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 AEW Dynamite #16

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AEW Dynamite #16 Empty
PostSubject: AEW Dynamite #16   AEW Dynamite #16 EmptyThu Nov 17, 2022 11:52 am

AEW Dynamite #16 YJCeCKL

AEW Dynamite #16 HyLv3p4

   Excalibur: "ITS WEDNESDAY NIGHT.... and You Know what that means! AEW is coming into your homes for AEW Dynamite! And what a show we have as we will finish out the tournament to see who faces Matt Riddle at Black Friday. And on the women's side the tournament continues to crown our first AEW Womens champion. Let's not wait any longer..... let get you to the ring!"  

    Match One: Ricochet vs Adam Cole              

They did some posturing early with Cole nearly connecting with a superkick, but Ricochet avoided it. Cole slapped on a headlock while telling Ricochet that he’s not special. Cole with a shoulder tackle followed by his “Adam Cole BAY BAY” taunt and Ricochet ran the ropes leading to a dropkick that sent Cole out of the ring. Ricochet teased a dive to the floor, but then he did a handspring back into the ring. Ricochet went to the middle rope, Cole avoided an attack and sent Ricochet over the top to the floor. Cole tossed Ricochet into the barricade. Cole worked over Ricochet with punches followed by a neckbreaker. Cole connected with the Ushigoroshi that was good for a two count. Ricochet with a back elbow, he kicked Cole off and a roll through into a dropkick for Ricochet. Ricochet ran the ropes and connected with a dive over the top onto Cole on the floor. Ricochet with a 619 against the turnbuckle and a springboard uppercut by Ricochet got a two count. Ricochet with a headbutt to the ribs, kicked to the shoulder, standing Shooting Star Press and a spinning splash connected for Ricochet. Ricochet worked over Cole with chops, he went for a handspring and Cole countered with a Backstabber for a two count. Ricochet with a forearm to the jaw, punch by Ricochet and a springboard jump with Ricochet blocking a superkick attempt from Cole. Ricochet went for a moonsault off the middle ropes, Cole superkicked him in the face and Cole hit a suplex into the knee for a two count.

Cole ran the ropes, he went for a knee, but Ricochet avoided it and got a rollup for two. Running uppercut for Ricochet, boot to the face, Cole with a step up enziguri, kick by Ricochet, kick by Cole, kick by Ricochet and Cole fell on top of Ricochet for a two count. Cole went for a running knee, Ricochet avoided it and Ricochet hit a reverse hurricanrana that spiked Cole head first into the mat. Ricochet went up top, so Cole rolled out of the ring to the apron. With Cole on the apron, Ricochet leaped over the top with a hurricanrana to the floor. Back in the ring, Ricochet went up top and wants the 630 Splash off the top but before he can hit it, Will Osprey comes to ringside, distracting Ricochet which gave Cole time to regroup and hitba superkick to Ricochet to get the pinfall. Adam Cole advances.

AEW Dynamite #16 UGnpoCx


As we come back from break we see Renee Young in the backstage area catching up with Ricochet and the loss to Adam Cole. Ricochet says it's fine that he didn't advance in the tournament because now he can focus on his title shot against Will Ospreay at Black Friday!

AEW Dynamite #16 44kfQGH

 Match Two: Darby Allin vs Lance Archer  w/Stokely Hathaway            

Archer comes to the ring like a man passed and just starts clubbers Darby as Stokely watches on amused. But it doesn't take long for the amusement to disappear as Dante Martin comes after Stokely which distracts Archer and Darby hits a coffin drop on Archer for the win. Darby advances in the tournament.

AEW Dynamite #16 G7EjpjN


  AEW Womens Semi-Finals: Asuka vs Tiffany Stratton            

Stratton hits Asuka with an open hand strike. Asuka with a running hip attack followed by slaps to the face. Asuka kicked Stratton in the ribs as Excalibur reminds the tv audience that both these women are undefeated in AEW. Stratton was on the apron and Asuka with a running hip attack that sent her to the floor. Stratton tried to leave, but Asuka nailed her with a running kick. They battled on the apron with Stratton sending Asuka face first into the ring post. Stratton rolled Asuka in for a two count. Stratton trapped Asuka with a body scissors. Asuka broke free with a back fist, Stratton avoided it and hit a kick to the ribs followed by a superkick for two. Stratton continued on offense, Asuka to the turnbuckle and she went for a dropkick, but Stratton moved. Asuka slapped on a knee bar submission only for Stratton to get to the ropes. Knee lift to the face for Asuka followed by a running dropkick. Asuka with kicks to the chest, German Suplex and another running hip attack from Asuka got a two count. Asuka charged at Stratton, who was on the apron, Stratton moved and Asuka went crashing to the floor. Stratton snapped Asuka’s neck across the top and kicked Asuka’s hand that was holding the ropes to knock Asuka out of the ring. Stratton with a suicide dive that got a two count back in the ring. Stratton tried three covers and threw a tantrum after she failed to win. Asuka with two spinning back fists followed by a kick to the face. Stratton got a rollup for two. Asuka hit a knee to the face. Asuka Lock applied..... and Stratton taps out!!! Asuka advances to the finals at Black Friday!  

