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 Progress: United Kingdom # 341 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress: United Kingdom # 341 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ Empty
PostSubject: Progress: United Kingdom # 341 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’   Progress: United Kingdom # 341 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 3:16 pm

Progress: United Kingdom # 341 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ Progress_strong_style_pro_wrestling_logo_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbceh2i

Progress: United Kingdom # 341 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ 1.-The-Great-American-Bash

LOCATION: London, England
ARENA: Wembley Stadium
BROADCAST: YouTube & FoxSports

Progress: United Kingdom # 341 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ Wembleystadium1106

ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo, Pat McAfee & Renee Young

Match 1: Progress Tag Team Title Lumberjack Match
(Champions) Young Money (MVP & Kenny King) ~ UNITED STATES
Mustache Mountain (Tyler Bate & Trent Seven) ~ UNITED KINGDOM

Young Money won the tag titles in controversial fashion, and have held on them in similar fashion ever since .... Johnny Saint has tried to negate those tactics by making this a lumberjack match .... Mustache Mountain are on the verge of winning the titles on several occasions in this match, but then we get the obligatory brawl that breaks out between the lumberjacks outside the ring .... During the chaos, Bate and MVP end up on the top rope and Bate hits a super-plex off the top to the floor onto everyone!!!!  Zack Gibson grabs Bate and throws him into the steps in retaliation, then tosses him back in where Kenny King hits the Coronation for the 3 count for Young Money to retain ....

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Match 2: Fight Without Honor
‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne (UNITED KINGDOM)

WALTER and Ringkampf tried to keep American Alpha from interfering in Dunne’s UK title defense against Swagger, but WALTER ended up hitting Dunne by mistake .... Dunne blames WALTER for losing the title .... Both men were in a 4 way elimination match on the following show, and after WALTER eliminates Dunne, Dunne comes back and attacks him with a chair leading to WALTER being eliminated .... this sparked a HUGE brawl backstage that led to this Fight Without Honor ....

Dunne targets the arm and fingers after WALTER misses a chop and hits the ring post .... Dunne works the joint manipulating using chairs, weapons and even the ring steps themselves .... WALTER counters by viciously attacking the injured ankle of Dunne .... at one point WALTER even rips the boot off and stomps on the ankle .... Dunne somehow manages to hit the Bitter End and goes right into a Coji Clutch, but WALTER reaches up and wrenches the ankle in order to break the hold, then he locks on a heel hook on the unprotected ankle and Dunne is forced to tap out ....

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Survival of the Fittest Finals:
Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) ~ (AUSTRIA)
Gallus (Joe & Mark Coffey) ~ (SCOTLAND)
Zack Gibson & James Drake (UNITED KINGDOM)

Gibson & Drake ruined the Survival of the Fittest tournament, attacking both Gallus and the Street Profits .... Gibson & Drake showed up to confront Johnny Saint the following show, only to be attacked by BOTH Gallus and the Street Profits in a wild scene .... both teams want their revenge, and they demanded Johnny Saint make this three way tag team dance ....

Gallus and the Profits team up on Gibson & Drake early on and at every opportunity, but soon they turn their attention to each other .... Gallus has the power advantage .... Drake & Gibson Pick their spot and get back into the match briefly .... Street Profits hit the Sky High+5 Star frog splash combo on Mark Coffey, but Gibson breaks it up .... Gibson & Drake hit the suicide dive doomsday device on Montez Ford outside the ring!  Dawkins Spears Drake into the steps!  Joe Coffey takes out Dawkins with ‘All the Best for the Bells’, but Gibson grabs him and slams him shoulder-first into the ringpost .... Helter Skelter gets a 2 count!  Gibson locks on Shankly Gates on Joe Coffey .... Mustache Mountain is out because of what Gibson and Drake pulled earlier costing them the tag titles!  Gibson lets go and gets in Bates face .... BOP AND BANG!  Dawkins in and Spears Coffey through the ropes to the floor .... Ford is on the top rope .... 5 STAR FROG SPLASH!!!!  Ford covers Gibson and gets the 3 count!!!! ....

