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 AEW Dynamite #10

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Join date : 2020-06-11

AEW Dynamite #10 Empty
PostSubject: AEW Dynamite #10   AEW Dynamite #10 EmptyTue Sep 13, 2022 3:35 pm

AEW Dynamite #10 1yrefEE

AEW Dynamite #10 ChWc2Wg

    Excalibur: "ITS WEDNESDAY NIGHT..... AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! Hello everybody.... Excalibur here as we come into your homes for another exciting edition of AEW Dynamite!"    

AEW Dynamite #10 WbjtskN

         Ricochet opens the show by coming to the ring for a promo. He says he always wants people to remember him, wherever he goes. He intends on taking over AEW! It may be cocky, but there’s one and only one....  Ricochet. The only thing on his mind is the AEW All Atlantic Championship.

AEW Dynamite #10 Zofb0I4

   Will Ospreay interrupts and says no. He doesn’t understand who gives Ricochet the right to say these things. He chastises Ricochet calling himself the “one and only” and how he “makes this look good.” Ospreay says hes the All Atlantic champion..... and the title looks good around his waiat. Ospreay says no matter how Ricochet flips or flops, he needs to land in the back of the line. Ricochet responds with, “You’re good, but you ain’t me.” He’s here to steal Ospreay’s title and spotlight. Anything Ricochet can do, Ospreay says he can do better. Ricochet wants him to prove it, but Ospreay walks off.           


AEW Dynamite #10 YrwyugN

  Match One: Fred Yehi vs Walter               

They work the power vs. speed battle early, with WALTER controlling with ease. WALTER plays monster until he misses an elbow drop, allowing Yehi to work stomps and a basement dropkick. Yehi picks apart the legs of WALTER, grounding him and finally putting some offense together. WALTER gets pissed, fires up and drops Yehi with a big boot, sending him to the floor. The fight goes to the floor with WALTER laying in big time chops. Yehi goes back to the attack on the knee, stomps on WALTER’s hand on the steps but then gets slammed onto the apron. Back in the ring and every time Yehi tries to fire up, WALTER cuts him off with strikes or power moves. WALTER takes Yehi down again, and follows with a big senton and that gets 2. Yehi hits the up kicks to the chest, and finally stops the assault of WALTER and takes him down. WALTER is back up, works a sleeper and then transitions into a series of suplexes, which gets him a near fall. Yehi escapes the powerbomb, hits a standing double stomp and then another. Yehi then hits the dead lift German for a near fall. WALTER fights off the koji clutch, they trade chops and Yehi attacks the arm but WALTER kicks out the leg and hits the powerbomb and press for a near fall. WALTER back to the sleeper, Yehi fights but drops to a knee. Yehi fights back to his feet and slams WALTER to the corner and sets him up top. He follows, but WALTER head butts him; Yehi hits the up kicks as he hangs off the ropes and hits a huge superplex for a near fall. Yehi transitions into the koji clutch, but WALTER powers out and hits another powerbomb. The running boot and German follows. WALTER locks in the choke sleeper and and gets the win via submission. 

AEW Dynamite #10 WWRCRvt

  Excalibur: "What an impressive debut for Walter! This guy is a beast and the bar just got raised here in AEW."    


Match Two: Hiroshi Tanahashi  vs Zach Sabre Jr     

Sabre Jr. got the upper hand and countered anything that Tanahashi could produce. But he could not counter Tanahashi’s punches to the gut. Tanahashi was then firmly in control, using his reverse crossbody before stealing Sabre Jr’s neck snap.

When Tanahashi tried to enter the ring, Sabre Jr caught him with a Dragon screw and a Jujigatame in the ropes. Sabre Jr. attacked Tanahashi’s left arm with holds and kicks as Sabre got increasingly more cocky. Tanahashi was on the ropes, with Sabre Jr. cutting off a comeback with a Fujiwara armbar and an Stepover Toehold with Armbar. Sabre Jr. kept Tanahashi trapped on the mat, flowing between submissions until Tanahashi reached the ropes.

Tanahashi fired back with strikes and both wrestlers fought over a Cobra Twist until Tanahashi switched gears and hit a Dragon Screw. The Ace went back to the body punches that helped him earlier in the match, getting a two count with a flipping senton. Tanahashi and Sabre Jr. tried to out-think each other, with Sabre Jr coming out on top with a Jujigatame that led to another rope break.

