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 AEW Dynamite #4

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Join date : 2020-06-11

AEW Dynamite #4 Empty
PostSubject: AEW Dynamite #4   AEW Dynamite #4 EmptyWed Jul 27, 2022 12:51 pm


Before the main show goes live, the audience is treated to the debuting AEW Dark!

AEW Dynamite #4 XWkdeKk 

1. Kayden Carter & Katana Chance (2-0) defeated The Jumping Bomb Angels

2. Johnny Gargano (1-0)  defeated John Morrison

3. Rey Fenix (0-1) defeated Daniel Garcia (0-1)

AEW Dynamite #4 B4w34Dv

AEW Dynamite #4 KsYPooy

   Excalibur: "ITS WEDNESDAY NIGHT! AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS..... AEW Dynamite is back on the air for another exiting edition of wrestling action, headlined by two Ladder Wars tag team qualifiers! And we are going to kick things off with one of those matches right now!"  

    Chris Benoit & PAC vs ReDragon (Ladder Wars Qualifier)          

PAC and Benoit start off hot, and they waste no time with stereo tope suicidas! O’Reilly eats multiple kicks and chops and when PAC  eats a boot, he BLASTS Kyle with a chop. We get things in order and PAC and Benoit debaye about who will start the match. Benoit stays in and locks on the arm-trapped cloverleaf as well as taking advantage of a distraction from O’Reilly by using PAC to torque the hold even more. Fish scouts Benoit’s running kick on the apron and drops him down, while O’Reilly comes off the apron to dropkick PAC on a chair! Fish and O’Reilly double-team PAC with a backbreaker/knee drop, only for Benoit to break up the pinfall as Excalibur and Kevin Kelly talk about what Undisputed Era did to Kris Statlander last week.

Benoit watches his partner get punted in the chest and decides to intervene and does with a flurry of big offensive moves, culminating in a German for O’Reilly! SUPERKICK BY PAC ON FISH! SUPERKICK ON O’REILLY! STEREO SUPLEXES TO THE OUTSIDE! O’Reilly and Benoit are alone in the ring and BITCH SLAP FIGHT! SPIN KICK FROM BENOIT! ROARING ELBOW FROM KYLE! GUILLOTINE FROM BENOIT! ANKLE LOCK WHILE KYLE IS STILL IN THE HOLD! O’Reilly eats an enzuigiri in the corner and a superkick/tombstone for a two count! Fish tries to prevent a powerbomb/backstabber and does, allowing ReDragom to isolate PAC. FISH BREAKS UP A PAC ROLL UP WITH A MOONSAULT! A LARIAT DROPS KYLE RIGHT ON HIS HEAD! FISH COMES IN..... POWERBOMB/LUNGBLOWER BY REDRAGON TO BENOIT! On the outside of the ring, PAC looks on disgusted...... then leaves the ringside area to the back, leaving Benoit alone against ReDragon! ACHILLES LOCK/DOUBLE STOMPS ON BENOIT! BENOIT EONT QUIT AND IS FADING OUT!  REFEREE AUBREY EDWARDS STOPS IT! ReDragon win and advance to Ladder Wars!

AEW Dynamite #4 OZBgVYw


Match Two: Kiera Hogan(0-0) vs Tenille Dashwood  (0-0)           

This is Tenille’s AEW debut. Kiera controls the early going and delivers a superkick. Kiera hits a flurry of running strikes in the corner as we see Tiffany Stratton watching the monitor in the back.

AEW Dynamite #4 0toUznM

Tenille connects with a Butterfly Suplex, followed by Taste of Tenille for a two count. Tenille attempts the Spotlight but Kiera counters into a rollup for a near fall. Tenille avoids a running strike, allowing her to lock in the Tarantula on the ropes. Tenille hits a top rope Crossbody, followed by the Spotlight to win.

AEW Dynamite #4 PDT3SHZ

Dashwood let's the live audience know that "It's all about her" as Stratton watches on again looking annoyed.


As we come back from break we see "All Ego" Ethan Page making his way into the ring and demanding the housemic.....

AEW Dynamite #4 P8zxZTT

  Ethan Page: "Now that I finally got rid of that pissant Darby Allin, everyone's been asking what's next for "All Ego" Ethan Page! And it got me to thinking.... what do I want to do next here in AEW? Then it hit me! Clear as day. Being undefeated here... it's only fitting that I go after that AEW Heavyweight title held by Matt Riddle! And My Ego tells me that there's no better......"         

This brings out Zack Sabre Jr!

AEW Dynamite #4 CcP7zHg

   Zack Sabre Jr: "Now you hold on a bloody minute wander! We get it.... we all get it..... you have an ego! Good for you. But don't let that Ego get you to thinking that your just going to leapfrog over Zack Sabre Jr in line to get to Matt Riddle. Do your bloody homework Ethan..... I'm the #1 contender to Riddles title. So before you get any title shot, you will have to go through me first!"  

