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 AEW Dynamite #14

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AEW Dynamite #14 Empty
PostSubject: AEW Dynamite #14   AEW Dynamite #14 EmptyWed Oct 26, 2022 4:11 pm

       Excalibur: "ITS WEDNESDAY NIGHT..... AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! AEW Dynamite is live and coming into your homes for a great night of Wrestling action as we begin our tournament to crown the first ever AEW Womens champion. Your going to see two first round matchups tonight and we are going to kick things off with one of those first round matchups right now!"            

   Match h One: Tenille Dashwood vs Tiffany Stratton              

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Stratton backs Dashwood into the ropes. The referee calls for a clean break. Quick shoving contest. Dashwood drop steps into a side headlock. Stratton whips Dashwood across the ring. Stratton with a leg sweep for a one count as Excalibur  reminds the tv audience that both these ladies are undefeated this far in AEW. Stratton avoids the leg sweep from Dashwood. Tenille rolls a clothesline from Stratton. Dashwood goes for a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takeover, but Stratton lands back on her feet. Dashwood with a Shotgun Dropkick. Dashwood with a drop toe hold. Dashwood stomps on the left hand of Stratton. Dashwood applies a wrist lock. Dashwood transitions into a hammerlock. Wrist Lock Exchange. Stratton works on her joint manipulation game. Stratton maintains wrist control. Dashwood with a wrist lock takedown then applies a side headlock. Stratton sends Dashwood to the corner. Tenille catches Stratton in mid-air.

Dashwood with a headlock takeover. Dashwood with a running forearm smash. Stratton reverses out of the irish whip. Dashwood applies a wrist lock. Dashwood with a running elbow smash. Dashwood slaps Stratton in the chest. Tenille goes for The Lucha Arm-Drag, but Stratton counters with The Swinging Arm-Ringer on the top rope. Stratton applies The Fujiwara Arm-Bar. Stratton with another Swinging Arm-Ringer. Stratton slams the left shoulder of Dashwood on the canvas. Stratton with a Big Splash. Stratton goes back to The Fujiwara Arm-Bar. Dashwood finally escapes the hold. Dashwood with two uppercuts. Stratton sends Dashwood to the corner.

Stratton with a wrist lock takedown. Stratton with a Double Back Handspring Elbow. Stratton follows that with a Running Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Dashwood with the irish whip. Stratton puts Dashwood on the top turnbuckle. Tenille kicks Stratton in the chest. Dashwood with The Flying Lou Thez Press. Dashwood transitions into a ground and pound attack. Dashwood lands The Suicide Dive. Dashwood rolls Stratton back into the ring. Dashwood with The Side Russian Leg Sweep for a two count. Dashwood stomps on the midsection of Stratton. Dashwood with a Corkscrew Senton Splash for a two count. Stratton with The Rolling Crucifix for a two count. Stratton hits The SitOut PowerBomb for a two count. Stratton slams the left shoulder of Dashwood in the canvas. Stratton kicks Dashwood in the face. Stratton hits The Triple Jump MoonSault, and pins Dashwood! Tiffany Stratton advances in the tournament. 

AEW Dynamite #14 PQa4jtn


We come back from break and see The United Empire already in the ring.

AEW Dynamite #14 YL6Sd9K

Then after a few seconds Ricochet comes to the entrance ramp.... but he's all alone!

    Will Ospreay: "Would you bloody look at this? You came out here two weeks away demanding title shots and said you could defeat us here tonight. And now look at you..... standing there all alone! You couldn't even find two guys who would team with you. Good riddance..... what a waste of time you are!"   

AEW Dynamite #14 QurcbUy

  Ricochet: "Ohhhh on the contrary my man! I have two partners for sure. But these two guys just aren't your average partners! These two guys..... I can guarantee are going to help me beat you guys tonight and then I get my title shot against you Ospreay! The first guy I picked was a no-brainer! I knew I would need someone to get down and dirty. And this guy right here..... has no problem doing that!"           

Fog begins to cover the entrance ramp and as it clears, out comes........

AEW Dynamite #14 PGRymBh


The live crowd ERUPTS and then Ricochet says if they think that's something, just wait until they see his next partner. Then out walks......

AEW Dynamite #14 P5qeyjO


The noise in the arena is almost deafening as Omega makes his way out and inside the ring Ospreay can't believe his eyes as Ricochet leads his team to the ring.

  Match Two: Ricochet, Kenny Omega, & Aleister Black vs The United Empire                     

Kyle Fletcher started with Ricochet with Kyle Fletcher who starts by hitting a headscissors, Ricochet landed on his feet, headscissors by Ricochet and a dropkick. Fletcher with a roll through kick to the head of Ricochet and Will Ospreay tagged in. Ricochet broke free to tag in Black, who kicked Ospreay down. Black with knees to the ribs, elbow to the head and a jumping knee to the face of Ospreay for a two count. Ospreay hit a knee on Black to break free leading to Mark Davis to enter the match. Omega tagged in with a running shoulder tackle on Davis two times and Davis responded and kicked Omega in the face. Omega with a jumping double axe handle off the turnbuckle on Davis and Omega knocked Fletcher down. Black, Ricochet and Omega all did some poses in the middle of the ring leading to a lot of cheers.

