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 Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash

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Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Empty
PostSubject: Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash    Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  EmptyTue Jul 30, 2024 1:04 pm

Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  K1PSPBj


Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  YtawvV2


Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  G9cDMF6

  Location: OU Stadium, Norman OK

Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Ziv4uCH

Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  LayiGQK

Joey Styles: "HELLO EVERYBODY! AND WELCOME TO THE GREAT AMERICAN BASH! Tonight, it's two companies with a common goal..... survival! Because once the dust settles, there will only be one company going forward. Who will stay? Who will go? We are going to find out tonight! And we have breaking news to start things off. As you can see, there is an ominous contraption hanging over the ring........ and we just learned that both the Progress Heavyweight champion and the Gateway Heavyweight Champion,  Samoa Joe as well as MJF..... will be locked inside the Elimination Chamber with 4 other men....... the survivor..... will be the unified champion!"      

Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  XHWSWS1

Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Da8BAgZ

Gorilla Monsoon: "That is certainly huge news! How about that Brain? We are going to start things off with the Elimination Chamber!"          

 Bobby Heenan: ".........."                  

 Gorilla Monsoon: "Not talking tonight, I see! You will have to excuse my so called broadcast partner folks.....he hasn't been in the best of moods since his Heenan Family lost at War Games! But his silence can only make this night better! Let's get you up to the ring!"                

  MJF vs Samoa Joe vs Mr. Perfect vs Shawn Michaels vs Sting vs Okada (Elimination Chamber to Unify Heavyweight titles)              

Mr. Perfect and Samoa Joe start things off. Perfect sends Joe onto the steel, rams him into the wall, and performs a crossbody over the ropes! Then he wants to leap off Okada’s pod, but Okada crotches him before entering the fray. Now Okada and Joe team up against Perfect. He fights back, but Joe scores a DDT as Sting emerges from his pod. Sting knocks everyone down, does a Stinger splash on Okada and trades heel kicks with Perfect. He continues with a scissors kick on Joe, but Perfect retakes control. Perfect lands a Perfectplex on Joe. Before he can capitalize, Sting surprises him with a missile dropkick to eliminate Perfect!

MJF joins next and takes out his opponents before smashing Okada through a pod door. It bloodies Okada, but Okafa sneaks back to pin Sting after a Rainmaker.  This doesn’t deter MJF’s onslaught. Only a low blow and missile dropkick from Okada does that. While this happens, HBK completes the field. Shawn, Joe, and Okada hit their finishers to get rid of MJF. Unfortunately for Shawn, MJF and Okada work together to bloody Michaels.

Shawn rallies and looks to piledrive Okada on the metal floor, but Okada backdrops him. Okada follows with a bulldog which earns two. Afterward, Michaels moonsaults onto Okada and places him in the Boston Crab!  However,  Joe breaks it with a DDT. The problem is that Okada tries to steal the cover, so Joe pulls him off, and they argue. Okada locks Joe  in the Bostoncrab, but Shawn superkicks Okada and pins him. This leaves Joe and Shawn. Joe keeps trying a Muscle Buster on the metal but settles for sending Shawn through a pod door. When Shawn recovers, Joe catches a superkick and drops Shawn with a Pedigree, but a slow cover gets two! Once Shawn blocks a second attempt, he hits Sweet Chin Music for the three! SHAWN MICHAELS IS YOUR UNIFIED HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! HBK takes the titles as Scott Hall and Kevin Nash come get him from the chamber celebrating.  

Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  DCmoLFB

 Gorilla Monsoon: "Well Brain, your guy MJF comes up short again! And for that matter, he may not even have a job anymore! How's that make ya feel now?"                  

Bobby Heenan: ".........."                  

Gorilla Monsoon: "Folks, I love it! The Brain is speechless! But nonetheless,  Shawn Michaels is your unified Heavyweight champion! And speaking of unifying titles...... it's time to unify the tag team titles!"            

  Randy Orton & Tully Blanchard vs The G-Ckub to unify the tag team titles                

Madusa leads The G-Club to the ring and Rick Rude takes the housemic.......

Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  XqrVCSr

Rick Rude: "What I would like to have right now, is for all you Oklahoma Sooner Shitheads, keep the noise down while I....... "                  

Rude is interrupted by the appearance of Lex Luger entering the ring.

     Lex Luger: "So this is how we are doing things now? Where have you guys been since I lost the NWA World title? And why are we not focusing on unifying these tag team titles?"                        


Ventura and Madusa step in as they realize tensions are building between Rude and Luger. Madusa talks to Luger on the floor as the ref calls for the bell. And if that wasn't enough drama, while Madusa is trying to keep things calm between Rude and Luger, inside the ring Randy Orton is actually trying to win the match, but his partner, Tully Blanchard won't tag in as they keep their distain for each other alive.  

Orton tries to keep it going by himself as Tully seems to be amused by all the bickering inside The G-Club as Luger is trying to plead his case with Rude, who wants none of it. And to make matters worse, Rude tags in and gets tied up with Orton. Luger and Madusa are still talking things over when Rude whips Prton into the ropes, but Orton reverses as LUGER TRIPS RUDE, and Rude stumbles into a RKO OUTTA NOWHERE!!! 1.......2.........3!!! RANDY ORTON AND TULLY BLANCHARD ARE THE UNIFIED TAG CHAMPIONS!

Madusa watches on in shock, knowing this isn't gonna be good! Ventura checks on Rude as Madusa is trying to get Luger to the dressing room area!

 Gorilla Monsoon: "Pandemonium is running wild here in Sooner Stadium! And I'm not sure which team.has the most dessension in it...... Orton and Blanchard or The G-Club? And now one has to wonder where Lugers head is going into his rematch against Kerry Von Erich tonight?"                  

 AJ Styles vs Lance Archer      

Archer cimes to the ring cinfused as why Bobby Heenan isnt accomadating him. Archer is yelling at Heenan who still isnt saying anything at the commentary table. AJ hit a pescado early on. Archer cut AJ off shortly after that though and proceeded to work AJ over for a brief period of time. AJ did the ringpost sharpshooter spot, which aggravated Archer’s previously injured knee. AJ was in control after that, and he was targeting the injured knee. Archer tried to go for the Blackout, but AJ escaped and took out the injured knee again. Archer managed to catch him with a lariat though while he was on his knees. Archer made a big comeback. He got a nearfall with a chokeslam. Archer’s selling of his injured knee got very spotty. AJ hit a Pele and then Bloody Sunday: 1…2…NO! Archer hit another chokeslam. Archer then went for a moonsault, but AJ avoided it. AJ springboarded, but Archer goozled him! AJ backflipped out of it and applied the Calf Slicer! Archer taps out! AJ Styles is your winner!  

Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  HzJ0iPs

 Gorilla Monsoon: "Brain, are you just going to sit there like a knot on a log all night? Take a look pal.... your losing your meal ticket! Your 0 for 2 tonight! The Heenan Family is no more!"                

Heenan doesn't say a word and instead just gets up and takes his headset off and throws it on the table and walks away!  

Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  0MkNl1u

As the show continues,  out comes The NWA Super Juniors World champion...... Will Ospreay!

Will Ospreay: "Whats up Oklahoma??? What a show tonight, yea? I gotta tell you guys.... I've only been the NWA Super Juniors World champion for a few weeks now..... but what a rush!!! And by now I'm sure you know, all road lead to London and CM Punk! But..... before I can get there, I have some unfinished business to take care of. A man is only good as his word, and I made a promise to.a man a few weeks ago that if I won this title, we would dance for it! So Eddie Guerrero......let's do this Bruv!"                

Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  ZyJP4vW

Guerrero makes his way from the dressing room area, seemingly shocked that Ospreay has called him out for this impromptu match!

