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 AWA #15 : The World Heavyweight Champion

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Johnny Rose

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AWA #15 : The World Heavyweight Champion  Empty
PostSubject: AWA #15 : The World Heavyweight Champion    AWA #15 : The World Heavyweight Champion  EmptySat May 07, 2022 8:35 am

AWA # 15 : New World Heavyweight Champion!

Replay from the one year anniversary show , shows Dusty Rhodes rolling Ric Flair into a small package. To become the new and third IWA Wold Heavyweight Champion .

Freddy Miller: Fans welcome to the United Center . We had to move this show here , because everyone wants to be a part of this historic celebration. This is the American Wrestling Association. Here is your host . The Dean of Wrestling Gordon Solie.

The ruckus crowd of 26,000 strong are all chanting , “ Dusty , Dusty , Dusty . “

Gordon : Don’t worry , he’ll be out here later . I promise . Hello and thank you for inviting us into your homes this week . We have a big show planned . The newly crowned AWA Heavyweight Champion Ted Dibasie is here and he’ll be in action .

Paul Ellering’s Yokozuna is here and he has another , $50,000 challenge . 10 men tonight will get a shot . Dean Malenko taking on Low Ki once again . The Flying Tigers will be taking on the former AWA Tag Team Champions The American Rednecks. Our main event tonight , Hikaru Shida taking on Rosemary . The winner gets the final spots in the chase for the AWA Woman’s Championship . They will take on Kairi Sane next week . Right now I want to bring in the AWA Junior Heavyweight Champion Kazuchika Okada , and his spokesman, my good friend . Antonia Inoki .

Inoki : Thank you , Mr . Solie . Kazuchika Okada hasn’t been stopped since becoming the AWA Junior Heavyweight Champion . We know we have Kenny Omega and the Gen Next title coming up , but it’s time we set our sights bigger . MJF we have signed to take you on at the Summer Sizzler Tour. June 3rd Mr . Okada will be a triple crown champion .

Gordon : WOW ! A big statement from the AWA Junior Heavyweight Champion Kazuchika Okada . Gentlemen, thank you . We’ll be back .


Dean Malenko vs Low Ki : Ki has Malenko in a sleeper , but he counters and then trips up Ki . From there , Malenko puts on the Texas Cloverleaf. Ki taps out .

Gordon : An impressive win by Dean Malenko this week . The action continues now . The AWA Heavyweight Champion Ted Dibasie is up next .

Ted Dibasie vs Mikey Whipwreck : Mikey surprises the champ who takes him lightly . Dibasie gets tired if the bullshit and ends it with the Billion Dollar Dream .

Gordon : We are hear at ringside with the AWA …..

Ted : Gordon , shut up and give me that mic . For the last two weeks all I’ve heard is about how I didn’t earn this belt . Why because I didn’t pin Dusty Rhodes. I’ll tell you what . I’ll prove to everyone at The Summer Sizzler why I’m the AWA Heavyweight Champion . Next week , I want the AWA’s best up in that ring . Edge , Bron Breaker , The Undertaker , Stan Hansen, Yokozuna , Cody Rhodes , Dolph Ziggler , Tommy Rich and I keep hearing the name Killer Kross being thrown around . Next week we will have a Rumble Match . Winner gets a shot at this belt at …. Who the hell is this guy ???

Kevin Owens comes out to ringside .

Kevin Owens : You don’t know who I am ! I’ll tell you , my name is Kevin Owens and I’m pro wrestlings best kept secret . Go google me . Next week I want in that Rumble Match . I’m going to win that Rumble match and I’m going on to beat your ass at Summer Sizzler .

Ted Dibasie: You , you don’t stand a chance fat boy . Look at me and look at you .

Owens drops Dibiasie with a right .

Owens : Huh , you fall like everybody else when you’re hit in the mouth .

Owens walks away .

Gordon : WOW , we’ll be back .


Freddy Miller : Fans welcome back joining me now Cody Rhodes . Cody , next week you got an opportunity of a life time .

