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 AEW Dynamite #3

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AEW Dynamite #3 Empty
PostSubject: AEW Dynamite #3   AEW Dynamite #3 EmptyTue Jul 19, 2022 8:23 pm

AEW Dynamite #3 B4w34Dv

AEW Dynamite #3 M52QTKP

      Excalibur: "ITS WEDNESDAY NIGHT.... AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! We are coming to you live from Fort Myers, Florida! And Kevin Kelly tonight we have two matches to find out our entrants into the Fatal 4 way in 2 weeks to determine the All Atlantic champion!"      

AEW Dynamite #3 0twerAe

  Kevin Kelly: "That's right Excalibur! We already know that Ricochet and Johnny Gargano are in that match! And tonight we round out the field, starting with our opening contest! Let's send it down to the "Dapper Announcer" Justin Roberts!"    

AEW Dynamite #3 FwQEFNH

   Justin Roberts: "Your opening contest of the evening has a 20 minute time limit, and is set for......  ONE FALL!"          

  All Atlantic Tournament Match: PAC (0-0) vs Will Ospreay (1-0)     

Both men stared each other down before finally locking up. Pac used his strength advantage to dominate Ospreay early on but Ospreay would flip out of anything Pac hit him with. The crowd was genuinely electric throughout all of this with duelling chants the whole match. Then they started to run the ropes, hitting dropkicks, hurricanranas and lariats on each other, with every move carrying weight.

Pac took it outside and threw Ospreay around a bit, and Ospreay just about got back into the ring before the count, but had been cut on the outside and was bleeding from the nose. Ospreay hit a Sasuke special to the outside, and Pac moonsaulted onto Ospreay out the ring.

Pac came back with a huge superplex. With both guys down in the ring both guys were pulling out all the stops to pin the other, with suplexes, spanish flys and flips galore. With around a minute left, Pac gave Ospreay a low blow. He then went to hit the black arrow as the clock counted down but as PAC jumped off, Ospreay springs up out of nowhere and catches PAC in the OS-CUTTER! 1......2.......3!!! Will Ospreay advances to the title match!

AEW Dynamite #3 7zVeh0F 

AEW Dynamite #3 Go4tqsT

Lexy Nair: "Last week Dante Martin shocked the world when he defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi and Daniel Garcia for the right to face MJF for the IWA X Division title on August 23rd during The Open! Your thoughts heading into the biggest match of your career?"         

AEW Dynamite #3 9W2hoJc

  Dante Martin: "It's crazy isn't it? A month ago I wasn't even on the radar and then Tony Khan seen something in me that nobody else did, and signed me to AEW! All my life I've been the unknown..... and now I finally get the opportunity to show that not only was my win over Tanahashi and Garcia not a fluke..... it's the beginning of big things for Dante Martin! And who knows.....maybe this time next month, you could be calling me the X Division champion, Dante Martin!"        


Ladder Wars Qualifier: The Motor City Machine Guns (0-0) vs The Kings of Wrestling (0-0)    

