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 Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash

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Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Empty
PostSubject: Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash    Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  EmptyFri Jul 07, 2023 10:39 pm



Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  ZI72kxD

Location: State Farm Stadium, Glendale AZ

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  WIKbyg5

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  KT9VLyU

  Joey Styles: "HELLO EVERYBODY! AND welcome to the beautiful State Farm Arena! I'm your host Joey Styles...... and this is the Progress Great American Bash! We have a great show lined up for you tonight, headlined by......."          

Styles is interrupted by the appearance of the NWA Super Juniors World champion....... Chris Jericho!

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  1l84ahs

  Chris Jericho: "Shut your face Jim Lyles!"              

 Joey Styles: "MY names is..... Joey Styles!"                

 Chris Jericho: "You look more like Jared from Subway to me you stupid idiot! It's bad enough that I have to come to a shithole like Glendale, Arizona to defend my title against some flash in the pan! Normally I would let my main man here, Jesse "The Body" Ventura handle my light work. Then he reminded me that we are in the home of the Arizona Cardinals......and you guys are used to watching losers like El Hijo Del Vikingo...... I mean after all your quarterback is Kyler Murray! So bring this kid out here so I can catch the next plane out of here back to Canada!"          

 El Hijo Del Vikingo  vs Chris Jericho w/Jesse Ventura for the NWA Super Juniors title              

As Styles gets to his commentary booth, he reminds the tv audience that Vikingo is undefeated as Jericho hit Vikingo with a forearm leading to a headlock. Jericho hit a running shoulder tackle. Vikingo got boots up to block a charge followed by a headscissors that sent Jericho out of the ring. Vikingo slid towards Jericho on the floor, Jericho caught him and swung him into the barricade. Jericho with a slingshot that sent Vikingo throat first into the bottom rope. Jericho hit a delayed vertical suplex for two followed by a chinlock: “Ask him.” Vikingo elbowed Jericho off the turnbuckle. Vikingo jumped off the ropes with a senton and Jericho caught a charging Vikingo with a backbreaker for two. Jericho whipped him into the turnbuckle leading to a baseball slide dropkick that sent Vikingo from the ring to the floor. Back in the ring, Jericho with a kick leading to a low dropkick on a seated Vikingo. Jericho grounded him by pulling back on the arms, Vikingo came back with kicks and Vikingo avoided a charge, kick to the knee and Jericho went tumbling to the floor. Vikingo went up top and hit a senton onto Jericho on the floor.  Back in the ring, Vikingo hit a springboard cross body block for two. Vikingo with a headscissors that sent Jericho into the turnbuckle. Vikingo jumped off the top rope twice leading to a moonsault pin for two. The fans popped huge for that nearfall. Jericho with a kick to the body, Vikingo went for a moonsault off the ropes and Jericho came back with a powerslam. Jericho missed a corner charge when Vikingo moved and Vikingo jumped off the top with a moonsault onto a standing Jericho and Jericho countered the mive move leading to the Walls of Jericho with the fans going crazy! Vikingo managed to crawl to grab the bottom rope to break free.

Jericho charged, Vikingo sent him to the apron. Vikingo with a dropkick. Jericho avoided a Hurricarana by the apron and Jericho hit a clothesline. Jericho went up top. Vikingo kicked him and went for a hurricanrana off the top, but Jericho countered with a Powerbomb for two with Chris putting his feet on the ropes as well. 1.......2.......NO!!! A Lionsault by Jericho missed because Vikingo moved and hit a snap hurricanrana into a pin for two. Vikingo kicked Jericho into the ropes,.... Jericho caught Vikingo but Vikingo hit a spinning DDT as the fans chant "THIS IS AWESOME!"Vikingo ran the ropes, he jumped off the ropes with a springboard attack and Jericho caught him with a Codebreaker double knee attack. Jericho did a slow cover, 1........ 2........ Vikingo getting his right shoulder up at two. Big pop from the crowd. Styles says on commentary that was Jericho’s finisher and nobody has kicked  out of it ....... until now! Jericho tossed Vikingo into the top turnbuckle. Jericho went for a move off the top, but Vikingo held onto the top rope and Jericho hit the mat. Vikingo hit a dropkick that sent Jericho into the ropes leading to the spin kick. Vikingo went for a springboard attack, but Jericho caught him out of the air and went for the Walls of Jericho. Jericho had hi. trapped in the Walls of Jericho with the crowd popping even more than before with the submission attempt. Vikingo fights to the ropes and is just centimeters away from causing the break...... when Jericho drags him back to the middle of the ring! Vikingo is trapped and has no option but to tap out! AND STILL....... NWA SUPER JUNIORS WORLD CHAMPION...... CHRIS JERICHO!

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  XHD2rNl

Joey Styles: "What a match! Even in the losing effort, El Hijo Del Vikingo just proved to the Wrestling world that he belongs in this division! And as great as he was in that match, Jericho experience pays off and proves once again that he is the man to beat when it comes to the Super Juniors division!"                

 Keith Lee vs Jonah Rock              

Lee shoves  Jonah into the corner, then feigns a left hand before allowing the clean escape from the corner. Jinah turns Lee around and tells him it’s his house. Shoving. Nose-to-nose and talking.

Both in the corners, they collide and nobody budges. Jonah decides to take it out of the ring so they have more room to run into each other. Big running collision, nobody budges again. Jonah wants even more room so he moves more fans out of the way. Big running start...... they collide and this time Jonah  goes flying over the merch table because Lee actually throws his arms out this time. Lee with a left hand to the back, then rams Jonah into the apron. Lee back into the ring. Jonah in with a GOOZLE, Lee breaks it and eats a forearm. Right hand from Lee, left hands after from the big southpaw. Jonah blocks a whip and hits a superkick. Forearm over the back from Jonah. Forearm to the jaw. Forearm in the corner. Lee knocks him back. Forearm to the back from Jonah though. Elbow to the back of the head, then a couple more.

