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 Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash

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Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Empty
PostSubject: Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash    Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  EmptyMon Jul 17, 2023 11:10 pm


Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  WCv9wnD


Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  ZI72kxD

Location: Coors Field, Denver Colorado  

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  UBobLwW

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  GvFkDIC

Joey Styles: "HELLO EVERYONE! AND WELCOME..... TO THE GREAT AMERICAN BASH! I'm your host Joey Styles! And do we have a show for you tonight including two world title matches. As the team of Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn will challenge The Freebirds for the NWA World tag team titles! And speaking of KO..... The $50,000 bounty still remains on El Generico tonight! And how about our Main Event...... The Undertaker will defend the NWA World title against the hometown boy..... Denver, Colorado own....... BOBBY LASHLEY!!! But we are going to kick things off, with The Elite!!!!"        

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  VQ2Gkqd  

The Bucks and Cole make their way to the ring to a mixed chorus of cheers and boos.

 Match One: The Lucha Brothets & El Hijo Del Vikingo  vs Adam Cole & The Young Bucks            

Cole and Vikingo started, with Vikingo flipping out of a wristlock earning him a spit in the face. The insane flippy-do’s continued as Fenix slingshotted himself in to a ‘rana, before Pentas springboard forearm finished clearing of the ring. Triple superkicks knock the Elite out of the ring, and then Vikingo electrified the crowd with a dive through the ropes whipping out all three members of The Elite. A pair of Sasuke specials from Vikingo and Penta before three superkicks from the Elite team knocked the faces off the apron.

We get triple apron powerbombs from the Elite, and then they lead to the Pentagon Jr dive, as triple topes connect, before we go back to Cole and Ricochet in the ring. A flipping neckbreaker from Matt Jackson gets him a two-count, before Nick gets taken down with a forward roll into a DDT. We’re back to Pentagon and Matt, with a corkscrew rana taking down the Young Buck, before Penta  bounces off the ropes to take down both bucks with a reversed armdrag.

Cole runs in to drop Pentagon with a superkick after he had fended off the Bucks, who then follow up with a baseball slide dropkick and a tope con hilo… with Cole then faking out a dive over an upside down Matt Jackson. Instead, Cole slams Pentagon, and hurls him into the corner with Prnta almost landing on his head.

Penta mounts a comeback to Nick Jackson, but Matt gets tagged in so he can hit a load of flipping cartwheels and handsprings… then a back rake. The Young Bucks tilt the ring a few times with some rope running, but they end up kissing each other as Penta pulled Cole down as he was in a camel clutch, before a handspring double back elbow knocks down the Elite trio. Vikingo comes in to DDT Cole, then uses the Bucks on each other for a wheelbarrow facebuster, then a corkscrew brainbuster!

Vikingo takes a pump kick before Fenix comes in as the Lucha Bros hit a standing moonsault and shooting star press at the same time for a near-fall. Fenix dropped Cole with a ‘rana, then both Bucks with a single ‘rana. The pumphandle driver gets Fenix a near-fall on Cole.

Cole pops up Fenix to avoid a top rope ‘rana – a counter that sees Fenix crotch himself on the top rope and flip back into the ring and then we’re back to the Young Bucks stuff with an apron DDT on Vikingo. Fenix takes a PK from Nick Jackson and Adam Cole, before a buckle bomb/double superkick keeps Fenix down, as he and Penta are then drilled with draping rope-hung 450 Splashes for a near-fall.

Fenix was set up for a Meltzer Driver, but instead he countered it with a legdrop-assisted reverse DDT and a jawbreaker, before tagging in Penta, who lays into Cole with forearms… but he gets kicked in mid-backflip en route to an ushigoroshi for a near-fall. Cole lays into Penta with some mounted punches, something that Pentagon countered by fellating Cole and delivering a Cheeky Nando’s kick in the corner. Vikingo flies in out of nowhere with a tope con hilo across the corner to the outside, as a reverse ‘rana from Fenix spikes Cole. Pentagon follows up with a corkscrew diving kick, before Vikingos 450 splash!!!! 1.......2....... the Young Bucks break up the pin. Vikingo follows back with the Northern Lights suplex, but the roll through into a brainbuster is cut-off with a pair of superkicks as Cole retaliated with the Last Shot (suplex into an over-the-knee neckbreaker). Cole takes the knee pad down and hots THE BOOM to Vikingo, 1.......2.......3!!! The Elite are your winners!