Hero starys off and flips to the apron and Shelley does the same thing. Claudio shoves Sabin away and poses. Sabin tries a headlock but Claudio just sets him on the top turnbuckle. Claudio works a headlock and Sabin manages to escape, but a dropkick can’t knock down the big man and Claudio hits his own dropkick. Sabin comes back with a headscissors. Hero tags in so Sabin tags in Shelley. They do chain wrestling sequence, Hero hits some chops but Shelley hits a wheelbarrow armdrag, flips Hero off, hits a victory roll armdrag and slaps Hero. Hero tries to slap him back BUT gets armdragged. Hero comes back with an elbow, tags out and Claudio decks Sabin, avoids a superkick from Shelley by going to the floor but Sabin kicks him from the apron. Shelley catches a boot from Hero, ducks a rolling elbow, can’t bring him down with a drop toehold so Sabin adds a bulldog and that sets up the neckbridge/dropkick combo. The MCMG make a wish and kick Claudio. Sabin drops an axe-handle on Claudio’s arm, but can’t a snapmare. Multiple elbows allow Sabin to hit and he rakes the eyes. He gets Claudio in the corner and leans up for a choke, which Shelly adds to. Claudio tries to fight to Hero but Sabin pulls him back. Shelley’s chop gets no sold so he pokes Claudio’s eyes. Shelley slams Claudio into Sabin’s boots and Sabin hits a hilo. Claudio gets the tag and Hero slingshot stomps Sabin before elbowing Shelly, and then shoves him off the apron with his boot. Hero tries an O’Connor Roll but Shelley get the blind tag and sends Hero to the floor. Claudio takes a series of kicks, Shelley fakes an Asai Moonsault on Hero and Sabin hits a suicide dive! Shelley hits a missile dropkick on Hero! Shelley whips Hero, who flips to the ropes, boots Shelly, bicycle kick from Claudio on Shelley, and Hero boots Sabin to the floor! Claudio hits a hair mare on Shelley and the Kings drive him into the corner. Hero slams Shelley into his boot and then into Claudio’s. Hero snapmares Shelley and the Kings hit a flash kick/diving European Uppercut to the back of the neck combo, 1..... 2...... Sabin makes the save. Claudio chases Sabin but Sabin is so athletic he hangs off the apron to avoid his shots. Huge gorilla press gets 2 for Claudio. He lifts Shelley for a suplex, Hero tags in and shoves him down by his ankle, and Shelley stumbles into an elbow to the back! Only 2 as Sabin saves! Hero dares Sabin to hit him and shoves him outside when he tries. Claudio swings on the second rope so Hero can slam Shelley into his boots, and then grounds Shelley with a cravat. Shelley hits an enzugiri and kicks Hero to the floor, Claudio ducks a second enzugiri but takes a mule kick, Shelley tries to make the tag but Hero pulls Sabin to the floor! Claudio gets 2 off a running European, sets up Shelley for a catapult rolling elbow but Shelley quickly hits Hero with an elbow, stomps on Claudio and then hits a slingshot DDT on the apron! Hero charges into a shoulder and Shelley hits the same move inside the ring. Sabin FINALLY gets the tag! Flying forearms for Hero and he dropkicks Claudio’s knees on the apron, Hero runs into his boots and Sabin SNAPS OFF the hurricane rana! Then he hits a springboard crossbody over the ropes to Claudio on the outside! SPRINGBOARD DDT! 1…2…NO! Hero is too big to Cradle Shock, and then he rolls through it into a sunset flip but Shelley CROSSBODIES HIM FROM THE TOP! Sabin uses Shelley to spring into a dropkick on Claudio! Shelley hits a crossbody to Claudio, Sabin hits an elbow in the corner, Shelley adds an enzugiri, SKULL & BONES! 1…2…NO! Claudio makes the save and dumps Sabin to the floor, hits an inverted atomic drop but Shelley blocks a European into an attempted backslide, hits a superkick but Claudio counters Sliced Bread by setting him up top, but Shelley sneaks out of the UFO, Claudio tries the Ricola Bomb but Sabin hits an enzugiri! ROLLING ELBOW TO SABIN! TURNBUCKLE FLATLINER BY SHELLEY! LARIAT BY CLAUDIO! Claudio and Sabin trade moves, SICK POP-UP EUROPEAN UPPERCUT! 1…2…NO! CRAZY UFO but Shelley! Hero drops Shelley to the floor and rams him into the barrier. Hart Attack Elbow sets up the Big Swing/Flash Kick! 1…2…NO! Sabin avoids a Liger Bomb and gets a small package for 2, enzugiris Hero, Shelley tags in but misses a double stomp and gets elbowed! 1…2…NO! Hero hits the flying elbow in the corner, Shelley counters an elbow with one of his own but ROLLING ELBOW! 1…2…NO! Shelley beats him to the elbow and the MCMG hit a series of elbows, springing off each other’s back, Claudio tries to grab Shelley but Sabin hits an enzugiri, ASSISTED SLICED BREAD #2! ASCS RUSH ON HERO! 1…2…NO! They set Hero up for the Sliced Bread Powerbomb, but Claudio boots Shelley off the top, and then they hit K.R.S. (Elevated flip into modified aided Michinoku Driver) on Sabin to get the win and advance to Ladder Wars!

AEW Dynamite #3 EvFISJo

    Excalibur: "What an epic tag team encounter! That match could have went either way! You have heard the hype about the AEW tag team division...... that match defined it perfectly! And now The Kings of Wrestling advance to Ladder Wars on August 3rd!"     

As we head to break we see a video vignette on Tenille Dashwood.......

AEW Dynamite #3 S1eVcpW

Coming Soon to AEW!

Then the cameras show Tiffany Stratton who doesn't look impressed to see that Dashwood is coming.

