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 Progress Wrestling Great American Bash

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Progress Wrestling Great American Bash Empty
PostSubject: Progress Wrestling Great American Bash   Progress Wrestling Great American Bash EmptyThu Jul 04, 2024 10:35 am

Progress Wrestling Great American Bash K1PSPBj


Progress Wrestling Great American Bash G9cDMF6

Location: Pasedena Rose Bowl

Progress Wrestling Great American Bash BVVguLJ

Joey Styles: "Hello wrestling fans! And Happy 4th of July! We are coming into your homes from the Rose Bowl in Pasedena and it's time for the Great American Bash...... Progress Wrestling style! And what a main event wrestling have tonight, as the richest prize in the industry is on the line, as the champion, Lex Luger defends the NWA World title against "The Russian Nightmare " Nikita Koloff! And to be quite honest,  even though the Rose Bowl holds 90,000 people, I'm not sure even it's big enough to hold Nikita and Luger tonight! And not only that, but we........      

Styles is interrupted as the cameras pick up Gateway Wrestling talents such as Drew McIntyre and Bobby Heenan with the Heenan Family making their way into a suite inside the Rose Bowl.  

 Joey Styles: "Well excuse me if I don't sound enthusiastic about our guests arriving here. Nonetheless fans, it's time to kick off the Bash with our opening contest!"                

 Joey Styles: "Well what the Hell now? Here comes Kurt Angle but he is not in pir scheduled opening contest."                    

Progress Wrestling Great American Bash EpwtdrN

Kurt Angle: "By now, I know all you people are aware of your Olympic gold metalis Three I's! And after what I witnessed in Glascow just a few days ago, I'm using one of them now, called...... Intelligence! So Kevin Owens..... get your ass out here and bring that National title with you because I'm ready to make history in our Nations Independence Day! Ohhhhh, it's true...... It's Damned True!"  

Owens males his way to the ring still limping from the encounter he had against Butch Reed, just days ago!

Kevin Owens vs Kurt Angle for the NWA National title                

The bell rang with Angle taking over with punches. KO with punches, hard whip into the corner and Angle bounced back with a clothesline. Angle did a running cross body block on KO for a two count. Angle with an elbow to the back of the head. KO took over working on the left leg of Angle. Angle managed to slap on an Ankle Lock, Owens  got to the ropes and left the ring. Angle followed, so KO decked Angle with a clothesline. KO with a back body drop that sent Angle over the top to the floor. Back in the ring, KO hit three vertical suplexes. Angle came back with three German suplexes, KO tried to fight back, Angle hit more and Joey Styles counted seven German Suplexes. Owens came back by kneeing Angle in the back sending Angle into the middle turnbuckle. They battled by the turnbuckle, Angle knocked KO down, KO came back with punches and KO connected with a superplex off the top rope. They got back to their feet, KO hit a Stunner and a cover. 1.......2....... Angle got his left shoulder up to kick out at two. KO was upset with the ref about that. KO hit another Stunner, but Angle bumped out of the ring to the floor. KO whipped Angle face first into the ring post. KO stalked ref on the floor and Angle was busted open. KO sent Angle face first into the ring post three times. The ref was not counting them out of the ring. KO grabbed the title, Hebner took the title away from him and KO whipped Angle into the ring post two more times, so five times total. KO worked over a bloody Angle with punches. Back in the ring, KO went for a pinfall that got a two count. They left the ring again with KO whipping Angle int to the ring post and the announce table. Angle managed to come back by pushing KO over the barricade at ringside. KO managed to suplex Angle over the barricade onto the concrete. Hebner was outside the ring with them. When KO tried to get back to ringside, Angle slapped on the Ankle Lock while KO was on the barricade.