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  W4g493f

 Joey Styles: "The Elite win a thriller there but if you ask me, they may just be a tad too confident heading into tomorrow nights War Game match in Toronto against Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, The Usos.... and Roman Reigns! We will find out just how Elite they really are then!"          

Match Two:  Keith Lee vs Jonah Rock                

The two big men size each other up and slam into each other in the middle! Off the ropes again and again until Jonah begins to clutch his left shoulder. Lee has Jonah by the wrist, Jonah misses a lariat and sent to the ropes. Lee leapfrogs and then shoulder tackles him down! A big splash onto Jonahs arm… cover… kickout at 2 as Joey Styles talks about the history between these two men.

Lee continues to wear down Jonahs’s left arm but eats a big boot! Back elbows… with the bad arm?! Big lariat!! Cover…. kick out at 2.

In the ring, Jonah Rock tries to wear Lee down but he fights back. Lee beats him down into the corner… runs in… Avalanche followed by a helacious Beal! A running elbow into the opposite corner… off the ropes… POUNCE! Cover… kick out at 2  Lee has Jonah up on his shoulder but Jonah grabs Lee’s throat. He has him up… Chokebomb! Kickout at 2!

Lee is in the corner and Jonah hoists him up to sit on the top turnbuckle. Jonah is setting up for a superplex. Lee blocks and slaps him down to the canvas. He stands up… Frog Splash onto the arm! Jonah is writhing, Lee brings him up… A MASSIVE POWERBOMB!! Jonah rolls to the outside… trying to regroup as best he can. Lee meets him there and rolls him back in. Lee has him up in a Fireman’s Carry, Jonah breaks it up and goes to the corner. Lee sends another elbow his way… he goes off the ropes… but Jonah connects with a Cyclone Kick! Cover! Kickout at 2.

The two behemoths battling in the center of the ring again. Jonah sets Lee up… “TIME TO FLY!”… but he can’t get him up. Lee reverses… suplex! Cover! Kickout at 2. Lee is climbing the ropes, Jonah Rock hits a superkick stunning Lee. He has Lee in the Electric Chair! Lee reverses with a REVERSRANA!!! COVER!!! 1… 2… KICKOUT!!! Lee climbs and sits on the top turnbuckle with Jonah lying prone on the ropes next to him. Lee pulls him up to him. Jonah fights Lee’s clutches and climbs on top of Lee’s shoulders trying a huracanrana… but Lee’s not budging! Lee hits a SPIRIT BOMB OFF THE TURNBUCKLES!!!! 1......2.......3!!!

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Kg5aEuB

Joey Styles: "That's the third match between those two behemoths, and every time they step into the ring against each other, they continue to leave us in awe with the things they can do! Wait..... wait just a second! Is that.......??? It is! That's Fonzie!!!!"                    

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  9NWDMPT

Alfonso makes his way towards ringside, continously blowing that annoying whistle! Alfonso stops in the isle and points to the entrance and out comes......

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  RYXjvjl

 Joey Styles! THATS SABU!!!! That's Sabu tied to that damned gurney! Alfonso and Sabu are here in Progress Wrestling!!"            

 Match Three: Alex Wright vs Sabu              

Sabu takes Wright down to start, chokes him, and stomps away. We see a quick springboard leg lariat from Sabu, as well as a hurricanrana over the ropes to the floor. He continues the offense with a baseball slide dropkick, and a slingshot somersault plancha to the floor.

On the outside, Sabu misses another leg lariat, and goes violently into the guard rail. Wright takes the advantage, and hits a slam on the floor. After some action in the ring, Wright attempts a tope to the floor, and lands awkwardly onto Sabu’s knee. He then hits a superplex when they get back into the ring.

After Sabu misses a backflip from the top, Wright hits a German suplex for a two count. They wrestle around in the corner, which leads to Sabu hitting a Victory Roll from the top, driving Wright’s head into the mat. Sabu locks Wright in the Camel clutch  snd Wright taps out!!  

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  DqeTez0

  Match Four: CM Punk & FTR vs The Blackpool Combat Club w/William Regal              

Punk and Bryan Danielson started the match. Danielson flexed his biceps and tells Punk that's he is "The Best in the World!" then Punk shoved him. Danielson  then tagged Jon Moxley

Punk put Moxley down with a shoulder block and then Harwood tagged in and traded slams with Moxley. A short time later, Wheeler and Danielson ended up in the ring together. Wheeler dropped Danielson with a punch. Danielson pointed to the corner and then Punk tagged in.

