way out to the ring. He immediately grabs CW Anderson and plants him with a T-Bone Tazz-plex! Moore backs off, offering his hand to Taz in a gesture of friendship. Taz smiles and takes his hand, then plants him with a belly to belly suplex! He picks Moore up and blisters him with vicious cross-face shots, then locks on the Tazz-mission and chokes him out!!!! Taz releases the hold, then demands a microphone.

Taz – ‘Shut that music! Owen Hart, enough of this fucking bullshit! I looked for you last week, and you weren’t here. Here I am this week and once again you are nowhere to be found. You keep ducking me and ducking me, and I am done with this shit! Your not a champion, if you were you would come out here right now and get choked out!’

On the big screen, the image of Owen Hart appears.

Owen – ‘Taz, you think I am scared of you? The only reason I don’t come out there right now and twist you up like a pretzel is because there is nothing in it for me. I am the champion here for a reason, and I wrestle when I want to. But just to show you I am the fighting champion that I say I am, I will defend my title right here next week! Oh, but it won’t be against you Taz. No, you had your shot, and you couldn’t get the job done. Instead, I will defend the belt against an opponent of my choosing.’

Taz – ‘You know what brutha, I am not surprised. You go ahead and have your little match next week, if you make it that long. But tonight, I don’t want your title. I am just gonna kick your ass! So you got two choices. You can stop being a pussy and come out here and get choked out in front of all these people, or I can come back there and choke you out in your own locker room! Because I’m Taz . . . the Human Suplex Machine!!!! Beat me if you can . . . Survive if I let you!!!!’

Taz leaves the ring and heads to the back as we go to break

A promo package airs from the 3 teams confirmed in tonight’s 4 corner tag team match. Each team mentions that they are not concerned about who the 4th team will be, and that they are going to be the ones that earn the tag title shot. Gods of Gravity and Mickie cut a promo about it being their time, and that everyone in SSW should bow down to them because not only are they the Gods of Gravity, they are the Gods of tag team wrestling!

Commercial Break

Backstage, Cena walks into Punk’s locker room and says he saw what happened earlier. How come he hasn’t asked him to be his partner. Punk says that he won’t team with Cena, and he doesn’t need a partner. Cena tells Punk they should team up to make things interesting, but Punk says no. Cena says that he is a part of it whether Punk like it or not. He says ‘See you out there . . . partner’ and walks out.

SSW Pure Wrestling Champion ‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson comes out and addresses the controversial ending to his match with Kurt Angle last week. He says that a win is a win, but it didn’t happen the way he wanted it to. He respects Kurt Angle, and came out here to be a man and offer him a rematch anytime he wants it. He talks about how he respects what Angle has accomplished when he is interrupted . . .

‘If I could be serious for a minute . . .’

Out comes Lance Storm, who cuts a promo on Dragon. He says that Kurt Angle has proven that he can’t get the job done because, after all, he is only an American. He claims to be the best pure athlete in SSW, and challenges Danielson to put the title on the line against a ‘real athlete’. But the fact remains, while he has beaten Kurt Angle twice, he has never beaten Lance Storm. And he never will because Storm paid his dues in the wrestling capital of the world: Calgary . . . Alberta, Canada! Danielson agrees to give Storm a title shot, but out comes Kurt Angle. Angle is pissed that Storm has gotten a match before him, and says that Danielson has never beaten him clean. Angle wants a match with Storm as well, but Storm declines, saying he has gotten what he wants and that is a shot at the Pure title! Angle attacks Storm, and then Danielson joins in the beating as well. However, this leads to Angle and Danielson having to be separated while Storm manages to escape to the back.

