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 BTW # 11 : Thursday Night Wrestling

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Johnny Rose

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BTW # 11 : Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: BTW # 11 : Thursday Night Wrestling    BTW # 11 : Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptyTue May 10, 2022 10:24 am

BTW # 11 : Thursday Night Wrestling

Sam Menekar: It’s Thursday Night . It’s 7pm and that means it’s time for wrestling here on AMC . Tonight , our third between Black Tiger and Prince Puma . Our main event tonight . Gail Kim taking on Dakota Kia in an elimination match . The winner will take on Xia Li for the North American Woman’s Championship at the summer sizzler . Also tonight Booker T and Ultimo Dragon will square the off to see who faces Manny Fernandez at Summer Sizzler . Harley Race will defend the Heritage Championship against Christian Cage . Gorgeous George Wagner is in action as is Dynamite Kid . Hello fans Im Sam Menekar welcome to the AMC Grand Hotel and Studio here in Detroit , Michigan. We will have our first match when we come back.


Sam : Fans welcome back and there you see him the IWA World Television Champion Manny Fernandez at ringside .

Harley Race comes out and gets in the ring .

Jimmy Lennon: Harley your match isn’t right now .

Race : Give me that damn mic !! Hey Fernandez, you got some nerve showing up here . I never once got a shot at the last guy that held that belt and now your obviously playing politics to keep that belt out of my hands . Over the last 2 years I have held 3 regional titles and one World title , yet where is my World Television Title shot .

Fernandez gets in the ring .

Manny : Listen up brother , I ain’t backing down from no one all I’ve done is defend this belt . I got my gear in the car . You want a shot , yeah you got it . Let’s do it tonight , brother.

Sam : Fans now this is interesting . Ok ,I’m getting word that Elizabeth Savage has Wally Karbo in the control center. We are going to hear from him . Let’s take a break here and then we’ll hear from him when we come back .


Liz : Welcome back . Mr . Karbo , are we going to see this match tonight .?

Karbo : We had to move some things around . We had to first make a promise to Christian Cage. Tomorrow night in Ottawa at Soutman Hall . He will be wrestling for the North American Cruiser weight championship . Our main event now is Harley Race taking on Manny Fernandez for the World Television Title!!! Gail Kim vs Dakota Kia now opens the show and that match starts now !!!

Gail Kim vs Dakota Kia : So how did we get here ? Over the weekend , Kia won a four way match . Gail is a former champion only losing twice . Once to Li and to Kia last weekend .

Gail , hits a series of Suplexes and then an air raid crash . Then puts on the Queen of Spades . Kia late on the match gets off a series of kicks , from there she hits GTK and then a diving Double Foot Stomp for the 3 .

Sam : Dakota Kia will now take on Xia Li for the North American Woman’s Championship at Summer Sizzler . We’ll have another great match for you when we come back .


Black Tiger vs Prince Puma : This match gets out of hand quickly . BT tries to unmask Puma and bloodies him in the process . Puma wins by DQ !! Black Tiger post match , slams Puma on the floor and then hits a Frog Splash on the outside . Puma is coughing up blood .

Sam : Fans our concern is with Prince Puma right now . While he is being attended to let’s go back to Elizabeth Savage in the Summer Sizzler Control Center .

Liz : Thanks Sam . Fans we are edging closer to June 11th and our Summer Sizzler tour from Tiger Stadium . We can now confirm that Dakota Kia will challenge North American Woman’s Champion Xia Li for the title . We have more big news . Here is Eli Drake .

Eli Drake : Ya know Adrain Adonis . You and I have fought all over the last couple of months . I’ve always respected you until the other night . You want to beat me with a chair . You want to punish me . You should have killed me Adrian Adonis .

I went to Wally Karbo and we had a little talk . This thing ends between us at the Sizzler . We are going to be locked inside a steel cage , no one gets in and no one gets out . On ever section of cage there will be a weapon strapped to it . Adrain Adonis, you and I are going to beat the hell out of one another with those weapons and the only way to win is not answer the 10 count .

Adrain Adonis, I hope you’re ready . I’m bringing Caged Mayhem to your front door . I’m not going to quit . I’m going to beat you senseless . I’m going to make you uglier than you already are , you big dummy . That’s not an insult . That’s just a fact of life .

Liz : So let’s run down the card .