Forearms from Jonah......., Lee won’t go down. Gorilla press from Lee!!! Forearms from Jonah. Lee shoves him. Lots of forearms and shoving. More forearms from Jonah! Kick to the arm from Jonah. Lee still on his feet. Lee reverses a whip and sends Jonah the foot and a half off the ropes, then they do a quick running spot and Lee hits a dropkick, everyone gets hype on it. Mongolian chop to the chest from Lee. Camera tight on Jonah as he talks and sits in pain. Jonah continues talking and eats another Mongolian chop to the chest. The lighting makes it look extra great with the sweat flying off. Lee sets for another Mongolian chop to the chest...... Jonah Rock turns his back and gets it in the back instead. Jonah flips out of a back suplex, boot, forearm, “time to die,” rolling elbow blocked and a big slam from Lee. Cover gets two!!!

Press slam and drop from Lee and hits a standing moonsault for two. Jonah catches Lee walking in with a fireman’s carry, and drops him down with a sit-out power bomb for two. Jonah trying to drag Lee into position for something from the corner, and he looks up, looks back, and sets for something — springboard moonsault turns into a springboard moonsault kick to the head. Two count.

Lee with a fireman’s carry, turns into a jackhammer for two. Jonah rolls to the floor. Lee sets for a dive, but Jonah grabs his foot. Kick back from Lee, and the referee rolls out and gets hit, too. Lee is going to dive......  Everyone going banana for the big man flying. “Holy shit” chant.

Back into the ring. Whip to the corner reversed by Jonah, then he hits a spinning boot to the face. He wants Death Drop Driver  but Lee hits the Spirit Bomb! 1.......2....... Jonah  grabs the bottom rope with his hand. “This is awesome” chant. Jonah is dead weight on the mat, Lee drags him out toward the center and calls for a moonsault. As Lee climbs up, Jonah pops up with a superkick as Lee climbs, though. Tsunami from Jonah! 1.......2.........3!!!!  

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  QQY3yMI

 Joey Styles: "Are you kidding me? Those two behemoths just did things that men their size shouldn't be able to! Unbelievable! I'm all for a rematch between those two!"            

We see Samoa Joe and Shinsuke Nakamura leaving their lockerrooms to head to the ring.

   Shinsuke Nakamura vs Samoa Joe for the Progress Atlas title                

Nakamura has a violinist out there to play his entrance music.

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  ILscAEI

INSANE reaction for Nakamura, with the crowd singing his music. Joe, to his credit, gets a damn good reaction for his entrance, with the crowd chanting for him. Both men have to be held back by the ref before the pre-match intros, with both taking a swipe at one another. Crowd continues to sing Nakamura’s theme in the early going of the match. Both go for kicks early, then Joe slaps Nakamura. They do battle on the mat, then exchange chain wrestling. Both avoid strike attempts, then Nakamura dares Joe to bring it and unloads with knee strikes before hitting the Vibration Boot. Joe fires back with strikes outside, then hits the back elbow/enziguri combo in the corner, taking control. Nakamura comes back with an underneath kick on the apron, but Joe avoids the knee drop on the apron and Nakamura clutches his leg. Joe then wipes out Nakamura with the Elbow Suicida! Joe hits the back chop knee drop combo for a nearfall. Joe continues to keep control, locking Nakamura in a Dragon Sleeper, then switching to a Seated Surfboard. Nakamura tries to fight back, but Joe sweeps out his leg, then hits a powerbomb for a nearfall, before quickly transitioning to his version of the Boston Crab and then into a Crossface. Nakamura counters out with a pin attempt for a nearfall, then fires back with a back heel kick. Another back heel kick by Nakamura, then he begins to mount his comeback, hitting a barrage of kicks and knees, but Joe blocks the Reverse Powerslam and hits a Big Boot, but Nakamura avoids the Back Senton. Nakamura with a Neck Lock, then hits the PRIDE-style knee strikes to the head. Joe answers with ST-Joe, but Nakamura stops the Muscle Buster and hits a 2nd Rope One-Legged Dropkick. They trade strikes until Joe turns Nakamura INSIDE OUT with a Western Lariat! Joe goes for another lariat, but Nakamura counters it with a flying armbar! Joe keeps the hands locked to block the submission, but Nakamura switches to a Triangle. Joe is able to get free and counters out into a Cloverleaf, but Nakamura reaches the ropes. Joe goes for the Koquina Clutch, but Nakamura fights out, however runs right into a big knee strike for a close nearfall. Joe unloads with elbows, then locks in the Koquina Clutch, but Nakamura reaches the ropes again. Nakamura again stops the Muscle Buster and hits a release German, folding Joe up like an accordion! Nakamura goes for the Boma-Ye, but Joe counters with a Snap Slam for a close nearfall. Joe peppers Nakamura with jabs, then hits an enziguri and the Muscle Buster, 1.......2........ but Nakamura is able to kick out to the shock of Joe! Nakamura fights out of another Muscle Buster and hits the Boma-Ye! 1.........2....... Joe kicks out! 2nd Rope Boma-Ye to the back of Joe’s head, then another Boma-Ye! 1.....2.......3!!! AND STILL PROGRESS ATLAS CHAMPION....... SHINSUKE NAKAMURA!

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  F0wKDp7

 Adam Cole: "Its story time with Adam Cole.....  BAY BAY!  Two weeks..... on Saturday Nights Main Event  I was seconds away from winning the NWA National title from Randy Savage! Then right before my destiny was set to begin, that ingrate Shawn Michaels put his nose in The Elites business...... in my business! Fast forward to tonight. On a night where Progress General Manager,  Pat McAfee says he's giving the people what they want........ yours truly doesn't even have a match! Answer me this McAfee...... how can you he giving the people what they want when your biggest star in the company doesn't even have a frigging match! Better yet Pat.....  why don't you come out here and explain it to me face to face?"          

The crowd buzzes as they await for McAfee to come out. But after a few seconds it's not Pat McAfee who comes out! Instead we see..........

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  DXbuEtP

 HBK: "Since your out here telling stories nimrod..... at least tell them right! Because up until a few weeks ago, where you screwed me out of my match with Savage...... the Heartbreak Kid didn't even know who you was! But I get it! What better way than to make a name for yourself than to jump on HBK? SOOOOOO...... since you don't have a match tonight....... and since I'm here....... why don't we don't we do the thing right now!"    

