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 Big Time Wrestling # 8 Thursday Night Wrestling

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Johnny Rose

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Big Time Wrestling # 8 Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: Big Time Wrestling # 8 Thursday Night Wrestling    Big Time Wrestling # 8 Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptyWed Apr 27, 2022 6:17 pm

Big Time Wrestling: #8 Thursday Night Wrestling

Replays of the finishes at Chase For The Gold .

Sam Menekar: It’s Thursday Night . It’s 7pm and that means it’s time for wrestling here on AMC . Tonight , we introduce new stars and new champions . Hello fans Im Sam Menekar welcome to the AMC Grand Hotel and Studio here in Detroit , Michigan. We will have our first match when we come back .


Black Tiger II ( Eddie Guerrero) vs Prince Puma ( Ricochet ) : This opener has the fans on their feet . Puma hits a Plauncha . Later BT hits a flying Con Helo . Puma goes for a Springboard jump kick , but BT moves , he gets off a tornado DDT . He hits Tiger Driver 98 for the win !

Sam : I hope to see these two again in the future . Right now we go up stairs to the control center . Where Elizabeth Savage is with Thunder Rosa .

Liz : Thanks Sam . Thunder Rosa you had a great match against Nikita Lyons at Chase For The Gold . You came up just a bit short . However your demeanor changed . Why .

Rosa : Are you kidding me right now chicita ? Yes , I was always on the side of the people . I was their champion .Heroe’ del pueblo. They called me . What has that ever gotten me . Losses to Gail Kim . Number one ranking in the world , only to lose time and again to Britt Baker . Nobody has lost to her more than me . I was her personal perra .

Then I walk into Survivor Series and suffer a historic embarrassment. Well no more . From now on Thunder Rosa only takes care of Thunder Rosa . Nikkita Lyons , next week I want you in that ring . You better show up or fell the wrath of demonio femenino.

Liz : Thank you Thunder Rosa . Sam back down to you .

Sam : Thanks Elizabeth Savage . In speaking of Nikkita Lyons . She is in action right now .

Nikkita Lyons vs Wendi Richter: Early on some solid chain wrestling by both ladies . Richter gets a little dirty with an elbow off a rope break and works over the head of Lyons . She gets off a Bulldog , but Lyons’ foot is in the rope . Richter goes to pull her up , but Lyons gets off a knee strike and then Axe Kick to the back of Richter’s head . She covers for 1….2….3 !!!

Jimmy Lennon: Fans the winner of the match . Nikkita Lyons . She’s joining me here at ringside . Nikkita. A challenge was issued earlier .

Lyons : Yes , I heard it Mr . Lennon . Thunder Rosa , I still owe you from the cheap shot at Chase . Well , I accept your challenge . See you next week .

Jimmy : Thank you Nikkita. Sam , back to you .

Sam : Fans when we come back . We will hear from Fred Blassie and the new North American Women’s Champion Xia Li will be in action . Then from there , The Pain Makers and Jinder Mahal . We’ll be right back .


In The Summertime by Mungo Jerry plays as we see Tiger Stadium . Then we see Bob Backlund with Fred Blassie in the Cross Face Chicken Wing . Mike Awesome on a dive onto some poor bastard outside the ring . The Almighty kicking the crap out of Verne Gagne . Prince Puma hitting a rana on Black Tiger 2 .

BTW Presents Summer Sizzler June 11th Tiger Stadium .

Sam : Fans welcome back . Right now standing in our control center Elizabeth Savage with Fred Blassie .

Liz : Thanks Sam . Fred Blassie last week at Chase you went to war with Bob Backlund and now ….

Blassie : Shut your mouth , you stupid broad . Now Wally Karbo made it perfectly clear . Next week in Calgary on Friday Night Fight on HBOMAX, I get one more shot . Well Bobby boy . You got lucky . Im so sick of your pansy ass ways . Next week a Calgary Brawl . You and me . This time I’m gonna rip that stupid Richie Cunningham face off your head and puke down your neck ! This interview is over .

Liz : I would say thank you , but the hell with that . Sam , back to you .

Sam : Let’s go to the ring .

Nontitle match Xia Li vs Rockin Robin : Not much to tell here . The champ with a dominant performance wins with a jumping kick for 3 .

Sam : An impressive win by the North American Woman’s Champion this week . Next week she will be at ringside as four woman compete in a four way elimination. The winner will face , the winner of another four way elimination and those two will square off in 3 weeks time . The winner of that gets a title shot at The Summer Sizzler on June 11th .