In the Back, we see Taz stalking the hallways looking for Owen Hart

John Cena & CM Punk
Weight: 480 lbs
Hometown: West Newbury, MA/ Chicago, IL
Music: ‘Basic Thug-a-nomics’ by John Cena/ ‘Miseria Cantere: The Beginning’ by AFI
Finisher: F-U/ Anaconda Vice


The Hart Foundation (Owen Hart & Lance Storm)
Weight: 455 lbs
Hometown: Calgary, Alberta Canada
Music: Hart Foundation theme
Finisher: Canadian Maple Leaf/ Sharpshooter

Cena and Punk put aside their differences at the beginning, and actually take it to the Hart Foundation. Punk and Harry fight on the outside, but when Cena tries to hits a suicide dive on Harry he misses and hits his head on the railing, He is knocked out for a little bit, and the Harts take over on Punk. Punk makes a superman comeback, hitting the kitchen sink knee in the corner on Teddy, followed by a bulldog. He goes for the GTS, but Harry breaks it up only to get caught with the ‘Pepsi Twist’. A groggy Cena manages to crawl back to the corner, and Punk goes over and tags him in, then pulls him over the top rope into the ring! Punk leaves Cena, who is still woozy, alone against both members of the Hart Foundation and he easily falls prey to the ‘Hart Attack 2.0’ (springboard doomsday blockbuster) for the pin.

Here are your winners, and still SSW tag champions . . . . Teddy Hart & Harry Smith . . . the Hart Foundation!

In the back, Taz continues to stalk Owen Hart. He intimidates backstage personnel, who point out where Owen Hart’s locker room is. Jimmy Hart tries to cut Taz off, but Taz slaps him and then chokes him out with the Taz-mission in the hallway. Taz tries to enter the locker room, but the door is locked and he has to kick it in. When he busts the door down he suddenly sprayed in the face with something from the other side of the door!!!! It is Green Mist!!!! It’s Tajiri!!!! Tajiri steps out, followed by a smiling Owen Hart as Taz furiously tries to wipe his eyes. Tajiri blasts him right in the head with a buzzsaw kick, then another. Taz is knocked silly, and Tajiri puts both boots right into the face of Taz! Owen orders Tajiri to back off, then stands over Taz and tells him “I’m Owen Hart, the SSW Genesis champion . . . Beat me if you can Taz . . . and you cant’ . . . survive, if my Japanese buzzsaw lets you!’

Commercial Break

In the back, John Cena and CM Punk are involved in a huge brawl throughout the backstage area. Cena blocks an attempt by Punk to lock on the Anaconda Vice and then puts him through the catering table with an F-U!!!! Cena keeps trying to go after Punk but he is pulled away by security.

The entire arena is shocked as before the match ‘Control’ by Puddle of Mudd hits and out comes the North American Women’s champion Victoria!!!! Victoria joins Mike and Joe and does guest commentary for the upcoming match!

Aaron ‘The Idol’ Stevens (w/ Beth Phoenix)
weight: 237 lbs
hometown: Martha’s Vineyard
music: Jesus Christ Superstar by Andrew Lloyd Webber
finisher: Idolizer (modified swinging neckbreaker)


‘The Shooter’ Brent Albright
Weight: 230 lbs
Hometown: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Music: ‘Faint’ by Linkin Park
Finisher: The Crowbar

Beth eyes Victoria at the announce table, and Victoria talks about how she has taken her scouting outside the borders of the WFC, and she has her eye on the entire NWA. She puts over Idol and Albright, then talks trash about Beth, saying that she doesn’t know why Idol keeps her around. Meanwhile, Idol and Albright have a good match, with Albright spending most of his time working on the arm of Idol. Idol turns the tables thanks to Beth, which leads to Victoria getting involved. Victoria and Beth get into a shoving match on the outside of the ring, which distracts both Idol and the ref. This allows Albright to grab Idol and plant him with a vicious half-nelson suplex. Albright goes right for the Crowbar, locking it in and forcing Idol to tap out quickly

Here is your winner . . . the Shooter . . . Brent Albright!

Cameras in the back show Shane McMahon on his way out to the ring

Commercial Break

After the 3 other teams have been introduced, out comes GM Shane McMahon!!!! Shane announces the 4th team in the match, making their return to SSW, the Motor City Machine Guns!!!! When Shelley and Sabin come out, London and Kendrick looked totally shocked as does Mickie James.