Danoelson caught Punk with a kick and tossed him to the floor where  Moxley and Claudio attacked him. Then FTR ran over. The referee stood between both teams to stop a pier sixer.

Wheeler performed a backbreaker on Moxley and then Punk tagged in and dropped an elbow on him from the ropes. Punk sat on Moxley and flexed while getting a two count.
Punk tried to kick Danielson off the apron. When Punk turned around, Moxley blasted him with a clothesline and then Danielson tagged in and the heels continued to isolate Punk. Danielson took him down with a dragon screw leg whip and tagged out. Claudio targeted the same left knee. Danielson tagged in as the isolation of Punk continued.
The Combat Club continued to focus on Punk. Moxley set up Punk for his own GTS finisher, but Punk blocked it and dropped Moxley with a kick. Punk fought off the Combat Club and dove to his corner to tag in Hardwood who cleaned house on the heels. Hardwood executed a nice DDT on Claudio for a near fall.

Wheeler and Moxley were left in the ring while the other wrestlers ended up brawling on the floor. Danielson made a seemingly blind tag, but Hardwood actually saw it and performed a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Danielson avoided the FTR finisher and rolled him up and held the tights while getting a two count. Hardwood came right back and covered Danielson, but Claudio broke it up.

Harwood put Claudio down with a piledriver.   Wheeler clotheslined Claudio to ringside and then pressed Punk over his head and threw him onto his partner. Wheeler performed a suicide dive.

Punk set up for a move and dove at Danielson, who put him down with a uranage. Danielson followed up with a uranage on Hardwood for a near fall. Hardwood came back with spears on Danielson and both Claudio and Moxley. Claudio blasted Hardwood with a uppercut hand from the floor. Danielson hit the bridging dragon suplex on Hardwood! 1.......2........ Chris Jericho slides in the ring and kicks Danielson in the head! Moxley and Claudio are fighting with Punk and Wheeler around ringside. Jericho grabs a steel chair and blasts Danielson with it!  Jericho puts Danielson in the Walls of Jericho! The crowd is buzzing as Jericho releases the hold snd takes the housrmic.. Jericho kneels over Danielson.......

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  4HeKaJ0

 Chris Jericho: "What did you think was going to happen you stupid idiot? You think I was just going to set back and let you run your mouth? All this talk about being Best in the World. IM CHRIS JERICHO!!! THE AYOTOYAH OF ROCK AND..... ROLLA! The NWA Super Juniors Champion! And your nobody! This is my title. Always has been...... always will be!"              

   Joey Styles: "I don't think anyone expected Chris Jericho to be here tonight, especially not Bryan Danielson! But that being said, I think Jericho may have just opened up a huge can of worms! No way that Danielson and The Blackpool Combat Club will just take that lying down."          

El Generico makes his way down to the ring for the $50,000 Bounty Match Challenge!

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  65F1BWW

Generico plays off the fans while awaiting his challenger. Then out comes......

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  IHHezPQ

 $50,000 Bounty Match: El Generico vs Nigel McGuinness            

Nigel schools Generico technically early. Generico uses his speed to take over, and puts the brakes on a dive as Nigel moves. A chop pisses Nigel off, so he gets medieval and goes to work on Generico’s arm. Nigel tests Generico’s ability, and eats a few wicked chops in return as Joey Styles reminds the tv audience that the only way to collect the $50,000 Bounty is to unmask Generico. Nigel doesn’t go down easily, and soccer kick/lariats him seated out of the second turnbuckle. Nigel is just one step ahead of Generico here. Generico however drops Nigel with the Tornado DDT and DIVES ON TOP OF HIM WITH A DOUBLE JUMP SOMERSAULT PLANCHA! Generico tries to follow up with a dive into the ring, but NIGEL STIFFS HIM WITH A ROARING LARIAT! TOWER OF LONDON! NEARFALL! Generico counters the Rebound Lariat and YAKUZA KICKS NIGEL OUT OF A HEADSTAND ON THE TURNBUCKLE! Nigel goes right back to the arm when he finds himself in trouble. LONDON DUNGEON! GENERICO FINALLY GETS TO THE ROPE! BRAINBUSTER FROM GENERICO! 1........2....... NIGEL KICKS OUT!! Nigel gets a nearfall on a roll up, and GENERICO COUNTERS A REBOUND LARIAT INTO A SCHOOLBOY to get the victory!  

