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 Big Time Wrestling # 10 : Thursday Night Wrestling

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Johnny Rose

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Big Time Wrestling # 10 : Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: Big Time Wrestling # 10 : Thursday Night Wrestling    Big Time Wrestling # 10 : Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptyThu May 05, 2022 9:15 pm

Big Time Wrestling # 10 : Thursday Night Wrestling

Sam Menekar: It’s Thursday Night . It’s 7pm and that means it’s time for wrestling here on AMC . Tonight , a rematch between Black Tiger and Prince Puma . Gail Kim returns to action tonight after her loss to Xia Li . The Hex defend their Tag Titles and Harley Race taking on Verne Gange in our main event for the Heritage Championship .
Hello fans Im Sam Menekar welcome to the AMC Grand Hotel and Studio here in Detroit , Michigan. We will have our first match when we come back.


Big Time Wrestling Tag Team Titles The Hex vs Sherri Martel & Wendi Richter: Martel and Richter work well together. Sherri has given Wendi a bit of a mean streak . But Kaye hits Wendi with a Spear and then puts her across her knee with a back Breaker . Marti comes off with a flying knee to the chest . Kaye covers and gets 3 . Post match the Hex beat the bell out of Wendi as Sherri takes a walk . Tall and Sexy come to her aid and brawl with The Hex to the back .

Sam : What a way to win . Fans right now let’s go to Elizabeth Savage in the Summer Sizzler Tour control center.

Liz : Thanks Sam and the first match is officially signed . It will be for the Women’s Tag Titles. The Hex vs Tall and Sexy . Don’t forget about the Path to Greatness starting next Month the winner of . Will receive a World Heavyweight Title Match on the Sizzler PPV finale . One man who isn’t happy about it BTW’s Fred Blassie .

Blassie : I have been a staple in wrestling . I’ve spilled more blood and destroyed more men than any of you pencil neck geeks will ever know . Now , this Path To Greatness comes up and I’m the one guy who gets screwed by Monmoran . I mean Monsoon . Well lard ass listen up , if you don’t enter me in this thing, I may have to mess up your little tourney .

Sam : Thanks Liz , fans when we come back , it’s Black Tiger taking on Prince Puma .


Prince Puma vs Black Tiger : More if the same from last week . Lots of high flying action . Except BT now starts using some underhanded tactics . Puma however over comes this and wins with a 450 splash .

Post match as Puma goes to shake BT’s hand , BT kicks him in the balls and tosses him over the top rope. This follows by a sit out Powerbomb by BT . Puma is intended to by EMTs .

Sam : Fans , while we have some time , I want to bring in Jimmy Lennon. Jimmy you , have some news .

Jimmy : Sam , I just learned through Mr . Karbo that next week we will not only have the World Television Champion Manny Fernandez in studio , we are having a four man tourney to see who will be his challenger on June 11th at our Summer Sizzler . Here are the four man competing next week.

Ultimo Dragon
Dynamite Kid
Booker T
And just drafted to BTW , the first and former World Television Champion Jungle Jack Perry !!

Sam : Wait , Jungle Jack Perry is now here ?

Jimmy : Yes you heard that right and he will be in action next taking on Grayson Waller .

Sam : Well , let’s take a break and get to the exciting action , Jungle Jack Perry taking on Grayson Waller when we come back .


Jungle Jack Perry vs Grayson Waller : Waller attacks Jack before the bell , but Jack fights him off . Superkick and then a Snare Trap . Waller taps out . Only 45 seconds .

Sam : WOW , talk about quick work . It would take him longer to make tea . Jack Perry come in here …

Dynamite Kid comes out to ringside .

Dynamite : Ya know , beating that bloke ain’t the same as beating mr . Look at you , there is something different in your eyes . You’ve changed your name do you think you’re suddenly a man now .

Jack : I’ve been a man since I turned 18 . I changed my name because that’s what my Dad named . I find it funny that you ask that , “Dynamite Kid .” ( smiles)

Dynamite : I’m bloody proud of my name . You are now trying to be something you’re not . Well, I have an idea , let’s not wait until next week , Jackie boy . Let’s do it tonight .

Wally Karbo comes out .

Karbo : This sounds like a hell of an idea . Tonight we start the first round . We will move Harley Race vs Verne Gagne to tomorrow night at Friday Night Fight Night and you two will be our main event tonight .

Sam : That is big news . When we come back . Gail Kim makes her return to the ring taking on Ember Moon .


This are going to get hot this summer . Saturday June 11th . It’s The Summer Sizzler Tour live from Detroit Tigers Ball Park .

Already signed

The Hex defending the BTW Tag Titles Against Tall and Sexy

North American Junior Heavyweight Title is on the line , when Gorgeous George Wagner defends against Cameron Grimes .

North American Woman’s Champion Xia Li will be defending her title .

Stay tuned for more details .

