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 WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour

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WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour Empty
PostSubject: WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour   WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour EmptySat Jul 03, 2021 10:27 am

Location: MGM Grand, Las Vegas

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour FSPpzqo

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour MMrDUUc

The show opens up and we see a limo pulling into the venue. The limo parks and the driver opens up the door and out comes your new IWA World Champion..... Ric Flair!

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour Zx75ysv

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour JTeNjHV

Jim Ross: "Well there you see him fans..... he is "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair..... and he is your new IWA World champion! Its a hot Summers night here in Las Vegas, but if you are a betting man, you can bet the action will be even hotter as WCW rolls into the home of AEW..... to kick off the Summer Sizzler Tour! I'm joined by my broadcast partner, Michael Hayes. And Michael, what a Main Event as "Stone Cold" Steve Austin faces The Rock!"

Michael Hayes: "I dont know how hot the show could possibly be... the Freebirds ain't on it! I heard that once the A-List found out we was coming they went into hiding!"

Jim Ross: "I dont know anything about that. But what I do know is that we have one hell of a Slobberknocker to kick the show off with. So let's kick the 4th of July off in style as we get you up to the ring for our opening contest."

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour GZXHHuX

Match One: Ricochet vs Pentagon Jr.

Ricochet picks up the pace and hits a dropkick and great looking Fosbury flop. Back in the ring and Ricochet continues to control, hitting a senton atomico. Ricochet then lays the boots to Penta, who fires back with strikes. Ricochet cuts him off with elbow strikes, but Penta fires up with kicks and hits sling blade. Ross and Hayes talk about Pentas recent win over Eddie Guerrero and as Penta then lights up Ricochet with chops, plays to the crowd and they roll to the floor. Penta continues with leg kicks and chops before choking him out. He posts Ricochet, and back in covers for 1. More leg kicks by Penta follow, and then chops take Ricochet to the mat. Penta looks for a corner charge, but Ricochet cuts that off with a back elbow and kicks. The dropkick follows, and both men are down. Ricochet pulls himself up, hits the corner forearm and then trips up Penta and hits a 619 and uppercut off the ropes. Penta escapes the benadryller and hits a back breaker for 2. Penta looks for the package piledriver, but Ricochet escapes and hits a knee strike. They trade strikes now, but Ricochet hits the running cutter and running shooting star press, 1....2.....NO!! Ricochet picks up Penta, lays in knee strikes and follows with chops. Penta counters back and hits the backstabber. Ricochet counters out of the package piledriver. But eats a superkick. They trade chops back and forth, superkick by Penta but Ricochet hits a jumping palm strike. They battle up top, but Penta shoves him off and Ricochet jumps back up top and hits the SUPER RANA and 450!!! 1.....2.....NO!!! Ricochet takes Penta back up top, but Penta shoves him off and hits the destroyer! Ricochet rolls to the apron and he hits a destroyer for the double down. They roll to the apron, trading strikes and then kicks. Penta catches him with a superkick and hits the package piledriver on the apron! Back in and Penta covers, 1.....2.....NO!!! The pump handle driver follows, 1.....2.....and Ricochet kicks out at 2. Penta locks in the surfboard, pulls Ricochet down into a pinning position, both men’s shoulders are down, the ref counts 1.....2......and Pentagon gets his shoulder up at the last moment and gets the win.

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour J92oXr8

Jim Ross: "One hell of a contest there! These two men show why the X Division is deemed by many to be the most exciting in all of wrestling! But how about this roll Pentagon is on? With a recent win over Eddie Guerrero and now Ricochet tonight!"

Michael Hayes: "Have you been sneaking into Pentas Tequilla, Jim Ross? Everybody knows that Cameron Grimes is the face of the X Division! Those two guys couldnt lace his boots!"

Jim Ross: "Yea it's obvious your deep into the bottle of Jack Daniel's here tonight. Fans, let's get you back up to the ring."

Match Two: Anna Jay & Tay Conti vs Bayley & Sasha Banks for the AEW Womens tag titles

The bell rings and we are under way. Aana Jay with a cross body onto Bayley. Tay Conti is tagged in as she drops Bayley down. Jay is tagged in and a dropkick onto Bayley. And it's obvious the challengers are going quick tags to keep the champions off balanced. Anna goes for the cover but Bayley kicks out. She sends Bayley into the corner and a big splash onto Bayley as Conti is tagged in.

