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 WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF

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WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF Empty
PostSubject: WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF   WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF EmptyMon Jul 19, 2021 12:20 am

     WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF MMrDUUc

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF CZ9HHhj

Location: Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, PA

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF JTeNjHV

Jim Ross: "Hell once again wrestling fans and welcome to week three of the Summer Sizzler tour. We are coming to you from the home of the WWF in Philadelphia and do we have one Hell of a show for you tonight. Headlined by Ric Flair defending the IWA World title against Stan Hansen. And you can bet your ass that Flair is in for a helluva Slobberknocker tonight."

Michael Hayes: "But tell em the best part...the reason why everyone is here tonight! Yours truly, "Purely Sexy" Michael Hayes is gonna kick that dress wearing fool, Roddy Pipers ass, all over the Spectrum."

Jim Ross: "Well, I have a feeling you might be in for a little more than you expect knowing "Hot Rod!" He might just show you a thing or two about Badstreet himself. Wheres Grimes and Gordy tonight? Fans it's time for our opening contest, featuring two of the best technical wrestlers in the game today."

Match One: Rick Martel vs Dean Malenko

As the ref gives his instructions,Martel extends his hand to Dean who just swipes it away! Dean is all business here and is ready to get down to business! Malenko is known as the man of 1000 holds and he seems intent on damn near showing all of them !

Martel seems a step behind during the first several minutes as Dean hits him with one hold or manuever after aniother!
But Martel is no slouch in the wrestling deoartment and soon gathers his bearings and begins to give Malenko a run for his money! The fans are really into this as they are enjoying this battle for scientific supremecy as these two men battle back and forth as both are on top of their game tonight !

Malenko applies the texas cloverleaf at around the 10 minute mark but Martel's intestinal fortitude enables him to reach the ropes and break the hold! A few minutes later Martel catches Malenko in a boston crab but Dean works his way thru it by reaching the ropes also!

As these two lock up again the bell rings ,signalling that the time limit has expired and the ref declares this match a time limit draw!

The fans actually are on their feet giving both men a standing ovation! Martel approaches Malenko after the match,extending his hand once again in a show of sportsmanship!

Malenko is reluctant to do so but gives a very quick handshake and turns and leaves the ring! Martel raises his arms in the air as he acknowledges the crowd and they cheer him loudly as he makes his way back to the dressing room.

Jim Ross: "The name on the marquee says Wrestling, Ladies and Gentlemen! And that's exactly what Martel and Malenko did there. Two great athletes giving it their all. The way it should be! If theres ever a rematch between these two, be sure to call me for it!"

Jim Ross: "Wait a minute.... we know that music! It is.....its Mr. Perfect! He wasnt scheduled to be here tonight. What's this about?"

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF KwxjQLe

Mr. Perfect: "Its not every day that you can get up and Bowl a perfect 300 game! Or hit the game winning three point shot. Looking around at this crowd, I would say that it's safe to say none of you have hit a hole in one. But when your Mr. Perfect those things just come natural. And when I woke up this morning I thought to myself, it would be a perfect day to make my debut right here in the WWF! And what a better opportunity to do it than against anyone from the WCW. So heres an open challenge to any body from WCW in the back..... a perfect opportunity to come out here and get a wrestling lesson. Because I am what I say I am..... and thats..... Perfect!"

Perfect walks around the ring jaw jacking with the ringside fans. And after a few seconds, we hear.......

Jim Ross: "Oh Hell Yea!!! Business is about to BYGAWD pickup! Mr. Perfect wanted someone from WCW? Well it doesnt get anymore WCW than the heavvyweight champion!"

Match Two: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs Mr. Perfect for the WCW Heavyweight title