The crowd erupts as HBK makes his way to the ring. As HBK enters the ring, Cole sizes him up for a superkick...... but HBK ducks!! Muchaels flies off the ropes with a Thesz Press and rains down punches on Cole. HBK whips Cole from corner to corner and hits a backdrop. HBK warms up the band and sizes Cole up for Sweet Chin Music! But before he can hit it...... The Young Bucks storm the ring and attack HBK!  

It's three on one as the Bucks and Cole work HBK over. The Elite hit the trifecta knee into HBKs face then the Bucks give Cole the celebratory kiss!

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  FfqvnME

Cole puts HBK in a Camel Clutch as the Bucks each get on a side to hit superkicks to HBK........ until Kevin Nash storms the ring to even the odds. Nash hits clotheslines on the Bucks sending them reeling! Nash with a big boot to Cole! He grabs Cole...... POWERBOMB...... NO!!! Cole rolls over Nash's shoulders and out of the ring with The Bucks As HBK joins Nash in the ring ready for a fight!

 Joey Styles: "HBK better thank his lucky stars that Kevin Nash was here tonight in The Elite may have taken him out! I can't wait until Gold Rush on the 19th to see the Elite team up with Evolution to face HBK, Kevin Nash, The Usos...... and Roman Reigns...... inside War Games!!! OHHHHHH MY GOD!!!"              

 Renee Young: "You got that right Joey Styles! I'm in the backstage area where I hope to get a word Drew McIntyer heading into...... wait ..... wait just a minute. Seth Rollins!!! Seth if I may..... you have been out of the loop so to speak since losing to Drew McIntyer in the opening round of the Progress Heavyweight title tournament.  What's next for you?"        

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  O1NmHS8

Rollins doesn't say a word.... just stares into space and walks away.

Shelton Benjamin vs Carmello Hayes                

Lock-up, clean break. Another lock-up, armdrag by Carmello. Lock-up and an armdrag by Benjamin. Carmello forearms his way out, chops by Carmello. Benjamin elevates Carmello to the floor after holding on the ropes from an Irish whip, baseball slide by Benjamin. Cover for two, reverse chinlock by Benjamin. Benjamin backs Carmello into the corner, chest slap by Benjamin. Carmello boots Benjamin out of the corner, running enzuigiri for two. Back suplex with elbows by Carmello then a  suplex followed by a come on baby pin by Carmello. Benjamin fires back at Carmello. Hayes holds onto the ropes from an Irish whip. Benjamin suffers stiff kicks to the spine, backbreaker by Carmello.

Slap by Carmello, sunset flip by Benjamin for two. Clothesline by Carmello for two. Hayes  is on the top rope but Benjamin crotches him. Superplex by Benjamin, slugfest with Benjamin winning the war. Leaping clothesline, back body drop and a Dragon Whip for two. Right hands by Benjamin. Carmello reverses the Irish whip and nails a modified bulldog. Moonsault is dodged by Benjamin. Shelton ascends to the top turnbuckle. Huge lariat for two. Benjamin misses a Stinger splash. Carmello attempts the Boston Crab. Benjamin counters for a small package, that gets two. Carmello clotheslines Benjamin. Moonsault by Hayes. Carmello chops Bejamin in the corner. Carmello is whipped into the corner but he jumps to the middle rope but walks into The T-Bone Suplex from Benjamin,  1.......2.......3!

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  JrCvoIg

 Joey Styles: "Folks, your looking at a locked in Shelton Benjamin! And now he goes on to Gold Rush in 11 days where he will face Eddie Guerrero in the first round of the tournament in a purists wet dream matchup! Wait a minute! What's going on here?  Is that.......? It is......PAC just jumped in the ring!"        

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  9CG3lJd

PAC: "Let's make this bloody short and sweet! KO..... I heard about your bounty. $50,000 is a good sum of money and I'm telling you right now I'm here to collect! So Generico...... get your ass out here!"              

The fans start to chant "OLE! OLE! OLE!" then after a few seconds El Generico makes his way to the ring for an impromptu bounty match!

 $50,000 Bounty Match: El Genericho vs PAC              

They fight for control on the mat. Generico snaps off the two armdrags and toreador, this time holding onto PAC’s arm after the fact. PAC applies pressure to Generico’s knee. Generico goes for a Fujiwara armbar, but PAC gets the ropes. PAC uses a headscissors to escape a hammerlock! He snaps off another headscissors. Generico sends him to the apron. Despite taking some forearm strikes, PAC is able to fire back with his own and come back in with a slingshot huracanrana. Generico rolls to the floor. When PAC follows, Generico strikes him around ringside. PAC throws some kicks of his own. Generico launches PAC to a stage, where PAC is able to get his balance and come off with a moonsault! In the ring, he gets two with a standing shooting star press. Generico catches PAC’s leg lariat attempt and back drops him for two. PAC meets Generico in the corner with a headscissors, but Generico comes right back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two. PAC catches him with an enzuigiri. He cartwheels on to Generico’s shoulders and brings him down with a snap huracanrana. PAC hits a standing sky twister press for two. He throws a pair of chest kicks before German suplexing Generico. PAC ducks a big boot and back suplexes Generico for two. He whips Generico to the corner. Generico catches him coming in with an exploder suplex into the turnbuckles for two. PAC back handsprings into a tornado DDT! Another standing shooting star press gets PAC a two count. PAC boots Generico down. He flips down into a Dragonrana for two. PAC comes down with British Airways, but Generico gets a knee up! After the helluva kick and half-nelson suplex, Generico drops him with a brainbuster for the win!  

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  XMf000M

  Joey Styles: "El Generico wins the match and his identity remains a secret for now. But you can bet that doesn't set well with Kevin Owens! And o e has to wonder how that will effect Owens coming up in the tag team title Gauntlet match!"          

