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 BTW #13: Thursday Night Wrestling

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Johnny Rose

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BTW #13: Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: BTW #13: Thursday Night Wrestling    BTW #13: Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptyThu May 26, 2022 9:31 am

BTW # 13 Thursday Night Wrestling.

Sam : It’s Thursday Night and that means it’s time for wrestling here on AMC . Tonight , our first match is Nikkita Lyons vs Thunder Rosa . The North American Heavyweight Champion Bob Backlund is in action . We will hear from the Pain Makers as they have some thoughts about the new IWA World Tag Team Champions Big Van Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow . Elizabeth Savage is in the Summer Sizzler Control Center to run down the card of our Summer Sizzler Show at Tiger Stadium with Wally Karbo and our main event tonight is a Four Man Tag Scramble Match , the last man standing will take on the IWA World Heavyweight Champion at Summer Sizzler . Hello fans Im Sam Menekar welcome to the AMC Grand Hotel and Studio here in Detroit , Michigan. We will have our first match when we come back .


Nikita Lyons vs Thunder Rosa: No love loss between these two ladies . Late in the match , after Nikkita hits Thunder with a Powerslam , she waits …. She goes for her flying kick , but Rosa rolls out of the ring . Lyons runs after her . Rosa dives under the ring and pulls out a chain , she belts Lyons with it . The ref calls for bell , DQing Rosa . She now chokes her with the chain . EMTs and security rush to her aid .


Out of the break , a bloody Lyons is in the ring . Jimmy Lennon gives her the mic , she’s struggling to clear her throat .

Lyons : Thunder Rosa , you want to beat on people with chains . Well , I say you and me at Summer Sizzler , Dog Collar match , that way I can beat you like the bitch you are !!!!

Jimmy Lennon: Thank you Nikita Lyons , Sam back to you .

Sam : Fans, we will find out later tonight if that match will be signed. Right now it’s the North American Heavyweight Champion , Bob Backlund in action .

Bob Backlund vs Baron Von Rashke: A solid match . Goldberg comes down and tries to provide a distraction, but Backlund is a true pro . He puts on the Crossface Chicken Wing, stares at Goldberg the whole time , while BVR finally taps .

Post match Goldberg slides in . The two stare down one another .

Sam : The tension is so thick here you can cut it with a knife . Right now , I want to bring in the North American Tag Team Champions . The Pain Makers. Gentlemen , June 11th , a huge opportunity at the World Tag Team Champions.

Gladiator: And if they think for one minute we are worried about them , guess again . You see Vader and Bam Bam , we are known for two things , kicking ass and taking names . Your names will be added to our list of victims .

Warrior : For I walked through the valley of the dead river of the planet of parts unknown !! The 7th eye in the stream told me that there will be a crowning . For while you two are all powerful, it is nothing compared to the power of the one Awesome Gladiator and the might Ultimate Warrior . Like all other demons before you , we shall slay you and your dragons and become the Tag Team Champions of All Worlds * gnnnnnaaaarrrrrrr !!!!!!

Sam : When we come back it’s our main event . Who will get the World Heavyweight Title Shot ?


4 way Tag Scramble Match : Rick Martel vs John Cena vs Jinder Mahal vs Dynamite Kid : The action is crazy right off the bat . Cena and Mahal battle outside the ring and take a double count out . Dynamite and Martel put on a clinic. Martel almost submits Dynamite in a Boston Crab, but he gets to the ropes for the break . Dynamite late in the match , hits Martel with his loaded Glove and then a Tombstone Piledriver. He covers and gets the 3 .

Jimmy Lennon: Fans , your winner and going onto face Dusty Rhodes at Summer Sizzler , Dynamite Kid .

Sam : There you have it . Before we go , let’s go to Elizabeth Savage and Wally Karbo in the Summer Sizzler Tour Control Center .

Liz : Sam , thanks . Mr . Karbo , you have the final card for Summer Sizzler .

Karbo : Yes I do . Elizabeth, before we continue , you can catch the second half of our Summer Sizzler on AMC . We will have a 1pm start time session that will not be televised and then a 7pm that will . At 1pm .

John Cena vs Jinder Mahal

Heritage Championship Harley Race vs Rick Martel

The Samoan Wrecking Crew vs The Creed Brothers

Dog Collar Match: Nikkita Lyons vs Thunder Rosa

North American Cruiserweight Title Gorgeous George Wagner vs Cameron Grimes

Main Event Caged Mayhem : Eli Drake vs Adrain Adonis

And the evening session on AMC

GFW Tag Team Titles: Tall and Sexy vs The Hex

North American Women’s Title : Xia Li vs Dakota Kia

Black Tiger vs Prince Puma Lucha Death Match

IWA World Women’s Title Dr . Britt Baker vs Gail Kim

IWA World Television Title: Manny Fernandez vs Booker T

IWA World Tag Team Titles: Big Van Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow vs The Pain Makers

North American Heavyweight Title : Bob Backlund vs Goldberg

World Heavyweight Title: Dusty Rhodes vs Dynamite Kid

Liz : Mr . Karbo , Tiger Stadium will be rocking . Good night everybody.


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BTW #13: Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BTW #13: Thursday Night Wrestling    BTW #13: Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptyThu May 26, 2022 12:21 pm

NIce touch giving Lyons/Thunder a chain match at Sizzler

Im still not certain who will win between Goldberg and Howdy.......errrr, i mean Backlund Very Happy

Painmakers have done well for themselves......but now they run into the world champs

Dusty has a lot of guys getting in line for a shot at the belt......but none of them compare to Kid. How will Dusty overcome Kids style?

Damn that sizzler show is stacked......good stuff
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BTW #13: Thursday Night Wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BTW #13: Thursday Night Wrestling    BTW #13: Thursday Night Wrestling  EmptySat May 28, 2022 1:29 pm

Summer Sizzler Show is gonna be action packed.

really looking foward to the Lyons/Rosa Match,especially now that it is a dog collar match.

a lot of title matches for Summer Sizzler. Cool

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