AEW Dynamite #3 5XfEPBP


Match Three: Dante Martin (1-0) vs Matt Sydal  (0-0)         

Sydal caught Martin with a leglace and bridged into a neck vice, then tied Martin up with a bow and arrow. Sydal kept the match grounded because he couldn't keep up in the air with Martin. Sydal hit a clothesline in the corner, followed up with charging knees for a near fall.  Sydal hit a cobra clutch leg sweep and transitioned into an inverted stretch muffler and then a cobra clutch on the mat, but Martin got the ropes. A standing mariposa got a one count because Martin rolled through into a crucifix which Sydal instantly kicked out of. Martin started to come back with body shots and then pancaked Sydal with an inverted side slam. Martin flipped over Sydal into a stunner for a two count.

A gamengiri and double jump moonsault from Martin got two. Sydal came back with a michinoku driver that looked absolutely devastating for two. Both guys missed knee strikes and collided going for cross bodyblocks. Martin hit a juicebox for two. Martin came off the middle ropes with a crossbody, but Sydal caught him with a leg lariat. Sydal went to the top, but Martin met him there. However, he got chopped back down by Sydal who hit a meteora from the top rope for another near fall. Sydal rolled up Martin for two. He went for the lightning spiral, but Martin flattened out into his own cradle for two. As Sydal is getting up, Dante kips up and hits "Dantes Inferno " (Rolling Stunner) to get the pinfall.

Excalibur: "Ladies and Gentlemen can you believe this kid is only 19 years old? And quite honestly I've never seen anyone get the airtime that he does! He could very well give MJF problems next month! But right now let's get you back to Lexy Nair backstage!"           

   Lexy Nair: "Joining me now is Eddie Kingston! After your match with Manny Fernandez during the Summer Sizzler tour, you told the champion that you was going to do things the right way and work your way up the IWA World TV rankings before you get a rematch. Since that time, you have victories over Okada, Bruiser Brody, and even won a Bunkhouse Brawl match. How confident are you in the upcoming rankings that will be released in just a matter of days?"     

AEW Dynamite #3 XsPGxkj

  Eddie Kingston: "Confident? I guess it's all up to the suits in the IWA who does the voting! You just called it.....I've beaten some of the best lately. My record speaks for itself. Regardless of where I fall in the rankings..... I have a receipt for Manny Fernandez to deliver! All he has to do is show up here in my backyard to get it!"     


  All Atlantic Tournament Match: Chris Benoit (0-0) vs Sabu (0-0)         

Sabu tries to go for a lot of high flying spots, such as his Asai Moonsault then he went for his triple jump spot that resulted in Benoit hitting the ropes and Sabu crotching himself on the top rope. Benoit climbed to the top to attempt a senton. Sabu rolled out of the way, and Benoit crashes to the mat as we see PAC watching on in the isle.

AEW Dynamite #3 GENFG5n

Sabu rolls out if the ring and sets up a table by the ring as Benoit notices PAC at ringside.
Sabu attacks Benoit and crotches him on the turnbuckles...... SABU HURRICARANA'S BENOIT THROUGH THE TABLE!  Sabu is selling after that spot while Benoit regroups and Sabu taunts PAC at ringside, which allows Benoit to come behind Sabu in a rear naked choke only for Sabu to counter the submission by flipping over and pinning Benoit while still trapped in the hold! Sabu is your winner and locks in the final spot in the championship match!

AEW Dynamite #3 4fLFOYn

   Excalibur: "And with that win, the field is now set and we have our Fatal 4 Way ready to go in two weeks! Who will be the first champion? Will it be Ricochet..... Johnny Gargano......Will Ospreay......or the Suicidal..... Homicidal..... Sabu!"   

AEW Dynamite #3 TI4CpN3


Match Five: Kris Statlander (3-0) vs Deonna Purazzo  (0-0)     

We start with some lock-ups, with Purazzo eventually scoring with a headlock takedown as she tried to keep the much taller Stadtlander on the mat. Kris is able to work herself free before Stadtlander pulled Purazzo down into a Fujiwara armbar, as she then opted to work the arm in a rather different way instead.

After that, Stadtlander cartwheels around the ring, eventually taking Purazzo down with some headscissors, before a waistlock takedown keeps Deonna on the mat. Another headlock takedown’s next as Stadtlander was asserting herself on Purazzo, but she turns it around with a shoulder block and an armdrag when Kris decided to take it to the ropes.

