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 WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour

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WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour Empty
PostSubject: WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour   WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour EmptySun Jul 11, 2021 2:52 pm


WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour MMrDUUc

Location: The Omni in Atlanta, GA

The show opens up and the cameras pan around the Omni showing the packed to capacity crowd. Then the lights go dark and we see a stage lit up, and out comes Michael Hayes with his band intact, singing BadStreet USA!

The rowdy Atlanta crowd pays off Hayes with a chant of Badstreet USA!

Jim Ross: "You will have to excuse me fans, that was not on my lineup sheet, but we all know that Michael Hayes and The Freebirds March to a different drummer. And that's no exception here tonight in their hometown of Atlanta, Georgia! Fans, we have a great lineup for you tonight, headlined by the brand new IWA World champion, Ric Flair defending his title against Terry Taylor! But right now, it's time to kick things off with the WCW tag team titles on the line."

Brian Pillman & Tom Zenk vs Lex Luger & Sid Vicious for the WCW Tag Team Titles

Zenk makes his way to the ring..... but no Brian Pillman in sight! Sid laughs it off and says the match should be a forfeit and he and Luger retain the WCW tag titles. But Zenk insists he will face Luger and Sid by himself!! The ref questions Zenks motive but agrees to have the titles defended regardless of Pillman being MIA!

The match begins and Zenk uses his speed to stay away from the bigger men, and it works for a few minutes.... until Luger nearly clotheslines him out of his boots. The two big men just take turns tagging in and out hitting power moves on Zenk. About 5 minutes into the match, Pillman makes his way to the ring. Sid grabs Zenk and powerbombs the shit out of him, then covers Zenk to successfully defend the WCW tag titles as Pillman looks less than thrilled at Zenks effort.

WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour 7fd5jub

WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour JTeNjHV

Jim Ross: "It looks as if Brian Pillman may have missed his flight ot whatever the situation may be, but he arrives to late to save his partner here tonight. And Sid and Luger retain the titles. I'm being joined now by my broadcast partner, Michael Hayes. Are you done with your concert now? Can we get to work? You missing a damn good show here!"

Michael Hayes: "What can I say Jim Ross? The people live The Freebirds here in Atlanta!"

Jim Ross: "Just goes to prove that none of us are perfect. Fans it's time for our next matchup."

Match Two: Sting vs Jeff Jarrett w/JJ Dillon

Jarrett has the NWA Southern Heavyweight Championship with him even though he lost it to Magnum TA back at the GREAT AMERICAN BASH

The Bell Rings.. and we're started!
Sting and Jarrett circle the ring
Sting jumps over Jarrett’s quick attempt at a takedown, and Sting takes Jarrett down with a arm drag
Jarrett quickly reverses it with a DDT
And Jarrett takes the opportunity to climb to the top rope and splashs Sting
Sting is laying hopelessly on the canvas
Jarrett attempts a figure four
But Sting blocks it
Sting kicks Jarrett in the sternum to break out!
Now Sting climbs to the top to do an over the top rope bulldog
Jarrett counters and does Spinebuster!
Jarrett is now in control!
Jarrett attempts to cover Sting but only gets a 2 count
Sting gets up and front Kicks Jarrett
Sting performs a side arm takedown on Jarrett
Sting puts Jarrett in a Scorpion Death Lock and after a few seconds Jarrett taps out

Winner-Sting by submission @ 11:22

Gene Okerlund: "OHHHH MY! What a night of action we have seen so far here tonight. Fans, joining me at this time, is the #1 contender to the IWA Womens World title..... Britt Baker! And it has been announced that the match will take place between you and Asuka for the title inside Hell in a Cell. The only question that remains is when will this match take place?"

WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour GYCGGt1

Britt Baker: "The sooner.... the better! Every day that goes by without that title being around my waist is....."

Baker is interrupted by the appearance of.....

The Inner Circle!!

WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour 00WeT5z


Chris Jericho: "Settle down chrome dome! This isnt about you or WCW! We are here for Ms. Baker here! See the Inner Circle has been watching you. We think your the greatest female wrestler going today. Hell.... we even think you would be a perfect candidate for the Inner Circle! And incase you havent heard, the Inner Circle has a little party going down on August 1st! And it would be an injustice to not have you be part of it! If you need us.... you know how to find us. "

Jericho hands Baker an invitation card then he and the Inner Circle walk away.

