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 Progress: United Kingdom #322 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress: United Kingdom #322 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ Empty
PostSubject: Progress: United Kingdom #322 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’   Progress: United Kingdom #322 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 2:19 pm

Progress: United Kingdom #322 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ Progress_strong_style_pro_wrestling_logo_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbceh2i

Progress: United Kingdom #322 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ 1.-The-Great-American-Bash

LOCATION: London, England
ARENA: Wembley Stadium

Progress: United Kingdom #322 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ Wembleystadium1106

ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo, Corey Graves & Renee Young

MUSICAL GUEST (performing before the show): Lady Gaga

Progress: United Kingdom #322 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ Gettyimages-633950600


Grizzled Young Vets (James Drake & Zack Gibson) def. Travis Banks & Buddy Murphy

Killshot w/ Darby Allin def. Mark Andrews

Matt Riddle def. Rampage Brown & Jimmy Havoc in a 3 way dance

* * * * MAIN SHOW * * * *

Broadcast team of Mauro Renallo & Corey Graves start us off .... we kick off tonight’s action with the first title match of the evening ....

(Champions) Sanity (Eric Young & Alexander Wolfe) —— USA
War Machine (Raymond Rowe & Hanson) —— USA
Redragon (Kyle O’Reilley & Bobby Fish) —— USA

We get the show officially started with the Progress tag team title match .... All 3 teams have been on big rolls here lately .... War Machine attacks at the bell, and they battle with both teams early on .... Sanity manages to get Redragon in the ring and work Bobby Fish, keeping War Machine on the apron .... Fish is unable to tag his own partner in, so he escapes and manages to tag in Hanson instead .... Hanson runs wild with corner clotheslines, and then takes out Fish and O’Reilley .... Rowe in and picks Hanson up and slams him onto Young & Wolfe .... O’Reilley back in and traps Hanson in a guillotine choke, but Rowe breaks it up and hits the Shotgun knees on Fish .... O’Reilley with Ax and Smash on Rowe but Young attacks with a hangman neckbreaker on O’Reilley and then Young and Wolfe hit the sideslam/ top rope elbow combo!  Hanson breaks up the pin!  Sanity double teams Hanson but he cartwheels out of trouble and hits a dual lariat to take them down .... Redragon hit the 2 man smash machine on Hanson .... They set Young up and hit Chasing the Dragon!  Wolfe makes the save .... they go for Chasing the Dragon on him, but Rowe cuts it off .... he stacks Wolfe and Fish in the corner and then hits an exploder on Wolfe onto both of them!  War Machine try for the Fallout on Fish, but Young stops it and knocks Hanson off the top .... Young goes up top instead but as he flies off Rowe knocks him out of the air with a straight right hand!  Rowe with the judo throw on Young right into the knee strike!  O’Reilley comes in but walks right into Thor’s Hammer!  Rowe deadlifts Young into the air and Hanson comes off the top with the FALLOUT to finish it!  We have new champions!!!! ....

Progress: United Kingdom #322 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ War-machine-victory

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Scurll continues to have issues with GM William Regal .... Scurll insists that Regal is a shell of his former self and is no longer a true villain .... Meanwhile Dunne is looking for his rematch for the UK title, which he hasn’t gotten since losing the title to Scurll .... Ciampa is the wild card, coming over via trade from Progress USA .... Without his partner Johnny Gargano, Ciampa feels like this is his time to shine in singles competition .... Dunne and Scurll are basically heels but have a little of the anti-hero vibe because they still get cheers from the fans .... Ciampa is the wild card .... expect the usual villain shenanigans from Scurll, while Dunne is nasty as well and Ciampa brings superior striking to the table ....

‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll (ENGLAND)
‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne (ENGLAND)
‘The Project’ Tomasso Ciampa (SICILY)

William Regal is at ringside to personally oversee this match (foreshadowing) .....

