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 AEW Dynamite #11

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AEW Dynamite #11 Empty
PostSubject: AEW Dynamite #11   AEW Dynamite #11 EmptyWed Sep 21, 2022 4:29 pm

AEW Dynamite #11 7dlSqKO

AEW Dynamite #11 GQyNxTZ

  Excalibur: "ITS WEDNESDAY NIGHT..... AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! AEW Dynamite is live and coming into your home! And what a show we have for you tonight. Your going to see Zach Sabre Jr face "All Ego " Ethan Page and the winner will face Matt Riddle for the AEW Heavyweight title next week. But right now, hold on to your seats for this exciting opener!"  

  Match One: Rey Fenix vs Dante Martin                  

Dropkick by Fenix to start and Martin goes to the outside. Fenix walks a tightrope and hits a cross body to the outside. Martin goes back inside as Fenix rolls through a springboard 450 splash. Hold for hold here as Fenix winds up in a crucifix pin attempt for a two count. Roll through. Jackknife. Cradle. Cradle. Lots of two counts. Back slide into a Gory Special by Fenix. Martin rolls through for a sunset flip that gets two. Martin leaps over a sliding Fenix and grabs a head scissors. Double shoulder block. Back body drop. Canadian Destroyer by Martin as Fenix rolls to the outside. Tope suicida by Martin, who then runs Fenix headfirst into the ring post. Dropkick by Martin to Fenix on the outside. Martin in control in the center of the ring but Fenix reverses an Irish whip and lands a double jump back kick off the middle rope. Fenix sets Martin up back first on the middle rope and hits a reverse Spanish Fly! Two count! Martin ducks a rolling elbow and lands a reverse exploder. Fenix goes up to the top but Martin lands an enziguiri. Diving cross body block off the rope for a two count. Around the world reverse exploder by Martin gets another two count. Rolling thunder Frankensteiner by Fenix gets a two count! Martin kicks Fenix to the outside. Fenix tries to get back in the ring but eats a kick to the face. Fenix reverses a head scussors and has Martin up like a powerbomb, tosses him up in the air like a Last Ride, and hits a cutter! Two count. Martin counters a driver by Fenix into a cradle for a two count, and follows up with a super kick. Martin goes up top and Fenix follows him. Fenix tries the inverted Spanish Fly, this time from the top rope, but both men land on their feet! Poison-rana by Martin! Martin looking for the double jump moonsault that he calls the Nose Dive, but Fenix ducks! Fenix picks up Martin like a reverse suplex, hooks the head, delivers some knees, and then hits a sit out Rikishi Driver! One, two, three! Fenix wins!

AEW Dynamite #11 BHmWEvr

As Fenix celebrates his win, a dejected looking Dante Martin sits in the corner upset over another loss. Then out comes.......

AEW Dynamite #11 YlzsKE4

    Stokely Hathaway: "Dante..... Dante..... Dante! Just look at you! Dwelling over another loss! Feeling sorry for yourself! It's time Dante.... it's time! Opportunity only knocks for so long. You want the stroke? It's time to sign with Stoke!"         

Stokely once again holds out his business card to Dante. Only this time..... Dante takes it....... AND RIPS IT UP! Stokely is shocked as Dante leaves the ring. 


  Excalibur: "WHAT THE.....??? Fans can you believe this? The IWGP Womens champion, Asuka is here!"         

  Match Two: Asuka vs Jacey Jane                 

Asuka misses a right hand and gets rolled up, only to get sent into the corner. Jane misses a charge and Asuka hits the running knees in the corner. The chinlock goes on and out comes Mandy Rose to watch the action.

AEW Dynamite #11 DKumRXu

Jane fights up and hits a pump kick. A running neckbreaker gives Jane two but Jane gets distracted by the appearance of Rose, allowing Asuka to hit the spin kick followed by the Asuka Lock for the submission at 3:20.

AEW Dynamite #11 BAsmABU

    Excalibur: "Impressive debut for the IWGP Womens champion..... but for the second week in a roll,  we have to wonder what Mandy Rose is looking for!"      