  Ethan Page: "I don't know how they do things over in the United Kingdom. But here in America, if we want something..... we go out and take it! So since your out here....why don't you get your ass in the ring and bring that #1 contendership with you? Because I have no problem going through you to get to Riddle!"  

  Match Three: Zack Sabre Jr (1-1)  vs Ethan Page  (3-0)        

Page is fired up and all business, attacking with purpose and as ZSJ fights back, the battle spills to the floor. ZSJ works leg kicks and uppercuts, and then works the octopus on the barricade. The flying uppercut follows from ZSJ. Page avoids the PK, but ZSJ transitions into the hanging kimura. Page then hits a draping butterfly back breaker and then a sick apron bomb. RKEGO connects back in the ring, and Page covers for 2. Page takes the heat, laying in huge strikes and dropping ZSJ with ease. ZSJ then fights back, pops out of the corner and hits the tornado DDT. He follows with uppercuts, hits the leg sweep, but Page catches the PK. ZSJ wasn’t amused and hits a delayed German for 2. ZSJ blocks the bicycle kick and locks in the rolling prawn hold for 2. Page counters the DDT attempt, hits the boot and covers for 2. Page follows with rights, sets ZSJ up top and lands more rights. He looks for a superplex, but ZSJ counters with the octopus hold. They fight for position, and Page hits a powerslam off the ropes and covers for 2. ZSJ counters RKEGO into the arm bar, but Page powers out into a buckle bomb and hits the spinning Dwayne for a near fall. Page now looks for the package piledriver, but ZSJ escapes and eats a kick. ZSJ then leaps into a triangle choke; Page escapes and hits the package piledriver for 2. Page looks for another package piledriver and the lights go off! You can hear the fans buzzing as Excalibur and Kevin Kelly wonder what's going on. Then the lights come back on and we see......

AEW Dynamite #4 A1BWT9d

The Reapers brought a black body bag down to the ring and lay it on the ringapron as Page looks on baffled by what he is seeing. Page asked referee Aubrey Edwards to unzip the body bag. She slowly unzips the bodybag and we see......

AEW Dynamite #4 MnLuypJ


Ethan Page can't believe his eyes! But while all this took place, it allowed Sabre to regain his senses. Sabre nails Page in the back of the head with a PK then rolls Page up, 1......2.......3!!!

   Excalibur: "Darby Allin uses the ultimate mind games here and costs Ethan Page his first liss in AEW! Just when you thought the rivalry between Darby and Page was over...... think again!!"   


AEW Dynamite #4 RcUS6Kq

Lexy Nair: "I'm being joined now by Michael Elgin. It's been a rocky start for you here so far in AEW, and just last week we seen Stokely Hathaway make you an offer to join him. What have you decided?"       

AEW Dynamite #4 6wnIPSg

Michael Elgin: "Well I tell ya that...."            

Before Elgin can continue, Stokely Hathaway walks into the interview area.

AEW Dynamite #4 XmPUgdt

  Stokely Hathaway: " Can you hear that Michael Elgin? Tell me that you can hear it! It's opportunity knocking! It's time for you to put some hustle behind that muscle! The train of opportunity is rolling down the track Big Mike! Don't miss that train!" 

Hathaway pulls out a business card. Elgin looks Stokely over for a few seconds..... then takes the card as Hathaway walks away!

  Match Four: Dante Martin vs Chris Masters             

Martin gets over powered by the larger Masters. Side headlock for Martin, then he lands a kick to the head and avoids a spear that makes Masters fly out of the ring. Martin wants a dive but runs into a clothesline in the ring that turns him inside out. Masters stretches Martin through the ropes then lays in strikes before grabbing a chin lock. Martin fights up but runs into a kitchen sink knee strike. Masters misses a slingshot splash and Martin looks to fire up. Martin hits a drop kick, then a pop up drop kick. Masters rolls out of the ring, but Martin hits a springboard top rope splash with his usual ludicrous elevation. Back in the ring Martin hits an enziguri then the Dantes Inferno (double springboard moonsault cutter) and pins to win. 

AEW Dynamite #4 V2GGOlL

  Lexy Nair: "Ladies and Gentlemen.....a huge week for next week's show. We already know that the AEW tag team champions will be crowned by whoever wins Ladder Wars! But one match I'm looking forward to is the Fatal 4 Way match to determine the AEW All Atlantic champion! And one man in that match, joins me now..... Will Ospreay! You have to be concerned by your three opponents next week?" 

AEW Dynamite #4 7rXyzZP

  Will Ospreay: "ME? Concerned? Over what? Let's take a look shall we at my opponents. First we have Sabu! They say he's Suicidal. He must be to think he can compete with me! Then there's Johnny Gargano. What is it they call him..... Johnny Wrestling? That's a real cute name for somebody who has never done anything worth mentioning in this business. And finally.....Ricochet! All the flips and dives in the world..... but no substance! Hear me out closely here.....I've already started a foundation. And after next week..... my Empire will be complete!"        