Will Ospreay vs Eddie Guererro for the NWA Super Juniors World title            

They work some basic back and forth, Guerrero starts working some slick counters, but Ospreay has some nice counters and they work into a stand off, with Guerrero looking puzzled at Ospreay. Guerrero looks for a chicken wing, they work into a counter stretch and work into another stand off and Guerrero then backs off. Guerrero now connects with chops , but Ospreay picks up the pace, hitting a RANA and dropkick. Guerrero to the floor, but cuts off the springboard. Ospreay counters out and connects with the Sasuke special. Back in and Guerrero cuts Ospreay off, and hits a neck breaker in the ropes. The apron superkick follows. Guerrero follows with some chops on the floor, and then slams Ospreay to the barricade. Guerrero starts attacking the neck of Ospreay as they work back into the ring. The draping DDT gets 2. Guerrero now works a torture rack, and then follows with a short DDT for 2. Guerrero now works a Gory special, but Ospreay counters out, but Guerrero cuts off a RANA and slingshots him into the bottom rope. Guerrero follows with knee strikes and then grounds things with a neck crank. Ospreay finally counters out and hits the back handspring kick for the double down. Back to the feet, Ospreay tries to put some offense together and hits a springboard attack, and then the standing shooting star for 2. Ospreay hits a superkick and German, but Guerrero counters into a DDT. Ospreay counters the chicken wing into a stunner and both are down. Ospreay fires back with strikes, but they tease finishers, and work into counters, and then fight over a backslide. Guerrero hits a version of the last shot, covering for 2. Guerrero slaps Ospreay around, but Ospreay catches him with a heel kick. Guerrero hits a vicious rebound lariat for 2. Guerrero attacks the neck again, and then pulls Ospreay to the floor and tombstones him on the floor! After working the count, they work back in and Guerrero covers for 2. Guerrero follows with a neck breaker, covering for 2. Guerrero keeps attacking the neck, Ospreay fires back with strikes, and they trade center ring. Guerrero hits the low superkick, but Ospreay hits an sitout powerbomb.

The Robinson special connects, the Oscutter is countered as Guerrero shoves Ospreay to he floor. They work to the apron, Guerrero hits an enziguri and Ospreay then hits a Spanish fly off the apron to the floor, and Ospreay caught his head on the way down and is busted open. They make it back in, and Ospreay hits a corkscrew shooting star press for a near fall. Ospreay misses a shooting star press off the ropes, superkick by Guerrero to he back of the head for another great near fall. Guerrero looks to finish off Ospreay with Three Amigos, but Ospreay fires up with a head kick, but Guerrero gets the chicken wing and they work into a series of pin attempts; Ospreay hits a desperation Oscutter, but can’t cover. Guerrero hits a piledriver, 1.......2.......  as Ospreay barely kicked out. Guerrero attacks the fingers and hits a superkick and stomps the fuck out of Ospreay’s head and neck.

The chicken wing follows, and Ospreay barely makes the ropes. Guerrero hits a neck breaker driver, but Ospreay counters out of the tombstone into a stunner. The Oscutter connects and Ospreay gets the win! The fans give them a standing ovation. Ospreay walks to Guerrero and extends his hand in respect, but Guerrero just exits the ring.

Joey Styles: "That match was everything we imagined it could be and more! And I'm sure that in the heat of battle, Eddie Guerrero is upset with taking the loss there, but he proved he is one of the best in the world after that showing!"                  

"Dr. Death" Steve Williams  vs Walter for the Gateway tv title            

There’s a struggle for positioning early, Walter grabbing a front facelock from it, Williams taking him down with a drop toehold and trying to get on top on the mat, but Walter knows that’s a dangerous game, so he gets clear of that as soon as he can. Then they slap each other. Williams starts that, Walter fires back until Williams stops and nods his head. He may be bigger, stronger, more experienced, but He knows what he’s getting into.

Walter firing the first significant blow with a spin kick, then a jumping lariat with Williams coming off the ropes. Walter tries a sleephold, and Williams is fighting that immediately, throwing Walter over, but Walter is right back to it. Williams widens his base to keep Walter from really locking in, then hurls him over again. And yet Walter, dogged, goes back to it, this time wrapping the legs on the mat, so Williams has to work from there, which is a lot more difficult, and exactly what he was trying to prevent. He does get his foot to the bottom rope. When they stand it up, Walter has the front facelock again, the veins in Williams’ neck and arms popping as he tries to power his way out of it, eventually picking Walter up enough to run him into the turnbuckle pads.