Angle pulled KO into the ring by the leg and slapped on the Ankle Lock submission with the crowd cheering. KO got to the ropes to break the hold. They left the ring again with except this time Angle was in control with a belly to belly overhead suplex. KO got back up, so Angle dropped him with a belly to back suplexes. Angle sent KO into the announce table twice and then rolled KO back in the ring. Angle was a bloody mess as he went to the top rope. Angle hit a moonsault off the top for a two count as KO got his shoulder up to kick out. Austin slapped on a Sleeper, Angle walked the ropes and kicked off leading to a pinfall for two. The ref raised Angle’s hand to check on hand and Angle managed to send KO to the floor. KO got back in the ring, he had Angle’s blood all over and KO hit another Stunner for just two with Angle getting his shoulder up. The crowd was going crazy for this. Angle looked like he was out of it, KO slapped him in the face, Angle blocked a kick and hit an Angle Slam! Angle grabs KO and locks in the Angle Lock! KO is screaming in agony as the fans are all standing. KO tries to get to the ropes and right when he is just centimeters away from.a break..... Angle pulls him back in the middle of the ring, and falls back to the mat, grapevining KO for even more leverage! After a few moments, KO CANT TAKE THE PAIN ANY LONGER AND  TAPS OUT!!!  Your winner, and NEWWWWWW NWA NATIONAL CHAMPION........ KURT ANGLE!

Progress Wrestling Great American Bash KJ6TG6t

Joey Styles: "Say what you may, but Kevin Owens was clearly not 100% and gave Angle all the fight he wanted! But it will go down in the record books..... Kurt Angle is your new NWA National Champion! And no matter who wins the merger between Gateway and Progress in one month, Angle will have a home!"              

The Steiners vs The G-Club for the Progress tag titles            

Scott out-wrestling Rude early on, then Rick tags in and everyone barks and Rick takes over on the leg of Rude. Steiners making tags, staying on the leg of Rude early on. Scott gives that up to punch Rude in the face, being Scott.

Ventura comes in and gets ground down a bit, too, before turning things around on Rick. He goes for a sunset flip but Rick punches Jesse in the face, Steinerlines an incoming Rude, and then basement Steinerlines Ventura.

After consultation with Madusa, the G-Club are in control. Ventura working on Scott. Ventura throws one of his right hands, but Scott catches him with a belly-to-belly suplay. Ventura quickly makes a tag to Rude who is careful coming in to meet the also tagged Rick

Rick catches Rude in a powerslam he would do,  but Rude breaks the pin. The G-Club go for a rocket launcher but Scott breaks that up, knocking Rude out of the ring and hurling Ventura into another powerslam from Rick.

The G-Club take a powder and Rick barks and the crowd barks with him. It’s Scott and Rude when action resumes, and Scott working that leg some more, but Rude kicks him off and Scott shoulders the post. With Randy Anderson distracted, Madusa rams Scott’s shoulder into the post again.

Rude laser focuses on the shoulder and the crowd tries to rally Scott, but Rude and Ventura won’t be overcome

Rick finally gets the tag and it is HOT. Rick powerslams Rude but with the referee distracted again, Rude dumps Rick over the top to the floor. With Madusa approaching Rick, Scott races in to chase her off, and it’s all broken down. Scott slams Rude from the top as Rick crawls back into the ring, only to be met with a Rude Awakening from Rude. Scott and Ventura leave the ring, not being legal, and Rude rolls over to pin Rick for the win.

  Booker T vs Swerve Strickland w/ Prince Nana                

This one is just what you might imagine it to be as the fight is on as soon as both men enter the ring. And it seems that either man cares that this is an actual wrestling match as they would rather tear each other apart. That is until we see...... The Kliq storm the ring. HBK, Hall and Nash just kick the shit out of both guys. Nash powerbombs Booker. HBK superkicks Swerve into a Razors Edge from Hall then takes the housemic.......

Progress Wrestling Great American Bash C3oe9FD

 HBK: "Let's make one thing perfectly clear..... that had nothing to do with being a black thing, like those two nimrod! This had everything to do with yours truly makingba statement. And while everyone may be talking about the merger between Gateway and Progress..... what they should remember is that I just won the King of the Ring tournament and I have a world title match in my pocket any time I want it! Hood for HBK..... Bad for anyone holding an NWA title!"              

