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 AEW Dynamite #8

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Join date : 2020-06-11

AEW Dynamite #8 Empty
PostSubject: AEW Dynamite #8   AEW Dynamite #8 EmptyTue Aug 23, 2022 3:36 pm


AEW Dynamite #8 6zLocxT

AEW Dynamite #8 GQyNxTZ

  Excalibur: "ITS WEDNESDAY NIGHT.... AND YOU KNOW WHAT......"    

Before Excalibur can finish his opening montages, Eddie Kingston storms from out of the back and into the ring.....

AEW Dynamite #8 ZGZNcwm

  Eddie Kingston: "YOU SHUT YOUR FREAKIN MOUTH RIGHT NOW EXCALIBUR! NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR STUPID CATCHPHRASES! So it's been brought to my attention that some wiseass in the IWA has issued a $100,000 bounty on my head! That's gonna bring out every freaky bastard under any rock trying to collect that money. Whoever it is has some really deep pockets..... and shallow balls! Because they can't get it done themselves! Then I got to thinking..... I bet the IWA World TV champion makes some good dough. He's gotta have some deep pockets! Whassdamatter Manny? You wouldn't give me another shot, hoping I would go away? So you put a freakin bounty on my head? I got news for ya pardnah..... that just makes me want your ass even more now! You wanna put a bounty on me? So be it! I'm sure there's someone back there dying to collect. I ain't leaving this ring until somebody tries to come collect Manny's money!"    

Kingston marches around the ring staring at the entrance. Then after a few seconds, out comes......

AEW Dynamite #8 BZ3odzi


  Excalibur: "Ox Baker?? He isn't employed here! He works over in BTW! Folks, it looks like Eddie Kingstons suspicions may be right. Did Manny Fernandez send Baker here to take out Kingston?"

Match One: Eddie Kingston vs Ox Baker ($100,000 Bounty Match)    

Kingston immediately attacks Ox at the opening bell. He lands a dive to the floor onto Baker. Ox blocks a chair shot and hits a chair-assisted leg drop. He throws Kingston into the barricade and hits a suplex onto the floor. Baker props a table against the barricade but Kingston suplexes him through it. Baker powerbombs Kingston through a table setup between the barricade and the apron. Many referees come out to check on Kingston. There’s a long pause as Baker berates him on the microphone and says its time for whoever issued the bounty to pay him! Referees carry Kingston to the back. About halfway up the isle, Kingston gets a second wind causing Kingston to reenter the ring. They exchange shots and Kingston connects with a lariat. Ox blocks a backfist but falls victim to a half nelson suplex. He recovers with a DDT onto a chair. Kingston is busted open!

AEW Dynamite #8 NBYNzd7

Baker hits a chair-assisted corner cannonball. Another table enters the ring and Kingston hits a saito suplex onto it. He follows with another saito suplex through a propped chair. And now Ox is busted open. Baker pulls a spike out of his tights but he gets caught by a backfist. Kingston low blows Ox and hits the piledriver for a nearfall. Kingston spits at Ox then hits a Saito suplex to Baker through a bundle of chairs! 1.....2......3!

   Excalibur: "Good grief..... I'm not sure we can describe Eddie Kingston a winner after that match, especially with all the damage he took from Baker, but nonetheless he is victorious here tonight. But you can bet he's not done fighting..... until he finds the bounty holder!"         

The cameras pan backstage, where we see Johnny Gargzno preparing for his AEW Heavyweight title shot against Matt Riddle tonight.

AEW Dynamite #8 CPmXFk8


  Match Two: Ivy Nile vs Santana Garrett              

Garrett with a takeover and a dropkick, but Nile caught her charging and turned it into a suplex. Nile hipped Garrett into the turnbuckle. Nile stepped on Garrett in the corner. Nile with a body slam, then grabbed a leg and rolled through with Garrett on the back. Nile applied a Torture Rack submission across her back, and Garrett tapped out in about two minutes!

AEW Dynamite #8 JKiXmPp

Nile doesn't even let the ref raise her hand in victory. Nile jumps out if the ring and as she walks up the isle, we see a very impressed Stokely Hathaway!

