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 AEW Dynamite #15

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AEW Dynamite #15 Empty
PostSubject: AEW Dynamite #15   AEW Dynamite #15 EmptyThu Nov 03, 2022 2:18 pm


AEW Dynamite #15 OS1d0O9

AEW Dynamite #15 VxgZMGk

   Excalibur: "ITS WEDNESDAY NIGHT.... AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! We are coming to your homes live with AEW Dynamite! And what a show we have tonight. The final two matches of the first round tournament of the Womens title tournament will take place.

We will also start our Men's Eliminator tournament to see who will face the AEW Heavyweight champion, Matt Riddle, on Black Friday! And we are going to kick things off right now!"    

    Match One: Shotzi Blackheart vs Mandy Rose               

Blackheart went for a splash against the ropes, Mandy moved, Blackheart got a kick and a cross body block off the top got a two count. When Rose went for a move off the turnbuckle, Blackheart tripped her up and Rose took a bump on the turnbuckle. Blackheart drove Mandy’s shoulder into the turnbuckle and Blackheart jumped onto Mandy on the floor.

Blackheart was back in control with a running enziguri kick along with a splash onto the back of Rose for two. Blackheart hit a DDT on the apron. Blackheart hit a suicide dive onto Rose and Hartwell for two. Mandy with a dropkick into the turnbuckle and a superkick for a two count. Rose with the crossface submission. Blackheart got out of it and hit a knee to the face. Blackheart with a DDT out of the corner. 1..... 2...... NO! Blackheart debated with the ref about the count so that allowed Mandy to hit a twisting neckbreaker off the middle ropes for the pinfall win. Mandy Rose advances to the next round.

AEW Dynamite #15 Yzy6zj5


    Match Two: Rey Fenix vs Zack Sabre Jr              

We get some grappling to start off, with Zack pulling at Fenix’s mask to try and get his stuff going. Fenix is very game early on, going hold for hold with the Brit. They pick up the pace as Fenix goes after Zack’s ankle, getting a ovation from the audience. Zack ends up just giving Fenix a thumb to the eye instead of keeping the grappling going, and he toys with him a little bit afterwards. Fenix is able to dodge a running uppercut from Zack though, and hits a double jump Moonsault Press in the ring after a doublestomp on the apron. Fenix puts him on the top rope and hits a uppercut, but Zack boots him off and comes down with a flying armbar! He transitions into a Triangle, but Fenix hoists him up and counters with a Ligerbomb. Zack dodges a 619 from Fenix and uses that to hit a running uppercut and a PK. Zack runs right into a spinning heel kick, but COUNTERS A ROLLING ACE CRUSHER INTO AN ARMBAR! He transitions into an arm-trap Dragon Sleeper, before transitioning again into a Stump Puller. Fenix knocks Zack on his ass with an overhand chop before hitting his step-up spin kick, followed by hitting his rolling Ace Crusher! Fenix looks for an Omori Driver, but Zack COUNTERS IT into a Dragon Sleeper! He tries it again, but Zack counters it again into Hurrah! Sabre transitions into a behind-the-back Octopus to get the pin. Zack Sabre advances.

AEW Dynamite #15 Rvd5hxi


Kris Statlander makes her way out and heads down to the ring for our next match of the evening.

AEW Dynamite #15 8rTsyYz

Statlander settles into the squared circle and her theme music cuts off. Then the cameras pan to the entrance ramp to see who the "wild card" entrant is...........

AEW Dynamite #15 6UxyHr8

Soho heads to the ring and settles inside the ropes as her music dies down. We’re about to get this one underway, as the bell sounds and Soho jump off to an early offensive lead, however it isn’t long-lived, as Statlander takes over and actually gets a little over-confident.

This annoys Soho and the two re-engage where again Statlander gets the better of things and even adds some more style-points by gloating a bit after getting the better of Soho. Finally Soho turns up the pace and intensity, catching Statlander with a flatliner. Soho finishes Statlander with a pin fall victory to advance to the next round.


As we come back from break we hear "Gimme Back My Bullets" play and out comes The Briscoes to the ring.....

AEW Dynamite #15 OxnFCPA

  Jay Briscoe: "One month ago we came out here and put an ass whupping on the AEW tag team champions...... The so called Kings of Wrestling! And since then, we haven't been invited back to AEW TV. What's the matter Tony Khan...... we don't fit your TV demographic? Well tough shit! We ain't leaving this ring intol we get Claudio and Chris Hero in this ring!"           

It doesn't take long for the AEW Tag champs to come out and the fight is on as all 4 men brawl around ringside until it takes several security members to get it broke up.