North American Cruiser Weight Title : Cameron Grimes vs the champion . Either Christian Cage or George Wagner

North American Woman’s Championship : Dakota Kia vs Champion Xia Li

BTW Woman’s Tag Team Titles : Tall and Sexy vs the champions The Hex .

Caged Mayhem : Eli Drake vs Adrain Adonis

We’ll have more matches to announce later . Sam , back to you .

Sam : Thanks Liz and we just found out that Prince Puma has a broken rib . However , he has issued a challenge . At The Summer Sizzler on May 11th . A Lucha Death Match . Will Puma’s rib be healed up by then , we don’t know , but the match has been signed . When we come back Booker T vs Ultimo Dragon one man will face the World Television Champion at the Summer Sizzler .


Ultimo Dragon vs Booker T : Ultimo lights Booker up with a series of kicks then a leaping spinning back kick knocks him down Asi Moonsault from Dragon . He covers and only gets two . Booker battles back . After an inside out kick , Booker hits the Book End for the 3 .

Sam : That’s it . Booker T is moving on for a World Television Title opportunity at the Summer Sizzler on June 11 th . When we come back , we will hear from Fred Blassie .


Jimmy Lennon: Fans welcome back . I’m told Fred Blassie requested this air time . Mr . Blassie , the floor is yours .

Blassie : Last week I sent a warning to Gorilla Monsoon and the IWA . Now I’m warning Dusty Rhodes . Rhodes wherever you’re at , I’m there . I’m going to be on you , like black on asphalt. You are gonna wish you never heard of Fred Blassie . Dusty it’s gonna be a long damn summer .

Jimmy Lennon: Thank you Mr. Blassie . Fans when we come back , The World Television Title is on the line .

IWA World Television Title Manny Fernandez vs Harley Race: Manny opens up very quickly. Forearm shots back Race up . Manny with an Irish whip and a dropkick . Race powders out . Manny with a slingshot over the top rope crossbody . He rolls Race in , Manny with a hiptoss and then a bodyslam . He whips Race in the corner and then charges with a leaping forearm , Race moves and Manny eats the turnbuckles. Now Harley takes over .

He slows the match down , snapmares his man over and clamps down on a chinkock . Manny works his way to off the mat , Race out of the ref’s line of sight , pulls Manny down by the back of the hair , back into the chinlock. Manny , again , works his way off the mat , Race with a clubbing forearm shot to the back of the head and then a Kneelift to the face , sends his man down . Race covers 1….2…. Manny kicks out . Race deliberately chokes him on the mat , Race breaks on 4 and half and now puts the boots to his man . Race pulls Manny up and sets for a Piledriver …. Manny back drops out !! Race staggers up , Flying Headbutt by The Bull !!! Manny covers , 1….2….3 !!!

Sam : Fans it’s all over . Manny Fernandez, beats Harley Race to retain . He has been a true fighting champion . Don’t forget tomorrow night, you fans in Ottawa at Soutman Hall . I’m Sam Menekar.

Jimmy : I’m Jimmy Lennon

Liz : And I’m Elizabeth Savage .

Together : Goodnight everybody .


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BTW # 11 : Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BTW # 11 : Thursday Night Wrestling    BTW # 11 : Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptyTue May 10, 2022 10:10 pm

Manny better beware......Harleys been on a heck of a roll lately

I hope Kai wins that strap

Digging this Puma/Tiger program

What would a sizzler tour show be without a cage match??

Puma might be a little crazy wanting a death match with a broken rib

Man.....the challengers are coming from all over for Manny

But he puts a big notch in his belt with that win over Race

GReat stuff
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BTW # 11 : Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BTW # 11 : Thursday Night Wrestling    BTW # 11 : Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptyFri May 13, 2022 8:35 pm

be careful what ya wish for Race

gonna be a killer main event

lotsa masked men battling here

summer sizzler shaping up nicely

i always look forward to hearing from blassie

great main event with manny getting another tough win to retain the world tv title!

damn good show
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BTW # 11 : Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BTW # 11 : Thursday Night Wrestling    BTW # 11 : Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptySat May 14, 2022 11:21 am

good show here.

Booker moves on to geta tv title shot. Cool

great main event.
hopefully this isn't Race's last time getting a shot at that title.

like that you started out with Manny not being scheduled to wrestle on the show.very old school.

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