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 AEW Dynamite #2

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AEW Dynamite #2 Empty
PostSubject: AEW Dynamite #2   AEW Dynamite #2 EmptyTue Jul 12, 2022 12:10 pm

AEW Dynamite #2 B4w34Dv

AEW Dynamite #2 NH5p5vv

Excalibur: "ITS WEDNESDAY NIGHT.... AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! We are coming to you live from FTX Arena in Miami, Florida.....  and Kevin Kelly.....tonight we kick off the AEW All Atlantic tournament with two first round match ups!"          

AEW Dynamite #2 7l9RUCk

AEW Dynamite #2 VfIxZdO

Kevin Kelly: "That's right Excalibur! We have two matches tonight..... and two first round matchups next week. Then the winners of all four matches will face each other in a Fatal Four way in three weeks to determine the champion. Tonight's matches will be Ricochet against Christopher Daniels as well as Michael Elgin facing what Tony Khan is calling our "Joker entrant!" That's right..... a mystery man! It could get very interesting here tonight."

  Excalibur: "Not only that but we are going to see a women's Fight for the Future match.... where the winner will recieve an AEW contract. Then if that wasn't enough, we know that on August 23rd, AEW will be hosting the Semi Finals of The Open. On that night, MJF has an open contract to defend the IWA X Division title. Tonight we will find out who that man will be! Lots of action..... and we are going to kick things off in a big way!"      

  AEW All Atlantic Tournament Match: Ricochet (0-0) vs Christopher Daniels   ( 0-1)      

They shake hands and Ricochet scores the first kick. Daniels hits one in return and then stays put off a shoulder tackle spot. Daniels charges and tackles Ricochet to the mat. Ricochet kips up instantly. LOTS of crazy flips ensue. Daniels misses a moonsault splash and rolls to ringside to avoid a splash and a kick. The crowd chants loudly for Ricochet as he rushes Daniels at the ropes. Ricochet ducks a clothesline and lands a Zigzag and a shooting star splash for a two-count. He lands a corner uppercut, snapmares Daniels and punts his spine for another two-count. Ricochet follows with an arm-trap Texas Cloverleaf hold but Daniels reaches the ropes quickly so Ricochet kicks and chops him into a corner. He follows with a big uppercut to Daniels spine for another two-count and lands another flurry of strikes. He tries to whip Daniels into the opposite corner but Daniels holds on and then counters the corner whip. Daniels runs into a boot but then manages to duck a discus clothesline, jump onto the top rope, and land a big diving dropkick. Ricochet falls to the floor. Daniels  moonsault to the floor connects.

Back in the ring, both wrestlers briefly trade strikes until Daniels lands a rush, followed by a wind-up kick and a standing corkscrew moonsault for a two-count. Daniels charges for a lariat. Ricochet kicks his hand, reverses another and lands a springboard dropkick. This time it’s Daniels who falls to the floor. Ricochet charges and flies over the ring ropes, the turnbuckle, and the ringpost, and hits Daniels on the floor. The fans chant "HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!"

Ricochet tosses Daniels into the ring and lands a springboard crossbody for two. He follows with a GTS-type move to the gut for another two-count and then goes to the top rope. Daniels cuts him off and teases a superplex. Ricochet punches him off and he lands on the apron. Some fighting ensues. Daniels gains the upper hand with Ricochet perched on the top rope. Springboard hurricanrana by Daniels...... Ricochet lands on his feet. He ducks a lariat and lands an enzuigiri. Northern lights suplex into a Brainbuster. 1......2......NO!!!!  Ricochet signals the end and lifts Daniels onto his shoulders. Daniels escapes and both guys roundhouse kick each other. Ricochet gains the advantage with a flurry of kicks and lifts Daniels up again. Daniels blocks a high kick and lariats Ricochet. Last Ride Powerbomb. 1.....2..... Daniels kicks out. Phoenix Splash…misses. Ricochet lands a springboard shooting star press. 1 .....2.......NO!!!

