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 AEW Dynamite #9

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AEW Dynamite #9 Empty
PostSubject: AEW Dynamite #9   AEW Dynamite #9 EmptyThu Sep 08, 2022 10:10 am


The show opens up and we quick hear......

And out comes The Undisputed Era!

AEW Dynamite #9 DoYqNz1


  Adam Cole: "Its story time with Adam Cole..... BAY BAY! Everybody knows that I have the most beautiful girlfriend ever in Britt Baker!"       

AEW Dynamite #9 Ae4cJF6

   Adam Cole: "And in 10 short days it will be here one year anniversary as the IWA Womens World champion! And on the September 17th edition of WCW Nitro, we are going to throw her a party the only way we know how...... Undisputed! And on that night, Bobby and Kyle have agreed to defend their GFW Tag Team Titles against any team that you pick Britt!  And if that wasn't enough...... on that same night..... I'm gonna give you the world! That's right.....I'm gonna challenge Dusty Rhodes for the IWA World title! And I'm going to defeat him just for you!"

  Finn. Balor: "Isn't that special? Your going to win the world title for Britt huh? I guess your just going to ignore the fact that I came out here a couple of weeks ago calling you out?"              

 Adam Cole: "Yea I'm trying to forget it! Because it was a rude gesture..... you sticking your nose into business that doesn't concern you. Just like right now!"            

   Finn Balor: "Is that a fact? Well if that's the case..... why don't you do something about it?"            

  Kyle O'Reilly: "Enough! Ya know Finn.... I'm getting real tired of seeing your face! So if your looking for a match tonight..... look no further than me!"    

Finn looks at Cole and smirks at him, then steps up to O'Reilly and nods his head in approval and does the gun gesture towards him!

AEW Dynamite #9 HPG90Di


  Match One: Kings of Wrestling vs Motor City Machine Guns  for the AEW Tag Titles         

Machine Gunns get under the Kings’ skin by being douchebags. Hero flips to the apron and Shelley does the same thing. Claudio shoves Sabin away and poses. Sabin tries a headlock but Claudio just sets him on the top turnbuckle. Claudio works a headlock and Sabin manages to escape, but a dropkick can’t knock down the big man and Claudio hits his own dropkick. Sabin comes back with a headscissors. Hero tags in so Sabin tags in Shelley. They do chain wrestling sequence, Hero hits some chops but Shelley hits a wheelbarrow armdrag, flips Hero off, hits a victory roll armdrag and slaps Hero. Hero tries to slap him back BUT gets armdragged. Hero comes back with an elbow, tags out and Claudio decks Sabin, avoids a superkick from Shelley by going to the floor but Sabin kicks him from the apron. Shelley catches a boot from Hero, ducks a rolling elbow, can’t bring him down with a drop toehold so Sabin adds a bulldog and that sets up the neckbridge/dropkick combo. The MCMG make a wish and kick Claudio. Sabin drops an axe-handle on Claudio’s arm, but can’t a snapmare. Multiple elbows allow Sabin to hit and he rakes the eyes. He gets Claudio in the corner and leans up for a choke, which Shelly adds to. Claudio tries to fight to Hero but Sabin pulls him back. Shelley’s chop gets no sold so he pokes Claudio’s eyes. Shelley slams Claudio into Sabin’s boots and Sabin hits a hilo. Claudio gets the tag and Hero slingshot stomps Sabin before elbowing Shelly, and then shoves him off the apron with his boot. Hero tries an O’Connor Roll but Shelley get the blind tag and sends Hero to the floor. Claudio takes a series of kicks, Shelley fakes an Asai Moonsault on Hero and Sabin hits a suicide dive! Shelley hits a missile dropkick and just assaults the hair of Hero! Shelley whips Hero, who flips to the ropes, boots Shelly, bicycle kick from Claudio on Shelley, and Hero boots Sabin to the floor! Claudio hits a hair mare on Shelley and the Kings drive him into the corner. Hero slams Shelley into his boot and then into Claudio’s. Hero snapmares Shelley and the Kings hit a flash kick/diving European Uppercut to the back of the neck combo for 2 as Sabin makes the save. Claudio chases Sabin but Sabin is so athletic he hangs off the apron to avoid his shots. Huge gorilla press gets 2 for Claudio. He lifts Shelley for a suplex, Hero tags in and shoves him down by his ankle, and Shelley stumbles into an elbow to the back! Only 2 as Sabin saves! Hero dares Sabin to hit him and shoves him outside when he tries. Claudio swings on the second rope so Hero can slam Shelley into his boots, which the Guns did earlier, and then grounds Shelley with a cravat. Shelley hits an enzugiri and kicks Hero to the floor, Claudio ducks a second enzugiri but takes a mule kick, Shelley tries to make the tag but Hero pulls Sabin to the floor! Claudio gets 2 off a running European, sets up Shelley for a catapult rolling elbow but Shelley quickly hits Hero with an elbow, stomps on Claudio and then hits a slingshot DDT on the apron! Hero charges into a shoulder and Shelley hits the same move inside the ring. Sabin FINALLY gets the tag! Flying forearms for Hero and he dropkicks Claudio’s knees on the apron, Hero runs into his boots and Sabin SNAPS OFF the hurricane rana! Then he hits a springboard crossbody over the ropes to Claudio on the outside! SPRINGBOARD DDT! 1…2…NO! Hero is too big to Cradle Shock, and then he rolls through it into a sunset flip but Shelley CROSSBODIES HIM FROM THE TOP! Sabin uses Shelley to spring into a dropkick on Claudio! Shelley hits a crossbody to Claudio, Sabin hits an elbow in the corner, Shelley adds an enzugiri, SKULL & BONES! 1…2…NO! Claudio makes the save and dumps Sabin to the floor, hits an inverted atomic drop but Shelley blocks a European into an attempted backslide, hits a superkick but Claudio counters Sliced Bread by setting him up top, but Shelley sneaks out of the UFO, Claudio tries the Ricola Bomb but Sabin hits an enzugiri! ROLLING ELBOW TO SABIN! TURNBUCKLE FLATLINER BY SHELLEY! LARIAT BY CLAUDIO! Claudio and Sabin trade moves, SICK POP-UP EUROPEAN UPPERCUT! 1…2…NO! CRAZY UFO but Shelley saves and spits in Claudio’s face! Hero drops Shelley to the floor and rams him into the barrier. Hart Attack Elbow sets up the Big Swing/Flash Kick! 1…2…NO! Sabin avoids a Liger Bomb and gets a small package for 2, enzugiris Hero, Shelley tags in but misses a double stomp and gets elbowed! 1…2…NO! Hero hits the flying elbow in the corner, Shelley counters an elbow with one of his own but ROLLING ELBOW! 1…2…NO! Shelley beats him to the elbow and the MCMG hit a series of elbows, springing off each other’s back, Claudio tries to grab Shelley but Sabin hits an enzugiri, ASSISTED SLICED BREAD #2! ASCS RUSH ON HERO! 1…2…NO! They set Hero up for the Sliced Bread Powerbomb, but Claudio boots Shelley off the top. Then out of nowhere .........