AEW Dynamite #16 IIJGdRq


  Match Four: Zack Sabre Jr vs Walter              

Zack starts by staying on the outside, trying to pick his spots against the much larger Walter. Walter gives him a Headlock Takeover, just ragdolling the Brit across the ring. He does the same with a Gutwrench. Zack has to force himself to get more aggressive with Walter, be it with headbutts or kicks to the inside of the thigh. Walter kills his bridge for a nearfall, but Zack BRIDGES OUT OF IT and shakes him off. Zack gets into an exchange of chops with Walter, which ends about as well as you’d expect for the guy. Zack tries to wear the Austrian down with a headlock, but Walter wiggles out and shoulderblocks him out of the ring. Walter just chops the piss out of him around the ring until Zack gets pissed at that treatment and kicks his chest in. Zack grabs his arm and stomps on it for good measure, making Walter cry out in pain and try to punch Zack’s knee. He is able to land one chop on Zack, and that puts the big man back in control as he Military Presses Zack back into the ring. Zack tries to tie Walter’s knee up, but Walter stomps out of it and chops the shit out of him again. Walter throws some more chpps but ZACK KEEPS POWERING UP! KNEEBAR! WALTER FINDS THE ROPES! PK TO THE ARM! Zack collapses in the corner, seemingly unable to mount any offense on Walter. Zack grabs Walter’s arm again and wrenches it with his legs, and hops to the other side to stomp on the opposite arm. Zack starts face-washing Walter, so Walter CHOPS HIM TO DEATH AND STOMPS HIS FACE IN THE CORNER! SLEEPER! GERMAN FROM WALTER! BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Zack kicks out. Walter boots him, but Zack counters a lariat into Cross Armbreaker… right into a Kimura! He pulls a Palhares by holding onto the hold after Walter gets to the ropes. Walter hits a Yakuza Kick in the corner, a German, and finally a huge running lariat for a two count. Zack counters a Powerslam into an Octopus and tries a diving lifter, but Walter catches him… only for Zack to catch him in a European Clutch for 2. Zack hits a PK and they hit STEREO SHOTGUN DROPKICKS! Walter keeps chopping away, but Zack keeps powering up and throwing back. Zack counters another chop into a Cross Armbreaker, but he turns it into a Triangle. Walter pulls him up for a big Powerbomb, but Zack counters another one into a Guillotine… COUNTERED INTO A BUTTERFLY SUPLEX FROM WALTER! POWERBOMB GETS 2! SLEEPER! Zack smacks Walter right in the back of the head and keeps slapping him… but WALTER OVERHANDS CHOPS HIM! EUROPEAN CLUTCH… COUNTERED INTO A SLEEPER! ZACK TAPS! Walter picks up a big win in 20 minutes to advance in the tournament.  

AEW Dynamite #16 Sf8p4MX


  Match Five: Darby Allin vs Adam Cole                

Intense grappling from the jump, Cole in control but a taunt gets Allin hot and he shoots in with a double leg for grounded punches! Turning the heat up, suicide dive, Darby sets up a table at ringside and batters Adam to set him up on it but Cole recovers and shoves him off the ropes into a hard landing. Mounted punches, big neckbreaker into backbreakers, off the ropes for the big fakeout reverse chinlock.

Allin out, going for a dive but Adam cuts him off with a kick! Up on the apron, fireman’s carry but Darby slips out, off the ropes and he runs right into a boot. Jawing at him, disdainful shove and Allin lights him up with punches! Whip reversed, caught into the fireman’s carry neckbreaker over the knee but Cole can’t keep him down for three! Small package for two, arm wringer into La Casita, still just two! Leg pick, Last Supper... SO CLOSE! Diamond Dust follows, springboard... COFFIN DROP COUNTERED WITH A KICK! Off the ropes...

