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 AEW Dynamite #5

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AEW Dynamite #5 Empty
PostSubject: AEW Dynamite #5   AEW Dynamite #5 EmptyTue Aug 02, 2022 10:56 pm


AEW Dynamite #5 1rTDd4t

   Excalibur: "ITS WEDNESDAY NIGHT..... AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! AEW Dynamite is coming to you live for tonight's Ladder Wars! Where you will see the AEW tag team champions crowned in a ladder match! Matt Riddle defends the AEW Heavyweight title against Zack Sabre Jr...... and we kick things off with a Fatal 4 Way to crown the first ever AEW All Atlantic champion!"    

Match One: Johnny Gargano vs Sabu vs Will Ospreay vs Ricochet for the AEW All Atlantic title           

All four men stand in their respective cirners as the introductions are made. Once the bell rings, the live crowd comes to its feet as Gargano went right after Ospreay and they brawled up to the entrance ramp. Ricochet and Sabu also went at it. Ricochet went for a cannonball, but Sabu got out of the way and he went right into the guardrail. Gargano noticed Sabu alone in the ring and he went back to the ring and began trading blows with him. Ospreay hit a springboard forearm on Gargano and cleared the ring before making the cover, but he only got a two count. Gargano fired back on Ospreay, but Ospreay landed on his feet after Gargano went for a German. Gargano quickly fired back and lifted him up halfway for a suplex before dumping him right on his face. Ospreay went for a handspring, but Ricochet nailed him with a chairshot. Ricochet got into the ring and hit Sabu with a chair. Gargano hit a dive to the floor on Ricochet at the five minute mark. Gargano set up the chair in the middle of the ring. Ricochet suddenly countered Gargano and suplexed him through the chair. Ricochet set up a chair in the corner. Gargano tried to counter, but Ricochet spun around and sent him right into the chair in the corner.

Gargano came up bleeding and Sabu ran into the ring and stopped Ricochet from hitting Gargano. The pace picked up and Gargano hit a double DDT on Ricochet and Ospreay. Sabu caught Gargano with a Slingblade a short time later and everyone was down on the mat as the crowd chants "THIS IS AWESOME!"

As all 4 men are down out comes.......

AEW Dynamite #5 W0hnekO

Bill Alfonso!

Alfonso rallies Sabu on then Sabu began going after Gargano ’s leg. He hit a dragon screw and locked in the high angle cloverleaf. Ospreay moved the ref and set up for a Hidden Blade on Sabu, but Ricochet stopped him. Ospreay grabbed the title and hit Sabu in the back of the head with it to break up the submission and the fans boo. Ospreay hit Sabu with another belt shot, 1.....2...... but Gargano broke up the pin. Ospreay hit a 450 on Sabu and made the cover, 1......2..... but Gargano broke it up. Gargano made the cover, but Ricochet tossed him out of the ring. Ricochet then covered Sabu who kicked out at the very last second. They went to a crazy sequence between Gargano and Ospreay. Sabu suddenly caught Gargano with a Slingblade. Sabu caught Gargano with an Arabian Facebuster but Ricochet came out of nowhere and hit Sabu with a Benadryller!  Gargano hit a Baby Ace Crusher, but Ospreay did not sell it. Gargano avoided a hidden blade and hit a slingshot DDT for a nearfall. Gargano then applied GARGA-NO ESCAPE.  Sabu went up top and hit Ospreay and Gargano with a flying legdrop to the back. Sabu went up top again, but Ricochet cut him off.

Ricochet hit a left hand and lifted Sabu but he fought out of his grasp. Ricochet hit Sabu with the Vertigo, but Gargano sent Ricochet flying off the apron to the floor. Gargano wanted a  Garga-no escape on the apron, but Sabu hit a plancha. Sabu set up Gargano on a table on the floor and went up top. Sabu then put Gargano through a table to the floor. Ricochet and Ospreay traded near falls at the 15 min mark. Ospreay shoved the ref and hit a low blow on Ricochet.  All 4 men are down again and the lights go dark and we see the tron light up with......

AEW Dynamite #5 LEOG6JE

Then two men rush the ring! Its......

AEW Dynamite #5 HC1McQC

AUSSIE OPEN...... Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis!

Fletcher and Davis grab Ricochet and hit Corealis (Double Elevated pumphandle half nelson driver) to him. Aussie Open revive the ref as Ospreay hit The Hidden Blade on Ricochet! 1......2.....3!! WILL OSPREAY IS YOUR AEW ALL ATLANTIC CHAMPION!

AEW Dynamite #5 ILbV4M7 


We come back from break and see Kevin Kelly trying to catch up with Will Ospreay backstage.......

AEW Dynamite #5 LRAZYxc

Kevin Kelly: "Will Ospreay....if I may? Can you tell us what the meaning of this is and just why these Gentlemen interfered on your behalf just now?"       

  Will Ospreay: "What is this?  Is this how you congratulate a new champion? The first ever AEW All Atlantic champion at that? I bloody told everyone that I was building a foundation when I arrived here. I told you....I told all those people..... and I especially told Ricochet! And now that I have this title.....and these men with me.... the project is complete. You ask who we are? We are..... The United Empire! And wrestling as you knew it will never be the same again!"       