Conti with a slap to the face. She goes for a suplex but Bayley with a knee blocks it. She picks Conti up and slams her into the corner as Sasha is tagged in. Sasha stomping on Conti n the corner. Bayley is tagged back into the match. They double team Conti. Bayley turns her attention to Anna Jay as Conti goes for a roll up but Bayley kicks out. Anna Jay is tagged in.

Anna takes Bayley down and Bayley rolls to the outside. Jay slams Sasha into the ring post off the ring apron. She goes to the outside and takes Bayley down. She throws Bayley back into the ring and with the referee distracted, Sasha grabs Anna as Bayley knocks her off the ring apron. Sasha is tagged in and the double knees by Sasha takes Anna down.

Sasha and Bayley double team Anna. Bayley throws Jay into the corner as Sasha is tagged in. Double knees by Sasha. She goes for the cover but Jay kicks out. Bayley is tagged in and applies a chinlock. She slams Jay into the corner. Bayley gets Jay on the ring apron but Jay pushes her away. Jay gets back in the ring and goes for the tag but Bayley grtabs her by the foot. Jay kicks her away and Conti is tagged in.

A clothesline by Conti and another followed by a right hand on Bayley. In comes Sasha but she’s taken down with a right hand. A drop kick by Conti onto Bayley. Conti climbs the top rope. Sasha grabs Conti by the leg but Conti kicks her away. Bayley trips Conti up on the top rope. Bayley with a Bayley to Belly off the second rope. She tags Banks in and Sasha hits Conti with a running knee.

Sasha goes for the cover but Conti kicks out. Sasha gets Conti in the corner. She runs towards Conti but Tay with a sunset flip on Sasha, 1.....2..... but Sasha kicks out. On the outside, Anna Jay with a tornado DDT on Bayley on the outside. Jay is tagged in and a cross body. She goes for the cover but Sasha kicks out. Sasha rolls away but Bayley is down on the outside. Jay goes for a neck breaker, but Sasha lands on her feet, Bayley is tagged in as Banks hits Jay with the Banks Statement. 1.....2.....CONTI MAKES THE SAVE!! Conti hits Tayogoshi (Utsuri goshi to swinging side slam) on Bayley and Jay goes for the cover, 1.....2..... but Sasha breaks it up. Sasha drags Bayley to the corner and tags herself in. Sasha on the ring apron flips onto Jay and gets in the Banks Statement on Jay. Conti goes to break it up but Bayley drags her to the outside. Jay everses it into a cover but Sasha reverses that into the cover and gets the pin to retain the titles!

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour YA0xpkD

Jim Ross: "The champions retain after a hard fought battle. But in my opinion this team of Anna Jay and Tay Conti are something special. They just gave a veteran team of Sasha and Bayley, who are two of the very best, all they wanted."

Michael Hayes: "I would like to give that Tay Conti all she wanted, if ya catch my drift!"

Jim Ross: "Good Gawd!! Shes damn near a baby! What's wrong with you?"

Michael Hayes: "If shes old enough to crawl shes in the right position, Jim Ross!"

Jim Ross: "Your a sick man! Fans, I would like to apologize on behalf of my broadcast partner for those remarks. Let's get you back to the ring!"

Match Three: Rob Van Dam vs Eddie Gilbert w/Missy Hyatt

Gilbert gets a kiss on the cheek from Missy as she leaves the ring. RVD and Gilbert lock-up, nice wrestling with both men taking control until a stand-off. Eye poke and right hands by Gilbert, dropkick by RVD for two. Snapmare by RVD for two. Gilbert rolls through for a single leg Boston crab off an Irish whip. RVD makes the ropes to break and Gilbert eats a slingshot leg drop from RVD. Corkscrew leg drop from RVD as Gilbert hangs off the guard rail, posing from RVD.

