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 WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling

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WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling    WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling  EmptySun Aug 01, 2021 12:53 pm

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling  MMrDUUc

Location: Louisville, KY

Jim Ross: "Hello once again wrestling fans and welcome to the Summer Sizzler tour! We are coming to you live from the back yard of Bluegrass wrestling. And do we have a great night of Pro wrestling for you..... headlined by the IWA World champion defending against John Cena! Flair captured the title on the first night of the tour by defeating Hulk Hogan and has since retained over the likes of Hogan, Stan Hansen, and Terry Taylor. Can he run a clean guantlet by defeating Cena here tonight? We shall find out soon. But right now the Bluegrass tag team titles are on the line!"

Match One: The Soul Patrol vs Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard for the Kentucky tag team titles

The Horsemen try and trap Atlas to start, but he comes fighting out with clotheslines. He hits a powerslam on Blanchard and looks ready to rack him, but Arn breaks that up with a kick to the back of Atlas leg. Arn tags in and goes to work on the thigh. He tags Blanchard back in for more of the same. Just as soon as Atlas gets back to his feet and starts swinging, Blanchard trips him up and tags in Arn. Atlas kicks out of a figure-four attempt and sends Anderson into Blanchard on the apron. Blanchard still gets a tag, but so does Johnson! DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKER! Johnson delivers a Running Lariat to Blanchard, but doesn’t go for the pin and hits a powerslam instead for 1...2...NO! Johnson hooks on a sleeper hold! They end up in the ropes and fall out to the floor, but Johnson doesn’t let go no matter what! Anderson breaks the count and tries to revive Tully to get him back in this match. Blanchard catches Johnson with a shoulderblock from the apron and hotshots him to slow Johnson down. He goes up on the top, but gets caught and slammed down to the mat. Anderson gets popped on the apron and then Johnson applies an abdominal stretch in the middle of the ring. He really cranks on it and does that so much, that he doesn’t see Anderson coming in this time to nail him in the face! Anderson becomes the legal man and delivers the DDT to Johnson for 1....2....NO! Anderson doesn’t show any frustration and gives him the next best thing, which is the Double-A Spinebuster for 1....2....NO! Johnson is INHUMAN! Anderson does the spot where he tries for a pin out of a knucklelock, but gets crotched instead. Blanchard gets the tag and keeps Johnson from doing the same. Blanchard pounds away on Johnson, but then misses a clothesline and goes down to a crossbody block for 1....2....NO! Blanchard shoves off on a headlock for a double-KO. Back up, Blanchard starts off another headlock sequence, which ends with Johnson delivering a gutwrench suplex! Johnson can’t capitalize this time either and Blanchard tags in Arn. Johnson kicks out of a wristlock and avoids a knee drop, but still can’t reach Atlas. Anderson and Johnson punch each other down, but it’s Tully who gets the tag once again. He delivers the SLINGSHOT SUPLEX for 1.....2.....NO! Johnson has taken the best these two have to offer and kicked out of pin attempts for all three moves! Johnson punches Tully down and staggers into his corner to make the MOLTEN HOT TAG TO ATLAS! Atlas destroys Arn with clotheslines, but then Blanchard catches him coming off the ropes to slow him down. However, Atlas reverses a corner whip on Arn and gives him a powerslam. Arn goes low on Atlas as Tully comes in and brawls with Johnson. Meanwhile with the ref’s back turned, out comes...

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling  J051kiC

Owen Hart!

Owen holds a chair in the corner. Arn grabs Johnsin and throws his arm first into the chair! Johnson is rolling around the mat holding his arm, as he screams out to Atlas that his arm is broke! Arn is like a shark to bloody water as he cranks on Johnsons broken arm. But Johnson wont quit. Atlas has no choice..... he enters the ring and waves it off..... forfeiting the match to save his partner!! ARN ANDERSON AND TULLY BLANCHARD ARE THE NEWWWWW KENTUCKY TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!!!

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling  0nMYcMa

Jim Ross: "You have to give the assist to Owen Hart in this fans. The damn Horsemen are driving on all cylinders here as they all have a title in their possession now. But I'm not sure Ricky Johnson would have quit that match. Tony Atlas saves his partner and best friend from further damage but it's a given that the arm of Rocky Johnson is broken! What a way to start things off tonight."

