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 Progress: United States #32 The Great American Bash (Miami, Florida)

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress: United States #32 The Great American Bash (Miami, Florida)  Empty
PostSubject: Progress: United States #32 The Great American Bash (Miami, Florida)    Progress: United States #32 The Great American Bash (Miami, Florida)  EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 3:19 pm

Progress: United States #32 The Great American Bash (Miami, Florida)  Progress_strong_style_pro_wrestling_logo_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbceh2i

Progress: United States #32 The Great American Bash (Miami, Florida)  1.-The-Great-American-Bash

LOCATION: Miami, Florida
ARENA: Hard Rock Stadium
BROADCAST: YouTube & FoxSports

Progress: United States #32 The Great American Bash (Miami, Florida)  Hard-Rock-Stadium-aerial

ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo, Pat McAfee & Renee Young

* * * * KICKOFF (broadcast on Progress’ YouTube channel w/ commentary) * * * *

**** 1. Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) vs. The ONE% (Kyle O’Reilley & Roderick Strong) ....

Standard tag team work to start here, with the Street Profits totally over with the crowd .... they hit some double teams early and then dance, which angers the former champs .... The ONE% take over in Machine-like fashion, making the quick in and out tags and working Dawkins over .... Hot tag to Ford and he runs wild on both, hitting a standing moonsault on Strong for 2 .... Dawkins back in and they double team O’Reilley, and an assisted-sliced bread from Ford gets a 2 .... They set up for the doomsday blockbuster, but Strong is back in and breaks it up .... Ax & Smash from O’Reilley takes out Dawkins!  Strong with a series of backbreakers on Ford and then locks on the Stronghold but Dawkins back in and it breaks down with all 4 men in the ring .... O’Reilley sent to the floor, and Dawkins hits the Sky High on Strong!  Ford to the top .... FROG SPLASH!  1 ... 2 ... O’Reilley pulls the ref out!  Ford with a dive takes out O’Reilley!  Dawkins gets dumped, and Strong kicks the ropes as Ford comes back in the ring, crotching him!  Strong with the End of Heartache on Ford gets the 3 count!!!! ****

POST MATCH: The crowd gives the Street Profits a standing ovation in defeat, as they are gaining momentum with the people ....

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**** 2. Charlotte Flair vs. Victoria ....

Face to face trash talking to start and Charlotte fires off with strikes .... Victoria fires back and we get crazy fists ending with Charlotte taking the advantage with chops .... Victoria with a slam and a standing moonsault for 2 .... Victoria up top, but Charlotte recovers and climbs up with her .... Charlotte goes for the super-plex but Victoria blocks and they fight, ending with both ladies falling to the floor outside!  Charlotte hits a back suplex from the floor to the apron, then locks on a Boston crab .... Victoria fights back, kicking Charlotte into the turnbuckles when she tries for the figure four .... Victoria hits the spiders web (fireman carry spun into a side slam) for a close 2!  Widows Peak attempt by Victoria is reversed into a Northern Lights by Charlotte!  2 count!  Both ladies to their feet, and Victoria runs right into the big boot!  Natural Selection!  1 ... 2 ... Victoria kicks out!  Charlotte goes right into the figure four!  Victoria claws for the ropes, but Charlotte pulls her back to the center of the ring and bridges into the Figure 8!!!!  Victoria taps!!!!  ****

* * * * MAIN CARD * * * *

**** 1. The Briscoes (Jay & Mark) vs. War Machine (Hanson & Rowe)....

The story here is that MVP has pitted War Machine and the Briscoes against each other to keep them from facing Young Money .... meanwhile, both of these teams feel an intense need to beat the other one and establish themselves as the dominant team in Progress .... all four men meet center ring and are nose to nose .... Briscoes go out one side of the ring and start throwing chairs in the ring, and War Machine goes out the other side and starts pulling tables from underneath the ring .... Wild brawling to start and the ref is just letting it go .... the fans are really into this off the jump .... War Machine controls using their power advantage, tossing Mark around until Jay gets involved .... the Briscoes take control and work over Hanson until Rowe comes back in and it breaks down once again .... Hanson with a suicide dive that takes out Mark on the floor, but then Jay ends up putting Hanson through one of the tables with the Jay Driller off the apron!!!!  The Briscoes isolate Rowe and work the heat 2 on 1 for a long time but Rowe keeps kicking out .... Jay and Rowe stand center ring and have a fun back and forth where they beat the piss out of each other and keep popping up, demanding more punishment from the other .... Briscoes get the advantage and Mark ends up putting Rowe through a table with the Froggy-bow!  1 ... 2 ... Hanson returns to break up the pin!!!!  The Briscoes toss Hanson into the ropes, but he cartwheels out of trouble and takes them both out with a dual Lariat!  Hanson collapses, but Rowe picks him up and starts slapping the shit out of Hanson to fire him up .... it works as War Machine they take Jay out with Thor’s Hammer!  They hoist Mark up and hit the FALLOUT and War Machine gets the 3 count!!! ****