Gilbert meets the ringpost, double underhook front slam by RVD for two. Forearm by RVD. Gilbert ducks a clothesline for a huge dropkick. Two for Gilbert..... jawbreaker by Hot Stuff. Corner elbow and dropkick by Gilbert. Irish whip reversed by RVD. Springboard attempt by RVD goes awry as Gilbert dropkicks RVD to the floor. Baseball slide by Gilbert. RVD sentons onto Gilbert from the guard rail as they do battle in the crowd. RVD tries a scoop slam but Gilbert counters for a reverse DDT. Gilbert dropkicks RVD who is stuck in the crowd. Springboard crossbody by Gilbert. RVD attempts another springboard and Gilbert has the counter ready..... RVD is crotched on the top rope. RVD counters a super back suplex for a crossbody. Drop toehold by RVD. RVD applies a Romero Special.

Rolling Thunder by RVD, 1.....2.....NO! Irish whip to the corner, and Gilbert leaps to the top rope and drills RVD with an elbow to the face. Right hand by Gilbert. RVD is whipped to the corner. Clothesline by Gilbert. RVD blocks the northern lights suplex and hots Gilbert with a spinning reverse kick. RVD grabs a chair......Van Damnator!!! Missy is on the apron, distracting RVD. Small package from Gilbert getting two. Spinning heel kick by RVD. RVD Van Damnators the referee!! RVD checks on the ref. As he turns around Gilbert hits his HotShot on RVD! Cover..... but there is no referee. Gilbert has RVD on the top rope. Gilbert takes a chair from Missy but RVD kicks the chair into Gilberts face. 1......2.....for RVD, clotheslines by RVD. Now RVD climbs the turnbuckles to finish Gilbert off...... but Missy climbs onto the ring apron! RVD is distracted as Missy seductively unbottuns her blouse.....

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RVD could care less and leaps off..... Gilbert dodges the frog splash! Gilbert hoos up and grabs RVD into the HotShot!! 1.....2......3!!!

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour JrumnpG

Jim Ross: "Ya gotta give the assist to Missy Hyatt in that one! Since merging Hotstuff and Hyatt International, Eddie Gilbert has been undefeated. But you just know that somewhere..... some way.... Jerry Lawler would love to end that for him. Fans I'm being told that Gene Okerlund is standing by with The Horsemen! Gene.... take it away!"

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour Q3GaC8Y

Gene Okerlund: "Ric Flair, last night in Windy City Pro, you shocked the world when you defeated Hulk Hogan for the IWA world title. But now, just 24 hours later, it's the Horsemen against Hogan and his good friend, Brian Cage!"

Ric Flair: "Mean..... bygawd.....Gene!!! I hate to say that I told you so..... but I told ya so Brother! I went into Hogans back yard, and beat Hogan at his own game..... a no holds barred match! And once again, I beat his big orange ass with the figure four. But tonight, me and "The King of Harts" Owen Hart are gonna dissect him even more! And then we are gonna find two of Las Vegas finest women, and show this town what a sin is truly all about! WOOOOOO!"

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The cameras then pan to the other side of the arena where we see Hangman Page watching the show on a monitor and in walks Eric Bischoff.......

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Eric Bischoff: "Hangman Page!!! How you doing my man? Taking the show in I see? It's a shame though that AEW officials couldnt find a spot for you on it anywhere. Because in my book, your a main eventer....a blue chipper..... and quite possibly, the future of Pro wrestling. You cant be real happy here.... are you? Wait! Dont answer that..... heres my card.....when you get tired of watching from the sidelines..... call me!"

Bischoff walks out of Hangmans dressing room, as Page reads over Bischoffs business card, then as we head back into the arena we hear......

Match Four: The Radicalz vs The NWO

The NWO make their way to the ring and to say HBK is full of himself tonight, would be an understatement. PAC starts with X-Pac and gets a monkey flip. Heel kick and standing moonsault get two. Malenkp comes in with an atomic drop and powerslam. Eddie Guerrero pounds him and drops the elbows for two. Scott Hall comes in but gets suplexed, and Benoit does some damage. Front suplex and Eddy slingshots in and pounds away. PAC comes back in and monkeyflips Xpac, but Benoit suplexes him and Guerrero headbutts away. Suplex and X-Pac drops a few knees to set up the kick combo in the corner. PAC superkicks him and goes up, but gets crotched by Michaels. Nash comes in, but Benoit trips him up and puts him in the Crossface. PAC valiantly chases Xpac back to the entrance, but gets jumped by Scott Hall and beaten up. Back in the ring, Benoit still has Nash in the Crossface until..... Hall drops an elbow drop to him to break it up. Overhead slam by Hall to Makenko. HBK and Guerrero are tearing into each other. Guerrero sets up for Three Amigos when the lights go down and on the wrestle tron we see......

