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 AWA # 27 Requiem For A Champion

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Johnny Rose

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AWA # 27 Requiem For  A Champion  Empty
PostSubject: AWA # 27 Requiem For A Champion    AWA # 27 Requiem For  A Champion  EmptyMon Aug 08, 2022 11:03 am

AWA # 27 Requiem For A Champion

Bobby Heenan : Ted Dibiase tonight it all comes to an end . You were a great champion one of 3 men to defeat Dusty Rhodes in a two calendar year . Tonight it’s about the this man .

The head of the table . The Tribal Chief Roman Reigns . After all this time of being ignored , pushed to the side and caught in a land where nothing moved , he takes his place among the greats .

Roman : Ted Dibiase , you will acknowledge me !

Ted Dibase : So many men have walked through these doors and tried to take what I got and all of them failed . Now tonight , I face a 6 foot 8 inch tall killer . A man who is a renegade . Well , I don’t know the meaning of the word quit . Tonight Roman Reigns I’ll put you in the Billion Dollar Dream and you will be another victim like everybody else .

Freddy Miller: Fans this is the American Wrestling Association on WGN , from the Museum of Broadcasting live ! Here now is your host . The Dean of Wrestling Gordon Solie. .

Gordon : Thank you Freddy Miller . Thank you to the fans here and to those joining us at home on WGN . Welcome to AWA

Wrestling . Tonight our main event , will be one fall with a one hour time limit for the AWA Heavyweight Title as you just heard . We also have new AWA Tag Team Champions and we will see them in action in just a few moments . There will be wrestling tomorrow night however in St . Paul, Minnesota at the St . Paul National Guard armory .

The Miz taking on Mr . Perfect Curt Hennig . That match will be a nontitle match as it is not on WGN Television . That will be your main event in St . Paul . When we come back as promised the new AWA Tag Team Champions in action .


America’s Most Wanted vs The Mulkey bros : This is a massacre , AMW hits Death Sentence on Randy for the victory . Heenan celebrates with a victory cigar .

Heenan and AMW join Gordon .

Gordon : Well gentlemen , I guess congratulations are in order .

Heenan : Solie , who gave you permission to shoot your couch and where it as a suit ? Look at these men . AWA Tag Team Champions . Men who should be in the Open , but weren’t together yet , but based on erased history alone should have been enough . Gotta love those loser humanoids who don’t want to admit their past .

However , I digress , these men ran out Trevor Murdoch and ran out the Creeds in two days time . Name another team that’s done this . Times up , nobody has . What you are looking at is team that is going to go down as the greatest team in AWA history .

Chris Harris : Tomorrow night in St . Paul , we got Kerry Von Erich teaming up with Brian Adias to try and take these belts . Big mistake boys .

James Storm : We’ll put ‘em the ground like everybody else . Von Erich , Adias sorry about your damn luck !

Gordon : We’ll be back .


Out if the break , a bloody Tommy Rich lay on the ground .

Gordon : While we were away , Tommy Rich was out here , just coming around , greeting fans and talking to them , than this happened …..

Replay shows Buddy Rose coming out and attacking Rich from behind . Slamming his head repeatedly into the ring post .

Rose is at the podium with Gordon .

Rose : Go ahead . Booo me all you want . Tommy Rich has gotten in my way for the last time . He has kept me out of the AWA title picture . Well , Tommy is gone now . Tomorrow night in St . Paul , I take my first step . I’m going to beat Bobby Lashley and then I’ll earn some respect around here .

Rose takes his leave .

Gordon : We have women’s action ready to go .

Bianca Bel Air vs Ronda Rousey : Rousey really works over the arm of Bianca . Rosemary is at the podium quietly watching . In the end Bianca hits a fall away slam on Ronda and then the KOD for the win . Rosemary walks to the back .

Gordon : Seems like that young lady is making the champion nervous . When we come back , it’s our main event .


Freddy Miller: Fans this next match is one fall with a one hour time limit . It is for the AWA Heavyweight Title. First the challenger , Bobby Heenan presents the Tribal Chief , Roman Reigns !

His opponent is the AWA Heavyweight Champion . From Omaha , Nebraska . The Billon Dollar Man Ted Dibase !

Roman starts off with a shoulder tackle and then tries for a Buckle Bomb , but Ted escapes , lands on his feet and goes into a drop toe hold and then works a grapevine on Roman’s legs . Heenan is screaming at the ref saying somehow Ted’s moves were illegal . The ref is not listening . Roman finds the sanctuary of the ropes . Ted breaks clean . The two lock up collar and elbow , Ted with a duck under and go behind follows with a very quick side Russian Leg Sweep. Ted now hits 3 fist drops ! He covers 1…….2…… Heeenan puts Roman’s foot on the rope and points it out to the ref .