Gods of Gravity (Paul London & Brian Kendrick)
Weight: 385 lbs
Hometown: Olympia, Washington and Austin, Texas
Music: Danger: High Voltage by Electric 6
Finisher: London Calling (shooting star press) & Sliced Bread # 2


Team Domination (Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas)
Weight: 480 lbs
Hometown: Orangeburg, South Carolina & Tulsa, Oklahoma
Music: ‘My Quest’ by Dale Oliver (Angle’s TNA theme music)
Finisher: Dominant Force (Fireman carry flapjack by Haas into Flatliner by Benjamin)


Trailer Park Trash (Kid Kash & Jamie Noble)
Weight: 425 lbs
Hometown: Hanover, West Virginia & Johnson City, Tennessee
Music: ‘Country Boy Can Survive’ by Hank Williams Jr
Finisher: Money Maker/ Gibson Driver


Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)
Weight: 400 lbs
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
Music: ‘6 Barrell Shotgun’ by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Finisher: Shellshock, Cradle Shock

The Guns hit the ring and immediately go after the GOG. All four men start brawling, but Team Domination quickly gets involved and start fighting with the Guns. Kash and Noble sit back and watch. Finally the ref is able to restore order and Shelton and Shelley start the match. Kash and Noble continue to try to avoid being tagged in, but finally they have no choice and Kash has to go at it with Sabin. London and Kendrick try to remain on the outside as well. During the early parts of the match, Haas tweaks his knee while diving to the outside of the ring on London, and he has to be helped to the back. Shelton goes it alone the rest of the way, but without someone to tag in he wears down quickly. However, Shelton has Kendrick on the verge of elimination when he hits him with the ‘Shell-Shocka’ (T-Bone powerslam). However, London pulls the ref out of the ring just before he can make the 3 count. With the ref distracted, Mickie gets in the ring and hits Shelton with a low blow, allowing Kendrick to hit the ‘Sliced Bread # 2’ for the pin. Team Domination has been eliminated.

The rest of the way, the Guns and the GOG spend a lot of time fighting each other in the ring. Noble and Kash hang back, refusing to get tagged in. These 2 teams pull off some incredible double teams, but neither team has a clear edge. Kash and Noble get involved, and the ref quickly loses control again! During the melee, Mickie slides a chair to London and he uses it on Sabin, but the ref catches him in the act. He calls for the DQ, eliminating the GOG and narrowing it down to Trailer Park Trash vs. the Guns for a shot at the tag titles! Trailer Park Trash is the fresher team, and they work Shelley over for a lengthy period before he is able to make the hot tag in to Sabin. Sabin cleans house, hitting the Cradle Shock on both Noble and Kash. The Guns set Kash up for their finisher, but Mickie James runs out and distracts the ref yet again. From the other side, Paul London comes out and whacks Sabin with a chair, taking him out! Kendrick hits the Sliced Bread on Shelley and the GOG bail out as the ref gets back in the ring. Noble and Kash take advantage, hitting a sick-looking springboard spiked money-maker on Sabin for the pinfall

Here are your winners . . . Jamie Noble and Kid Kash . . . Trailer Park Trash!!!!

Noble and Kash celebrate like crazy leaving the ring, while the GOG just look on and smile. After the match, London and Kendrick hit the ring again and attack the MCMG, while Mickie jumps up and down and cheers them on. Once again the Guns are left a bloody mess in the ring. London gets on the mic and says that this is the 2nd time they have left the Guns laying, and the 2nd time they have cost them a shot at the tag titles!

Mike – ‘What???? Did you hear that Joe?’

Joe – ‘I heard it Mike! That means that London and Kendrick are the ones that put the Guns on the shelf! I can’t believe it! I never would have thought . . .’

The GOG continue to beat on the Guns until security comes out and separates them, and the show ends with the Gods of Gravity celebrating at the top of the ramp.
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