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour 0cDwo6x

Jim Ross: "Wait a minute.... what the Hell is this.... The Inner Circle?? But where the Hell are they?"

The lights come back on..... and theres no Inner Circle to be found! Benoit looks confused and turns around, right into.....

SWEET CHIN MUSIC FROM HBK! Michael's covers Benoit, 1....2.....3!! HBK gathers his NWO troop all together and they throw up the "Too Sweet" pose in the ring.

Jim Ross: "Look at Shawn!! Just look at him! You would think he had single handedly won this match on his own. What a cocky ass he has become since aligning himself with the NWO! Now what's this? Here comes Brit Baker! Shes not even scheduled to be here tonight!"

The #1 contender to the IWA Womens title makes her way to the ring......

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour AKwTBox

Brit Baker: "Let me get this straight...... Asuka rejects my challenge to another I Quit match.....only to counter offer for a shot at her Womens world title in Hell in a Cell? Asuka..... you want Hell? You have no idea the Hell that I'm going to put you through in that cell...... I ACCEPT!"

Jim Ross: "My Gawd!! That one has Slobberknocker written all over it. That will be like a Saturday night in downtown Tulsa! Those two women are gonna get it on inside Hell in a Cell.... and I damn sure cant wait to see that!"

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour LbYRdMo

Match Five: Hulk Hogan and Brian Cage vs Ric Flair & Owen Hart

Hogan is noticeably limping after his match last night against Flair. Once in the ring, Hogan wants to get his hands on Flair so bad he can taste it. Cage holds Hogan back and demands to start the match. Flair and Cage start off the match. Cage reverses an Irish whip then skies Flair with a back drop. Flair bails and returns as Hogan has now tagged into the match. Hogan now cleans house then Cage comes in and beats on Owen. Cage blocks a slam and hits one of his own then Hogan tags back in and clears the ring. Cage is back in and beats on Owen but ducks his head and gets hit with an uppercut. Owen & Flair hit a double clothesline, Hogan makes the save on the pin attempt. Hogan then breaks up the pin after a double atomic drop then the match breaks down with Hogan & Cage cleaning house and Hogan begins posing for the crowd. Owen attacks Cage from behind. Owen & Flair neutralize him in the corner for a bit then Cage uses a double noggin knocker and tags out. Hogan runs wild and even knocks Owen off of the apron but Owen grabs his leg and that allows Flair to attack. Flair goes after the leg and works the figure four. Hogan reverses the hold and crawls towards Cage but before Hogan can make the tag, Owen runs around the ring and pulls Cage down and throws him into the guardrail. Flair has the figure four locked in and Hogan is screaming in pain. Owen reaches in and grabs Flairs hands for added leverage as the ref counts, 1......2......3!! The Horsemen win! But Flair wont release the hold! Cage enters the ring and chases the Horsemen away! As Flair and Owen celebrate, Cage helps Hogan to his feet. Then out of nowhere Cage nails Hogan with a Drill Claw!! The fans are in shock as Cage stands over Hogan! Cage picks Hogan up once again and hits Weapon X on Hogan. The fans are pissed!! They throw debris in the ring at Cage as Gene Okerlund makes his way into the ring.......

Gene Okerlund: "Brian Cage.... what is the meaning of this? This man is supposed to be your friend!"

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour I28I7rR

Brian Cage: "That man was supposed to be alot of things! For the past year, I have trained in the gym with him..... watched his matches..... and thought that he truly was my hero! But then I watched last night.....and seen the real Hulk Hogan! A man who was beaten by the figure four! And by doing that, he proved to me that he is just an ordinary man! When it comes to being a machine..... I'm the only man that can fit that label! And if it's the last thing I do..... I'm personally going to end Hulkamania once.... and for all."