Perfect bails to the floor, and Austin chases. Back into the ring Perfect ducks a clothesline, but gets hit with one on the way back. Perfect gets rammed into the buckle, and tries to bail but Austin puts a stop to that with a handful of trunks. Austin then backdrops Perfect over the top. Austin follows him to the floor, but turns into a clothesline from Perfect. Perfect walks Austin back to the ring, and heads to the top rope. Austin catches him with a shot on the way down, and Irish whips him into the corner. Perfect hits the ropes and runs into an inverted atomic drop for two. Austin grabs a wristlock, but Perfect gains control with a thumb to the eye. Perfect hits the ropes, but Austin catches him in a waist lock and drops him on the top rope. Austin goes for the stunner, but Perfect bails to the apron. Austin clotheslines him onto the announce table and goes out after him. Austin fires Perfect into the ringsteps and then sets him up on the apron delivering a pair of elbows. Back inside Austin deliver the FU elbow drop for a two count. Austin grabs a side headlock, but Perfect comes out of it with a jawbreaker. Perfect rolls to the floor, and he drags Austin to the ring post. Austin is able to pull back though sending Perfect face first into the post. Austin fires Perfect into the guardrail, and tries a charge but gets backdropped into the crowd. Perfect fires Austin back inside and delivers a double axe handle. Perfect mounts on top of Austin, and fires Austin into the buckle, and snap mares him back to the middle before mounting again with a series of strikes. Perfect delivers a stomp to the gut of Austin, and stops to give the fans the double bird. That allows Austin to come storming back with a double leg takedown and a series of strikes before firing Perfect to the floor. Austin goes to follow him out, but Perfect takes the legs out from under him and drags him over to the ring post. Perfect posts Austin’s knee on the ring post three times, and heads back inside. Perfect drives the left knee of Austin into the mat, and follows up with a series of kicks to the injured knee. Single leg takedown by Perfect sets up a figure four attempt, but Austin kicks off sending Perfect into the post. Austin rolls up for two, and Perfect goes right back on the offense driving Austin’s leg into the mat. Perfect sets Austin’s leg on the bottom rope, and drops down on it a few times. Austin rolls to the floor, but gets a baseball slide from Perfect sending him into the announce table. Perfect throws Austin back inside and locks in a figure four leglock, and grabs the ropes for leverage. Austin eventually is able to roll the hold over, and Perfect gets to the ropes to break. Austin grabs a double leg take down and catapults Perfect into the ring post. A rollup gets two for Austin. He hits the ropes, but runs into a sleeper from Perfect. Austin backs him into the corner, and Perfect charges at Austin, and gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Austin stomps a mudhole in the corner, and sends Perfect to the ropes delivering a backdrop. Perfect ducks a back elbow off the ropes and delivers a flying forearm. Perfect heads to the top rope delivering the elbow drop. Perfect grabs Austin for a Perfectplex but Austin escapes and goes for the stunner, but Perfect blocks that sending Austin to the ropes. Austin comes off the ropes and catches a boot from Perfect, spins him around, and delivers the stunner, 1.....2.....3!!!

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF Y2TKe1p

Jim Ross: "The Texas Rattlesnake stomped a mud hole and walked it dry here in Philadelphia! Some might say that was a Perfect title defense from Austin! Fans, we are going to go from one Slobberknocker to another, as it's time for our next contest."

Match Three: Jerry "The King" Lawler vs "Hacksaw" Butch Reed

They grapple into the corner and start to brawl as the referee tries to separate them. Reed bails to the floor to slow things down. Back in the ring, they lock up and go to the corner. Lawler whips Reed to the opposite corner but doesn't follow up. Lawler whips Reed to the corner again, as Reed oversells and almost falls over the top. In the corner, Reed gets a flurry of lefts and then tosses Lawler to the floor. Outside, Reed rams Lawler's head into the rail post, then gives him a bodyslam on the floor! Reed kicks Lawler's head from the apron then whips him into the guardrail. Reed tosses a chair into the ring, but the referee relieves him of it, allowing Lawler to come back with a DDT on the chair! Reed crawls outside to the floor. Lawler rams Reeds head into the ring post. Reed is on the announce table and Lawler chokes him with the microphone cord. Lawler rams Reed's head into the table a couple times. Back in the ring, Lawler clotheslines Reed back down to the floor. Reed brings in a piece of wood and Lawler smashes it over Reed's head. Back in the ring, Reed gets a sleeper! Lawler fights it off for a while as the ref starts to check the arm. Lawler won't go to sleep and starts to fight back to his feet. Lawler with the jawbreaker to break the hold. Reed goes to the piledriver, but Lawler backdrops out. Lawler grabs Reed and hits a piledriver of his own to get the pinfall.

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF MusXBpO

Jim Ross: "Well it wasnt the prettiest of matches, but "The King" gets the victory over a very tough "Hacksaw" Butch Reed!"

Michael Hayes: "Are you done bragging your favorites up yet Jim Ross? If you will excuse me, I'm going in that ring right now to beat up a dress wearing lunatic!"

Match Four: "Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs Michael P.S. Hayes

The strands of Freebird blare over the speakers as Michael Hayes ,accompanied by Terry Gordy,struts down the aisle to a chorus of boos!

As the Freebirds take time to argue with fans,The sound of bagpipes hits the speakers as the crowd pops huge!
RODDY PIPER makes his way halfway down the aisle when he notices Gordy is in the ring with Hayes!

A sly smile crosses Piper's face as he turns back toward the dressing room !

Hayes implores the ref to start counting Piper out but his tone changes quickly as the crowd pops as Piper returns and has BRUNO SAMMARTINO with him !

Hayes and Gordy are throwing a fit as Piper and the Living Legend enter the ring !