 Cody Rhodes vs Ilja Dragunov in a Texas Bullrope Match                      

Cody Rhodes is hooked to the Bull Rope. Dragunov hooks up to it and throws the cowbell at Rhodes before kicking him down. Rhodes soon kicks him and drops down for an uppercut. Rhodes sends Dragunov into the ropes and turns him inside out with a kitchen sink knee to the midsection. Rhodes rings the cowbell, but Dragunov gets out of the ring. Rhodes follows him out (Dragunov cannot escape since they’re tied to each other). Dragunov goes into the crowd, but Rhodes uses the rope to pull Dragunov ribs-first into the barricade.

Rhodes is using the rope to pull Dragunov face-first into the ring post. Rhodes does this three times. Dragunov slowly gets into the ring, and Rhodes punches him in the forehead. Rhodes hits the ropes for a Disaster Kick, but Dragunov uses the rope to pull him out of midair. Dragunov puts Rhodes in the corner and kicks away at him. Dragunov connects Bad Vibrations. Rhodes rolls out of the ring, but Dragunov pulls him into the apron. Rhodes grabs his knee in pain. Dragunov drops a knee on Rhodes’ neck for a two-count. Dragunov kicks away at Rhodes and digs his boot into his face. Dragunov whips Rhodes with the Bull Rope and lays him on the top turnbuckle. Dragunov hits a running knee to the ribs and covers for a two-count. Dragunov kicks away at the chest. Rhodes blocks a big kick, but Dragunov quickly cuts him off with an enzuigiri. Dragunov hits the ropes, but Rhodes dropkicks him in the knee. Rhodes applies a Figure Four Leglock in the center of the ring. Dragunov grabs the cowbell to hit Rhodes in the head and break up the hold.

Rhodes makes a comeback and hits Dragunov with a snap powerslam. Rhodes hits a Disaster Kick for a near fall. Rhodes punches Ilja, but Dragunov reverses a whip to the corner. Dragunov quickly puts Rhodes on the ropes and hits a sliding German Suplex. Dragunov knees away at Rhodes’ ribs and sets up for a Kinshasa. Rhodes kicks him and hits a Cody Cutter!

Rhodes gets the crowd going and punches Dragunov. They trade punches in the center of the ring. Rhodes hits some stinging left jabs. Dragunov goes for a kick, but Rhodes avoids it and hits a Bionic Elbow. Dragunov quickly comes back with a kick to the skull. Dragunov connects with an inverted back suplex. Rhodes avoids a Kinshasa and rolls him up before hitting a Pedigree. 1… 2…  Dragunov kicks out! Rhodes grabs the cowbell and rings it for a nice ovation. Rhodes sizes Dragunov up, but Dragunov  grabs Rhodes, but Rhodes instinctually flips him over and hits Cross Rhodes! 1… 2… Dragunov barely kicks out!

Rhodes struggles to get to his feet and rubs his eyes. Dragunov beats him down with the cowbell. Dragunov charges for a Kinshasa, but Rhodes blocks it. Rhodes low blows Dragunov with the rope between his legs. Rhodes flips him over using the ropes and hits the Cross Rhodes for the win!

Progress Wrestling Great American Bash Lrt4Gjg

Joey Styles talks about the remainder of tonight's card and thing brings up the merger between Gateway and Progress at the end of the month. And wonders what that means for either company going forward as we see AJ Styles entering the ring.

Progress Wrestling Great American Bash 3bZfEtc

AJ Styles: "Today Progress Wrestling turns q years old! Being a former Progress champion, alot of memories come to mind as we head into the biggest show in Progress history against Gateway in just a few weeks. Alot of people have doubts, but let me tell you something..... when I look in that lockerroom backstage I see guys like Samoa Joe.... Kurt Angle..... The Road Warriors..... and Cody Rhodes. I promise you..... Progress Wrestling is going to be just fine!  And we are going......"          

Styles is interrupted by Bobby Heenan!

