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 Wrestle Kingdom #306 - 'The 2017 Great American Bash'

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Wrestle Kingdom #306 - 'The 2017 Great American Bash' Empty
PostSubject: Wrestle Kingdom #306 - 'The 2017 Great American Bash'   Wrestle Kingdom #306 - 'The 2017 Great American Bash' EmptyThu Jul 02, 2020 2:34 pm

Wrestle Kingdom #306 - 'The 2017 Great American Bash' Pbucket


Wrestle Kingdom #306 - 'The 2017 Great American Bash' Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSWS9XJ0ODnEwPbjqkGWUlQEm78DtbpYTe3OdxlsaBX7JlRT7Bh

Wrestle Kingdom #306 - 'The 2017 Great American Bash' Citrus-Bowl-FSU-Ole-Miss

LOCATION: Orlando, Florida
ARENA: Citrus Bowl
TV: ESPN (also airing live on the WatchESPN app)
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo & Jonathan Coachman

---- PRE-SHOW ----

The crowd gets treated to a concert by hip hop artist and Florida native, Flo Rida ....

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The concert is interrupted by the appearance of the Miz for a special edition of MizTV .... When his hand goes up, your mouth goes closed! Miz insists that he is a bigger star than Flo Rida, and so is his guest .... he brings out the woman that will main event the show, Charlotte Flair

---- MIZ TV w/ Charlotte & Nia Jax ----

Charlotte comes out and talks about how tonight is the biggest night of her life .... and the biggest night for Wrestle Kingdom .... Tonight she fulfills her destiny and becomes the world champion .... she says that Kong is wounded, and Charlotte has shown the world that she is just human .... she's not a monster like everyone thinks .... Charlotte calls her shot, telling Kong straight up that she's going to go after her injured knee .... she says she's going to break her leg if she has to because by the end of the night she's going to be standing tall as the new world champion ....

'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels vs. Eric Young w/ Killian Dane & Nikki Cross ---- singles match

Daniels starts off with right hands and chops and Young bails to the outside .... Killian Dane blocks Daniels' path as he goes after Young and allows Young to get a cheap shot .... Young takes over but Daniels rallies and fires back with right hands .... he throws Young to the corner, and he flips upside down and over onto the ring apron (Ric Flair style) and goes to the top but Daniels catches him with the Iconoclasm for a 2 count .... Daniels with a urinage but misses the Best Moonsault Ever and lands on his feet .... Young kicks him in the gut and hits a piledriver but Daniels kicks out at 2!  Daniels blocks the wheelbarrow neckbreaker and scores with an Enziguiri, then nails the Angel's Wings out of nowhere and gets the pinfall.

Post match, Killian Dane attacks Daniels but Young is back up and backs the big man off of him .... Young leads Dane to the back ....  

(champion) Finn Balor vs. TJ Perkins ---- UWF Junior Heavyweight title match

Very methodical opening, with an extended 'feeling out' period where we end up in a stalemate and the crowd applauds both men's efforts .... Perkins counters a leg kick attempt and tries to roll for the knee bar, but Balor quickly escapes .... Perkins quickens the pace, getting a head scissors followed by a near fall .... Balor has had enough of this and chops the hell out of TJP, then whips him across and then charges for another sick chop .... TJP avoids the 1619 (lifting reverse DDT) and tosses Balor to the floor, then wipes him out with a dive .... Perkins is looking really good here .... TJP takes over and tries to slow the pace but Balor fires back with a flurry and then a basement dropkick .... Balor goes for the enziguri over the top rope but TJP grabs his leg and hits a dragon screw legwhip and then starts to work the knee .... Balor stops all that and manages to lift TJP for the 1619 .... TJP rolls to the floor, and Balor wipes him out with a dive over the top .... Back in the ring Balor hits a double stomp to the back of TJP for a near fall .... TJP and Balor trades strikes, and Balor goes for the pele but TJP catches it and goes right into the TJP clutch!!!!  Balor is trapped!!!!  The champion refuses to tap and claws his way to the ropes but the damage has been done .... TJP goes after the knee again, but this time Balor counters and connects with the pele!  He picks him up for the Bloody Sunday but TJ counters into a small package .... 2.9999!!!!  Both men pop back to their feet and Balor explodes with a Slingblade!  Balor up top but TJP scoops him off on his shoulders .... Balor blocks the detonation kick and hits a standing double stomp .... both men are down but Balor charges and nails the shotgun dropkick!  He goes up top again, but he gets shoved off the top by ....