AEW Dynamite #9 CSYv0rS

The Briscoes are out to assault Hero, ending the match in disqualification. Crowd HATES that finish. Claudio saves Hero from the Doomsday Device and the Briscoes decide to fight another day, but the statement was made.

    Excalibur: "What in the hell are the Briscoes doing here? Whatever it is..... it looks like they have the AEW Tag Titles in their sights!" 


  Match Two: Tiffany Stratton vs Erica Yan             

They lockup and Stratton cartwheels out of an armlock but gets taken to the ground where Yan drags her around the ring by the leg. Running kicks gets a two count. Stratton back as she lays a beatdown in the corner complaining about Yan ripping her hair out. Stratton stands on the ponytail while pulling on Yan’s arms. A version of the Cobra Clutch from Stratton that goes on for a bit. Yan escapes and hits a few running clotheslines. Flatliner from Yan, but Stratton blocks a suplex and gets a slam. Standing moonsault and then a twisting Vader Bomb finishes it for Stratton!

AEW Dynamite #9 EeOpjQe

AEW Dynamite #9 7gDCMGV

The cameras pan backstage where we see Dante Martin hanging out when up comes......

AEW Dynamite #9 Q6VKBij

Stokely Hathaway: "Dante Martin..... my man! Can you hear that? It's opportunity knocking! Don't be a fool..... open the door! If you want the stroke..... sign with Stoke! Here's my card!"          

Dante looks at the card...... and walks away!


  Match Three: Unbreakable F'N Machines w/Stokely Hathaway vs Best Friends          

Best Friends starts off by Pearl Harboring the Machines, but get caught on pescados and thrown back in…only to get caught on tope suicidas! Elgin powerslams Trent on the floor, and the Machines continue their destruction in the ring with the trade-off, delayed, squatting vertical suplex on Chuck Taylor. Trent uses a blind tag to get the advantage over Cage, planting him with a tornado DDT for a two count. The Machines don’t stay down for long, and Trent takes a bit of an asskicking. Trent kicks out of Elgin’s corkscrew senton. Taylor nearly pulls off a Yoshi Tonic/Crucifix with Trent, but it wasn’t meant to be. Elgin powerbombs Taylor on Trent, but takes a Blockbuster/Powerbomb! Military Press into a Backfist, Neckbreaker, and an Elgin Bomb finish things as the Unbreakable Machines win!