Progress Wrestling Great American Bash Qfug080

Bobby Heenan: "AJ Styles! Just look at you! You pal, are the definition of Progress Wrestling! Just months ago, you was the top guy here. And now, you can't even get a spot on the anniversary show! Your old news! Trying to hold into a sinking ship! Do yourself a favor pal..... jump off! Stop trying to hold on. Nobody cares about you or Progress Wrestling! But being the nice guy I am, I feel sympathy for you. I will offer you a job to carry my bags..... be my lackey! What do ya say?"          

Styles grabs Heenan by his coat and Heenan instantly begins begging Styles not to hurt him. Styles pushes Heenan into the corner and before he can do any damage us jumped behind by........

Progress Wrestling Great American Bash 9fVhyxW

Archer hits Styles with a big boot to the back of the head followed by a black hole slam. Archer then nails the Blackout in Styles as Heenan laughs standing over Styles!

Joey Styles: "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? This is supposed to be a friendly business merger between Progress and Gateway! If that's the case, what the Hell is Bobby Heenan doing making it personal? And does Gateway condone his actions? Its time for Progress Wrestling to make a stand!"                  

Sting vs Samoa Joe for the Progress Heavyweight Title      

They circle and lock up, to the corner and Joe breaks clean. Lock up again, to the corner and Sting breaks clean. Lock up, headlock by Sting, off the ropes and they collide, no one moves. Again and the same. Atomic drop by Joe, Sting counters the yakuza, Scorpion applied and countered into the choke and then a sleeper by Joe. Sting escapes, scorpion try and Joe gets the ropes. Knuckle lock now, test of strength and jabs by Joe. Sting is down, to the corner now and jabs by Joe again. Irish whip and a reversal, clothesline by Sting and Jerry Lawler makes his way to the ring. Stinger splash misses and a big Enziguri by Joe catches Sting.

A slam by Joe, and into the surfboard. Sting fights out of the hold, elbows out and off the ropes and a running leg lariat by Joe gets 2. Headlock applied by Joe, Sting looks to fight out, to his feet and elbows out. Joe slams him back down. Elbow drop by Joe and a cover for 2. Suplex try by Joe, Sting floats over and takes Joe down. The ref counts as both men fight to their feet. Lawler on the apron, Sting nails Lawler to the floor. Kick by Joe, jabs now and off the ropes and misses a kick. Lawler nails Sting with a foreign object, unseen by Joe or the ref. Samoan Drop by Joe and a cover for 3! Samoa Joe is still your Progress Heavyweight champion! Lawler heads up the isle laughing at what he has done.  

 Roddy Piper vs David Schultz for the NWA World TV Title                  

Schultz gearing up in the corner, shaking his arms out, getting ready. Piper is stoic in his corner. The bell sounds and they stare at one another from across the ring. Schultz goes to the floor before anything happens. He takes a moment and goes back in. He backs himself to the corner, but they lock up there and START LAYING IT THE FUCK IN RIGHT AWAY, CROWD GOING WILD AS PIPER SOCKS SCHULTZ OUT TO THE FLOOR AGAIN.

Schultz takes a moment out there to regroup. Piper calmly taunts him, waving him in to fight again. Roddy’s got this look of pure hatred on his face. They lock up, Schultz clubs him with a series of forearms, Piper staggers back like a rocked boxer. Schultz with more forearms and right hands, Piper goes down, falls out of the ring, but COMES BACK FIRING RIGHT FUCKIN HANDS AND KNEES TO THE GUT

Schultz whipped into the corner, Piper punches him in the jaw and drops him, Schultz goes out to the floor again. This time Piper shakes his head and intends to follow, but the referee holds him back. Schultz holding his throat as he regroups again.

Schultz back in, trying to cover up as Piper looks to rip him with shots again. Roddy unloads, finds openings. Sends Schultz off the ropes and hits him with a high knee. Schultz begging off as Piper stalks over him, then pulls him up for an ear clipper. Schultz down in the corner, Piper brings him up, Schultz blocks a right hand and starts firing shots back, then hits a stomachbreaker.