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IN THE BACK - Split screen of Tessa Blanchard and Shayna Baszler warming up for their UWF women’s title match .... Tessa stops and stares at someone off-camera, and the camera pans to show CHARLOTTE FLAIR!  Charlotte looks Tessa up and down with this big shit-eating grin on her face, and Tessa just responds by throwing the UWF title on her shoulder and looking at it .... she returns Charlottes grin and then walks past her headed to the ring ....

**** 2. UWF Women’s Championship: (c) Tessa Blanchard vs. (Internet Champion) Shayna Baszler w/ Marina Shafir & Jessamyn Duke ....

Tessa tries to take things to the mat to offset Baszlers striking .... crowd doesn’t know who they want to cheer for so they side with the home promotion and cheer Baszler .... she doesn’t care .... Baszler with the strikes early but Tessa counters with some strikes of her own and takes it to the mat .... this is a mistake as Baszler goes for the joint manipulation and ends up stomping on the elbow .... Kimura but Tessa battles to the ropes .... Tessa lays in forearms with her good arm, but can’t get the suplex and Baszler hits a series of gutwrench suplexes for a 2 .... she gets another armbar and Tessa has to escape to the ropes again and she is on the defensive .... Tessa catches Baszler in the ropes with a drop kick then hits a hanging flatliner and now she has her opening .... They battle to the apron and Tessa hits the jumping cutter on the ring apron!  She rolls Shayna in and makes the cover, but Baszler kicks out!  Tessa up top, but Baszler runs up the ropes and hits an overhead belly to belly off the top!!!!  Penalty kick!  1 ... 2 ... Tessa kicks out!  Baszler goes for the Kirafuda Clutch, and Tessa tries to get to the ropes and eventually has to kick off the turnbuckles and rolls backward into a pin .... 1 ... 2 ... Baszler has to release the hold to keep from being pinned!  Baszler to her feet and runs right into a superkick from Blanchard, then the Buzzsaw DDT!  1 ... BASZLER KICKS OUT AT 1!!!!  Baszler to her knees, then screams in Tessa’s face!  HIT ME!  Superkick from Tessa knocks out Baszlers mouthpiece!  Another superkick!  Tessa to the top rope .... MAGNUM!  1 ... 2 ... 3!  Tessa retains! ****

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**** 3. United States Championship: (c) Johnny Gargano w/ Candice LeRae vs. The Miz w/ Maryse vs. Austin Aries vs. ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage ....

Miz and Aries jump on Cage to begin, with Gargano hanging back .... Cage quickly tosses Aries & Miz and it’s Cage and Gargano face to face .... Gargano doesn’t back down and unloads with forearms, then ducks a Lariat from Cage and hits a dive onto Miz and Aries outside!!!!  Cage then hits a dive into all 3 of them!!!!  Terminator clap early on as Cage controls, working over Gargano with shoulder blocks in the corner .... Gargano fights back but Cage turns him inside out with a Lariat .... Miz and Aries pull Cage to the floor and slam him into the steps .... Miz tries to cover Gargano but Aries breaks it up and we get Aries & Miz one on one ....  Miz works over Aries with the ‘it’ kicks, but misses the running dropkick in the corner and Aries hits a soccer kick to the head .... Aries with the Last Chancery but Maryse grabs Miz’s hand and keeps him from tapping .... Cage is back in and press slams Aries and tosses him onto Miz!  Cage lays both guys across the ropes and hits the 619 to both of them!  Deadlift super-plex on Aries for a 2 count .... Cage now dismantles the announce table, grabs Gargano and looks for a powerbomb, but Gargano grabs the lighting rig to keep from being driven through the table .... this allows Miz to attack Cage from behind and now he lays Cage on the table .... Gargano jumps off and drives Cage through with an elbow drop off the light truss!!!!  Gargano and Miz return to the ring and we get a callback to when these 2 were the first to battle over the US title .... they trade shots, but Gargano with the lawn dart to Miz .... Maryse again gets involved to break up the pin, which leads to Candice attacking Maryse!  Cage is back in and he takes out both ladies with a clothesline!  Holy shit!  Gargano is enraged and he unleashes a barrage of superkicks on Cage!  But Cage is still on his feet!  He’s a Machine!!!!   Gargano with the Slingshot spear but Cage grabs him and then powerbombs him into the buckles!  Gargano no sells and fires back with another superkick!  Head scissors into the Gargano escape!  Cage starts to power out and actually gets to his feet with the move still locked on, but Miz comes from behind and somehow hits the Skull Krushing Finale on both guys at the same time!   Miz covers Gargano but Aries makes the save .... crucifix driver to Miz and Aries goes up top but Cage is up .... Aries dives but Cage catches him in mid-air in the suplex position!  Cage positions Aries for the Drill Claw but Gargano breaks it up with a superkick to Cage!  Gargano hits a Tornado DDT on Aries while at the same time knocking Cage to the floor with an enziguri!  Miz tries to catch Gargano from behind with a quick Skull Krushing Finale but Gargano with a victory roll for a clooooose 2 count .... Lawn Dart attempt but Miz slips off the back and shoves Gargano into the corner and hits the hanging corner clothesline .... Miz up top but Gargano cuts him off with the enziguri .... Gargano to the apron .... slingshot DDT!  1 ... 2 ... NOOOOO!  Miz kicks out but Gargano goes right into the GargaNO-Escape!!!!  Miz is trapped in the middle of the ring and everyone else is down!!!!  Miz taps out!!!! ****