Williams gets Walter face-down on the canvas and pulls back on both arms, keeping Walter at a total disadvantage; even just getting up from that is going to hurt some, and risk hurting a good deal. But Walter does it. Walter sends Williams off the ropes, tries a crossbody block, but is caught and slammed down. Williams drops a big, heavy elbow down onto Walter’s lower back, then unleashes some hard chops when they’re back standing, but Walter turns that around, hits a dropkick, and then a sliding dropkick to push Williams out to the floor for his elbow suicida.

Back in and Walter follows with a flying elbow smash from the top rope. With Walter picking up steam, now Williams hits a spinebuster.

Williams hits a nasty belly-to-belly suplay for two. Outside, Williams picks Walter up and rams his back into the ringpost. Back in, Williams gets a two count on a pin attempt, then grabs a half-crab type move for a moment, but Walter is right to the ropes.

But it’s all Dr. Death right now, and Walters return fire elbow feels desperate already. OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE attempt, but Walter grabs onto the ropes and clings for dear life. So that doesn’t hit, but Williams gets that snappy powerslam off the ropes for a two count, and the feet rumble in OU Stadium for just a moment for the hometown boy!

Williams with a Boston crab. Walter pressed and dropped down onto the turnbuckle pad face-first, but he spins around and drops Williams with a vicious elbow strike. Still, not enough, and Williams continues to dominate the match. But here comes Walter with a series of elbows, a jumping kick, another, a spine kick is caught and Williams just throws him down to the canvas.

When Walter stands back up, Williams throws a series of hard right hands out of a southpaw stance, then hits the taunt button.
Williams winds up for a lariat, it misses, but he goes for the backdrop driver, and the crowd panics immediately. It doesn’t go, and Walter falls to the outside after a quick clothesline to the back of the neck. Williams paces around the ring for a moment while Walter recovers, and then big ass Dr. Death flies like a brick with his own elbow suicida.

Back in and Williams hits a flying shoulderblock. DOCTOR BOMB gets two! The rumbling! The crowd rally, but you really can feel it. This feels like Williams’ night. Backdrop driver is short and violent, as Walter hooks his leg to try and stop it, but Williams powers him up anyway.

Williams goes for it again, Walter rolls out of it and grabs a sleephold, but Williams gets the bottom rope. Williams blocks the rolling elbow, but catches a standing elbow, and then the rolling hits. Two count.

Walter with a senton, another frog splash, and another two count. Both men are now down, beaten up, fatigued.

Walter goes for another tiger driver, gets backdropped out. An elbow connects, a rolling elbow misses, and Williams hits the backdrop driver! Walter is to his feet first,  but basically just falls out of the ring in a shocked heap. He’s out on the floor. But Williams isn’t going to take a countout, He goes out to the floor, pulls Walter up, and rolls him back into the ring to try for the pin. It gets two.

As Williams goes for another backdrop driver, Walter unleashes what he has left, a sharp elbow, another, and he falls to the canvas as he rocks Williams down to his ass, but still sitting up, a bit glassy-eyed, but in the better shape of the two of them. Doc has the upper hand, tries for another backdrop driver, and though Walter tries to catch the ropes with his feet, he can’t, and he’s crushed once again

When Williams hits the Oklahoma Stampede and Walter kicks out, the roar of the crowd is insane. Immediately deafening. But after a Walter elbow, it’s another backdrop driver, the absolute most diabolical of the bunch. Williams scoops Walter up again....... OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE, 1.......2........3!! DR. DEATH RETAINS AS THE OKLAHOMA CRIWD GOES CRAZY!

Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Fa3GrX6

 Joey Styles: "OH...... MY GAWD! What an incredible match! No matter what Walter threw at Dr. Death, there just wasn't anyway that Doc was going down here infront of his Alta mater! And in doing so, if you ask me, Dr. Death just made a statement about anyone wanting that title!"            

  Drew McIntyre vs Roddy Piper in a Chain Match for the NWA World TV Title          

The ref applies the chain to McIntyre,  who is just staring a hole through Piper, smirking as Gorilla reminds the tv audience that Piper has won the last two matches by illegally using a chain...... but tonight the chain is legal! Right away, they start by jerking on the chain with their big thick necks, then grabbing onto it with their hands, slowly inching their way toward one another. Piper lands the first shot, using the chain as a whip to crack Drew across the arm. McIntyre gets it, swings at the head, Piper ducks. Piper scrambles away, realizing that it could of been over if that connected.

Now they walk toward one another, no chain in hand, fuck the chain, and they trade some right hands, then separate again. Piper corners Mcintyre and pounds away at him, hitting him with the chain, hitting him with right hands. Piper staying in control, battering McIntyre down to the mat on a slow, face-first bump. But Drew comes back, hammering in the corner, smacks Piper in the forehead with the chain, busting him open with a nasty gash over Pipers eye.

McIntyre wraps the chain around Piper’s head, covering his eyes. But Piper turns that around, wrapping the chain around Drew’s head, through his mouth. Piper uses the chain in the corner, wrapping it around the ringpost, and uses it to basically choke McIntyre out. Piper with some right hands in the corner as McIntyre sells, bleeding pretty heavily now. Piper jerks him forward by the chain and drops him with another right, but McIntyer comes back and just throttles Piper, strangling him down.

Piper goes to the floor, and Drew follows. Piper with right hands to the bloody McIntyre. To the apron and Piper continues to land rights. The referee gets involved allowing McIntyre to land a shot to the eye, and then he mounts Piper on the apron, going for the eye again. He smacks the head into the ringpost out on the floor.

Piper, messed up, stumbles around, bleeding like crazy. Mcintyre kicks him in the head. Piper stumbles about as Gorilla wonders if the ref should stop this match and possibly save Pipers career.

Piper, selling that he cant see well now that the gash has swollen his eye shut! McIntyre staying on top of Piper, who continues staggering around the ring as Monsoon suggests someone should throw in the towel. Drew tries to cover but Piper kicks out, perhaps on instinct. McIntyre drops a hard elbow after other shots, and gets two again.

Piper drags McIntyre down by the chain, then rushes him and takes him down, throwing fiery fists and stomps as the crowd heats up for his big comeback. Piper with a right hand, some shots with the chain, and Drew face-first to the mat again. Piper kicking his ass now!

Piper with haymaker right hands. The visual of the bloody side of Piper’s head is awesome as he rips and tears at his hated rival. But Mcintyre comes back with a clothesline and turns the tide again, then a kneedrop to the chest and a couple pin attempts.

Drew holding Piper down. Gorilla thinks Piper is winning the battle psychologically by continuing to kick out of pin attempts, despite the punishment taken. They struggle over a vertical suplay attempt, Piper blocking before McIntyre finally gets Piper over. Drew in the corner sizing Piper up....... CLAYMORE!!! 1.......2........NO!!!! MCINTYRE CANT BELIEVE IT!! Now he's pissed. He wraps the chain around his hand and pummels Pipers swollen eye! Piper is barely hanging in. McIntyre yells for the ref to stop it it or he will end Pipers career. Drew goes to the corner as the ref pleads for Piper to stop. Piper pushes the ref aside and pulls himself up on the ropes. McIntyre charges....... CLAYMORE!!! Drew covers, 1........2........3!! Your winner, AND NEWWWWWW NWA WORLD TV CHAMPION...... DREW MCINTYRE!

Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  EF5ykzS

Joey Styles: "My Gawd..... how relentless was Drew McIntyre here tonight? And with that being said he damned near had to kill Piper to finally defeat him! Hats off to Roddy Piper.... there's no secret that your a tough Sonofabitch! But now, Drew McIntyer has accomplished his goal..... and if he will go to these lengths to win that title..... imagine what he will do to keep it!"          

