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 Big Time Wrestling # 7 : Thursday Night Wrestling

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Johnny Rose

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Big Time Wrestling # 7 : Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: Big Time Wrestling # 7 : Thursday Night Wrestling    Big Time Wrestling # 7 : Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptySun Apr 24, 2022 11:57 am

Big Time Wrestling # 7 : Thursday Night Wrestling

Sam Menekar: It’s 7pm on a Thursday and Big Time Wrestling is live here on AMC . We are one week removed from Survivor Series . The annual IWA draft was this past Monday and next week the new era in Big Time Wrestling will begin . New stars . New champions and new and exciting action for you the fans . Hello fans Im Sam Menekar welcome to the AMC Grand Hotel and Studio here in Detroit , Michigan. We will have our first match when we come back .


Grayson Waller vs Rocky King : King surprises Waller a bit and takes the fight to him . Grayson in the end hits a Leapfrog Curb Stomp for the win .

Sam : We will look forward to seeing that young man in weeks to come . We have a new tag team debuting here tonight . Let’s go back up to the ring .

The Almighty ( Sheik and Iron Sheik ) bs The Mulkeys : Oh this is ugly poor Bill Mulkey never gets out the Almighty corner . IS hits a back breaker and then Sheik finishes it with a Camel Clutch.

Col .DeBeers , Jinder Mahal and The Almighty join Jimmy Lennon at ringside .

Jimmy : An impressive….

DeBeers yanks the mic away : Jimmy Lennon, I’ll handle this . Get out of my face you stupid American swine . For too long the great Satan known as the United States has had it easy . They go to lands and purge oil . They support wars that are both their’s to fight .

Now comes the Unit . The great Jinder Mahal . The. Almighty and myself . We are going to destroy all your heroes . Then we are going to purge your companies . Starting with Big Time Wrestling. Then …….


Sam : Fans welcome back . Sorry to say The Unit went on too long and started to go into a commercial break we had no choice but to cut them off . Right now I’m being joined out here at the podium by Fred Blassie and Bob Backlund . Thank you gentlemen for agreeing to this contract signing today .

This is a standard contract for the North American Heavyweight Title at Chase for the Gold . It is one fall to a finish . No count outs . Referee’s digression. Mr . Backlund any words ?

Backlund : Thank you Sam Menekar. This is an honor and a privilege to wrestle for the North American Heavyweight Title . I’m looking forward to this match . Mr . Blassie , just because I’m a soft spoken individual does not mean , I won’t bring the intensity and heart to our match . I want this belt and I’m willing to work hard for it .

He signs .

Sam : Mr . Blassie

Blassie : You pencil neck geek . You make me sick with your wholesome milk and cookies attitude . You’re willing to work hard . Well Bobby boy ! I’m willing to eye gouge , pull hair , bite and jam my damn fingers down your throat to win . Referee’s digression do you know what that means Bobby ?

It means if I toss you out of the ring I’m probably not going to get DQ’d . If I hit you in the face with a chair and improve your looks , I’m not going to get DQ’d . There must be a winner . Bobby , welcome to your worst nightmare !!!

Blassie signs .

Sam : Fans when we come back I’ll be taking to Harley Race and Christin Cage will be in our main event taking on Ultimo Dragon !


Sam : Fans welcome back . I’m joined by Harley Race as promised . Mr . Race you kind of shocked us entering the Heritage Title Tourney at the Survivor Series preshow . Especially when you were involved in the Television Division Survivor match . Not to mention your in the AWA .

Race : Mr . Menekar , my contract with AWA runs out next Thursday . Survivor Series was my last match with the company . I was given three options , the Draft , Free Agency or a trade .

Well dammit , I’m Harley Race . I deserve better . Former Windy City Tag Team Champion . Former IWA World Tag Team Champion and former WGN Television Champion . I busted my ass for that company . It cost me a friendship and what did those ungrateful bastards do , they stacked the deck against me and made sure their overrated loud mouth golden boy took my title .

So I did get Luce’s blessing , not that I needed from that short ugly wig headed hobbit , I called Wally Karbo . I told him I would put Big Time Wrestling on the map . He agreed to let me in the Heritage Championship . I made to the finals . At Chase for the Gold , I’ll be looking at another loud mouth punk named Eli Drake . I’m going to kick his ass and take out everything they did to me . I will be the first Heritage Champion !

Sam : Thank you Harley . Let’s go to our main event .

Christian Cage vs Ultimo Dragon: Exciting action from the top . Dragon hits an Asi Moonsault and then a Dragon Sleeper . Cage late in the match is able to get of the Kill Switch for the 3 .


Ah summer …. BBQ’s , baseball , boating , camping, swimming , fireworks, apple pie and WRESTLING !!!!!!!

Black Sabbath’s War Pigs play while we see …

Harley Race and Eli Drake stare one another down . The Almighty killing Bill Mulkey . Bob Backlund executing a Firemen’s carry . Fred Blassie with the Mandible Claw. Grayson Walker’s hand being raised in victory . Then we see Detroit Tiger’s Stadium !!! June 11 th Summer Sizzler Tour comes to Detroit!

Sam : Can’t wait for the Summer Sizzler tour . Next week though from Montreal Olympia Stadium in Canada . Chase For The Gold , there will be no home television . So the only way to see it is to join us live , or come here to the AMC Grand Hotel and Studio and watch it on close circuit. No tv next week , but we will be back on AMC . Elizabeth Savage will be back from vacation just in time to bring us the Summer Sizzler Control Center .

Chase For The Gold

North American Heavyweight Title : Fred Blassie vs Bob Backlund

Heritage Championship : Harley Race vs Eli Drake

North American Tag Team Titles: The Pain Makers vs The Samoan Wrecking Crew

North American Cruiserweight Title Gorgeous George Wagner (C) vs Cameron Grimes

North American Women’s Title Gail Kim (C) vs Xia Li

Big Time Wrestling Tag Titles : Tall and Sexy vs The Hex

The Almighty vs Tony Atlas and Booker T

Nikkita Lyons vs Thunder Rosa

Sam : I’m Sam Menekar

Jimmy Lennon: I’m Jimmy Lennon

Together : Good night everybody!

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Posts : 1624
Join date : 2020-06-11

Big Time Wrestling # 7 : Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Time Wrestling # 7 : Thursday Night Wrestling    Big Time Wrestling # 7 : Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptyMon Apr 25, 2022 6:13 pm

Gonna admit, your gonna have to do something to sell me on Grayson. He doesnt do squat for me in real life

The Foreigners have arrived in The whos gonna be that all american hero to stand up to them here?

Im not too sure that Backlund can handle BLassies brutality

Great promo from Harley......i hope he kicks Drakes ass

Not very oftern do we see a win from Christian in the efed

Another cool promo for Sizzler tour

Cool show
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Posts : 874
Join date : 2020-06-22

Big Time Wrestling # 7 : Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Time Wrestling # 7 : Thursday Night Wrestling    Big Time Wrestling # 7 : Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptyTue Apr 26, 2022 9:38 pm

no idea who Waller is lol

dude the ALMIGHTY is gonna be great !! a very unique but dangerous combo!

oh shit...this faction is going to really be trouble here! i can see the carnage right now!!

fukin great blassie promo...good luck Howdy Doody

fantastic Race promo!!

christian with the rare win lol

great promo for the SIZZLER tour!!

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