The bell rings and Dunne and Scurll immediately attack Ciampa and toss him .... we get Scurll and Dunne early on, with both trying joint manipulation on the other .... it spills to the outside early, with Dunne hitting the X Plex on Scurll from the floor to the apron .... Ciampa rejoins the fray and attacks Dunne, hitting the air raid crash on the apron as well .... Ciampa hits the draping elevated DDT off the announce table to Dunne, but Scurll hits a tornado DDT on Ciampa from the apron to the floor .... Scurll brings the umbrella into the match and tosses it to Ciampa and acts like Ciampa was about to hit him (Eddie Guerrero throwback) but the ref takes it from him .... this allows Marty to kick Ciampa right between the legs and he rolls him into a small package!  1 ... 2 ... the ref gets pulled outside by ... Regal????  Regal is telling the referee what happened, but SCURLL HITS THE SUPERKICK FROM THE APRON ON REGAL!!!!  Dunne hits Scurll with the KO forearm .... he picks him up and nails the Bitter End!  Dunne has the pin, but the ref is outside with Regal .... Ciampa and Dunne go toe to toe .... open hand slaps by Ciampa and he rips off his elbow bad .... drills Dunne with the discus forearm smash!  Scurll is back up and hits the ‘Just Kidding’ Superkick!  Scurll hits the Essex Destroyer (fronting flip DDT) on Dunne!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Ciampa breaks it up!  Marty goes in his tights and pulls out a bag of powder, but Regal is back up and hits the powder out of his hand and into his face! .... VILLAIN!  Scurll is blinded, and Ciampa drills him with the Psycho Trigger (V Trigger)!!!!  Dunne charges but Ciampa back drops him to the floor .... Ciampa drills Scurll with Project Ciampa and gets the 3 count! ....

POST MATCH - Scurll goes after Regal, who has had enough .... he takes off his jacket and goes after Scurll, and we get a huge pull apart brawl and it takes nearly the entire Progress locker room to keep these two apart .... they literally want to KILL each other!

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We go over the history here, with the Rottweilers debuting on the same night as the Wolves returned and injuring the neck of Davey Richards .... Richards is healthy now, and he interfered in the Atlas tournament match between Eddie and Homicide helping Eddie win ....

**** STREET FIGHT: ****
The American Wolves (Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards) —— USA
The Rottweilers (Low Ki & Homicide) w/ Salina De La Renta —— USA

As per the stipulation, there is plunder already all around the ring .... The Wolves hit stereo suicide dives out onto Homicide and Low Ki to start the match!  The Wolves immediately go under the ring and pull out tables, and they have spray-painted Low Ki and Homicides names on them .... While this is going on, Low Ki and Homicide take advantage and attack the Wolves with trash can lid shots .... Homicide brings in a chain and chokes out Edwards while Low Ki demolishes Richards with kicks .... The action spills outside and all four men brawl around the ring .... HOMICIDE PULLS OUT A BOTTLE OF DRAIN-O!!!!  He teases pouring it down Edwards throat but Richards stops him .... Richards and Edwards go under the ring and pull out a ladder .... Low Ki hits a dropkick sending the ladder into the Wolves .... Homicide piledrives Eddie on the ladder and take him out .... Richards is left alone to fight both members of the Rottweilers .... Richards fights Low Ki off, but Homicide hits the COP KILLA!  1 ... 2 ... Richards kicks out!  Now the Rottweilers set him up for the Cop Killa + Double Stomp Buy Eddie breaks it up!  The Wolves recover and hit Force of Nature (powerbomb + backstabber) on Low Ki!  1 ... 2 ... Homicide pulls the ref out of the ring!  Richards with a suicide dive on Homicide drives both men through a table propped up against the railing!!!!  In the ring, Eddie with a Superkick on Low Ki, but he fires back with a shotgun dropkick .... Low Ki hits the Tidal Krush on Edwards and goes up top .... Eddie catches him in a super-plex through one of the tables in the ring!!!!  Homicide back in the ring, and he’s got a black bag .... THUMBTACKS!!!!  Homicide pours the racks all over the mat!  Richards is back in and hits the Alarm Clock on Homicide!  Richards holds a chair over Homicides face and Eddie hits the Boston Knee Party using the chair!!!!  Homicide is a bloody mess!  1 ... 2 ... Low Ki breaks it up!  Low Ki sends Richards outside with a chairshot .... Homicide with a suicide Tope takes out Richards!!!!  Boston Knee Party to Low Ki!  1 ... 2 ... 2.99999!!!!  Eddie sits Low Ki on the top for a superplex into the thumb tacks!  Low Ki fights, but Salina De La Renta hits a LOW BLOW on Eddie!  Low Ki hooks him .... KI KRUSHER INTO THE THUMBTACKS!!!!  HOLY SHIT!!!!  Both Low Ki and Eddie Edwards are covered in thumb tacks!   While Low Ki is rolling around in pain, Homicide crawls in and manages to cover Edwards for the 1 ... 2 ... 3! ....