Schultz drives a knee into Piper’s gut, then another couple. Piper on the apron and fighting back, drives Schultz throat down over the top rope and comes back in, Schultz begging off once more. Roddy JAMS HIS THUMB INTO SCHULTZ FUCKIN EYE and then punches him right in the goddamned mush.

Schultz falling over against the ropes, Piper standing over him. Schultz up and gets his head rammed into the top turnbuckle. Piper grabs the hair openly and flagrantly, Schultz grabs back, this is a nasty fight. Schultz with forearms in the corner. Piper fires back with rights, Schultz drives a shoulder into Piper’s gut to slow him down. Schultz right blocked, Piper hits him. Into the ropes, Piper makes the cardinal mistake and gets hit for it, so he’s down again.

Piper pulled up, Schultz laying in with fists to the skull. Piper falls into the ropes, then Schultz drives an elbow into his head and knocks him out to the floor. Dr. D follows out, grabs Piper by the neck and hair, and smacks his face off the ringpost. Schultz back in to break the count, then right back out. Again he grabs Roddy by the hair, now choking him against the ringpost. Schultz back in to break the count again.

Dr. D back out to the apron, hovering over Piper, but Roddy turns the corner and Schultz goes back into the ring. Piper to the apron, Schultz cuts him off and rips him with elbows. Right hands to the forehead from Schultz. Piper covering up in the corner, bloodied now, and Schultz just keeps throwing haymakers. Piper ducking shots in the corner, then lands one and lifts up with a double thrust kick, now TACKLES SCHULTZ AND GOES NUTS ON HIM AGAIN! Piper mounting with right hands and pulls him up for a kneelift.

Schultz back to the apron, then rolls to the floor, Piper following and ignoring the referee telling him not to this time. Piper wants vengeance, and finds some by slamming Schultz head into the post. Back into the ring, Piper slow on his attack, grabbing Schultz hair and milking the crowd.

Overhand right from Piper, then up for a series of left jabs, which knock Schultz slowly to the canvas. Dr. D is busted open now, too. Schultz firing back with shots to the gut and head, Piper throwing back, they’re trading like animals again. Piper with a throat thrust, right hand, and a leaping right hand, using the bottom rope as a springboard. Schultz turns it around, though, grounding Piper and choking him on the mat. Piper grabs Schultz by the hair and turns him over as Schultz continues choking. Piper biting Schultz on the head now, still grabbing at his hair as Schultz goes back to the floor, then around the corner and back into the ring for another Piper right hand.

Another wild right from Roddy, thumb to the eye, Schultz is the one firing back now! Piper with a big forearm off the ropes, and Schultz goes back to the floor. Piper leisurely dives off the apron and down onto Schultz, laying in right hands on the concrete. Schultz back with an elbow and some shit gets knocked over out there.

Schultz takes the rope meant to serve as a guardrail and starts choking Piper with it as they go back into the ring! The referee is trying to break it up, but Schultz will not let go, and tosses the ref aside to the mat and then we see The Midnight Rider make his way to ringside.  

 Joey Styles: "The Midnight Rider! We haven't seen him since he was forced to give back the Progress Heavyweight title because he wouldn't unmask!"          

Rider hops up on the ringapron and Schultz let's go of Piper. Schultz starts jawjacking Rider then reaches over and grabs Rider by the mask AND PULLS IT OFF...... REVEALING........  


Schultz looks shocked..... as he was expecting to see Hangman Page under the mask. Schultz looks down at the mask, confused. Then the crowd pops big time as Hangman Page comes through the crowd. Hangman jumps up on the ringapron behind Schultz as Kendall motions for Schultz to turn around. Schultz turns, right into A BUCKSHOT LARIAT FROM HANGMAN! Piper covers Schultz as the ref crawls over and makes the three count!


 The Road Warriors vs Stan Hansen & Terry Funk for the NWA National Tag Team Titles      

Hansen & Funk inexplicably enter to chaotic fanfare. They meet the Warriors in the aisle and we have a brawl on the floor that spills into the crowd. Cowbells and tables are involved while the ref stands on the floor, looking totally confused.

