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 AEW Dynamite #7

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AEW Dynamite #7 Empty
PostSubject: AEW Dynamite #7   AEW Dynamite #7 EmptyTue Aug 16, 2022 11:02 pm


Before the live show begins, the live audience is treated to an episode of AEW Dark!

AEW Dynamite #7 Y0hO8at

Dark One: The Unbreakable  F'N Machines defeated The Butcher & The Blade

Dark Two: Shotzi Blackheart defeated Kelly Klein

Dark Three: Sabu defeated Scorio Sky

Dark Four: Eddie Kingston defeated Minoru Suzuki

AEW Dynamite #7 7dlSqKO

AEW Dynamite #7 GQyNxTZ

  Excalibur: "ITS WEDNESDAY NIGHT.... AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! We are coming into your homes for another exciting edition of AEW Dynamite! And Kevin Kelly, what a show we have!"

  Kevin Kelly: "We certainly do! Your going to see the rivalry between Darby Allin and Ethan Page continue as well as women's tag team action and how about our Main Event? As the AEW title will be on the line as the champion, Matt Riddle, defends against Keith Lee! And we are going to kick it off with a banger!"      

Match One: Rey Fenix (1-1) vs Dolph Ziggler   (0-0)          

The bell rings, fans rally up as Fenix and Ziggler circle. The two tie up, Fenix wrenches, then wrenches again, but Ziggler wrenches out to wristlock. Fenix rolls under to get a trip up and cover, TWO! Ziggler has the cover, ONE! Fenix is after a leg but Ziggler gets the ropebreak. The ref counts and fans cheer as the two get up. Fenix and Ziggler stare down before they circle again. They tie up with knuckle locks, Fenix hits low then wrenches to a wristlock. Fenix steps over, ties Ziggler up in a cobra twist, but Dolph hip tosses free! Fenix lands on his feet, Ziggler gets around to roll him up, TWO! Fenix kips up and there’s another standoff!

Fenix offers a handshake but Ziggler leaves him hanging and gives a push, Fenix pushes back. Ziggler offers the handshake now, but Fenix takes it, only for Ziggler to SLAP him! Fenix snarls and swings, but Ziggler dodges to CHOP! Ziggler fires up but Fenix CHOPS him back! Ziggler puts Fenix in a corner but Fenix BOOTS back! Fenix goes up, up, but into an ATOMIC DROP to an EXPLODER! Cover, ONE!! Fenix hurries out of the ring but Ziggler pursues. Ziggler drags Fenix up and POSTS him! Fans jeer as Ziggler drags Fenix up and puts him in the ring. Fans rally up, Ziggler stalks Fenix but Fenix kicks from the mat. Ziggler stomps Fenix, grabs at legs but Fenix kicks back!

Fenix kicks more but Ziggler CHOPS! Fenix kicks, kicks and KICKS! Ziggler hobbles up, Fenix kicks again but into a DRAGON SCREW! And a HALF CRAB! Ziggler gets both legs, shifts to a BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Fenix endures, pops out, covers, TWO! Ziggler gets up fast but Fenix CHOPS him again! Fenix puts Ziggler in a corner, ROCKS him with a forearm then CHOPS him again! Fenix wrenches, whips but Ziggler reverses HARD! And then whips HARD the other way! And the other way again! Atomic Drop to BACKSTABBER! Cover, 1.....2..... NO! Fans rally up for Fenix as he survives and crawls to a corner. Ziggler keeps his cool and walks over, blocks the kicks, and he yanks Fenix up into a bomb lift!

Fenix fights out, CHOPS and CHOPS, then runs, only to be thrown to the ramp! Fenix rolls back to his feet, ROCKS Ziggler back, then springboard SOBATS! Fenix builds speed, dodges, tiger feint to HEEL KICK! Ziggler is dazed, Fenix aims from a corner, Fenix runs in to go up, around, but Ziggler throws him over! Fenix gets a leg, drags Ziggler down and hooks the legs up, MUDA LOCK! Ziggler endures as Fenix bends him way back! Ziggler crawls, reaches, and gets the ropebreak! Fenix lets go but follows Ziggler to a corner. Fenix CHOPS again, and CHOPS again, and CHOPS again! Ziggler CHOPS, CHOPS, and CHOPS!

Fenix gets the edge, but Ziggler dodges then follows to get around, SNAP GERMAN! Ziggler drags Fenix up to a POWERBOMB! High stack cover, TWO!! Ziggler has the legs, ties the legs up, CLOVERLEAF! Fenix endures, crawls, hits Dolph’s legs, then turns over to get his arms! Ziggler lifts but Fenix goes up and over to sunset flip, TWO! Ziggler runs into a SUPERKICK! Fenix goes up top to moonsault! Ziggler moves but Fenix just somersaults back into a CUTTER! Cover, 1.....2......NO! Fenix drags Ziggler up, fireman’s carry, FIRE THUNDER DRIVER!! Fenix wins!