Cody : That’s right , but Freddy , I don’t want to talk about next week . Let’s instead talk about the American Dream Dusty Rhodes. The new IWA World Heavyweight Champion . The man who beat the unbeatable. You see Horsemen , you tried every way to stop him .

There is no stopping heart . There is no stopping desire and no one knows what is buried deep in a man’s soul until you push him . Arn Anderson last week you pushed me . Now I want you and me , tied to this .

( pulls out a Bull Rope).

You on one end . Me on the other and in between us , a razor sharp , dirty , nasty old cowbell . Arn , I’m going to make you bleed . I’m going to make you cry out and beg for mercy but there will be none . Now Bob Luce told me , he’s not allowing the Horsemen here in AWA anymore due to their unprofessional behavior. All hell breaks loose when they are here . Ok, so we are gonna do it at GFW In Too Deep . Arn Anderson , your worst nightmare is coming to hurt you and it’s an American Nightmare .

Freddy : Gordon, back to you .

Gordon : Thank you Freddy . When we come , it’s the Flying Tigers vs The American Rednecks.


Flying Tigers vs The American Rednecks: Tiger 1 gets caught in the Rednecks corner . Murdoch and Storm are punishing him . For nearly 9 minutes they work over his head . Murdoch hits a Bulldog and tags off to Storm . Storm goes for a buckle bomb , but Tiger 1 turns it into a rana . From there he gets off the Tiger Feint Kick . He leaps across the ring to Tiger 2 .

Tiger 2 gets off a back Suplex on Storm . Murdoch comes in and eats a running elbow strike . Storm staggers up and gets caught by a Tiger Suplex . Murdoch however hits a Northern Lights Clothesline on Tiger 2 . He now puts him on a Full Nelson. Last Call by Storm ! Tiger 1 off the top rope with a flying dropkick . Bell !!!!

Freddy : Fans the 20 minute time limit has expired this match is a draw .

Gordon : An exciting match . When we come back , Paul Ellering’s man Yokozuna taking on ten men in a $50, 000 challenge match .


Out of the break . The ropes have been removed . In the center of the ring , stands an awesome sight . The 550 pound Yokozuna . Ellering is at the announcers table with Gordon , behind them are two mean looking dudes , well dressed . One has the briefcase with the $50 K handcuffed to himself .

Gordon : And Mr . Ellering , may I enquirer who are these two gentlemen.

Ellering : The are my detail . Gordon , let’s review the rules . All anyone of the next ten men have to do is knock Yokozuna off the ring . And $50,000 is yours .

Gordon : Fair enough . Let’s get started , sir .

First up , The Italian Stallion. He doesn’t budge Yoko at all . Instead Yoko picks him up with two hands by the neck and tosses him off the ring .

Number 2 man , Iron Mike Sharp . Now Sharp uses big clubbing forearms and backs up Yokozuna about 5 inches . A Superkick sends Sharp down though and Yoko hits him with a running hip check that sends Sharp off the ring.

Number 3 : The fans go crazy as you hear WHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!! Stan Hansen is the third man out . He attacks Yoko with all the ferocity in the world , kicking and punching him . Yoko falls to one knee and Hansen knees him in the face . Yoko is down .

Ellering : Those moves are illegal !!! Kross , Cesaro . Remove the man from the contest !!! NOW !!!!

Cesaro and Killer Kross attack Hansen , but the big Texan likes a good fight and he’s mixing it up both of them . Yoko attacks him from behind . Bob and Brad Armstrong now join the fray . Hansen fights Yokozuna off and clotheslines him off the ring .

Gordon : Wait a minute !!! Stan Hansen has just knocked Yokozuna off the ring with that big Larait!!! Oh my !! The Armstrongs are brawling with The Detail all over the place . We have to get order restored . We’ll be back .


Gordon : Welcome back . We have a lot to get still . First however . There is wrestling tomorrow night , at the Resch Center in Green Bay . Your main event will be Bob and Brad Armstrong taking on Killer Kross and Antonio Cesaro. The Detail and the AWA Tag Team Titles will be on the line . Next week , Cody Rhodes will be taking on The Miz for the WGN Television Title. Right now I’m joined by Mr . Bob Luce . Mr . Luce .