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Mustache Mountain won a fan vote on to get this title shot .... they are wildly popular in their home country and definitely have the advantage here ....

(Champions) The Rock N Roll Empire (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) w/ Sunshine —— USA
Mustache Mountain (Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) —— ENGLAND

MM controls early on, with RNR frequently taking a powder to converse with Sunshine .... we get a distraction by Sunshine that allows RNR to take over and they isolate Tyler Bate for some double-teaming .... Bate manages to get the hot tag to Seven, who runs wild with chops and a spinning back-fist to Morton .... Morton goes for a victory roll, but Seven blocks it and MM hit a doomsday diving European uppercut for a close 2 count!  Bate with the Tyler Driver 97!  1 ... 2 ... Sunshine is on the apron!  The ref tells Sunshine to get down, but she tosses a pair of brass knuckles to Morton in the ring!  Trent Seven is on the floor and he slaps Sunshine hard on the ass!!!!  Sunshine is irate but Seven just twirls his mustache playfully .... BATE KILLS MORTON WITH THE REBOUND LARIAT!  Sunshine is knocked off the apron to the floor!  Morton drops the brass knuckles and Bate picks them up .... BOP AND BANG WITH THE BRASS KNUCKLES!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!  We’ve got new champions!!!!

HOLY SHIT!  Mustache Mountain has won the UWF World tag team titles!!!!  

Progress: United Kingdom #322 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ Moustache-mountain-nxt-tag-team-champions_orig

Bate and Seven celebrate with the World tag titles, but the ref suddenly stops them .... HE SEES THE FOREIGN OBJECT ON BATE’S HAND!  The ref starts waving the match off, and he grabs the tag title belts from Bate and Seven and gives them back to Morton & Gibson .... the ref reverses the decision and awards the match to Rock N Roll Empire by disqualification!!!!

The fans start booing the shit out of this decision and there is even some trash thrown into the ring .... Bate and Seven argue with the ref, but this gives Morton and Gibson an opportunity to blindside they with the UWF tag belts!  MM is laid out and Morton and Gibson play it up, telling the crowd to kiss their ass and even throwing some of the trash back at the fans!  

WAR MACHINES MUSIC HITS!!!!  Uh oh!!!!  The fans immediately start the ‘WAR!  WAR!  wAR!’ chants as Hanson and Rowe enter the ring .... they get nose to nose with Morton and Gibson, who don’t back down .... Hanson and Rowe look down at the tag titles they are holding, indicating that they’ve got their eyes on their belts .... Morton and Gibson try to be douches here as they hold the belts up in their faces and there is some talking back and forth .... Morton Pie Faces Rowe!  BIG MISTAKE!  War Machine attacks!  Gibson tries to hit Rowe with one of the tag belts, but he tosses him up into Thor’s Hammer!!!!  Rowe with the judo throw right into the knee strike!  Hanson heads up top as Rowe deadlifts Morton into the air .... FALLOUT!!!!  