Main Event: Kerry Von Erich vs Lex Luger for the NWA World title                  

Lugercomes to the ring obviously wondering where Madusa is, as she is nowhere to be seen. The bell rings and Lugef takes Von Erich down with a headlock, but Luger quickly pops free from a head scissors on the mat. Luger puts a top wrist lock on Von Erich, but Von Erich breaks free in the corner. Von Erich puts a hammerlock on Luger, but Lex drop toe holds Von Erich as Gorilla says he is surprised how cleanly Luger is wrestling this match.

Von Erich knee drops Luger hile keeping a hammerlock on. Von Erich keeps the hammerlock on and knee drops Lex on the mat. Von Erich keeps a wrist lock on Luger to maintain the advantage. Von Erich controls on the mat for several moments, but Lex prevents his shoulders from remaining on the mat for three seconds. The referee is struck by Von Erich on a kick out by Luger, and they have a standoff. Luger knee lifts Von Erich and tries for a suplex, but Von Erich blocks the attempt and stares at Lex then Von Erich keeps a headlock on for a few moments. Luger knee strikes Von Erich in the corner. Von Erich tosses Luger across the ring and takes Lex over with a head scissors. Luger doesn’t give up despite the extra torque by Von Erich. Luger counters with a leg lock on the mat, but isn’t able to get a submission. Von Erich counters with a sleeper on the mat, but Lex breaks free. Von Erich shoulder blocks Luger and runs the ropes. Von Erich dropkicks Luger into a corner and head scissors Lex out of the corner and keeps a head scissors on the mat

Lex manages to reach the ropes to break the hold as we see Rick Rude coming towards the ring! Madusa runs out trying to keep Rude in the dressing room area, but Rude isnt having it! Rude pounds on the ringapron asking Luger what the hell is he doing? Finsish this bum!

Luger stomps Von Erich in the corner several times and  punches Von Erich in the corner and the referee gets in his face as its clear Rude is getting Luger agitated. Luger chops Von Erich followed by strikes in the corner. Luger knee drops Von Erich leading to a near fall. Luger takes over Von Erich with a suplex for a two count then dumps Von Erich to the floor. Rude goes over to Kerry, talking shit, but Luger rolls out and throws Kerry back inside before Rude can get any blows in and now Rude is really pissed!

Luger elbow strikes Von Erich on the apron followed by a strike to the chest. Luger tosses Von Erich back into the ring and chops Von Erich. Luger shoulder rams Von Erich in the corner a few times. They trade strikes in the corner with Von Erich decking Lex with a discus punch. Von Erich is stopped by a knee strike to the lower midsection. Von Erich stops Luger coming off the ropes with a sleeper hold. Luger counters with a knee breaker. Von Erich backslides Luger for a two count. Luger chops Von Erich and delivers a shoulder block. Von Erich press slams Luger for a near fall. Von Erich drives Luger down with a suplex, 1...... 2.... Rude puts Lugers foot on the ropes and Kerry gets a three count, but the referee sees Luger’s foot under the ropes. Von Erich has some words for Rude now. Kerry then strikes Luger several times. Luger shoulder blocks Von Erich leading to a near. Rude yells to Luger that he isn't going to win this match being a damned boyscout!

Von Erich blocks a strike and punches Luger several times. Luger is sent upside down into the corner, but runs the apron and leaps off the top. Von Erich catches him with the claw! Luger knee lifts free and takes Von Erich down to the mat. Lex staggers and tries for a knee drop, but Von Erich blocks the attempt. Von Erich takes Luger down and locks in the figure four leg lock. Lex has been busted wide open. Lex reaches the ropes to break the hold. Von Erich pummels him with right hands in the corner. Luger sends Von Erich into the corner chest first. Luger heads to the top rope, but Von Erich press slams him to the mat. Von Erich puts the claw on!! Luger drops to his knees as Von Erich keeps the claw locked in. Luger dumps Von Erich over the top rope but Kerry lands on the ringapron. Kerry climbs the turnbuckles and flies off with a sunset flip, 1.......2.........3!! And STILLLLL NWA WORLD CHAMPION...... KERRY VON ERICH! Kerry takes his belt and leaves as a dejected Luger watches on.