Sabre Jr. then locked in another Jujigatame, which he transitioned into a triangle choke. That led to yet another rope break. Sabre Jr. let his anger get the better of him as he continued attacking the arm, only for Tanahashi to kick in the knee. A running front neck lock by Sabre Jr. was countered into multiple twist and shouts by Tanahashi. Sabre Jr. went for a Zack Driver, but Tanahashi countered with his own Zack Driver for a nearfall. Tanahashi then hit a Sling blade and a cross body style High Fly Flow, except Sabre Jr. rolled through into a Japanese leg rolling clutch to get the pinfall. Sabre gets up motioning the title around his waist as a message to Matt Riddle that he wants Riddles AEW Title.

AEW Dynamite #10 XsStNoy


Match Three: Shotzi Blackheart vs Gigi Dolin     

They did a pre-match handshake in what is Dolin’s AEW debut. They did some mat wrestling early with neither woman getting the advantage. When they were about to lock up again, Mandy Rose appeared on the stage.

AEW Dynamite #10 4Q1EQbc

Shotzi and Dolin stopped to look at her, but then it continued as the women exchanged kicks. Dolin with a snapmare into a kick to the back. Shotzi got a rollup for two. Shotzi bridged back on a submission and then she followed up with more kicks to the body. Dolin got an inside cradle for two. Dolin got another rollup for two. Dolin with an STO for two. Dolin with a forearm to the jaw, then Shotzi came back with a dropkick into the ropes. Shotzi with another dropkick this time with Dolin against the ropes. Shotzi hit a head/arm suplex for the pinfall.

AEW Dynamite #10 UqgJzgg

Mandy Rose looked as if she was a bit impressed, but then she walked away without saying or doing anything.


AEW Dynamite #10 876GqMD

   Lexi Nair: "Welcome back fans! I'm joined now by the AEW tag team champions..... The Kings of Wrestling! Chris Hero, we know you have a big match coming up in a few minutes against Killer Kross, a match your taking for your friend, Johnny Gargano. But after what transpired last week when we seen The Briscoe Brothers attack you guys, it's pretty clear that they are here wanting those AEW tag titles!"          

AEW Dynamite #10 96ZdaDR

    Chris Hero: "I'm just gonna get straight to the point here Lexi......Claudio and I don't call ourselves The Kings of Wrestling because it's a cool little nickname! We have that name because it's bygod true! And anyone..... including the Briscoes..... who wants to try and take these titles.....just say when!

Now onto Killer Kross! Two weeks ago you took out a good friend of mine in Johnny Gargano! And you did it the coward way by jumping him from behind. I'm about to walk out to that ring..... why don't you come try that shit with me?"       

The cameras pan back to the ring where we see Tomohiro Ishii in the ring......

AEW Dynamite #10 Y5bH7fp

  Tomohiro Ishii: "I come all way from Japan for one reason...... I want bounty money! Eddie Kingston......get out here!"           

  Excalibur: "Can you believe this? Whoever has placed this bounty on Eddie Kingston, the news has made it all the way to Japan and Ishii is here to collect! And here comes the War King!"   

AEW Dynamite #10 LWKM8hS

  Match Four: Eddie Kingston vs Ishii ($100,000 Bounty Match)              

Kingston storms the ring and they engaged in an early chop-fest that got a rise out of the crowd. Eddie bowed out for a moment by putting his hands on his knees, but they fired up again and this time Kingston got the better of it and the crowd responded with Eddie chants.

The right side of Ishii’s chest was bright red from the chops. Kingston put Ishii down and then hit him with a running forearm that led to a two count. Kingston toyed with Ishii by lightly kicking his head. Ishii stood up and grabbed Kingston by the throat. Kingston knocked Ishii’s arm away and then chopped him. Ishii no-sold the chops and put Kingston down with a running shoulder block. Ishii followed up with a side suplex and covered Kingston for a two count. Ishii threw a kick at the back of Kingston, who stood up and slapped him. They traded slaps back and forth while using both hands. Ishii went for a move. Kingston tried to counter it, but his shoulder gave out. Ishii ran the ropes and went for a lariat, but Kingston showed he was playing possum by blocking it.

Ishii and Kingston traded more strikes and both men fell down to sell the effects. A “THIS IS AWESOME” chant broke out. Both men stood up and went for lariats. Ishii knocked Kingston down with a shot. Kingston came right back with a lariat and a powerbomb for a close near fall.

Kingston performed a half and half suplex, but Ishii rolled through it and charged. Kingston put Ishii down with a lariat and covered him for another close near fall. Ishii blocked a spinning back first and then hit Kingston with an enzuigiri and a lariat for a two count. Ishii picked up another near fall.

