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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #3

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #3 Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #3   Shooting Stars Wrestling #3 EmptyTue Jun 23, 2020 11:45 am

Live from The Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin. This is . . .

Shooting Stars Wrestling #3 SSWlogo


*The screen is black as you can hear a ‘SSW! SSW! SSW!’ chant from the crowd. The show starts with Joel Gertner already in the ring*

Joel- ‘Well . . . well . . . well. Wellfare recipiants and homeless vagabons of Madison, Wisconsin, allow me to introduce, as if you could possibly stop me. Your announce team for the evening, the men that were too extreme for MMA, JOE ROGAN AND MIKE GOLDBERG!!!’

*Joe and Mike stand up at the announce table and wave to the crowd*

Joel – ‘And then there's me. The quintessential stud muffin and a damn handsome man. I'm like milk, I do a body good. Just like Rubik's Cube, the more you play with it, the harder it gets. Joel...My best friend has only one eye, he likes to look at your hairy pie, he will make all the ladies moan and beg, my best friend is my third leg . . . Gertner!’

‘I’M COMIN’ by Silkk the Shocka hits and out come Montel Vontavious Porter, MVP, to kick off this week’s show. MVP comes to the ring, taunting the fans, and he is obviously not happy. MVP climbs in the ring and Joel starts to ask him a question but MVP cuts him off to answer a call coming in on his cell phone. MVP cuts a promo about how he is sick of SSW and Shane McMahon not using him right. He goes on about how he is the most talented performer on the roster, and he is ‘half-man, half-amazing’. But yet he is not showcased as the No. 1 draft pick. Joe says that MVP is acting like a lot of pampered and arrogant athletes these days, and he calls him the ‘Terrell Owens’ of SSW! MVP dogs out SSW, and then demands a trade to someone that will showcase his abilities the way they should be!

Suddenly the lights drop and the sound of a heart beat can be heard as an eerie orange glow settles on the arena. “War Machine" by KISS thunders over the arena PA and on the screen appears the phrase "The mood is about to change . . . NOW!’ From behind the curtain emerges TAZ, with his face hidden by his low-hanging trademark ripped-up towel. head. He slowly climbs into the ring, while MVP looks on in confusion. Joel, meanwhile, almost kills himself leaving the ring.

Taz – “So, SSW is the next chapter in the NWA. Well, I have been knocking around the NWA and it is time for a new start. And I get here and the first thing I see is what? Some spoiled, pampered asshole out here running his mouth.’

MVP- Look here half pint. I don't know who the hell you think you are, but this ring here, this is my house. Don't nobody care about you. This here, this is all about me. What you need to do is go and wash my car like a good little bitch and maybe I'll give you a nice tip. I ain’t in the mood for . . .

Taz – ‘ (laughs) Well I hate to break the news to ya brotha, but the mood is about to change!!!! Because I’m Taz, the HUMAN SUPLEX MACHINE! Beat me if you can . . . survive if I let you!!!!’

Weight: 240 lbs
Hometown: Red Hook Section, Brooklyn, NY
Music: "War Machine" by KISS
Finisher: katahajime (Taz-mission)


weight: 252 lbs
hometown: Miami, FL
music: ‘I'm Comin' by Silkk the Shocka
finisher: The Playmaker

MVP begs off a little from Taz as the ref calls for the bell, but then kicks him in the gut and unleashes on him. MVP gets in some kicks and stomps and then slams Taz in the middle of the ring. He hits the ropes and comes off, making the ‘Ballin’ gesture before dropping the elbow right into Taz’s heart. MVP gets up and celebrates, but behind him Taz just gets up and is not even fazed by MVP’s offense! As MVP turns, Taz gives him the cutthroat gesture and MVP starts begging off right away! Taz grabs him and hits a belly to belly suplex, tossing MVP across the ring, then follows it up with a variety of other suplexes. MVP is out of it in no time, and Taz waits for him to get up and he locks him in the ‘katahajime’!!!! MVP waists no time in tapping out!!!!

Your winner via tapout . . . Taz!