Everyone finally gets into the ring and Hawk drives a fist into Funks skull for two. Brawl erupts yet again. Hansen and Hawk end up in the crowd exchanging chairshots. Order gets restored and Funk takes Hawk off his feet and drops an elbow. Hansen tags in and drops another elbow for two. Hansen misses a charge and comes back with a back suplex while Animal & Funk brawl on the floor.

Funk tags in and Hawk chokes the life out of him. Funk suplexes his way to freedom. Hansen tags in and connects with a piledriver!
Funk tags in just in time for Hawk to get his second wind, throwing punches and delivering a press slam We have a brawl on the floor and finally it lasts long enough for the referee to count everybody out and ruled a double countout.  

 Will Ospreay vs Jay White for the NWA Super Juniors title                  

White got the early advantage sending Ospreay into the guardrail and injuring the ribs and White worked over the ribs inside the ring for a prolonged period. Ospreay broke free and attempted a handspring off the ropes and clutched his ribs and fell.

Ospreay avoided a Saito suplex to the floor and clotheslined White over the top. Ospreay attempted a suicide dive but White caught and sent him ribs first into the guardrail. Ospreay made it back at the count of 19.

White was placed in the tree of woe with Ospreay slapping him repeatedly. Ospreay climbed the turnbuckle with White on his shoulders and flipped White off and onto the mat. He teased the OsCutter but White rolled away. He tried for the OsCutter a second time and was caught by White with a crucifix and downward elbows strikes. A Blade Runner was countered with a reverse huracanrana by Ospreay.

Ospreay set up for the elbow strike from behind but Juice Robinson distracted the ref and allowed White to hit a low blow onto Ospreay. White followed with a snap sleeper and a Bloody Sunday for a two-count.

Ospreay hit an inverted 450 splash but damaged the ribs in the process as White grabbed the bottom rope when Ospreay went for the cover. After a series of counters, Ospreay landed two head kicks and a Robinson special. Ospreay hits the OsCutter and White stumbles up to his knees, Ospreay comes flying in  with the Hidden Blade! 1......2........3!!! WILL OSPREAY IS YOUR NEWWWWW NWA SUPER JUNIORS CHAMPION!!!  

Progress Wrestling Great American Bash Ap6X8F7

  Joey Styles: "After months and months if being the #1 contender  Will Ospreay finally gets his hands on Jay White and makes good in his promise..... he said he only needed one match yo defeat  Jay White! Something many other challengers couldn't do! And now the Ospreay era begins!"                

Main Event: Nikita Koloff vs Lex Luger for the NWA World title                

Ivan Koloff leads "The Russian Nightmare " to the ring to a chorus of defeaning jeers! Nikita enters and stands in the corner unphased.

Progress Wrestling Great American Bash M0jAPaC

Then the NWA World champion, Lex Luger comes out wearing the colors of the U.S.A!

Progress Wrestling Great American Bash V8kRzII

The bell sounded and Nikita motioned that he would become the new champion before a stern collar & elbow tie up resulted in both men struggling to gain some kind of advantage. The pace didn’t take long to quick as Luger propelled off the ropes to forearm Koloff on the jaw. Nikita exited the ring to get some advance from his mentor Ivan. Luger actually muscled the big man around when they locked up, breaking clean when they tumbled into the ropes. They tied up once again, with Koloff actually using Luger’s golden locks against him to spin him into a side headlock. It was a battle of wills and power breaking out when Luger countered the headlock with a top wristlock. Using agility and flexibility, Luger worked his way off the mat, hammerlocking Nikita until Koloff backed him against the turnbuckles. Koloff refused to break clean, shoulder ramming the air out of his opponent to a chorus of boos.

Koloff was in complete control, pounding away with body slams, punches and kicks. A few close two counts came from the referee following Koloff’s attack, angering Nikita to the point he angrily pitched Lugee to the floor.