  Match Three: Ricochet vs Will Ospreay  for the AEW All Atlantic Championship        

Ricochet grabs a wristlock and Ospreay does multiple nip-ups to get out. Ospreay downs him with a shoulder-block but Ricochet dances around him and hits a headscissors. Ospreay does a flying headscissors but Ricochet lands on his feet and they come to a stalemate. Ricochet stomps on Ospreay’s foot and punches him. Ospreay hits an armdrag, a flying headscissors and a dropkick. Ospreay kicks away at Richocet in the corner and then hits a chop and an uppercut. Ospreay goes for a vertical suplex but Ricochet floats over. Ospreay grabs a headlock and Ricoche gives him a ripchord side Russian legsweep. Ricochet kicks Ospreay in the head and chops him in the corner. Ricochet snapmares Ospreay and hits a step-up back-kick. Ricochet ties up Ospreay in a submission and then places him in a seated abdominal stretch. Ricochet does a crucifix for a pin attempt. They get to their feet but Richochet drives him face-first to the mat. Ricochet hits a spinebuster and then goes for the People’s Moonsault but Ospreay gets out of the way and tries one of his own. Ricochet kicks him away, hits another spinebuster and then is successful in hitting the People’s Moonsault. Ricochet kicks Ospreay in the chest but Ospreay stirkes back and hits a chinbreaker. Ospreay throws punches but Ricochet punches back. Ospreay hits a handspring kick. Ospreay drives Ricochet’s face into the turnbuckle and kicks him in the face. Ospreay hits a leaping forearm and hits a standing corkscrew moonsault. Ospreay goes for a suplex that Ricochet blocks but Ospreay hits an enzuiguri. Ricochet hits a diamond cutter and a standing shooting star press. Ospreay blocks the Benadryller and hadnsprings into headsissors. Ricochet goes to the turnbuckles and hits a back heel-kick. Ricochet hits a reverse hurracanrana but then Ospreay lands on his feet and does one as well. They get to their feet and trade strikes and chops. They both hit high-kicks at the same time. They go to the apron. Ricochet hits an enzuiguri. Ospreay hits a high-kick and Ricochet hits a bicycle kick. They go back and forth with kicks until Ricochet hits a Death Valley Driver on the apron. Ricochet hits a 450 splash off the top rope. Ricochet goes for the Benadryller but Ospreay blocks it and hits an enzuiguri. Ospreay hits a fall-away ace crusher from the turnbuckle, a standing shooting star press and a phoenix splash. Ospreay hits a bicycle kick and a Regal-plex. Ricochet goes up top but Ospreay avoids the 450, hits a Spanish Fly and then hits the Essex Destroyer. Ospreay goes up top but Ricochet avoids the phoenix splash, hits two superkicks, a northern lights suplex and a brainbuster. Ricochet then hits a reverse suplex buster for a two-count. Ricochet does a shooting star press from the top rope but Ospreay gets his knees up. Ospreay hits kicks and does a handspring but Ricochet catches him and hits the Benadriller, 1........2........

Aussie Open storms the ring and saves Osoreay from being pinned and losing the title. The ref calls for the bell and disqualified Ospreay. But the United Empire continue to beat on Ricochet for a few seconds.

AEW Dynamite #11 CWbNflh


We come back from break and see Undisputed Era led by Adam Cole heading to the ring.

AEW Dynamite #11 MySZkkc

Adam Cole: "Its Story Time With Adam Cole...... BAY BAY! Two nights ago, the love of my life, Britt Baker celebrated her one year anniversary as the IWA Womens champion! And what a night it was. ReDragon successfully retained their GFW tag titles. Capped off by a victory from yours truly over the IWA World champion, Dusty Rhodes! Just like I promised Britt I would do. And with that victory it should propel me straight to the #1 contendership! And as soon as that......"        

Cole is interrupted by the appearance of Finn Balor!

AEW Dynamite #11 HloPcpX

    Finn Balor: "Ya know Cole, you never fail to amaze me the way that you can stretch the truth in your favor. The way I recall it, you was about to tap to the figure four had it not been for Rick Rude, you wouldn't have won anything. But I have no dog in that fight. However when it comes to you..... that's a whole different story!"         

Kyle O’Reilly: "Speaking of lucky wins..... you got one on me a couple of weeks back. And now..... I'm just getting tired of seeing your face. Look around Balor..... there's three of us. And only one of you! And thats.....Undisputed!"       