Match Six: Shinsuke Nakamura vs Samoa Joe for the Progress Atlas title              

Nakamura of course gets a humongous ovation as he comes out. Red streamers come from everywhere as Nakamura is announced.

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Y97kWiM

Both men feel each other out to start. Some short kicks to the thighs of each other. Both men come into each other in the ropes and the ref wants a clean break. He doesn’t exactly get it as Nakamura rubs his head into Joe’s chest. Nakamura gets the early advantage and gives Joe a double dose of Good Vibrations in the corner. Joe goes to the outside to regroup. Joe stalls to get in the ring, but as the ref tries to separate Nakamura from going outside. Joe uses his positioning to rake Nakamura in the eyes.

Joe hooking on the STF on Nakamura, who is far away from the ropes. Joe transitions to the Crossface. Nakamura is able to shift his body and use his legs to get to the ropes. Joe wants to go for a suplex but Nakamura blocks it and somehow turns it into a armbar attempt. Joe locks his hands though and turns it into a pin. Nakamura gets his shoulder up and then turns it into a Triangle Choke attempt. Joe gets to the ropes quickly though. Nakamura wants the reverse Exploder Suplex but Joe blocks it. He can’t block the follow up attempt at the German Suplex though. Nakamura wants the Kinshasa, but Joe turns it into a snap powerslam. Nakamura kicks out at two. Joe now sets up for the Muscle Buster but Nakamura gets out and goes for another Kinshasa. Joe moves out of the way and now hooks on the Coquina Clutch. He can’t get Nakamura to the ground though, so he turns it to a German Suplex of his own. Now both men counter each other but Joe ends up hitting a second German. Then he hits a T-Bone Suplex and goes for a cover but Nakamura kicks out. Joe goes for the Muscle Buster once more, Nakamura fights off but Joe ends up giving Nakamura an enziguri that knocks him to the floor. Joe follows him out there and now wants to use the steel steps like in the past. Nakamura fights out and just drills Joe with a flurry of elbow strikes. Then he comes from behind with a knee to the back of the head, that ends up making Joe fall face first into the steel steps.

Nakamura sends Joe back to the inside and both men are slow to their feet. They start trading shots but Nakamura drops Joe with a scissors kick to the back of the head. Nakamura gets Joe up on his shoulders but can’t keep him up thee and Joe ends up rolling to the floor. Nakamura follows him out there and gets him back in the ring. Nakamura goes to the top rope and comes off with another knee strike to the back of the head. Nakamura goes for it a third time and… KINSHASA!!! 1.......2.....3!!! AND STILL PROGRESS ATLAS CHAMPION....... SHINSUKE NAKAMURA!!!!

As Shinsuke celebrated Joe nails him from behind. Joe hits a muscle Buster on Nakamura! Then Joe applies the Triangle Choke. Shinsuke is out! Joe releases the hold and grabs the housemic.......

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  0QjqgXG

 Samoa Joe: "You thought this was over? No way! I'm not even close to beating on you yet! Twice now, you have got lucky and beaten me! Now...... now I'm really going to bring the pain! I challenge you to another match for that Atlas title at Clash of the Champions! But not just any match...... I want it inside a steel cage!"                

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  RDtPsGs

Renee Young: "A huge challenge there by Samoa Joe! I can't wait to hear if Progress GM, Pat McAfee,  makes that match official for Clash of Champions! One match we know is official happens in our Main Event tonight, as this man, Bobby Lashley challenges The Undertaker for the NWA World title! And Bobby, you had to seen the vicious attack from Paul Orndorff just days ago where he put the world champion through a table with a piledriver!"    

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  4BuUH8P

Bobby Lashley: "I definitely seen it Renee! And although I don't agree with Orndorffs tactics,  I'm no fool. And I know there's no way that Takers neck can be at 100%! Which means that leaves him vulnerable to my Hurt Lock! Takers is a man's, man...... but with the shape he's in, I don't think even he can escape that!"            

  Renee Young: "We shall find out very shortly! Good luck out there Bobby!"                

The cameras pan to the other side of the venue where we see The House of Black. The cameras pan back and we see them dragging an unconscious Sami Zayn. They drag Zayn to the locker room of Kevin Owens then beat on his door! Owens opens the door and sees Zayn laying on the floor motionless.

