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 AEW Dynamite #12

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AEW Dynamite #12 Empty
PostSubject: AEW Dynamite #12   AEW Dynamite #12 EmptyThu Oct 06, 2022 3:53 pm

AEW Dynamite #12 6zLocxT

AEW Dynamite #12 GQyNxTZ

   Excalibur: "ITS WEDNESDAY NIGHT..... AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! AEW Dynamite is live and coming into your home! And what a main event we have tonight as your going to see the AEW Heavyweight title on the line as the champion, Matt Riddle, defend against Zach Sabre Jr and "All Ego" Ethan Page in a triple threat match! Can Riddle escape the odds or will we see a new champion crowned? We will find out later. But right now..... we kick things off with a burner!"  

   Match One: Ricochet vs Dante Martin               

They started with some feeling out moves like headlock takeovers, trips and counters until they stopped to have a staredown. There was more athleticism shown by both guys as Ricochet hit a headscissors, Martin landed on his feet and Ricochet hit him with a dropkick. Martin regrouped on the floor, then pulled on the left arm against the ropes and Ricochet grabbed a tight headlock when Martin was back in the ring. Martin took over after a clothesline and Ricochet tried to make a comeback, Dante pulled back on the shoulders for a takedown and hit a superkick for a two count. Ricochet did a handspring off the ropes, but Martin was ready for him with a springboard clothesline for two. Ricochet countered a slam by rolling through and hitting a double stomp on the chest. They did two double clothesline spots followed by both men doing springboard cross body blocks and they collided in the middle of the ring. The crowd exploded at that spot leading to a “holy shit” Then chanted “fight forever” to them. Ricochet blocked a kick leading to an uppercut, then kicks to the chest and Ricochet hit an enziguri kick with Martin doing a flip bump. Ricochet went for a kick after a slam off the shoulders, Martin blocked it, then Ricochet blocked a move and Ricochet hit a superkick. Martin with a double thrust to the throat. Martin charged, but Ricochet was ready for him and Ricochet hit the Recoil for the two count. Martin got some momentum going with a move off the shoulders into a cutter for two.

Martin went up top, Ricochet met him up there and Ricochet hit a huge superplex across the ring leading to a “holy shit” chant. This crowd was really excited. Ricochet with some kicks to the chest, then they exchanged chops, Martin with a kick to the head, then Ricochet with forearms, Martin with a kick and Ricochet with a knee to the jaw. Ricochet with a brainbuster, then a slam off the shoulder into a rising kick and Martin hit the double knees lung blower for two. Dante was frustrated about the two count, so Ricochet got a crucifix pin for two. They exchanged strikes, Ricochet with a kick to the head and a Poison Rana that’s a reverse hurricanrana that spiked Ricochet.  Ricochet went up top with a Shooting Star Press, 1.....2.......3! 

AEW Dynamite #12 GljoyKK

Ricochet celebrates his win as a frustrated Dante Martin slumps in the corner. Ricochet takes his leave then out comes.......

Stokely Hathaway!

AEW Dynamite #12 UoXvLma

  Stokely Hathaway: "Dante Martin..... the little engine that could! The man who came within  a heartbeat of defeating MJF for the IWA X Division title. But..... came up short! And what have you done since then? I will tell ya..... nothing but lose! Your thos close to being street trash Son! Now I have offered you twice now..... if you want the Stroke..... you sign with Stoke! And here's my final offer! What do ya say boy? You wanna be a street bum? Or have me take you to the top?"           

Dante rises to his feet as Stokely once again hands out a business card to Dante. The fans chant "NO!" as Dante debates on taking it. After a few seconds Dante takes it...... and rips it up!!  Dante goes to leave the ring, but Stokely grabs him bu the arm and turns him back around, and slaps Martin in the face!!!

Dante is pissed now and grabs Stokely by his business suit. Stokely pleads with Martin not to get violent. The fans want Dante to punch Stokely! But Dante takes too long and is attacked from behind by........

AEW Dynamite #12 C91j1p5


Archer nails Dante in the back. Then just commences to kicking Martin's ass all over the ring as Stokely yells out instructions! Stokely yells for Archer to make him pay and Archer nails Dante with Blackout (Kneeling Iconoclasm) Stokely and Archer stand over Dante in the middle if the ring with the statement being made by Archer!