AEW Dynamite #9 SpPrdhF

We get a recap of the attack on Johnny Gargano by Killer Kross two weeks ago. We then go to Lexi Nair who is backstage, with Candice LeRae.

AEW Dynamite #9 3lMpXbu

Candice is asked for an update on her husband. LaRae says it’s been a rough two weeks. They thought Kross was their friend and now he won’t stop at anything to do what he’s doing. She says there's nothing harder than having to watch her husband be stretchered out. She’s starting to cry and excuses herself when she turns and sees Scarlett Bordeaux, who has a timer in her hand.

AEW Dynamite #9 GBP7q3c

Candice begins to go after her when Killer Kross steps in front of Scarlett. Candice is scared to death to see Kross and runs the other way.

AEW Dynamite #9 VjiI0e4


  Match Four: Finn Balor vs Kyle O'Reilly                  

They did some mat wrestling early with each guy trying to get the advantage and then squaring up in the ring. Balor grabbed a side headlock to ground Kyle, who hit a belly to back suplex, but Balor held onto the side headlock. When Kyle got out of it, Balor tried a sunset flip, Kyle grabbed the arm and Balor got to the ropes. Kyle with an armbar, Balor couldn’t get out of it right away and then Kyle did a trip that sent Balor to the mat. Kyle with elbows to the ribs, then a running knee to the back and another armbar. After dealing with the armbar for over one minute, Balor hit a dropkick to the face followed by a kick to the back for two. Balor stomped on the left arm leading to an armbar along with a Balor jumping on the left arm. They got back to a standing position with Balor hitting a hard chop to the chest and he wrenched the left arm across the top rope. Balor whipped Kyle into the ropes leading to a running chop and he did it twice. Kyle got some momentum back with a running knee to the ribs. Balor with a chop, Kyle with a kick to the chest, knees to the body, then a sweep kick and Kyle was fired up. Kyle with a forearm to the jaw, Kyle with two double underhook suplexes and a DDT for a two count. Kyle with hard kicks to the left leg, then Balor with a forearm, Kyle with a forearm and Balor with a hard spinning kick to the ribs that led to O’Reilly going down in pain. Balor stomped on the ribs of Kyle so that the referee could check on Kyle and that led to a running kick to the ribs by Balor. There was a hard whip into the corner with Kyle taking the bump sternum style like Bret Hart. Balor continued working over the ribs with a kick to the right side. Balor with an elbow to the ribs for a two count. Balor went for an abdominal stretch, but Kyle countered it with a hiptoss. Kyle hit a running knee to the ribs followed by O’Reilly hooking the legs/arms for a bridging back suplex for a two count. They were both selling while on the mat. Balor came back with an elbow drop to the chest into a two count. Balor with a Slingblade neckbreaker and Kyle came back with a running dropkick to the left knee. Balor slapped on an abdominal stretch and the bloody mouth of Kyle was more visible now. Kyle with a kneebreaker into a kneebar submission. Balor slapped on the Sharpshooter submission, but it was not locked in that well and Kyle was able to get his hand on the bottom rope to break the hold. Balor stomped on Kyle and kicked him in the ribs to keep him down as the announcers talked about if the referee had to step in to save Kyle from himself. Kyle with kicks to the body, Balor with an overhead kick and Kyle bounced off the ropes with a clothesline. Both guys were down selling again as the fans made noise in support of them.

Kyle with a hard kick to the chest, Balor caught the foot and Kyle with a hard slap. Kyle slapped on a guillotine choke and a running knee. Kyle hit a brainbuster for two leading right into an armbar again. Balor stomped away on Kyle’s face to break free. Balor went back to working on the ribs with two forearms to the back. Balor picked up Kyle for the lifting slam for a two count. Balor slowly went up top, so Kyle kicked the leg to knock him down. Kyle did a dragon screw leg whip against the top rope and then Kyle did it to the middle rope too. Kyle went up top and jumped off with a knee drop into the chest. Kyle went up top and did a knee drop to the left knee of Balor. Kyle slapped on the Achilles Lock as he wrenched back on the left foot of Balor. Kyle got a hold of both of Balor’s legs as he wrenched back on them and Balor was screaming in pain. Balor teased tapping out, but then he grabbed the bottom rope to break free. Kyle with a kick to the back of the leg, then Balor went down and was selling a left knee injury. Balor tripped up Kyle leading to a double foot stomp to the ribs or liver, which the announcers kept mentioning. Kyle charged in with a high knee, then a German Suplex and Balor came back with another double foot stomp to the ribs. The crowd was really getting into it now. Balor went up top and he jumped off with the Coup de Grace double foot stomp to the ribs. Balor covered O’Reilly for the pinfall.