BACKSTAGE: we see Owen Hart, Lance Storm, Teddy Hart, and Harry Smith arriving at the arena

--commerical break—

IN THE LOCKER ROOM: Gertner interviews Roderick Strong about making his debut tonight against Aaron ‘The Idol’ Stevens. Idol comes in and interrupts along with Beth Phoenix and says that he’s a lover, not a fighter. Beth agrees, and Idol says that Mickie James would too. Beth tells Roderick to just ‘take the night off’ and he can have whatever he wants. Roderick appears a little embarassed, but says that he looks forward to competing tonight. Strong walks off, and Idol and Beth don’t look happy.

Super Nova
Weight: 214 lbs
Hometown: Bricktown, NJ
Music: "Superman" theme
Finisher: Krytonite Krunch


Super Dragon
weight: 200 lbs
hometown: Los Angeles, CA
music: "Seek and Destroy"- Metallica
finisher: Psycho Driver 2000

Nova offers up some offense, but can't stop the constant onslaught of Super Dragon. Dragon traps Nova in a corner and delivers a severe Violence Party. At one point during the match, ‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson is shown watching the match from the entrance. Dragon pulls Nova to mid-ring and pins him following a Psyco Driver 2000. After the match, Dragon gives Nova the curb stomp for good measure, and he looks into the camera and tells Jushin ‘Thunder’ Liger that the Light Heavyweight title is going to be his.

Here is your winner . . . Super Dragon

--commerical break—

Lance Storm, Teddy Hart, and Harry Smith come out to the ring. Storm asks if he can be serious for a minute and he introduces the ‘saving grace’ of SSW and a true Canadian hero . . . the SSW champion Owen Hart. Owen comes out, and red and white confetti rains down. Owen cuts a promo about how it is all about family. They are now together, and he christens their group the new Hart Foundation. Their plan worked to perfection, and it paid off with him holding the SSW Genesis title. And whoever has the Genesis title has all the power in SSW! Storm orders the crowd to all rise for the singing of the Canadian National Anthem, and the music starts blaring over the PA. Storm, Hart, Smith, and Teddy all stand at attention, but ‘WORD LIFE . . . THIS IS BASIC THUG-A-NOMICS’ hits and the crowd goes nut!!!! Out comes John Cena to a huge pop! Cena admits that Owen pulled one over on him, but in doing so he made a huge mistake. Because he is there looking for a fight. Owen looks around and says that there are 4 of them and only one of him, and he has alrady beat him twice. Teddy Hart interjects, saying that if he is looking for a fight then he can find someone to be his partner and take on him and Harry Smith tonight. Cena agrees to the match, and we have ourselves a main event!

Aaron ‘The Idol’ Stevens
weight: 237 lbs
hometown: Martha’s Vineyard
music: Jesus Christ Superstar by Andrew Lloyd Webber
finisher: Idolizer (modified swinging neckbreaker)


Roderick Strong
weight: 212 lbs
hometown: Tampa, FL
music: Sucker Train Blues by Velvet Revolver
finisher: Stronghold, half-nelson backbreaker

Stevens uses a distraction by Beth Phoenix to gain the advantage from the beginning. Strong tries to fight back, but each time Idol cuts him off. Strong blisters Idol with thunderous chops, leading Joe and Mike to wonder if he has the hardest chops in the entire NWA. Strong fights back, catching Idol with a running yakuza kick and then hitting a pump-handle back suplex. Strong goes for the ‘Stronghold’, but Phoenix tries to distract him again by coming onto him. Out of the back comes Mickie James, who pulls Phoenix off the ring apron to the floor! Idol tries to sneak up from behind, but Strong dodges and then rolls Idol up in a magistral cradle for the surprise 3 count!!!!

Your winner . . . Roderick Strong

--commerical break—

Footage is shown of the breakup of Adrenaline on the show last week, with Sabin attacking his partner Michael Shane and giving him the Cradle Shock.