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Universal Women’s Title:
(Champion) Toni Storm (AUSTRIA)
(2019 Queen of the Ring) Bianca BelAir (UNITED STATES)

24 hours ago, Bianca BelAir won the 2019 Queen of the Ring title to earn this title shot.  Toni Storm has had her issues with Rhea Ripley, Shayna Baszler, and the Horsewomen but now she has to put her focus on perhaps the best pure athlete in Progress, and with little time to prepare ....

BelAir’s dominates the first 10 minutes of the match using her power and athleticism .... Toni has no answer for it .... BelAir concentrates her ruthless onslaught on the lower back .... Toni roars back with an explosive attack, hitting a pair of German suplexes despite her back hurting .... Belair immediately regains the advantage with a bow and arrow submission, but she becomes too cocky and starts taunting Toni, allowing Toni to strike with the shoot headbutt!  Both women down and they barely beat the 10 count to their feet and we are 20 minutes into this match .... The intensity reaches a fever pitch as champion and challenger exchanged the advantage back and forth, leaving everything on the canvas in an effort to walk away with the title .... The closing stretch sees Toni go up top, but BelAir recovers and runs up the ropes, hitting a top rope Falcon Arrow!  1 ... 2 ... 2.9999!  BelAir with a stretch muffler, but Toni fights out and hits an enziguri .... STORM ZERO!!!!  BelAir kicks out at 2!!!!  Toni goes for another one, but this time BelAir powers out and hits the KOD on Storm!  1 ... 2 ... NOOOOO!  Storm kicks out!!!!  Both women are down on the mat in exhaustion .... the ref starts the 10 count, but before he can finish, the bell rings signaling that the time limit has expired! ....

POST MATCH: The fans chant ‘5 MORE MINUTES!’ as the ladies are attended to by the trainers .... Storm technically retains due to the 30 minute time limit draw despite the fact that BelAir dominated most of the match ....

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Ilja Dragunov (RUSSIA)
Buddy Murphy (AUSTRIA)

After weeks of vignettes hyping the debut of one of Europe’s biggest free agents, Buddy Murphy called out Progress management for failing to use him as a top star .... he took it upon himself to challenge Progress’ newest signee, saying from now on he was going to become the ‘Import Killer’ and take out every new talent Progress signed until he got what he deserved ....

Dragunov is already well known in Europe and already over with the crowd because of his unique intensity and almost a desire for punishment .... he has immense charisma and good promo skills .... his mantra is ‘Unbesiegbar’, which translates into ‘Invincible’ .... Murphy jumps Dragunov as he enters and beats him down, but Dragunov just smiled like he is enjoying the pain .... Dragunov goes on the attack and pretty much squashes Murphy the rest of the way, yelling out his famous ‘UN ...BE ... SIEG ... BAR!!!!’ before putting him away with the Torpedo Moscow (flying corkscrew headbutt) ....

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UWF World Tag Team Titles:
(Champions) Paul Orndorff & Roddy Piper (UNITED STATES)
War Machine (Hanson & Rowe)  (UNITED STATES)

War Machine was on a huge roll as the UWF World tag team champions, up until facing Orndorff & Piper at Wrestlemania .... War Machine defeated Piper & Orndorff to retain the tag titles, but were attacked after the match .... during the attack Ray Rowe was injured and forced out of action, causing War Machine to surrender the tag titles .... Orndorff & Piper would defeat Metal Pollution to win the vacant titles, but now that Rowe is healthy War Machine is coming for their belts ....

War Machine come out in dominant fashion and control the early moments with power moves on the champs .... Orndorff & Piper try to isolate Rowe, but Hanson comes in and bails him out and War Machine hits some double team moves .... Piper uses the ref as a distraction and then goes after the knee of Hanson, and the champs take over .... Rowe keeps coming in to help his partner but keeps getting put out of the ring .... Piper and Orndorff double team Hanson but he cartwheels out of trouble and hits a dual clothesline to take them out .... hot tag to Rowe, who runs wild .... Orndorff eats Thor’s Hammer for a cloooose 2 count but Piper breaks it up .... Piper with the sleeper hold on Rowe, but he powers him back into the corner to break it .... Hanson flies in with a bronco buster .... Rowe scoops Piper up as Hanson goes up top .... FALLOUT!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Orndorff pulls the ref out right before the 3 count!!!!  Hanson wipes out Orndorff with a suicide dive!!!! Rowe follows Hanson out and all 4 men end up brawling outside the ring .... the ref starts the count, and neither team can make it back to the ring before the count of 10 .... the match is declared a double count-out ....