Ricochet lifts Daniels up for his finisher again but Daniels blocks one kick. But he can’t block another and eats a high kick to the side of the head. Ricochet lifts him up onto his shoulders again. Danoels counters into Angel Wings! 1......2.......Ricochet kicks out! Daniels climbs the turnbuckles with Best Moonsault Ever..... but Ricochet gets his knees up! Now Ricohet goes up....... 630 SENTON!!!! 1......2......3!!! Ricochet secures one of the 4 spots in the Fatal Four way!

AEW Dynamite #2 ULHpWRb


  Fight For the Future Contract Match: Ray Lyn (0 - 0)  vs Tiffany Stratton ( 0- 0)  

They exchanged some hard chops to the chest early in the match, so that showed how intense it was right away. Stratton got the advantage after wrenching Ray Lyns left leg against the ropes. Stratton hit an impressive springboard flip attack onto Lyn on the mat. Stratton did a cartwheel attack followed by a double stomp for two. Stratton did a bridging submission move on the left leg, so Lyn did a punch to the ribs to break free. Ray Lyn made the comeback with a back body drop and a punch while selling the left knee so well that she collapsed to the mat. Stratton with a double knee attack by the turnbuckle followed by a Flatliner.  Stratton climbs up and hits the "Tiffy Twist" (twisting splash off the ropes) for the pinfall win to secure an AEW contract. 

AEW Dynamite #2 Q81qcTS

  Excalibur: "Impressive debut win for Tiffany Stratton..... good enough to secure herself a spot on the AEW roster! We may have yo keep our eyes on this young lady going forward."  


Adam Cole makes his way to the ring with his girlfriend, the IWA Womens World Champion..... Britt Baker!

AEW Dynamite #2 Svnchyu

 Adam Cole: "All you losers take a look! Isn't she beautiful? This is what perfection looks like! Britt Baker! The IWA Womens World champion! Who is just two short months away from holding that title for a full year! You people wish you woke up next to something this great every morning! And that's why I made her the newest member to Undisputed Era! She's a perfect fit! But now...... It's story time with Adam Cole..... BAY BAY!

Last month, the biggest travesty to ever take place in a pro wrestling ring happened. I hit Hangman Page with The Boom in the #1 contender finals...... only to have Rick Rude weasel his way into the pinfall. And ever since that happened that's all people are talking about..... Rick Rude this.....and Rick Rude that! Well it's damned time that Adam Cole got his respect! Your looking at the number one draft pick for AEW! Currently ranked #7 in the world! But yet, the 6 guys ranked above me couldn't even lace my boots! So here's how things are gonna....."      

Cole is interrupted by the appearance of The Young Bucks!

AEW Dynamite #2 SNUO7kS 

  Matt Jackson: "While your on your quest to find your respect...... Nick and I are looking g for something too. And that's answers. We have ran up and down the roads with you Adam for a long time! We ran things in Glory! We owned WCW! And while it may be foolish for us to think otherwise and things would be different here in AEW. But you did kind of screw us in the Casino Battle royal!"   

  Nick Jackson: "And to make things worse, you don't even call yourself part of The Elite anymore? Now it's Undisputed Era? Britt Baker.... we get! But running around with Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly? You have some explaining to do!"

  Adam Cole: "C'mon Bucks..... it's not even like that! What you guys....."           

Cole is interrupted once again! This time by......ReDragon!

AEW Dynamite #2 YW76j2L

  Kyle O'Reilly: "Adam.... you don't have to explain anything  to these guys! I mean, is there anything really to talk about? Your simply aligning yourself with the best tag team in the world. Now thats......Undisputed!"        

Which brings out........


AEW Dynamite #2 Bzuw0hw

  Chris Hero: "We didn't know that you took up doing the ring introductions now Kyle! But if you out here talking about the greatest tag team going..... we thank you for introducing The Kings of Wrestling!"           

Tensions are starting to brew and then we hear......

The fans go apeshit as Matt and Jeff Hardy come out!

    Matt Hardy: "Are you guys even listening to yourselves? I look down around ringside.... and I see some really good tag teams. I really do! But as good as all of you can't mention the greatest tag team ever without mentioning my Brother Jeff and I!"            