Jim Ross: "Fans.... I'm just as shocked as the faces you see sitting around ringside! All I can say is why Cage..... why? Fans, the EMT's and officials are helping Hogan out of the ring. I dont know what else to say here other than, Brian Cage.... you can go straight to Hell!! Fans, it's been one Hell of a night. But it's time for our huge main event. It's the Rock vs The Texas Rattlesnake..... and it's happening right now!"

Main Event: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs The Rock

It’s hard to tell who gets the bigger pop when they come out …. Austin mounts the corner and poses, but when he does all 4 corners the Rock is right there to get in his face …. We get the BIG face to face standoff, and they milk it for a long moment while the crowd chants ‘THIS IS AWESOME!’

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour Zbus4kk

They tie up and Austin forces Rock into the corner and throws up the double bird …. Another lock up and this time we get the headlock-shoot off-shoulderblock and Rock knocks Austin down …. Rock gives Austin the ‘Just Bring It!’ sign, and Austin cracks a smile then fires off a right hand …. We get a slugfest now as both guys are firing rights and Rock explodes out of the corner with a clothesline that takes out Austin …. Austin comes back with the Lou Thesz Press with right hands and then hits the elbow drop …. Austin goes for the stunner but Rock tosses him into the ropes and hits a Samoan drop …. The action is literally back and forth here …. Austin rolls to the floor and Rock pursues, but Austin slams his face off the steps, then stomps a mud hole in him ….

Rock comes back with a sleeper hold, but Austin elbows out and goes for a Stunner, but Rock blocks the kick …. STUNNER TO AUSTIN! Austin kicks out at 2!!!! Rock pummels Austin back into the corner with right hands and goes for the spit punch, but Austin moves out of the way and hits a Stunner!!!! 1 … 2 … Nooooo! Austin is in disbelief …. he crouches for another Stunner, but Rock counters with the spinebuster! Kicks in the arm …. PEOPLE’S ELBOW!!!! 1 … 2 … 2.99999! Rock pulls Austin up and gives him the double middle fingers this time! Rock Bottom attempt, but Austin elbows out! Stunner attempt but Rock shoves him off … RIGHT INTO THE REF!!!! ROCK BOTTOM BUT NO REF! Rock tries to wake him up, but turns around right into a stunner!!!! Austin covers but no ref!!!!

All of a sudden out of the back runs Shawn Michaels!!!! What is he doing here??? He still owes Austin a receipt! Sweet Chin Music to Austin!!!!

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour 0dvn9bL

HBK stands over Austin and gives him the crotch chop, but Rock is back up! Right hands to HBK! HBK fires back with the flying forearm to Rock! HBK tunes up the band on Rock, but Austin cuts off the Sweet Chin Music with the Stunner! HBK stumbles to his feet … INTO THE ROCK BOTTOM!!!! HBK gets taken out and Rock and Austin are face to face again! They stare each other down, and Austin turns and calls for a beer! Austin pops the beer, never breaking eye contact with the Rock …. He calls for another beer! He hands the beer to Rock and the stare down continues …. The match has no declared winner, but Rock and Austin toast beers as a show of respect as the show ends.

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour 2V17Czq


Last edited by ChairShot on Sun Jul 04, 2021 9:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Johnny Rose

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Join date : 2020-06-11

WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour   WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour EmptySun Jul 04, 2021 12:04 am

Like that you are starting off the show , with Flair . Gives meaning to the big belt .

You have one hell of a push going on with Pentagon .

That women’s tag match was amazing .?

Speaking of pushes Gilbert is a bonfire Star

Great job with the Flair promo .

I agree Page got overlooked .

Love this version of the NWO .

The Inner circle and their Damn mind games

Flair has had Hogan’s number as of late .

That was brilliant by Cage !

Hogan might be looking for revenge later .

Damn NWO ruined a great match .

Hell of a show guys !

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WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour   WCW vs AEW Summer Sizzler Tour EmptyFri Jul 09, 2021 12:43 pm

very good show.


HIAC is the way to go for Asuka/Britt.

Hayes has a dirty mind.But i'm still a fan of him here....

Cage turns on Hogan.... cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers

i agree with what Rose said about Pentagon.

RVD must be smoking something strong to ignore Missy Hyatt.

Once again congrats on Flair getting the title.He is definetly gonna have a lot challengers out there in the IWA.

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