Match Two: Chris Benoit vs Jimmy Snuka

Jimmy Snuka vs Chris Benoit: The two lock up collar and elbow . Chris gets in behind Jimmy with a waist lock . He hits two German Suplexes . When he tries for a third Jimmy elbows his way out and then gets off a dropkick ! Jimmy now bounds off the ropes as Chris is getting to his feet , Jimmy tries for a cross body , but Benoit turns it into a back breaker !!! Benoit now puts a knee in Jimmy’s back and pulls up on the arms like a makeshift , surfboard . Jimmy fights to establish a base . He gets separation and then hits a mule kick to Benoit’s chest .

From there Jimmy gets off a monkey flip , but Benoit lands on his feet Jimmy kips up and the two men stare each other down eye to eye . This brings a roar of appreciation from the crowd . The two men exchange arm drags and then hiptosses . Jimmy goes for a side headlock . Benoit reverses it into a head scissors . Jimmy kips out goes for a side kick , but Benoit turns it into a Dragon Screw Leg Whip !!! Benoit now works a half crab . Snuka gets to the ropes for the break , but Benoit stomps on him and then hits a gordbuster !! Benoit covers 1……2……Noooo Snuka is in the ropes .

Benoit pulls his man to his feet and the chops the hell out of him . Snuka not be out done returns the chops . Benoit …. Snuka …..Benoit ….. Snuka ……Benoit …. Snuka ….. Benoit …. Snuka ….. CLOTHESLINES FROM BENOIT !!! Benoit now hits 5 rolling German Suplexes !! He releases on the last one ! He covers 1……2……Noooo … Snuka kicks out . Crippler Crossface by Benoit !!!! Snuka gets to the ropes for the break . Benoit pounds the mat in frustration . Snap Suplex by Benoit!!! Benoit goes up for a flying headbutt ….. SNUKA MOVES !!! Benoit hits the mat hard . Leaping headbutt by Jimmy keeps Benoit on the mat . Snuka goes up top . SUPERFLY DEATH LEAP !!! Snuka covers 1…..2…..3 !!!!

Winner : Jimmy Superfly Snuka

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling  HT4HBpi

After the match Superfly pulls Benoit to his feet the two men embrace in the ring actually kind of holding each other up and the crowd goes crazy with chants of “ that was Awesome ! “

Match Three: Ox Baker vs Terry Gordy for the HBO Championship

HBO Championship Ox Baker( C) vs Terry Gordy: These two don’t even wait for the bell . They go right at one another . Fist are flying and the crowd loves it . Gordy puts Ox down with a big boot and then rakes it across his face . Gordy chokes Ox in the ropes , breaking just before five . While the ref is admonishing Gordy , Hayes chokes Ox in the ropes and then stops just before the ref turns around . Gordy closes in on Ox , he pulls up , trying to end it with a Piledriver, but Ox backdrops out of it , Gordy goes flying over the top rope and lands on Hayes .

Ox goes out after him , but Cameron Grimes comes out of the crowd and hits Ox in the back of the head with a cowbell.

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling  DlFf7fB

Gordy now shakes it off and gets off a Piledriver out on the floor ! He rolls Ox in and covers … but the ref refuses to count . The ref sends Hayes and Grimes out of the arena . Gordy drops an elbow . He covers ….1…..2…..Nooooo !!!!! Ox kicks out !!! Gordy pulls Ox to his feet and hits snake eyes across the turnbuckle . Gordy just pounds on Ox , dishing out some Freebird justice !!!! Gordy pulls his man up and Ox rakes the eyes !!!! He bites Gordy in the forehead and now unloading with punches to the forehead . Gordy is busted open ………

JIm Ross : Folks this match has expired . We have a time limit draw.

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling  G5HFDyV

Ox grabs the house mic . Terry Gordy, you got off easy tonight . I don’t give a damn if this title is on the line or not . At Supershow 1 on September 5th , you and me inside a steel cage in Chicago at Wrigley Field.

Gordy : I ain’t afraid of no man . Especially you . You want cage match . Well , I’ll give it to you . See you then.

Jim Ross: "It looks like this one will be continued to next month! Gordy vs a cage??? What a damn Slobberknocker that will be!"