Match Three: Match Three: David Von Erich vs Cactus Jack w/Eddie Gilbert & Missy Hyatt

David is FIRED UP to start – so much so, that his aggressiveness costs him when he tries a big dropkick. Cactus chops away and applies nerve holds and such. David does what he can to power Cactus down and apply the CLAWHOLD. As Gilbert frantically tries to rescue Cactus, Jack rakes the eyes to break loose. Back to the nerve hold. Once again, David fights out and rallies back with high knees and knee lifts. He grabs the CLAWHOLD and it looks like he might put away Cactus when he gets his eyes raked again. It bothers him so much, that he falls through the ropes and out to the floor. As Cactus argues with the ref, Eddie Gilbert bodyslams Von Erich on the arena floor. Cactus goes to the ringapron.....and runs off with a flying elbow drop to Von Erich. David comes back inside and lands another High Knee. He reapplies the CLAWHOLD, but Cactus throws David into the ref to break the hold. Now here comes Gilbert on the apron. He grabs David, but miscommunication ensues. Cactus charges in and hits Gilbert, knocking hom off the apron. Cactus turns around and Von Erich rolls Cactus into an inside cradle, 1..... 2......3!!!

WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour Vc5I1wK

Jim Ross: "The double team attempt if Gilbert and Cactus backfires there and allows David Von Erich to gain the victory. And you have to know that somewhere in Texas that Fritz and Doris are smiling proudly after that victory for their boy!"

Michael Hayes: "Are you KIDDING me? Those old Codgers probably fell asleep before the first match was over. Having any Von Erich on this show makes me sick!"

Match Four: Diamond Dallas Page vs One Man Gang

Gang hits DDP from behind to start the match and it takes him down in the corner. He continues to stomp on him and choke him with his boot. He throws him into the opposite corner but DDP leapfrogs him and takes him down with a dropkick to the knee. He hits a crossbody and both men are sent to the floor. DDP comes off the apron with a splash but Gang chokes him on the top as he tries to get back in the ring. Gang hits a leg drop and jaws with the referee. He starts to choke DDP and rakes the eyes as DDP tries to get back to his feet. Gang hits a sidewalk slam and works him into the corner with some more knees to the chest. DDP fights back but is soon taking down to the mat again. Gang hits a shot to the head and slams his head into the turnbuckle. DDP gets back to his feet but Gang takes him down again before wearing him out on the second rope. He puts him in the corner and hits some body shots, but DDP comes back with a kick and some punches to the head. DDP goes up top and hits a Hurricanrana followed by a dropkick. He attempts another one, but Gang stops him in his tracks and hits a big splash. Gang goes up top and hits DDP with a huge splash to win the match.

WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour VudXGSR

Jim Ross: "I dont believe there is any individual who has improved his game more than The One Man Gang has of late. He is definitely putting people on notice within the NWA!"

Michael Hayes: "Hes one big, bad dude! I mean hes not Freebird tough..... but who is? But regardless I can see the Gang owning some gold around his waist real soon."

Match Five: The APA vs The Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette for the NWA tag team titles

The APA storm the ring and take the fight right to the Express as Cornette is going crazy at ringside. Belly to Belly suplex from up high from Bradshaw to Eaton. Faraaq came in and levelled Eaton in the mid-section followed by a nearfall then made another quick tag to Bradshaw and the two hit a double team shoulder block. Bradshaw then threw Eaton into the corner and then went for a powerbomb but his leg give out and then Bradshaw hits a shoulder block to Eaton followed by an amazing powerbomb!

Eaton then with an effective maneuver and the crowd chants APA and Condrey stomps on Bradshaw. Eaton then with right hands to Bradshaw and kept that up and got them into the corner until Bradshaw fought back and then he connected with Eaton in the center of the ring before taking a neck braker by Eaton, 1.....2.....Eaton scored a near fall and then stomped on Bradshaw a few times before tagging in Condrey.

The Express double teamed Bradshaw in there corner with kicks to the mid-section and Eaton tagged back in and the two attempt a double superplex but Bradshaw pushes both off the top. Farooq gets tagged in and clotheslines the Express before hitting a spinebuster! Farooq hit the Dominator on Condrey but Eaton then hit him in the head with the tag belt out of desperation to make sure they kept the titles.

WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour AyH5uSZ

Jim Ross: "Bygawd.... the APA came to Atlanta tonight looking for a fight and what a Slobberknocker it was. But that damn sneaky Cornette with the assist as Eaton hits Faraaq with the damn title belt!"

