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 WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro

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WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro Empty
PostSubject: WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro   WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro EmptySun Jul 25, 2021 5:42 pm

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro MMrDUUc

Location: Dallas, Texas

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro 0Li8YXF

The show opens up and the cameras pan around the sold out American Airlines Center......

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro T0OzYEN

Where we even see "Hangman"Adam Page sitting at ringside.....

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro 7pIQtNz

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro UmqkJeG

Jim Ross: "Hello once again wrestling fans and welcome to this weeks Summer Sizzler tour as we are back home in Dallas, Texas. We have our friends over at Windy City Wrestling joining us tonight and we plan on bringing you one Hell of a show, headlined by the huge return match...... as the challenger, Hulk Hogan will try to regain the IWA World title from Ric Flair! But right now, we are going to start things off with this great contest!"

Match One: Britt Baker vs Carmella

They start with some nice back and forth as Carmella and Britt seemed to be mirroring each other, before Carmella backed off from a superkick attempt. Carmella edges ahead when she ran Baker into the ring post, as the match spilled outside with Carmella not exactly getting in the crowd’s good graces. A lungblower out of the corner gets Carmela near-fall as she continued to club away on Baker’s back, only to get rocked with a superkick. Forearms continue to rock Carmella who fought back in kind as this turned into a slugfest. Carmella lands a cutter to put Baker down ahead of a crushing back senton that Baker really struggled to kick out. Referee checks on Baker as Carmella took her time… and it nearly backfired as Baker managed to haul her up for a Falcon arrow for a near-fall.

A modified double chicken wing slam from Carmella has Baker rocked, before a lungblower off the top, 1.....2..... with Britt getting a hand to the ropes just in time. That pissed off Carmella who went in with a clothesline, before a rolling elbow and a Destroyer left Britt down. From there, Carmella goes to the top rope.....she dives off and Baker moves out of the way as Carmella crashes into the mat. Baker pulls Carmella into The LockJaw!! Carmella tries fighting out but has no choice to tap out, giving Britt the submission victory.

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro Gx6Nqno

As the replay is being shown, Gene Okerlund joins Baker in the ring......

Gene Okerlund: "OHHHHH MY!! Impressive victory for Britt Baker here tonight over the number four ranked contender, Carmella. But I want to touch on a couple of other things right now Britt Baker..... we've all heard the news..... as Chris Jericho has stated that he and he alone has signed the match for his Wrestle Rager cruise..... it will be you against Asuka inside Hell in a Cell for the IWA Womens world title!

Britt Baker: "The fact of the matter is that Eric Bischoff, the WCW, NWA, AEW.....all of them.....dropped the ball in making this match happen! So if Jericho can make it happen, why wouldnt I take the match? Everyone knows I had Asuka beat in our I Quit match. It's not my fault that Asuka no speak da English and the ref couldnt translate her quitting. So go ahead.... put us inside the cell..... put us in a subway for all I care. But my destiny awaits..... and after Hell in a Cell... i will be the IWA Womens world champion!"

Gene Okerlund: "What about the comment Jericho made to you..... that if you needed The Inner Circle, you knew how to find them? Are you joining the Inner Circle?"

Britt Baker: "Ohhhh George.... your so cute!"

Baker then leaves the ring leaving Okerlund without an answer to his question.

Match Two: Diamond Dallas Page vs Kerry Von Erich for the American TV Title

Page starts off very quickly. He puts Kerry down with a big body slam and then an elbow drop . He works a chin lock . Kerry gets to the ropes and rakes the eyes off the break . He chokes Page in the ropes and then puts the boots to him .

Page fights to his feet and hits a spinning clothesline that turns Kerry inside out . He covers 1……2…… Kerry kicks out . Page goes a vertical, but Kerry grabs him by the hair and rolls it into a small package , Page out at 1 . Page dropkicks Kerry into the turnbuckles.

Now he mounts Kerry and does the old ten punches in the corner and the a hip toss ! Kerry gets to his feet , Diamond Cutter …. Nooo , Kerry shoves Page off and spins him around into the Claw !!! Page falls into the rules , off the break ……. DIAMOND CUTTER!!!!!! Page covers 1……2……. Kerry gets a foot on the ropes .