POST MATCH: Cage is quickly back up and he snaps, destroying Miz with the Weapon X!  Cage stands over a Miz and the people start the Termintor clap again .... Cage picks Miz up and hits the Drill Claw!!!! .... Cage stares down Gargano, who knows he was lucky to escape with the title .... Cage leaves the ring, but the fans are chanting ‘ONE MORE TIME!’ .... Cage turns and comes back to the ring and hits another Drill Claw on Miz!!!!  Miz does the stretcher job out of the arena ....  

Progress: United States #32 The Great American Bash (Miami, Florida)  Cage-lucha-3

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**** 4. Bobby Lashley w/ Bill Alphonso vs. Matt Riddle ....

Lashley charges at the bell but runs right into the final flash knee and nearly gets KO’d right off the bat!  Riddle goes right into the ground and pound and then tries for the Bro-mission but Lashley gets out and then it’s his turn to ground and pound .... they brawl on the floor and Lashley misses a spear and posts himself .... Riddle with the triangle choke but Lashley turns it into an apron powerbomb!  Lashley brings out a table but Riddle turns the tables and puts Lashley on the table and climbs up to the top .... Bro-Ton (senton) through the table!  Riddle with kicks, but Lashley catches his foot and then scoops him up for the running powerslam but Riddle slips out and hits Bro-Derek (gotch tombstone) for another 2!  Riddle follows Lashley outside, but Lashley runs up the steps and Spears Riddle into the ring post!  Lashley tosses him back in and gets the Anaconda Vice!  Riddle fights but can’t break the hold .... The ref checks Riddle and stops the match when Riddle is unable to respond .... ****

POST MATCH: Lashley knows he has been in a war .... he looks down at Riddle and gives him a little nod of respect as he leaves ....

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**** 5. Universal Women’s Championship (60 minute time limit): (Champion) Toni Storm vs. Bianca BelAir ....

Slow burn to start this one as both women settle in for the 60 minute time limit .... they do a bunch of spots that play off their last match, showing that they have each other scouted .... where BelAir controlled most of their first match, this time it is more even .... They battle for a good 15 minutes when Toni makes her move, catching BelAir with a German suplex on the apron!  Back in the ring Toni hits Storm Zero!  1 ... 2 ... BelAir kicks out!!!!  Toni is shocked and she goes for it again, but this time BelAir back drops her to the floor!  Toni struggles to get to her feet and beat the count, when out of the back comes Shayna Baszler!!!!  What the hell????  Baszler attacks Storm outside the ring!!!!  ****

POST MATCH:  Shayna stops the ref from ringing the bell .... She has the internet title with her and she says this was never the title she wanted .... she wants the Universal title!  She throws the title at the referee and says she is cashing it in right now and demands that this match be made a triple threat!  According to the rules of the Internet title, the ref complied and rings the bell!

**** 5. Universal Women’s Championship (triple threat match): (Champion) Toni Storm vs. Bianca BelAir vs. Shayna Baszler ....