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The ref immediately calls for the bell, but Scurll is in the ring and attacks Balor!  He chokes him out with his umbrella!!!!  TJP is back up and fights off Scurll, sending him retreating to the back .... Balor and Perkins have a long staredown, but shake hands and get a pop from the crowd ....

Moose vs. Baron Corbin ---- singles match

They brawl a bit to start the match, with Moose in control .... Corbin goes to the eyes and sends Moose to the floor, but Moose fights back .... he charges for a spear but Corbin side steps and Moose crashes into the barricade .... Corbin slowly and methodical works the back of Moose and tries to keep him grounded .... Moose fights back with a double leg and then hammers Corbin with rights .... Corbin shoves him away but Moose hits an insane dive over the top and takes out Corbin!  Back in the ring, Moose charges but runs right into the Deep Six for a close 2 count!  Corbin goes for End of Days but Moose fights out and scores with the Game Changer!  Moose can't make the cover .... Moose comes back with the 'Go to Hell' chokeslam for a nearfall, then goes for the spear but runs right into the End of Days and Corbin gets the 3 count ....  


Jinder Mahal comes out .... he disrespects July 4th as an American holiday and runs down the fans .... out comes AJ Styles .... AJ says for weeks he's heard Mahal refuse to compete because he wants a worthy opponent .... AJ holds up the TV title and says this belt makes him worthy .... he challenges Mahal to a match right now

(champion) AJ Styles vs. Jinder Mahal ---- UWF Television title match

Mahal tries to overpower Styles early, backing him off to the corner but AJ gets out with some stiff leg kicks .... they go back and forth, ending with Styles scoring with the phenomenal dropkick .... Mahal tries to stall and gets a cheap shot in with a thrust to the throat, then slams Styles' head into the buckles .... 'USA!' chants by the crowd .... Mahal chokes out Styles with his boot, then a snapmare and a knee drop for a 2 .... boots from Mahal but AJ hits the kip up headscissors and then a sliding forearm smash .... Styles looks for the clash but Mahal powers out .... AJ scores with the phenomenal blitz for a 2 count .... AJ goes for the phenomenal forearm but Mahal superkicks him out of mid-air!  Stiff knee strike by Mahal KO's AJ!  1 ... 2 ... 2.99999!  AJ barely survives!  Mahal goes for the Callas but AJ slips out and scores with the Pele!  AJ back on the offensive with a leaping corner clothesline followed by the ushigoroshi for 2!  AJ goes for the Styles Clash, but Mahal elevates him to the apron .... AJ catches himself, PHENOMENAL FOREARM CONNECTS!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!  AJ retains the TV title ....

(champions) American Alpha (Chad Gable & Jason Jordan) vs. The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder) vs. The Usos (Jimmy & Jey) ---- Wrestle Kingdom tag team title match

Wilder and Dawson get in a cheap shot on AA before the match, which leads to all 6 men in the ring going at it .... AA starts suplexing everyone all over the place and they stand tall .... The Usos and Revival team up and take AA out of the ring, but then start talking trash to each other .... this allows AA to recover and they return to the match and clear the ring again .... Finally we get Jason Jordan and Jimmy Uso to start, and the Usos take control .... The Revival are the perfect heel bastards, refusing to tag in and making the Usos do all the work in working over Jordan .... when the time is right, they get a sneaky blind tag to get in the match .... Jordan starts to come back, and Dawson tries to tag out but the Usos refuse to tag in and leave the Revival to fight on their own .... Gable tags in and the Revival take over on him, but this time it's the Usos turn to get a sneaky blind tag back in .... The Usos work over Gable, and he plays the perfect 'face in peril' here .... Gable comes back and runs wild for a moment and tries to tag Jordan but The Revival pull him off the apron and take him out .... while the Revival are celebrating, Gable tags them in instead!  Usos and Revival battle it out, with the Revival getting the advantage .... Usos try to come back but Jey walks right into the Shatter Machine!  1 ... 2 ... Gable is back in to break up the pin!!!!  