Page with a bodyslam and then an Irish whip into the turnbuckles . Page places Kerry on the top rope and hits another DIAMOND CUTTER!!!! But Kerry hits the ref on the way down . Page tries to revive the ref , Kerry with a low blow and then as the ref comes too , Kerry hits a Discuss Punch !!! 1……2……3 !!!

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro CbZCFJV

Winner and still American Television Champion Kerry Von Erich !

Jim Ross: "Quite the Homecoming so to speak for Kerry Von Erich here tonight. That young man's attitude has done a complete 180 since joining Windy City, but he picks up the victory here nonetheless. Fans we are...... now wait a minute..... what's this about?"

Chris Benoit walks into the interview area......

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro 6te3DsN

Chris Benoit: "So now Chris Jericho can just go around and book any matches he sees fit? Is that how this works these days? Jericho, you didnt think that I have forgotten about all the times you and your Inner Circle boys have jumped me and left me laying have you? Well I damned sure didnt! You wanna make some matches Chris? How about me and your show.....Wrestle Rager at Sea!!!! Dont make me come looking for you yo get an answer."

Match Three: Bunkhouse Brawl

Ox and Stinger kick things off . Sting makes sure he stays away from Ox’s right hand . But Ox takes advantage of no rules . He kicks Sting in the balls and then drops an elbow . He pulls Sting to his feet ……3……2……1 !!!

Dustin comes in and her attacks Ox from behind . Dustin hits Ox in the back of the head with a cowboy boot and then Sting Press Slams him out .

Ox Baker has been eliminated.

Dustin now takes a wild swing at Sting , but he misses and is met with a dropkick that knocks Dustin over the top rope and out to the floor .

Dustin Rhodes has been eliminated.

Meng comes in and he dominates Sting He has him on the Tongan Death Grip ….3…..2….. 1 …..

Tazz makes his way in the ring . Tazz hits a belly to back Suplex on Meng and then a judo throw in Sting . Meng is back up and Tazz captures his man . Over the head belly to belly that sends Meng out to the floor .

Meng is eliminated!

Chris Benoit enters and he goes right at Tazz . He chops him all the way into the corner and then Sting hits a Stinger Splash on Tazz . He and Benoit are punishing Tazz . 3…..2…..1 !!!!

Sabu hits the ring with a chair . He hits Sting knocking him out .

Sting has been eliminated

Sabu now hits Benoit with the chair , out he goes .

Benoit has been eliminated.

3…..2…..1 !!!

Ivan Koloff comes down with a chain . We now have a chair vs chain match up . Both men bloody each other with their respected weapons .

Kabuki comes in with a Kendo Stick . He cracks Ivan in the head with it and Sabu knocks Ivan out with a chair .

Ivan is eliminated.

Kabuki mist Sabu who drops the chair and Kabuki hits a high kick to the head knocking Sabu out of the ring .

Sabu has been eliminated.

Tazz Suplexes Kabuki out of the ring from behind .

Kabuki has been eliminated.

Chris Adams becomes the last entry and he and Tazz put on a show , exchanging locks and holds and sweeps . But Tazz gets caught by a Superkick from Adams and Adams gets the 1……2……3 !!!

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro MaIXmo2

Chris Adams moves on in the Bunkhouse !!!

Match Four: The Freebirds vs Harley Race and Nick Bockwinkle

After the introductions, Jim Ross reminds the audience that this is the #2 ranked Freebirds against the #1 ranked Race & Bockwinkle. So lots on the line in this one. Bockwinkle and Gordy start things off with a clean break. Gordy lands a shoulder block and a vertical suplex for a one-count. He tags in Hayes who hits a few stiff strikes. Hayes whips Bockwinkle, but Bockwinkle reverses, Hayes dodges a dropkick and we have another stalemate.

Hayes hits a few more hard strikes and whips Bockwinkle again, but Bockwinkle counters into a sunset flip for a one-count. He tosses Bockwinkle out of the ring and Gordy throws him into the barricade. Bockwinkle gets thrown back into the ring and Hayes scoop slams him. Gordy tags in and whips Bockwinkle but he counters and lands the dropkick. The crowd goes absolutely nuts for Race as he tags in. The Freebirds regroup outside the ring. After a breather, Gordy returns and gets knocked down and kicked in the head by Race. A vertical suplex gets Race a two-count.