Progress: United Kingdom #322 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ Heavy-machinery-vs-riddick-moss-tino-sabbatelli-ended-with-no-winners-declared-when-the-war-raiders-arrived-and-demolished-both-teams

War Machine stands tall, holding the UWF World tag titles and taking a long look before tossing them down on Morton and Gibson who are recovering outside the ring ....

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Walter won ‘Survival of the Fittest’, earning not only a Progress contract but also this UK title shot .... Dain has been dominant as champion since winning the title from Marty Scurll over a month ago .... We get the tale of the tape, with WALTER stands 6’4 and 310 lbs while Killian Dain is 6’4 and 325 lbs ....

(Champion) Killian Dain (IRELAND)

This is a hoss battle from the start as both men look to work the power game .... WALTER hammers the Champion with some SERIOUS chops and shows off his superior striking ability .... No one has really matched power with Dain in Progress like this up to this point .... Dain hits a rolling fireman carry slam, then tries for a senton but WALTER gets his knees up .... WALTER KILLS Dain with a nasty lariat that gets a 2 count!  German Suplex attempt but Dain elbows out and hits a belly to belly Suplex .... Dain scales the ropes for the Vader Bomb, but WALTER is up and grabs him and power bombs him to the mat instead! Shotgun dropkick by WALTER!  He goes up top .... MISSES THE DIVING HEADBUTT!  Dain is up and drills WALTER with the Divide!  WALTER KICKS OUT AT 1!!!!  Dain actually gets WALTER on his shoulders for the Ulster Plantation but WALTER slips off the back .... Gojira Clutch locked on!!!!  Dain starts to fade but then powers him back into the corner to break the hold .... WALTER instead catches Dain with a big boot and then hits a release German Suplex on the Beast of Belfast!  Dain no sells and KILLS WALTER with a Brogue kick this time .... The Divide connects again .... BACK SENTON!  Dain goes up .... VADER BOMB!  1 ... 2 ... 2.99999!!!!  WALTER just survived that onslaught!!!!  Dain goes right into a modified Rings of Saturn, but WALTER will not tap!  Dain has both arms trapped and starts raining elbows down on the side of WALTERS head!!!!  WALTER stops responding to the ref and the ref calls a stop to the match!  What a War!  ....

POST MATCH - Dain realizes how lucky he is to escape this match as he limps away with the title .... WALTER regains his bearings and refuses help from the trainers, and the fans recognize his performance by giving him a standing ovation .... WALTER comes off looking like a force to be reckoned with and a legit threat to anyone with a title in Progress ....

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Up next we get a video showing Adam Cole becoming the new World Champion 2 days ago at the XWA Bash show .... This match was originally announced as CM Punk defending the title against an opponent of his choosing, but instead we get an appearance by the new Champion .... Cole comes out and asks if the crowd was expecting to see CM Punk tonight?  Cole heels it up here and cuts a promo about being the first man to win a world title in 2 weight classes .... CM Punk was supposed to put the title on the line here tonight and pick his opponent, but that was a deal that Punk made, NOT Adam Cole .... Cole is going to take the night off because he just won the world title 2 days ago and no one on the Progress roster deserves a title shot anyway .... so he and Lauren are just going to have a pint or 2 and enjoy London ....

This brings out Moose!!  Moose issues a challenge to Cole, saying he never got a chance to play for a national title in college or a Super Bowl in the pros .... he wants to wrestle for the world title .... Cole laughs and says Moose doesn’t deserve a shot .... Moose calls him a coward and tells Lauren that if she ever wants to see what it’s like to be with a real man then to jump on the Train to Moose Nation .... but by the looks of her, she knows a thing or 2 about trains .... this gets a pop from the crowd, and it angers Cole enough for him to accept Moose’s challenge!    