Baszler attacks and tosses Toni .... she and BelAir are face to face and BelAir talks that trash and we go right into strikes .... BelAir whips Baszler with her hair and the fight goes outside .... Baszler goes for the Penalty kick off the apron but Belair grabs her leg and slams her hard to the floor .... they brawl on the floor but Toni Storm comes back and takes them both out with a suicide dive!!!!  Storm and Baszler fight on the apron, and Storm connects with Storm Zero on the apron to Baszler!  Both ladies are down as BelAir goes up top .... MOONSAULT TO THE FLOOR TAKES OUT BOTH BASZLER & STORM .... BelAir rolls back in and Storm slowly follows .... BelAir slaps Storm!  Storm fires up and we get crazy fists from both in the middle of the ring!  BelAir gets the better of Toni, but Toni stops her in her tracks with a shoot headbutt!  BelAir reverses out of then Strong Zero piledriver and hits a Death Valley driver for a close 2 count!  BelAir scoops Storm up for the KOD, but she shows her power as she starts climbing the ropes with Storm still on her shoulders!!!!  Storm fires up with elbow strikes to break it and they both fight on the top rope .... Storm teases Storm Zero from the top, but BelAir with a palm strike rocks Toni .... KOD FROM THE 2ND ROPE!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Baszler breaks it up with the Penalty Kick to BelAir!!!!  Baszler pins Storm ... 1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!  Baszler wins the title ****

Progress: United States #32 The Great American Bash (Miami, Florida)  170px-Baszler_NXT_Women%27s_Champion_crop

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Prior to the main event, a big video package airs hyping the return of XWA/ Progress: WAR OF THE WORLDS .... as a preview of War of the Worlds, the following matches have been signed for the Great American Bash All-Star show:

Kenny Omega vs. Antonio Cesaro

Matt Riddle vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi

**** 6. Progress Atlas Championship: (Champion) ‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll vs. MVP w/ Kenny King ....

Scurll takes MVP to the floor, but King keeps him from going after him .... MVP back in and they trade chops, and MVP takes the champion down with a back elbow .... MVP goes to the mat, but Scurll reverses out into an arm-wringer and slams MVP shoulder-first to the mat .... Scurll works the shoulder, but King gets involved and swings things back in MVP’s favor!  The ref ejects King from ringside .... MVP FIRES THE REF CHARLES ROBINSON ON THE SPOT!  MVP signals for a new ref to come out, allowing Scurll to recover and hit a tornado DDT!  MVP rolls to the floor and Scurll hits the superkick from the apron, then hits a running high knee off the apron to the floor .... Scurll tosses him back in and sneaks up behind him and goes for the Chickenwing but MVP powers him into the buckles .... face wash by MVP and then the playa’s boot gets a 2 count .... Scurll fires back but MVP slams him and hits the ropes but Scurll pops up and cuts off the Ballin Elbow with the ‘just kidding’ superkick!  Half and half suplex by Scurll gets 2, and he goes for the Chickenwing again but MVP fights him off .... both men exchange slaps in the middle and MVP fires up with a Liger Bomb for 2 .... MVP puts Scurll on the top but Marty fights off and hits sunset flip powerbomb!  BLACK PLAGUE (Cross Rhodes)!  1 ... 2 ... MVP kicks out!  Scurll gets the umbrella and tosses it to MVP, then acts like MVP hit him with it!  MVP is shaking his head NO and the ref takes the umbrella, allowing Scurll the opening to kick MVP right between the legs as he’s putting the umbrella away!  Chickenwing locked in!!!!  Kenny King runs back out and pulls the ref out of the ring just as MVP starts tapping!  Scurll lets go and wipes out King AND the ref with a suicide dive!  Scull grabs his unmbrella again and KO’s King with it!  Off the distraction, this time MVP low blows Scurll!  MVP has the umbrella now, BUT AJ STYLES COMES OUT OF THE CROWD!!!!  Phenomenal Forearm takes out MVP!  Scurll picks up the umbrella, but AJ ducks the swing and connects with the Pele Kick!  AJ has the umbrella and he blasts Scurll with it!!!!  Security comes in and drags AJ away and the ref is back up with both MVP and Scurll down .... MVP slowly crawls over and makes the cover, but Scurll kicks out at 2!!!!  MVP goes for the playmaker, but Scurll reverses out into the Chickenwing!  Body scissors and MVP is trapped in the middle!  MVP taps out!!!! .... ****

POST MATCH:  MVP is furious as Scurll escapes up the ramp, BUT AJ IS BACK!!!!  He attacks Scurll on the ramp!  STYLES CLASH OFF THE RAMP THROUGH THE TABLES BELOW!!!!  Trainers and EMT’s come out to check on both men, but AJ pulls himself out of the rubble and stands tall over Scurll to end the show ....
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Progress: United States #32 The Great American Bash (Miami, Florida)
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