Ted now turns towards Heenan to say something and the Tribal Chief clubs Ted in the back of the head with a double axe handle ! Roman now pulls Ted up and gets off a belly to back Suplex! Roman puts Ted’s neck on the bottom rope and steps on it , breaking just before five !!! Roman with an over the head belly to belly that sends Ted over the top rope down to the floor ! The ref is admonishing Roman , while Heenan puts the boots to Ted on the outside .

Roman shakes off the ref and turns his attention back to Ted who has managed to crawl his way back up on the ring apron . Big running boot by Roman knocks Ted off the ring and he hits the guardrail head first !! He’s now busted open ! Roman goes out after him and puts the boots to his forehead . Roman rolls Ted back in the ring and waits for Ted to get to his feet …… SUPERMAN PUNCH BY REIGNS !!! 1……2……. NOOOOOO !!! Ted kicks out just before 3 !!! Roman picks up Ted and now buckle bombs him !!!!

Roman covers 1…..2……. Ted with a foot on the ropes . Heenan tries to push his foot off the ropes . The ref sees him and warns Heenan that next time he will just DQ Reigns . Heenan begs the ref not to . Reigns in the meantime hits a Brainbuster on Ted !! 1…….2……. Noooooo ! Ted kicks out . Now the crowd at the studio are chanting , “ let’s go Ted , let’s go … “ clap … clap …… Heenan is trying to shush the crowd . Reigns closes in for the Gulltion Choke , Ted spins out and plants him with a spinning neck breaker . Reigns back to his feet first and tries to pull Ted up , but Ted fires a right hand to the mid section followed by another and another . Dropkick by Ted !!!!

Roman is now staggered , POWERSLAM BY DIBASE!!!! 1…….2………Noooooo ! Reigns kicks out !!! Dibase goes up to rue second rope , fist drop by Dibase !!! He goes up again , knee drop across the forehead and now it’s Reigns’ turn to wear the crimson mask . Dibase goes for the Figure Four and locks it in !!! Roman is so close to submitting . The ref is in his face asking him if he wants to give it up . Heenan rakes Ted’s eyes !!! Out comes the Miz and decks Heenan with a right hand !!! The crowd is going nuts ! Roman goes for the Spear , but Ted moves and Roman collides with the corner post . He staggers backward !!! Billion Dollar Dream !!! Roman one knee , then two . AMW jump the ring and attack Ted !! The ref calls for the bell , Kerry Von Erich and Brian Adias come to the aid of Ted Dibase!!! Kerry puts Storm in the Claw and Adais puts the Oriental Spike on Harris . Hennig comes out to help , but Miz puts him in the Sleeper on the outside .

Gordon : We are out of time . Remember wrestling tomorrow night at the Armory in St. Paul for Freddy Miller, I’m Gordon Solie saying so long from the Windy City of Chicago !!!


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AWA # 27 Requiem For  A Champion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: AWA # 27 Requiem For A Champion    AWA # 27 Requiem For  A Champion  EmptyMon Aug 08, 2022 11:37 am

AMW has found new thanks to Heenan.....this team could be very big in the fed

Big words from Rose......i dont think he can get past Lashley however

AWA is like the stock market.....ya gotta keep an eye on whos stalk rises and falls overnight.......and with that being said, Biancas stock just went up with that win over Rousey......whos stock is falling imo here. What happened to her team of Tap or Snap?

I dunno why.....but i could see Heenan managing Rousey and Bazler as a team

I was just certain Roman was winning the gold here

Good way to setup potential programs in that closing

Good show
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AWA # 27 Requiem For  A Champion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: AWA # 27 Requiem For A Champion    AWA # 27 Requiem For  A Champion  EmptyThu Aug 11, 2022 12:47 pm

i am liking AMW,especially with Heenan in their corner.

MulkyMania cheers cheers

Brian Adias is here.He has never really been used as anything but a jobber in the past so it will be interesting in what you do with him.Years ago i was considering putting him on my World Class Roster but never found the right spot for him.

nothing settled between Dibiase/Reigns.
Great main event.

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AWA # 27 Requiem For  A Champion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: AWA # 27 Requiem For A Champion    AWA # 27 Requiem For  A Champion  EmptyFri Aug 12, 2022 11:11 pm

good promos to start things off

poor mulkeys lol

heenan and amw are made for each other

rose is out to fn kill rich

bianca with a big win but she wants no part of rosemary

what a crazy main event

miz made his intentions known and i dont think heenan wants miz to be a thorn in his side

the upcoming tag title match will be a war after this craziness

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