Adam Cole w/ Lauren Brooke (USA)
Moose (USA)

Moose overpowers Cole to begin, but Cole battles back .... Moose stops him dead in his tracks with a forearm .... Cole comes back with a neckbreaker for a 2 count and regains momentum .... Cole takes over and lays the boots to Moose, then hits another neck breaker for 2 .... Cole goes to work on the neck, but Moose battles back to his feet and hammers Cole with chops, then catches him with the Moose Crossing (Corner springboard double jump crossbody) .... Moose works Cole over now, knocking him to the apron but Cole comes back with an enziguri .... Cole up top, but Moose catches him with both hands and drills him with the Go 2 Hell (double choke bomb)!  Both men are down!  Moose to his feet first and the crowd is behind him, chanting ‘MOOSE!  MOOSE!’ .... Moose with jabs and then pulls his fist in between each one as the crowd chants ‘MOOSE!’ .... big right hand sends Cole to the corner, then he hits the Train to Moose Nation (low angle dropkick in the corner) .... Moose has the pin but Lauren distracts the ref .... Moose goes for the Hit Stick but Cole sidesteps and Moose crashes into the buckle allowing Cole to hit the Ushi Goroshi neckbreaker!  ADAM COLE BAY BAY!  Cole pulls down the knee pad and goes for the shining wizard, but Moose catches him in a pop up powerbomb!  GAME CHANGER (wrist lock discus lariat) CONNECTS!  1 ... 2 ... Foot on the ropes!!!!  Moose waits for Cole to pull himself up in the corner .... He goes for the Hit Stick again BUT LAUREN SHOVES COLE OUT OF THE CORNER AND MOOSE CRASHES INTO THE BUCKLES!  Cole recovers and hits the Last Shot!  1 ... 2 ... 2.99999!  Cole pulls down the knee pad, then KILLS him with the shining wizard to the back of the head!  Cole covers and gets the 3 count to retain the title ....

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POST MATCH - Cole knows he’s been in a fight and quickly leaves with the World title and Lauren in tow .... Moose pulls himself up and the fans give him a great reaction .... The announcers speculate how Moose’s performance may have served as a breakthrough to the main event picture but time will tell ....  

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The feud between Miz and Gargano is chronicled here, starting with the Gauntlet for the Gold where Miz eliminates Gargano to win the title .... for 6 months Gargano campaigned to get a rematch, one-upping the Miz at every turn .... Finally, after upsetting the Miz in round 1 of the Atlas title tournament, he finally got his rematch and won the US title .... Miz immediately challenged him to a rematch via Twitter, upping the stakes and asking for a ladder match ....

(Champion) Johnny Gargano (USA)
The Miz (USA)

The crowd is heavily in Garganos corner here .... They trade some basic stuff early on but Miz introduces the ladder for the first time .... Gargano takes the ladder away and they end up on the floor, where Miz wipes out Johnny with the ring steps!  Johnny comes back with the slingshot Spear but Miz stops him from climbing .... they trade blows in the middle of the ring .... Miz loses out but kicks the knee and hits the kneeling DDT .... Miz climbs but Johnny meets him and hits a sunset flip bomb off the ladder!!!!  Johnny bridges 2 ladders and climbs, but Miz recovers just in time to stop him .... Johnny goes for the rolling kick but Miz blocks it with the ladder and then locks on the figure four!!!!  With Johnny’s leg hurt, Miz tries to hurry and climb but Johnny tips the ladder over and Miz lands on the top rope!  Slingshot DDT and both men are down!  Johnny stirs first and tries to pull himself up the ladder but Miz stops him .... Miz tries for the Skull Krushing Finale but Gargano with a victory roll right into the GargaNO Escape!!!!  Miz is tapping but it doesn’t matter .... Johnny lets go and positions the ladder and starts to climb .... Miz starts to stir and he climbs the ladder on the opposite side .... both guys get to the top of the ladder and start fighting it out while teetering on top .... Gargano with rapid fire left hands knocks the Miz off the ladder to the mat and Johnny is all alone at the top of the ladder .... it looks like he’s about to pull down the title when someone else slides into the ring ....