POST MATCH: The battle doesn’t stop there as War Machine is intent on getting payback for what happened at Wrestlemania .... despite the match not settling anything, War Machine stands tall in the end as Rowe gets his hand on a chair and totally wears out BOTH Piper and Orndorff!  Rowe with multiple chairshots that totally mangle the chair, then he throws the chair down and War Machine hit Thor’s Hammer one last time on Piper and then stand tall, but Piper & Orndorff retain the tag titles ....

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United Kingdom Champion Jack Swagger comes out along with America Alpha .... Swagger says the Bash is in London for the 2nd straight year and for the 2nd straight year London doesn’t deserve it .... this is the Great AMERICAN Bash .... He says that the U.K. is so inferior that it took an All-American holding the U.K. title to make them relevant .... he promises to dispatch Antonio Cesaro and walk away still the U.K. champion ....

United Kingdom Title:
(Champion) Jack Swagger (UNITED STATES)
Antonio Cesaro (SWITZERLAND)

This is a clean match for the most part, with both guys just engaging in a show of ‘one-upmanship’ .... Cesaro seems to thwart Swaggers attempts to take it to the mat and he generally dominates the opening moments of the match .... they fight to the apron, where Swagger hits a back suplex on the ring frame to get the advantage .... Swagger works the back, but Cesaro battles back with uppercuts .... Cesaro hits Swiss Death but Swagger rolls to the apron and then Cesaro hits the deadlift superplex bringing him back in!  Cesaro with the Giant Swing on Swagger!  10 revolutions!!!!  Cesaro with the sharpshooter, but Swagger has to escape using the ropes .... Cesaro moves in, but Swagger thumbs the eye!  Swagger Bomb!  Cesaro kicks out at 2!!!!  Swagger goes for the ankle lock, but Cesaro grabs the ropes and pulls both men through the ropes and to the floor!  Swagger keeps his hold on to the ankle lock!  Cesaro manages to kick him off and he smacks his head on the ring post!  Neautralizer on the floor!!!! Cesaro tries to drag Swagger back into the ring, but he’s dead weight .... he finally gets him in, but Swagger has had enough time to recover and he kicks out at 2!  Cesaro up top, but Swagger runs up out of nowhere and tosses him off while grabbing the ankle lock at the same time!!!!  Cesaro is trapped and he fights toward the ropes, but Swagger pulls him back to the center of the ring and grapevines the leg!  Cesaro tries to hold on but has no choice but to tap out to the hold! ....

POST MATCH: Swagger demands that the United States national anthem play in celebration of his win ....

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Internet title Street Fight:
(Champion) Rhea Ripley (AUSTRALIA)
Shayna Baszler (UNITED STATES)

This one has been brewing over the last several months, since Ripley took exception to Baszler saying she was coming after all the titles ....

Ripley waits for Baszler and attacks her on the stage .... Ripley uses her vest to choke Baszler .... Ripley uses all the weapons early, hitting Baszler with a broomstick and choking her with the handle .... Baszler tries to escape and gets Ripley to follow her, then nails her with a trash can lid .... Baszler puts the trash can over Ripleys head and then kicks the shit out of it .... Baszler goes to work on the arm, stomping it .... Baszler with a triangle choke, but Ripley powers her up into a powerbomb and powerbombs her onto the trash can!  Ripley gets a Singapore cane and wears her out with it, but Baszler comes up with a fire extinguisher and sprays Ripley in the face!  Baszler sends Ripley into the steel steps at ringside, further injuring the shoulder .... cross-armbreaker by Baszler but Ripley gets her hands on a staple gun and staples Baszlers leg and causes her to break the hold!  Riptide powerbomb!!!!  Baszler kicks out at 2!!!!  Ripley sets up a table, but Baszler turns the tables and puts Ripley through the table instead!  Baszler locks on the kirafuda clutch in the ruins of the table, and Ripley tries to fight it but she fades fast .... The ref checks the hand, and Ripley doesn’t respond and the ref calls for the bell ....