Gordy reverses an Irish whip and hits a dropkick for another one-count. Hayes tags in and he and Race start brawling Hayes wins the exchange and continues mauling Race both inside the ring and outside it. Hayes hits a back body drop and applies a chinlock before tagging in Gordy. Gordy lands a few chops but Race no-sells and fires back. They go back and forth until Race gets to his corner. Bockwinkle tags in and lands some big kicks and a crossbody press for a one-count. Gordy quickly overpowers him and tags in Hayes who stiffs Bockwinkle with more kicks and forearms. Bockwinkle manages to reverse an Irish whip and dropkicks Hayes out of the ring. Hayes tosses Bockwinkle onto the apron and chokes him on the bottom rope, until Race makes the save.

Bockwinkle lands some more kicks but Hayes drags him to his corner. Gordy tags in and lands a Samoan drop, 1.....2.....but Race breaks up his pin. Bockwinkle reverses yet another Irish whip and lands a clothesline and tags in Race. They double team Gordy with simultaneous kicks and Race pins, 1.....2..... but Gordy gets his foot on the rope. Bockwinkle hits a running corner clothesline and a swinging neckbreaker and pins, but Hayes kicks him before the ref can count. Race applies a figure-4 neck lock that goes on for quite a bit until Hayes comes in and stiffs Race with slaps. Gordy whips him into the corner and lands his own corner clothesline, which hits so hard Race sinks into the corner. Hayes tags in but Race explodes out of the corner with a lariat.

Race gets double teamed around his opponents’ corner, then makes a comeback against Hayes with hard chops. He tags Bockwinkle who lands an aided corner clothesline and lands some more kicks until Gordy attacks him from behind. Both men are down as the crowd chants for Bockwinkle. Hayes tags Gordy, who whips Bockwinkle into the corner and charges, but Bockwinkle ducks. Bridging German suplex by Bockwinkle. Hayes breaks it up with a hard kick to Bockwinkles head. Both men are down again. Hayes kicks Bockwinkle ’s leg some more. Bockwinkle reaches to tag Race but Hayes knocks both of them out of the ring before the tag is complete.

Back in the ring, Gordy lands an elbow drop for a two-count and stomps away at Race. Meanwhile, Hayes has returned to his corner but Bockwinkle followed him and starts attacking him. But Bockwinkle can’t fight at full strength so Hayes beats him up some more. Hayes rips off Bockwinkle ’s knee pad and attacks the exposed limb while Gordy lands a leg drop which gets a two-count. Gordy lands a lariat for a close two-count and tags in Hayes as the crowd chants loudly for Race. The Freebirds land double shoulder tackles and Hayes lands a knee drop for two. Hayes whips Race and he ducks a chop and lands one of his own.

Race comes in and applies a sleeper and throws Hayes down. Hayes lands some exposed knee drops to Race’s face for a two-count as Gordy kicks Bockwinkle ’s knee outside the ring. Hayes goes for a powerbomb but Race powers out, and then knocks him down. Gordy tags in and lands his own powerbomb. He goes for the pin. But here comes Bockwinkle. He charges in and breaks up the pin, and then starts hammering on Gordy until Hayes pulls him away. The crowd erupts in screams in cheers for Bockwinkle getting his revenge. Hayes tosses Bockwinkle out of the ring and applies a leg lock.

Back in the ring, Gordy’s in control, but Race counters into a small package, 1.....2..... but Gordy kicks out. Gordy tags Hayes and they land a double suplex. Hayes pins but Race kicks out. Hayes kicks Race in the face, and he answers with a takedown and a leglock. He looks like he’s trying to rip Hayes’s leg off. But in comes Gordy to break it up. Hayes hits some running elbow drops for another two-count.

Hayes maintains control in the ring while Bockwinkle attacks Gordy on the apron. Gordy knocks Bockwinkle over the barricade as Hayes kicks Race mockingly. Then Harley starts fighting back. He slaps and chops Hayes as hard as he can. Hayes goes down. Race busted open. Gordy charges and lands a western lariat on Race. Both men get up very slowly. Race lands an enzuigiri. Followed by another. Then he lands a diving back elbow drop. Race pins, 1.....2.....but Gordy breaks it up. Gordy whips Race into a corner. Race ducks Gordy’s lariat. Big kick to Hayes right in the face. Another enzuigiri to Hayes. Harley lands the powerbomb. He goes for the pin. Gordy stops him with his own powerbomb. And then he goes for a pin on Race, even though he’s not the legal man. Hayes pulls Race to his feet and chops him some more. Irish whip by Hayes into Gordy......Western Lariat! Gordy damn near cleaves Harleys head off. Gordy picks Race up...... piledriver!! He goes for the pin, 1.....2.....3!!!