Match Four: Ander the Giant vs Big Van Vader for the Kentucky Heavyweight title

The crowd goes wild for Vader here , although a heel , he’s not part of Contra Unit and that’s good enough for them . The two monsters charge at one another like angry bulls . They collide and both men back up merely inches . Andre boots Vader in the face and Vader backs up about 4 steps . Vader blast Andre with a huge forearm that knocks the big man back about 3 steps . There is a stare down and then the fist start flying to the delight of the crowd . Both men are just pummeling one another . Vader knees Andre in the gut and then whips him into the corner . Vader Splash in the corner . Andre falls to the mat . Vader bounds off the ropes with a big slash !!! He covers 1……2….. Sameal gets Andre’s foot on the rope and points it out to the ref .

Vader picks up Andre and hits a belly to belly . He covers again , but this time Andre kicks out . Vader goes up for a Moonsalt, but Andre gets a boot up . Andre now whips Vader in the corner and then hits a running knee to the gut . Andre now takes his foot and sticks it in Vader’s throat . The ref orders him to stop . Andre follows the orders . Andre hits a chokeslam and then he bounds off the ropes this time with a splash . Vader moves and Andre hits nothing but mat . Vader now let’s his hands go . He is hurting Andre with every strike and now a hard right hand to the gut . Powerbomb by Vader !!!! He pulls Andre to the corner for a Vader bomb , but Sameal tries to toss something Vader’s face , Vader though hits it and it splashes in the face of Sameal !!! He’s on the ground screaming !!! Holding his eyes .

Sabu and Sheik come out to tend to their leader . Vader goes for the Vader Bomb and nails it !!! He covers 1…..2……Noooo !!! One of Andre’s long legs is laying on the ropes . Vader pulls Andre up and goes for a second Powerbomb , but Andre hits him with a big clubbing fist right to the forehead . Andre with a reverse elbow staggers Vader . He walks right into a chokeslam by Andre who follows Vader down with it !! Andre makes the cover 1……2……3 !!!!

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling  8b7MAsp

Winner and still Kentucky Heavyweight Champion . Andre The Giant!!!

Match Five: Jungle Boy vs MJF w/Bobby Heenan for the IWA X DIVISION TITLE

Before the bell MJF tries to attack Jungle , but Jungle is ready and fires some solid forearm shots and then a arm drag , MJF gets to his feet and Jungle hits a spinning forearm . MJF bails out . Jungle Boy with a Tope . He knocks MJF into the railing and now unloads with some serious chops to his chest . Jack rolls MJF back in and goes for a springboard flying forearm , but MJF turns it into a face plant !!!! MJF now works a makeshift camel clutch . He now rakes his face in the mat . He can be heard yelling , “ are you serious !!! Who do you think you are ? I told you , I’m better than you and now I’m going to prove it !!!!! “ He repeatedly slams Jungle Boy’s face into the mat and then unloads with with a right hand . Now he picks Jack up and just tosses him outside the ring .

He grabs a chair and he’s about to take Jack’s head off , but Jack fires a Superkick and the chair nails MJF in the face !!! His nose is bleeding . Jack now hits an nasty elbow right on the nose . MJF holds his nose . Jack hits a Frankensteiner on the floor and then rolls MJF back in the ring . This time he gets off a slingshot body splash that hits home . He covers 1…..2……Noooooo !!!! MJF grasp the bottom rope . Jack goes to pull MJF to his feet , but the ref is out of position and MJF gets off a low blow . MJF once again tosses Jack out of the ring . He grabs his feet and slingshots him into the ring post . Jack I’m busted open . MJF picks Jack and Suplexes him on the guardrail . Now he grabs a cable from a hard camera and starts choking Jack with it .

The ref finally get the cable away and MJF puts the boots to Jack ! From there he picks Jack up and rams his back into the ring post! He then hits Salt of the Earth out on the floor !!!! He rolls Jack back in . He jaws with some fans on the outside and then finally gets in the ring . He kicks Jack in the ribs about four or five times and then makes a very arrogant cover . 1…..2……Nooooooo !!!!!! Jack kicks out !! Now MJF starts yelling at the ref about a slow count . Jack school boys him for a two count . MJF pops right up and as Jack is getting to his feet , he knees him in the ribs !!!! Now MJF works a body scissors . Jack is close to tapping but he gets to the ropes for the break . MJF again puts the boots to Jack . He goes to pull Jack up , DROPKICK OUT OF NOWHERE BY JUNGLE BOY!!!! Jack gets to his feet , clothesline turns MJF inside out !!! Jack clamps down on the Snare Trap !!!! MJF is fighting for all he’s worth . He’s trying not to tap and he’s too far away from the ropes . But Jack is growing weak . He’s bleeding badly from the top of his head . He lets off the hold . MJF pulls his man up . Salt of the Earth !!!! He covers 1……2…..3 !!!!