  CM Punk w/Paul Heyman vs Bryan Danielson              

After the introductions are made the fans all begin to rise to their feet fir this confrontation. Danielson takes it right to the mat where he dominates the arm. Punk counters and gets himself a crossface. Danielson was a little lax in control and let Punk back in. They continue to counter on the mat and Danielson is awake again. Punk gets a dropkick but he’s already favouring the arm. Danielson comes back with his own fantastic dropkick. DROPKICK DUEL! Stand-off. They counter standing and Danielson is looking for the dragon suplex so Punk gets into the refuge of the ropes. Danielson ducks his head low though and gets caught with a piledriver. They start trading on forearms and forearm uppercuts. Punk is down! FIGHTING SPIRIT. He’s back up! Forearm to the back of the neck! Punk slows this up with a chinlock but Danielson suplexes out. Both back up and they start trading again, which Danielson wins with a flying forearm uppercut. Danielson with a snap suplex and the diving headbutt gets 2. After an even start Danielson has become far more aggressive. They fight over the ropes and Danielson just gets suplexed to the floor. Danielson is selling the knee. Danielson recovers and gets the airplane spin on the floor! They go all the way around the ring before collapsing. Punk is discombobulated and falls into the seats. Ref is counting here. He’s up to 18. They both just beat it. Danielson still selling that knee. Punk dropkicks it and adds in a SHINING WIZARDOOOOO but Danielson is right by the ropes so that won’t get it done. Punk wants the GTS and he hauls Danielson up there. Danielson fights it off and they counter back and forth before Danielson backdrops him off the top. CATTLE MUTILATION! Punk survives and counters out into the Mule Kick. He misses the Pepsi Twist and gets caught in the DRAGON SUPLEX…for 2. CATTLE MUTILATION! Punk taps out! Heyman and the fans are shocked at the outcome!

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  TUbDiZu

 Joey Styles: "Do my eyes deceive me? Did we just witness Bryan Danielson forcing CM Punk to tap out? Whether we like it or not...... perhaps Bryan Danielson really is The Best in the World!"                

The cameras pan to the entrance way where we see Cameron Grimes making his way to ringside......

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  ZZmW2GJ

 Cameron Grimes: "Glendale Arizona..... the wait is over! Pull out those Polaroids and get a picture of greatness, as yours truly, Cameron Grimes is here to save this show and take you straight TO....... THE MOON! And I'm here looking for a fight. So anybody in the back who feels like me making you famous...... come on out!"            

After a few seconds, out comes........

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  1SHyVru

As soon as the bell rings Grimes attacks Lashley from behind. Lashley quickly gets the advantage over Grimes.  Lashley annihilates Grimes and submits him with the Hurt Lock.

  Joey Styles: "I'm not sure if Cameron Grimes has had too much of the Devils lettuce or if he's been spending too much time on the moon, but challenging Bobby Lashley to a fight on any night if the week is just ridiculous! And in 10 days, Lashley will go one on one with The Undertaker for the NWA World title! But right now, it's time for our tag team Gauntlet to crown the first ever Progress tag team champions and if Kevin Owens wasn't happy about El Generico winning earlier, he sure isn't going to be in a good mood about drawing the first lag in the gauntlet."  
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Posts : 1665
Join date : 2020-06-11

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash    Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  EmptyFri Jul 07, 2023 10:41 pm

      color=#ff00ff]   Progress Tag Team Title Gauntlet Match                  [/color]

Zayn tried chops against Vinci, then Vinci hit an uppercut and a side headlock. Vinci hit an uppercut, then Zayn sent Vinci out of the ring and Zayn hit a somersault dive over the top onto Vinci. Kaiser with a shoulder tackle followed by Zayn getting an arm drag. Zayn blocked a kick by Kaiser leading to Zayn hitting an elbow smash to the head. Owens tagged in with a senton splash to Kaiser’s back. Owens hit a moonsault off the middle rope onto Kaiser. When Kaiser tried a running attack, Owens hit him with a clothesline and a senton splash for two. When Zayn tagged in, Kaiser drove him to the corner. Vinci tagged in without Zayn seeing it and Vinci decked Zayn with a boot to the head. Vinci hit a splash on Zayn for two. Vinci with some hard chops to the chest. Kaiser was back in as he hit a dropkick to knock Zayn out of the ring. Vinci slammed Zayn onto the apron.

Zayn hitting a sunset flip powerbomb off the turnbuckle on Kaiser. Owens got the tag against Vinci with Owens hitting two clotheslines. Vinci with a boot and Owens hit another clothesline. Owens with a senton splash along with an Exploder Suplex sending Vinci across the ring. Owens with a superkick. Owens hit a cannonball splash on Vinci n the corner. Owens went up top and hit a Swanton Bomb for two. After a distraction by Kaiser, Vinci got a rollup for two. Vinci with a boot to Owens. Zayn and Kaiser were back in with Zayn hitting an Exploder Suplex into the corner. Zayn avoided a chop by Vinci. Kaiser hit a step up enziguri and a slam off the shoulders. Vinci went for a Powerbomb with Kaiser hitting a forearm to the back. Kaiser with a suicide dive onto Owens on the floor. Vinci hit a stiff lariat with Zayn doing a flip bump leading to a two count. Vinci with another lariat knocking Zayn down for two. Kaiser hit an uppercut off the ropes while Vinci had Zayn on his shoulders. Owens broke up the pin by tackling Vinci into the pin attempt to stop the pin. Vinci was fighting with Owens when Owens gave him a DDT on the ramp. Zayn hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Kaiser for the pinfall win!  


Entrant Team #3........

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  E3HwLV1


They lock up and Brody King powers Zayn to the corner. He puts on the head scissors but Zayn gets to the ropes. King puts Zayn on the mat and hits crossface forearms. He hits a hiptoss and puts on a headlock. He hits a hurricanrana and puts on a front facelock. Zayn comes back with armdrags and tags to KO. Matthrws tags in and hits a springboard elbow. KO hits a back elbow and hits an enziguiri. Matthews hits a leg lariat to the back and tags to King who hits an avalanche and the House of Black sandwich KO’s face with kicks in the corner. King hits a leg lariat for 2. KO throws King into Matthews and hits King with a neckbreaker for 2. Zayn tags in and hits a drop toehold. KO hits the somersault legdrop, getting 2 for Zayn.  Zayn hits a bodyslam for 2. KO tags in and chokes King in the ropes. Zayn tags in and hits a leg lariat for 2. King hits a chinbreaker and a neckbreaker. Matthews tags in and hits a Manhattan drop. King hits a big boot, getting 2 for Matthews then Buddy hits a vertical suplex for 2. He hits an elbowdrop, a fistdrop and a kneedrop for 2. King tags in and hits a legdrop off the second rope for 2. He then stomps on the back of Zayn’s head. Matthews tags in and hits a kneedrop off the second rope for 2. He hits a Samoan drop for 2. He tags to King who knocks KO off the apron. Zayn dodges the double shoulder tackle and dumps King to the floor. KO dives out onto King so Matthews dives onto KO. King hits a clothesline on Zayn and Matthews hits KO with a moonsault off the barricade. The House of Black hit the double toss on Zayn on the floor, throwing him into rows and rows of chairs. KO powerbombs Matthews into the crowd before dragging Zayn into the ring so he can tag in legally. He hits a sit-out powerbomb on King for 2. Matthews stops KO from hitting the package piledriver but Zayn tosses him to the floor and dives out onto him. Zayn hits the Yakuza kick on King and throws him to KO who hits a fisherman neckbreaker. KO hits a Swanton Bomb on King for the pinfall.


