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 AEW Dynamite #13

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AEW Dynamite #13 Empty
PostSubject: AEW Dynamite #13   AEW Dynamite #13 EmptyThu Oct 13, 2022 3:56 pm

AEW Dynamite #13 6tR7YYV

We start with a video package detailing last week’s events between the Gargano’s and Killer Kross, voiced over by Kevin Kelly.

AEW Dynamite #13 A6d6VzV

It’s announced that this rivalry has become too dangerous so neither man will be at AEW tonight. However, a street fight has been made for them and both men will have contracts sent to them to be signed. 

AEW Dynamite #13 URKdAlg

      Excalibur: "ITS WEDNESDAY NIGHT..... AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! AEW Dynamite is live and coming into your......"            

Before Excalibur can finish his opening, out comes...... Ethan Page!

AEW Dynamite #13 AV5yNP7

   Ethan Page: "Last week I was set to take my place at the top of AEW. I finally was granted the AEW Heavyweight title shot I rightfully deserve. And as I was about to take my place in history, I was jumped from behind by Walter and couldn't compete in the match. Long story..... short..... you made a huge mistake Walter! You want to try and make a name for yourself by hoping on me? It's your funeral! Let's do it tonight! Me and you..... in the Main Event!"           

   Excalibur: "Fans, what a wild start we are off to and we are just minutes into the show. We seen that there's contracts to be signed between Gargano and Killer Kross.  And now, Ethan Page has challenged Walter to face him in our Main Event! We will try to get things settled and be back after these messages!"           


   Match One: Matt & Jeff Hardy vs Aussie Open w/Will Ospreay             

Fletcher and Jee started. Jeff got the best of it with a head-lock. Fletcher and Jeff exchanged shoulder-tackles until Fletcher kicked Jeff, but Jeff came right back with a spear. Jeff hit a double-knees and tagged in Matt who kept control. Jeff tagged in and landed a dragon-screw leg-whip on Fletcher. The two tried a double suplex, but Davis broke it up. As a result, the Hardys hit a double suplex on Davis. Things fell apart and the four wrestlers fought on the outside. Fletcher hit a kick to Jeffs back before tagging in Davis. Davis worked a head-lock on Jeff. Davis went for a splash, but Jeff moved and Fletcher tagged in to keep control for Aussie Open. With both guys in the top rope, Jeff bit Fletcher and then hit a cross-body from the top rope. Jeff tagged in Matt and Matt and Fletcher exchanged blows. Matt hit a hard clothesline and rolled through.

Davis ran in but Matt hit a series of clotheslines on both Aussie Open guys. Matt landed a makeshift suplex on Fletcher. Matt went to whip Fletcher, but Fletcher punched him. Matt came right back and landed a German Suplex before tagging in Jeff. The Hardys hit their finisher, 1...... 2...... but Davis broke up the pin attempt. Aussie Open landed double brain-busters. Jeff landed a pop-up power-bomb and the Hardys hit another finisher, but Fletcher kicked out at 2.9999!!!  Fletcher kicked Jeff and Aussie Open landed a assisted delay Brainbuster from the second rope, but Matt broke up the pin attempt. For his trouble, Matt received the Corealis ( Double elevated pumphandle half nelson lift dropped into a Death Valley Driver) and that was enough for the win! 

AEW Dynamite #13 AUEPxtl

As Ospreay enters the ring and The United Empire trio celebrate the win, Ricochet makes his way out to the ramp......

AEW Dynamite #13 A3dV8fB

 Ricochet: "Will Ospreay..... there you are! I figured you would be hanging close by to those guys. You look surprised to see me! I think we both know why I'm out here. So let's just cut to the chase..... I challenge you to a match for that AEW All Atlantic Championship!"    

AEW Dynamite #13 H5i9Hc9

 Will Ospreay: "Have you gone bloody mad chap? I just beat you two weeks ago! For the second time, I might add. And now you want another title shot?"          

  Ricochet: "Your half right! Yes.... you did defeat me. But you need your boys, Aussie Open, to help you do it! For someone who calls himself the best wrestler alive, couldn't you get the job done yourself?"            

  Will Ospreay: "I see what your doing mate.... your trying to goad me into giving you a match.'s not happening. No more title matches for you until you have earned one."            

  Ricochet: "So no title shot huh? I thought you may say that. You say I have to earn it? Well how about this then..... since you and your boys there are so tight..... how about a six man match? And if my team wins..... you give me another title shot?"           

  Will Ospreay: "Ya know, I'm growing tired of you mate. I really am! You seriously think you can beat us? You don't even have any partners to bloody help you! I tell you what..... you go find whoever you think will help and be here next week. You got your match. Butvwhen you lose..... and You will lose..... there's no match again against me..... period!"          

Ricochet nods his head in agreement as we head to break!


Match h Two: Aaron Solo vs Lance Archer w/Stokely Hathaway                

Solo with some action quickly to try and take out Archer but it’s short lived. The crowd pops HEAVY for Archer. Solo with a consistent sense of urgency throughout this match really helps sell just how much of a badass Archer is. Archer pulls out a pounce. Archer goes for the blackout, Solo counters and tries for a roll up and Archer isn’t amused. Archer with a chokeslam then the blackout for the victory.

AEW Dynamite #13 GtEzLMx

As Archer stands over his beaten opponent, Stokely takes the housemic......

AEW Dynamite #13 DSTCv5k

  Stokely Hathaway: "Take a real good look Dante Martin! Because this..... is your future!"           


As we come back from break we see AEW owner, Tony Khan on the rampway....

AEW Dynamite #13 0wlBl7J

  Tony Khan: "Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a real quick announcement to make. Since day one of taking over AEW, I have been asked the same question o er and over many times. And the question is..... when will we get an AEW Womens champion? And the answer to that is..... very soon! As you can see here beside me we have created the AEW Womens title!"      