AEW Dynamite #8 A14SWyt

Ivy stops to look at Stokely for a brief second, then walks away! 


1. Will Ospreay
2. Ricochet
3. Dante Martin
4. Fenix
5. Darby Allin


  Match Three: Kings of Wrestling vs Christopher Daniels & Davey Richards for the AEW Tag Team titles           

Daniels gets the better of an exchange with Hero. Claudio elevates Richards into a suplex. He trades strikes with Hero and catches him with a spin kick. Richards and Daniels showcase some nice teamwork. Hero snaps off a powerslam on Richards and the Kings of Wrestling isolate him. He finds an opening after a dropkick and makes the tag. Daniels hurricanranas Hero and hits an STO on Claudio. He transitions into a koji clutch. Hero breaks up the hold and Claudio connects with a springboard european uppercut on Daniels. Hero follows with the Deathblow for a nearfall. Richards connects with a double missile dropkick and lands a dive to the floor onto both of his opponents. In the ring, Richards applies an ankle lock on Claudio, but he rolls through the hold. Claudio connects with a pop-up european uppercut. Richards counters the Ricola Bomb into a code red. Claudio reverses a handspring enzuigiri attempt into the UFO.

Daniels and Richards hit a superkick-german suplex combination on Claudio. Hero falls victim to a saito suplex. All four men are down after a series of offensive maneuvers. Hero hits a liger bomb on Daniels and levels Richards with a roaring elbow. Daniels avoids the Deathblow and hits Angel’s Wings for a nearfall. Richards synchs in an ankle lock on Claudio. Daniels and Richards run into each other. Hero elbows Richards to the floor and the Kings hit KRS-1 on Daniels to retain their titles

AEW Dynamite #8 SJWwk3r

   Excalibur: "Nice defense there for your AEW tag team champions! The Kings of Wrestling have found new life here in AEW. And outside if the time limit draw they went to with Bret and Owen Hart during The Open, their record is without a blemish! Let's take a look at their top contenders now!"        

AEW Top 5 Tag Teams:

1. The Young Bucks
2. Matt & Jeff Hardy
3. ReDragon
4. Unbreakable F'N Machines
5. Aussie Open


   Match Four: Darby Allin vs "All Ego" Ethan Page w/Motor City Machine Guns  (Anything Goes Match)             

Allin has Page’s name written all over him. The bell sounds, Allin runs wild and takes out the Machine Guns, but Page cuts him off with chair shots. Page tries to assassinate Allin by tossing him from the ring into the first five rows of chairs. Page continues his assault by throwing Allin like a fucking javelin into the wall. Allin is busted open, so Page hits him in the face with a ladder. Page wraps a chair around Allin’s head and posts him to maintain control. Page slams the ladder onto Allin, who is a bloody mess. Allin keeps fighting back, showing great resiliency here. Page cuts him off and hits the iconoclasm onto one of the ladders. Allin again fights back, hitting a RANA and then attacking Page with chair shots. Allin up top, Page hits him with a smash mouth chair toss and then grabs a table. Page works over Allin in the ropes with strikes, but misses the chair shot and it rebounds off the ropes so Page hit himself. Allin counters RKO EGO and puts Page through the chair and then through the table in the corner. Allin sets up the ladder, climbs and has to fight off the Machine Gunns allowing Page to hit a low blow. Page climbs as well, AN PRESS SLAMS ALLIN OFF THE LADDER THROUGH TABLES ON THE FLOOR!

The fans chant "HOLY SHIT! AND PLEASE DONT DIE!" Back in the ring and Page sets up chairs, climbs on them and looks for a package piledriver and hits it but Allin somehow survives. The crowd is trying to rally Allin as Page sets up another table. Allin gets a trash an and goes into the bleachers, puts on the trashcan and goes for the coffin drop and NO ONE CATCHES HIM. Allin drags himself to the ring, waffles Page with the can repeatedly and puts Page through a table with a huge splash off of the ladder for the win!

AEW Dynamite #8 FnAqXIP

Darby can barely pull himself out of the ring and head towards the dressing room he is so beat up. Before he gets there Page grabs the housemic......