Before anything else can be said, out comes the owner of AEW....... Tony Khan!

AEW Dynamite #2 CS24T4J

Tony Khan: "Now how cool is this? Four of the very best tag teams... standing in AEW arguing about bragging rights? Very exciting stuff! But it also gave me a couple of ideas....which truly benefits our AEW fans! So you all make good points. Now I'm going to let you prove it! First.....I'm entering all four teams into The Open! That will be your first chance to prove your claims. Then for your second opportunity, we will begin to have qualifying matches, that will all lead to Ladder Wars on August 3rd..... where the qualifying teams will compete in a ladder match to crown the AEW tag team champions!"         

AEW Dynamite #2 S7TaYT9

All the teams look each other over thinking about Khans bombshell announcement!


   Triple Threat Elimination Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi ( 0 -1)  vs Dante Martin (0 - 0)  vs Daniel Garcia ( 0- 0)  (Winner Faces MJF at The Open Semi Finals)            

The bell ring, and Daniel Garcia and Tanahashi push Dante away. Garcia big boots Tanahashi out of the ring before hitting Dante with an exploder suplex. Garcia then covers Tanahashi for a two count. Garcia kicks him before running into Martin’s boots. Tanahashi dropkicks him down before turning his attention to Martin as Excaliburand Kevin Kelly talk about how refreshing it is to see Tony Khan giving these three guys an opportunityat a IWA X Division shot. Martin shoulders Tanahashi and rolls him up for a two count. All three men then take turns executing roll up after roll up. Finally, Daniel Garcia clotheslines Dante down, and Tanahashi dropkicks Garcia. Tanahashi drops an elbow on Martin then plays his air guitar!

Then Garcia slam Tanahashi into the turnbuckle. Tanahashi elbows him away and goes for a suplex. Martin comes up, and they go for a double-team suplex, but Garcia blocks it. Garcia then suplexes both men! Garcia picks up a two count on Tanahashi for that. Garcia goes for a double under-hook powerbomb, but Tanahashi tries to fight it. Garcia powerbombs him anyway. Martin then hits a springboard elbow drop on Tanahashi. Garcia takes Dante out with a deadlift gutwrench suplex before covering Tanahashi for a two count. A “This is awesome” chant breaks out. Garcia charges, but Tanahashi sidesteps him causing him to hit the ring post shoulder first. Tanahashi then hits Martin with a Sling Blade for a near fall.

Tanahashi goes for a bulldog, but Garcia counters by propping him on the top rope. Tanahashi punches him off. Martin then dropkicks Garcia into Tanahashi. Martin ducks a clothesline and dropkicks Tanahashi, who is now in the tree of woe. Garcia then hits Martin with another exploder suplex. Garcia hits Martin with a running European Uppercut for a near fall. Martin punches Garcia back, and Tanahashi takes Garcia out with a cross-body block for a near fall. Tanahashi hits Garcia and Martin with avalanches. Tanahashi then hits a combination neckbreaker/DDT on Dante and Garcia respectively. Tanahashi covers both, 1.....2....NO!!!!

Tanahashi sends Dante into the ropes, but he lowers his head and takes a neckbreaker. Martin picks up a two count. Martin goes to the top rope, and Garcia hits him with a big uppercut. Garcia goes for a superplex, but Dante punches him back. Tanahashi gets on the ropes as well. Martin then hits a sunset flip powerbomb as Garcia superplexes Tanahashi! Dante then picks up a near fall on Garcia. Martin locks a Sharpshooter on Garcia. Garcia claws his way over to Tanahashi and covers while in the Sharpshooter, 1.....2...... Dante then pulls Garcia away. Garcia then powers out and sends Dante out of the ring. Tamahashi goes for a big DDT, but Garcia counters with a  European Uppercut! Martin springboards off the top rope, but Garcia catches him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! Garcia picks up a near fall on both men.