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  C3d9gH0

  Kevin Owens: "What the Hell is this? What happened to Sami?"                

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  VoHuRbn

 Julia Hart: "Its exactly what it looks like! And now we are here to collect that $50,000 bounty!"              

Kevin Owens: "YOU IDIOTS! The bounty is on Generico! You have to unmask him! Jesus Christ.....somebody get me some help over here!"              

Joey Styles: "OH...... MY......GOD! Fans, Sami Zayn is obviously in bad shape here. And from what I'm hearing, still unconscious at this time. What does this do for the status of Owens and Sami challenging The Freebirds for the world tag titles later tonight?"            

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  GuXJurG

 Match Seven: Matt Riddle vs Walter vs Drew McIntyer for the Progress Heavyweight title            

The bell rings and all 3 men slowly walk to mid-ring as Walter trash talks them both. Riddle fighting the two-on-one in a pre-emptive strike but McIntyre catches him with a butterfly suplex into the corner before facing off against WALTER and they start throwing uppercuts at each other! McIntyre ahead, so WALTER switches to chops and his chest is red within seconds! Matt in with a kick to the head on the Austrian, overhead exploder suplex on McIntyre, a senton follows but WALTER has the Gojira Clutch! McIntyre breaks it. Walter hits a German suplex, butterfly suplex. McIntyre in, he gets the suplex combo as well and the Ring General stands tall! More chops for McIntyre, he hits a belly-to-belly suplex in return. One for Riddle as well, determination on his face, Riddles up for the Karelin lift but he reverses to his own, a second, go-behind on WALTER, rolling Karelin lifts for the champ as well!

McIntyre and WALTER to their knees, Riddle with the chest kicks. The Ring General to his feet, he takes a roundhouse. McIntyre catches a kick into an ankle lock but his Waltee lays him out with a Mafia kick! Deep Waters with the Pele kick. McIntyre lands the enzuigiri, and WALTER dropkicks both of them! Riddle and WALTER trading chops like gods of war and violence. Riddle thinks he's gonna shift to kicks and the champion kicks his leg out.

Gojira Clutch, Riddle rolls him off and Mcintyre catches WALTER into a sleeper hold of his own! The Ring General escapes and Riddle pastes McIntyre with a knee strike! McIntyre takes exception and now the tempers flate between hom and Riddle. WALTER with a boot and a German suplex but Matt rises to his feet. Another German suplex and he lands on his feet. Waistlock applied, Mcintyre from behind...... WALTER with a standing switch... HE GERMAN SUPLEXES BOTH MEN AT THE SAME TIME!!!!

McIntyre and Walter to their feet first, forearm for chop. McIntyre screaming agony, shift to palm strikes, MCINTYRE BACK SUPLEX... NO GOOD! INTO THE FUJIWARA...... WALTER ROLLS AWAY! BUTTERFLY, TIGER DRIVER.... 1......2..... NOT ENOUGH! The Gojira Clutch is on, WALTER falls to the mat... RIDDLE BREAKS IT UP WITH A DIVING SENTON!

Jumping knee connects but WALTER roars, ducks a roundhouse, the Gojira Clutch is on!! Riddle breaks it. The Ring General shifts to a powerbomb, but Riddle slips out. Pele kick is caught. Walter charges in.... BRO 2 SLEEP FOR RIDDLE!  1......2..... McIntyre BREAKS IT UP! McIntyre wants The Claymore... NOPE! Riddle slips the Bromission on McIntyre, elbows to try and soften him up...... McIntyre is fading.......WALTER with the save!

Trading kicks, Riddle in with knees, he's got McIntyre up for the Tombstone, Gotch cradle...WALTER BREAKS IT UP BY GRABBING A WAISTLOCK AND GERMAN SUPLEXING HIM! Kick in the corner, release powerbomb... RIDDLE KIPS UP! HE'S FIRED UP! BUT THE CHAMP TAKES HIS HEAD OFF WITH A LARIAT! 1..... 2....... NO..... RIDDLE WONT STAY DOWN!!!

Drawing himself up, WALTER bringing the pain with more chops. Riddle giving 'em back. Ripcord into three knee strikes. One for McIntyre as he tries to come back in! Setting the Ring General up top, taking him down for the Tombstone...... WALTER reverses.....and Walter hits the Fire Thunder on Matt Riddle, 1......2.......3!!! AND STILL....... PROGRESS HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION...... WALTER!!!!