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling  PHlsDMO

Winner and still X Division Champion MJF !!!!

After the match Jack lay unconscious on the mat . Greg Gagne comes down . MJF locks eyes with him , but Gagne points to Jungle Boy . MJF allows Gagne to check on him . Then he hits Gagne in the back of the head . Tosses him out of the ring . Piledriver on the ground !!!

MJF gathers his belt and as he’s walking out he grabs Jungle Boy’s he passes a trash can and tosses the Kentucky Light Heavyweight Title in it.

Jim Ross: "Can you believe the audacity of the X Division world champion?? MJF just threw the Kentucky light Heavyweight title in the damned trash can! What a pompous ass! On behalf of WCW, I would like to apologize to Bluegrass Wrestling over his actions! Just disgusting! Fans, it's been one hell of a show, but it doesnt get any bigger than our Main Event!"

Main Event: John Cena vs Ric Flair for the IWA World title

The bell rings, and Cena is ready to go but Flair takes his time before "WOOO'ing" for the crowd.

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling  2yCVOp1

They circle the ring before locking up. Flair applies a side headlock, but Cena whips him off. Flair comes right back with a shoulder block. Cena quickly pops up, and they circle the ring. A “Let’s go Cena” chant fires up. They lock up, and Flair applies another side headlock. Cena whips him off, drops down, leapfrogs him, and takes him down with a hip toss. Flair quickly rolls out of the ring to recover.

Cena and Flair went face-to-face before Del Rio kicked Cena down. Flair applies a chin lock, but Cena fights up. Flair quickly kicks him into the ropes. Flair goes for a splash against the ropes, but Cena moves. Flair crashes and burns on the floor. Cena puts him in the ring and goes for an AA, but Flair slides off and pins him with a German Suplex bridge for a near fall. Flair stomps and boots him in the head. Flair sets up for a big kick and connects with it. Flair signals for another one, but Cena moves and starts punching away at him in the corner. Cena sends him into the opposite corner, but Flair sidesteps him. Cena hits the turnbuckles sternum first, which gives Flair a two count. Flair sends him sternum first into the corner again and kicks him in the spine for another two count. Flair hooks the head and plants him with a piledriver for yet another near fall. Flair taunts the crowd

Flair on the top rope. Cena dropkicks him out of mid-air once he comes off. Cena starts his comeback with a pair of shoulder tackles and a back suplex powerbomb. Cena connects with the 5 Knuckle Shuffle before going for the Attitude Adjustment, but Flair slides off and connects with a Backstabber for a near fall. Flair looks very frustrated. Flair sets up in the corner, but Cena blocks it and goes for the STF. Flair fights out and takes him down with the backbreaker. Flair goes for a suplex but Cena avoids it and clotheslines him down. Cena goes to the top rope, but Flair floors him with a clithesline for a near fall. Flair punches the mat in frustration.

Flair taunts the crowd and signals for the figure four..... but Cena counters into the STF! Flair quickly claws to the bottom rope. Flair kicks him in the midsection and kicks him in the face for a near fall. Cena goes for an AA, but Flair slides off and lowblows Cena, unseen by the ref, Flair rolls Cena up in a cradle for the victory!

WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling  RPNmkOm

Jim Ross: "The World champion steals one there! Had the ref been in position is surely would have been a disqualification but they dont call Ric Flair the dirtiest player in the game for nothing folks! And with that, this concludes the WCW Summer Sizzler tour! We have had some damn fine matchups and some things left unsettled. The Summer tour may be over, but things are just heating up! So long everybody!"        

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WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling  Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling    WCW Summer Sizzler Tour: WCW vs Bluegrass wrestling  EmptyThu Aug 05, 2021 4:33 pm

Arn/Tully win their match and the titles..... cheers cheers cheers cheers

Flair just showed why he is the champion.....

MJF retains his title. cheers and throws another title in the trash. Shocked Shocked

Andre beats Vader.... Shocked Rolling Eyes Cool

looking foward to the Gordy/Ox Rematch......

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