Main Event: Terry Taylor vs Ric Flair for the IWA World title

The new IWA World champion, Ric Flair makes his way to the ring for his first defense of his title, and to say he is feeling full of himself, is a understatement. Taylor grabs a couple headscissors early out of a Flair headlock. Flair is bit annoyed, but he goes back to his strategy of taking it to the mat. Taylor rides a hammerlock. Flair is selling the arm and pulls the ropes to try to loosen it up. Taylor try to pick up that arm, but cant quite find an opening until Flair forces his hand by coming in with a collar elbow tie up trying a suplex attempt, but Taylor blocks twice before Flair gives up. Flair takes him down twice with drop toeholds, but both times cant hold Taylor. Taylor now work a side headlock sequence. Taylor cranking to stop Flair from getting a knee crusher. Flair tries movement to gain an advantage, but on the second attempt Taylor does not even humor him and drops down into a headlock when Flair drops down. Smart, conservative wrestling says Jim Ross. Taylor wrenches the front facelock and Flair goes for a suplex and Taylor wrenches hard and the way Flair hollers and then falls to the mat as Jim Ross wonders if Flairs first title defense could be his last!

Flair drives Taylor into the corner three times and finally forces a break. Now tempers flare and a fire fight breaks out. Taylor does not back down. He goes blow for blow with Flair. Flair feigning with the left only drop low into the midsection with the right. He throws Taylor out and he rushes back in the ring.They fire off into the corner, and Flair bullies him in the crowd only for Taylor to rifle back. The ref interferes and hooks Taylor's arm and Flair nails that short knee to the family jewels of Taylor. Michael Hayes states on commentary that's why Flair is the Dirtiest player in the game!

Flair punches Taylor right in the face and Taylor grabs his face and sells it. Flair is incensed and is choking Taylor. He grabs an arm and they work a good armabr sequence. Flair uses the ropes and hair to control Taylor. Flair goes for chops in the corner, but loses control and is sent flying into the opposite the turnbuckle. Flair tries to get a suplex quickly, but Taylor drops down the back and it is a sleeper. Taylor actually gets a suplex in before eating knees. Taylor don't quit. He is up and rocking Flair with rights until the Flair Flop until Flair thumbs him in the eye to finally stymie Taylor. Flair, who clearly realizes he is starting to get in over his head, applies the Figure-4 hoping to end the match. Taylor reverses the pressure. Flair is still nominally in control as Taylor is selling the leg, but misses the kneedrop and he ends up in the figure-4. Flair pushes Taylor off on the second attempt. He thinks now is the time, Taylor is on fire with the punches. Taylor rattles off nearfalls again, crossbody, backslide. Flair grabs a sleeper on a criss cross, but cant hold Taylor who drops down and kicks him off into the ref. So when Taylor gets another backslide there is no ref. Flair rakes the eyes and throws Taylor over the ropes. He needs to get the ref to count him out! Doesn't work out. Flair suplexes him back in and a big elbow to Taylor he is trying to get up only gets two. Taylor slugs it out with Flair just throwing bomb after bomb. Flair flops on his face. Taylor just needs that one big move. O'Connor Roll will this be it...Flair reverses he has the tights...1.....2......3!!!

WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour QL3AqM0

Jim Ross: "How about the heart if Terry Taylor here tonight? He really took it to Flair tonight. But as we have said many, many times in the past, they dont call Flair the dirtiest player in the game for nothing! Flair is successful in his first title defense tonight. But can we say the same thing next week as the Summer Sizzler stops in Philadelphia and Flair defends against Stan Hansen!!! That will be a Slobberknocker for sure! Dont you dare miss it fans!"          

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Johnny Rose

Posts : 1472
Join date : 2020-06-11

WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour   WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour EmptySun Jul 11, 2021 4:43 pm

This was a great show. Congrats to Chair and Bads on this .

I can see Zenk and Pillman drifting further apart.


Can’t wait until Aug . 1

The Express are really getting noticed as of late .

Flair vs Taylor took me back to the ring old Midsouth .

Great show

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WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour   WCW vs NWA Summer Sizzler Tour EmptyMon Jul 12, 2021 2:15 pm

very good show here.

i only wrote 1 match,Jarrett/Sting,the rest were by chair.I gave him some input  and he did the rest.

having Michael Hayes and the Badstreet Band open the show .

every match on the show had purpose.

Britt Baker on the show. Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool

Inner Circle is here. Twisted Evil  Cool  cheers nice touch by having them on the show even though they had nothing to do with any of the matches.

this show will get some promos on my new NWA CW TV which aired before this show but will be posted either TUES or WED.

Johnny Rose wrote:

Sting won

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