Gable tosses Wilder into the corner, where Jordan has gotten back up and makes the hot tag ....  Jordan runs wild hitting suplexes on the other 4 men in the ring .... AA goes for the Steiner Bulldog on Jimmy Uso but Dawson clips Jordans knee!  He ties him up in the reverse figure four and Wilder jumps off the top and stomps the knee!!!!  Jordan may have a broken ankle and he rolls outside leaving Gable to go it alone .... Shatter Machine to Gable!!!!  Usos are there to break it up with a superkick to Dawson .... they hit the 'Alley-Uso' (pop up into a Samoan drop) to take out Wilder and then Dawson eats a double superkick .... Jimmy goes up top .... USO SPLASH!  1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!  They go for the Samoan drop/ front flip neckbreaker combo, but Wilder somehow is up and breaks it up .... they try the Shatter Machine on Jey Uso but he reverses into a tornado ddt!  Jimmy Uso hits a clothesline on Dawson taking both men over the top rope to the floor!  Jey Uso climbs the ropes for the top rope splash but Gable is back in .... HE RUNS UP THE ROPES AND HITS A TOP ROPE ANGLE SLAM OUT OF NOWHERE!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!  American Alpha retain the titles!!!!

Jordan is still favoring his ankle and can barely walk .... Gable has to help him out but they grab the belts and hold them up for the fans ....

(champion) Eli Drake vs. Jay Lethal ---- Evolve title match

Drake monologues before the match starts, but Lethal slaps the shit out of him to stop all that .... both guys start throwing right hands but Lethal gets the advantage .... Drake catches Lethal off the ropes with a stiff back elbow and takes over .... he uses his wrist tape to choke Lethal out and gets some good heat .... Drake then locks on an abdominal stretch and talks to the crowd while wearing Lethal down .... Lethal fires up and hip tosses out of it, then follows with the cartwheel into the basement dropkick while Drake is on the ground .... Both guys are down .... Drake up first but runs into the Lethal Combination for a 2 count .... Jay heads up top but Drake cuts him off and sends Jay to the apron .... Drake follows him out and tries for the Gravy Train on the ring apron but Lethal knocks him off .... 3 consecutive suicide dives by Lethal!!!!  Lethal heads up top now, but Drake pushes the ref into the ropes and causes Lethal to straddle the top buckle .... super-plex by Drake!  Both guys to their feet and trade strikes in the middle, but Drake catches Lethal with the Gravy Train!  1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!  Drake goes for Blunt Force Trauma, but Lethal ducks and lands a superkick .... Drake to one knee and Lethal hits another superkick .... Lethal Injection is blocked by Drake and he spins him around and nails Blunt Force Trauma but Lethal ducks the clothesline and hits the old school dragon suplex!  2 COUNT!  Lethal sets for the Lethal Injection but Drake shoves him right into the ref!  Low blow by Drake!  He follows it up with the Cross Rhodes for the 3 count!!!!  Drake retains under dubious circumstances ....

(champion) Bobby Roode vs. Dean Ambrose ---- Wrestle Kingdom title match

They start off with standard wrestling as Roode is determined to outwrestle Ambrose .... he works a side headlock, talking the whole time about how Ambrose's win was a fluke .... he takes Ambrose down and slaps him around a bit, then celebrates but eats a thesz press from Ambrose and some right hands .... Ambrose with chops and right hands and Roode rolls to the floor .... Ambrose follows and continues the attack .... he tosses Roode back in but Roode lays the boots to him as he comes back in the ring .... Roode traps Ambrose's leg in between the steps and post and then kicks the steps into the knee .... Roode is in control and lays in more chops, talking shit the whole way .... Ambrose gets a desperation sunset flip, but Roode escapes and hits the northern lariat for a 2 count .... Roode goes for a vertical suplex but Ambrose reverses it into a suplex of his own out of nowhere!  Ambrose fires up but runs right into a Double R spinebuster to put an end to that .... Roode calls for the DDT but Ambrose counters with a small package for a 2.9999 .... this is how he best Roode to earn the shot .... Roode back up but Ambrose wipes him out with the lunatic lariat and both guys are down!  The slowly get to their feet and trade strikes .... Roode avoids another lunatic lariat but Ambrose scores with the Midnight Special!  Ambrose sells the knee and is slow to cover .... 1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!  Ambrose goes for the Dirty Deeds but Roode stomps the knee to break it .... GLORIOUS DDT!  1 ... 2 ... 2.99999!  Ambrose survives!!!!  Roode pulls Ambrose up and slaps him in the face, but Ambrose goes nuts and tackles him and pounds him with right hands .... Roode fires back but Ambrose hits a headlock driver!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Roode kicks out!!!!  Ambrose tries for Dirty Deeds again but Roode shoves him backward into the ref, sandwiching him in the corner .... with the ref dazed, Roode tries a low blow but Ambrose is one step ahead and blocks it .... THEN HITS DIRTY DEEDS!!!!  1 ... 2 ... right before the 3 count the ref gets pulled outside by ....