  Match Two: Gigi Dolin vs Amari Miller              

AEW Dynamite #12 O3mk3Xh

Dolin makes her way to the ring with Jacy Jayne. Dolan with a snapmare leading to her shoving Miller in the face. Dolan with a back elbow, Miller with a forearm and a neckbreaker. Nolan pulled back on Miller’s arm against the bottom rope. Dolan connected with two running forearms and she did a move where it was like an abdominal stretch into a spinning slam for the pinfall win. Jack enters the ring to celebrate Gigis win as we see Mandy Rose watching on backstage.

AEW Dynamite #12 QVnxSnS


AEW Dynamite #12 Iucsgis

We come back from break and see Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae making their way to the ring. Johnny and Candice come out looking a little somber, Johnny still with the neck brace. The crowd gives him a hero’s welcome as expected. Candice is holding Johnny’s hand as he talks about the last time he was here in AEW. It was supposed to be an AEW title match but then he ended up on a stretcher. Now his body reminds him of that moment every day. It reminds him of having his head driven into the LED board by a knee. It reminds him of getting driven through a table off the stage. He’s been doing this his whole life but after talking to Candice, it’s time to start thinking about the future. He’s gotta ask now is it worth it. With injuries adding up and the toll it’s taken on his friends, family, and wife, is it worth it? Johnny pulls the mic away and tells Candice he’s sorry. Candice is trying to talk him out of whatever he’s about to do, but Johnny rips the neck brace off and says it’s absolutely worth it! He’s calling out Killer Kross right now!

AEW Dynamite #12 GmRWhjx

Kross walks out as Candice sprints to the back. Kross tells him that if Johnny is still in the ring by the time he gets there...... he’s going to finish this for good. Candice has brought the refs and they get Gargano and separate him from Kross. Kross is left in the ring as Candice is pulling on Johnny and begging him to stop. Gargano looks like he’s going to listen but Kross mocks him for being a good boy and listening to his wife. Gargano storms the ring and jumps on the apron but Kross meets him and shoves him right back off, which in turns sends Johnny right into his wife, who takes a fall onto the rampway!!!  Candice is out cold and Kross immediately leaves the area as Johnny now is concerned for his wife. Doctors tend to Candice and they wait for more medical help as we head to break.


  Excalibur: "Welcome back fans. As you can see..... EMT'S are loading Candice LeRae into an ambulance.  We do not have any information on her condition at this time. But I can tell you that her head connected with the ringside floor severely hard. We are being told that Killer Kross and Scarlett have left the arena. And Johnny Gargano is in route to the hospital with his wife. Just a scary situation. We will try and update you with more information as we get it."        

  Match Three: War Machine vs The Unbreakable F'N Machines/Stokely Hathaway       

Match started off with the War Machine duo trying to get an early jump on their bigger opponents, but their attempts at a double vertical-suplex turned into a 1-min. double delayed vertical suplex by Elgin & Cage. Great back-and-forth action ended w/ Cage & Elgin hitting their signature moves, w/ Elgin finishing it off w/ his big finisher on for the pin!

AEW Dynamite #12 TkhboDA


Match Four: Kushida vs Walter               

AEW Dynamite #12 Yyra6M1

Walter makes his way to the ring and the fans chant "WALTERS GINNA KILL YOU!" The action moved with a quick pace to start this match. Walter was first with the control on offense, showing his size differential early.

Kushida regained control briefly and was getting into Walter’s head as he wouldn’t allow Walter back into the ring, drop-kicking Walter as he would approach the ropes. He went for a top rope springboard jump, but his foot slipped. Walter hit him with the big boot and Kushida looked like he was out cold.

Walter landed some big chops on Kushida and was looking to finish Kushida off. He went for the powerbomb, but Kushida reversed it into a slick DDT. Kushida started to unload some unique offense on Walter, as both men made their way out of the ring.

Back inside, Walter hit Kushida with a massive powerbomb and a punishing lariant. Kushida was done. Walter was victorious.


We come back from break and see Walter walking to the dressing room area and as he turns the corner he us face to face with Ethan Page. The two have a slight stare down and Page demands that Walter move out if his way as he has a title to win. But Walter doesn't budge. Ethan now looks concerned and he decides to step aside and let Walter by. As Walter walks by, Page cheap shots Walter in the back. Which turns out to be a huge mistake as Walter begins pounding on Page then throwing him all around the backstage area. Walter grabs Page and hits  the Golden Bomb (Pumphandle Powerbomb) Page is motionless on the floor as Walter walks away!