Rude gets in the ring chewing Lex out! Saying he is an embarrassment. Madusa once again, tries keeping the peace. Now Rude admonished Madusa, backing her into a corner. Luger gets up and grabs Rude by the arm pulling Rude back...... ONLY TO BE CLOTHESLINED BY RUDE!

Rude stomps away at Luger! Rude pulls Luger up..... RUDE AWAKENING! Rude tells Madusa to get a chair. She slides out and grabs a chair sliding it in to Rude. Rude swivels his hips over Luger then picks him up...... he wants a Rude Awakening on the chair!! Rude slowly positions Luger for it but before he can hit the move,  out comes............

Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  4oxBxgZ

Sting stops Rude from hitting the move as Rude just drops Luger as he sees Sting get in the ring. Madusa and Rude take their leave as Sting watches on. Sting then looks down at Luger, who is just as surprised to see Sting than anybody! Sting looks down at Luger..... neither man saying a word! Sting offers his hand and pulls Luger up to his feet. Sting gives Luger a nod and leaves the ring!

 Gorilla Monsoon: "Fans, I can't believe what we just seen! We knew tonight would be a night of finality for one company, but now that it's over,  we have more questions than ever before...... has Bobby Heenan left us? What happens to guys like Walter, Lance Archer and Eddie Guerrero who all lost her tonight? What's the status of The G-Club? And has Sting forgave Lex Luger? We hope to have answers to all those questions going forward! Thanks for joining us tonight fans!"        


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Johnny Rose

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Join date : 2020-06-11

Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash    Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  EmptyTue Jul 30, 2024 5:47 pm

Heenan not talking is hilarious .

Big win for HBK !!!

Oh shit !!! Congrats to Tully and Orton , but the bug picture is are we seeing the end of the G Club . Did Lex finally wake up ?

Poor sportsmanship on Eddie’s part . Are we seeing a double turn here . Great match btw !

Huge win for Doc !!! Wow !!!

That chain match is a MOTY imo . Congrats to Drew . Piper had a hell of a run as tv champ and is probably the MVP of the tour .

Luger and Kerry have had 3 epic matches . This was fantastic despite Rude’s bs !! Glad Sting was there .

Lots of questions .

That Bash was bad ass .

ChairShot likes this post

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Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash    Progress and Gateway Wrestling Presents: The Great American Bash  EmptySat Aug 10, 2024 9:43 pm

Probably the most important bash show in the entire NWA ! So much at stake

helluva ec match announcement

heenan pouting and not talking is exactly something henan would do lol

damn...o was pu;;img for perfect helluva win for hbk!

cant ANYONE get along in that tag match??

how long can tully and orton keep those belts tho when they cant even get along?

and even madusa cant get things right between lex and rude imo

archer has been a beast for awhile but aj puts a stop to that

poor bobby lol

uh ospreay... dont be looking past eddie or you wont even be in london

how the fuck can anything follow that match?? just fantastic!! im even a BIGGER fan of will now! eddie was great but he came up a hair short! awesome match!

theres the shock of the night for me! doc just beat the machibe known as walter!! fukin great win!

walter kicking outta that stampede was indeed insane!!

PIPER was tricked into signing this match and pre match filed an official complaint to the NWABOG!

Drew and PIPER have had a great feud but, and i hate to say this, PIPER thought he had the answer to Drew but Drew pulled a RODDY and changed the question! Drew and PIPER had a helluva war in this and neither may ever be the same again Congrats to the new champ but PIPER aint going away!

Luger didntnhave that killerb instinct he needed to get his title back but him and kerry put on a helluva show!! Fukin Rude! The battles between him amd luger will be epic

Sting shocked ys all by coming down to help his friend!


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