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 Big Time Wrestling: The Grand LV 55 Ballroom. Niles , Michigan

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Johnny Rose

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Big Time Wrestling: The Grand LV 55 Ballroom. Niles , Michigan  Empty
PostSubject: Big Time Wrestling: The Grand LV 55 Ballroom. Niles , Michigan    Big Time Wrestling: The Grand LV 55 Ballroom. Niles , Michigan  EmptyFri Mar 11, 2022 4:52 pm

Big Time Wrestling Grand LV 55 Ballroom , Niles , Michigan

3/12 22

“ Mr. Electricity “ Steve Regal vs Ultimo Dragon: Ultimo uses air attacks combined with lethal striking , until Regal gets ahold of him and punishes him on the mat . Ultimo misses a Shooting Star Press and Regal takes advantage with a Pedigree for 3 .

Tommy Dreamer vs Adrain Adonis: This loses control quickly and spills to the outside . The ref tosses out the match as they brawl all over the building . It ends when Adonis hits a Spinebuster on Tommy through a table .

Bobby Duncum/ Percy Pringle 3 vs Larry The Axe Hennig : This is a true heavyweight match up with big power moves and hard hitting action that has the crowd on their feet . Hennig goes the Axe at the 17 minute mark , but Percy trips him up out of the ref’s sight . Duncum hits the Clothesline from Hell for the 3 count .

Fabulous Moolah vs Thunder Rosa: The action is not to be outdone than the tv action . These two push each other to their limits . At the 34 minute mark , Moolah tries for a Piledriver , but Rosa backdrops out of it and hits her version known as the Fire Thunder Driver for the very popular 3 .


Dick The Bruiser and The Crusher vs Maddog and Butcher Vachon : A brutal , bloody affair . All four men can barely stand . The ref calls for the bell for a draw .

Great Lakes Tag Team Titles : Blackwell and Moose w/ Percy Pringle 3 vs The Pain Makers : Blackwell and Moose are amazed by the strength of Warrior and Awesome . Blackwell goes for the big splash and gets it on Warrior , but Warrior kicks out . He fights up , press slam by Warrior and then tags in Awesome . Awesome with a Superfly Splash on Blackwell . Warrior clotheslines Moose out of the ring as Awesome covers .

Jimmy Lennon: Fans your winners and new Great Lakes Tag Team Champions The Pain Makers !!!!

Post match , Percy orders Moose to attack Blackwell . Bobby Duncum comes out to help . Duncum clotheslines Blackwell and he and Moose then toss him through a table .

Main Event No Holds Barred Verne Gagne vs Fred Blassie: Verne is clearly out of his element in this match . Blassie bites the forehead and then opens up a cut . Blassie works it over . Verne tries to fight back , but to no avail . He passes out from blood loss . Blassie wins .

Post match : Blassie continues to beat on Verne , Booker T comes i n and chases Blassie off .


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Big Time Wrestling: The Grand LV 55 Ballroom. Niles , Michigan  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Time Wrestling: The Grand LV 55 Ballroom. Niles , Michigan    Big Time Wrestling: The Grand LV 55 Ballroom. Niles , Michigan  EmptyFri Mar 11, 2022 6:17 pm

Regal beats Ultimo??? I didnt see that coming at all

Was Dreamer/Adonis a no dq? What the hell was the ref thinking counting Dreamer goes through a table

Good to see a Duncam win

Thunder finds herself back in the winners column......good to see it

This Painmaker team could be dangerous

Hmmmm.......wonder how long BOoker will cater to Verne?

GOod show
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Big Time Wrestling: The Grand LV 55 Ballroom. Niles , Michigan  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Time Wrestling: The Grand LV 55 Ballroom. Niles , Michigan    Big Time Wrestling: The Grand LV 55 Ballroom. Niles , Michigan  EmptySun Mar 13, 2022 9:14 pm

Always was a fan of this Steven Regal

Dreamer and Adonis settle nothing

Yes! Push Duncam!!

Moolah was damn good here but i'm glad she lost lol

Put these two teams in a cage and turn 'em loose!

wow that title reign was short as fuck !! congrats to the new champs!

wtf is moose doing???

Blassie right in his element here! Verne did'nt stand a chance!

Damn good show!!
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Big Time Wrestling: The Grand LV 55 Ballroom. Niles , Michigan  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Time Wrestling: The Grand LV 55 Ballroom. Niles , Michigan    Big Time Wrestling: The Grand LV 55 Ballroom. Niles , Michigan  EmptyMon Mar 14, 2022 1:04 pm

Pringle has a good stable of wrestlers here.

anytime Moolah loses is a good day for me....

never really saw much of Mr Electricity in real life but i like what i see here.....

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