Progress: United Kingdom # 341 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ WWE-Shayna-Baszler

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Drew McIntyre (SCOTLAND) & Aleister Black (NETHERLANDS)
Bullet Club
‘Switchblade’ Jay White (AUSTRALIA)
‘Irish Ace’ Jordan Devlin (IRELAND)

Drew McIntyre’s rivalry with Bullet Club started with Adam
Cole, then came to a head at the UWF 10th Anniversary show where Jay White attacked Mcintyre and joined Bullet Club .... since then, White has recruited Jordan Devlin, who trained with both Becky Lynch and Finn Bálor, and they have continued to have the numbers advantage over McIntyre .... McIntyre has enlisted the help of the returning Aleister Black to help him in his fight ....

White and Devlin attack McIntyre before Black makes his entrance .... Black rises up from the stage and hits the ring, cleaning house .... McIntyre and Black work over Devlin, but eventually Bullet Club gets the advantage .... White lays out Black on the floor, so when McIntyre tries to tag Black in he isn’t in the corner .... White and Devlin make fun of McIntyre because he is on his own .... McIntyre fights back and Black manages to pull himself up in the corner and McIntyre makes the hit tag!  Black cleans house with strikes and an Asai moonsault takes Devlin and White out .... McIntyre rejoins the fight and we get brawling .... White eats the Claymore but Devlin breaks it up .... Black sets up for the Black Mass but White shoves the ref in the way and he gets taken out .... Devlin and Black brawl outside the ring as McIntyre reverses the Blade Runner and hits the Future Shock .... McIntyre has the pin but there is no ref .... McIntyre readies for the Claymore, but a man in a trench coat and sunglasses attacks him from behind ....

Progress: United Kingdom # 341 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ Killer_kross_render_2_by_jcrdino_dd2uv8s-pre.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTAyNCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2IzMmI2YTRjLTJlMzgtNGZiYy1iNWZmLWQ1NDBhMWQ0OGU1M1wvZGQydXY4cy1kMWNjZGRhMy1lNGUxLTQ0YzYtOTZjMi03MzlkZTA1NDk3YTQucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ

He grabs McIntyre in the Kross-jacket choke!!!!  McIntyre is fading as he’s choked out by Kross!  Kross tosses McIntyre back in, and White hauls him to his feet .... BLADE RUNNER!  White covers and gets the 3 before Black can make it back to the ring!  Bullet Club wins! ....

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We get a video package for the main event for the Atlas title .... it focuses on the rise of ‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll going back one year ago when Scurll won the U.K. title from Pete Dunne, sparking a long and bloody feud with U.K. General Manager William Regal .... Scurll tried to get Regal to embrace his former villainous ways, while Regal resisted for a brief time .... Scurll eventually provoked Regal into a match, winning it and driving Regal further toward the edge .... As Regal descended further and further into madness, he resigned as General Manager in order to get one more match with Scurll .... when Scurll won, he obtained the ‘golden ticket’ to challenge for any title at any time .... William Regal was never heard from again ....

ENTER: AJ Styles ....

At the end of the AJ Styles/ Matt Riddle 60 minute draw at RING OF VICTORY, Scurll made his intentions known that he not only wanted to destroy AJ, but he wanted to do it slowly by taking the Atlas title .... the Villain has been living rent-free in AJ’s head .... AJ has retaliated, putting Scurll through a table during the contract signing and then attacking him again only 24 hours ago at the Queen of the Ring .... the stage is set ....