Garcia drops an elbow on Tanahashi. Martinez  punches Garcia.... goes to the top rope, and hits a flipping neckbreaker. Garcia  landed on Tanahashi who had his knees up. Tanahashi hobbles around, and Martin applies a Sharpshooter. Tanahashi screams in pain, but he withstands it. Garcia then runs in and applies a crossface for good measure. Dante releases the Sharpshooter and attacks Garcia before taking a big DDT from Tanahashi! 1......2...... NO!!! Another “This is awesome” chant breaks out.

Tanahashi goes for a Dragon Sleeper on Garcia but Garcia counters into a snapshot on the top rope. Martin kicks him in the head for good measure, and Garcia hits him with a German Suplex for a near fall! Garcia knees Martin in the face to knock him to the floor. Tanahashi ducks a clothesline from Garcia and counters a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker into the Sling Blade! Martin throws Tanahashi out of the ring and pins Garcia to eliminate him!

Daniel Garcia has been eliminated from the match!

Martin sees Tanahashi struggling to get up at ringside. Martin then hits him with a head-scissor takeover into the steel steps! Martin sends him into the barricade and stomps away at him. Dante stands on top of the barricade before hitting a kick to the temple. Dante puts him back in the ring for a near fall. Martin chokes him on the bottom rope, but Tanahashi avoids a slingshot leg drop. Tanahashi rolls him up for a two count. Tanahashi counters a suplex and goes for the Sling Blade again but Dante holds the top rope. Martin then hits the Triple Jump Moonsault for a near fall!

A third “This is awesome” chant breaks out. Martin goes to the apron and springboards into a superkick from Tanahashi for a near fall! Martin quickly kicks Tanahashi in the head and goes for the Sharpshooter. Martin successfully applies it, but Tanahashi quickly rolls out of it but Martin hits "Dantes Inferno" (Flipping Stunner) to win the match! Dante will now face MJF on August 23rd for the IWA X Division title!

AEW Dynamite #2 DpIsog1 

   Excalibur: "Do you know what we justvwitnessed? We just seen three men put themselves on the map. Not only here in AEW..... But the entire IWA! And now Dante Martin just had the biggest win of his career and now will go into the biggest match of his career against MJF on August 23rd! What a Cinderella story this could be!"     

The cameras pan backstage where we see Lexy Nair catching up with Britt Baker, who is about to leave the arena.......

AEW Dynamite #2 Rv5E7F2

  Lexy Nair: "Britt Baker..... if I may have a minute of your time. We seen you with Undisputed Era earlier tonight but didn't get a chance to ask you about a possible rematch with Kris Statlander?"     

AEW Dynamite #2 QoPiDLq

Baker looks at Lexy disgusted then Britt sees Kris Statlander approaching and quickly hops in her car and drives away just as Statlander gets close!

AEW Dynamite #2 IIoSmQa

Kris Statlander: "DAMMITT! Keep on can run.....but you can't hide forever!"             


AEW Dynamite #2 6xDFSCH

Eddie Kingston: "Manny Fernandez.... we gotta problem pardnah! I ain't done nothing but show you respect since day one dawg. And you came here last my backyard. And believe me when I say.....the Bucks.....they was about to superkick your head in! But I couldn't let it go down like that. And I came out and had your back. And where did it get me? You nail me with that flying Burrito? I thought we was straight! And why? I've made my intentions clear since taking you to a time limit draw during the Sizzler tour. Maybe that's why you struck first? Couldn't handle a little pressure? But it's all good may have struck first, but you better believe I'm gonna hit back even harder!"           