Excalibur: "Fans..... Walter has just demolished Ethan Page! There's no way he can make his match. What does this mean for our Main Event?"             


   Main Event: Matt Riddle vs Zack Sabre Jr  for the AEW Heavyweight title           

As the match starts with Riddle trying to grab an early rear naked choke on the challenger, Excalibur informs the fans that Tony Khan said this match must go on without Ethan Oage being able to compete.

Sabre’s able to get free as the pair go back and forth with submission attempts, before Riddle scored with a gutwrench suplex and a back senton for a near-fall. Riddle’s strikes put him firmly ahead, as he rocked Sabre with running forearms into the corner, before Zack caught him with a brief heel hook as Riddle was forced to grab the ropes. Sabre takes over from there, wrenching with a modified single crab, then into a STF as he bent Riddle’s bones.

More bone-bending followed from Sabre, who played “this little piggy” with Riddle’s toes, eventually forcing the champ into a comeback that was quickly ended with a legsweep. A tornado DDT out of the corner morphs into Orienteering with Napalm Death but Riddle again gets to the ropes.Sabre’s all about the counters and transitions, switching Riddle’s German into a guillotine, but Riddle’s wise to it and nails a Fisherman buster… before a second one is countered into a mounted keylock, almost ending with another Fisherman buster as Riddle followed it with a cradle on impact for a near-fall. We’re back with counters to counters as Riddle worked into an armbar, but Sabre’s out into a knee bar. Some running European uppercuts keep Riddle on the back foot, but instead he counters into a Bromission that Sabre slipped out of and into a pinning attempt for a near-fall. A powerbomb keeps Sabre on the back foot, this time with Riddle getting a two-count, and it’s not long before Riddle’s rear naked choke gets countered into a Euro clutch for a near-fall.

Sabre keeps up with some PKs, getting more two-counts, before he decides to trap Riddle in a knee bar, scissoring the body for extra effect as Riddle tried to crawl to the ropes. Zack drills Riddle’s knee into the mat as he started to adjust his plans, knocking down his challenger before kicking away at those knees some more. Except Riddle gets back up and throws some strikes ahead of a ripcord knee, following up with a Bro to Sleep and a bridging German.

Riddle looked to go up top for the exclamation mark, but he leapt into a cross armbreaker from Sabre… a move that almost had Zack pinning himself! The Octopus hold quickly followed though, as Sabre seemingly segued into the Hyper Normality double armbar, before Riddle switched into a Gotch tombstone for yet another two-count. Zack escapes another Bromission and goes back to the submissions, using a Banana split, but Riddle slips free and gets the Bromission back on and Zack taps! ANNNNDDDD STILLLLL...... AEW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION........ MATT RIDDLE!!!!

AEW Dynamite #12 YrOzjVm


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Johnny Rose

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AEW Dynamite #12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #12   AEW Dynamite #12 EmptySun Oct 09, 2022 8:55 am

Hell of an opener .

Oh god , not Stokley again .

Archer is back !! Oh shit !!!

I like how you write for Johnny and Candice . Great storyline btw .

Walter can own this place .

Riddle needs to start to be taken seriously . He’s been unstoppable.

Good stuff
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AEW Dynamite #12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #12   AEW Dynamite #12 EmptySun Oct 16, 2022 2:57 pm

another great AEW Show.

Poor Candice.

so much going on in AEW that it's hard for me to pin point my favs of the shows.

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AEW Dynamite #12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #12   AEW Dynamite #12 EmptyFri Oct 21, 2022 8:04 pm

dante ALWAYS gives a damn good effort but seems to just be that little extra something needed to get his hand raised!

dante has his principals but sometimes those principals get you an ass whippin !

Archer is one bad dude!

have no clue who these women are but why is Mandy always lurking around?

johnny G is a helluva wrestler but it ain't smart calling out kross!!

told ya ! and now his wife paid the price!

elgin and cage are gonna be hard to handle for anyone!!

i think walter just killed ethan!

sabre was dominant in this match but riddle does what real champs do and finds a way to win!

great main event i wonder how this will sit with page?


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