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  1KpKYjY

  Joey Styles: "The Great American Bash..... a concept made for you fans..... the American following! And we have to watch this man Walter degrade our country with his comments and disrespect! We truly could use a hero!"              

Walter stands proudly in the ring holding his title in the air for all to see as the fans jeer him. Then we see.......

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  MlfRzhN

The fans erupt as "The American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes makes his way to the ring!  


Walter watches on, unimpressed,  as Cody enters the ring! The fans in Coors Field are going nuts! Walter looks Cody over, smirking, then leaves the ring! Cody watches him leave then plays up to the live audience!

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  LVFPFD1

As we continue on with the card, we see Kevin Owens making his way to the ring for the NWA World tag team title match, but he's all alone!

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  UrPFJk2

Match Eight: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn vs The Freebirds for the NWA World tag team titles          

Hayes and Gordy are loving the fact that their night just got a lot easier with Owens out by himself. Owens tries his best to start the match by keeping action on his side of the ring so the Birds can't have the double team advantage. And he does well in doing so for several minutes until him and Hayes hit a criss cross sequence that sees Gordy drive his knee into KO's back. Now The Freebirds do what they do best...... and that's double team Owens.

The Birds take full advantage of the situation and work KO over with quick tags in and out. This goes on for several minutes and we see Owens crawling towards his corner for a tag, but there's still no Sami Zayn. Hayes takes full advantage of this, mocking KO and moon walking all around him, pickng his shots. Gordy and Hayes just pick KO apart and then the fans erupt as someone makes their way to the ring. But it's NOT Sami Zane. Its.......It's........ El Generico???

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  CMKql52

Generico jumps on the ringapron reaching his arm out to try and get a tag to KO. The Birds continue to work Owens over until Hayes goes for a backdrop and KO kicks him in the face. KO now sees Generico on the ringapron! And he's not happy about it. He yells for Generico to get the hell out of here. Gordy tags in and clotheslines KO towards his corner. But Instead of tagging KO, Generico drops off the ringapron. Generico shrugs his shoulders and walks back to the dressing room. Hayes tags in and grabs KO and hits a Bulldog 1.......2........3! And STILL...... NWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS....... THE FREEBIRDS!

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  UxWfIA7

 Joey Styles: "Fans, I'm just as shocked as you are to see El Generico out here to come to the aid of Kevin Owens.  Then right when it seemed that KO needed Generico....... Generico drops down and leaves KO high and dry. And why wouldn't he? KO has a damn bounty on his head for crying out loud! This scenario just get stranger every week! But right now fans, it's time for the biggest prize in all of pro wrestling...... the NWA World Heavyweight Title!"      

 Main Event: Bobby Lashley vs The Undertaker for The Undertaker for the NWA Heavyweight title            

The ref calls both men to the middle of the ring and Lashley and Undertaker stare intensely into each other's eyes as the fans all start to rise to their feet in anticipation.  

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  2Ajiui1

Lashley went after The Undertaker right away as the bell rang, knowing Takets neck is still in questionable condition. Undertaker fights back with a big boot and clotheslines Lashley over the top rope. Lashley circles the ring and then gets back in.

Lashley with a quick takedown. Lashley drops some quick elbows. Taker with right hands to the jaw of Lashley. Taker with shoulder thrusts. Lashley counters an Old School attempt. Taker avoids an F5.  Lashley with a knee to Taker. Lashley with big shoulder charges to Taker in the corner. Taker returns with a boot. Lashley with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Taker.  Lashley with a release german suplex. Taker drives Lashley face first into the middle turnbuckle to avoid another german suplex. Taker with Snake Eyes and a big boot combo to Lashley. Lashley is busted open over his forehead as the action spills to the outside and Styles says the playing field may now be even as both men can mo way be 100%. Taker drives Lashley back first into the ring barricade. Taker drops a leg over the throat of Lashley on the ring apron. Taker with jabs at Lashley.  Lashley with rights and lefts then another release german suplex. Another german suplex. Lashley continues the attack with another german suplex as Styles says its clear that Lashley is trying to find out exactly what the condition of The Undertaker’s neck is. The action spills out again. Lashley clears off the announce table at ringside. Lashley with a piledriver on Taker crashing through the announce table!