The ref tells Hayes that as long as he has Gordy in his corner than Piper can have Bruno in his !

Before the introductions can even be done,Piper and Hayes go at it !

Bruno makes sure Gordy leaves the ring as Bruno then does the same! PIPER isn't known for being nice in the ring and Hayes is finding this out fast !

A drag down brawl is basically whatbthis is and the fans are cheering Piper's every move! Hayes knows a thing or vtwo about being dirty and soon evens things out !

He batters Piper all the while keeping him near the side of the ring where Gordy is stationed at outside!

A few times Hayes tries distracting the ref and Gordy attempts to do some interfering but each time Bruno is able to stop it !

But after one such stoppage,the ref admonishes Bruno and while doing so,Hayes throws Piper over the top rope onto the floor near Gordy !

Gordy posts Piper AND HE IS BUSTED OPEN!

Hayes then goes to the outside and starts punching the open woumd! The ref is done with Bruno and turns and starts a 10 count ! Hayes beats it and the next several times a bloody Piper tries to reenter,Hayes usually hits him with a well placed boot to the chest,knocking Piper off the pron and back to the floor!

Gordy goes to grab Piper at one point and Bruno has had enough! Bruno makes his way over and him and Gordy start to brawl on the floor ! Piper has recovered enough to get back in the ring !

Hayes grabs and pounds away on his bloody head but it's almost having no effect as Piper has that look on his face !

The crowd is cheering Piper on as he seems to be feeling no pain! The infamous Piper eye poke is all it takes to get Piper on the offensive! Now Piper is beating the hell out of Hayes as Bruno and Gordy continue their battle!

As the ref is trying to restore order somewhat,Somehow Gordy is able to throw a chair into the ring !

However Roddy is the one who gets ahold of it and cracks Hayes over the head ,splitting him wide open!

Piper tosses the chair out....picks a bloody Hayes up and clamps on the sleeper as the ref turns to the in ring action !

The ref raises Haye's limp arm ( as Bruno prevents Gordy from getting into the ring) and gives Piper the submission win as Hayes is dropped uncerimoniously to the mat !

Bruno enters to congratu;late the battered Piper as Gordy drags a bloody and beaten Hayes out of the ring and carries him back to the dressing room as the crowd cheers Bruno raising Piper's arm in victory!!

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF LvJUORx

Jim Ross: "Roddy Piper came into Philadelphia tonight knowing that Hayes would have the deck stacked. But he didnt come along and as Bruno keeps Gordy at bay, the Hot Rod put Hayes on Dteam Street! It couldnt of happened to a nicer guy! Fans we have had some damn good matchups tonight. But this next one is one of been waiting to see since they signed the contracts. This will be tag team wrestling at its finest."

Match Five: "The Hart Foundation vs Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard

The crowd is electric here as they know these two teams are two of the best in the world and they can't wait to see who is the better tandem!

Tully and Bret start things out and although closely matched in skill level,Bret is not called the excellence of execution for nothing !After maintaining the advantage with quick tags back and forth between him and the powerhouse Neidhart, it looks like the Hart Foundation may make easy work of Tully ! However some quick chicanary allows Tully to get close enough to tag in Arn and they begin doing some great double teaming on Neidhart!

Several minutes go by as Neidhart is basically etting that ass whipped as he is pretty much stuck in the corner ! Bret tries to make several saves but to no avail! Finally Neidhart is able to break away and make a diving tag to The Hitman!

Bret is cleaning house and is getting it going ! Neidhart joins the fray and all four men are battling it out in the ring !

The ref needs a set of eyes in the back of his head to keep up with all thats going on ! For some reason the ref tries to break up the battle between Neidhart and Tully as he's ignoring what's going on with Bret and ARN..the lregal men in the ring ! ARN has Bret tied up near the ropes when BUTCH REED of Black Wallstreet comes down to the ring !
But he's not alons as BAD NEWS BROWN is with him !

BNB gets into the ring as ARN holds Bret from behind! BNB throws a savate kick...Bret ducks and it catches Arn full in the face! Bret tosses BNB over the ropes...hits Reed with a drop kick as he had climbed up onto the ring apron...and covers Arn just as the ref turns his attention from Neidhart/Blanchard! BRET gets the three count as the crowd pops huge !

The Hart Foundation leaves the ring as Tully and ARn confront Reed and Bad News Brown about their role in this loss ! A brawl breaks out as these four battle all the way back to the dressing room!

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF EXEtgeB

Jim Ross: "Fans I'm not sure what the relationship between Bad News Brown and Butch Reed is all about, but their interference cost the Horsemen that match. And it's a shame because the Hart Foundation and the Horsemen was putting on a clinic. And it's looking like the Horsemen are going to fight Bad News and Reed all over Philadelphia. Fans, we have one more match to go. And it doesnt get any bigger than this one as the IWA World title is on the line!"