Bob : Thank you Gordon . We are three weeks away from the Summer Sizzler. So far I have signed these matches .

After what just happened tonight . Stan Hansen will take on Yokozuna .

That Rumble Match will take place next week . However , it will be to decide who will face the IWA World Heavyweight Champion Dusty Rhodes.

So where does that leave Ted Dibasie. Next week he has agreed to live contract signing with Kevin Owens . That’s right . Kevin Owens will take on Ted Dibasie for the AWA Heavyweight Title.

Signed last week . Bobby Lashley will take on Manny Fernandez for the IWA World Television Title.

Signed today at 4:30 this afternoon before we went on the air . Kazuchika Okada will take on MJF for the IWA X Division Championship.

Next week . I’ll have more matches to announce . Right now , I know you fans have been waiting all night . So Gordon , let’s take a break . When we come back , we will hear from the new IWA World Heavyweight Champion The American Dream Dusty Rhodes!!!

Gordon : You heard him . We’ll be back .


Out of the break Dusty is in the ring with Freddy Miller . He’s well dressed . Black button downed shirt . Blue silk tie , black pants and shoes . He’s topped off with a Cowboy hat , like the one Billy Jack wore in the movies . ( hopefully you guys get that reference .We’re all old here . Lol )

Freddy : Fans it’s my pleasure to introduce to you for the first time here in the AWA The IWA World Heavyweight Champion . The American Dream Dusty Rhodes!!!!

Fans explode into Dusty chants . He takes it all in . It’s six minutes before he can finally speak .

Dusty : Gordon Solie , get your pretty face up here in this ring baby . You’ve been a believer in the Dream forever !!!

Gordon joins Dusty and Freddy . Dusty hands Freddy the World Heavyweight Title belt and gives him a little hug . Then puts him arm around Gordon . He kisses him on the cheek . Gordon just laughs .

Dusty : Ohhhh . The Dream has been waiting for this moment for a long time if you will , daddy !!! To finally to be able to stand in front of the people and give this belt to you . Together, we are the IWA World Heavyweight Champion , baby !!! Ric Flair, you were a hellva champion and you are a hellva man . I don’t have to like you , but the Dream damn sure respects you , believe that !! Anytime , anyplace you want another shot . It’s all yours .

Rick Rude, I hear you talking . Well I ain’t hard to fine . I’m the man dressed in black . Living large like Johnny Cash and carrying the World Heavyweight Champion on his shoulder . The MVP !! Donny Muraco !! Probably the man most responsible for the Dream getting another title shot . I would love to go one on one with you for this title . The list goes on and on and Jeff Cobb , don’t think I forgot about you .

All of you sitting here tonight . All of you watching at home . Always , always chase your dreams . Never give up on them . Never stop believing in yourself . Never let anyone tell you , you ain’t good enough . You ain’t pretty enough , you ain’t rich enough . Because all of you are the very best of who you are . All of you no less than perfect .

There are gonna be times , this world is going to kick you right in the teeth . Times when every door slams in your face . Times when you say the hell with it and you will want to just hide . Never , ever , ever hang your head . Get yourself up , because you are worth it . And if you need a push . Remember , the son of a Plummer . A boy who dug ditches with his daddy at 9 years old , so sweet !!!

A boy who was told by Major League Baseball he wasn’t wanted . He became a man . A man who they say whose belly was a little too round . Who talked with a lisp . Who was nothing but a hard working , common man. Who was told by men like Ric Flair , he didn’t belong , became the IWA World Heavyweight Champion . He never stopped chasing the Dream and neither should you !!!! Now here it is . The World Heavyweight Title. Who wants . Gordon , Freddy ( kisses Freddy on the cheek ) . Mwwwwaaa !! I didn’t want you to feel left out . This is the beginning !!!

Gordon : Thank you, Dusty : When we come back . Hikaru Shida taking on Rosemary.