AEW Dynamite #5 YL6Sd9K

Match Two: Eddie Kingston  vs Tomohiro Ishii           

The crowd was into the action early and Kingston eventually caught Ishii with a single arm DDT. Kingston began focusing his attack on Ishii’s arm. Kingston hit the Kobashi style chops on Ishii in the corner, but Ishii fired back with some big chops of his own. Ishii fired back and caught Kingston with a suplex, but Kingston kicked out at one. Both men began slapping each other across the face and the pace picked up. The fans cheered as they continued to slap the crap out of each other. Both men slapped each other at the same time several times. Kingston hit a German, but Ishii got right back up and hit a German of his own. Both men then staggered around the ring and fell down and the fans lost their minds at the ten minute mark.

Ishii ducked a spinning backfist. Kingston then ducked an enzuguri attempt. Ishii then caught Kingston with an enzuguri and both men were down. Kingston ducked a lariat, but Ishii caught him on the rebound. Kingston fought out of his clutches and hit a chop. Kingston hit a DDT, but Ishii got right up and hit a sliding lariat for a nearfall! Ishii went for the VDBB, but he couldn’t get Kingston up. Ishii took one spinning backfist, but wouldn’t go down. Ishii hit a heabutt, but Kingston hit a second spinning backfist  and covered Ishii, 1......2.......3!! As the replay is shown, Kingston takes the housemic.......

AEW Dynamite #5 KostxAJ

  Eddie Kingston: "I came out here a couple of weeks ago and told Manny Fernandez that I had a receipt with his name on it! I figured with Manny being the man he is, I wouldn't have to ask again for him to show up here in AEW. And you know what I got? Crickets! I got no response dawg! Then he just disappears! He ghosts me! Then I see the pictures..... hes sitting on the beach, feeding his face and drinking up the beers. Good on ya dawg....good on ya! Well I seen you back last night at The Open tournament.  So that tells me that your ready to get back to work! So Manny..... your #1 contender to your title is right here in AEW..... Calling your ass out! Now.... what you gonna do about it?"          


Match Three: Dante Martin vs Peter Avalon            

Avalon attacks Dante from behind. Avalon is throwing haymakers at Dante. Avalon applies a wrist lock. Avalon sends Dante to the corner. Dante dives over Avalon. Dante ducks a clothesline from Avalon. Dante sends Avalon into the ropes. Dante leapfrogs over Avalon. Avalon denies The Headscissors Takeover. Dante dropkicks Avalon for a two count. Avalon slams Dante’s head on the top rope. Dante dropkicks Avalon off the ring apron. Dante ducks a clothesline from Avalon. Avalon drops Dante with The Death Valley Driver for a two count. Avalon unloads two knife edge chops. Avalon transitions into a corner mount. Avalon dumps Dante out of the ring.
Avalon drives Dante back first into the ringside barricade. Chop Exchange. Avalon rakes the eyes of Dante. Avalon rolls Dante back into the ring. Avalon bodyslams Dante. Avalon goes for The MoonSault, but Dante ducks out of the way. Dante scores two forearm knockdowns. Avalon reverses out of the irish whip from Dante. Dante side steps Avalon into the turnbuckles. Dante with an Apron Enzuigiri. Dante with The Flying Crossbody Block for a two count. Dante delivers his combination offense. Dante sends Avalon to the corner. Avalon kicks Dante in the face. Avalon drops Dante with The Tornado DDT for a two count. Dante fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Dante backflips over Avalon. Dante with The Slingshot Pescado. Dante rolls Avalon back into the ring. Dante connects with Dantes Inferno to pickup the victory.

AEW Dynamite #5 V2GGOlL

  Excalibur: "Dante Martin wins yet again! Since he win the contract a few weeks back to face MJF for the X Division title coming up at The Open in a few weeks, this kid has been unstoppable! Could the Cinderella story come full circle that night, and we see a new X Division champion?"      


We return from break and see the #2 contender to the IWA Womens title...... Kris Statlander in the ring!

AEW Dynamite #5 VfTBIHx

   Kris Statlander: "I have been chasing Britt Baker and that IWA Womens World title all Summer long! And whether it be via a countout.... disqualifications..... or even trying to have Undisputed Era try to take me out of the equation. But even after all that......I'm still here! And they say good things come to those who wait? It's true! Because at The Open..... on August 16th..... I finally get her in the ring and a shot at that world title! And on the 17th.... you can call me the new Womens World champion!"