Main Event: Stan Hansen vs Ric Flair for the IWA World title

Flair is in true fashion as he confidently walks to the ring as Ross wonders how Flair can leave Philadelphia tonight with the title intact. Then Hansen charges out of the dressing room..... wildly swinging his bullrope at anything that gets close enough to swing at.

Hansen tips his chaps and vest off and rolls in the ring and just attacks Flair! Hansen is all over the world champion! Flair eventually went to the eyes and chucked him outside. Hansen started marching around and came back in with purpose and Flair powdered. They worked a bearhug. Flair gouges the eye. He tries to suplex but Hansen suplexes him. Hansen then bodyslams Flair. The crowd is definitely rabid for Hansen here tonight.

Hansen works front facelock. Flair just does a snapmare out of the corner and works a front facelock. They work a fast paced sequence eventually and it sees Hansen eat the hiptoss, but Flair misses the elbow drop and Hansen gets two kicks to the head. Hansen comes off the middle turnbuckle with a chop. Hansen is relentless to head. He signals for his big lariat..... and it hits it!! But the momentum knocks Flair to the outside of the ring.

Hansen looks to press his advantage but runs into a knee on a corner charge. Flair begins work on the arm. Hansen goes to the eyes to escape after five minutes or so of this. He really claws at the eyes so much so he can actually hear Flair howl. Hansen misses a kneedrop and Flair goes piledriver but is reversed. Hansen hits a suplex, 1.....2..... but Flair is too close to the rope. Hansen looks to punch Flair repeatedly but now Flair goes for the eyes. Flair hits a suplex! Flair only gets two and then the abdominal stretch. Hansen reverses into his own and They end up in the ropes. Flair just loses his mind and starts choking the life out of Hansen. The ref breaks it up and Flair goes back to choking. Hansen chokes him back and lifts him high up!! Hansen is back on top, bodyslam and sets him up for the legdrop, but he misses. Flair punches the head repeatedly. Hansen sells really well outside on the powder. For some reason, Flair does not want to go for the knee instead he wants to trade hands with Hansen and he ends up taking a bump over the top rope. They brawl around ringside and Hansen back drops into the ring. Hansen pulls his elbow pad up and it's clear what's next.....he charges in for the Lariat...... but Flair drops down and Hansen hits the ref!! Hansen could give two shits....he turns for Flair who is begging off. Flair hops up and lights Hansen up with chops. Hansen goes to whip Hansen across the turnbuckles but Hansen reverses and throws Flair in. As Flair stumbles out..... LARIAT FROM HANSEN!! Hansen covers..... THERES NO REF! 10 seconds.....15 seconds...... Hansen still has Flair pinned. Hansen gets up to get the ref.

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF 0KPu476

Here comes Bruiser Brody. Brody has his chain.....he enters the ring and wraps the chain around his arm and nails Hansen with it!!! The fans are shocked!!! Brody bodyslams Hansen then bounces off the ropes with the big Brody knee drop to Hansen. Brody leaves the ring and a battered Flair crawls over and throws his arm across Hansen as the ref comes to, 1......2......3!! WINNER AND STILL IWA WORLD CHAMPION...... RIC FLAIR!!!!!

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF AKeC49H

Jim Ross: "BRODY!! BRODY!! Bruiser Brody just screwed Stan Hansen out if the IWA World title! My gawd..... Hansen had Flair dead to Rights. You can bet your ass that Hansen will be looking for answers sooner than later! Fans, what a night here in Philadelphia! The Summer Sizzler is redhot and next week we come back home to Dallas, Texas!! Dont you dare miss it!"          

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WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF   WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF EmptyWed Jul 21, 2021 1:08 pm

cheers cheers cheers cheers

very good show here.

i like that these SUMMER SIZZLER Shows only had a few matches and that they all served a purpose.

i like what you do with Jim Ross/Michael Hayes.I'm terrible with commentary.

wild main event.looking foward to the what fallout of this will be.....

like the team of Reed/Brown....

Hayes wins. Shocked Cool

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WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF   WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF EmptySun Jul 25, 2021 8:08 pm

Great show!!

I definitely appreciate the cooperation in this and some damn good wriote ups!

That main event was friggin awesome !! AN angry Hansen is a DANGEROUS HANSEN ! So BRODY better be ready !

Oh and BADS...HAYES lost !

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WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF   WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs WWF EmptyMon Jul 26, 2021 12:22 pm

Brunogod wrote:

Oh and BADS...HAYES lost !

my mistake, i must of read it wrong...... Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed

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