AEW Dynamite #7 RoBfYRu

  Excalibur: "Incredible matchup between those two. I hope to see Fenix continue his rose up the ladder and rankings..... I can definitely see him wearing championship gold some day!"         


Match Two: Candice LeRae (0-0) vs Renee Michelle (0-0)   

Feeling out process to start. They trade rollups into a standoff as this is a VERY pro-Candice crowd. Candice sends her into the corner for a missile dropkick but Renee is back with kicks of her own. Renee gets kicked off and a jumping neckbreaker gives Candice two. Candice misses a charge in the corner but manages to avoid a middle rope moonsault. They head up top and it’s Miss LeRae’s Wild Ride (super swinging neckbreaker) for the pin! As the replay is being shown, Candice's husband, Johnny Gargano makes his way to the ring......

AEW Dynamite #7 PEpgHuG

  Johnny Gargano: "I hate to come out here after Candice getting her first win in her debut here in AEW and steal her Thunder.  Because not only is this woman my wife..... my soul mate....... and my best friend. She's my inspiration! See I came here to AEW to be the very best I could be. And my goal is to one day wear that AEW Heavyweight title. But I had a Heartbreaker last week when I lost to Adam Cole! I guess you could say it derailed me. But after some time to reflect.... and I'm not here to dwell in the past. I need to brush myself off and get back to doing what I love to do. Being in this front of all of you. I need to be Johnny Gargano again. More importantly...... I need to be Johnny Wrestling! So here's the deal..... tonight's main event..... Keith Lee against Matt Riddle for the AEW Heavyweight title..... I challenge the winner to a match for that title right here next week!"


   Match Three: Darby Allin vs "All Ego" Ethan Page w/Motor City Machine Guns  

Page challenges Darby to enter the ring and just wipes him out with a lariat. Going right for the package piledriver but Darby slips out, headbutt, low bridge, the Machine Guns surround him... COFFIN DROP TO THE OUTSIDE! Ego has to back the Machine Guns off, takes a dropkick but throws Allin into the stage hard.

Military press... HE SLAMMED HIM FROM THE STAGE TO THE RINGPOST! No count-out win here, Ethan rolls Darby in the ring and covers him... 1.......2....... DARBY ALLIN LIVES! Page gets handcuffs from Alex Shelley and cuffs Allin's hands behind his back! Referee  asking Darby if he wants to quit but he'll fight without hands!

Ethan shoves Allin in the corner and yells at him before throwing him into the corner opposite. Into another, corner avalanche but Darby ducks, boot up on another charge but Page back body drops him, which can't be fun with your hands behind your back. Allin is gasping.

Darby fighting back with headbutts but Ego catches him with a knee, Darby springboards, handcuffed, to evade a charge and hits a headbutt. To the second, turnbuckle, flying headscissors and he headbutts at Page! Dropkick knocks the Machine Guns off the apron and Allin climbs until All Ego cuts him off.

Bulldog headlock on the second, thumb to the eye, he hoists the daredevil on his shoulders and flips the crowd the bird... AVALANCHE POWERSLAM! 1......2...... DARBY KICKS OUT! Page draws him to his feet and Allin spits in his face! RKEgo!!! Page sets up the package piledriver but can't exactly hook the hands, so Page delivers a powerbomb to get the win.

AEW Dynamite #7 8Kgks6D

All Ego gets on the mic to ask the crowd to give it up for the biggest loser in AEW Wrestling..... Darby Allin. He's beaten him three times now, and the only time he was able to get a win was when Zack Sabre, Jr. got him the win. He calls Darby useless trash and says he's taking the trash out.

The Machine Guns have a body bag! They put him in it and zip it halfway, when Page asks them to pick him up. He asks why Darby hates him so much when the crowd only even knows who he is because he made them feel sorry for him. Page says Darby should thank him, not pick fights with him, and he should be grateful that Page even knows his name. But All Ego is gonna give his life some meaning. Page reads his tattoo, "Nothing's over until you're underground," and tells him he can consider his whole career dead, before zipping the bag the rest of the way.

Page asks the crowd to take their hats off and pay respect to the first career killed at the hands of Ethan Page. And now that he realizes that every person in the locker room has their sights set on the AEW title, he's gonna ruin it for everyone and become champion himself!!


Match Four: Kayden Carter & Katana Chance (3-0) vs Tiffany Stratton (3-0)  & Tenille Dashwood   (1-0)     

Carter and Chance have teamed together many times while the team of Stratton and Dashwood was just put together for this match against Carter and Chance. Stratton got the early advantage with a dropkick on Carter and then Dashwood tagged herself in against Carter, who managed to bring Katana in. Katana and Carter hit a double kick to the head followed by Katana hitting a senton splash over the top onto Dashwood, who came back with a hard chop to the chest. Katana tried a spinning DDT, but Dashwood blocked it and hit a powerslam for two as Carter made the save.