Team Entrant #4......

The Young Bucks!

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Dp09xk1

The Bucks dominate Zayn for a bit, cutting off the ring pretty well, using their speed, but the Bucks double up on him, too, using the same stuff they just used on Zayn only KO pops up with a double clothesline after their double seated dropkick. Matt eats a senton in the corner, Nick takes the DDT over the second rope. KO is definitely starting to tire here, but here to fight all the same.

Zayn hits a big dive on Nick outside, and that leaves Matt to take a pumphandle neckbreaker over the knee for two, but that also further hurts KOs knee. Nick flips out of a power bomb and hits a kick to the side of the head.

Bucks double up on KO again from there, and look to put this away. KO manages a tag to Zayn, who can match speed, or come much closer anyway. Nick gets yanked out to the floor by KO and power bombed into the edge of the apron, and Matt takes an exploder into the turnbuckles from Zayn.

KO keeps getting pretty quickly knocked out of the mix, wiped out by Nick outside this time. Matt with a Diamond Dust on Zayn and the Bucks hit a combination moonsault and springboard splash for two.

KO and Zayn seem to have it won after a Zayn half-nelson suplex and a KO frog splash, but Nick kicks at two. And the splash may have taken KO’s knee out for good. But he’s calling for the legal tag, even though he can barely put any weight on the knee. He sets for the big finish....... KO catches a Nick superkick and whips the foot into Matt’s face, then he gets the pop-up power bomb and sharpshooter on Nick.

Matt is back with a boot, but KO won’t release the hold, and Zayn comes in to take Matt out. KO sits back down on the sharpshooter, and just as Nick is ready to tap, KO's knee gives out on him. Bucks manage to team up, hit More Bang For Your Buck, double pin on KO, 1......2...... but KO kicks out again.

KO, ragged and injured, is still trying to fight, but the Bucks are ready to finish him off. Superkick.... superkick.....superkick...... superkick...... and the Bucks are finding a mean streak. Double superkick, and that does it. KO can’t keep going and Zayn can’t get there in time as the ref counts three.


Entrant Team #5......

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  X7BRc8x

The Lucha Brothers!

Penta and Matt shoved eachother in the face multiple times leading to Penta throwing the dreaded glove in the face. Matt and Penta each countered some moves, Penta kicked Matt away, Penta with a drop tole hold and an armbar, but Matt got out of it. They went for pin attempts, then got back up and stared down. Fenix tagged in against Nick as the younger brothers battled with Nick getting the arm drag off the ropes. Fenix went for a Powerbomb to the floor, but Nick blocked it and they each missed kicks on the floor. Back in the ring, they kicked each other in the face followed by both guys doing kip-ups to get back up. Nick wanted a handshake, Fenix shook the hand and Matt hit Fenix with a forearm to the back. The Bucks hit a double team kick/splash combo in the corner. Matt wit ha running kick on Fenix followed by Nick hitting a twisting dive onto Fenix. Penta came back with a somersault dive onto both heels on the floor. Fenix went up top, he jumped off with the twisting splash called a tornedo and all four guys were down.

Back in the ring, Matt went for a Sharpshooter, Fenix got to the ropes and then Penta went after Nick with a submission in the ropes. Nick with a running kick on the apron on Fenix. Nick with a headscissors on Penta on the floor. Matt tried a dive onto Fenix on the floor, Fenix moved and Fenix hit a Cutter on the floor. The fans chanted “this is awesome” Fenix jumped off the top with a splash attempt on Matt, but Matt got he knees up to block. 

Matt tagging back in leading to his locomotion Northern Lights Suplexes three times on Fenix. Penta walked over to them, so Matt hit a double Northern Lights Suplex on both opponents. Nick jumped off the top with a senton bomb for a two count. Fenix with a headscissors on Matt, Penta tripped up Nick and Fenix with a double foot stomp into a DDT combination on the floor. That was on Nick. The Lucha Bros focused on Matt where they did a foot stomp DDT on Matt in the ring for a two count. Fenix hit a somersault suicide dive onto Nick on the floor. Penta with a pumphandle spinning slam in the ring on Matt. Fenix went up top,  and hit a Frog Splash off the top for a two count. Fenix set up Matt on the top rope leading to a jumping kick to the head. Penta had his brother Fenix on his shoulders, the Bucks fought them off with Nick hitting a springboard dropkick and Fenix did a reverse rana on his brother Penta! Matt jumped off the top with an elbow drop on Fenix for a two count. Fenix with a spinning kick, Penta with a kick and Fenix went on Penta’s shoulders with Fenix jumping with a splash. Penta with a Destroyer on Matt to prevent a save and Fenix got the cover on Nick for a two count. Fenix hit a spin kick on Nick, then Nick countered a move to a pin. Nick hit a reverse rana on Fenix. Penta in illegally, so the Bucks hit a double superkick on him. Bucks hit a double superkick on Fenix as well. Fenix avoided a BTE trigger, the Bucks caught him and Matt did the piledriver while Nick jumped off the ropes for the Meltzer Driver for a two count. Penta was a bit slow to break it up, so Fenix kicked out right before the three count. Penta did his “Cero Miedo” thing to Matt, so Matt ripped his mask off! Penta put his head down, the Bucks hit a double superkick on Penta and he was down. The Bucks hit a BTE Trigger on Fenix for the pinfall win.