Main Event: The Hardy Boys vs The Young Bucks (Ladder Wars Qualifier)           

The two Matts start off the match and Jackson shows off his speed early on to Hardy’s frustration. Hardy backs Jackson into the corner and tags Jeff into the match. Jackson goes over to Nick, though, and tags him in, as well. Nick taunts Jeff but Jeff trips him and hits a series of elbows leading Nick to roll out to the floor. The Hardyz do the Young Bucks pose in the ring causing Nick to get mad getting back in the ring. The Hardyz clothesline Nick back to the floor and then run Matt over and knock him to the floor as the Bucks regroup.

Matt Hardy tags in and Nick slaps him before tagging Matt Jackson in. Jackson eats a clothesline from Hardy and then he hits a Suplex. Jeff tags in and the Hardyz Suplex Nick on top of Matt Jackson followed by the Poetry In Motion attempt only for Nick to kill Jeff with a Enziguri in midair. Matt Hardy goes for a Splash Mountain on Matt Jackson but Nick Jackson Superkicks him. The Bucks double team Jeffrey in their corner for several minutes.

Nick goes for Whisper In the Wind but Jeff moves and hits his own. Matt tags in and hits a series of clotheslines on Nick before slamming him into the turnbuckles repeatedly. Matt drops Nick with the Side Effect for two. Matt goes for Twist of Fate but Nick shoves him into the ropes where Matt Jackson knocks him to the floor.

Nick hits the Slingshot X-Factor on Jeff and goes for a Moonsault on Matt Hardy but he moves. Matt Jackson then hits a Flying Dropkick to Matt but eats a dropkick from Jeff as he tried to skin the cat. Jeff goes for a Moonsault but Nick Superkicks Jeff causing him to fall back on Matt Hardy. Nick dives off the top with a Somersault Plancha onto the Hardyz. In the ring, Nick hits a Shining Wizard on Matt Hardy and then the Bucks hit Risky Business for two. Jackson holds Hardy as Nick comes flying in with a Knee Strike but Hardy moves and he hits his brother. Nick tries to Punt Matt Hardy off the apron but he moves.

Jeff hits a Plancha off the apron on Nick and Matt Hardy hits a Side Effect on Matt Jackson on the apron! Jeff hits Poetry in Motion on Matt Jackson. They go for a Twist of Fate/Swanton but Matt Jackson catapults Hardy into Jeff. Nick hits a Ghetto Stomp on Matt and then goes up with Jeff, but Jeff hits a Jawbreaker on the top rope on Matt Jackson! Jeff goes for the Swanton but Matt Jackson moves and hits a Twist of Fate of his own followed by a Swanton from Nick! 1…2…NO Jeff kicks out!

The Bucks go for the BTE Trigger on Jeff but he moves causing them to knee each other. Jeff hits a Double Jawbreaker but then eats a Superkick Party! The Bucks hit a Superkick Party on Matt, too!  1…2…NO The Hardyz kick out again!

The Bucks drag Jeff out to the floor and lay him on top of the ring steps. They go for a Meltzer Driver onto the steps but Matt Hardy crotches Nick on the top rope. Jeff fights Matt Jackson off and Matt Hardy hits the Splash Mountain in the ring! Jeff lays Matt Jackson out on the ring steps and that crazy bastard hits a Swanton onto the steps! Matt Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on Nick! 1…2…NO Nick kicks out! Jeff climbs up......znd flies off with the Swanton but Nick moves and Jeff crashes into the mat! SUPERKICK PARTY FROM THE BUCKS1 1......2.......3!!!

AEW Dynamite #4 PI1sQEK

  Excalibur: "What a win there for the Young Bucks! And now all eyes will be on next week's Ladder Wars match! Who will walk out as the AEW Tag team champions? Will it be The Kings of Wrestling? Could it be ReDragon? Or will The Young Bucks strike lightning again? Join us next week to find out!"


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Johnny Rose

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AEW Dynamite #4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #4   AEW Dynamite #4 EmptyWed Jul 27, 2022 4:26 pm

I was pulling for Benoit and Pac .

Wonder what kind of push Dashwood will get here .

Dude that set up by Darby was excellent . Page took his eyes off the prize .

Just clothesline that loud mouth , Elgin and let’s move on . Lol

ZSJ sounds very confident .

Damn the Hardys lost to the wanna be Hardys . Booo .

Good stuff

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AEW Dynamite #4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #4   AEW Dynamite #4 EmptyWed Aug 03, 2022 1:02 pm

i am really starting to get into this AEW.

like that you included a secondary show for AEW.

Tenille is here. cheers

Hardys lost. Crying or Very sad

not a fan od Darby in real ife l but i feel you can change my mind when it comes to him here.

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