More blood is pouring down the face of Lashley. Taker barely rolls in at 9 during the referee count. Lashley pulls Taker up...... Taker with a huge chokeslam on Lashley! Lashley stumbles to the corner. Taker with a Tombstone Piledriver on Lashley! 1.....2....... Lashley gets a shoulder up after two. Lashley and Taker exchange huge rights. Lashley with a kimura lock on Taker in the corner. Taker fights up and Lashley breaks the hold just as Taker hits Last Ride. 1.......2...... Lashley kicks out again. Lashley with an Powerbomb! 1.....2...... Taker kicks out. Lashley with another powerbomb on Taker. 1.......2.....Taker again somehow powers out. The match continues. Taker pulls Lashley down in the Hell’s Gate. Lashley breaks out and applies the Hurt Lock! Taker uses all his might to drive Lashley backwards into the rurnbuckles......where both men squash the ref! Lashley reapplies the Hurt Lock!

Taker fades down to one knee and Lashley clamps the hold on even harder! Taker falls to the mat and Lashley STILL has the Hurt Lock on but there's no ref! The fans buzz as we see Seth Rollins make his way inside the ring.

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  YQF2Py5

Rollins once again looks like he's staring into space as he looks at Taker and Lashley on the mat. Then he snaps out of it...... bounces off the ropes and hits the Curb Stomp to Lashleys head! The impact causes Lashley to release his hold on Taker. Rollins hits the ropes again and nails Lashley with another curb stomp! Rollins grabs Takers arm and places it over Lashleys chest then leaves the ring. Rollins rolls the ref back in the ring. The ref SLOWLY crawls over, 1........2.........3!!!  And STILL...... NWA WORLD CHAMPION....... THE UNDERTAKER!  

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  OMA7Lvg

Joey Styles: "DAMMITT TO HELL! Seth Rollins has been in zombie mode for the past month. Literally has not said one word to anyone. And of all nights, in the middle of a Heavyweight championship knockout, he decides to come out of his shell. But something tells me he is going to have serious Hell to pay! Fans we are running out of time here in Denver. We will see you tomorrow night in Toronto for Gold Rush!"      

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Johnny Rose

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Join date : 2020-06-11

Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash    Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  EmptyThu Jul 20, 2023 6:47 am

The Elite have been making a lot of noise as of late .

I’m enjoying the Lee vs Rock matches .

Oh shit !!! Sabu has arrived . Time to move furniture.

Generico keeps winning these bounty matches , this may end up in the rankings somewhere . Lol

Joe is kinda poor sport .

Taker ain’t gonna back down Lashley .

House of Black are stupid .

Can anyone stop Walter .

Could Cody be that guy ???

Huh ??? Generico ?

Man those Brids are tough .

Fucking Rollins . Taker didn’t need his help .

Great show
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Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash    Progress Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  EmptyTue Jul 25, 2023 7:37 pm

that was one helluva an opener to kickthis bash show off and even tho i cant stand them,the bucks and cole got a helluva win here!

lee and jonah could fight 10 times and i could see each winning five and everymatch would kick ass! Imagine these two as a team!

wtf??? SABU!!!

and a good debut here

a helluva fight between these 6 and so much u can do with them

BUT THE CHAMP IS HERE and he sends a message to the so called best in the world and reminds everyone that they do NOT want to get on JERICHO'S radar!!

oh fuck NIGEL!!!

NIGEL was whipping tha ass but that damn generico is one tough talent and showed that this bounty is NOT gonna be an easy one to colllect

nakamura is just fantastic but a pissed off joe is a dangerous man but after what joe did post match,nakamura HAS to accept that steel cage challenge!!

lashley is really confident but never underestimate the badass...wounded animals tend to be the most dangerous!

wtf did house of black just do and how tf is sammi gonna be able to help ko in that world tag title match?

walter is fukin unbelievable! that double german suplex spot was awesome!

walter is gonna be hard for ANYONE to beat!


KO tryna go at it alone aint smart here but what choice does he have>


WTF KO? swallow your pride see what ya get?

this storyline is soooo damn good!

BIRDS retain again! all they do is win and thats the name of the game!

damn...lashley is giving the world champ all he can handle and then some!

WTF??? ANOTHER piledriver thru a table!!!

holy shit...lashley kicked outta the tombstone??

wtf is rollins doing here???

damn taker went thru hell and pulls this one out albeit with some unwanted help!


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