Team Entrant #6.......

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  HqRw8QU


Wheeler and Matt Jackson start the match. The crowd is fully behind FTR at the start. Matt and Wheeler start pushing each other, with Wheeler getting the upper hand. Harwood and Nick both tag in as we see Harwood’s lower back is all taped up (along with Wheeler’s shoulders). Harwood takes the Young Bucks headband and puts it down his tights before tossing it back to them. All four men get in the ring and have a staredown, before it goes to being Harwood and Matt, with each person knocking Nick and Wheeler off the apron. Nick trips Harwood up, followed by Wheeler doing the same to Matt as all four go back in the ring and start brawling. The Young Bucks start double-teaming on FTR, but Wheeler comes back with a clothesline on both of them. Wheeler puts a sharpshooter on Matt, followed by Harwood doing the same to Nick, but Nick is able to rake the eyes of Wheeler and both get broken up as a result.

Wheeler tosses both Jacksons to the outside. As Wheeler crawls to try and make the tag, Nick superkicks Harwood off the apron. Wheeler finally makes the hot tag to Harwood who takes both Jacksons out with suplexes, before clotheslining Nick to the outside. Harwood and Matt go back and forth with pin attempts, until Harwood hits a piledriver for a very close three count. Harwood puts Matt on the top rope, but gets pushed off as Wheeler back body drops Nick on the apron. Harwood drops Matt on the top rope and hits a superplex, as Nick hits a top rope hurricanrana to Wheeler. The Young Bucks take control now, as Nick tries a moonsault to Wheeler to the outside but gets caught and hits a brain buster. Back inside, Wheeler takes out Matt and gets a two count. FTR goes for the Big Rig, but Young Bucks reverse it as Matt hits a low blow on Wheeler as the referee is distracted and hits a Big Rig of their own on Wheeler as Matt gets a two count. Young Bucks hit More Bang for Your Buck, but Matt still only gets a two on Wheeler, before going for two more pin attempts. Nick Jackson grabs one of the tag titles, but Harwood goes to take it away from him and hits Harwood with it, as Matt goes for the pin attempt while holding the tights, but Harwood breaks it up. The Young Bucks go for the BTE Trigger on Wheeler and hits it, but Wheeler puts his leg on the rope as Rick Knox makes the three count! Wheeler tries to explain to the ref that he had his foot on the ropes but Knox Says he didn't see it......


Team Entrant #7.......

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  CUpB2ik

Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi

Matt wants Omega to start. Matt attacks Ibushi and Nick tags in. So does Ibushi. They work into a fast paced counter exchange, Ibushi lays in kicks, Matt in and he eats kicks to the previously injured back. Omega tags in, and checks on Matt, but gets shoved away. Ibushi and Omega work double teams, but the Bucks cut them off and they work double teams. They send Ibushi to the floor and Omega cuts them off. Omega sets for rise of the Terminator and Nick cuts off the tope with a superkick. Nick then wipes then out with a dive. They roll Ibushi back in, as Matt looks under the ring and gets a table. He and Nick argue over that and Nick rolls back in, working over Ibushi. The neck breaker follows and Matt follows with a slingshot senton. Matt tags in and Ibushi counters the charge and hits a dive to the floor onto Nick. Back in and Ibushi looks for a tag, but Nick pulls Omega to the floor. The Bucks follow with double teams and Matt covers for 2 as Omega makes the save. Ibushi again fights back, and hits the dropkick. He gets the tag and Omega flies in with a high cross and runs wild on the Bucks. Nick cuts him off as they double-team Ibushi, but Ibushi rebounds with a missile dropkick. Ibushi and Omega double-team Nick, he rolls to the floor and the golden triangle moonsaults follow. Ibushi and Omega follow with rapid-fire double teams on Matt, and that gets 2. Omega continues to work the back of Matt, Ibushi tags back in and lays in boots to the back of Matt. Ibushi follows with forearm strikes and tags Omega back in. He connects with a back breaker, Ibushi Back in, but Matt takes Omega to the floor. He follows and gets dumped onto the apron. Back in and Matt make the tag, Nick runs wild and takes out both opponents. Omega cuts him off, hits a RANA, but Nick hits the back stabber on Ibushi, They send Omega to the floor and double team Ibushi, and Nick covers for 2. The Bucks head up top and Ibushi cuts them off, knocking Nick to the floor but Matt fights him off. Omega joins in, and they double superplex Matt! They set up Matt, and they head up top. But the Bucks cut them off, and Nick hits an apron German onto Omega. Nick now makes a table bridge at ringside, and sets Omega onto it. Matt up top and he hesitates, and then Ibushi cuts him off as Joey Styles questions why the Bucks refuse to put Omega away on commentary. Ibushi takes Nick to the floor and Omega grabs Matt and teases the one winged angel through the table, lading to Ibushi killing Matt with an elevated German back into the ring. Matt battles back with rights, but eats a V trigger, and Ibushi hits the last ride for 2..

Omega hits another V trigger, but Nick makes the save. Omega dumps Nick, as Ibushi lays in kicks to the back of Matt. Omega sends Nick into the crowd, and Matt counters the Ibushi standing moonsault. Matt now gets the sharp shooter, Omega in and lays in rights but Matt fires up. Nick makes the save and Nick follows with a moonsault to the floor onto Omega, Matt locks the sharp shooter back on, Nick cuts off Ibushi and hits a tornado DDT onto Omega on the floor. Matt’s back gives out on the sharp shooter, Nick calls for the tag and gets it. Matt’s back gives out, Nick takes out Omega and then Matt puts Omega through the table with an elbow drop. Nick rolls Matt back in and they look to finish Ibushi. The assisted 450 connects for 2. Ibushi fights with all he has left, but eats double superkicks. Omega is back and looks for one winged angel, but eats superkicks, and Ibushi makes the save. Ibushi tags in Omega, and everyone is dead tired and beat down.