Reigns takes a moment to bask in the boos before climbing in .... he and Ambrose are face to face!  THEY START THROWING BLOWS!!!!  Ambrose takes a superman punch from Reigns and tries to rebound with the lunatic lariat but Reigns dodges .... SPEAR TO AMBROSE!!!!  

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Roode cautiously eyes Ambrose, but covers as the ref crawls back in .... 1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!

Roode and Reigns come nose to nose in the ring post match, but Roode just takes his title and leaves while Reigns turns his attention to Ambrose .... Reigns gets a chair and wears Ambrose out with shots to the back and a knockout shot to the head!  Reigns leaves Ambrose for dead but stops mid-way up the ramp and looks back .... he heads back to the ring and sets a table up outside the ring .... he picks Ambrose up and POWERBOMBS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE TABLE ON THE FLOOR!!!!  Ambrose does a stretcher job out of the arena as fans throw trash at Reigns in the ring .... This just pisses Reigns off more and he chases down the stretcher and dumps it over!!!!  Reigns attacks Ambrose with right hands while he's still strapped to the stretcher!!!!  Finally it is members of the Wrestle Kingdom locker room and Dana White that have to come out and pull Reigns off of Ambrose!!!!

After the wild scene we just witnessed, it is time for our main event .... this is the first time a women's match has main-evented a major show like this .... We get a sweet video package chronicling Charlotte's rise in parallel with Kongs dominant reign as champion .... Charlotte has constantly gotten the better of Kong, both at Shimmer Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 .... Now they meet for the first time ....  

Kong is not anywhere near 100% .... not only has Charlotte attacked her and injured her knee, she went through a war with Molly Holly less than 24 hours ago at the RWA Great American Bash in St. Louis .... it's rumored she also suffered a neck injury in that match as a result of the Psycho Driver from Holly .... immediately following that match she got on a flight from St. Louis to Orlando for today's show and will be competing on minimum rest .... the announcers speculate that Kong is very vulnerable right now .... she shows signs of her injuries as the match starts .... she comes out with her knee heavily taped up ....

(champion) Awesome Kong vs. (United States champion) Charlotte ---- UWF world title match  

Kong is chomping at the bit to get her hands on Charlotte, but Charlotte immediately leaves the ring and struts around before letting out a big 'Wooooo!'  Charlotte back in the ring and does exactly what she said she was going to do and grabs the knee but Kong just shoves her away and sends Charlotte flying across the ring .... Kong rushes and hits a body avalanche then she gets her in the corner and lays in with shoulder blocks to the mid-section .... HUGE gorilla press by Kong and she slams Charlotte down .... Charlotte rolls outside and Kong follows, but Nia Jax gets in between Charlotte and Kong .... Jax and Kong get nose to nose, which allows Charlotte to come behind Kong and clip her knee!  Charlotte rolls back in and while the ref is checking on her Nia Jax crushes Kong against the ring post with an avalanche splash!  The ref sees this and expels Jax from ringside!