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro 0A5IWQJ

Jim Ross: "They hate the Freebirds here in Dallas, and rightfully so. But hate them or not, The Freebirds prove they are as tough as they come. I cant hardly wait until next week when Hayes joins me back on commentary...... you can bet we will never hear the end of this after getting that victory. "

Match Five: Sid Vicious & Lex Luger vs Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs Sting & Ultimate Warrior vs Evolution for the WCW tag titles Elimination Match

Sid and Warrior start off the match with a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock ! Warrior gets the better of it . Sid tired of it and kicks Warrior in the gut and takes over . He Bodyslams Warrior and tags off to Lex . Lex comes in and bounds off the ropes with a Flying Elbow smash . Lex tags in Sid who gets off a big boot , as he pulls Warrior to his feet , Arn tags himself in .

Sid goes for another big boot on Arn , but Arn captures the leg and trips Sid up then works a Step Over Toe Hold . Arn tags in Tully , who drops an elbow across the knee and then tags Arn back in . Atomic Knee Drop by Arn . Tully gets the tag and works and ankle submission Sid gets to a corner and tags in Sting . Sting dropkicks Tully . Arn rushes in , Sting with a clothesline for Arn . Luger comes in , leaping lariat puts him down , Orton looks like he’s coming in , but no , Sting get caught with a Suplex from behind by Tully ! Orton providing the distraction . Tully tags in Arn , Gord Buster I’m Sting . Arn covers 1…..2….3 !!!

Sting and Warrior are eliminated.

Batista steps in , Arn goes right after him , taking a page out of his cousin’s book , he thumbs Hollywood Dave in the eye and then works an arm wringer . Arn tags off to Tully . Tully now stomps on the arm , while Arn holds it on the mat . Tully now works a cross arm breaker . Batista is real close to tapping , but gets to the ropes . He’s on the wrong side of the ring however , Arn knees him on the head and Tully works a hammer lock . Tully tags Arn back in . Arn hits an Anderson Slam and then a step over arm bar .

Batista showing great strength powers to his feet and then falls backward into a corner , Arn still on the arm , falls jaw first into a set of turnbuckles !!! Batista tags in Orton !!! Orton waits and sets up for the RKO , but Luger tags himself in and clotheslines Orton !!!! Luger covers 1……2…… Batista breaks it up . Luger and Batista battle it out . Orton hits a Slingblade like move from behind on Luger . Orton covers 1….2…. Sid breaks it up with an elbow drop to Orton’s chest . Sid drags Lex to the corner and makes the tag . Sid is in , but what Sid doesn’t see is the tag by Tully , who clips Sid from behind !!! Tully works an Indian Deathlock on the leg from before , Sid though reaches the ropes for the break . Sid rolls to his corner and tags Lex .

Lex with a big running elbow downs Tully . Batista tags himself in and as Tully stumbles to his feet , Batista hits a Spinebuster !!! From there it’s a Demon Bomb . Luger tags himself back in and hits a Piledriver on Tully as Orton knocks Arn off the ring apron . Luger covers Tully . 1…..2…..3 !

The Horsemen have been eliminated.

Lex is by himself . The Horsemen have hurt Sid so bad , he can’t even stand . Lex Isn’t going down without a fight . He knocks Batista back with a big right and then a Powerslam ! Lex racks Batista !!! But Batista rakes the eyes in the up position and gets off a makeshift clothesline on Lex . From there he tags in Orton who hits an RKO !!!! Orton covers 1…..2…..3 !!!!

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro W2wmk4S


Jim Ross: "Well I be damned!!! Evilution has came into WCW's backyard and won the WCW tag team titles! You can bet that will not sit well with Eric Bischoff! But on this night, Windy City Pro, and Evolution get bragging rights and our tag team titles!"