Davis whipped Omega into the ring post. Davis hit a running knee to Omega to put him down. Back in the ring, Davis slapped a chinlock on Omega. Fletcher tagged in and hit a slingshot Spear on Omega for a two count. Ospreay tagged in and went for an attack on Omega off the middle turnbuckle, but Omega hit a superkick to stop him.

Ricochet got the tag with a kick to Ospreay then a headscissors takeover by Ricochet to Davis and Ricochet hit a neckbreaker on both members of AussieOpen. Ricochet hit a 619 against the turnbuckle on Ospreay, then a jumping back elbow and a standing moonsault by Ricochet got a two count. Black tagged in with a running forearm, then a chop to the chest and a running kick. Black with a moonsault off the ropes to take out Fletcher and Davis at the same time. Black hit a moonsault off the ropes onto Fletcher and Ospreay on the floor. Davis with a suicide dive. Omega up top and he jumped onto two of the United Empire. Ricochet dropkick on Davis. Ricochet with a somersault dive over the top onto Davis and Ospreay. Black back in the ring with a bridging German Suplex on Fletcher for a two count. Omega tagged in, he hit a clothesline on Fletcher. Ricochet got back into it with a moonsault on Davis. Fletcher back into it with a spear into a DDT on Ricochet. Omega followed up with a headlock into a spinning DDT of his own for a two count. The fans chanted “this is awesome” for them. Ricochet tagged back in with a kick on Fletcher, but he came back with a clothesline. Ospreay tagged in, Ricochet with a superkick, Fletcher was still in the ring, Ricochet with a Standing Shooting Star Press on him and Ricochet went for a moonsault off the ropes leading to Ospreay hitting a superkick right to the head. Ricochet got a surprising rollup for two. All six guys went into the ring for a showdown leading to a slugfest between all of them. Black stomped away on Davis and Ricochet kicked Ospreay on the top rope. Omega was on the floor. Reverse rana by Fletcher to Ricochet, Black with a knee to Fletcher. Davis  clothesline to Black and Omega and Fletcher did a suplex spot over the top to the floor. Ospreay with a Canadian Destroyer on Ricochet! The United Empire trio were in the ring with Ricochet led to three superkicks to the head at the same time with Black making the save. Omega got back into it against the three heels, but Ospreay and Fletcher hit him with a superkick. Black got back into it, so Omega kicked Davis. Ospreay accidentally kicked Davis and Black kicked Davis followed by a Black Mass kick to Fletcher. Omega hit the One Winged Angel on Davis. Black with a Black Mass Kick to Ospreay. Omega with a One Winged Angel to Davis. Ricochet up top and he hit a 450 Splash on Ospreay! 1......2......3!!!  The win guarantees Ricochet a future All Atlantic title shot against Ospreay!


AEW Dynamite #14 QLbyvtY

Renee Young: "Welcome back fans! I have a couple of pieces of information to pass along. This past week the new IWA Rankings was posted. And we now know that on Thanksgiving night, the AEW Heavyweight champion, Matt Riddle, will compete in a 10 man gauntlet match.... where the winner will go onto Wrestle Kingdom to face the IWA World champion.

Now originally, Tony Khan had announced that AEW would hold a show the night before Thanksgiving.  But to be fair to all the AEW talent involved on the Thanksgiving show, that show is now being moved to Black Friday! And right here next week, we will begin a #1 contender tournament, where the winner will face Riddle at the Black Friday event."   

  Renee Young: "Riddle.... things are about to get real busy for you next month. Not only do you not know who you will defend your title against yet on Black Friday..... but the night before that, your in the 10 man gauntlet!"            

AEW Dynamite #14 1s6hfsU

  Matt Riddle: "First things first, bro! I would like to welcome you to AEW and being the new interview dude here! That's pretty awesome! But your right Renee.... Thanksgiving nights gonna be pretty crazy. I mean I'm in there with guys like Ted DiBiase..... Sid..... and Rick Rude! But that's cool Bro! I'm ready to show the world what Matt Riddle can do. But since I'm out here..... I know your a pretty good business investor! And I have a million ideas bro. Check this out..... what does everybody love bro? Pizza! What else does everybody love? Yoga!

Pizza flavored yogurt bro!!! And that's not all. How about you add a little bit of the bro to the yogurt..... and You got Brogurt! Renee.... that's it!!! After I win at Thanksgiving Throwdown..... we can all celebrate with some Bro-gurt! Your a genius! I gotta go file a copyright on this bro!"      

  Renee Young: "There ya have it fans..... the one and only ..... Matt Riddle!"             


Match Three: JD Drake vs Walter                

Bull moose strength testing to start and then into the grappling... AND THEN THE CHOPS BEGIN! Two huge throat chops send Drake to the floor and WALTER follows out after him, ducking one that leads the Blue Collar Badass to chop the post! JD taking everything WALTER gives him and standing tall, trading right back, the crack of flesh on flesh reverberating around the arena!