Right now we have more action . The North American Tag Team Champions The Pain Makers are taking on Harry Smith and Nigel McGuiness let’s go to the ring .

Nigel and Harry look great . Quick tags in and out . Matching power and speed of the champs . Harry has Warrior in a Full Nelson, but Warrior breaks and gets off a Torture Rack Drop . He tags off to Awesome who hits a Frog Splash for 3 . The champs join Jimmy Lennon at ringside .

Jimmy : Warrior , Mike . Congratulations on the win .

Warrior : Jimmy Lennon, the whole world and every galaxy in between space and time saw what we did to the mighty Road Warriors at Survivor Series . Then they saw us destroy our targets the Samon Wrecking Crew. We are the true force of nature .

Awesome : That’s right , now we got The Almighty running around here talking up how bad they are . Well they don’t get badder than the Pain Makers. At Friday Fight Night next week , they will find out just that .

Jimmy : Thank you gentlemen. The North American Tag Team Champions The Pain Makers everybody . Sam back to you .

Sam ; Joining me now . John Cena ! John welcome to Big Time Wrestling.

Cena : Oh wow !! Listen to these fans . Yeah !! Sam. It’s great to be here . Man , I thought I was going to get passed over the draft . Then Wally Karbo called me and bam . I’m in Big Time Wrestling. Now I see we got this group called The Unit . And they represent everything I hate . Well , when you bully the wrong people you get bullied back . So Col . DeBeers , Jinder Mahal , The Almighty . You wanna be bullies . Well the biggest bully beater in the block is here !

Sam : Thanks John. Is speaking of Jinder Mahal . He’s up next in action . Let’s go to the ring .

Jinder Mahal vs Barry Horowitz: Jinder is dominant. After a Arm Trap Neck Breaker . He pulls Horowitz up and puts on a swing sleeper!!! The whole time looking at Cena who is ring side . Horowitz submits . Mahal tosses him aside and comes out after Cena , but DeBeers attacks Cena with a chair from behind . Booker T comes out with a chair of his own and Verne Gange . Verne checks on Cena as Booker gives chase .


Wally Karbo is in the ring .

Karbo : So after what happened. John Cena told me he wants Col . DeBeers next Friday Night . Well I’m giving him what he wants . Next Friday Night Fights . John Cena vs Col . DeBeers . Also Booker T will take on Jinder Mahal . Sam , back to you .

Sam : Thank you Mr .Karbo . Well fans it’s been quite an evening . There is so much going on . Next week we have our regular Thursday show . Your main event , will be The Heritage Champion Harley Race defending against Verne Gagne .

Then Friday Night Fights with a special start time of 10:30 pm on HBOMAX live from the Event Centere at the from the Grey Eagle Casino . Here is a run down of the card .

4 woman elimination : Gail Kim , Dakota Kia , Riho and Marti Belle

Nikkita Lyons vs Thunder Rosa

Booker T vs Jinder Mahal

Eli Drake vs Adrain Adonis

John Cena vs Col . DeBeers

North American Tag Team Titles The Pain Makers (C) vs The Almighty

North American Heavyweight Title Calgary Brawl Bob Backlund (C) vs Fred Blassie

Sam : See you next fans . I’m Sam Menekar

Jimmy Lennon: And I’m Jimmy Lennon

Liz : And I’m Elizabeth Savage .

Together: Good night Everybody.


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Big Time Wrestling # 8 Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Time Wrestling # 8 Thursday Night Wrestling    Big Time Wrestling # 8 Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptyWed Apr 27, 2022 6:33 pm

Hmmmm.....interesting touch having Guerrero and Ricochet go by their alter egos.

Dont feel bad Thunder......EVERYBODY loses to Britt Baker

Lets see if Rosas new attitude can change anything

Looks like a big match next week between her and Lyons.......could be make or break for either gal

Blassie isnt done with Backlund.......could be bad news for him

So the Painmakers have another change of heart?

Cena doing his best good boy promo......he better toughen up if hes gonna collide with the UNit

Im rooting for Dakota Kai

Solid show as always
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Big Time Wrestling # 8 Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Time Wrestling # 8 Thursday Night Wrestling    Big Time Wrestling # 8 Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptySun May 01, 2022 8:32 pm

the opening with them in their masked gimmicks was very cool

gotta say Blassie is the man and one of my favorites in the IWA

Cena is learning the hard way what BTW is all about!

impressive win for the painmakers


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