Progress Atlas Title:
(Champion) AJ Styles (UNITED STATES)
‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll (UNITED KINGDOM)

AJ’s ribs were injured a week ago in an attack by both Bobby Lashley and Scurll, but AJ got some payback last night at the Queen of the Ring when he attacked Scurll with a chair and injured his ribs as well .... both men have their ribs heavily taped for this one .... We get the big fight feel introductions, but after that it’s balls to the wall .... they meet in the middle and the crazy fists start flying!  AJ with the advantage and he beats Scurlls ass around ringside!  Marty acts like he’s about to walk out, but he gets a microphone and demands that he and AJ have a ‘wrestling match’ and see who the best man really is .... AJ agrees ....

We actually get a restart and both guys try to outwrestle each other instead of trying to kill each other .... They go back and forth, with Scurll actually getting the better of AJ on holds and reversals .... AJ fires off with strikes but Marty backdrops AJ to the apron and then hits the ‘just kidding’ superkick that sends AJ to the floor .... The apron superkick follows, then he wipes AJ out with a suicide dive .... back in the ring, Scurll tries for another superkick but AJ reverses into the calf killer out of nowhere and Marty nearly has to tap out!  Instead he is able to get to the ropes but AJ now controls .... AJ with leg kicks and then more strikes .... they brawl outside and AJ tosses Scurll over the railing and into the front row, but when he tries to springboard off the barricade for the phenomenal forearm Scurll kicks the railing causing him to fall ribs-first .... Scurll attacks the ribs now, but AJ battles back with a pele kick .... AJ goes for the phenomenon (Quebrada reverse DDT) but Scurll counters and hits the crossroads!   Sliding European uppercut gets 2!  Scurll goes for a tornado DDT but this time AJ reverses into a snap suplex into the corner!  Ushigoroshi by AJ gets 2, but Scurll blocks the Styles Clash into a cradle for 2 .... Just kidding Superkick to AJ!  Then another superkick as AJ is on his knees!  AJ blocks the Chickenwing attempt and they battle on the apron, ending with AJ hitting a Bloody Sunday on the ring frame!  He tosses Scurll back in, Phenomenal Forearm!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Scurll gets his foot on the ropes!  AJ goes for the springboard 450 but meets the knees, and Marty hits the Black Plague (cradle piledriver dropped into a DDT) for a 2 count!  Scurll waits for AJ to get up, then does his little pirouette as he screams out ‘Chickenwing!’ but AJ kicks off the ropes and rolls it into the Bret Hart rolls up for a 2 .... Phenomenal blitz connects, but this time when AJ goes for the Phenomenal forearm this time Scurll pulls the ref in front .... REF BUMP!  Low blow by Marty!  Scurll goes after the umbrella, but AJ counters with a low blow!!!!  He picks him up .... STYLES CLASH!  AJ has the pin now, but no ref again!  Suddenly out of the back comes ....

Progress: United Kingdom # 341 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ Images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcSRqIo7eOOwgO94KCRdij4-RFJe4-0KRmxM8W33bL0YG-OXo2xt

.... WILLIAM REGAL????  Regal has a referee shirt on!!!!  We haven’t seen Regal since he was driven out of Progress by Marty!  Regal enters the ring and makes the count .... 1 ... 2 ... Marty kicks out!!!!  AJ is shocked .... AJ goes for another Ushigoroshi, but Scurll gets out by grabbing the fingers of AJ .... FINGER SNAP!  Scurll sees Regal and looks like he pissed his pants and is shaking his head ‘no’ in disbelief!  Regal smiles as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out .... BRASS KNUCKLES!  Regal balls up his fist and Scurll braces for the hit, but instead Regal KO’s AJ with the Brass Knuckles!  WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED????  Scurll still doesn’t fully understand what just happened, but he covers AJ .... 1 ... 2 ... 3!!!! ....

POST MATCH: the crowd is stunned near silence .... Regal gets the Atlas title and lets a wicked smile creep across his face .... he hands the title to Scurll, who laughs maniacally as fans throw trash in the ring unhappy with the outcome ....

Progress: United Kingdom # 341 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’ Tumblr_oyz8hcNq5j1vrqyimo1_400
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Progress: United Kingdom # 341 - ‘Great American Bash in the UK’
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