Stratton hit a running hip attack on Katana against the turnbuckle. Dashwood again tagged herself in and continued to work over Katana with a superplex attempt, but Katana blocked that and hit a hurricanrana off the ropes. Carter tagged in against Stratton with a flurry of offense including forearms and a dropkick into a splash. Carter with a running boot to the face of Stratton. After Dashwood got involved, Katana took her out and hit a dive on the floor. Dashwood came back with a German Suplex on Carter. Carter tripped up Dashwood, Katana tagged in, Carter took down Dashwood and Kacy hit an incredible twisting splash where she landed her back onto Dashwood for the pinfall win!

AEW Dynamite #7 Ct7mOx3

As Catana and Chance take their leave, Stratton helps Dashwood up to her feet...... ONLY TO CLOTHESLINE HER DOWN! The fans are enraged as Stratton pucks Tenille up again...... Stratton blows the crowd a kiss then hits the Flatliner on Dashwood! Stratton stands over Dashwood looking at her in disgust before she leaves the ring. 

AEW Dynamite #7 GtiYcbC

    Excalibur: "If you didn't know what kind if a person that Tiffany Stratton was before.... you certainly do now! This young lady is all about herself and has an ego a mile long. You can bet that Tenille Dashwood will be looking to get her hands on Stratton as soon as possible."      


  Main Event: Matt Riddle vs Keith Lee for the AEW Heavyweight title             

The crowd is into both guys here, chanting for both as they stand off to begin and share a fist bump. We’re friends to begin, or so it seems, as they start to beat the hell out of each other. They wok to the corner, Riddle lays in knee strikes and running forearms. Lee catches him but Riddle escapes, laying in kicks but lee then hits an overhead belly-to-belly toss into the corner. Lee then works clubbing strikes, beating Riddle down. Lee then flings Riddle across the ring, hits a head butt and then slaps around Riddle. Big chops by Lee follow, Riddle tries to fire up with strikes but lee drops him with a big right and follows with a slam, covering for 2. Riddle then hits rapid-fire strikes, counters the German and hits a superman punch and then hits a dead lift gut wrench suplex. Lee fights out of a second, and hits a big right, covering for 2. Riddle fights back with chops and rights, Lee hits him with a head butt but Riddle counters and hits bro to sleep, a German and that gets 2. Riddle hits the running senton, covering for 2. Riddle follows with kicks to Lee, more chops follow but lee hits a big spinebuster and then destroys him with a pounce for 2. Lee teased the powerbomb, but Riddle countered with a guillotine, transitioned to a neck crank, knee strikes and the fisherman’s buster followed for a good near fall. Riddle follows with four running sentons, covering for 2 again. Riddle is desperate to put Lee away, hits a PK and covers again for 2. Lee catches a senton and HITS THE SPIRIT BOMB!! 1......2......  Riddle just BARELY beats the count. Riddle fires up with strikes, but Lee starts to destroy him with forearms, but runs into a Bro to Sleep  but Lee fires the fuck up and they trade forearms, throwing bombs and Lee hits a toss into a rolling elbow. Riddle is fired up and they continue to beat the shit out of each other, big time strikes here from both men but Riddle hits a knee strike, Lee hits a big head butt and they both collapse, with Riddle landing on Lee and getting the cover for 3! And STILLLLL YOUR AEW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION....... MATT RIDDLE!

As Riddle celebrates, the live audience chants "BRO! BRO! BRO!" and then we see Johnny Gargano make his way to the ringside area. Riddle sees him and holds up the AEW Heavyweight title high in the air as we head into next week's title match between Gargano and Riddle!

AEW Dynamite #7 4h8hcno


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Johnny Rose

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AEW Dynamite #7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #7   AEW Dynamite #7 EmptyWed Aug 17, 2022 7:33 am

Rey Fenix looked good this week .

Ugh , already not liking Candice and Johnny ( aka love to hate 😂)

Page can’t do it himself ?

Women’s match was chaotic . Lots going in there .

I hope Riddle destroys Gargano . Lol
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AEW Dynamite #7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #7   AEW Dynamite #7 EmptySun Aug 21, 2022 12:46 pm

another great AEW Show.

i like this AEW better than the Real Life AEW,not a lot of bs on this show.

i hope Gargano wins next week.

Stratten/Dashwood could be a good feud....

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AEW Dynamite #7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #7   AEW Dynamite #7 EmptyTue Aug 23, 2022 4:49 pm

wasting kingston on dark imo

fenix with a tough win

rene michelle used to be a valet for the real BLACK WALLSTREET here in our area indy fed

sappy ass gargano promo

page just made himself a big time player here in AEW

poor fukin darby lol

again...Dashwood is the only woman i know in this match lol so ofc she takes the pinfall and gets the shit beat outta her by her partner lol

was really pulling for lee but riddle is damn good

hope he kills gargano


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