AEW Dynamite #9 A9FedHl


Main Event: Darby Allin vs "All Ego " Ethan Page (Anything Goes Match)          

Page with a chair, trying to exterminate Darby from the jump! Coffin Drop disarms him but the Machine Guns give him a window to get back at it and wallop Allin with the chair! HE THROWS DARBY FROM THE RING INTO THE FIFTH ROW! Fighting in the crowd now, as Allin struggles to get to his feet and All Ego throws a table on him. LAWN DART INTO THE WALL! Darby is busted open something fierce here, and Ethan doesn't help matters by introducing his face to the business end of a ladder. Page wraps a chair around his neck and throws him into a ringpost! A second time! All Ego goes under the ring for plunder and gets another ladder out, sending Allin in the ring.

Darby crawling up Ethan's legs and he gets the ladder slammed across his back for his trouble. He's going for the press slam but Allin slips out and throws dropkicks to take him off ballance. O'Connor Roll right into a springboard crossbody on the kickout and Darby brings the ladder down on Page a few times.

Climbing in the corner, Page clips him with an elbow and hits the cross-arm Iconoclasm into the ladder! All Ego sets a chair up before deciding it's not good enough to sit on and putting it into Darby's back. Second try gets a usable one but Allin comes off the ropes and sends Page into it with a headscissors takeover! Chairshots to the back, step-up tornado DDT, Darby is going on instinct but he's going. He climbs up top and gets a chair thrown in his face, leaving Ethan free to look for plunder. He comes up with a table, sets it up leaning in the corner but takes a sidetrack to hang Allin in the ropes and clobber him with forearms.

Overhead chair shot, Darby ducks and the rebound catches Page. Running boot cuts Allin off and a chair is set up once more, this time Ethan lays Darby in it to set up RKEgo but Allin blocks and Page goes through the chair! He hurtles his body through All Ego and they go crashing into the table together!

Darby setting a huge ladder up in the corner, MCMG try to stop him but he kicks them away. Ethan comes over and catches him with a low blow to stop his ascent... PRESS SLAM THROUGH TABLES ON THE OUTSIDE! All Ego throws him back in the ring, and he sets two chairs up together. Page drags him over... PACKAGE PILEDRIVER THROUGH THE CHAIRS! 1...... 2........ NO!!! DARBY ALLIN IS UNBREAKABLE! Ethan has another table and he's directing the MCMG.

Darby is in the crowd with a trash can. He's climbing the bleachers, but Page is at ringside. He's on a balcony... he's wearing the trash can... BALCONY DIVE ONTO THE MCMG! THE CROWD CHANTS HOLY SHIT!!!

He's bringing the can back to the ring with him, he clobbers Page over the head with it again and again! Page is on the table at his mercy and Darby's climbing the ladder.... COFFIN DROP OFF THE LADDER THROUGH THE TABLE! DARBY COVERS, 1.......2........3!!!!

AEW Dynamite #9 ZRBzpkW 

      Excalibur: "For the last three months it has seemed that Ethan Page has had Darby Allins number through many battles. But just as Darby says..... it's not over until your dead! And tonight..... Darby Allin is much alive!"           


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Johnny Rose

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AEW Dynamite #9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #9   AEW Dynamite #9 EmptyThu Sep 08, 2022 12:58 pm

Tell him Finn . He ain’t beating the Dream .

Dem boys are in the house !! The rest of this tag division is on notice .

Scarlet , be nice to Candice .

Finn looked great . Maybe Cole needs to worry about him instead of dreaming of breathing Dusty . Lol

That main event was killer . I’m thinking Page is done with Darby . Lol

Good stuff

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AEW Dynamite #9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #9   AEW Dynamite #9 EmptyFri Sep 16, 2022 4:15 pm

good show here.

thought i left feedback for this show but i guess not.

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AEW Dynamite #9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #9   AEW Dynamite #9 EmptyWed Sep 21, 2022 8:38 pm

thank god finn showed up to break up that little love fest

what a great tag match to open things up

i think the MCMG could really do something in the tag division here

fukin briscoes!!

no idea who these women are but was a good match tbh

smiley martin stealing valuable tv time lol

the machines making this look easy one helluva team tbh

the couples feud is going strong

that was match of the night a really good read that kept my attention and guessing who would win

cole u better be ready for balor

darby is not fukin human!! but how long can his body hold up!! crazy and painful finish for both men!!


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