Progress: United Kingdom #322 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ WWE-Maryse

IT’S MARYSE!!!!  Maryse climbs the ladder and low blows Gargano!!!!  Gargano falls off the top of the ladder to the mat, leaving an opening for Miz to scale the ladder and pull down the title to win the match! ....

POST MATCH - Miz and Maryse celebrate as Johnny is down on the mat ....

Progress: United Kingdom #322 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ Image?

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Progress: United Kingdom #322 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ 0534-800x532

Its main event time!  We get a small video showing how each man got to this point .... we then go over the rules for the Iron Man Match ....

RULES: 60 minute time limit .... Scoring as follows: 2 points for a pinfall and 3 points for a submission .... if you are pinned or submit you lose 1 point ....

‘The Machine’ Brian Cage (USA)
Drew McIntyre (SCOTLAND)
Finn Balor (IRELAND)
AJ Styles (USA)

Balor gets his Demon entrance for the first time in Progress .... ‘THIS IS AWESOME!’ chants before we can even start!  All 4 men circle for a few moments and then LET’S GOOOOOOOO!  The first 15 minutes or so is about everyone trying to team up against Cage and take him out .... We get a little of McIntyre and Cage going one on one and we see McIntyre’s toughness and that he can hang with Cage in the power department .... we get a sequence where Balor wipes Cage our with a dive to the floor, followed by AJ hitting a springboard shooting star press then followed by McIntyre hitting a Tope Con Hilo onto all 3 men on the floor .... The first fall sees AJ go for the Phenomenal Forearm on McIntyre, but Drew catches AJ with a boot to the midsection on his way down .... FUTURE SHOCK DDT!  McIntyre pins AJ and earns the first points of the match at 21:45!

McIntyre 2; Balor 0; Cage 0; AJ -1

From here the match has more of a sense of urgency from this point on .... AJ and Balor tease going at it, but Cage interrupts .... They take out Cage, and Balor goes for the soccer kick from the apron but gets caught and powerbombed into the ring apron instead!  McIntyre and Cage brawl, and McIntyre attempts a Celtic Cross from the top rope but AJ gets underneath Cage .... TOWER OF DOOM!  AJ holds on to McIntyre’s legs and picks him up .... STYLES CLASH!  AJ tries to roll McIntyre over, but before he can Cage comes off the top with the elbow drop on AJ!  Everyone is down, but Balor is up and climbs up top .... COUP DE GRACE ON MCINTYRE!!!!  Balor hooks the leg and gets the 3 count at 33:30 to take the lead!

Balor 2; McIntyre 1; Cage 0; AJ -1

The battle continues .... Cage is back in and lines Balor up for the discus lariat but Balor sidesteps and Cage takes out AJ instead!  Sling blade by Balor on Cage .... Balor charges for the Shotgun dropkick but Cage counters with the discus clothesline this time!  1 ... 2 ... McIntyre makes the save for Cage!  Balor with the shotgun dropkick on McIntyre, and he goes back up top ....  coup de grace to the back of McIntyre connects!  Balor picks the big man up .... Bloody Sunday!  1 ... 2 ... AJ pulls Balor out and tosses him into the railing!  Springboard 450 by AJ to McIntyre!  1 ... 2 ... Cage grabs AJ and tosses him, then picks up McIntyre up and drills him with the Weapon X for the 3 count at 40:02 ....

Cage 2; Balor 2; McIntyre 0; AJ -1

Balor and AJ take out Cage, and McIntyre is still down outside .... We get AJ and Balor 1 on 1!  The 2 launch into an exchange of near-fall attempts that has the crowd gasping, but Balor scores with the slingblade .... Balor goes for the Bloody Sunday BUT AJ ROLLS HIM INTO THE CALF KILLER!  Balor tries to roll to the ropes but AJ blocks it and rolls Balor into the center of the ring!!!!  Balor is forced to tap out at 43:55!!!!