Adam Cole wins by pinfall with Last Shot. Cole will face Walter in the tournament finals tonight in our Main Event!


  Womens Tournament Semi-Finals: Ruby Riot vs Mandy Rose            

Riot avoided a knee attack. Rose to the floor again, so Riot hit a suicide dive. Ruby cleared off the table, but Rose sent her into the apron. Riot sent Rose into the ring post and into the barricade two times. Rose gave Riot a body slam on a steel chair on the floor. Rose went for a running knee in the ring, but Riot got a knee up, and applied a half crab submission. Mandy makes the rope break.

Ruby was on offense with a Tornado DDT leading to Rose bailing to the floor again. Ruby jumped off the top with a somersault dive onto a standing Rose on the floor. Ruby grabbed a ladder from under the ring and hit Rose in the ribs with it. Rose whipped Riot into the ladder that was against the ring. Rose slammed the ladder down onto Riots left arm. Rose sent the ladder into Riot on the floor. Rose sent Riot into the ring, Rose tried a lifting move, and Riot hit a slam. Rose got back up. Riot went after Rose, so Rose gave Ruby aback body drop over the top to the floor. Rose tossed Riot over the barricade.  Rose shoved Ruby off a barricade to send her crashing into the steel steps. Rose jumped off the barricade, but Riot hit her with a superkick. Riot  hit the Gory Bomb that sent Rose crashing into the edge of the ring apron. Riot hit Rose with a kick to the ribs. Riot set up a ladder by the commentary table and placed Rose onto the table. Riot went up the ladder, but out comes Jacy Jane and Gigi Dolin.

AEW Dynamite #16 NVO9Eua

Dolin shoved Ruby off the ladder to send her crashing through the table. Rose got back to her feet and sends Ruby inside the ring. Mandy hits The Bed of Roses (Lifting double underhook sitout facebuster) to get the win! Mandy will face Asuka at Black Friday to determine the first AEW Womens champion!

AEW Dynamite #16 FC7g1PG

  Excalibur: "It looks like the Mystery between these three women has finally came full circle as Jacey Jane and Gigi Dolin have helped Mandy Rose advance to the finals of the Womens Tournament as confusing as it may be!"          


    Tournament Finals: Adam Cole vs Walter (Winner will face Matt Riddle at Black Friday)      

WALTER playing the power game with the smaller Cole, who counters with dropkicks and strikes. A chop from Cole prompts a “You effed up” chant as an angry Walter proceeds to pummel Cole around the ring. WALTER’s chops are like gunshots but Cole tricks him into chopping the ring post and goes to work on the hand. WALTER comes back with slams and an Earthquake splash. WALTER is clutching his hand and holding it behind his back, trying to save it from further damage. WALTER hits a pair of huge lariats that flip Cole inside out for a near fall. Cole starts to headbutt the chopping hand of WALTER. A powerbomb/crab combo almost finished Cole again. WALTER catches a diving Cole into a rear naked choke. COLE FURIOUSLY TRIES TO FIGHT OUT. UT WALTER HAS HIM LOCKED IN SECURELY! AFTER A FEW SECONDS, COLE FADES AND IS UNCONSCIOUS! THE REF CALLS FOR THE BELL!

Walter will go on to face Matt Riddle at Black Friday for the AEW Heavyweight title.

AEW Dynamite #16 QUem1MI

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Johnny Rose

Posts : 1452
Join date : 2020-06-11

AEW Dynamite #16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #16   AEW Dynamite #16 EmptyThu Nov 17, 2022 1:40 pm

Yeah , but if Ricochet lost doesn’t that make him worry he’s going to get his ass kicked even more by Osprey?

Darby could win this whole thing .

Asuka is awesome .

Walter is dominant.

Damn !! I was pulling for Darby .

Oh no . Poor Riddle .

Good stuff

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AEW Dynamite #16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #16   AEW Dynamite #16 EmptyWed Nov 23, 2022 9:53 pm

great opener and a helluva win bu Cole

richocet is delusional he should learn from this loss

damn...darby beat archer?

im betting on asuka...hope she doesnt let me down

walter is a bad dude...nuff said

how tf did darby hang with Cole in that match?

cole wins but his prize is facing walter ouch!

no idea who tf these other women are but glad mandy won....asuka better bring back up to the finals

wow!! who tf can stop walter??

riddle is gonna have to really be on his A game but i feel even that wont be enough!

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