Purazzo keeps up with the armdrags as the pair kept things simple, with the arm of Stadtlander continuing to be worked on as Purazzo worked an armbar into a deathlock, before taking Stadtlander into the corner for an uppercut. The follow-up cannonball misses, allowing Kris to score an easy two-count from the remnants of that, before she switched up her game plan and worked a bridging deathlock to Purazzo’s left leg. A leg sweep and an eventual handstand/legdrop from Stadlander keep her ahead for a near-fall, as a cravat slowed the pace down again. Some short-arms clotheslines kept Purazzo on a leash, but she’s able to duck one and respond with a German suplex, before Stadtlander kicked out of a Victory Roll and… blasted Pur with another clothesline. She drags Pur into the corner but Purazzo catches her up top, only to get shoved back down as she eventually took Stadtlander down with a superplex!

Purazzo continued her fightback with some right hands and clotheslines, only for Stadtlander to return the favour before she got caught with a lucha armdrag takedown for an eventual near-fall. A spinning heel kick from Stadtlander almost ends it right there, before Purazzo clotheslined her to the outside as a low-pe took the pair into the seating. Back inside, Purazzo scores with a Russian legsweep into a crossface but Kris rolls into a pinning attempt for a near-fall.

Stadtlander catches another kick and lifts Purazzo into another Electric Chair, this time dropping her on her face before Purazzo rebounded with another superkick for another close call. If anything that made Purazzo get a little cocky, as she started to trash talk Stadtlander, who looked for more high kicks, including a pump kick alongside Purazzo forearms, before catching her off the ropes with a Finlay roll.

The follow-up springboard moonsault misses allowing Purazzo to dropkick her back into the corner for the cannonball for another near-fall. Purazzo goes back into the crossface, but again Stadtlander gets free as her long frame easily allowed her to get into the ropes. Some pinning attempts follow for a string of two counts, before an axe kick from Stadtlander followed by a 450 splash from Statlander to get the pinfall. After the victory, Statlander asks for the housemic......

AEW Dynamite #3 KwAeRhG

Kris Statlander: "At Summer Sizzler I had Britt Baker dead to rights! Was just moments away from defeating her to become the IWA Womens World champion, only to have her take the high road and get counted out to hold on to her belt. And ever since then, all I find myself doing is chasing her around. As she keeps escaping and not putting her name on the dotted line for a rematch! Britt likes to claim that she's beat them all...... but she hasn't beat me!"      

This brings out the world champion..... Britt Baker!

AEW Dynamite #3 PE2ooB4

  Britt Baker: "Soooo..... here we go again! The new flavor of the month, Kris Statlander, running off at the mouth thinking you deserve another title shot. But doing absolutely nothing to deserve it! Normally I would be offended, but being the IWA Womens World champion for almost a year now......I've heard it all before! Instead I should come down to that ring and pound some respect into you. But I for one, don't like getting my hands dirty with trash like you! But they do......."      

Statlander turns around and sees......

AEW Dynamite #3 ZQUHVdL

UNDISPUTED ERA!!!          

Before Statlander can react, Adam Cole charges in and nails her with "THE BOOM!" Statlander falls to the mat as Cole looks out to Britt and blows her a kiss. Cole then instructs ReDragon to "finish the job!"  Bobby Fish lifts Statlander up and ReDragon hits Chasing the Dragon (Vertical suplex lift by O'Reilly followed by a roundhouse kick to the back of Statlander by Fish followed by a brainbuster by O'Reilly)

The crowd damn near goes into riot mode!!! With Statlander down and out, here comes Britt Baker who gets in the ring and puts Statlander in the Lock Jaw!!!  Statlander is motionless and is deep trouble until The Young Bucks storm the ring as Undisputed Era take their leave!

AEW Dynamite #3 PE7O5MC 

  Excalibur: "Can you believe what we just seen? Undisputed Era do the dirty work for Britt Baker here tonight and then Baker adds insult to injury by putting Stadtlander in the Lockjaw! Undisputed have stooped to an all time low here! Fans we are outta time! We will see you next werk!"       


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Johnny Rose

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AEW Dynamite #3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #3   AEW Dynamite #3 EmptyFri Jul 22, 2022 7:10 am

Good opener .

Don’t know anything about Dante Martin

Tag qualifier was insane .

That Eddie Kingston promo was fantastic.

That Fatal Four Way will be epic .

Oh come on !!! Fucking Undisputed Era !!! Oh well Cole is gonna get his ass locked by Dusty next week
. Lol

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AEW Dynamite #3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #3   AEW Dynamite #3 EmptyWed Jul 27, 2022 12:37 pm

another good AEW Show here in the IWA.

kinda like this AEW better than the Real Life AEW.

SABU cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers

really liking the Baker/Statlander Feud.

Tenille is coming to AEW.
The ALL ABOUT ME ERA is about to begin in AEW.

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