Chris Sabin
weight: 220 lbs
hometown: Detroit, Michigan
music: 6 Barrell Shotgun by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
finisher: Cradle Shock


Elijah Burke
weight: 230 lbs
hometown: Jacksonville, FL
music: Living in America by James Brown
finisher: Elijah Express

Sabin comes out accompanied by Alex Shelley again, and Joe and Mike wonder what the connection is between these two guys and why they have joined forces. This is a good back and forth match until Michael Shane shows up, coming out of the crowd and attacking Alex Shelley at ringside. Sabin becomes distracted by this, allowing Elijah to hit the ‘Elijah Experience’ (X-Factor) to get the pinfall!

Ladies and Gentlemen . . . your winner is Elijah Burke!

After the match, Shane gets in the ring and attacks Sabin, pounding on him with right hands. Shelley is back in the ring to break it up, but Shane escapes into the crowd before any damage can be done. Shane gets on the mic and challenges Sabin to meet him in the ring one on one next week! Sabin accepts the challenge!

--commerical break—

The Hart Foundation music hits and out comes the contingent for the main event. ‘BASIC THUG-A-NOMICS’ hits and out comes John Cena all by himself, and JOE and MIKE wonder if Cena knows what he is getting himself into. He has no partner. Almost as soon as they say that, ‘FAINT’ by Linkin Park hits and out comes ‘The Shooter’ Brent Albright! Cena went out and got the only guy in SSW that might have a bigger issue with the Foundation than he does to be his partner!!!!

John Cena & Brent Albright
weight: 260 lbs and 230lbs
hometown: West Newberry, MA and Tulsa, OK
music: ‘Basic Thug-a-nomics’ by John Cena and ‘Faint’ by Linkin Park
finisher: F-U and the Crowbar (Fujiwara Armbar)


The Hart Foundation (Teddy Hart & Harry Smith)
weight: 454lbs
hometown: Calgary, Alberta Canada
music: Hart Foundation theme
finisher: Hart Attack 2.0 & Running Powrerslam

Cena and Albright hit the ring and start dominating the Hart Foundation at the outset. Albright plants Harry Smith a belly to belly suplex, and Cena follows up with a ‘Killswitch’ (spinning back suplex powerbomb) to Teddy. He gives Teddy the ‘You can’t see me’ sign and hits the ropes for the 5 knuckle shuffle, but Lance Storm is there and he trips Cena, pulling him to the outside of the ring. Storm and Owen team up to toss Cena into the ring post, knocking him silly. This leaves Albright alone to take on both members of the Foundation in the ring, Albright keeps them at bay with his arsenal of suplexes, but eventually the Foundation takes over. Outside the ring, Cena tries to regain his bearings and climb back into his corner, while Albright is worked over in the ring. Albright manages to catch Teddy in a series of rolling German Suplexes, and that buys him time as he crawls toward the corner. He makes the hot tag in to Cena, who comes in and lays out everyone. All four men are in the ring as the ref quickly loses control of the situation. During the melee, Owen Hart tries to come in and take a cheap shot on Cena with the SSW Genesis title belt, but Cena ducks it and scoops Owen onto his shoulders for the F-U. Storm tries to come in and prevent it, but Cena swings Owen around and uses his legs to knock Storm out of the ring. Teddy Hart also tries to stop Cena, but Albright cuts him off and takes him to the mat with the ‘Crowbar’ (Fujiwara armbar). Cena drives Owen to the mat with the F-U!!!! Meanwhile, Albright cranks away on Teddy’s arm, and he submits to the pressure of the Crowbar!!!!

Your winners via submission . . . John Cena and the ‘Shooter’ Brent Albright!

The celebration is short-lived after the match, as Harry Smith and Lance Storm jump Cena and Albright from behind. Cena and Albright fight back, but when Owen and Teddy are able to join back in it is a 4 on 2 attack. Owen wraps Cena’s knee around the ring post several times and then locks him in the figure four around the ring post. He refuses to let go while Storm, Teddy, and Smith beat down Albright. The vicious beating continues until Elijah Burke, Roderick Strong, The Gods of Gravity, and several other wrestlers from the back run down to pull them off. The Hart Foundation withdraws, leaving Cena and Albright a mess in the ring.
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