  Match Four: Colin Delaney  (0 - 0) vs Ethan Page  (1-0)         

Page is not amused by Delaney but Delaney is relatively over with the crowd. Delaney gets a rear waist lock but Page elbows his way out of it. Page charges into an arm drag and Delaney starts working the arm. Page fights free with a head scissors which Delaney escapes and hits another arm drag. Now Page is annoyed, he knees Delaney then pokes him in the eye and runs him over with a shoulder block. Page lays in strikes then drops Delaney with a back elbow. Mounted punches from Page then he hits a delayed vertical suplex and poses. Delaney avoids a corner rush and lands a couple of chops. Page with a back elbow, but Delaney pokes him in the eye and hits a flying Cutter for a 2 count. Hard right from Page, then an Ego’s Edge gets the win for "All Ego!" But Page isn't done he grabs Delaney and hits another Egos Edge. Delaney is motionless but Page wants another! Page pulls Delaneys deadweight body up but before he can do further damage, out comes Darby Allin! Darby ducks a clothesline and climbs the turnbuckles and hits a Missile Dropkick. Darby climbs up wanting coffin drop but Page bails out of the ring before Darby can land it.

AEW Dynamite #2 Pxvycsv

The cameras pan backstage where Lexy Nair catches up with Tiffany Stratton......

  Lexy Nair: "Tiffany Stratton, you won the Fight for the Future match earlier to land an AEW contract. What does the future now hold for you here in AEW?"           

AEW Dynamite #2 5raKlWC

Tiffany Stratton: "The biggest misjustice was that I even had to compete for the contract! This will not be the first thing I've ever won. I have an entire trophy room in my home full of body building trophies.....gymnastic medals..... cheerleading awards and so on. When you expect Greatness to happen to you, success just naturally follows you around. I work harder than everyone else but I wouldnt expect you average people to comprehend what I'm saying. And now that I won the Fight for the Future contract...... its safe to say AEW's Future couldn't be any brighter!"    

As Stratton walks away we see another person waking in the arena. Its......It's....... Stokely Hathaway.....

  Lexy Nair: "Stokely Hathaway?? What brings you here tonight?"            

AEW Dynamite #2 RCStCS0

  Stokely Hathaway: "Let's just say it's time to make someone an offer..... they can't refuse!"             


  Kevin Kelly: "Welcome back fans, we are just moments away from our Main Event. But right now I want to bring in our AEW Heavyweight champion...... Matt Riddle! Matt you have been on a tear the last few weeks and the challengers are lining up for a shot at your title.  Who do you have your eye on?"        

AEW Dynamite #2 K887vnV

 Matt Riddle: "Since I've won this AEW Heavyweight title, I've been asked alot "What's on The Bro's" mind? Or "What's next?" There's alot of titles in professional wrestling! There's alot of companies.....but there's only one AEW! And only one AEW Champion. And I plan on being a fighting champion and defending this title against anyone.....anywhere! So the next Bro who wants a title shot..... all they gotta do is step up!"  

This brings in Zack Sabre Jr!

AEW Dynamite #2 J2mMUwb

Zack Sabre: "I'm happy to hear you say that. Because quite frankly.... I think you got lucky against me in our last match. So if it's challengers that your looking for, look no further......BRO!"  

   Matt Riddle: "Well if your coming after my title, you should know how much it means to me. But I'm down want a shot? Get the contract signed. But just remember, Riddle 4:20 says I just Smoked Your Ass.....Bro!"          

   All Atlantic Tournament Match: Michael Elgin (0 -1) vs "The Joker Surprise Entrant"         

Elgin makes his way to the ring with a look of pure determination on his face.

AEW Dynamite #2 IfyU1A6

As Elgin matches around the ring waiting to see who his opponent is, the live audience begins to buzz in anticipation as well. Then after a few seconds out comes.........

AEW Dynamite #2 ILfW0F8


The audience begins chanting "JOHNNY WRESTING!" as Gargano makes his way into the ring!