End footage *

Gail Kim vs Ember Moon : An exciting match . Kim looks great in her return . She wins with Eat Defeat .

Sam : And Gail Kim with a big win this week . Tomorrow night Friday Night Fight Night . This your card .

Heritage Championship Harley Race vs Verne Gagne

Woman’s Four Way Elimination Gail Kim , Riho , Dakota Kia and Wendi Richter .

Nikkita Lyons vs Thunder Rosa

Eli Drake vs Adrain Adonis

John Cena vs Col . DeBeers

North American Tag Team Titles The Pain Makers vs The Almighty

North American Heavyweight Title Calgary Brawl Bob Backlund vs Fred Blassie

Sam : And right now let’s go up for our main event . Jimmy Lennon take it away !!

Jimmy Lennon: Fans this next match is one fall with tv time remaining. First , from Leeds , Yorkshire England . Dynamite Kid !

His opponent from Santa Clara , California. This is Jungle Jack Perry !!!

The two men lock up collar and elbow . Jack slips under and then a go behind . He gets off a waist lock takedown. From there Jack goes into a side headlock . Dynamite gets to his feet and goes for a back Suplex , but Jack rolls through and keeps on the headlock . Dynamite gets to the ropes , Jack breaks clean . They lock up again and this time , Dynamite rakes the eyes and then a stiff forearm shot puts Jack down . Dynamite now hits a basement dropkick to the face and then a snap Suplex . He springs off the ropes and drops a knee across the head of Jack .

Dynamite now sets for a Tombstone, but Jack flips it into a Destroyer Piledriver!! He covers . Dynamite’s foot is on the ropes . Jack now hits a release German. Dynamite staggers up and Jack takes his head off with a leaping latrait . Jack goes for Jungle Fever , but Dynamite gets his knees up . Dynamite now drops Jack across the top rope throat first . Dynamite now goes for a Crippler Crossface. Jack gets to the ropes . Off the break , Dynamite tries for a clothesline , but Jack backdrops him over the top rope down to the floor .

Jack lay on the mat trying to get his wind . The ref is administering the count on Dynamite . Dynamite on the outside slips on his glove . He gets up on the ring apron . Jack goes to Suplex back in , but Dynamite takes a big swing and misses . Jack goes for back Suplex , he has Dynamite up …. BLAM !!!! Right to the temple with the glove . Dynamite lands on Jack in a kind of a cross body . 1…….2……3 .

Post match , Dynamite beats on Jack with the glove , busting him open . The ref decides to toss out the match .

Jimmy Lennon: Fans referee Marty Miller has thrown out this match . Therefore tomorrow next weeks match between Booker T and Ultimo Dragon will decide who faces the World Television Champion at Summer Sizzler .

Sam : Fans don’t forget about tomorrow night’s Friday Night Fight Night I’m Sam Menekar

Liz : I’m Elizabeth Savage

Jimmy: And I’m Jimmy Lennon.

Together : Good night everybody.


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Big Time Wrestling # 10 : Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Time Wrestling # 10 : Thursday Night Wrestling    Big Time Wrestling # 10 : Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptyFri May 06, 2022 12:37 pm

Lots of stuff going down in that ladies tag match. The Hex continue to make a name for themselves while Sherri takes a walk on Richter, which i love by the way. But then Tall and Sexy make sure they arent forgotten. Good to see BTW getting involved in the womens division more

So does that mean i can add the Hex vs Tall and Sexy to the match calendar??

I wanna see a best of 7 between Puma and Tiger

Hmmm not sure who i wanna see win the tourny to face Manny. I think Dynamite has to be the favorite to win

Jungle Jack has a new home

And he jumps right into the fire......not sure messing with Kid is a smart move

Gail Kim always seems to be in the mix when you have her signed

And as i predicted......KId gets the win over JUngle. Now lets see how Jungle rebounds from it

Ohhhhh what the flip???? Both men are eliminated now??? Marty MIller should be fired

Good show
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Big Time Wrestling # 10 : Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Time Wrestling # 10 : Thursday Night Wrestling    Big Time Wrestling # 10 : Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptyMon May 09, 2022 12:00 pm

BTW Summer Sizzler Show looking good.

hard choice between Booker and Ultimo.Not sure who i want to see win.

Jungle Boy will fit in here in BTW.

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Big Time Wrestling # 10 : Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Time Wrestling # 10 : Thursday Night Wrestling    Big Time Wrestling # 10 : Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptyMon May 09, 2022 8:52 pm

good opening tag to get the crowd fired up

Blassie is my fave here...and he speaks the truth!!

lots of masked men in this territory

Manny is a busy man and he well should be! He's the WORLD TV champ and should be showcased!

Not one easy opponent for him regardless of who wins the 4 man tourney

Quick ass win for JB...OH SHIT Heres DK!!

DK really fd up his shot at the world champ!!


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