Cage 2; AJ 2; Balor 1; McIntyre 0

AJ is now tied for the lead after getting the 3 points for the submission .... The match rages on, and at one point AJ ties Cage up in the Calf Killer while McIntyre locks Cage in the Iron Maiden simultaneously!  Both let go and battle each other, and AJ sends McIntyre to the floor .... AJ slingshots over the top onto McIntyre, who catches him in mid-air and hits a tilt a whirl slam onto the ring apron!  Now McIntyre and Cage start throwing bombs on each other .... McIntyre goes for Future Shock on Cage but Balor breaks it up with a slingblade!  Cage tosses Balor, but he lands on the apron .... Cage picks McIntyre up and hits the Drillclaw!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Balor flies off the top with the Coup De Grace to break it up!!!!  All 4 men are down!!!!  AJ crawls back in the ring, and he and Balor both slowly start crawling toward McIntyre, who was crushed beneath both Cage and that double stomp from Balor .... Balor makes it there first and just lays an arm across McIntyre’s chest ... 1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!  AJ can’t make it in time to break it up and Balor retakes the lead at 51:11!!!!

Balor 3; Cage 2; AJ 2; McIntyre -1

All 4 guys are spent at this point, but Cage takes over and lays everyone out .... Cage goes under the ring and gets a table, setting it up on the floor .... McIntyre somehow gets up and tries to fight back against Cage .... they battle on the apron, and Cage tries to powerbomb McIntyre off the apron through the table, but McIntyre counters into the Future Shock off the apron driving both men through the table!!!!

With Cage and McIntyre effectively out of the match, we get AJ and Balor face to face again!  CRAZY FISTS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING!!!!  AJ goes for the Styles Clash, but Balor back drops out of it and AJ holds on turning it into a sunset flip .... Balor rolls through and goes for the standing double stomp!  Balor hits some flying forearms on AJ, then a slingblade .... He charges for the shotgun dropkick, but AJ explodes with a huge lariat!  AJ hits the Phenomenon!!!!  1 ... 2 ... FOOT ON THE ROPES!  AJ goes to the apron .... SPRINGBOARD 450 MEETS THE KNEES OF BALOR!  Balor grabs AJ and hits the 1916 (lifting reverse DDT)!  Both men down!!!!  AJ rolls to the corner, but Balor drills him with the hesitation dropkick!  Balor goes for Bloody Sunday, BUT AJ REVERSES INTO THE CALF KILLER!!!!  Balor grabs AJ’s head and slams it into the mat to break the hold .... Balor sits AJ on the top, but AJ battles back .... He grabs Balors legs and looks for a styles Clash off the top rope!  Balor kicks away at AJ while hanging upside down and breaks free .... Balor charges but AJ catches him on his shoulders and hits the Ushi Goroshi!  Styles goes for the Clash again, but Balor fights out of it with kicks again .... AJ TURNS IT INTO THE HOLLOW POINT (Ganso Bomb) INSTEAD!!!!  Styles holds on and pulls him back up .... STYLES CLASH CONNECTS!!!!  AJ collapses and can’t turn Balor over into the pin .... Styles slowly turns him over into the pin .... the ref drops down .... 1 ... 2 ... DING DING DING!!!!  TIME EXPIRES!!!!

The match ends with the final score as Balor 3; AJ 2; Cage 2; McIntyre -1

POST MATCH - Trainers tend to all 4 men, and the fans give them all a standing ovation .... AJ looks totally disgusted as the clock ran out on him .... Balor pulls himself up and is handed the title to the delight of SOME of the fans .... Cage is furious on the floor because he’s the one guy in the match that was never pinned or submitted .... Balor celebrates with the title as fireworks go off above the stadium to end the show ....

Progress: United Kingdom #322 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ Tumblr_ocahvzmAjQ1saykaxo1_400
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Progress: United Kingdom #322 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’
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» Progress: United States #11 - ‘Women's Great American Bash’
» Progress: United States #32 The Great American Bash (Miami, Florida)
» Wrestle Kingdom #306 - 'The 2017 Great American Bash'
» Progress: United Kingdom #337 - ‘British Strong Style, American Alpha’

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