Luger refused to stay down, making his way onto the apron. Koloff didn’t give Lex a chance to recover, pounding him before tossing him outside again. This time, Ivan Koloff ran over to kick Luger behind the ref’s back. The fans were not enjoying what they were seeing as Luger lay on the floor after having his face bashed on the steel ring steps. Luger suffered a laceration above his eyebrow, but was still in this fight by using a hotshot to sling himself over the incoming body of Koloff. Nikita clutched the top rope to stop the pinning combination, only for the referee to kick his hands free and propel Koloff backwards. The referee counted Nikita down before he could realize what happened! And still NWA WORLD CHAMPION........ LEX LUGER!!!

Luger celebrates his victory as fireworks go off around the Rose Bowl and show fades to black.

Progress Wrestling Great American Bash 2pSF2YC

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Progress Wrestling Great American Bash Empty
PostSubject: Re: Progress Wrestling Great American Bash   Progress Wrestling Great American Bash EmptyFri Jul 05, 2024 8:31 pm

And the GAB rolls into the Rose Bowl and looks to be a great night!!

NIKITA is ready to bring Russian some more gold!

fukin heenan and the gateway guys are here!!

abgle is feeling his oats tonight aint he? lol

KO showing the effects of that hard fought bout in glasgow!

how the hell did ko survive all thiose german suplexes?

how did angle survive that fukin ring post??

ko definitely showing an irritable side here tonight

WOW!! CONGRATS to the new National champ! I think even at 100 percent that ko was not beating angle on this night! Helluva an opener!!

that tag match was a damned good one and maybe with this win, the g club will be considered mre than just Luger's lackeys!

booker and swerev just wanna throw down!!

wtf is the kliq doing here?

not a black thing lol

the king of the ring winner putting the world champs on notice

that bullrope match was all the fans expected and more! Cody was impressive in this win but by no means was it an easy one!

nice speech from aj but heenan aint having it lol

never put your hands on heenan AJ just learned that lesson the hard way!

LAWLER has a hard on for sting and costs him a big match here! JOE may have had a hand in LAWLER'S appearance! imo

oh shit...this one is gonna be a fukin fight!!

this was one helluva fight i dont know what these guys enjoyed more...dishing out punishment or taking punishment because these two guys did a lot of both!

i love the old school use of the rope as a guard rail!

oh fuck..i was waiting for the Rider to show up!!


dude that swerve was fukin awesome!! Page is back!!

PIPER takes advantage and retains!!

i luv this tag starting out in the aisle!!

i kinda felt sorry for the ref in this one as he never really had control... finally had no recourse but to count out both!

Finally the match im sure most of if not ALL of us have been waiting for!

this match lived up to the hype and we HAVE A NEW WORLD SUPER JUNIOR CHAMP! i can not wait to see the fallout from this! The GAB is not being kind to champions tonighjt!

Now tome for this kick ass main event!

great to see Luger retaining his title lately without the g club interfereing! Gotta say it was Luger's wrestling ability that helped him retain this one!

Where the hell was JIMMY HART as i think he woulda had a better strategy to hep his man win the world title!


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Johnny Rose

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Join date : 2020-06-11

Progress Wrestling Great American Bash Empty
PostSubject: Re: Progress Wrestling Great American Bash   Progress Wrestling Great American Bash EmptySat Jul 06, 2024 7:20 am

Smart move by Angle taking advantage of a banged up Owens . Congrats on the National Championship!

The G Club has been impressive .

lol . This is not a Black Thing . I wonder how soon HBK will use the contract . Will he milk it all the way to Starrcade ?

Hellva Bullrope match !

AJ should have known better . So much for friendly mergers btw . lol

Lawler is owning Sting !!!! He’s living in his head .

Schultz vs Piper was outstanding !!! Kendall Windham was a surprise . I’m not a Page fan , but a great way to bring him back .

Congrats to Osprey ! Two NWA title changes in one show !!!

The ref cost Nikita . Is this ref owned by Mike Smith ???? lol

Great Bash show buddy

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