Charlotte takes advantage, going to the top and hitting a skytwister press that wipes Kong out!!!!  Holy Shit!  Charlotte rips the tape off Kongs injured knee and starts her attack on it .... Kong is in bad shake .... 'Now we go to School!' .... Charlotte slams Kongs leg violently against the ringpost, THEN PUTS HER IN THE FIGURE FOUR AROUND THE RINGPOST!  Charlotte holds on all the way till 4 to do maximum damage .... Back in the ring, Kong tries to stand but can't and she drops to her knees, and Charlotte comes from behind and hits NATURAL SELECTION!  It may be over already!  Cover ... 1 ... 2 ... NOOOO!  Kong kicks out!  Charlotte goes straight into the figure four!  Kong can't power out of the hold and has to go to the ropes to break it .... Charlotte is relentless in her attack on the knee but Kong battles back with right hands only to be stopped by a swinging neckbreaker from Charlotte .... Charlotte goes for the moonsault but Kong is up and slams her to the mat from the top rope!  Kong with an avalanche in the corner, THEN FOLLOWS WITH THE IMPLANT BUSTER!!!!  Kong is favoring the knee here and slowly covers .... 1 ... 2 ... Charlotte kicks out!!!!  Kong slowly goes up top for the awesome splash, but Charlotte climbs up and they fight .... they wrestle for control and Kong tries an implant buster from the 2nd rope but Charlotte gets out .... SUPER-PLEX OFF THE TOP BY CHARLOTTE!!!!  

Both ladies are down now and the ref puts on the count .... Both ladies to their feet and Charlotte charges .... AND GETS KO'D BY ANOTHER SPINNING BACK FIST!  Kong drags her up by the hair .... AWESOME BOMB!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 2.999999!!!!  Charlotte has kicked out of the awesome bomb!!!!  Kong cannot hide her surprise here .... She pulls Charlotte to her feet, BUT CHARLOTTE SLAPS KONG RIGHT ACROSS THE FACE!!!!  Kong is incredulous .... Another spinning backfist but this time Charlotte ducks .... AND DROPS KONG ON HER HEAD WITH A GERMAN SUPLEX!!!!  Charlotte goes for the figure four again but this time Kong kicks her away .... Charlotte catches herself and rushes back toward Kong .... GOOZLE!  Kong tries to lift her for the chokeslam but the knee buckled .... Big Boot from Charlotte!  1 ... 2 ... 2.99999!!!!  Figure four attempt again, BUT KONG GETS A SMALL PACKAGE!  1 ... 2 ... noooo!  Charlotte barely kicks out .... she pops back up to her feet but runs right into another goozle by Kong!  Kong unleashes a barrage of stiff headbutts!  Charlotte is almost out of it .... Chokeslam!!!!  1 ...

CHARLOTTE KICKS OUT AT 1!!!!  HOLY SHIT!!!!  Kong stands over Charlotte, who looks up at her as if she's beaten .... In one last gesture of defiance, Charlotte spits right in her face!!!!  Kong's expression goes blank and she doesn't even wipe it off her face .... she gets her up for another awesome bomb but Charlotte hammers out with right hands and her the knee buckles .... She drops Charlotte, then gets nailed with a yakuza kick that knocks Kong through the ropes to the ring apron .... Charlotte to the apron with Kong .... NATURAL SELECTION TO KONG ON THE RING FRAME!!!!  Both ladies fall to the floor, and the ref starts to count .... Charlotte tries to get Kong back in the ring, but she's dead weight .... the ref reaches 8, and Charlotte has no choice but to give up and she slides back in and barely beats the count .... Kong is counted out!

The ref raises Charlotte's hand, but it is clear this isn't the win that she wanted .... Charlotte takes the UWF world title and the United States title and holds them up, but you can't win the title by countout .... KONG COMES BACK IN AND ATTACKS CHARLOTTE!  Kong wants the match restarted, but Charlotte is shaking her head NO!  

Kong just pummels Charlotte, and she rakes Kongs eyes to break it up .... Charlotte clips the knee again and goes for Natural Selection but Kong blocks it .... RAINMAKER CLOTHESLINE!  She holds onto the wrist and picks her up .... Buckle Bomb!  Charlotte stumbles out, RIGHT INTO THE AWESOME BOMB!  This time Kong holds on and picks her back up .... A 2ND AWESOME BOMB!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!

What a war!!!!  The refs hit the ring and immediately apply ice packs to the neck of both ladies .... Charlotte has to be helped to the back .... Kong can barely stand, but she holds up the title and celebrates her victory as fireworks are shot off above the stadium ....

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