They waste no time going straight at it, and Elgin goes straight for the vertical suplex. Gargano knees out of it and sends Elgin out of the ring, and follows up with three tope suicidas! Elgin plants Gargano with a sick side slam for 2. Elgin MURDERS Gargano with an Irish Whip into the corner. Elgin follows up with a freefall drop for two. Elgin hoists Gargano up for a Veritcal Suplex, and he SQUATS before he drops him down after a minute or so!!!  Elgin connects hard with a dropkick, but Gargano catches him in the corner with an Octopus Stretch in the ropes. Enzuigiri gets two for the whole Shabang. Elgin hits a Black Hole Slam for a close nearfall and follows it with the deadlift German, for another 2 count. They do the strike exchange in the middle of the ring, until Gargano builds up a head of steam with a barrage of forearms. Elgin dodges a lariat with his arm, bypasses Gargano a few times, and BLASTS him with a lariat for 2. BUCKLE BOMB…INTO A SUPERKICK! GARGA-NO ESCAPE! Elgin counters into a Fireman’s Carry and climbs to the second rope, but Gargano elbows out. Gargano gets caught on a super rana, BUT POWERS THROUGH FOR ANOTHER ONE! 1......2......NO!! GARGA-NO ESCAPE! Elgin finds the ropes. Gargano finds himself out on the apron, and Elgin DEADLIFTS GARGANO UP FOR A SUPERPLEX! NEARFALL! BUCKLE BOMB! ELGIN BOMB…COUNTERED…NO, ELGIN ROLLS THROUGH FOR 2! Elgin looks for the super Elgin Bomb, but Gargano flips over, superkicks Elgin’s knee out and NAILS SISTER ABIGAIL FROM THE SECOND ROPE! THEY DODGE EACH OTHER’S MOVES! CROSSFACE FROM ELGIN! GARGANO FINDS THE ROPES! SUPERKICK FROM GARGANO! SUPERKICK FROM ELGIN! BICYCLE KICK! BACKFIST FROM HELL! BUCKLE BOMB! GARGANO ROLLS THROUGH WITH A JACK-KNIFE! BUZZSAW KICK!  GARGA-NO ESCAPE LOCKED IN....... ELGIN TAPS!!!!

AEW Dynamite #2 HN3uu1i

Gargano advances and secures one of the Final four spots in the finals. Gargano shows his appreciation to the fans as a rejected Elgin watches on, slumped in the corner. Gargano takes his leave. Elgin pulls himself up and is about to leave the ring when Stokely Hathaway enters the ring and hands Elgin a business card.....

AEW Dynamite #2 6NAcx8F

Stokely Hathaway: "Big Mike's time we have a talk! You are now 0-2 here in AEW! It's time to put some hustle behind that muscle! You sign with me and instead of looking up at the will see your name headlined in them! You can't have the Stroke if you don't sign with Stoke!"          

Stokely holds out his business card and Elgin looks it over then takes it. Stokely whispers in Elgins ear and the two leave the ring together as show fades to black.


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Johnny Rose

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AEW Dynamite #2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #2   AEW Dynamite #2 EmptyTue Jul 12, 2022 12:32 pm

That opener was killer .

Cole has a big mouth . Let’s see him back it up .

Man good tag division here .

Not sure what to think of ladder wars .

Good promo by Britt .

Ball is in your court Elgin .

Good stuff
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AEW Dynamite #2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #2   AEW Dynamite #2 EmptyThu Jul 14, 2022 2:00 pm

an action packed show here.hard to really pick out my fav parts.

Ladder Wars. Cool Looking foward to seeing how it all plays out.

i am really liking this AEW,better than Real Life AEW.

ChairShot and badstreetusa like this post

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AEW Dynamite #2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #2   AEW Dynamite #2 EmptyMon Jul 18, 2022 7:45 pm

THE ALL ATLANTIC TOURNEY ending with a 4 way to crown the champ is a cool idea

ricochet with a tough win ! Hoping he climbs the ladder more idea who these women are lol

adam cole...u better keep RUDE'S name outta your mouth

this tag team scene is crazy stacked here in aew

i am digging Ladder Wars tbh

a great match and an upset with " the man that never smiles" getting a HUGE victory!

plz let statlander get that damn title

eddie...eddie...eddie....maybe MANNY hit u a little too was a mistake...get over it...but MANNY has no problem giving u another shot at the WORLD TV TITLE!

Page with a big win but isnt satisfied with just winning the match !

Darby with the save but Page is making a big name for himself and darby may not be ready for him

who is this guy?

yes anothe zack/riddle match!!

elgin's outta jail in japan?? lol


A helluva win in his aew debut!

WTF there's stokley again!


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