AEW Dynamite #13 OpyxWpe

   Tony Khan: "And starting next week, we will begin a 8 woman.... single elimination tournament, that will conclude on November 23rd, the night before Thanksgiving, at AEW's first huge event...... November Reign! And at this time I would like to introduce you to the first woman signed fir the tournament...... ASUKA!"   

AEW Dynamite #13 0B40efz

    Match Three: Asuka vs Nicole Matthews for the IWGP Womens title          

Pure domination from the word go. Asuka went for a takedown on Matthews, and no sold all of Matthews’ offence. In fact, after a hip attack and a flurry of kicks, Matthews would collapse of her own accord as Excalibur  talks about how this is a huge addition to AEW, having the IWGP Womens champion, Asuka in the upcoming tournament.  Matthews would try to make a comeback, and in doing so, went up to the top rope. However, Asuka would transform the same into a Fujiwara Armbar.

Asuka snapped in the Asuka Lock, and Matthews tapped almost immediately.

AEW Dynamite #13 ZHGmTAc


    Match Four: Darby Allin vs Adam Cole             

Intense grappling from the jump, Cole in control but a taunt gets Allin hot and he shoots in with a double leg for grounded punches! Turning the heat up, suicide dive, Darby sets up a table at ringside and batters Adam to set him up on it but Cole recovers and shoves him off the ropes into a hard landing. Mounted punches, big neckbreaker into backbreakers, off the ropes for the big fakeout reverse chinlock.

AEW Dynamite #13 GyB5RsO

As Cole locks the hold in, Johnny Gargano comes through the crowd with a contract in his hand, and grabs the housemic telling Killer Kross that he's signed his contract to make the Streetfight official.

Allin out, going for a dive but Adam cuts him off with a kick! Up on the apron, fireman’s carry but Darby slips out, off the ropes and he runs right into a boot. Jawing at him, disdainful shove and Allin lights him up with punches! Whip reversed, caught into the fireman’s carry neckbreaker over the knee but Cole can’t keep him down for three! Small package for two, arm wringer into La Casita, still just two!

Leg pick, Last Supper... 1......2...... NO!!!  Diamond Dust follows, springboard... COFFIN DROP COUNTERED WITH A KICK! Off the ropes.... into The Last Shot by Cole! 1......2......3!

AEW Dynamite #13 LtaQ44k


AEW Dynamite #13 RQPyykX

  Main Event: Walter vs "All Ego" Ethan Page                    

They lock up and work to the ropes, Page fires away with leg kicks and they circle. Page looks to work the arm, they work to the ropes and Page follows with more leg kicks. WALTER starts to overpower Page, but Page fires up and he follows with a back elbow. WALTER backs him off, they trade and WALTER grounds the action. Page looks to power up, but WALTER drags him back down. Page again tries to get back to his feet, does, but WALTER hits a shoulder tackle, Page counters back and hits a slam and knocks WALTER to the floor. Dropkicks follow, but WALTER fights back and slams Page to the buckles until Page hits a RANA and follows with the suicide dive, but WALTER catches him and follows with chops and then the apron bomb. He slams him to the barricade, and then powerbombs him to the post. Page gets checked on by medical, and he refuses help and will continue. He rolls back in and WALTER lays the boots to him. The slam follows, and then lays in kicks. Page is down, WALTER dares him to fight so Page fires back and gets kicked in the face. WALTER grounds the action. Page tries to rally but WALTER lays in kicks to keep him grounded. Clubbing strikes follow. Page fights off the sleeper and lays in strikes and then collapses trying to slam WALTER. WALTER follows with a crossface, but Page makes the ropes. WALTER follows with clubbing strikes in the ropes, and Page spills to the floor. He rolls back in and WALTER grounds him, maintaining control. Page tries to power up, but WALTER keeps him grounded and hits the seated splash for 2. WALTER follows with kicks, and then thunderous chops. He lays the boots to Page, just toying with his victim. Page fires back, but WALTER follow with more corner chops and then bend him over the top buckle. To the apron they go, WALTER looks for a powerbomb, but Page fights it off and WALTER follows with strikes until Page hits an XPLODER to the floor! Page slam him to the barricade, rolls him back in and follows with a trio of leg drops. Page follows with uppercuts, knee strikes and the flying uppercut is met with a chop. WALTER follows with the crab, and then transition to a liontamer. He then locks on the crossface, Page struggles and crawls but WALTER follows with elbows and then about bends him in half until Page can't make the ropes and passes out from the hold. The ref checks Pages hand..... he's out!!! Walter is your winner!

AEW Dynamite #13 Bcbv1eC

  Excalibur: "MY gosh fans! The call him the Ring General for good reason! How destructive is this man, Walter?"           


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Johnny Rose

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AEW Dynamite #13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #13   AEW Dynamite #13 EmptySun Oct 16, 2022 8:25 am

Page has lost his damn mind . Lol

Big match made next week between Ricochet and Osprey .

The IWGP Women’s Champion is on the house !

Hell of a match between Cole and Darby .

Thanks for coming Page . Lol

Good shit .
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AEW Dynamite #13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AEW Dynamite #13   AEW Dynamite #13 EmptyFri Oct 21, 2022 8:36 pm

AEW laying down the law on johnny g and kross

page is pissed and has a right to be but it aint smart to challenge walter helluva tag team battle!

Hardys gave it all they had but aussie open aint no joke!

uh comes richocet

great back and forth between those two and we get that 6 man match!!

i hope u keep this archer push going like before

have i told u guys i LOOOOOVE ASUKA??

uh johnny g...ya better rethink that damn contract

Cole wins another....

page tried his best ut that walter is a different breed altogether!!


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