Ishii tried to suplex Kingston, who blocked it. Kingston tried to return the favor, but Ishii blocked it. Kingston connected with a spinning back fist and got another near fall. Ishii headbutted Kingston, who responded with spinning back fist. Ishii headbutted Kingston again. Kingston powered up Ishii and performed a Northern Lights Bomb and got the three count. After the hard fight Kingston demands the housemic......

AEW Dynamite #10 QMOUmZu

  Eddie Kingston: "HEY MANNY..... Your paid assassins..... they ain't getting it done dawg! I've lost all respect for your bitchass! Stop ghosting me Manny! Be a man! Come get this ass whipping yourself! And bring that world TV title too!"          


   Match Five: Hakim Zane vs "All Ego" Ethan Page             

Page wore him down, he talked trash to Zack Sabre Jr., telling him Evolve is his company and that AEW title belongs to him. Sabre came to the ring to get a closer look. Zane got a few hope spots in but Page kept control. Zane managed a standing SSP for a near fall but then rolled into the Ego's Edge and Page got the win.

AEW Dynamite #10 3If3JjO

Page and Sabre start jawjacking each other and the tension is getting high when out comes The AEW Heavyweight champion....... Matt Riddle!

AEW Dynamite #10 QrhovYJ

    Matt Riddle: "BROOOOS!!! You guys gotta relax! Your so uptight! What's the deal? You haven't been laid in a while or what? Just chill.....bro! Chill! Listen, I have something you both want in this AEW Heavyweight title right? It's an easy fix. How about you too knuckleheads face each other next week? Whoever wins.....I will give the title shot to the next week!"      

PHe and Sabre stare at each other and both nod their heads in agreement!


Main Event: Chris Hero vs Killer Kross w/Scarlett          

Hero hits the ring fast, wanting a piece of Kross. When the bell rings, he lays into Kross and hits a shot that sends him outside to regroup. Hero follows out with a forearm and a boot. He adds another shot and goes inside. Kross exits again and it greeted with a sliding dropkick. Hero slaps him. They fight inside and Hero nails a suplex. Kross turns things around and hits a knee lift on a draped Hero. He stomps on him relentlessly until the referee counts to four. Back inside, Kross stomps on Hero and talks trash. “WHAT ARE YOU? BIG BROTHER?” He takes to the mat and works a chinlock. Hero fights out and hits a stiff shot. Pump kick in the corner and another elbow. Another big kick by Hero and he grates his boot on the face of Kross. Hero removes the pad and drives his elbow into Kross eye. Hero also exposes the knee and drives it on the eye. Kross fights back with a kick, but Hero levels him on the top. Hero pulls him off the top with a cravat, holding it for a hanging submission. He drops hm down for a near fall. Hero keeps wailing on Kross who hides behind the referee. He uses it to sneak in a cheap shot and then beats on Hero. Behind the referee’s back, Kross seems to pull something out and dig it into Hero’s eye. Hero answers with a bicycle kick but Kross ducks the diving elbow. He hits a knee to the back of the head for a close two count. Kross drives his boot on Hero, who fights up and hits a knee. Kross with a boot. Hero blocks his elbow with his own. Hero wants a discus elbow but eats a discus lariat. Modified neckbreaker by Kross. Then Kross lifts Hero up..... Doomsday Saito! 1......2.......3!

AEW Dynamite #10 VcXeIm7


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Johnny Rose

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AEW Dynamite #10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #10   AEW Dynamite #10 EmptyTue Sep 13, 2022 4:25 pm

Tell that pussy ass Britt how it is , Ricochet. He sucks so bad , he killed the Queen .

Walter looks good . Not sure who the other guy is .

Man my guy Tanahashi ain’t doing to well here .

Shotzi !!!!

Kingston took down another bad ass . Ishii is no joke .

Page vs Sabre Jr next week will be killer !!!

In speaking of Killer ( see what I did there ) , what a performance .

Great show

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AEW Dynamite #10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #10   AEW Dynamite #10 EmptyWed Sep 21, 2022 9:57 pm

OSPREAY is one of my favorites here

no idea who yehi is but walter is a dangerous man

great match with tanahashi and sabre

sabre better be careful what he wishes for

solid women's match

kow vs briscoes could be a great one

eddie,eddie,eddie... why keep fooling yourself? MANNY is his own man and if he wants to do somethinh, he does it himself u r barking up the wrong tree brutha

riddle...thanik god u interuppted that bullshit bro

lay down the law matt...u can beat both imo

kross continyes to dominate and should climb that ladder big time here


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