Matt and Omega are in and they trade strikes center ring. Snapdragon by Omega, but Matt rebounds and hits a piledriver. Matt takes off his belt and whips Omega with it repeatedly. Omega cuts him off with a shot to the back and he gets the belt and now Omega tosses it aside and hits a V trigger. Another. Matt cuts off the third with a desperation spear. The Bucks look for the Meltzer driver, Matt’s back is hurting so Nick has to help. Ibushi cuts off Nick and powerbombs him through a table at ringside! The Golden Lovers hit an indie taker, but Matt kicks out! Ibushi hits a head kick and Omega hits a doctor bomb for 2. Matt has no one to tag now, Omega hesitates a bit, as Matt is down and again Joey Styles is confused, as are the fans, to why the hesitation between The Bucks and Omega. Matt hits a desperation superkick, Ibushi cuts him off and he tells Omega to finish things the running V trigger follows and Omega hesitates on the one winged angel, long enough for Matt to roll Omega up, 1......2......3!!


Joey Styles: "Fans, The Bucks are doing the unthinkable and are running away with this Gauntlet match! I'm not sure what the deal was between the Bucks and Omega during that entire match. But now only one team stands in the Bucks way of becoming the Progress tag team champions......"              

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  QdllFHD

Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli  

Nick goes right after Moxley sending him to the outside. Matt is caught by Claudio and is slammed on the floor. The bell now rings as Moxley and Claudio double team Matt in the ring. Claudio hits Matt with knees to the chest. Moxley tags in Claudio who picks up Matt and drops him down and then then hits him with uppercuts as he gets to his feet. Moxley is tagged in and hit drives a big boot into the jaw of Matt. Moxley follows up with chops and then bites Matt in the chin. Moxley has Matt on the second ropes and digs his fingernails into the back of Matt. Matt  recovers and pushes Moxley off the ropes and hits him with a drop kick. Nick is tagged in and hits Moxley with a drop kicks. Nick covers Moxley for only a one count as Moxley comes back with elbow strikes to the chest of Nick. Nick comes back and nails Moxley as both men are down.

Nick has Moxley is an ankle lock, but Moxley breaks the hold. Nick comes back and covers Moxley for only a two count. Moxley attempts a suplex but it is blocked by Nick. Both men go down and Claudio is tagged in and then Matt is tagged in. Claudio sends Matt to the corner and hits him with uppercuts. Claudio then follows up with a dropkick as Claudio covers Matt for only a two count. The fans want the giant swing, but Matt is able to gets tagged in. Claudio grabs Nick and swings him around! Both men double Claudio. Nick drops Claudio and covers him, 1......2.....NO! Claudio kicks out as the fans go crazy! Claudio coves back and drops Nick. Claudio charges after Nick who ducks and is nailed with a foot to the face by Matt. Nick covers Claudio for only a two count! as the fans begin to chant this is awesome! Claudio hits Nick with a high boot to the face. Both men double team Claudio, but it is reversed as he sends Matt to the outside. Nick avoids an uppercut from Claudio and covers him with after a backslide, but Claudio kicks out. Claudio nails Nick with an uppercut as he covers Nick for the win, but NO! Nick kicks out as the fans chant "HOLY SHIT!" Claudio hits Nick with a huge lariat. On the outside Matt is nailed with a Paradigm Shift on the floor! Nick comes back and Claudio pulls out his mouth guard and then boom! A huge uppercut to Nick! Claudio covers Nick or the pin!  


Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  OJQ3zjA

Bryan Danielson comes to the ring and joins his Blackpool Combat Club teammates in the celebration as Moxley and Claudio show off their newly won titles.

  Joey Styles: "What a damn match..... and what a Gauntlet it was. You just seen 8 of Progress very best go at each other! And when the smoke cleared, your looking at what may be the scariest faction in all of Wrestling today...... The Blackpool Combat Club, Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli are the first ever Progress Wrestling tag team champions! Fans, Pat McAfee was not lying when he Saud he was going to give the people what they wanted here tonight. But we still have one more match to go, and it doesn't get any bigger than the Progress Heavyweight tournament finale!"  

Drew McIntyer vs Walter for the Progress Wrestling Heavyweight Title              

The bell rings, and they immediately start fighting. Walter hits some nasty forearms before McIntyer knocks him back. McIntyre and Walter are just blasting each other with potatoes. Walter shoulder blocks Drew back, and big boots him down. McIntyre smiles as he checks his teeth. Walter goes for a suplex, but Mcintyre reverses it on him. Drew puts him in the corner, but Walter boots him back. Drew responds with some right hands before having a whip reversed on him. Walter lowers his head and eats a kick. Drew knocks him to the apron and grabs him and chops the piss out of him. Drew boots Walter in the head, and they’re at ringside now. Drew whips Walter into the steel steps. McIntyre gets Walter in the ring and goes for a pin but Walter powers out and forearms him. McIntyre knocks him back and gets in the ring. Walter gets him into the corner and chops the chest. Walter backs up and charges, but McIntyre boots him down. Drew pulls himself up to the top rope, but Walter CRUSHES him with a chop that sends him to the floor.

Walter exposes the bottom half of the steel steps and chops McIntyre then scoop slams him onto the steps! Drew barely beats the count into the ring. Walter viciously chops away at Drews chest and clubs him down. Walter slams him in the back with a kick to the spine then chops the chest a few times. Drews chest is quite discolored. He tries to fight back, but Walter viciously clubs him and boots him in the face. Walter leans McIntyre against the ropes and annihilates his chest with chops. Drew has a cut on his shoulder and his chest is becoming bloody. McIntyre looks psychotic as he pulls himself up to his feet in defiance. Walter quickly clubs him back down and grabs the leg. He tries to turn him over, but Drew fights him. Walter chops him in the back!

McIntyre tries to fight back, and they exchange punches in the center of the ring. Drew chops him a few times before Walter wrenches the arm and SMASHES his chest with a chop. McIntyre down on the mat as Joey Styles pleads for Drew to just stay down on commentary. Walter pulls him back to his feet and takes him down with a short-arm chop. Walter pulls him back up and chops him, but Drew ust falls to his knees as Styles says this may be a good time to stop the match for McIntyres safety. Drew defiantly looks into Walter’s eyes and blocks another chop. Drew viciously forearms him in the face a few times, and the crowd cheers him on. Walter quickly backs him into the corner and knocks him out of the ring. Walter follows him outside and hits a scoop slam on the floor. Walter gets Drew to his feet and throws him over the table. Drew pops up and takes Walter down and gets him on the apron. Drew now hits a Claymore Kick before Gunther falls to the floor.