Match Six: Jerry Lawler, Dusty Rhodes & Barry Windham vs Eddie Gilbert, Cactus Jack & Samoa Joe

This one gets crazy as soon as the bell rings as Eddie Gilbert pretty much does his very best to stay out of Lawlers grip every chance he gets, as he instead has Cactus do his dirty work for him. Every time that Cactus or Samoa Joe get the upper hand, Gilbert then wants in to get his cheap shots in.

It does take many times of that happening for Dusty and Barry to get their fill and a pier sixer breaks out. Dusty uses a series of bionic elbows to bust Cactus open.....but Cactus loves it!!!

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro CcioE3C

Barry and Samoa Joe are fighting all over ringside and just when it looks like Lawler is about to FINALLY get his hands on Gilbert........

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro UFSzFI1

Here comes The Natural Born Thrillers!!!

Jindrak and O'Haire double team Lawler and hit a double Flapjack into a Hanman on Lawler! The Thrillers exit the ring and Gilbert races in to cover Lawler...... 1.....2......3!!!


Main Event: Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair for the IWA World title

Flair jump Hogan as he comes in which of course gets him nowhere. Hogan beats on Flair for a bit and we get the Flair Flop as the champion is in trouble. Hogan beats on him even more. We hit the floor once and then do it again with Hogan destroying him. Belly to back suplex on the floor takes Flair down even harder.

ALL Hogan as he pounds away on Ric on the floor. Flair gets in a shot to the knee and the regular stuff is on. Flair tries to get the turnbuckle off but the referee manages to stop it. Hogan slams him off the top. Hogan works on the knee of Flair in a nice little twist. Hogan gets Flair in the figure four and Owen Hart comes to the ring and the ref cuts him off. With the ref distracted, Flair reaches into his tights and grabs something.....he throws powder into Hofans eyes to break the hold. Flair gets a shot with a foreign object to Hogan’s noggin for two but naturally that doesn’t work. Hulk Up!!!! Flair beats on Hogan but it's no use.....just as Hogan fires up and has the champion reeling, here comes.......

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro FzvLmCD


Cage distracts Hogan at ringside. Hogan dares Cage to enter the ring. Cage starts slowly climb the ring apron and Flair comes behind Hogan with a lowbrow!! Flair rolls Hogan up into a small package to get the win. Cage smirks at Hogan then leaves ringside as Flair is handed his IWA world title and show comes to an end.

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro FZzx9XJ            

Last edited by ChairShot on Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:05 am; edited 1 time in total

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Johnny Rose

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WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro   WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro EmptySun Jul 25, 2021 6:08 pm

Carmella gave Britt all she wanted .

Hilarious promo by Britt afterword .

Hell you write better promos for Benoit than be ever spoke when he was alive . Lol

Freebirds vs Race & Bockwinkle was epic . Thank you .

Damn those Natural Born Thrillers !!!

Hogan let himself be distracted . Well Mr . Flair , he ain’t done with you . Brian Cage your day is coming .

Awesome show . Always a pleasure working with you .

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WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro   WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro EmptySun Jul 25, 2021 8:29 pm

God i hate her but damn good win for Baker!

I dig the heelish Kerry tbh!

Benoit vs Jericho?? uh...FUCK YEAH !! BOOK DAT SHIT NOW!!!

What a great Bunkhouse Brawl!! Congrats to ADAMS! But damnn if TAZZ didnt put on a great accounting of himself here!!

OMFG!! That tag match was phenominal !! Thats match of the night if not the year so far as tag matches have been in the IWA!!

HAYES is one tough son of a bitch and GORDY is ,well...GORDY!


What a great tag elimination match ! AND we get new WCW tag champs??? awesome!!

Crazy that wcw tag champs are not IN WCW!!

Great booking in STILL keeping Lawler from getting ahold of Gilbert! The pay off will be huge!

Still weird to see HOGAN as challenger ! lol
Cage and hogan are gonna kill each other !!


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WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro   WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Windy City Pro EmptyThu Jul 29, 2021 1:20 pm

Britt just showed why she will become the IWA Womens Champion.hopefully soon.

glad to see Hogan get a rematch with Flair and not just disappear like what happens elsewhere when someone loses a title.

another Great Summer Sizzler Show.

Orton/Batista New WCW Tag Champs. Cool Cool Cool

Hayes/Gordy win their match... Shocked Cool cheers

Adams wins this Bunkhouse Brawl. cheers

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