Red angry welts rising up where WALTER’s fingertips came across Drake’s collarbone, back inside, looking to move onto the big bombs, and the Blue Collar Badass gets a suplex for breathing room! Clubbing away, atomic drop sets up a back suplex on the rebound. Popping up after WALTER catches him with a German, Drake hits one of his own and both men are down and out!

Walter up and at ‘em, chops on chops, WALTER blocks the Stunner, Gojira Clutch denied, the Stunner connects! CANNONBALL! Up top... NOBODY HOME ON THE MOONSAULT! Shotgun dropkick sets up a powerbomb... STILL NO! Chests red and raw, Drake defiant but spent, WALTER catches him with a short-arm lariat. 1......2......3! As the replay is being shown, Walter grabs the housemic.......

AEW Dynamite #14 Lo2Cb2G

  Walter: "I am the mist dominant competitor in AEW! But still, I have been overlooked and it's an absolute disgrace that there's going to be a #1 contender tournament to see who challenges Riddle at Black Friday. The match should be mine! Instead I will go through the tournament man by man until I'm the last one standing. And I don't care who my first round opponent is......."        

Tomasso Ciampa makes his way inside the ring. But before Ciampa can say anything, Walter cuts him off.....

   Walter: "YOU SHUT UP! I TALK..... YOU LISTEN! You represent everything that is wrong with this sport! Lots of talking .... little skill. You can apparently talk yourself into Championship opportunity tournaments.... but you do not have what it takes to win them!"    

Ciampa: "If you ever interrupt me again..... I will knock your block head off your dead body! It's real simple..... the #1 contender tournament is right around the corner.  You wanna make a name for yourself? Start with me!"            

Walter and Ciampa stare each other down as security wisely charges the ring to stop any altercation before it can begin.


  Match Four: Asuka vs Ivy Nile               

Asuka attacks Nike before the match begins. Asuka then hits her with a double knee facebuster and kicks her out of the ring.

The match officially begins. Asuka attacks Nile with a hip attack and a snap suplex. Asuka knocks Nike back and misses a hip attack as Excalibur once again reminds the tv audience that bith these ladies are undefeated in AEW. Ivy knees Asuka in the face and punches away at her. Asuka quickly takes her down and goes for an arm bar, but  Nike goes for a Kirifuda Clutch, but Asuka kicks back and pins her! Asuka advances in the tournament. 

AEW Dynamite #14 S7Ed79e


AEW Dynamite #14 JfkGpk3

Killer Kross comes out to finish out show, no music as always with cascades of boos and “you suck” chants. Those chants leads to “Johny Wrestling." Kross plants himself on the top turnbuckle and tells the fans that they gave up on him far sooner than he gave up on them. The fans disgust him. “Asshole” chants start and he tells the fans that they can keep talking but he’s still going to say what he has to say. Johnny Wrestling chants start again and Kross tells those people to spare him with that bullcrap. He wants to talk about Johnny Wrestling though and how everything has to be about him. He had to come out during a match last week to announce he’s signed his contract for the street fight at Black Friday. Apparently Johnny Wrestling has become Johnny Badass. Kross says it’s adorable. But of course anything for Johnny to take away from the fact that he almost crippled his own wife two weeks ago. This is all on Johnny. He brought his wife into this. He wanted the fight. Kross didn’t want to fight. He was minding his own business. Even with his wife and refs begging him not to do anything, Johnny just had to make something out of it. Johnny should’ve listed to his wife and he sure should listen to Kross now. Black Friday, don’t show up. The fairy tale is coming to an end and it won’t be a happy ending. His wife is broken and Johnny is going to join her.

AEW Dynamite #14 Y52n7bC

Gargano now appears and is trying to be held back by security but he breaks free and charges the ring. Refs try to stop him and he instead dives through the ropes and takes out Kross. Now they go into the crowd and Johnny leaps from the bleachers, over the wall onto Kross on the floor. No one can keep Gargano from Kross and now they’re back in the ring. Security stops Gargano just enough for Kross to lay him out from behind with a lariat. Kross stomps away at the head of Gargano and then locks on Johnny’s own submission, the Gargano Escape. Kross lets it go and seems pleased with his work for now and leaves the ring. Kross waves bye to Gargano and Gargano comes back fired up and charges Kross up the ramp. Gargano slams Kriss head first into the LED board just like Kross did to him weeks ago and Kross is bleeding heavily! Gargano continues the assault. Gargano now locks on the Gargano Escape on the stage as the blood rushes down Kross’s head and everyone tries to pull him off as our show comes to an end.


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Johnny Rose

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AEW Dynamite #14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #14   AEW Dynamite #14 EmptyThu Oct 27, 2022 7:55 am

Not familiar with either woman , however good write up .

Still think Black is just Goldberg with Karate , Omega is great . What it boils down to however is smart play by Ricochet. Now can he capitalize on his title shot ?

Terrific stuff with Riddle .

Tamaasio has arrived !!! Can he beat the unstoppable Walter though ?

Good win for the IWGP Woman’s Champion .

Thinking Gargano fucked with the wrong guy .

Good shit my man . 😂
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AEW Dynamite #14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #14   AEW Dynamite #14 EmptyMon Nov 14, 2022 5:43 pm

good show here.

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