Drww follows Walter out of the ring, and Walter knocks him into the crowd. McIntyre quickly pops up and leans Walter over the barricade before clubbing away at Walters chest. Walter stumbles away, and McIntyre puts him in the ring. Drew, with his chest a sickening shade of beet red, goes to the top rope and hits a diving knee drop. McIntyre looks down at the Ring General, then pulls Walter onto his shoulders, but Walter slides off and forearms him in the back. They exchange vicious punches and chops in the center of the ring. Walter ducks a right hand and hits a German Suplex. An infuriated McIntyre gets to his feet. Walter knocks him back, but McIntyre immediately responds with a nasty knee to the face for a near fall.

The crowd chants, “This is awesome.” Drews chest is bleeding. He goes for a suplex  but Walter elbows him in the head a few times to get out of it. Waltee applies a sleeper hold, and Drew drops to a knee. McIntyre gets a burst of energy and powers Walter up for a fallaway slam! He covers, but Walter just barely kicks out. Drew gets to his feet, and the crowd is wildly cheering him on. McIntyre sets up for a Claymore. Walter pulls himself to his feet and sidesteps it. McIntyre elbows him back, but Walter responds with a dropkick. Walter hits a Powerbomb, but it’s a weak one, and Drew kicks out at two-and-a-half. McIntyre holds his tailbone as that is where the impact of the Powerbomb was felt. Walter attacks the lower back of McIntyre and goes to the top rope. McIntyre attacks him and chops away at him. Walter slaps him in the face a few times and chops the chest to drop Drew to his knees. Walter stands on the top rope, but Drew kicks his legs out from under him. McIntyre then sets him up and hits a Razors Edge! McIntyre crawls over and covers Walter, 1........2........NO!!!!

Mcintyre sets up for a Claymore!  As he goes for the kick, his lower back tightens up, and he can’t hit the move. Walter hits another Powerbomb. Drew starts to get to his feet. Walters infuriated and ANNIHILATES him with a lariat for the victory! ANR YOUR NEWWWWWW PROGRESS WRESTLING HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION......... WALTER!!!!!!

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  TkEkGNn

Joey Styles: "Fans, we learned two things in that epic encounter...... Drew McIntyre is as resilient as anyone I've ever seen. He just kept coming back for more! But in the end we now know that Walter very well may be the scariest man in Progress and dare I say...... all of Wrestling? It's going to take one hell of a man to knock this guy down to size!"            


Riddle storms the ring and lights into Walter! Riddle is all over the champion until several security members rush to break up the chaos. Walter grabs his title and stares at Riddle in the ring as show fades to black!

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  1eicysD
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Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash    Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  EmptySun Jul 09, 2023 8:34 pm

JERICHO starting off the GAB ...that is SMART booking!!

what a helluva match ! i gotta say vikingo is just fantastic..i mean he even kicked outta the code nreaker

JERICO has to pull out every ounce of skill and tenacity to get tjis win and this just might be match of the night,...hell ,ay be MATCH OF THE ENTIRE BASH SO FAR!


damn...some of the moves these monsters executed on one another was friggin crazy!

pretty damn even in sytrength amd skill set but in the end jonah had justb that litte extra to get the win!

dude so happy nakamura is getting a big push here...unlike in real life

him amd joe just basically kicked each other's asses in this one but someone had to win this and glad the champ kept his belt! REMATCH!!

cole is right tho...he SHOULD be on the bash!!

oh shit..HB FUKIN K!


here comes big daddy cool!!

and ofc those cowrds flee like bitches

wargames is gonna kick major ass!!

damn wtf is up with rollins being so quiet now?

wow shelton was not palying games and gets a big win...and hayes seems to be on a bit of a losing streak iirc

oh fuck...pac wanting some moolah..and i aint talkin about fabulous!

ko still keeps his bank account full as pac fails to collect!!

bd and punk both gave all hey had and then some and bd picks up a helluva win...i guess JERICHO will HAVE to pay attention now

grimes...ty for participating lol


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Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash    Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  EmptySun Jul 09, 2023 9:08 pm

I am not sure how the hell ko and sammi are even co existing here but they start off the gauntlet with a very hard win of black laying in some stiff punishmet throughout this one but lo and behold ko and sammi eliminate another tough ass team but man these two have to be getting worn out

here come the fukin bucks..

FUCKKKKKKK....ko and sammi exceeded my expectations with everyting thats been going on between them but they were just too damn tired and the young fucks were fresh and ready to take advantage of the worn down ko and sammi

maybe the lucha bros can take these punks out!!

god damn it!! luchas and bucks put on a helluva show here but those punks pulled a win outta their asses


NOOOOOOOO...even ref MIKE SMITH woulda seen that shit...oh,hold on...probably not! lol

are the fukin bucks ACTUALLY gonna pull this off??

wtf?????? the fucks keep on winning and i gotta say they are impressive as fuck wow....just WOW

MAN I DONT KNOW HOW U CAN say a team losing actually won but those BUCKS impressed tf outta me in this gauntlet now i wanna see a fresh bucks team get a shot at mox and claudio for those tag titles!!!

damn...i think thats the most punishement walter has taken in this fed tbh

drew took his share as well but both these guys dished out hella pain and damn it came down kinda to a last man standing to see who the better man was

congrats to walter byt drew aint got shit to be ashamed of!!

great match!

WTF...riddle must be high if he actua;y wants any part of walter!!



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Johnny Rose

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Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash    Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  EmptyTue Jul 11, 2023 9:07 am

Jerhico is red hot . Hell of a match

The two big men are acting like juniors . Lol . Jonah pulled off an upset imo .

I’m starting to think Shinsuke is legit .

Wargames Cole and company will have hell to pay .

Damn I was pulling for Hayes .

Well Pac . Lol we’re waiting .

Danielson… best in the world ???

Thanks for coming Grimes .

Holy hell. That tag gauntlet was epic !!!

Drew and Walter was everything it should have been . Great write up .

Walter got bro’d !!!!!! Lol

Killer Bash

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