Freddy Miller: Fans this is our chase for the AWA Woman’s Championship. This match will decide our final four next week . It is our main event. First from the darkest corners of the earth. Rosemary . Her opponent from Osaka Japan Hikaru Shida !!!

Rosemary has the power advantage here in the early going . She press slams Shida onto the ring apron and then hits leg drop out there. Shida falls to the floor . Rosemary now slams her across the railing and rolls her in . Shida staggers up , Rosemary goes for a Clothesline , Slingblade combo , but Shida stops her cold with a leaping knee strike !!! Gordon : Then reminds us that Shida is a lot like Kenny Omega, who will wear you out with knee strikes .

Shida whip Rosemary into the corner and gets off a double flying knee . From there she works a Stretch Muffler . She then hits a Fireman’s Carry back breaker and then a body Vice with her legs . Rosemary , sits up and bites her on the forehead ! Now Rosemary hits a corner Exploder and then goes for an F5 , Shida rolls it into crucifix for two . Rosemary staggers up and Shida with another Kneelift .

She knocks Rosemary to the floor and then follows up with a cross body . She grabs a chair and then gets off an assisted flying knee . She rolls Rosemary back in and sets for a Flying 3 , but Rosemary gets off a Dragon Screw!! From there she works a Figure Four . Shida gets to the ropes for the break . Rosemary stomps the hell out of her and then pulls her up , over the head belly to belly!! Shida catches Rosemary with a step up enzuguri coming in . She covers and gets two . Rosemary rolls to the outside and dumps something in her hands . The ref is trying to restrain Shida . Shida goes to pull Rosemary in and Rosemary rubs something in her eyes . Shida goes down to one knee . Rosemary with a Springboard Superman Punch !! She covers for the 3 count .

Gordon : That’s it . We are out of time . Next week both woman’s semi finals and Cody Rhodes taking on the Miz . For Freddy Miller, I’m Gordon Solie saying so long from the Windy City of Chicago.


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AWA #15 : The World Heavyweight Champion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: AWA #15 : The World Heavyweight Champion    AWA #15 : The World Heavyweight Champion  EmptyTue May 10, 2022 9:55 pm

Okada must have gotten a hole of some bad sushi......he dont want none of MJF. Thats career suicide

Always been a fan of seeing him win is always a good thing. Why do i think a Malenko/Dibiase program would be fun?

Dibiase throwing out some big names there

Owens isnt impressed

Cody calls out the enforcer??? tsk tsk

Ohhhhh shit!!! Hansen showing Yoko why hes one of the baddest going. This program could be money

So Owens just waltzes in and gets a title shot?? SUrely some of the AWA mainstays will object to that

The AWA Sizzler tour is getting it should

I like the way you displayed Rosemary here. Its always cool to see new blood being pushed and i think she could be a big player for you

Cool show

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AWA #15 : The World Heavyweight Champion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: AWA #15 : The World Heavyweight Champion    AWA #15 : The World Heavyweight Champion  EmptyWed May 11, 2022 11:29 am

good show shere.

i am really liking Dibiase in the AWA.

looking foward to seeing who Dusty will be defending his title against here in the AWA and the IWA.

Yoko already doing better than when i had him.

badstreetusa likes this post

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AWA #15 : The World Heavyweight Champion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: AWA #15 : The World Heavyweight Champion    AWA #15 : The World Heavyweight Champion  EmptyThu May 12, 2022 10:04 pm

The crowd is pumped to see the new world's champ!!

i dig the idea of using inoki as Okada's spokesman

Okada has a lot on his plate!

dibiase's confidence continues to grow and with good reason!

Kevin Owens?? wtf ! i think he just made a big mistake honestly

just a GREAT promo from Cody!!

Him and arn in a bullrope match is gonna be brutal

draw was definitely the right call here

you have one helluva Summer Sizzler show lined up!

just a fantastic and emotional promo from the new worlds champ!

Muraco has already responded and i'm sure RUDE will have something to say!

Those two women tore the damn house down tbh!

Great win for rosemary

DAMN GOOD SHOW!! Promos kicked ass!!
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