AEW Dynamite #8 B4T9eVT

Ethan Page: "Dammitt Darby Allin..... you have been a thorn in my side for far too long. I thought I ended you last week..... but you keep coming back! I'm never going to get that AEW Heavyweight title with you around! So in 2 weeks.... let's end it! You and me.... in a Last Man Standing Match!" 


We come back from break and see Dante Martin in the backstage area re-watching his loss in the match last night against MJF for the IWA X Division title.....

AEW Dynamite #8 2SjrKw5

As Dante studies the footage, up walks Stokely Hathaway!

AEW Dynamite #8 XvDh0rL

Stokely Hathaway: "Dante Martin..... my man! Don't drive yourself crazy watching that footage! Put your head up..... you gave the X Division champion all he wanted in that match and more! The only thing you did wrong in that match..... was not have me in your corner! What do ya say kid? Why not join Stokely Enterprises? And the next title shot you get, you will walk away as champion! Because we all know.... you can't have the Stroke.... if ya don't have Stoke! Here.... take my card! Let's do some great business together!"     

Dante stands up..... looks at Hathaways business card and.....

Dante Martin: "Not interested!"            

Dante leaves Hathaway behind watching on!

Stokely Hathaway: "He will come around! I'll get him..... I'll get him!"           

   AEW Heavyweight Top 5:

1. Eddie Kingston
2. Zack Sabre jr
3. Ethan Page
4. Adam Cole
5. Johnny Gargano


AEW Dynamite #8 2VrpOQv

Its time for our AEW Heavyweight Title main event but as Johnny Gargano makes his way to the ring......

AEW Dynamite #8 HweOU9D

Killer Kross comes from behind and viciously attacks Gargano and smashes the hourglass over Garganos head. They end up on top of the announce table and Gargano fights back finally. Kross falls off the table and Gargano does a huge leap off of it onto him. They go to the top of the stage and Kross gets the advantage again. Kross drives a knee into the temple of Gargano, who was pinned up against one of the video boards. Kross grabs Gargano in the Irish Curse backbreaker and jumps off the stage and drives Gargano through a table!

AEW Dynamite #8 5SM7zSN

The refs and Candice LaRae come out to check on Gargano as a stretcher is immediately called for Gargano. Gargano has a hell of a welt on his forehead from that hourglass shot. It’s full stretcher sell job as the cameras follow Gargano being taken out of the building as they go to the anbulance. The locker room checks on him as well and then Matt Riddle, who was coming for the match, walks past Gargano and isn’t happy with what he sees. The ambulance drives away and then the camera pans up to the trailer truck that was next to the ambulance, and Killer Kross was standing on top of it waving goodbye to the ambulance as show fades to black. 

AEW Dynamite #8 G0FGsPG


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AEW Dynamite #8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #8   AEW Dynamite #8 EmptyWed Aug 24, 2022 8:58 pm

EDDIE are barking up the wrong tree brother....better get some eyes in the back of your head

OH SHIT ...OX IS HERE? And so it begins!!

kingston...i have a feeling things r just gonna get worse for ya MANNY is just a phone call away if ya need some help

no idea who any of these bitches are lol

KOW looked damn good here!

Darby and page is one of my favorite programs here i look forward to more craziness between these two but darby better get some help and soon

there's ol smiley lol

why tf would hathaway want dante?

Kross was fukin brutal here!

What a beatdown!!


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Johnny Rose

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AEW Dynamite #8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #8   AEW Dynamite #8 EmptyThu Aug 25, 2022 2:39 pm

Just what the doctor ordered a violent clash between Kingston and Ox . Thank you for this !!!

Digging the personal rankings .

KOW looked great .

Killer match with Darby and Page !! Wow !!!

Last Man Standing next week .

I think Kross killed Gargano !! Lol

Awesome stuff .
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AEW Dynamite #8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #8   AEW Dynamite #8 EmptyThu Sep 01, 2022 1:13 pm

Kingston opened his mouth and then he gets to face Ox Baker. Twisted Evil

i like that have a Top 5 for different titles.

Kross has made a statement here.

KOW could be on their way to a bright future here in AEW and the IWA.

very good show here in AEW.

ChairShot and badstreetusa like this post

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