   Main Event: Tomasso Ciampa vs Walter                

The bell rings, and the crowd is really buzzing for this match. They lock up, and Walter powers Ciampa to the corner. Ciampa avoids a big chop and wags a finger at him. Ciampa wrenches the arm of Walter and applies a hammerlock. Walter twists out, so Ciampa applies a front facelock. Walter gets out, but Ciampa stuns him with a jab. Walter powers Ciampa to the corner, so Ciampa chops him and viciously stomps him down in the corner. Ciampa talks some trash and hits the ropes, but Walter floors him with a vicious chop to the chest. Walter puts Ciampa on the top rope and chops him. Walter then puts a foot on Ciampa’s throat and stomps him off the top rope to the floor.

Walter follows Ciampa out of the ring. Ciampa hits a back elbow, but Walter quickly powers him onto the commentary table. Walter goes for a chop, but he breaks the desk when Ciampa moves. Ciampa fights back at Walter, but hits a back suplex on the apron. Walter is holding his hand in pain. Walter puts Ciampa in the corner and viciously forearms him down. Walter goes for a chop, but Ciampa gets an elbow up. Ciampa punches and chops Walter before going for a slam, but Ciampa cannot lift him. Ciampa twists the arm and kicks away at the hand. Ciampa goes for a German Suplex, but Walter gets out of it. Walter then viciously big boots him down. Walter is still holding his right hand in pain.

Walter grabs Ciampa for a Boston Crab, but has to transition to a single leg when he can’t grip with his injured right hand. Walter goes for an STF, but Ciampa fights it. Walter then knocks Ciampa down. Walter chokes Ciampa with his boot in the corner. Walter suplexes Ciampa back into the ring and peppers him with kicks. Ciampa goes to fight back, but Walter crushes him with a knee. Walter continues to attack, but Ciampa counters into a short-arm clothesline. Walter stays on his feet. Ciampa hits three more clotheslines, but Walter stays standing. Ciampa hits the ropes to try to take him down, but that doesn’t work. Ciampa continues to try to clothesline him down, but Walter stays up. Ciampa tries to clothesline him over the top rope, but Ciampa doesn’t go down. Ciampa hits clothesline after clothesline, stunning Walter, but not taking him down. Ciampa hits five clotheslines against the ropes, but Walter doesn’t go over. Walter quickly chops him, but Ciampa fights back. Ciampa hits an air raid siren for a near fall. Ciampa continues to attack Walter and goes for a Fairy Tale Ending, but Walter gets out. Ciampa fights back and hits Walter with the Fairy Tale Ending! 1......2...... NO!!

Ciampa continues to attack, but Walter applies a sleeper hold. Ciampa gets to the ropes, so Walter smacks the hand down and hits a wild German Suplex. Walter then CRUSHES him with a clothesline for a near fall! Walter grabs Ciampa, but Ciampa bites the hand. Walter fights back, but Ciampa counters a clothesline into a cross-arm breaker using the injured hand! Walter gets a foot on the bottom rope. Ciampa stomps and punches away at Walter, who is in the fetal position. Walter goes to the apron and jumps off pulling on Ciampa’s arm. Walter viciously clubs the chest, but Ciampa goes back to the hand. Walter head-butts him down and goes to the top rope. Ciampa cuts him off and hits an air raid siren off the second rope for a near fall!

After taking a few moments to recover, Ciampa starts blasting Walter with chops. Walter uses his left hand to chop him, but it doesn’t have the same effect. Walter tries to take him down, but Ciampa bridges up. Walter attacks the neck of Ciampa before hitting two powerbombs, 1......2.......3! Walter advances!

AEW Dynamite #15 KlPSAde

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Johnny Rose

Posts : 1453
Join date : 2020-06-11

AEW Dynamite #15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #15   AEW Dynamite #15 EmptyMon Nov 07, 2022 6:49 am

Would like to see Mandy win this whole thing .

Fenix has really slipped away .

Good promo from the Briscoes .

Walter was pushed to his limits , but he’s a tough SOB .

Good stuff
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Posts : 876
Join date : 2020-06-22

AEW Dynamite #15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #15   AEW Dynamite #15 EmptyThu Nov 10, 2022 9:27 pm

good win for mandy

sabre with a great win here

he's really starting to come into his own here and becoming one of my favorites

statlander is one of my favorites and used to have a lot of momentum but ruby took the measure in this one and stat seems to be moving downward imo

luv the brisco's entrance song and i cant wait for them to really cause some chaos here in aew

walter is one bad and scary dude and i just dont see how he cant win this tournament


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