Undisputed exit the ring and separate to start circling around and slowly close in on Balor. But right before they can get to him......

AEW Dynamite #11 1IIDsnd

The Young Bucks come to Finns side. The tension is evident as Finn and the Bucks hold Undisputed Era off as we head to break.


Main Event: Zach Sabre Jr  vs. "All Ego" Ethan Page  (Winner Faces Matt Riddle next week for the AEW Heavyweight title)       

Page is fired up and all business today, attacking with purpose and as ZSJ fights back, the battle spills to the floor. ZSJ works leg kicks and uppercuts, and then works the octopus on the barricade. The flying uppercut follows from ZSJ. Page avoids the PK, but ZSJ transitions into the hanging kimura. Page then hits a draping butterfly back breaker and then a sick apron bomb. RKEGO connects back in the ring, and Page covers for 2. Page takes the heat, laying in huge strikes and dropping ZSJ with ease.

ZSJ then fights back, pops out of the corner and hits the tornado DDT. He follows with uppercuts, hits the leg sweep, but Page catches the PK. ZSJ wasn’t amused and hits a delayed German for 2. ZSJ blocks the bicycle kick and locks in the rolling prawn hold for 2. Page counters the DDT attempt, hits the boot and covers for 2. Page follows with rights, sets ZSJ up top and lands more rights. He looks for a superplex, but ZSJ counters with the octopus hold. They fight for position, and page hits a powerslam off the ropes and covers for 2. ZSJ counters RKEGO into the arm bar, but Page powers out into a buckle bomb and hits the spinning Dwayne for a near fall. Page now looks for the package piledriver, but ZSJ escapes and eats a kick. ZSJ then leaps into a triangle choke; Page escapes and hits the package piledriver for 2. Page looks for another package piledriver,  1......2....... Sabre kicks out and Page lands on the ref!  All Ego sees the ref is down and rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. He slides the chair in the ring and follows in. Page sizes Sabre up with the chair, waiting for Sabre to rise up......

AEW Dynamite #11 X0ntuEy

Here comes Matt Riddle!! The AEW champ slides in the ring and grabs the chair, stopping Page from hitting Sabre. Riddle and Page have a tug of war with the chair, and as Riddle pulls the chair away, the momentum sends the chair into Sabres face!!  Riddle looks on at Sabre as Page rolls out of the ring laughing. As all this continues, out comes AEW Owner...... Tony Khan!

AEW Dynamite #11 Rkak8Zj

  Tony Khan: "We promised everyone by the end of tonight's show that we would have a #1 contender to the AEW Heavyweight title! Unfortunately that didn't happen. I also promised everyone an AEW World title match next week. And that will still happen! Because right here next week, Matt Riddle will defend the AEW Heavyweight title against "All Ego" Ethan Page  ..... and Zach Sabre Jr. in a triple threat match!"        


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Johnny Rose

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AEW Dynamite #11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #11   AEW Dynamite #11 EmptyWed Sep 21, 2022 5:41 pm

Shut up Hathaway .

Mandy don’t want no part of the IWGP Women’s Champion

Well , I was liking Ricochet vs Osprey until the interference.

Don’t worry Cole , Dusty avenges his losses .

Don’t trust the Bucks Finn.

Kahn laying down the law . Triple threat , This I’m not an advantage for Riddle .

Great show

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AEW Dynamite #11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #11   AEW Dynamite #11 EmptyMon Oct 03, 2022 12:42 pm

good show here.

didn't realize that i had not left any feedback on this. Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed

Asuka is here. cheers

Cole got lucky in his win over Dusty. Shocked Shocked

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AEW Dynamite #11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #11   AEW Dynamite #11 EmptyFri Oct 21, 2022 7:30 pm

Gotta say the non smiling man did really well here but fenixis just too damn good!

dante's only chance at becoming a star may just be signing with stokely!

i luv asuka

mandy wants no part of asuka!!

0spreay is one of my faves here but he's gotta get rid of those goons!

cole always running that mouth but maybe he has a right to...maybe!

balor has the odds stacked against him here

YOUNG BUCKS change that problem!

i see a kick ass 6 man tag in the very near future!!

damn...what a great main event but page shows just how much of a punk he actually is!

OH SHIT ! what's gonna be the fallout now between riddle and sabre?

and tony khan settles the problem !!


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