Match Four: Matt Riddle vs Zack Sabre Jr for the AEW Heavyweight title     

Riddle gets a waistlock but Sabre wrestles his way out. Sabre gets a leg-lock and gets Riddle in a surfboard and stretches him all over the place but Riddle gets to the ropes. They battle back-and-forth in a test of strength sequence. Sabre grabs a top wrist-lock and Riddle bridges back and grabs a cross armbreaker. Sabre grabs a headscissors but Riddle counters into a Muta-lock. Sabre grabs Riddle’s arm and twists him into a bow-and-arrow. Riddle counters into an ankle lock. They get to their feet and Riddle knees Sabre in the gut in the corner. Riddle gives Sabre a delayed vertical suplex. Sabre kicks a charging Riddle in the face and hits him with uppercuts. Sabre blocks a kick and gets Riddle in a bridging roll-up. Riddle stops a soccer kick and gets Sabre in a leg-trap suplex. Sabre floats over in a back suplex attempt and traps Riddle in an octopus hold. Riddle gets out and applies an ankle lock. Riddle gives Sabre a belly-to-back suplex and then gives him a delayed German suplex. Sabre blocks a Germn suplex attempt and catches him a body-scissors and a kimura. Riddle gets out and hits a Death Valley Bomb. Riddle kicks Sabre in the back and they trade slaps. Sabre hits a seated Riddle with a soccer kick. Sabre goes for an ankle lock but Riddle counters with a bro-mission and Sabre taps out to give Riddle the upset win. AND STILLLLLLL....... YOUR AEW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION...... MATT RIDDLE!!!!!

AEW Dynamite #5 PNCvbpY 


  Ladder Wars: The Young Bucks vs Kings of Wrestling vs ReDragon for the AEW Tag team titles         

The Bucks make their way to the ring and start tossing a bunch of chairs in the ring at ReDragon and we finally get to action with wild brawling and everyone running wild on the floor. Chris Hero brings out a table, Matt cuts him off, and back in and Claudio cuts him off and then double stomps Kyle O'Reilly through the table on the floor. Hero starts attacking with chair shots, Bobby Fish is busted open and they beat him down with trashcan shots as the Bucks are dominating. Hero starts doing the spinning ladder spot, but the Bucks cut him off with superkicks. Fish sets a ladder in the corner, but Matt powerbombs him into it. The Bucks now work over ReDragon, running through double teams, and hitting suicide dives on the Kings of Wrestling. They get a ladder, KOW fights them off work double teams on Matt. They keep the Kings on the floor. Fish is a bloody mess. The Bucks stop ReDragon from climbing, Nick climbs, O'Reilly cuts that off and Matt spears Fish. Nick and O'Reilly climb, Matt superkicks Fish, and Fish hits a code breaker to stop Nick from climbing. Fish climbs but the Kings cut him off with chair shots and suplexes Nick into a ladder in the corner. Fish is tossed into a ladder and grabs at his knee right away. Fish cuts off Hero and the Bucks knock him to the floor, Fish busts out a tope and Nick hits a corkscrew dive to wipe out the pile. Claudio dumps Matt over the top and through a table. Claudio has been busted open now, and Fish low blows him and ReDragon pout Hero through a table on the floor with a slingshot cutter. Matt gets a sledgehammer, Claudio dares him to attack, but Matt opts to toss it away and hit superkicks and a spear. O'Reilly hits a RANA and sends Nick onto a bridged ladder. Matt catapults the ladder into O'Reilly face. Matt climbs but a bloody Claudio cuts him off with chair shots and hits a back breaker into the chair. ReDragon takes out Nick on the floor. Hero is busted open now and slams O'Reilly and climbs the ladder and O'Reilly follows him up. Matt spears O'Reilly off the ladder. Hero then intercepts the Meltzer driver with a flying cutter. Hero gets fresh ladders, and the Kings make a ladder bridge and also set up a table. Fish, lays in chair shots on Claudio  and hits a Styles clash onto a chair. Fish climbs, he and Hero brawl, and Hero gets sent onto the ladder bridge. Nick is back, looks to grab the titles, but Claudio topples over the ladder and Nick flies to the floor and crashes through tables. Hero knocks Fish off the ladder and through a table and the Kings of Wrestling pull the titles down! YOUR WINNERS......AND NEEWWWWW AEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS...... THE KINGS OF WRESTLING!!!!

AEW Dynamite #5 QIy7mIq

   Excalibur: "To say that The Kings of Wrestling are back..... is an understatement! Just last night during The Open they defeated the former world tag team champions, Black Wallstreet! And now, just 24 hours later, the win Ladder Wars over ReDragon and The Young Bucks to become the first ever AEW Tag team champions! Kings really do..... Reign Supreme!"   


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Johnny Rose

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AEW Dynamite #5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #5   AEW Dynamite #5 EmptyWed Aug 03, 2022 8:22 am

Lots of interference in the opener . Wow .

Solid promo from Kingston .

Speaking of promos Statlander !!!

I think Riddle is going places . He’s been red hot .

KOW is turning a lot of heads as of late .

Killer stuff

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AEW Dynamite #5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #5   AEW Dynamite #5 EmptySun Aug 07, 2022 12:31 pm

Alfonso is here.

United Empire could be something big here.

Manny/Kingston could be a good match.

Statlander could be the 1 who finally beat Britt for the title,but then again i have said that before about others in the past.

KOW beat the Bucks. cheers cheers cheers cheers

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